The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 23, 1914, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
THE YEAR $1,50
School Notes
A literary society waa organ
ized in the high school ast Fri
day. Officers elected; Van Moad,
urea.; John Moad, vioe pres.;
Louis Emmons, sec. Meetings
'vill probably be held pn alternate
Fridays after 2:45 p. m. The
program for meeting this week,
will include the questjon "Does
.education Increase Happiness."
Harold Moad, and Hazel Mar
tin out of of school, on account
,of sickness.
Vivian Barzee was a visitor in
the primary room Monday.
The members of the pinth
jrade have ordered about fifteen
literary classics to pBp in connec
tion with their class jn English
literature. '
The pupils in the thjrd and
fourth grades are taking a great
ileal of pains with their writing
lessons in the Palme? method-
A list of supplementary read
ers for the first and second grade
iave been sent from the county
library to be added tp. the school
room collection.
The Tum-a-lum plumber Co,,
have some useful as well as qrpa
mental reference calendars this
year. Alive to the times.
E. E. Fine's child, near Shani
1o is ill and under the care of Dr.
Francis, of Maupin.
Try! Sat. night band dances.
In til lives, the highest and hum
bleii, there i a crisis in the forma
tion of character and in the bent of
disposition. It comes from many
sources and from some which on
the Miriace are apparently trivial
It may be a book, a speecp, a ser
mon, a great misfortune or a burst
of prosperity. But the result i the
tame a sudden revelation to our
selves of our secret purpose and a
recognition of our perhaps long
shadowed but now masterful convictions.
Cyflleal Critic
Teacher Ana Nathafn Hale aaidMo.
only regret tbat 1 bave but one llfe'to
give for my countryl" Wasn't that jkkJ
ble? Bright Boy Ob, 1 dnnnol Most
anybody that's going to be bung would
sooner hove a few more lives! Judge,
J. 0. Winfree and family of
Pacos City, Txas, arrived Tues
day to visit I. If. Winfree, the
former's father. They may lo
cate in Criterion.
Born: To Brinton Slusher and
wife, of Dufur, a I3I0 girl, on
Wednesday of last week.
Tuesday evening the solo club
met at the office of Dr. Francis,
and a pleasant evening was
spent. The first prize a pearl
handled pocket knife was award
ed the docter, who is president
of the club. B. D. Fraley took
second prize, which was a briar
pipe. Lester Kelly is secretary
and treasurer of the club.
School supplies have arrived
and I have opened a store to the
public in the front room of the
postoffice and will offer the best
values for the lest money. To
, (hose making a goodly purchase
we will give a premuim. . Tablets
5C, 10c and 15c. High grade
box paper, 15c to 25c. Penny
crayons. Penholders 2 for 5c,
Pencil boxes, with individual
drinking cups, all for 10c. Inks
of bes quality 5c and 10c.
W. H. Stoats S C,o., have for
their customer a very attractive
calendar, picturing ''The Land
Mark," in harmonizing colors.
W. H. Talcott has opened the
patition leading from the post
office intp his store. He recently
received a stock of confections
and school supplies and intends
naming it the "Postoffice Cash
Aura Buzan, son of Jerome Bu-
zan, left here Tuesday, to assist
in the Walther William's garage.
at The Dalles.
A car load of Bait, arrived this
week from San Francisco, for
the Hunts Ferry ware house.
IjW. H. Williams has a new
hack for his stage line to Flani
gan, in time to carry parcel post
Christmas presents.
Mr. Ksjllog, represeniing the
Moline Plow Cp., is a business
visitor here.
John DelleTiglie and famijyare
vjsiting at the home of Mrs. Del-'-S
mother Mrs. Cunningham. ;
Peter Kilberg is spending the
holidays in $end, Ore,
Mrs. Toole and children left
for Forest Grove and will spend
the winter there.
John Ward was in from Wapi-
nitia this week and disposed of
his wheat at a $1.10. per bushel.
Duke Moad and family are
spending the holidays at Dufur,
with Mrs, Moad's parents,
The residence of Judge Oakley
is nearing completion, ; A
L. H. Simson, a wireless oper
ator for the Marconi system, Is
visiting his friend Floyd Kelly;
during the holidays.
Prizes Best Dancers
! t
Maup in.
L O C As L
All Around Town
Can You Do It?
tVeett Of Tdfht itqalitif vwmtit by Dm m l ttactattoi are parti r
urhulol ud uibito eomctad bv the orour adlaslmm rd
MtWIteflMwltlUsAiirtlyoWiaW This prist shoolJ be md
GftMB Uchai frotsj ike ryt U V ctMM 60 so you akoaM wear tpKtuln.
dots 00 mj 10 boy chap spectacle. Tbty distort lit rays ol ItebL dwiurb thf
mil of vtsiou. cauat tain and dlKmsiort and faisrt Um anakfit. Wbn il a
Dr. C. H. Francis, - Optician.
Wimto Linn!
Ladies' Notions
Winter Necessities
If you want to feel In
Comfort For Winter
See Us
Nw H!dky Gdt
See Emmons for monogram
work and Chistmas jewelry, a
lasting remembrance.
Mrs. Frank Stuart is visitinK
her parents at Mosier. Frank
contemplates getting ChristmaB
dinner down there too.
Sleighing is ideal on the upper
half of Juniper Flat,
Mr. Kurtz decided Saturday to
postpone his hog buying trip un
til January 4th.
v People from all parts of South
ern Wasco county shopped here
this week for Christmas.
Note the advertlKetiients in thin
issue, Trade at home and build
up our resources,
I carry all kinds of stones for
rings and pins Jimmons the
Wedding bells will ring in Wa
pinitia and Juniper Flat Thurs
day and Friday of this week.
Tygh Valley gave a fiine homa
talent play Friday night. Lack
of space prevents us publishing
the characters. The title was
"Si Slocum's Country Store,"
Wallace Kellog, principle of the
schools acting the part of Cy.
Mr. Merchant of neighboring
towns? The columns of this pa
per are open to you for advertis
ing. Your business appreciated.
If you moved faster, so would
the town. If you live here give
here. Organize for the town.
All kinds of jewelry repaired
by Emmons the iewler.
Correspondent wanted to cov
er Southern Wasco county.
Taken up at the McMillan
ranch at the mouth of Bake Oven
creek, three months ago and un
claimed: Brown inaie mule, w't,
1000 lbs. Age two years. Own
er may have same by paying ex
pense of keep and proving his pro
perty. Otherwise it passes into
my poHession.
A, Philmlee.
Have you sampled those salted
nuts just received at Styer's?
Try them and you'll want more.
, I carry all kinds of stones for
rings and ping ijmmons the
By subscribing far this paper,
you build up Southern Wasco
county, -
Anyone, wishing to trad' for
Idaho ranch property, inquire at
this office,'
ensible Gifts For
That Are Meals
The Kind We Always Serve
At Reasonable Prices
When in Town MAke our
Hotel Your Headquarter!
A Cordial Welcome to All
D. A. MOAD, Prop.