I've Got Bujldi Good byiltjinq material Tuma-Lumhsr, ip Cheap er now han ever befqtre. We supply complete plant and 8pecflcations .for gorges, barns, silos, ogheds, milkhouses, septic tenka, schools, Churches, jtores, ware houses, Jn fact 'anything ou want. ' Sm f eter IGHmrg AW it at $tick, pependable.lService avallgble at A,U ,Tijtyie To AllPpint , Careful driver atteutiyt to Comfort of Passengers L & MAYHEW, Prop. r, in n n e paupin Times LOCALS AllAroundTcorm DID YOU? ,He's Didou give him a lift? a nromer oi man, . And bearing about all .the bur l . v,-vi,. v ;.l aennecan. illO Bvemii uiau " r! J - -li.o u. J '!,.. hla ..IVIU yUU KIVS Will BUIIUVt I1C . XI W1BU Ho ouiwmuu wui, ma v-i . j i. s,ua J was downcast and .blue, ' Ana i,ne nmue wgmu mave neip- ..T. him to battle it through. All SUDsenpt'OnS ana aaverna .. tt Did vou irive him vo.ur hand? nsr are nayabe to waiter - .. . ?r- -- , . ,. t , ha wni Biinninir nnwn ni l. . Martin, Including the montii or ( Consplatien. Be cam home uj6kjt rife dissolved to Jaars. "What do yo'ii think hag happenadr I tbt cried. :t leftfthe cage ojpefl and. our canary(nM nowa away. He 'DdertMk 'to give .wfce,t;.consola tfonjie .might and ( took thdbj-ressed poor lady in his arms.' A she nestiaa ; .against bta , shoulder ,a new .access of sobs convulsed per. i '.'Ah, Oeorge," she murmured la ,a poking voice, "now I've only yon left" cities In Euiobe. U.bas.flirured. promt. 'nently In miilti),ry aijpals, a.s'poa-' 'ijesaloa Jum pefl tey ,been Jftrlven for '(by contendln'g.ara'ies. '(The.sity.ls Qie 3f the .enters of,thetBelglan enginee.r-. Ling mauitry e,na eoncajjis ' cwp impqr I'taDt locomotive works. In the Im mediate ,vjclty (Ja also erali)g, where there ,(s sjtvat.ed $e. jroa,t nfiock-, erlll establlsbm(&t, pjie gf the .largest Bhirinririff concerns on .the continent. ' vblah was founded y an Eiigiuhman jta jthe eavy aijt or ,iaat cenwry. IVieVMor(Kivnt. Possibly the most . unusual .monument ,ln exigence ffi that ftt Wallop, In the )gr4en ,qf ,a .peaat .ejected to (fheh JL9,rd .Ujtbrldge, who wtpmanded Xhe British cavalry and wjio suffered ,the amputation of his legmmedlateiy ater ne fDatue. 'J.ne inaBuiue)u, wunu October. W. C. Walker. The easrle on a dollar is no car rier oiireon. Send it away and it won't come hack. . All news items must be in not atter Jjban Tuesday t,9 publication. -FRANQ3. M.D.;C.M jtfem'. "Coll, Phys.& Surg., Ontario Licentiate. 'lirihiEspta and-4 ,6regon Promp.t Service Esther Day or Night Calls Eye teated, Qlaia.;s.Fittd fThs Poetio Omp. To hold a place forever among that I, limited few who, like Uioretlil aad Eplcuru,v,jvltbinu rage nnil dellauca, even;wlfhput,unbevoiiUiiB iuvt. mt deep Into the tuugleil mysteries sr thlnes: to rpfime crwkui'e .Ui the lib- nurd and nILeelnuce.to urrogunt luitUor- ,lty; auUli'tiMitly cous(cous,of falllbllltv to-be, tolernut of, all opinioua; witn-a faith, too wide.fur ductrlue mid a be- Uevolence uutrauimeled by creed, too ..wise to be wholly .poet and yet too surely, poeti.to be; linpliuiibly wise. John Pax'srUinte, Owur Khuyyaji. rOivi8-'tricM,'ay' VA young ,m(nlster,,preimlied one Sun diiy, to.,ruriil.