The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 23, 1914, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published Every Wednesday at Maupin, Oregon,
Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50(
i 1 1 f-gg
All Around Town
Fresh Oysters can be ordered
through E. J. Styer for the holi
days. .
All news items must be in not
atter than Tuesday to insure
Send The Times to your frjends
And relatives. Let them know
rou are living in a section that
h advancing and create an Inter
est, -i
The traveling public library is
now open to the people of this
section. Anyone wishing a bopk
inquire of postmaster Talcot,
After the book is out two weeks,
two cents per day will be charged
Subscription to any magazine
,canbehad. H. L. Emmons, ,Jr.
George Vanderpool took W. H.
;Str.ats, Roy Slusher and the edi
'ior to Tygh Valley, Friday to as
sist his band in furnishing mu
jsic for the play. Anyway we
started home and that blamed
auto Lee Oliver had in the show
deemed to effect George's trim
little Ford and about a mile be
vond the Derthick ranch, on Jun
iper Flat it stopped, not for re
freshments but repairs. Mr.
Staats had to keep walking or
freeze his feet and the editor
had to keep talking to stay
awake. Roy stood around and
got the job of assistant and be
coming tired of giving instruc
tions just what to do witn tne
darned road louse, half the party
walked home, arriving in time
for the other half to catch up, in
'the buzz wagon. It was a pleas
ant morning stroll. Those roost
er on Juniper Flat seem to have
lots to crow about, but we didn't
As the wood pile dissapears,
it reminds one of a snow bank in
July. But cold weather melts
iny conspicous wood pile
Would Be Rented In this
town today if Available
Christmas gods. Large as
sortment to cboose from. Our
store your holiday headquarters.
W. H. Staats .& Co.
Come to Life!
W. A. Jatthews, missionary
to the Simnasho Indian Mission,
has the right system of - putting
his section before the public and
let his neighbors know what is
going on. He has sent us a very
interesting news letter.
Wapinitia should get in line,
Out of all the people of that pros
perous section , certainly one is
patriotic enough to get news notes
of interest there. Tygh Valley
with all its resources, should by
all means have a representative.
Also Womac, gmock, Bake Oven,
Come to life gentlemen, let us
put you on the map, and remem
ber our advertising columns are
open to all. pon't get a narrow-
minded conception that the
Times is publishe.4 only for Mau
pin. We are all one, working
for the good of Southern Wasco
County. Show the public that
we are alive and we can get
what we go after. Plainly speak?
ing, the dead communities are
robbed by the live ones. Again
we say wake up! If you want
better homes better land values,
etc., use the key to the situation
and that Is "publicity."
Big shooting raffle. December
24, in Maupin Everybody invited
Try! Sat. night band dances.
The band dances are becoming
popular. I hat dance music is
hrincrincr them. A nine Diece or
chestra rests the band occasion'ly
-. Quick, Dependable Service available at All Times
Crtful driver attentive to Comfort of Passengers
E. A. MAYHEW, Prop.
Maupin State Bank
Central Basking Business, Loam, Wheat Buying, Safety
Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public,
Collections, Money Transmitted
Cheaply by Drafts
Your Patronage Solicited and Your
. . . . Interests Cared for . . . .
Fve Got Budding Facts:
For Youa!
Good building material
"Tum-a-Lumber" is Cheap
er now than ever before.
We supply complete plans and .specifications for homes,
barns, silos, hogsheds, milkhouses, septic tanks, schools,
churches, stores, ware houses, in fact anything you want
Ste Ptr Kilburg About it at
The Hebe of 'TWI-A-LUMBER"
r J
Fir U
Sotue merchants are s? all-fired ,duni,b, yqu winder how they
ever come to sell the stuff they have in store, and keep the
sherriff from the door. Old Blukson is a Jot that way; he
seldom has a word .to say. I ask -him for a pound of lime;
he wraps it up and all the time, he wejrs a tragic air ,qf
doom, and sheds an atmosphere of gloom. He never chats
he never spiels, nor jumps up high and cracks his heels. JIe
isn't gr.uchy or unstrung; he never learned to wag his tongue
Oh silence is a golden thing, whentjsn't worked too har4 by
jing. But none of us will stand up string for men that
gabble ajl day long, ai elocute a thousand miles in Jifty
seven varied styes. The dealer wh,o js prone to talk until
you hear him round the block, is wprse than t'other kid
of bird, who'6 never known to spring a word. But if you've
scantling you wonld sell, you ought to boost it wisely .well
and if a gent should buy a plank, to build himself a dipping
tanjc, you might suggest ere ho'me he speeds, that yo,u have
other things he needs. I called on Lumber Dealer Gaff, to
buy a shingle and a half. Ije put my purchase ju a sack,
and wrapped a string around arjd back, aiad as he toiled in
manner gay, he talked to pass the time away,. "The farm
ers in busy troops are building stately chicken coops; jthe
winter soon will hit the rpad, and hens must have a warm
abode, or they won't lay theii lucious eggs, but stand
around on frozen legs.'' And that recalled the fact to me
that I had hens some ninety-three, and ere I left that lum
ber store, I bought a wagon load or more, of stuff to build
a chicken shed; its standing now all paiuted red. And.
