A WIDOW FROmAFAR Concerning the Love Affairs of a Father and His Son. By GRACE KERRIGAN. (Copyright, McClur Newpapr (Syndicate.) When a farm passes to other bands It is an event of Importance to farmers for five miles around. If the buyer 1b a stranger In the county It Is more than an event If the buyer is a wid ow who has come all the way from Kansas to buy a farm in Ohio, It is an event outranking a cyclone in which 20 barns are overturned. Yes, James Sheldon had sold his farm. He had sold it for cash down. He had got his price for it. Yes, he had sold It to a widow from Kansas. Yes, she was going to farm it her self. Yes, she thought she knew her busi ness. The Ingham County Sun gave these particulars, and it was a coun ty paper to be depended on. It bad never predicted the coming of the grasshopper or the tater bug but that the Insects showed up on time. True, the Sun, while on the subject, might have stated whether the Widow Dar row would get married agpin if she had a good chance, and whether she was homely or handsome, but it was silent on those points. Farmer Sheldon moved out and the Widow Darrow moved in. The day she moved in about fifty people passed the farmhouse. The ob ject of each and every one was to catch sight of her, though every last one of them had seen widows by the dozen. The farm adjoining on the west be longed to Joab Waycroft, a widower with one son. His name was Moses, and he had hinted around that he should marry soon after his majority, if be could find the right party. His father was not quite fifty yet, and though he had thrown out no hints be intended to double up again when chance came his way. Of course the Sheldons had told the Waycrofts that they were going to sell, but they could tell nothing about the widow, as she had bought through an agent, and was not to arrive until a certain date. The evening previous to the date Mr. Waycroft carelessly remarked to his son: "So the widder arrives tomorrer." "Yep," was the reply. "I wonder what time?" "She'll be in Medina on the early train, and by the time she drives out here it will be ten o'clock." "You seem to know a hull lot about It, Moses." "Ain't It my duty to keep track of the widdera?" "Don't be a fool!" After this admonition there was si lence for five minutes. "She comes as a stranger and I 'pose I orter go over there and bid her welcome to our midst," the father aid. "Oh, there'll be at least a dozen there." "Who said so?" "I've heard 'em say so, and I Bhall be one of 'ein." "What in punk you goln' fur?" "To take her by the hand and wel come her, of course. That's only manners. We don't want her to think we are a couple of heathen." "Moses, 1 run this farm!" "You do, dad." "And this house!" s "Yep." "And our manners!" "Not disputed." "It's for me, as head of the house, to go over there and welcome the widder as a naybur, and for you to finish hoeliig that patch of corn." "Hut you orter put a new handle In that hoe," protested Moses. "Never you mind about me, but do as I tell you." "I wanted to see her the first thine and warn her ugln gome of the old widowers around here who are half crazy to marry anything that comes along." "Moses, do you mean me?" "Of course not, dad. You are neith er old nor would you marry again, even If a princess offered herself." "Well, you had best be a little more1 careful of your words." Nothing further was said that night nor until after breakfast next morn ing. Then the father observed: "1 s'pose others will be there, and I had bettor wear my Bunday suit." "For sure, dad. You'll probably have quite a talk with her. Will you mention me?" "What for?" "Why, tell her your son will call oon." "You may not call for a year. Get the chorea done up and then go for that corn." Farmer Waycroft had an hour's work yet to do before he could leave the bouse. He had been to the Til lage a couple of days before and pur chased a bottle of hair dye. Tnu must go on to bis gray whisker to knock Ave years off his age. There was an odor of bad eggs and sulphur, but the farmer stood it for the sake of result. When the Job was fin ished and be surveyed himself In the (lass be smiled and nodded. "Mose will notice It, of course, but I'll tell him that I upset a bottle of Ink on my whiskers. If be says be don't believe It I'll turn to and lick him. old as he Is!" Tbe widow hud arrived by the time the other farm was reached. She thanked everybody, but hadn't much time to talk. Farmer Waycroft was aware that she glanced at his whis kers with a Bmile, but whether of approval or not he couldn't exactly make out. He found her to be a brisk little woman of less than forty, and he did some pleasant thinking as he walked home. Moses was hoeing corn most furiously, and the father sus picioned something, but waited till eve ning to ask: "Moses, did you go over to the widow's?" "Why, I jest ran over to see If she got here safe." "But I told you to keep away from there." "Look here, dad, I'm not a kid. I'm twenty years old. I'm working for you as a hired man, but you mustn't