The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 16, 1914, Image 3

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    -typewriters, all makes
Larga usortmvnt. Spe
cial Prices. RtMINGTON
Machines hipped on
approval and guaran
teed by Home concern.
Write for samples of
work, stating make
TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 351 Wash, it., Portland. Or.
Dave Houston, Prop. H. B. Thorsnes, Mirr.
Thoroughly modern. 101 Rooms of comfort. Mod
erate Prices. Three minutes' walk from Union
Depot. Write for rates. 72 N. Si St. PORTLAND, Oil
A guaranteed remedy for Colda and
o Place for Thunder Bird on
European Flags.
According to Indian Tradition, It Is
the Recognized Symbol of Author
Ity, Dignity, Arbitration, and,
Above All, Peace.
More than twelve million fighting
MEN WANTED qualify as mortormen, conduc
tor!, city, interurban electric lines. Good pay.
Experience unnecessary. No strike. State aire.
where you prefer to work. International Railway
Service Bureau, International bldjr., St. Louis, Mo.
La Grippe. Price 25c of VOUr drucrist. man in Enrnnn am tnrlnv wnarlno- in.
It's good. Take nothing else.-Adv 8lgnla on thelr clothing or are being
led to victory or defeat by banners
depicting a bird displayed In what
Americans would call spread-eagle
Btyle. The troops that wave the Stars
and Stripes aloft have In the past and
present been led on by the counterfeit
presentment of an eagle with out
spread wings. Seldom do those en
gaged In war or mere onlookers ever
give a thought to what appears to be
on consideration an odd and relatively
meaningless custom that almost
verges on fetish worship. To be sure,
one nation uses the painted or em
broidered effigy of an elephant on ltl
banners, another a dragon, and so on,
but these nations are hardly civilized
In the highest sense.
Investigation of encyclopedic infor
mation discloses no good reasons why
America, Germany and Russia should
place a bird on their national em
Some weeks ago the Carlisle Indian
school, following the footsteps of the
American Society of Indians, adopted
as the school emblem a thunder bird.
The thunder bird was designed for
the school by Angel De Cora Deitz,
the greatest authority in the world
ca Indian art. From Mrs. Deitz, who,
with her husband, William Lone Star
Deitz, is teaching art at the Carlisle
school, It ha3 been learned that near
What's left of Oswald Perkins Bland
Is resting In this space;
Ha puffed a Flor de Onion and
Blew smoke Into my face.
Cilncinnati Enquirer.'
The shreds of Percy Clarence Dill
In this cigar box rest;
He smoked while in a powder mill,
He's now a heavenly guest.
Allentown Democrat.
Here lleth Ebenezer Fife,
Bereft of soul and breath;
. He lied throughout his measly life.
And now he lies In death.
The ashes of John Wolcott Fife
Lie perfumed in this urn;
He had no time for any life,
But now he's time to burn.
Springfield Union.
Summer's End Confession That Die
solved Clouds Threatening Harold
and Muriel.
"Harold," she whispered, "the tlm
has come when I must confess thf
truth to you."
From the beach before them camt
the flap-flapping of the restless sea.
It is an odd thing how people will
flock in thousands every year to tht
restless sea in search of rest
But let that pass.
'Muriel," he answered her, "I, too
have a confession to make. But you
make yours first You are an helresi
and have the right of way over a guj
like me."
In the Bouth the summer moon lav
ished his silver on the beach, being
half full.
Half seas over, you might say.
'No, Harold," she breathed, "It It
not for a girl like I like me, I mean
to take precedence over a millionaire'j
son like you. Speak first, Harold."
"Very well, I will," said he. I will
be brutally frank. Muriel, I am nol
the millionaire's son you think me."
"What millionaire's son are you,
Land Poor.
This Is a good time to recall the
Btory of the German who emigrated
to this country many years ago,
bougtit 20 acres of land and settled on
it. He had a large family and one of
his new neighbors asked if he thought
he could make a living on 20 acres.