-coiH$regutln and speat l-the ne)it,.!,la;VrjriHi!li th people. At ono'htise ie,,nia,n ,or yie-noiise was expresslug lilBianprecJatlon of tbe Lsfrmv,uu coqiy!uif)utary,tenus wbile yaHslKtlng e.nMilHter,to,ut up bis :uaui. IJJs little,swi haili followed ului nd nftr,,ejjiiCi.Uie1,iiilHWr ,a.ilunte or two cli) Ivied: ' "Wh'pM4W.v.viOJisairiihe was a one Iiosm preacher, njul ,hels got two hossetiT'-KtgJiaiige. He was aliDDinir down hill. And the world so 1 fancied was treating him HI. . Did you give him a word? Did you show him the road? Or did you jst let frim go on with his load? insure! I)0 you know what it paeans to be loBing the hgnjt, nA The Times to your friends When a lift in time might set tmd relitifes. Let them know everything right. va livino-in & motion that I Do you know what it means la aJvnncincf and create an inter-i i just a clasp of the hand, ut I When a man, a borne about, all T.f . not trv to ston aomethinir th man WJ1 to stand? all the time! let's sUrt something Did you ask what it was-why . h nnA nf rn town. the quivering lip? Why the half-suppressfti sob, ! l' .1 nf this and the scalding tears drip? inquire of ppstmaster talcot. n, te came of nee d? . .. ... u. D dvou offer to helrj him or a namt. nr rlav will be eharnd yU heed? v-'. . f ,n with. Did , thoughts of repentance . . ., i dwel in your soul? 7 8CU . Anchored in plenty you play the If vou have feet, you can kick .,,... .a.j u -but it takes brains to build. la shaded hv b weeDlna wlllaw. bears m apprbprlafa .ajjai. Th,e ,ba,ttle of 'Vater99 was lougut J,une r8. f815, but ,tl9 wqls 41d ,no,t dje .until 1854. He ,thutf ha,d ,the pleasure of seeing a mon inent erected to part of hla anatomy Papal 7flp. Nine c.ODes reigned leas than one month, .thirty less.than.one yar, eleven snore than twwaty years an over twPHtv-thrp.fi veam, The reign of St. pefcer a 'jth,e longest In this frlatory of ttie papacy, belg e.v(en yar a ah llo.'h and twentr-flve In Rome. Next to blui In length of servlc was ?lu IX.. whose death la J878 terminated a reign ,9f thirty-one years, and If la not a little Vemnrkiible that the third ahould have hfen iils successor, the Muatriou Im XlI., who occupied tbe papal inrone fff lover twenty-nve years. he -PieM far All. "Johlng.'. says' (Hflbrt;Perrtqk, Mr rttates theithjlug.wpmlwi ,mote ;than to be told Itha.tv;vpnyiuls)llsce,ls In the nom. .fibe Iwows.lt. (t.U.tbe mania place alsp, and b ,!mow .thftt"-,Pos-ton Vtjff!)- . ' . i .Bnpllfd Hsr-fTrlp. "Then your wife .didn't enjoy iber trip to NlngaraJ" 'No. The .minute she saw .that rush ing water atie began .to wonder If she hadn't con)e away from ,bome and left l faucet rqnnlng." PltUibqrgh ,r;pst , Th Littla T4iliu Gauntad. .Tbe Pastor (dining with tbe.famlly) kb, yes, brother Bmlthers, t la he lit tle things of this life that count! Lit tle Willie tin a .loud w,blsperj Haw. that's tjie axth AJaciU e's ook.-Ex-changa, Evtary A" fta 'Will j.au direct me ,to J.9.r .range department?" asked tt,e lady in ,the big depnrtntent atur,e. "Certainly, madam," replied the po lite Uoorwalker; "rifle, kitchen or mountain r-Yojikers Statesman. , Urn Qst U. Smah aaroU-Papa. won't yu please jive me 6 ceota? Papa-Not now. Run aMwg. r,m very busy. Small fjarold (holding bis bands Joined tv-ffethen-Well. Da pa. Just drop a jUckal in the slot and see me go.gxehauga. selfii8h personified role. In the dara of reckoning, who will stand the test? The days when life's story in closed history; . At Rest. May God have mercy on the cinched ud. benighted mttid. Of the clanish, selfish beings who cause suffering to mankind. fitudv It Out. tlere Is a highly InterMtlug paradox, which may amuse or bewilder, aa the case may be. It Is supposed to have been Invented by Socrates: 4. 