try to boss me about outside things. If I can marry a nice widder with a nice farm I'm goin' to do it." "But thiB one is ten or fifteen years older than you are." "I have read that true love takes no account of years." "I'm a-telltn' you agin, young man, to keep away from the wldder's!" almost shouted the father. "I'm not goln' to see a son of mine make a fool of himself if I can help it." "Thanks, dad, but what about them whiskers of yourn!" "Moses, can't a father spill Ink on his whiskers without beln' insulted about it! I he can't then you had better draw your wages and dig out o' here!" That was the beginning of a thing that lasted three months and caused much rancor. Moses refused to be convinced that a young man of his age shouldn't have matrimonial designs against a widow even ninety years old, and the father kept his whiskers colored a Jet black and put his best foot foremoBt There was hardly an evening but that one or the other called, and by tacit consent they di vided the evenings. One sat -sulking at home while the other was absent, and when the absent ono walked into the house he was greeted with: "So you hung on until the widow had to kick you out!" "On the contrary, she wanted to know what my great hurry was to get home." "I'll bet she hoped you'd never come again!" "Why, she asked why I didn't come oftener!" , Their habit had been to work to gether in the field to sit and smoke and talk together to take turns about cooking and . to eat together, but all this was changed. Both went to Farm er Oxford at different times to ask a favor. When It was the father he said: I want you to talk to Moses. That boy Is making a perfect dum fool of hisself. He Is In love with the Widder Darrow, and he thinks she is Idiot nuff to take up with a boy of his age. Talk to him and make him un derstand what a ninny he Is. And when It was Moses he would say: "You have noticed dad's whlBkers, of course? "Wall, yes, I've klnda noticed 'em." "And smelt 'em?" "Jest a whiff or two now and then." "What d'ye 'spose he dyed 'em fur?" I don't know." "To make the Widder Darrow think he is ten years younger'n what he 1b! Talk to him and tell him what a fool he is. By George, but when an old man gets giddy what a circus he makes of hlmBelf! Talk to dad. Tell him to wash off that dye and go to reading his Bible and prepare for the grave! . This state of affairs continued for weeks, and after a bit the widow uarrow had knowledge of it. She had a vein of deviltry, and she helped It along in a way. She kept both father and son from talking love, but was charmingly friendly and time went on until the father said to him self one day: "I am goln' right over there to night and pop the question." And, curious coincidence, Moses thought and said the same thing. They dodged each other at the house and met at the widow's gate. They glared at each other. They Dreaiuea nara. t ney breathed harder They were about to clinch In deadly conflict when the widow came trip ping down io say: "When I left Kansas I was engaged to a nice man. He will be here to morrow, and we are to be married the day after. You are both Invited to the wedding. Looking Ahead. The weather Is capricious on the Bay of Fundy and weatherwlBe ones are in demand with summer tourists, "And can you really tell what the weather will be tomorrow?" Inquired a lady of an old salt "No, mum," said he promptly, "if as much as I can do to tell what the weather will be today. That's Right Clancy was somewhat amaied when be saw the throng that came to attend poor Casey's wake. "Bsgorra. musea uancy, "a man never knows how many friends he bat until they come to bis funeral." Forty Years, Marie That's a beautiful gown you have onl Molly Do you know that lace Is forty years old? Marie That so? Make It yourself? Effect and Cause. "I saw John eating In one of those serve-self places today." Ye. He sent me a large buncb ol America! beauties last evening." ntFf g Hill F OR 14 years England has been laughing over the kaiser's bar gain when he traded vast Ger man claims in eastern Africa for Heligoland, a tiny little tri angle in the North sea. The English men boasted over their good bargain md said the kaiser was crazy, and that in a short time it would be washed away by the sea. One famouB English author some years ago wrote a book on Germany, and In it he devoted a chapter to Heligoland, mostly making fun of the kaiser. He says the only reason the kaiser wanted it was bo that it would so down in history and be taught in the public schools that Wilhelm II had annexed something during his reign, ind that the kaiser would swell with pride every time he looked Into a German school text-book and read, 1890, Wilhelm II annexed Heligo- and." The whole article was written as though the joke on the kaiser was one of the best ever pulled off, and the chapter ends: "Poor little Heli goland melting away In the German ocean." But the kaiser did not let his little Island melt away. He got to work md bolstered up its sides and patched t and built new