"I don't know," was his reply, "but
if I can't I can sell 10 acres and live
on the other 10. I made a good living
and money besides on 10 acres of land
in the old country, and I can do It
Tradition says he made a living on
his 20 acres, but that he got along
much better after his children grew
up and took part of his land off his
Most farmers cultivate too much
land. Rather, they pretend to culti
vate it. They have so much that they
can't half cultivate It. They know
nothing about Intensive farming, its
economy and Its immense profit and
the great pleasure there is in it. Most
farmers could prosper on one-fourth
the land they now try to cultivate.
They are land poor, and that is about
the most distressing form of poverty
that we know of. Anderson (S. C.)
Mixed Medicine.
BUI Now they Bay sand Is good for
Jill That's right Eat plenty
sugar. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
"No millionaire's. My father ia
traveling salesman for felt hats. 1
have basely deceived you, Muriel. Tht
money which I have flung around s(
extravagantly to buy you salt watei
taffy and roller chairs took me
whole year to save up out of my sal
ary of 18 per. Forgive me, dear one
but our dream is over. I am only t
clerk'in a railroad ticket office, and 8
man of my station can never hope to
marry a society girl like you.
She drew a quick, shuddering sigh
almost like a sob.
'I thought you were a society youni
man," she gasped. "I thought that w
could never wed because I was nol
your equal. For I am not a million
alress. Harold, I am only a milliner
But now "
"Now we can get married," he cried,
Can Not Lose Mall.
Street letter boxes have been In
vented In Hungary which can be i, an the Indian tribes recomize a
opened only when a postman's bag is blrd ag a syniD0i o authority and so- "and neither of us will have to be
rial rank. Thn artist, who is a Win- aoormat tor tne otner's relatives.
nebago Indian of aristocratic lineage
and who has delved deeply Into Indian
legends, says that the thunder bird or
its equivalent In various forms has
been a mark of distinction and au-
attached beneath them to catch all of
their contents.
fitting than from hernia. Why not buy your
trusses from experts? Try Lane-Davis Drug- Co.,
at 3d and Yamhill, Portland. Ore., who are ex
perts and know how.
Persens suffer more from inexperienced truss thorlty, probably, for many thousand
years. As a child she heard from na
tive legendary sources the Btory of
the thunder bird, and has every rea
son to believe that it is as ancient as
the legend concerning the last mam
According to an accepted legend
ages had passed with all the spirits
dominating land, water and air re-
The moon jumped behind a cloud
The restless sea crashed upon the
sand like a colored man chuting in t
load of coal.
But there was no cloud on the bllsi
of Muriel and Harold, and the sea ol
matrimony spread before them as calm
and smooth and free from danger ai
a cup of tea. Newark News.
Women and War.
War is a man's game, but there have
been Amazons. In all wars the wives
and mothers of the warriors have ac
quired masculine austerity. The Spar
tan mothers told their sons to bring
back their Bhlelds from the war or be
brought back upon them, and corre
spondents in Germany have reported
that the German women witnessed
the departure of those dearest to thom
for the front with tearless eyes and
grim determination, not desiring even
to see them back unless they returned
victors. There is the story of the arls
tocratlc French mother whose three
sons were killed in battle not long
ago. A messenger came to bring her
the news, and faltered badly in telling
the sad story. But the mother did not
break down. A look of rapture is said
to have lit her face as she said: "My
sons all died for France. , I am satis
fied." Rochester (N. Y.) Herald.
Something Salable-
"I am trying to invent a safety ap
pliance to prevent railroad collisions
"And the chances are that if you
got it you couldn't sell it. Why don't maining on relative equality. Ancient
you invent something that people Indian clans, for conveniences of rec- vards in the United States and servi
must havesay, for Instance, a new ognitlon an(1 occupation, had associat- as pathetic reminders of the greal
dance ateD?" Kansas CitT Journal. . .. . .. , ... .
ea tnemseives wim vanuuu pairuu America s cup contest mat was ie
spirits. The story of the achievement have been held In September
of domination by the. thunder bird Is 1 .While the exact amount of monej
Yachts May Never Be Used.
