LIMPY STRUCK OIL By BELLE MATTISON LOWRIE. (Copyright, 1914, by W. 3. Chapman.) "Rather grueBome work, I should fancy," observed Mr. Ronald Dare. "I cannot see how you can ever smile or speak above a whisper with such ominous surroundings," supple mented Miss Eva Dare, sister of the first speaker, with a pretty little Shiver of dread. She drew slightly closer to Brock Wilton as she spoke, and he was pleased with this appeal to his pro tection thrilled, too, at the presence of that bright young face and the ten der spirit that Inspired It with truth fulness and trust "Dynamite Is harmless as flour when handled Judiciously," explained Brock, and went on to tell the visitors of the plant, of its uses and power. When they had departed he cast a lingering look after the graceful young woman who seemed really concerned In his unpleasant environment Then, sigh ling deeply as though over the sepul ture of a faded hope, he returned to jthe little stone building of which he liad been given charge. The Vulcan company quarried a iform of tungsten and ground It In 'their great mill for distribution to a large clientele. Brock had studied chemistry and had secured his pres ent position about a year ago. His duty was to keep up the stock and hand it out for use, and to make analy ses of the various mill funs. The position did not pay a very princely salary, but Brock was glad to accept It. He had come from the city, where he was working his way through a medical Bcbool, to find his father and mother In a deplorable con dition. There had been traces of oil discovered In the district, and his 'father had caught the speculative fever. Brock found that he had ex pended all his money and had run .deeply in debt to have a well dug on the little barren farm tract. Half the proposed boring work done, the old man's funds had given out, oil finding prospects generally had receded, and Brock had to pitch in to save his fa ther's credit and support the fam ily. Poorly paid, the plant on a tread mill system with Its manager a tyro, Brock felt that it would be hopeless to continue the pleasant friendly ac- Llmpy Ted Had "Struck Oil." quatntnnceshlp of Miss Dare, the daughter of a comparatively wealthy man. He sat musing over the situa tion when there came a messenger from the main office of the plant. ."Mr. Boyd, the manager, wishes to see you," the newcomer Informed Brock, who closed and locked the door of the powder house and was soon In the presence of his employer, whom he found pacing the floor of his lux uriously furnished office in rather a distracted way. "Wilton," spoke the manager In his accustomed sharp and mandatory voice, "do you recall reporting a miss ing package of dynamite last week?" "Perfectly," assented Hrock. "Some one sneaked Into the powder house while I was buBy with the men, and I missed a 60-pound package of the ex plosive an hour later." No trace of the thief?" "None. I canuot see why any one should steal dynamite, certainly none of our men, for they have all they need to use legitimately." "Do you think this connects with the theft?" suddenly and rather anx iously Inquired the manager. As he spoke he extended a soiled, creased fragment of paper to Brock Across Us face In pencil was scrawled the words: "1 got the dlnlmlt. look ut! I'm going to get evln." "I found that pushed under the door of my office, first thing this taornlng," explained Boyd. "What do .you think of It?" "A crank or a sensation monger, 1 phould say," replied Brock. "I would (pay no attention to It." j "But I fear that the dynamite and jthe threat connect," said the man ager. "You know some of the em ployees we have discharged from time to time have been surly, menacing and vicious." "But nothing ever came of It," sub mitted Brock. "1 will keep this In mind, though, and pursue an Investi gation." J That afternoon at quitting time, u 1 homeward-bound Brock was passing a drinking resort, hoots and thj sight of a struggling figure attracted his attention. A ragged, wretched looking man was battling off a swarm of rough tor mentors. They had pinned a card to his coat with "Kick me!" scrawled upon It, had thrown the cap of the poor fellow into a watering trough, and had bundled him about until he was half frantic, tearing his thin, threadbare clothing and tripping him over Into the mud of the street. In a flash Brock recognized him as Llmpy Ted, a half-witted fellow whose father had been employed at' the plant, and had met with a fatal accident in Its service. The company had given his widow a niggardly in demnity. When it was used up she demanded that the company give her son work. This they did, but Llmpy's' erratic spirit could not come under the working system and they were forced to discharge him. After that Llmpy hung around the works, the butt of the workmen. Some idle loi terers had been baiting him Just now. "You miserable scum!" shrieked the frenzied Llmpy. "You don't know what's coming, I'll get even with you and the works, see if I don't!" "Shame on you, men!" cried Brock, rushing forward and rescuing Llmpy from his tormentors. The crowd drew back abashed, for they respected Brock, who soothingly led Llmpy away from the scene and arranged his dis ordered attire, bought him a new cap at the nearest store, and gave him a little change. His extreme kindness broke down all the resentment In Llmpy's nature. His mood had changed and he was sobbing out his