and wonderful forti- Icatlons, and today England 1b la menting her loss and would give her vast African territories and much more beside if she had hung on to her Heligoland and had not done so much boasting. Cosmopolitan Population. Today Heligoland is counted as the second strongest fort in the world, be- ng second only to Gibraltar. Hellgo aud lies opposite the mouths of the Rivers Elbe and Weser and guards he harbors of Bremen, Hamburg and he Kiel canal. Even the shape of the sland, that of a triangle, helps it in ts strategical position, 'ine town is lullt on one corner of the island and in a small plain on one side at the :oot of the cliffs, and a new landing place has been built since it has come nto the kaiser's possession. The population numbers between .wo and three thousand people, and One View of hey are a queer mixture of English uid German blood. In fact, every hing about the place is a mixture of hese two nations. For Instance, the impress of India hotel stands side by ilde with the Deutsche Reichs Adler, ind O'Brien strasse crosses Kaiser itrasse. The principal industries are fishing ud running hotels for the summer oarders who cross from Germany ach year to spend the summer, for :ho climate Is very fine. The Ilellgolanders themselves are well enough satisfied with the German rule, for although they cannot be law 'ess under the Germans, they can bet ter market their fish in Bremen and Hamburg, and they are much cleaner ind more prosperous. Order, cleanli less and prosperity are three things that follow German rule. On this Is land Richard Mansfield, the great act or, was born when his father was tatloned here as an army officer. Kiel Is the home of the German navy, the seat of the commander of the navy, and the Imperial Naval icademy. A better natural harbor than Kiel's would be hard to Imagine a narrow bay cutting deep Into the and. Magnificent harbor fortifica tions have transformed It Into a model sarbor for ships of battle. Kiel also guards the eastern end of the Kaiser Wilhelm canal that was built In 1905 from Kiel to the Elbe tcross Schleswlg-Holsteln'e neck. The building of this canal was a strategic rather than a commercial enterprise, ind It makes It possible for the war mips to be transferred from the Bal llo to the North sea without going iround Denmark. The whole thing , a very good example of modern i fill . - ut $ "i. i V I- an technique and hydraulic ea- am glneering, and cost the kaiser $39,000, 000. The canal is 113 miles long, 67 meterB wide and nine meters deep, making It possible for the largest war ships to go through. Since the Germans obtained pos session of the island, enormous sums have been spent upon fortifications, and so on, including $30,000,000 spent on protecting the coast from erosion. Probably It will never be known how many millions Germany has spent In strengthening the place. But it is known that a million and a half was spent in Improving the harbor as an anchorage for torpedo craft. Millions have been spent In forti fications and the construction of pow der magazines, while refuges have been built for the inhabitants as a protection against the island being shelled by an enemy. Two hundred feet from the water there stand a series of big gun bat teries and armored turrets. For purposes of protection, a cliff of granite was built, so that now the island to a large extent possesses cliffs which are purely artificial. In addition, hundreds of tons of cement were used to strengthen the face of the' natural rock. Most of the people depend for their livelihood upon the lobster and other fisheries, together with their harvest from the summer visitors. They live to long years, and have as their na tive tongue the North Frisian dialect. Once Overrun With Smugglers. In 1807 Great Britain obtained the island from the Danes. When she took possession of the island. It was the "jumping ground" of a horde of smugglers; there being practically no room left on the Island which was free from kegs and human beings. At the time the island was traded to Germany there was great dissat isfaction Bhown in each country. It was recognized by many far-BeoIng men that so long as we possessed Heligoland the Island was in the po sition of a menace to Germany. Those Germans who objected to the bargain were sore that Germany did not obtain a much larger territory; Heligoland even Bismarck said they had ex changed a pair of trousers for a mere button. It was then that the plateau was fortified. Quite recently some of the most massive guns produced by Krupps' were placed there, while provisions were. laid In sufficient to withstand siege of three years. Money, in fact was spent like water that the Island Bhould become the North sea store house of the German fleet. Activities of Women. Japan's empress is making bandages for the Red Cross nurseB. Queen Elena of Italy Is an Ideal true wife and mother. The Swedish parliament has re jected the woman suffrage bill. Paris dressmakers are now busily engaged In making hospital garments. Several