that's the way big sales are made, and that is how men
build up trade. Talk porn cribs at the proper time, or
prove a silo is sublime, but in an incidental strain, and not
as though you'd gladly sprain your conscience which I
hope is hale-in eagerness to get the kale,' Suggestion is a
noble art; the wise mau gets it down by heart.
Simnasho News Notes
Frank Incahpama ha moved
into his ,new house. !
Rev. ,Dr. jS. A. Speqr spent a
few days last week, with W. A.
Matthews, missionary here. Dr.
Speer was tfye first missionary to
the indiats at this place, coming
here in 1892. He has done miss
ion vwork for about 18 .years on
the Warm Springs reservation.
A large congregation of indians
were present to hear Dr. Speer
preach on Sabbath.
Miss Ethel Knoy, daughter of
R. A. Knox, .teacher here, has
left for Pendleton, Ore., .where
she has secured a position as as
sistant matron of the Jmatilla
Indian boarding school.
Willie freely and Emma Clida.
hook, were united in marriage at
the United Presbyterian mission,
here, by .Rev. J. A. Speer, on
Sunday, December l3th.
Joe Kuckuphas just completed
the erection of a barn thirty by
forty, and is now enlarging his
house. Joe is one of the most
prosperous Indians on the reser
vation. jDr. C. ,J. Laffen, of Warm
Springs, paid a professional visit
to our day school here. He gave
.each pupil a thorough examina
tion and pronounced all in a good
healthy condition.
Preparation is under way for a
Chrj3tmas entertainment to .be
given at the mission here. A pro
gram of recitation and song will
be given by the Indian children,
and there will be a Christmas
tree, also.
Chrfotmas greeting to every
man, woman and child. May
the rich help the poo?.
Hot drinks, the kind that's
gpod at Styer's. Anything you
like. Try them.
Fresh Christmas candies at
Talcott's. Just received.
It looks like a white Christmas
B.D. Fraley
Horse Shoeing, Wagon
Making, General Repair
Work and all Work is done
Neat Strong and Guaranteed.
No Kick Coining if
Once Tried
The Home of
We .Serve first class meals,
Good, Clean Rooms and
Clean, FneshBeds
Board by Day,
Week or
See Peter Kilburg' About It.
Mem. Coll,
Phys. & Surg.,
Come on Old Tight Fist, get
a little warmth in that soul that
God gave you, Loosen up
and for one day stop hating your
drawn up hide and make some
one happy. If intoxication will
spur your benighted soul to such
a deed, by all mean get glorious
ly drunk,
"Where Is My Wondering Boy
Tonight?" Within the minds of
thousands of dear mothers that
throbbing strain is penetrating
their hearts at Yu'etide. Moth
erly instinct and love, the bless
ing of mankind. What a beauti
ful thought is that of a mother.
Purity in the highest and a
friend to her child no matter how
low in sin. Christmas brings to
one's mind those cherished thots
of mother. How much trouble
and sorrow many have caused
their dearest friend, thoughtless
ly perhaps, but it was the sleep
less nights and unjustified tears,
that hurries those last short years
that should be of peace and happ
iness. Think of the mothers of
Europe, this Christmas day.
Think of the American mother
and the one that is your mother.
Write her a letter, send her a
gift, no matter how small, and
tell iier you love her. Again th ss
tears will burn a care worn fac e.
but they will be the tears of
gladness, and Bhe will kneel down
at night with a renewed feeling
of parental love in her dear soul
and pray to God that He will see
you safely across the pit iaus ot
this uncertain life.
We lead Others follow. Lis
ten! At enormous expense we
have secured a limited number of
large hand paiuted OIL PAINT
INGS of Landscape and Marine
Views, which we are giving ab
solutely free to our customers.
See us about it. W. H. Staats &
Saturday night band dances!
Licentiate Minnesota . and
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted
Anywhere. Any
Time. My Rates
Are Reasonable.
Careful Driving.
Maupin, - Oregon.
New Year's
J Wi JJkJLLfld lined
Given in Fisher's Hall, on east side of
river at Maupin, NEW Years Eve.
Firsfc Class Fhm 32 s 64
Plenty of room. Music by Maupin
3 piece Orchestra. Good time as
sured. Everybody Invited.
CMdkeim Oyster Sapper
jjekets $1.00 Supper 50c
W. A Westbrook, Manager.