GATHERING THE HARVEST OF DEATH All along the valley of the Iviurne and the couuio iu-ua uoout over which the Immense1 armies of Germany and the allies fought as the former advanced toward Paris and then fell back- the French peasants have been busy with the grim task of burying the dead Boldlers. Scenes like those In the Illustration were repeated endlessly. At the right Is seen the simple cross marking the grave of a French soldier, his cap and scarf at its foot. CARRANZA WOULD LEAVE MEXICO Condition That Villa and Zapata Abandon All Power. Chief Says Dream of Opponents Is 7o Constitute Rulers of Both Nation and States. Mexico City The resignation of General Venustiano Carranza as pro visional president and first chief of the constitutionalist army, based on the condition that Generals Villa and Zapata also retire to private life, was read to the peace convention at AguaB Calientes Saturday. In the document General Carranza even expressed a willingness to leave the country if his absence would tend toward the re-establishment of peace. The message caused a turmoil In the convention hall, and at one time spec tators tried to intervene and break up the meeting. Order finally was re stored and business proceeded. What action, if any, was taken on the re signation was not known here. In demanding that Villa and Zapata retire, General Carranza said : "There Ib a greater ambition than that of being president of the republic, and that is to hold such military om nipotence as to permit one man to oversway all powers of union. The insistence of General Villa in keeping command of a division supposed to be all-powerful and at the same time pre tending to re-establish at once consti tutional order upon the basis of the old regime is a clear indication that the dream of this chief is to constitute himself arbiter of the destinies of Mexico, with the faculties to appoint a president, elect a congress, designate a supreme court and rule the govern ment of all the states. I am ignorant of what the pretensions of of General Zapata are, but believe they will not differ greatly from those of General Villa. "1 wish that my retirement from power shall not be sterile and that I am not merely to relinquish the field to enemies of the revolution, to chief tains with personal ambitions. I con sequently state to the convention that I am disposed to deliver the command of the constitutionalist army and the executive power of the nation, and if necessary to leave the country, only under the three following conditions: "First A preconstitutionalist gov ernment shall be established with the support of the constitutionalist army until such time aa conditions justify a legal, constitutional regime. "Second General Villa shall resign, not his candidature to the presidency or vice presidency, which have never been offered him, but military com mand of the northern division, retiring to private life and leaving the repub lic, if the convention Bhould vote that it would be wise for me to do so. "Third General Zapata shall resign his command likewise, turning the same over to a general designated by the convention. Pinch Due to Economies. London The economy being prac ticed by English women at present is causing lack of work in certain branch es of ,trade. At a meeting of relatively unemployed people here it was said that one-third of the 66,000 dressmak ers in London are on short time be cause even the well-to-do are buying cheap ready-made clothing. It was also said that one-fourth of the 14,000 millinery workers are on short time. Statistics presented indicated that there are 8000 more unemployed per aons in London now than t year ago. . Reversing Big Fan Saves Lives of 285 Coal Miners Royalton, 111. The disaster at the mine of the Franklin Coal & Coke com pany, near here Thursday, in which probably 50 men perished, was due to an explosion that resulted when a miner's lamp came in contact with a pocket of gas that had been noted the night before by a mine examiner and marked dangerous. The loss of life was due directly to the precautionary action of the mine manager in ordering the engineer to reverse the ventilating fan. To this action, though it caused the death of 50 who were rushing toward the air- shaft, is attributed the fact that 285 men who had scattered through the workings escaped from the mine alive. These facts were brought out when the near completion of the work of rescue made possible an investigation of the causes of the accident. The widows of two Italian miners among those killed in the explosion were found dead in their shacks here. Physicians declared they had died from grief and shock. With scores of others these two women stood at the mouth of the mine all day and late into the night, vainly waiting for their husbands. Archduke's Assassin Gets Twenty Years in Prison Vienna Gavrio Prinzip's youth it was stated here Friday, was what saved him from death for the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the latter's wife at Serajevo last sum mer. Prinzip's trial, together with those of the persons accused of complicity with him in the assassination plot, was finished at Serajevo Wednesday. Of the persons convicted, four were sentenced to hang, one to life impris onment, two, including Prinzip, to 20 years in prison, one to 16 years, one to 13, two to 10, one to 7 and two to 3. Ten were acquitted. is less than 21 years old, and for this reason it was predicted all along that he would escape with his life. Jerusalen Is Starving. New York One hundred thousand inhabitants of Jerusalem are facing starvation, according to Samuel Edel man, American vice consul In that city, who reached here Thursday. Two thirds of the residents of Jerusalem are Jews, Mr. Edelman said. For many years they have depended upon their earnings from tourists and on charity for support and the war has cut off all their sources of subsistence. "There