hundred women Industrial workers In the state of Washington have asked the labor commissioner for permission to work for less than the minimum wages prescribed by law. Mrs. Laura C. Kellogg, a full-blooded Indian, acts as a lobbyist for her race in Washington and always sees to It that the Indian gets a fair hearing before congressional committees. Tbe percentages of failures among women students at Leland Stanford university ts only from 1 to 1 per 'cent, while that of the men range from 11 to 13 Vi per cent Sure. "Isn't It foolish for people to drink out ot bottles In the dark without knowing what they contain?" "Yes, but before the pure food law went Into effect people were always drinking out ot bottles without know ing what they contained." SAVING ON LAUNDRY bills Frequent Pressing Will Do Much To ward Preserving Appearance of the Thin Garments. The woman whose ambition It is to always look well dressed will pay spe cial attention to the pressing cf her garments. A linen shirt waist or suit j should be pressed after each wearing. All thin waists and dresses can be worn twice as long before being laun dered if they are pressed often. They are UBually more mussed than soiled when put In the wash. Garments which must be pressed on the wrong side, but which need a touch on the right side, may be pressed very nicely pro vided a piece of smooth tissue paper is used to protect the goods from the hot iron. When Ironing silks and ribbons the uee of tissue paper will prevent them from becoming shiny. A white frock or blouse that is soiled in places, but not enough to require laundering, may be much improved by the following method: Dissolve some gloss starch In warm water, moisten the soiled portions with this mixture and press carefully. The gar ment will look almost as good as new and may be worn several times with out laundering. Lingerie waistB will not get mussed nearly ae soon and are much easier to iron when subjected to the following method: Wash as usual, but do not starch. When dry, dip In borax water, using one tablespoonful of borax to one quart of warm water. Wring out and fold In a towel for a few hours, then Iron dry, VARIOUS USES FOR HERBS All That Are Grown In the Garden Have Their Peculiar Qualities That Should Be Understood. Save: Mint, for meat sauces. Angelica, for flavoring cakes. Lavender, for oil and distilled water. Sage, for Bausage and meat dress ings. Sweet fennel, leaves used in fish sauces. Dill, the seeds are used to flavor pickles. Borage, leaves boiled as dandelion or spinach. Thyme, in gravies and dressings of stuffed meats. Chives, leaves used for flavoring soups and salads. Borage, balm and catnip are useful where one has bees. Tarragon, leaves useful In giving flavor to vinegar and pickles. Coriander, fennel and caraway seeds are used for flavoring fruit sirups and cakes. Among those having medicinal value are arnica, hops, catnip, bene, penny royal, belladonna, sage, rue, horehound, marshmallow, wormwood, hyssop and peppermint. - Fig and Nut Jelly. Wash a cupful of pulled figs in cold water. Put over a slow fire with twn cupfuls of cold water and stew figs un. cu tenaer. skim out figs and to the juice add one-half cupful of sugar and boll until it is like thin sirup (there should be one cupful of liquid). Chop figs and one-quarter cupful of shellnd pecans not very fine. Soak one-half box of gelatine In one cupful of cold water for half an hour. To the gela tine add one-half teaspoonful of lemon juice, and to the flg sirup add one-half cunful of boilintr water. Strain thmirh fine sieve or piece of cheesecloth. When nearly set, add nuts and figs. Turn Into molds and set In onnl niano for three hours, Serve with whipped cream. To Peel a Tomato. The tomato season Is with us, and many a housekeeper would be glad to know how to slip the skin off without the use of boiling water. Press the back or blunt part of knife against the tomato, keep pressing around from center to core, two or three times, without breaking the sklni then strip off, with the same result as using hot water. This la easy to do and Is espe cially nice In summer, when you prefer tomatoes cold for salad. Creamed Celery, Remove the leaves and small stalks from two heads of celery, wash and cut in half-Inch lengths. Boll in salted water until tender. While the celery Is boiling make a sauce of one cupful of cream or thick milk and one table spoonful of butter mixed with flour. Boil the sauce until It is smooth and thick. When the celery Is ready, drain and place It In a dish, pour over the lauce and serve. Keeping Lemons. Lemons may be kept soft and fr.w for some time either by keeping them In a Jar of water or by coating each lemon with white of egg. Two or three whites will be sufficient tor a great many lemons. Roll them In the white ind let them dry. When they are re quired for use rub the coating oft with rour nanus. T Cook an Egg. Have the water boiling rapidly, then break the egg Into It and set It on top at the stove, or where It will keep warm for