Stripped of their spars and rigging
with their sails stowed away and theii
decks boxed up for the winter, th(
three cup defenders and the challeng
er. Shamrock IV, He at different ship
Headed for the Promised Land.
Vl!-...l-, It... nil t.mY.1.4 ATnOnt
XjeuevniH mat. u vnu ... . ,.. , . ... , ...... .,
Palestine will be destroyed within two moua, uul """ - mvoivea is not Known, me tnree rao
ing yacnts, witn tne money spent it
elimination races, in preparation foi
Pimples and blackheads disappear,
red, rough, blotchy complexions be
come clean, clear and velvety, and hair
health and beauty are aided by the
regular use of Resinol Soap and a lit
tle Resinol Ointment. They do their
work easily, quickly, and at little cost
even when other methods fail.
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap
stop itching Instantly and speedily
heal Bkin humors, sores, wounds and
chaflngs. Sold by all druggists.
vor. Adninh Knenle. a DrosDerous rlor of the thunder-bird clan lay ex-
farmer of Chokio, haB sold his farm hausted at the edge of a precipice
and with his family has departed for watching Btill watera far below. His
the promised land. Minneapolis Jour- attention was attracted by the dis
turbance of the limpid depths, from
which the -water spirit emerged to
meet the thunder bird in deadly con
flict. The observer is supposed to
have been the only human being who
has ever seen these spirits. As one
or the other became exhausted they
Commercialized Reform.
"I understand that your nearest
neighbor, Lizardvllle, adopted prohibi
tion." "Yes," replied Three-fingered Sam;
"us leading citizens of Crimson Gulch
saw to that. There ain t enough sa
loon business for two saloons in this
locality. Crimson Gulch beln' the
natural center of commerce, me an'
Piute Pete an' a few others went over.
took -charge of the ballot an' reformed
Lizardvllle." Washington Star.
Just put a few drops of Sloan's
on the painful spot and the pain
stops. It is really wonderful
how auickly S!oan's acts. No
need to rub it in laid on lightly
it penetrates to the bone and
brings relief at once. Kills
rheumatic pain instantly.
Uf. J amen S. Alexander, of North
Barr-swfU, M:, tprifei: "Many strain!
in my back and hips brought on rheu
matism in tne sciauo nerve. uau
flight when mttine in my chair,
I that I hadto jump on my feet to get
relief. 1 at once applied your ummeu.
to the affeoted part and in leu then ten
minutes it was perfectly easy. I think
it is the best of all Liniments I have
ever used."
the final race and in the numerour
changes in rigging and equipment, ar
thought to represent an Investment ol
at least $1,500,000.
The contest has been officially post
poned to 1915, but if the war should
last two or three years the money in
vested is as good as thrown away, ai
In that event the deterioration of
these yachts would be such that It li
not likely any of them would be In
condition to use in the cup race
Popular Mechanics,
Try Murine Eye Kcmedy for Ked, Weak, Watery
Eyea and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting
U3t.Kye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye
by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., tnicugo.
He Pays the Bill.
The most exasperating thing about
the present war is that the ultimate
consumer, who, possibly, had very lit
tle enthusiasm concerning it, will be
expected to meet the expense at final
settlement. Washington Star.
Kills Pain
At all I -en,25c.
Send four cents in tamp for m
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dept B. Philadelphia, Pa. I
implored the warrior for hel- with
specious pleas. Eventually he aided
the thunder bird, and the water spirit
sank, never to be seen again.
Among the Indians the thunder bird
stands for authority, dignity, arbitra
tion and, most important of all, peace.
There are many who believe that the
emblem of a bird with widespread
wings has been appropriated by the
Europeans from ancient America. If
so, it is an unfortunate perversion
that makes the symbol of arbitration
and peace the banner which leads to
war and devastation.
America's Oldest Paper.
