r I've Got Building Facts: ft Good building material "Tum-a-Lumber" is Cheap er now than ever before. We supply complete plans and specifications for homes, barns, silos,-hogsheds, milkhouses, septic tanks, schools, churches, stores, ware houses, in fact anything you want. See Peter Kilburg About it at The Home of "TUM-A-LUMBER" The Maupin limes Published Every Wednesday at Maupin, Oregon, .Subscription: One Year, $1.50,Six Months 7 5ct9Jhr- Months 5Jtts LOCALS All Around Town Wilson and Roberts states they . will have a big hog sale, on their ''ranch 3 and one half miles north east of Wapinitia, on Saturday, Tovember 7. A good opportuni ty to get anything in the hog ne. Several cows and calves will be auctioned. The sale is also stated to commence at 1-00 o'clock. All subscriptions and advertis 'ig are payable to Walter V. fartin, including the month of October. W. C. Walker. : A- C- Egan states that the Stanley Smith Lumber Co., at '(he Railway Exchange building, r Portland, wantll the horses they can buy, for the army. We are compelled to leave a few items over until next week. Hereafter all items must be in )y 2:00 p m., Tuesday, to be hi the paper for printing Wednesday. Election Notes Election day passed off uuietly tin J a fair votes were cast. Ev eryone seems satisfied with the results. Gov. Jami's.Whitycomhe received 48 votes, Ben. Geo. E. Chamberlin, 61; Congressman N. J. Sinnott, 68. Republicans all carried 'the precinct. L. K. Oukjy was elected justice of the peace. Lry vote Dy z majority. Wapinitia turned out a gbod vote. Whitycombe 76; Booth 70: Sinnott 90. D. M. Hartman, for uiistice of the peace 88. The wets carried by a large majority. Vote went Republican. Tygh Valley gave Chamberliri 67 votes. Sinnott 76, Whitycombe 43. Butler for justice of the peoce 75. Drys 62, wets 58. Mrs. Frank Killian and bab'y left for their home at Grandview Wash., Tuesday. She is a dau ghter of R. J. Powell on Jupiter Flat. Anyone wishing t- trade for idaho ranch property, inquire at this ottlce. Maupin State Bank Genet ul Hanking' Business, l.omis, AVhent Buying, Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public, Collections, Money Transmitted Cheaply by Drafts Your Patronage Solicited and Your . . . . Interests Cared for ... . For Saturday Evening Post Country Gentleman Lades' Home Journal Each $1.50 per year A. C. EAGEN WW take Subscription your School Note The first school irionth ended Friday, October 30. Harold, Moad has been out of school for several days on ac count of sickness. November 15, is the date set for the opening of the new room which will greatly help the con gested condition. . Mrs. Philmlee was a visitor at the school, last week. Tuesday being election day, it was observed as a school holiday. County school superintendent Clydn Bonneyi spent Monday af ternoon at school, performing his dnties as supervisor. Fern Mayhew seceived a prize from the county fair on hand work. Roll of hantlr for month just ended! Lester Crowfoot, An drew Cunningham, Guy Fryman, Vera Goetjen, William Fischer, Hazel Martin, Mary Martin, Lew is Mayhew. Verna McMullen, Arthur Philmlee, Helen Philmlee Earl Smith, Darrel Turner, Vera Turner, Grace Tunison, Beulah Welter, Paul Welter, Violet Mill er, Clifford Cunningham; Willie McCliire, Vola St. Dennis. P. S. FU-ming left tor Hot Lake Ore j Wednesday; to be treated for rheumatism, His wife ac companied him to The Dalles. L. D. Kelly and W. II. Will iams left with the ballot boxes, Wednesday. Within one week Shattuck D ..,:,! tU., !,., uivo., i uvci. mice cm iimua Of supplies. One c:ir of wire; one car petroleum, and a car of potatos anr onions. This speaks alone for the enormous business that is being handled here and it is .only a question of time, un til Maupin will be a large busi ness center. , , ... AUTOMO Quick, Dependable Service available at All Times To All Points Careful driver attentive to Comfort of Passengers- E. A. MAYHEW, Prop. ANY LITTLE I CAN DO. K any little word of mine May make a life the brighter, If any little long of mine May make a heart the lighter, God help me speak the little word And take my bit of tinging And drop it in tome lonely vale To tet the echoes ringing! Smoka Talks. "Kuther, what are smoke talks?" "Conversations In Pittsburgh, sou." mj A Slander. Mini was made to mourn, and woman Was made to see that he keeps everlast ingly at It Chicago News. Damage. the age of "wrmt's your youngest "Hrpak-age." Boston Transcript. An Old Custom. Toucher Now, Willie, name one ol the customs at Christmas time. Pupil ItunniUR in debt. Life. Lots of Pie. "This speaklns of my mind Is pie to me." "You certainly dou't mince mat tufs " -Baltimore American. " Not Good at That, "lie is us itood as his woiH." "Yes. but he uses such shocking bad 'miKiM!t)."