three minutes; then serve. The egg will be Jellied all tbe way through. This Is the beat way to cook It tor a little child. Jam and Marmalade Hint When making jam or marmalade) idd a piece of butter about the six ot in egg before removing !t from the) lire. This makes the fruit look clear rUhout skimming it PREPARING THE SALAD IMPORTANT POINTS THAT MUST BE, REMEMBERED. Flavor Should Be Varied, and That la by No Means a Hard Task Mix the Dish Immediately Be ' fore 8ervlng. Avoid giving all salads the same taste by flavoring them with some condiment one is perhaps over-fond of. Variety 1b the main spice of salads as of life. While connoisseurs all agree that pure, fresh olive oil Is the best for salads, there are people who prefer the fat smoked bacon and relish Its flavor above all else. It Is well to remember that we should know how to substitute ona condiment or another,, if necessary, md not go saladlesa for want of one particular flavoring material. Salt is perhaps the one indispensa ble seasoning, and of all flavoring lubstances the onion Is the moBt valu able and enjoyable to all, even to those who would not willingly eat the salad if they knew the onion had been used. For use In salads, how Bver, the onions must be mild In flavor ind their presence cunningly con cealed. Salads of all kinds should be gently handled. That Is, they should not be heavily turned, but mixed In a very large bowl, by running the fork and spoon down the sides of the dish and then gently tossing the salad with an upward movement, letting It mix as It falls back. In mixing a plain lettuce or 'other green salad It Is well to put the oil on first and then carefully toss the leaves iibout until all are covered, In every part, with a thin coating of the oil. Then add the other Ingredients and toss again. A small quantity of oil Is sufficient when this method of thor ough mixing is observed. Lettuce should always be very care Tully cleaned several hours before it ia wanted and then wrapped In a wet iloth and put directly on Ice until it is wanted. A salad should never be mixed un til Just before It is to be served. The various accompaniments of a Balad add much to its attractiveness. One thing full of possibilities is the wafer. These should always be crisp, and If they are damp they can l irisped in the oven. Small wafers flavored with cheese are delicious with salad. Sp are thin salt wafers dotted with butter and sprinkled with pep per and browned in the oven. These 3hould be served hot. ' . Then there is the cheese of various sorts that is served with salad. Im ported cheese, naturally, is going up In price because of the war, but noth ing Is better than Philadelphia cream jheese, made into little balls and rolled In ground nut meats, or with two halves of walnuts or pecans pressed Into the Bides of a cheese ball. American domestic cheese sprinkled on wafers which are heated in the oven is also decidedly appetizing. ! Stuffed Cucumbers. Peel the cucumbers, cut them In halves lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Mix together equal parts of finely chopped cooked veal and ham, add half the quantity of fine bread crumbs, moisten with melted butter and season with pepper, salt and a few drops of onion Juice. Fill the cucumbers, place the halves together and tie with soft twine. Put them In a baking pan, pour in one cupful of stock and bake until tender. Remove the twine, put the cucumbers on a hot platter, thicken the gravy In the pan, pour It over and around the cucum bers and serve. Clean Up Rubbish. If you, the housewife, get a wee hit tired of the dally round sometimes, vow a vow and keep It. Each housecleanlng time throw away or give away or sell everything that you do not need. Let all the rooms have nothing superfluous, but be particular to have the sleeping rooms bo simply furnished that five minutes will suflice to set one in order and one hour to clean it thoroughly. Evaporated Apple Pies. One-quarter box of evaporated ap ples and one half pound of rhubarb, to a pie. Soak the apples over night Peel and cut rhubarb in small pieces. Use the usual amount of sugar for ap ple pies, a pinch of salt and a few bits of butter. Can use a little spice If you like. The rhubarb gives the Davor of green apples. Cauliflower Au Parmesan. Cook the cauliflower In boiling salted water until tender and break it intn small branches. Butter a baklne dish put in the cauliflower with stems down, cover with white sauce, sprinkle with two tableipoonfuls of grated parmesan, cover with buttered crumbs and bake until brown. Broiled Green Peppers, Cut young green peppers Into quar tars, remove the seeds and partitions place on a greased broiler, cook over a clear fire until the edges curl, sprinkle with a dash of salt, dot with bit of batter and serve on cooked beef. For Fin Collar and Cuff. Before washing fine lace or muslin collars arid cuffs always baste them onto a pice of heavier muslin. You will and It excellent to prevent their tear ing or stretching In the process ot laundering.