The Hartford (Conn.) Courant com
memorates the one hundred and flfti
eth anniversary of the founding of thai
newspaper in a special edition of Octo
ber 25. The issue contained 115
The Courant is the oldest newspapej
in America with a record of continu
ous circulation under its present name
Thomas Green printed the first copj
12 years before the Declaration of In
dependence was signed. The news
paper printed that document as a mat
ter of news July 15, 1776, "thanks tc
a speedy courier, who made the trii
from Philadelphia In only 11 days."
A record of American progress ani
a history of Connecticut and Hartford
Is taken from the Courant flies for thf
special edition. The biographies o)
prominent men and widely known
firms are included.
Veracious Announcement.
"What do you mean by putting up
a sign, 'Free list suspended,' for that
punk show?" asked the doorkeeper.
"That sign's all right," replied the
manager. "People won't even come to
see the show for nothing." Washing
ton Star.
The aviation casualty lists seem to
reflect the high cost of flying.
Kola Tablets
have many friends who use them ai a general
tonic and for Kidney trouble. Price 15c per box.
t boxes for U.00. For aale by Laue-Davil Drug
Co., !d and Yamhill Sta Portland. Ore.
P. N. U.
NO. SO, 1914
yHEN wrltlac to aJTertlMrs, please I
"Sleeping" Bullet Least Dangerous.
Physicists have shown the world of
warring men that the firing line of sol
diers must be regulated if fewer cas
ualties are to result Close upon the
enemy's Are or far away result in the
most unhealable wounds; midway be
tween the range of the rifle bullets Is
the most satisfactory position.
The reason Is that the distance
which a bullet travels Is divided Into
three parts, the first distance the bul
let travels in a wabbly manner, either
up and down or sidewise; the middle
distance It "sleeps," or moves on an
exact plane, and the third distance,
being partly spent. It wobbles in a
serpentine movement again. When the
bullet "sleeps" It cuts a clean hole
through the part of the body hit, but
when It Is on the first or final distance
:t tears a Jagged hole and moves eith
er up or down and Is likely to remain
!n tho body.
When the battle range Is regulated
h such a manner that the line of sol-
Hers is exposed to the range of the
'sleeping bullets there Is less work
lor the ambulance corps.
Employment Hazards.
According to a bulletin Issued by th
Industrial commission of Wisconsin
the danger of objects striking work
men constitutes the greatest hazard
of present-day employment. "In lesi
than two years," the bulletin contln
ues, "approximately 65,000 working
days were lost by wage earners of Wis
consin due to this cause alone. It
addition, 86 men were killed and lO'i
were permanently disabled. The cosi
of these accidents to employers, undei
the present compensation law, would
amount to over $400,000. Mechanical
safeguards would have prevented bul
a small proportion of these accidents
They must be avoided, if at all
through the co-operation of employei
and employee, which is only made pos
sible to any great extent by bettei
shop organization."
Purifies Blood
With TeSiisig Effect
Cive3 Conscious Evidence of
Its Direct Action.
Where Women Vote.
In the United States women now
possess suffrage on equal terms with
men in nine states and territories ai
follows, with date of Inception: Wy
oming 1869; Colorado, 1893; Utah
,896; Idaho, 1896; Washington, 1911;
'alifornia, 1911; Oregon, Arizona and
Kansas, 1912; Alaska, 1913. Eight)
years ago women voted nowhere sav
n Sweden and a few other points li
be old world.
B. 8. 8.. the famous blood purifier, almost
talks aa It sweeps its way through the cir
culation, lta action 1 ao direct that very
often Ux some forma of skin affliction the
appearance of the eruption! chances over
night, the Itch and rcdncs are gone and
recovery begins immediately.
As a matter of fact, there la one Ingredi
ent la S. 8. 8. which serves the active pur
pose of stimulating each cellular part of
the body to the healthy and Judicious selec
tion of Hi own essential nutriment. That
Is why It regenerates the blood supply ; why
it baa such a tremendous Influcnco In over
coming eczema, rash, pimples, and all sain
And In regenerating the tissues S. S. S.
hai a rapid and positive antidotal effect
upon all those Irritating Influences that
cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak eyes,
loss of weight, thin, pale checks, and that
weariness of muscle and nerve that Is gen
erally experienced aa spring fever. Get a
bottle of 8. S. 8. at any drug store, and in
a few days you will not only feel bright and
energetic, but you will h the picture of
new life. 8. 8. 8. Is prepared only In the
laboratory of The Swift Specific Co., 534
Hwlft Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., who main lain a
very efficient Medical Department, where all
who have any blood disorder of a stubborn
nature may write freely for advice and a
special book of Instruction. 8. 8. 8. is sold
everywhere by drug stores, department and
general stores, but beware of all substitute!.
