The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 19, 1914, Image 8

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    I've Got Building Facts:
Good building material
"Tum-a-Lumber" is Cheap
er now than ever before.
We supply complete plans and specifications for homes,
barns, silos, hogsheds, milkhouses, septic tanks, schools,
churches, stores, ware houses, in fact anything you want.
See Peter Kilburg About it at
The Home of "TUM-A-LUMBER"
Quick, Dependable Service available at All Times
Careful driver attentive to Comfort of Passengers
A. MAYHEW, Prop.
The Maupin Times
Published Every Wednesday at Maupin, Oregon,
Subscription: One Year, $1.50.Six Months 75cts,Three Month! 50ct8
All ArouttdTown
Richard Johnson and wife are
Visitors in Seattle this week.
Mr. Anderson of Ilood River,,
1 4 buying hogs nd cattle in this
nection. Sam Brown, Mr. Heck
:r, Roy Sluiher and several oth
ers sold him enough beef stock to
1nalupa car load which was
shipped out today.
Frank Creager is building an
Addition to his house 14x22 and
y porch.
All subscriptions and advertis
ing are payable to Walter V
3 tartin, including the month of
0:tober. W. C. Walker.
Send The Times to your friends
kid relatives. Let them know
you are living in a section that
advancing and create an interest.
;The traveling public library is
now open to the people of this
section. Anyone wishing a book
inauire of postmaster Talcot,
'After the book is out two weeks,
wo cents per day will be charged
Pntitos. We have them and
iit the right price. Shattucks'.
Potatoes:-For good potitoes,
V ill up Wing's barn. Tygh Vail
ey, Oregon.
Mr. Vanderpdol and wile re
Wned to Duour last week after
enjoying two weeks, visiting
'their children here-
W. A. Matthews of Sumnasho,
was a visitor in Maupin Tuesday,
enroute to Portland. He is a
missionary among the Indians,
and his family resides there, indians are to have a saw
mill and a site is being picked
out and the government will ex
pect them to build better homes.
"Some of the idians built good
homes but the wigwam still has
"rnnremacv amonK the older, and
The natrons of the school dist
rict are requested to be present
at a meeting and entertainment
in honor of the new school build-
ins. lust completed. Since last
June the board have been spend
intr a great deal of time and
nioney personally to give Mau
pin a school building to be proud
of. At the big fire in The Dalles
this summer, the plans were
burned upi which delayed them
several weeks in getting started,
Come out to the entertainment,
Friday, at 2i00 p. m. .
Song, the school. Recitation,
Fern Mayhew. Recitation', Earl
Locke. "Farm Boys' Creed,"
School. "Building the New
School House," L. C. Wilhelm.
History of the New School
Building," L. D. Kelly. "The
School," Wm. Trie. Remarks by
datrons. Address, by County
Supt. Bonney.- Song, the school
Inspection of the school house.
will until the younger genera
tions become recognized.
Tygh Valley is a beauty spot,
at all seasons of the year, and
ave a very fine class of people.,
They make, you feel at home,'
wherever you yjsjt .
Satufday jiight band dances!
The sale at the Hauser ranch,
in tygh Valley, was attended by
200 people. Saturday. Most of
the artifcies and live stock brot
good prices.
George Vahderpool's son Ray
mond is ill with typhoid fever
and under the care of Dr. Fran
A. C. Moad is visiting in the
southern part of Washington.
The county has allowed 501bs
of powder to be used in blasting
out a road from Stag Hollow, to
make an easy grade to the river,
on the south Bide.
E. J. Fisher states that sever
al have taken advantage of the
enlarged homestead act in this
section, at The Dalles land office,
during the past week.
The Orecohian's attempt to
sway public opinion is futile, and
they will do well to cease.
A tight wad's days of 'money
harvest is now.
Walter Ashley and Mayme
Shoy, of Maupin, were united in
marriage, at The Dalles last
week, 'arid are now at home on
Juniper Flat v
To the Public of Southern Was
co County:
Representing the 0. W. R. &
N., at Maupin, during the past
three years, it has been, not only
a bnvilege, but a great pleasure,
to have met and known you in
the varied walks of social inter
course and business dealings.
