The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 19, 1914, Image 1

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Maiap in
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL l.NO.,2.
THE YEAR $ 1 30
Everybody Invited to Par
ticipate On Saturday
Night of Each Week
The Maupin Band boys wishes
to announce to the public
that they will hereafter give
ilances every Saturday night.
Weather conditions and a small
attendance will have no effect on
i he spirit of . Saturday night
t ances.
'This gives everybody a chance
to loosen up their feet once a
week, until it becomes a habit.
A social dance every week be
c mes popular, because it forms
better acquaintances and social
circles become stronger. This
i leans a great deal to small com
munities. Know one another
and boost for better social affairs
The boys will give good music
und real band music will be the
novelty of these dances. Occas
rionally a spread will be given.
The boys have a debt to pay
off for their band instruments,
i' ad will enjoy the patronage of
a!l of Southern Wasco county.
New Goods Have Arrived
W. Staats & Co., have receiv
ed a car load of new goods and
Roy Slusher has been assisting,
the-pastten days'in cleaning up
and making room for the new
supplies. Dry goods are one of
their heavy shipments received,
as well as school supplies, gro
ceries and many other articles.
Everything in a business way,
goes to show that Maupin is a
good town, as our merchants are
continually receiving large ship
ments of goods, which means
new and clean stocks at less
School Note$
Wapinitia and Tygh Vall
ey Bands Admitted Free
For the first four weekly dan
ces, free tickets will be given to
any member or tne wapinitia
and Tygh Valley bands. Bring
vour sweethearts and wives and
enjoy the hospitality of the Mau
pin Band. You are welcome.
Let us help one another and form
a "tret toeretner spirit, mat
unites and builds up our entire
section of the county.
Mrs. Thos. Flanigan returned
from Portland, Monday.
Prof. Jrle of Portland, having
accepted the position as princi
ple of the Maupin school, took
up his duties Monday morning.
Mr. Irle is a teacher of wide ex
perience and the school board "is
certainly to be congratulated on
obtaining such a good teacher.
Lewis Emmons has enrolled in
the several high school subjects.
Grace Tunisoh is sick at her
parents home with pneumonia.
! There is to be a meeting of
the patrons of the school, Friday
afternoon at 2:30; at the school
house. All interested are inyit-
ek to be present.
There will be no school during
the week ending November 27th.
on account of the Annual Teach
ers' Institute held in The Dalles.
It has been the custom for the
school children of Oregon to
make a contribution to the boys
and girls aid society about
Thanksgiving time. They have
been asked to do so again this
year. Anything " useful is ac
ceptable and may be taken to
the school or the depot, as all
railroads going into Portland,
carry these things free.
ill UIU ii iwuwey
To make room for new stock; close cut
odd sizes and lots, we offer to our trade
200 pairs of shoes-Mens' Womens Chil
dren Get that winter FOOTWEAR NOW
The Store of Better Service
School supplies have arrived
and I have opened a store to the
public in the front room of the
postoffice and will offer the best
values for the lest money. To
those making a goodly purchase,
we will give a premuim. Tablets
5C 10c and 15c. High grade
box paper, 15c to 25c " Penny
crayons. Penholders 2 for 5c.
Pencil boxes, with individual
drinking cups, all for 10c. Inks
of Les quality 5c and 10c.
Taken up at the McMillan
ranch af the mouth of Bake Oveii
creek, three mouths ago and un
claimed; Brown maie mule, w't.
1000 lbs. Age two years. Own
er may have same by paying ex
pense of keep and proving his pro
perty. Otherwise it passer, into
my posession.
A. Philmlee. ,
Can You Do It?
ftefMU o erwtfbt mjslrinx nrractta by ih um erf ipwUdM u jwrtlr
Mttunlul asd cm b 10 cwrtttttl ty Ibe proper itiutioRl of ptiftilly uudt
..,... h.t ihrtr Bn will Iw (Bllrek obvutnL Tbi Pilot tboiild b m toil
I fill to tocb fro tb( ty If Jl cnnol do o J rtool'l e '(""r"1?'
l iloe aoi mi to boj chrtp ipMUcle. They dlilort tbi rr of Hbl, duluib tb
lEktwl nsion. ptin imlMiKomfoM tc.l ioin Iht r"!1'1 '' '
I fiTunl-r to tt ilnlinf tly it it irt ii(n u UiUjf viioo, 4 oil niucli uDgfUMfc
Axonlott tod pain will bt pfdrcnud by batiofci ju ot sUmu nttwl.
- Optician
! L
All Around Town
; W.
put up plenty of
canned peaches
canned pears
canned apricots
canned grapes, etc.
our stock is complete & fresh
L K. Oakly is building a con
crete basement, and will also
build an addition to his home.
Ira Klstner of Womac, arrived
n,; ,ooir in Mannin. where he
1.111k? V V. ... .
will make his future home.
George Vanderpool's son Ray
mond is seriously ill this week.
J. F. Strong will have charge
of the 0- W. R. N. station tem
porarily. Auditor C. E. Shaw
made a transfer of the agents,
Tell us the news.
The Times. Subscribe today!
Mni the oflvprtiKements in this
issue. Trade at home and build
up our resources.
I carry all kindsof sto n es fo
rings and pins Emmons the
Try those Salted nuts at the!
Stver Confectionary. I
Geo. S, Gray takes orders for
harness at rock bottom prices,
Attend the Thanksgiving ball
at Fishers hall, east of Maupin,
Inn i-im Hunts Fprrv side. Tur
key and oyster supper.
Have you sampled those salted
nuts just received at Styer's?
Try them and you'll want more.
I carry all kinds of stones for
rings and pins Emmons the
By subscribing for this paper,
you build up Southern Wasco
Anyone wishing to trade for
Idaho ranch property, inquire at
this office.
Csaubes. Fresh Vegetables Daily
Come and inspect our line of shoes and
sweaters for young and old ALL NEW
Basket Social Free Dance
Basket social and free dance in
the Wapinitia hall. For the ben
efit of the Wapinitia Concert
Band. Program with band mu
sic, important features of the
evening. All welcome, ming
baskets. The date Nov. 20, WU-
Special fares to Portland
for the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Open Oct. 26, close Nov. 14
Sale dates from Central Oregon points on Oregon Trunk
Ky. Oct. 27, 30, Nov. 3, 6, 10, 13- with return limit Monday
following date of sale. Open rate of 1 1-3 fare.
Apple district competition, Twenty Counties
Displays, $10,000.00 in Cash Premiums,
Medals and Diplomas for Displays, 20,000
square feet floor space
For further details consult:
A. Locke, Agent,
Maupin, Oregon
SeeShattuck Bro's for pota-
toos and onions. They will make
I you such a low price, it will
I cause the onions to make the po-
tatoe's eyes water. Get in your
j winter supply, while they last.
Anyone wishing a change of
i nrl must have their codv in not
! latter than Monday afternoon"of i
each week, or it will have to go;
'until the next issue. ,!
i All kinds of jewelry repaired
' by Emmons the iewler.
That Are Meals
The Kind We Alwayi Serve
At Reasonable Prices
When in Town Mke our
Hotel Your Headquarter
A Cordial Welcome to All
n. A. MOAD. Prop.