7 bnt al) Athenians ar liars. 4. Is an Athenian and therefore a lar. Tnere- fin-B hla stntament that all Athenians are liars Is not true, aad consequently all Athenians tell the truth- A. Is an Athenian and hence (ells tna truin hprcfnro hla statement that all Athe pluiis are liars 1 true. Therefore he Is a liar and bU statement raise, ana so p. We lead-Othen follow. Lis ten! At enormous expense we have secured a limited number of laree hand painted OIL PAINT INGS of Landscape and Marine Views," which we are giving ab solutely free to our customers jee us about it-W. H. Staats & n .v... u truA News is a scarce commodity, at ,kwlu T . ul " this writing. Everybody is gett limea Kina.y pay uV u . . t- holidayi Xhe lit, per is not jreenvuif us prom, sea . n good Z Mr. Conklin wM caHed toPort .uTk:;.iw TW.,ro.ntto land, Tuesday. He received a L-u, that his wife had re- keen the country Dunea wni not - , . ,, , . " v I waived a severe fall and to come iirkHA vna invnrarnni in.i - fA eaa thim ao. at Once. warn nu biiaiuiu kw tw ww v.,.- a .n.Mr? J?nm Roy Slusher and family are . ., . c...!n c.Uown from their ranch a lew B. D. Fraley Horse Shoeing, Wagon Making, 'General .Repair Work aacUlKWork is done .Neat Stoo&g aurJGuaranteed. tio lKick Goniiis 2 srthia. In a small village tin Switzerland Is a comfortub)a,pljiiun much, frequented by Euglbih. uqdbe wepusgeperally In cludes, flne.djsh-iwinppsed .to be special ly British. Though, the -orthography la peculiar, ,tlie .meaning ibi generally ob ,vlons as, fitr example, 'Jfostiblf roth" ."riiniestwk." "aUtilmi .!' -ton ,a d'Anslala" .was jpuzzllng. The ,Hrsjt w-ord had a tl Istliiotly . tjlastlloa I ap- rpttiiranre, ,wil( siiKgeatep .a ureek jdglp. jBut -beP the dUb appeared rtne meaning .nasueu ' ijueam 'iuiliids. "Ar.bttWQU" was .the 8wiss chef's attempt M render' phonetically .the words "Irish stew." Manchester '.(.Unrdja), ' 5 ' Ruskin and Wapthipa. U(lia of war had a Jttlrrlug rfasclna Itjlop for .Ituskln up !e (tbe -ery end. -Writing ,of ,hla Jast days. Mr. W. G. (Collingwoud .desfilhes how: "Some .pet book ,he would pore over or drowse .pi-r by the lir. The Jast ot tli.'Kf whs oue in which he had a ili,ul!i Interest, twit ,waa about ships of win-, .mil ft ,viik written by the kins n::ni of u Kjear Wed. Some .of tb ui lIstH be hud ,loved (in"1 .helped had fulled him or left hlw. but Burue-.loues whs n: ways true. So whe a little boy lent him 'A l'et lu BtsUig" he read and reread it. Meu ;ot a copy for hlmsl twi aiitrtit liuv Warned It by . lit-ri i-t. long he pored wer it." Lon don .(.brulnJc.le. R1VERVJEW .- HOTEL AVe Serve first Class tiieals, Good, Clean Rooms and Oiean, "Fvetlli Reds Hoard ly Day, M.. ntli WVA or D. M. GOETJBN Prop. QusiAt f4 Tn. fnttnro Is one ttf Aualrju-Butagary's ...... ..11 4ilrln4Jp nnd 4 u..,mi.v-.io.k' w - aw. uTi ingltou the and known as jtfj puHiw w w - iv.,i,,,H,. rv. u Zuru. Kebenlco. SdS- "ludeed." saw Wiesaor ruuK, " '" .I. n .rf "When you arlto errythlng bed and mean l a man's Ufa i a mmw rer everybody to wad It's biography, but when you tell toe same iumg t few people on a rroni pom oJp."