While here with you, it was
always my endeavor not only to
please my employers, but to serve
and advance the interests of the
public to the end, that all would
be satisfied.
While I have been successful
in doing this, I do not forget in
no small measure you, my friends
have assisted in my advancement
and promotion, through your
patronage, to the line I represent
and while requesting a continu
ance of this for my successor,
Mrs. Eagan joins me, in extend
ing to you all, our sincerest ap
preciation and warmest thanks.
My new position takes both of
U3 from Maupin and our great
circle of friends. It is hard to
go, but duty calls. We will keep
in touch with you through the
Maupin Times and various other
In conclusion we mnst add,
success to Southern Wasco and
her people. Our home will be at
the Bend, in Central Oregon.
Come and visit us. A warm wel
come awaits you. A. C. Eagan.
N6t Perfeot.
He I suppose yon think I'm a pels
feet Idiot? She Oh, dear, no; none of
us are perfectl London Mali
Ha Got It.
Bmatj Harold Papa, won't you please
give me 5 cents? Papa Not now.
Bun along. I'm very busy. Small
Harold (holding his hands Joined to
gether) Well, papa, Just drop a nickel
la the slot and see me go. Exchange.
Evary Kind In Stock.
"Will you direct me to your rangtt
deportment?" asked the lady In the big
tiepartinent store.
"Certainly, madam," replied the po
ilte floorwalker: "rule, kitchen Ot
mountain ?"-YdDkers Statesman.
Tha Little thing Countad.
The Pastor (dining with the famlly)
Ah, yes, Brother Bmlthers, tt Is the lft-
He things of this life that count! Lit
tle Willie (In a loud whlsper)-MaW.
'Hint's the slsth biscuit he's took.-Ex-
Mem. Coll,
Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted
Advertising In India.
Even In Indln merchants know the
value of newspaper advertising. News
paper advertising, even though It only
reaches a small prupurtluu of the totul
population Is probably the bust gen
eral medium for advertising sucb arti
cles as are used by the most well to
do ami well educated persou with a
high standard of living. In proportion
to circulation. Indian newspaper rates
for advertising are high as compared
with the United States.-Publtshers'
Worka Both Ways.
Kind Lady-Ob, my poor man, 1 sup-
pose you are often pinched by hunger,
are you not?
Tramp Yes, inarm, and by the cop
per, too, sometimes. New York Journal.
Definition of Tact.
Mrs. Pyne Mrs. Blank certainly pos
sesses a lot of tact Mrs. Hyne What
Is your definition of "tact?" Mrs. Pyne
-Tact is a woman's ability to make
her husband believe he is having bis
own way. Lipplucott's.
Mean of Him.
"Paw." '
"When I promise to marry him do
you want him to come and ask your
"No, not my consent; bnt I would
like to bnve him trot In and tell me
the good news. I sort of feel like
I needed cheering up." Houston Post
A well educated person who has been
at high school and university uses
from 3,000 to 4,000 words, but the
average Individual can get along with
1,000. Shaliespenre made use of 15,000
and In Milton's works 8,000 are used.
By actual count the Hebrew testament
says all that It has to say with 5,642
B. D. Fraley
Shoeing, Wagon
General Repair
Work and all Work is done
Neat Strong and Guaranti ed.
No Kick Coining if
Once Tried
Aliens of the age of twenty-one and
upward, who have enlisted In the
armies of the United Stntes, In the
regular or volunteer forces,, and have
beeu honorably discharged, are entitled
to become citizens upon petition, with
out previous declaration of Intention,
and are not required to prove more
than one year's residence.
That Wheezy 6ound.
'Say," Inquired the boy next door of
the little girl whose father suffered
from asthma, , "what makes your fa
ther wheeze so?"
"1 guess it's one of bis inside organs
plnylng." Puck.
"My ancestors came over In the May
flower," said the haughty lady.
"Oh, yes," rejoined Mrs. Cumrox,
with interest "Mine didn't. None of
my family ever cared for tnose big ex
cursions." Washington Star.
What tha Band Did.
"Here's a heading lu this paper which
says, 'Bndly Mutilated by a Mounted
Bund.' "
"What was the name of the piece
the bund was mutllatlng?"-Yonkers
Awful Fate.