-St. Louis Post Dispatch. Below His Standard. Ills Honor-Well, sir, drunk as usual? Bum--No. your honor, not quite. Buf falo Kxpress. , Broad and Narrow, ".lips is a man of broad views." "Ex actly, but iu narrow circumstnnces." Baltimore American. Not Guilty. "Do you give money to your wife?" "No. sir. I have ho bad habits What ever." Minneupblis Journal. Growlers. Too many men seem to think the way to show their colors is to slibw their liM-tij Omaha Bee. Porcupine Quills. The spines both of the hedgehog and the porcupine are nothing more thnn excessively enlarged hairs, and on the bodied of these animals every grada tion between hairs and spines can be found Mean of Him. "Paw." 'AVell?" "When I promise to marry him dd you Want hiui to come and aSk your consent?" "Nd, not my consent; but f would like to have uim trot in and tell me tlie good news. I sort of feel like 1 needed cheering up." Houston Post Vocabularies. A well educated person who has been at nl-li school and university uses from :!.000 to 4,000 words, but the average Individual can get along with Lou t Shakespeare made use of 15,000 and in Milton's works 8,000 are used. By nctual count the Uebrew testament says nil that It has to gay with 6.642 words. Citizenship. Aliens Of the age of twenty-one and upward, who have enlisted In the armies of the United States. In the re;:ul!ir or volunteer forces, and have been honorably discharged, are entitled to become citizens upon petition, with out previous declaration of intention, anil nre not required to prove more than one year's residence, Hit Train W.i There, , Am where did William go nfter the i buttle of Hastings, Mary?' "He took the first train to .London.' "Why. Mary, you know those, people didn't have trains In those days!" . "It says so in the history, book. Miss Brown: It says he .marched upon Lou don with his train. ' university respondent. Cor- Sensitive. . , Robert Boyle, the philosopher and one of the founders of the Royal so ciety, eoiild never overcome his aver sion to the sound of water splashing from a pipe, and lie has put on record the, case of oue of his servants who could never hear a knife shai-pened or sheet of brown paper torn without bleeding at the gums. Drawing the Line. "1 want you to rend my speeches," said the candidate. .. , "Couldn't think of It," replied Mr. Dusttn Stnx. "Why. I thought yon would be Inter ested You have always subscribed to my .impatgn fund." "Yii. I'm glad to be an bid subscrib er Unt l'ii' inii'ful If I'll be cln slain h-tultt" Wellington Ptnr. CHAS. H. FRANCIS. M.D.;C.M MAUPIN, OREGON Mem. Coll, Ontario Phys. & Surg., Licentiate Minnesota Oregon and Prompt Service on Either Day or Night Calls Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted Always Leap Year. A most extraordinary custom pre vails among the Vizrees, a powerful tribe occupying an extensive district in Cnbul, among the mountains be twpen Persia and India a female pre; rogative that has no parallel among any other people of the earth. The women. In fact, choose their busbands anil not the busbands their wlyes. If a vvonifth be pleased with a man she sends the drummer of the camp to pin a handkerchief to his cap with a pin she has used to fasten her hair. The drummer watches his opportunity and does this in public, naming the wo man, and the man Is obliged to marry If he can pay the price to her father. "America." A letter written by Rev. Samuel F. Smith, author of "America," giving the circumstances of the writing of that anthem, says that the work "was sttm. u la ted into being by a collection