gratitude. "You're a good friend,", he said. "I won't hurt you, If I do the rest." "Hurt nobody, Llmpy," ' advised Brock. "In a day or two I'll try to get you some work. Stay away from the mill and forget all about your wrongs." "You're a true friend, and I'll try," pledged Llmpy brokenly and wandered away. It was two hours later when Brock and his parents were startled by a vast rumbling of the earth and a frightfully detonating explosion. "What was that?" gaBped Mrs. Wil ton in terror. "Over in the direction 'of the old oil well " began her husband, but Brock was out of the house and rush ing excitedly in the direction indi cated before he could complete the sentence. Less than three hundred yards of progress accomplished, Brock came across a forlorn, staggering figure. It was Llmpy Ted. His face was grimed--and one side of it was bleeding. "Why, Llmpy!" exclaimed Brock. "I did it!" croaked Llmpy. "You were good to me, so I got rid of the dynamite." ' "What dynamite?" questioned the puzzled Brock. "That I stole from the powder house. I was going to blow up the whole plant with It. But after your kindness to me I was afraid I might hurt you. So I put temptation out of the way by dropping the stuff down that old well. It went off and nearly caught me " "Hark!" cried Brock. A swishing, surging unfamiliar 'sound struck his hearing. He ran forward to come in sight of the old well. Straight up in the air fully eighty feet a great spreading spray was shooting Llmpy Ted had "struck oil!" The dynamite had completed the work of the drill, and the WlltonB were rich. So rich that they provided for Llmpy Ted comfortably for the rest of his life. Richer than the Dares even, and, on a social basis now equal to that of the woman he loved, Brock Wilton did not hesitate to ask Eva to become his wife. The Crop Situation. Now that the hints on the husband ing of food have been scattered broadcast, one Is reminded of those old days when watchful care was necessary to be exerclBed to make: it go the round of the harvests. In the sixteenth century, for instance, a lean year hioant sacrifices for all. A great scarcity of victuals 1l the seasons1 of 1562 and 1563 prompted a typical! move of the authorities of England.! Parliament then stepped in and or-' dered all persons of whatever degree to thresh their corn and dispose of It at once. Disobedience meant confisca tion. Any stack found standing In the, middle of July became the property of the government. An act thus put In' force held good until succeeding harv-: ests had balanced Btocks. In addition,1 the authorities looked to the welfarej of Mr coming crop. A miscreant who1 maimed a beast, broke a plow or de stroyed growing corn was liable to a death punishment. HI Stock In Trade. The nervous little man next to the car window sized up the fat man who shared the seat with htm and ventured the Inquiry: "How's business?" "Can't complain," said the other la conically. "Whnt do you deal In?" ; "Mother-;n-laws, billy goats, the weather, slit skirts, tramps, stranded actors, candidates, politics and the like." "Whattyye tryln' to do?" snarled the nervous little man. "Tryln' L kid meT i "Nope," the fat man grinned. "The' things I have named In a large meas-! ure comprise my stock in trade. You! ee, my dear sir, I am a professional; writer, of Joker and anecdotes."! Youngstown Telegram. ' I GUING MARKET Automobile Smashes Wagon But the Amateur Driver Comes Out Winner. By DONALD ALLEN. There was a whooping and shout ing. "Good lands, but what Is that!" ex claimed Aunt Minerva Johnson, as she stood at the kitchen sink washing the breakfaBt dishes. "It must be Uncle Joe," replied her niece, MIbs Jennie Waldron, as she stood wiping the said dishes. "Run to the door and see If the barn has fallen on him." "He's a-flghting wasps," replied the girl as she looked out. "I told him yesterday not to med dle with their nests, but he's gone and done it What's he doin' now?" "Running through the currant bushes." "And now?" "He's licked them off with a hat, but he's been stung." "Serves him right," and she went to the door. "Joseph Johnson, have you been foolin' with them wasps?" "They pitched Into me as I was goln' to harness the boss," was the reply. "And have you been stung?" He came to the Bteps and showed three great lumps on his face. "Well, that settles it," walled the wife, as she turned about and dropped into a chair. Miss Jennie got some vinegar for Uncle Joe to apply to his stings, and then returned to the aunt. "I wouldn't feel so bad about it." "But he was going to drive into the village, and now he can't." "He can tomorrow." "But he was goln' to take butter and eggs and 'taters, and bring back tea, sugar and coffee. We are out of all of 'em." "But we can get along." "Drat the pesky luck!" exclaimed the aunt as she flourished the dish cloth. "Me'n you was to go, but I run a tack Into my foot and am hob bling around like an old lame hen. Now Joseph has got stung, and can't go, and it seems as if I never wanted a cup of tea so bad in my life. He ought to have his old'ears boxed." "If I could drive a horse " began Miss Jennie doubtfully. "Y-e-s. Say, I believe you could. Old Peter Is as gentle as a lamb, and he knows the way to town and back as well as I do. You simply hold the lines and he will go right along. A baby could drive him." "But If I meet a team on the way?" "You pull on the right hand line and give half the road." "And when we get there?" "Oh, Somers, the storekeeper, will come out and hitch Peter for you and carry In the things. He will also see you started for home all right." "It looks easy," said Miss Jennie. "It's easier than malting a pie-crust. You've been comln' down here three or four times a year for the last five years, and It's cur'us that we never taught you to drive." Well, I'll learn now." 