Do not accept them.
Reed-French Piano Contest
TOO" MAY TJSB THIS FORM, IT YOU Description of the Prise Piano ta Bs
LIKE, FOB W0BK2N8 1KB PUZZLE Olvan Absolutely iree vo mi wia-
BAT 01 US run rxiae.
To insure absolute impartiality in the
awarding of the several priaee oonn acted
with this contest, we will announce De
fers the final award, the names of three
well-known eitisans of Portland to act is
Judges of the contest. Their reputation is
such that you will not question in Uu
least the fairnaas of the decision.
This plane Is made by the Jesse French
Bens Piano Company, New Oastls, In
diana. It Is the best produot of this well
known factory. The case deslge Is
Colonial, and the wood Is a beautiful Ban
Domingo mahogany. All that care and
skill can do to provide richness of tea
and elegance of case has been done te
make this piano a work ef art. II la
prise worth while.
Taie a number from seven to fifteen inclusive. Do not use any number mere
than twice. Place one number in each of the squares so that when they are aaueo
perpendicularly and horisontally the total will make thirty-three, lor tne
neatest correct answer we are giving abselutely free as our first prise s beanuiuj
1406.00 Jeaee French Piano and our lesser priaes era described more In detail acre
after. All prise winners will be notified by mail the dale following the closing ol
the contest. All prises must bs called for within ten days after the date ef the
closing ef contest. If you prefer to use the pusile diagram on this sheet, It is per
nlttable to de so. Only one person in a family oaa compete. The winner ol tae
first prise in this contest receives the $400.00 Jesss I'reuch Piano absolutely tree.
At the same time, if he prefers, he may select a player piano and the 1400.09
earned as first prise may he applied to the purchase of a player plana.
This contest has for its principal purpose the advertising of the special makes
ef the Reed-French Pianos. Bxperience has shown that it pays to throw a lot
ef advertising momentum into a piano sale, for it brines business at a much less
average coal. The great desire of tho piano doaler is to minimise selling eipease
as much as possible, and this eau bs done usually by crowding a lot of buslasss
into the shortest poasible time.
This contest will brine us before the puhllo In such a way that our Holiday
business will he immensely tuereaeed. Besides this increase of business, we will
have acquainted thousands of people with the Resd-l'rerch Pianos.
We will also have Indelibly Impressed upon the publio the location of the Beed
Freach store Tenth and Stark streets.
In addition to the first grand prise the Jesse French $400.00 piano every
contestant will receive, according to the merit ef his solution, a Credit Certificate
applying on the purchase prioe of any new Instrument e carry ; these certificates
varying in amounts from $26.00 to $126.00.
Don't buy your piano until after December 21 you may win this onel If yen
solve the problem correctly you will receive a substantial reward, and it depends
entirely en you whether it will bs ths $4-00.00 Jesse French Piano or one of the
lesser prises. -
In the event of a tie, the face value of the prise will be divided equally be
tween these tieing.
Bend your solution by mail or bring it to the store (Dank No. 2). Contest
closes December 21, 1014, at midnight
Preserve this page for future reference, and be sure and remember the date
the contest closes. The terms, conditions and purpose of this contest are fully
stated herein. In event, however, you want further Information, we will gladly
furnish it to you by phoning us, Main 1252 or A-1262, or by calling on us, er by
letter. In either Instance, your inquiry will receive our personal attention.