of German music books, brought to this country by Mr. Woodbridge and band ed to me by Mr. Mason with the re quest that 1 would adapt any of the pieces that struck me as favorably tt EiiRlisb words. It is not a translation, though In German the words were pa ti'l'ltic. It was first sung at a chil dren's Fourth of July celebration In I'ni'k Street church, Boston, In 1832 or LTCi - Dr. Smith states that Lowell Mason was his chief encourager. Goethe. Besides hi five or si consummate works, which by universal consent are practically above criticism, It may be said that Goethe's songs are the best in the world. He Is the greatest of all literary critics, and In subtle and abundant observation of human life and in the number and value of his wise remarks and pregnant sentences he is one of the greatest writers of all tiuV (joettie may be classed as one of the "CTeutest men." NeW fork Aili'ci'iian. Given in Fisher's Hall, on east side of the riveir at Maupin, Thanksgiving Eve. twit Lfeii Hmf Turkey Oyster SMppSif tickets $1.00. Supper $1.0& W. A; Westbrook, Manager; TH" TURNING POINT In ail lives, tiie hifciiesi ami liu,u. blest, there is a crisis in the Forma tion of character and in the bent of disposition. It comes from many ; sources and from some which on the surface are apparently trivial It may be a book, a speech, a ser mon, a great misfortune or a burst of prosperity. But the result is the same a sudden revelation to our selves of. our secret purpose and a recognition of our perhaps long shadowed but now masterful convictions. Joyful Punishment. Noticing one of her small boys nib bling at some luncheon in school one day the teacher called the culprit to the desk. .."You know," she began sternly, "thai you must not eat during lesson hours! . Now as a punishment you must stand here In front of the cIsbs and eat every bit of tt." The small boy did as be was bid, a curious grin overspreading his face. The teacher misunderstood that grin until the last scrap had disappeared, when from the class a small voice walled in tearful accents: "Please, teacher,' that wasn't his lunch he was eatin': tt was mine." La dies' Home Journal. Lincoln's Religion. I have never united myself to any church because I have found difficulty in giving thy assent without mental reservation to the long, complicated statements of Christian doctrine which characterize their articles of belief and confessions-of faith. Whenever any church will Inscribe over itsltnr as Its sole qualification for member ship the Saviour's condensed statement of the substance of both law and gos pel. "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself," that church will I join with all my heart and all my soul. Abraham Llncolb. Psalms Not Barred, The other evening Miss Y a maiden lady of uncertain years, suspecting the cook was entertaining her bean down stairs, called Martha and Inquired whether she did not hear some one talking with her. ''Oh no. ma'am!" cried the quick wit ted Martha. "It was only me singing a psalm." "Very good," returned Miss V. sig nificantly. "Yon may amuse yourself with psalms, but let's have no hltns." -Exchange. Willie Knew. Papa (hiding something hi his hanrti Willie, can you tell me what has heads on one side and tails on the oth er? Willie (triumphantly) - Oh, 1 know! It's roosters 0n( a fence! Judge. What Made Him Sick. Teacher Your little brother was all right when be left the house With you. and yet you say he's sick and won't be In school. The Kid-Sure! Irtdn't I give him the seegur id me own hands? Puck. Ermine. F.nnlne. contrary to the general be lle'. rii'MiiS ive'l "le! N -in cvi e'inu'ly Ksn ran BALL Plenty of room. Music by Maupin 3 piece Orchestra. Good time as sured. Everybody Invited; -V"X "i A I XV, Horse Shoeing, Wagon Making, General Repair Work and all Work is done Neat Strong and Guaranteed. No Kick Coming if Once Tried HOTEL We Serve first class meals, Always. Good, Clean Rooms ai d Clean, Fresh Beds Board by Day,. Month V -k t MRS. D, M. COLUMN Prop. J fei OILED Reasonable Po you use it? Do you need a new set? Well, , Geso. S. Gray will take your order at rock bottom prices. See him. :Geo.-S.. Gray its D 17 I