'And you'll do fine. I believe this foot will be well by the time I drink two cups of tea." Uncle Joe harnessed old Peter to the one-horse wagon. What he thought of the venture he didn't say. He knew he should hear more from his wife about those wasps. When things were ready the horse started off at a Jog, and after the first mile Miss Jennie had full confidence In herself. In going a mile and a half she met two teams. She was some what doubtful whether she should pull on the right or the left line, and bo she pulled neither, but let Peter Jog along In the middle of the road. The other two travelers hauled out Into the ditch and didn't Bay a word. Then the amateur driver heard an auto coming up behind. She looked back and saw that It was a young man driving It. Was It the right line she was to pull In this case? Or the left? Or was she to Increase Peter's speed, or to stop him dead still? She didn't remember whether her aunt had told her that an auto was entitled to only half the road or all outdoors, and her confusion was heightened by the honking of the horn. Nothing at all was done on her part, but the autolst thought there was room to pass, and he tried It on. Rip! Smash! Crash! A hind wheel of the wagon was torn off, and the girl and butter and eggs and potatoes were rolled in the dust. Peter was turned around to face the other way, but at his steady old age he wasn't going to make mat ters worse. The autotst stopped his machine within a few feet, and came running back. "It was all my fault, and I'm awfully sorry! Are you at all hurt?" "Aren't you a very careless young man?" asked Miss Jennie. "I may be, but I guess I thought you would give me a little more of the road." "Here li everything spoiled, and I was going to market!" "But don't say a word. I'll fix It all right" And tht young man took Peter from the shafts and beaded him down the road, knowing that he would turn at the right farm. Then he drew the rreck into the ditch, saying: "I'll have the wagon maker coma out and get It and make It better than new." "But I was going to market," peN slsted the girl. "You were going to trade those things at the store, yen mean?" "Yes." "Well, you get right in the auto. I am going to the vlllaga It's for me to pay cash for what I've de stroyed. I am rejoiced that you were not hurt, but I'm willing to pay for the nervous shock I gave you. That is, your father won't have to sue me for damages." Miss Jennie made no reply. The suddenness of the thing had stunned her, and the young man had a very taking way with him. He was hand dling the Incidents as if the like had occurred twice a day the week through. Should she let him buy the things on the list aunty had made out? No? Then she must return home without the tea, and that was being especially waited for. YesT He had been very careless. "She's no country maiden," mused Egbert Chester, as the machine clipped along. ; "He's from the city, sure," mused Miss Jennie. When the village was reached he said: "You can remain here in the auto, because I'm going to take you back where you are stopping. Please give me that list and I'll have Mr. Somers hustle." "Two pounds of shugar," Mrs. John son had started the list with. The young man ordered ten pounds with out any "h" in It. "One-quar' pound of tea" became one pound. "One pound of Rio coffee" became four pounds of Mocha and Java. There were other things on the list and they were multiplied by three. When the girl saw the heaping basket she called out in alarm: "Why, Uncle Joe never runs In debt a penny's worth!" "Oh, they are paid for," laughed the buyer. "But there's so much." "I must get even for the nervous shock, you know." The old horse Peter had Jogged his way home as sedately as if nothing had happened. Mrs. Johnson was the first to catch sight of him as he turned into the lane, and she ran to the door and screamed at Uncle Joe, who was digging potatoes: "Come here! Come on the run!" "What is it?" he asked as he ar rived. "There Is old Peter, but where is Jennie!" "Why why, she must have Jumped out!" he stammered. "She's killed stone dead, I tell you, and you are to blame for It. I told you to let them wasps alone. Yes, the dear girl Is dead, and we haven't a grain of tea In the house." They had put Peter In his stall and walked down the highway a quarter of a mile to look for the wreck of the wagon when they espied an auto coming. "Gosh all fishhooks!" gasped Uncle Joe. "Do you see- her dead body?" was asked by the weeping wife. "No, but I see her live one." It was a joyous reunion and what helped to make It so was the part Mr. Chester took. He "took" to the old folks at once to Peter, to the farm and to the dinner he was In vited to, and did stay, too. When he had departed, after boldly saying that he should call again to learn If that "shock" had serious consequences, Aunt Minerva said to her niece: "Just think of it, Jennie. We run out of tea, sugar and coffee. I step on a tack and can't drive to town. Joseph