We do not claim to have sold the most pianos In Portland and vicinity In the
last ten years, but if it were possible to trace the percentage of satisfied customers
within that time, we ean show a very high percentsite. There may be au element
of bombast in this statement, but we have tried hard to make every customer a
friend regardless of the si.e of his purchase. A Reed-French dissatisfied customer
Is unknown. The thousands of peoplr who have bonght from us In the last tea
years are our principal asset today. We want YOU ia our business.
Competition exists and Is very keen between merchants of the same elass, but
this competition is largely one of efficiency rather than superiority of articles sold.
The houee succeeds best that goes farthest to take care of its customers. Reed
French believe In a personal service. This nukes every customer au agent far
scurlng mo;e business.
Our past experience Willi priie contests has been very satisfactory. Throuch
tha medium of onr special offers we have sold many pianos Bird in nearly every
Instance people buying pianos at these times have paid for their pianos. Theif
better acquaintance with us has borne out our contest representations that the Cer
tificates are loi.a fide discounts and really mean great money-savings.
Prize Piano on ExfouVtion ta Window of
Reed-French Store, Tenta and Slark
Streets, Portland, (r:gto
William Allen White 30 Years Ago.
In an article In Thursday's Gazette
describing this affiant, he was made
to describe himself at 16 as covered
with dimples. That was the printers'
idea. We wrote It pimples. We have
never been a $10,000 beauty, but if
anything we had less pulchritude In
our ndolescence than now. A freckle
faced, long-necked, milk-eyed, splay
footed boy, with a face that looked
like a hamburger steak garnished with
red quills from the fretful porcupine
that wns the way the editor of the Ga
zette looked 30 years ago, when he
boarded with Mr. Jones on Constitu
tion street and Fourth avenue. Em
poria Gazette.
Fortunes of War.
"Did you go to the church fair?"
"Yes; and all the men were captured
by pretty girls."
"I suppose they levied heavy indem
nities." Louisville Courier-Journal.
And Things Like This Are Permitted.
If the Russians descend on Con
stantinople it will be a harem-scare'm
crowd. Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Even when there Isn't much room at
the top, a woman can put a hundred
dollars' worth of millinery on it.
Dallas News.
Tobacco Habit Cured
Not only to users of pipe and cigars, but the
vicious cigarette habit is overcome by using the
"NITltlTE" treatment. Price complete, postage
paid, 11.00, Laue-Davls Drug Co., 3d and Yam
hill, Portland, Or. (When writing mention this
Doing More Than Its Share.
The British aristocracy, whose re
lations to other "classes" have been
on the whole or often great and hon
orable and useful for several hundred
years, is doing more than its part in
leading and in dying in this war. If
the struggle is prolonged, the aristoc
racy nifty even suffer the fnte of the
older nobility in the wars of the roses.
New York Sun.
We pity the fat, well-fed turk,
But greet him with faces that smirk,
When it comes to Thanksgiving
He'd be more thankful living.
But bis duty he never would shlrkl
One can never be too cautious,
You may some day get the worst.
So even In your shaving
Make your motto: "Safety first"
Nothing to do now until Christmas,
and we'll shop early.
Modern Efficiency,
"You think a president should have
only one term?"
"I'm kind o' leanln' to that Idea," re
plied Farmer Corntossel.
"But it used to be customary to give
a president two terms."
"Yes, but in those days it took two
terms for a man to do as much work
as he now lays out for himself In one."
Washington Star.
An Impression,
To keep up with the style you try.
As you forget the past,
But Bomehow every hat you buy
Looks funnier than the last
Washington Star,
The morals of California seem to be
well mixed. The state voted wet
killed prize fighting and now Is pry
ing the lid off the Barbary coast.
Deaf mutes are involved In a civil
suit and are not on speaking terms.
The court, however, will give them
their hearing.
Cp1 more ffoodi twtt u4 brighter colon than any
ifMkc- Wtltc lor fi$M booklet "Horn to Dyt and
thtr dye. Every package guaranteed to color Silk. Wool Cotton and Mind Gooda at cne boll ing. 10 cents
Mis OW Mlcndai. blotteta. etc. MONfiOB tittXJQ COMPANY. Depaitmcnt 7 Quiiwy, Ufeoit