-Exchaife. gM'w'va. Ko two nations have the same law regulating the haadltng and storage of explosives . lowiw, J Vila. W Jiaval station and considered the .intriu Sebsstopol, be-Iii-j !'w.rjiutj as '-aluiost invulnerable." It-iu'wn ivhh ou-e miniature republle und.-j the wjzerulnty t)t Xnrkey. Spa , l.iiy jiiihiw the area of that famous iiila-e Wh Hie Koitinu Kwperor )i..i-lctlii wared and decupled after ;il)(lirllo. Each of thee towns is. .l. li lu KoMitin memories and ruins .mil iillnrlugl hjcated lu a historic rVKlmi. AUTO LIVERY Anywhere. Any Time. My Rates Are Reasonable. Careful Driving,. FRANK CREACER, Maupin, Oregon. cruses don't pay expenses. Several of our buckaroos are rounding up horses thia week. days, this week. Mrs. W. H. Staats is visiting relatives in Dufur, this week. Maupin State Bank General Basking Business, Loans, Wheat Buying. Safety , Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public, Collections, Money Transmitted Cheaply by Drafts Ycur htoczist Sclicitci tnd . 4 fcttroU Cwred fcr . Ye Uniaus Raoe Course. What Is undoubtedly the most novel automobile race course In the world Is found at Salduro, Utah, whera natural salt beds furnish the roadway. The beds are on the line of the Western PaolBc railroad and at sixty-Ova miles in length ahd eight mile in width, fur nishing a smooth, unbroken surface, level as a table and are from two to twenty feet In depth. The salt 1 crys tulllzed, 88 per cent pure and white as snow. The surface is bard and dry. Argonaut. Miliaria Huv. Uuv. In Belaium. Is the burial place iv Peter tbe Hermit, who aroused Eu- rop to holy aeal and Inspired the first imiiiat th Saracen. Be r.mndad here the abbey of Neufinoue- Hon nnrt It la within Its limits his ashes are interred. The single fortress 1. tuu-hnna atroniter than any one of the defames at Liege, the citadel being n.rtiv excavated In solid rock, it commands the passage of the Meuse, Dn iRith bank of Wtucn tn cuy is pic ruresquely situated amia tony roexs. Th. church of Notre Dame, a graceful rwhio aiitflM. was beaun In 1311. The town 1 seventeen miles southwest Ot Liege. Its Industries are paper, leata er. beer, xlnc, spirits and wine. Earltf Umbrella. a a lata aa 1784 Cowner. In describ ing th change which was then taking I place in the manners and custom or ail riaioks. mentions th umbrella la Such a way aa to show that, although it. naa was becoming mucn more gen eral, yet it adoption oy tn lower .um waa still sufficiently novel to all for comment Thnarh tha umbrella was not aaopt- t h. nti.m.n durlni dayllaht until hnoat th end of th eighteenth cen- i. thora annear to have been pre- ini a kind of transition period. during Which aa umbrella waa kept at Mffaa honses for tbe use ot fash- N w Year's EALU Given in Fisher's Hall, on east side of river at Maupin, NEW Years Eve. Plenty of room. Music by Maupin 3 piece Orchestra. Good time as sured. Everybody Invited. Tickcto $1.00 Supper 50c - W. A. Westbrook, Manager. innahia or affamlnate men when tha night waa a Wet on. rs .;.nT,.C-'1'-'!,:'i "