fools with a lot of wasps and gets all bunged up. You start out to go, and one of your hind wheels is taken off and you meet a feller who buys me a whole pound of tea to once! Don't tell me that Providence don't watch over folks that are good and heap up the measure when sell in' 'taters!" And after a minute Uncle Joe add ed: "And If I was Jennie; I'd say 'yes' qulcker'n scat when he comes to pop the question." (Copyright, 1914, by the McClure Newspa per Syndicate.) Real "Davy Sweeting." "Davy Sweeting," whose real name was James Chesterfield Bradley, one of the famous trio of curates who fig ure In "Shirley," died recently In Rich mond, England, In his ninety-fifth year, according to the London Morning Post. Charlotte Bronte denied that the char acters in "Shirley" were literal por traits; but that they were based on existing persons has been proved be yond doubt The three curates were painted with a vigorous brush, and "Davy Sweeting" alone passed un scathed through the ordeal. Although not averse to talking about the Brontes, Mr. Bradley never con tributed much to the general stock of knowledge about them. He spoke free ly, however, of the high esteem In which the much maligned curates were held, and. of the conscientious manner In which they discharged their duties. He passed a long and happy time among his people at Sutton-under-Brallea, and passed the years of his re tirement In serene contentment at Richmond, In Surrey. Impressionable, First Yegg Handsome Hal has broken away from many a copper, but they've landed him at last - Second Yegg Overpowered him. eh? First Yegg Not exactly. The de partment sent a handsome policewom an after him and he couldn't resist her. Judge. Trim Visiting Dress NOT startllngly new in style, but de lightfully effective, this trim after noon gown of panne velvet shows an adaptation of modes to material that commends It to the woman of taste. The use of the new fur-cloths, light Weight plushes and long-napped panne Velvets In entire dresses is an innova tion which furnishes novelty enough for those who value It above all else. The. bodice and Bleeves of the model appear to be cut in one, although the sleeves are long and close fitting about the forearm. They taper to the wrist and extend In a rounded point over the hands. A ruffle of the material, doubled, finishes the edges of the bodice at the front and across the back. In many dresses of napped or lie fabrics narrow borders of fur re used for finishing edge3. The upper part of the skirt is set on o the bodice, overlapping the front and extending up in a square tab at For Motoring in STIMULATED by that Bpeclal in spiration which seems to come to the help of the designer of trousseaus, the maker of the motor bonnet and coat pictured here has distinguished himself. All brides, and other fair ladles, who elect to go a-motoring in crisp weather, will only need to copy this cold-weather outfit to assure themselves of comfort One need not look twice to see how very attractive it is. The Leavy, enveloping coat of sib ellne is cut on rather straight lines, flaring enough to be roomy and ample. The straight sleeves are large enough to be easily slipped on, and finished with turnback cuffs and a, huge ob long bone button. The wide, square collar is arranged to button up about the neck and roll over, or to He flat over the shoulders, according to the desire of the wearer. The coat fastens a little to one side of the front with large bone buttons. There is a good range of heavy cloths to choose from for coats of this Character. It includes boucle cloth. fx ' ' lV& N of Panne Velvet i r -" v '"'ft I it ' f ':: the left side. At the bottom this upper part of the skirt Is hemmed In a wide hem. The lower part is cut separately and set on under the hem. This makes a one-piece garment with the effect of a short tunic, and shapes the skirt prettily to the figure. The very wide, crushed girdle Is made of the same material as the dress and tacked about it below the waist line. It fastens in with the bodice at the left side. A double ruffle of plaited lace fills In the neck, and frills of the same finish the sleeves. The gown Is In taupe color, worn with patent leather shoes having tan cloth tops, and a black velvet turban. A long ornamental bar pin Is fastened1 below the bosom. For materials, the body of plush and velvet, simple and trim lines,, should be exacted of the modiste. JULIA BOTTOM LEY. Crisp Weather Ural lamb, chinchilla and fancy mix tures. The ready-made garments em body more style and are cut on sim pler lines than has been the rule for several seasons. One cannot expect to get better results In a made-to-order coat than those to be found In the dis plays of reliable houses shnwlnr mn. tor and sports coats. Heavy cloths, plushes, satin and novelty weaves are used for motor bonnets. Practically all of them have soft puffed crowns. That In the picture la of satin, with warm interlining and thin silk lining. At the front a lined band of uncut velvet is trimmed in points. A frill of plaited satin falls like a cap about the face. The very long chiffon veil is shirred Into a cap that veils the satin crown. But there Is ample length to bring the ends over the face, around the neck, and to tie them in front, so affording ample protection. Braid and button ornaments make just the right finish for this excep tionally fine motor bonnet JU IA EOTTOMLKY. j