"What became of that Russian count
who Insulted you?"
"He choked to death."
"How did that happen?"
"1 made him swallow his words!"-Exchange.
He that has character need
have rio fear bf his condition. Char
dder will draw condition after it
Henry Ward Beecher.
.. , f - TT
His Train Waa There.
"And where did William go after the
battle of Bastings. Mary?"
ITe took the first train to London."
Why. Mary, you know those people
didn't have trains In those days!"
"It snys so In the history book. Miss
Brown: It snys he marched upon Lon
don with liis train." University Correspondent.
Robert Boyle, the philosopher and
one of the founders of the Itoyal so
clety. could never overcome his aver
sion to the sqwid of water splashing
from a pipe, and he lias put ou record
the case of one of his servants who
could never hear u knife sharpened or
a sheet of brown paper toru without
bleeding at the gums.
We Serve first class mealsj
Good, Clean Rooms and
Clean, Fresh Beds
Board by Day,
Week or
Drawing the Line.
"I want you to read ttiy speeches,''
said the candidate.
"Couldn't think of it." replied Mr.
Dustin Stax.
"Why, 1 thought you would be Inter
ested. You have always subscribed to
toy campaign fund."
"Yes, I'm glnd to be an old subscrfb
W. But I'm hanged If I'll be a 'con
Btant reader."-Washington Star.
Tron Ore.
Next to the United States. 'Germany
and Trance are the largest producer
of Iron In the wnrNl
OILED Reasonable bo you
use il? Do von need a r.e v
set? Well." Geo. S. Gmy
w ill take ,ur order at rock
bottom 1'i ico?. See liim.
eo, S. Gray
Maupin State
General Backing Business, Loans . Wheat Buying, Safety
Deposit Boxes-for Rent, ttotary v Public,
Collections, Money transmitted
Cheaply by' Drafts
Youf Patronage , Solicited and
. . . . Interests Carecl for .
Spoiled Her Trip.
"Then your wife didn't enjoy her
trip to Niagara?"
"No. The minute she saw that rush
ing water she began to wonder If she
hadn't come away from home ana leu
i faucet ruuulng."-rittsburgh Post
' ' the Place For An".
"Nothing," says Robert Herrlck, "Ir
.It'ates the thinking woman more than
to be totd that woman's place is in the
borne. She knows it ft Is the man's
place also, and she knows that"-Bos-.
ton uioue.
A Demonstration.
"I distinctly "saw ydti with a police
man's arms around you."
On. yes, muni! Wasn't It nice or
htm ? He was showin' me how to Hold
a! burglar if 1 found one in the house."
-Life. . ,
. k tn. Widow's Name,
fn addressing a letter to a wldow
for Instance, , V.Mrs. John Jones"-yOU
can write It Mrs. John Jones or Mrs.
Hilda Jones, , whichever you prerer.
Either Is proper,.' there being no hard
and fast rules about tne matter, u
Mrs. Jones prefer being addressed as
Mrs. Hilda Jones, then let K De van.
there is no law in the case one way
or the other.-New York American.
"What did you tell your wife when
..... . v l. n tK lnef
you got nonie iruw u "-,u" -
"I told her she was tha iweete
woman to tfie world." - Bpokane
Spokesman Review.
Dl.lmi Not Barred.
The other evening Miss Y., a maiden
lady ot uncertain years, suspecting tna
nir was entertaining her bean down-
... a m ..f Jt
stairs., called Martna ana uiquu
whether sb did not hear some one
talklne With her.
"Oh. no, ma'amP erled tne quicn wic-
ted Martha. "It was only me singing
r.oolin.H . . .
vr aroofl." returned Miss Y. Big-
nlflcantly. "You may amuse yourseii
Itn psalms, oni ieie uuis u u.u.-.
-Exchange. .. ,. . . .,
Fifth's HalL oil east Sld
the rivet at Maupin, Thanksgiving Eve.
t "Glass Flow 31 s S4
Plenty of room. Music . by Maupin
3 piece Orchestra. Good time as
sured. Everybody Invited.
ff mkj Opto ;Saspeff?
Tkkets $1.00. Supper $1.00
W. A. Westbrook, Manager.