are no industries in the city and little cultivation of the surround ing territory. The cold and rainy sea son is now approaching and indications are that the suffering soon will be in tense. Mr. Edelman said. Belgian Loss 25 Per Cent London The correspondent of the Daily Mail in northern France says "More than 10,000 Belgians have been killed or wounded, which is a quarter of their force operating in the last bat' tie. They have been defending a slip of territory from Dixmude to Nieu port, region hardly bigger than a big German farm. Nearly all their wound ed have been wounded in the back, but never were wounds more honorable as the bullets hit them as they lay prone under the hail of the steel volcano. Their fate is the tragedy of this war." Belgian Coast is Quiet, Amsterdam The correspondent at Sluis of the Telegraaf reports that re markable quiet prevails along the coast of Belgium. The German gar- riBons at Bruges, Heist and Knocke, he says, are not large. The German commander at Bruges has published a proclamation ordering all British sub ject between the ages of 16 and 60 to leave Belgium. As the railways are occupied with the transportation of German troops, the exodus of the Brit ishers ii proceeding slowly. IN EUROPE HOLLAND MAKES READY FOR WAR Massing of German Troops on Border Disturbs Dutch. Army of 300,000 Hollanders Sta tioned on Frontier Cruisers Ready Rivers Mined. Eoosendaal, Holland Holland is feeling the presure of the war almost as much as if she were engaged in it. The report that the Germans are mass ing large numbers of troops on the eastern border is causing great uneasi ness throughout the country. The alleged discovery of a tennis court with cement nine feet thick on the property of a German in the vicin ity of Arnheim, and statements that German spies have been active near Arnheim and at other points close to the German border seem to intensify the anxiety of the Hollanders. A Dutch army of more than 300,000 trained men is scattered at strategic points along the Belgian and German border. Roosendaal is the principal troop center, as it is the only railway gate to Belgium that is now open Hundreds of military automobiles leave here daily with messages and supplies for the border troops. The mouth of the River Scheldt and all the canals are heavily guarded. A large garrison at Flushing is guarding the docks and railway station, to pre vent any attempt to violate the neu trality of the Scheldt. The river is heavily mined, and Dutch cruisers and torpedo boat de stroyers are lying at its mouth to give any necessary co-operation to the land forces. The horrors of the war have been forced on virtually all the cities, towns and country districts by the Belgian refugees, who are estimated to aggre gate 800,000. The Dutch government is paying to the cities 30 cents a day for food for each refugee. The cities bear the other expenses connected with the influx. The refugees are unwilling to return to Belgium, although Hollnnd has offered them free transportation. The appearance of Bcarlet fever among the refugees at Flushing is causing some alarm owing to the corwded conditions there. There is no compulsory vaccination law in Belgium, and Hollanders there- fore are alarmed by reports that there is smallpox among the refugees. Battleship Gun Bursts. London A dispatch to the Central News from Rome says : "The captain of an Italian steamer which has just arrived at Naplts from Trieste reports that on the voyage on the Adriatic he observed an Austrian dreadnought under way for Pola, the Austrian naval base. The dread nought had come from Cattaro, where during a recent action one of her eight inch guns burst, causing a magazine to explode. The vessel was seriously damaged. Her turret was blown up and there were rents in her sides. Hongkong Bart Enemies. Hongkong The legislative council of Hongkong has passed an ordinance to go into effect immediately compell ing all enemies of Great Britain resid ing within the colony to bring their business enterprises to an end and de part. The government will appoint liquidators. Any persons purchasing such a foreign business must show their good faith. LONGEST SESSION HAS ADJOURNED Cotton Men Are Promised Con sideration Next Time. 'God Bless Us Everyone" Says Speaker Clark Senate Closes With Small Ceremony. Washington, D. C. After nearly 19 months of continuous session, the long est ever taken, the Sixty-third Con gress adjourned its second session Sat urday, after the collapse of prolonged efforts to procure cotton growers' re lief legislation. Leaders in this movement agreed to adjourn, however, only on the condi tion that pending cotton relief meas ures would have the right of way when congress reconvenes December 7. Not more than 50 members of the house and less than a quorum of the senate were in attendance when the gavels fell in adjournment without day. The end was accomplished through a concurrent reslution, ending the ses sion at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, but clocks were ahead, actual adjournment occurring at 3 :22 in the house and at 3 :27 in the senate. As the altered hands of the house clock drew near 4, while the senate was winding up the legislative busi ness, Speaker Clark arose at his desk, and, facing the scattered attendance on the floor, said : "This is the longest and most labor ious session that congress ever has known. I contratulate you most heartily on being able to adjourn at last. I wish to thank the house Democrats, Republicans, Progressives and Independents for uniform cour tesy shown to the speaker. Now, in the language of Tiny Tim : 'God bless us everyone.' " The senate adjournment was prob ably the most undemonstrative in its history. Democratic leaders and a few Republicans were sitting behind closed doors, confirming nominations, when word came that the house had carried out the adjournment resolution. Senator Kern, the majority leader, at once moved to open the doors. When this was ordered, the doorkeeper hur riedly set the clock ahead and Senator Swanson, of Virginia, presiding in the absence of Vice President Marshall and President Pro Tempore Clarke, an nounced that the senate was adjourned, Senators who had remained for the finality hurriedly left the chamber. The announcing of the abandonment of the filibuster for cotton legislation followed a conference held early in the day. Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, and Representative Henry, of Texas, told the senate and house it was ap parent no quorum could be procured for consideration of cotton legislation at this time, and that further filibus tering might injure chances of ulti mate success. Representaive Henry expressed his conviction that congress would be con vened in extraordinary Bession by the middle of November, when the fight could be resumed. One of the last acts of the house was the adoption of a resolution au thorizing the appointment of a com mittee to investigate cotton conditions in the South and to report possible measures for Federal aid by December 15. On the committee were Repre sentatives Mann, Austin, Henry, Lever, Heflin, Bell, of Georgia, and Langley. Swiss Officials Imprison and Fine German Spies Geneva Three German spies, hav ing headquarters in Geneva, were sen tenced by the third military tribunal here Saturday. The three are : Lieu tenant Colonel Otto Ulrich, of Berlin; Dr. Wohllander and Herr Kohr, chemist. They were charged with plotting against Engand and France and thereby viollatmg Swiss neutral ity. Colonel Ulrich was not present, hav ing gone into hiding, presumably some where in Switzerand. He was sen tenced in default to serve two years in prsion and pay a fine of 1000. Dr. Wohlander must Berve three months and pay a fine of $200, and Herr Kohr must remain in prison two months and pay a fine of $100. All three were sentenced to expulsion from Switzer land for life after serving their sen tences. Maritz Is Driven Back. London "Lieutenant Colonel Mar itz, the head of the rebellion in British South Africa, attacked Keimos, Cape Province, at 5 o'clock on the moming of October 22 with a force of more than 1000 men, including several hun dred Germans and artillery and ma chine guns," Bays an official statement from Pretoria. "Our casualties were 10 wounded. The enemy left two, one a German and the other a native. A previous dispatch from Cape Town said in a battle on October 22 a defeat was administered to Colonel Maritz. Adventists to Extend Missions. Washington, D. C. Missionary ex tensions to new parts of China, Japan, the Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands, Cuba, Manchuria, the Malay Islands and sections of the Bahamas and South America were determined on at the fall council of the general conference of Seventh Day Adventists in Takoma Park. Berlin Seems Untouched By Horrors of Big War Berlin The horrors of the war, which have shrouded London and Paris in darkness at night and laid Belgium and all Northern France in ruin, have so far failed to touch Berlin. An American who recently arrived from London remarked that there was less of nervous anxiety here than in the British capital, and he saw evi dence of this in the fact that Berlin still shows its usual blaze of electric lamps at night, while London, fearing an unhearlded visit from Zeppelins, has greatly reduced its illumination, just as Paris has done for the same reason. Another cause for comment was to see so many capable of doing military duty Btill movnig about the streets, engaged in their customary work. As a matter of fact, most of the military barracks of the empire still are well filled with soldiers, for the most part men who are to receive further drill ing before going to the front. Another class of soldiers now fre quently seen on the streets are the con valescent wounded. The life of Berlin, in fact, centers just now about the wounded soldier, as well as the soldier in the field. Social life is dominated by benevolence for him. Women and girls are indus triously knitting stockings and wrist lets for him, and wherever they go, at the afternoon coffee party, at the busi ness meetings of the numerous soci eties for assisting the sick and wound ed, even occasionally at concerts and in other public places, their fingers are busy with their work. Nearly every Berlin woman of the wealthier classes is doing something to help. Some are working in the kitchens conducted for the feeding of the poor; some in charity organiza tions which are looking after the chil dren of the soldiers at the front, left without adequate means of support, and many are nursing sick or wounded soldiers. , Klondikers Organize and Join forces of England Dawson, Y. T. Yukon's contribu tion to Lord Kitchener's force, a mounted light machine gun detach ment, completely outfitted and equip ped at the expense of Joseph White side Boyle, president and manager of the Canadian Klondike company, oper ating the largest dredges in the world near here, passed Prince Rupert en route to Victoria for formal recruiting, according to word received here. The detachment of 60 husky Klon dikers is commanded by Andy Hart, who was chief of the Dawson fire de partment for three yearB and who is a veteran of the South African war, where he served with the Lovats scouts. He is also a veteran of the Egyptian expedition with Wolsey. Other members of the company are mainly miners. Most of them were born in Canada or the British Isles, but the contingent contains several born in the United States. Fitting out the detachment will cost from $50,000 to $75,000. The men will wear uniforms of yellow mack inaws and sombreros. Many more Klondikers wanted to join, but the number was limited to 50. The town of Whitehorse alone had 16 candidates, but there was room for only one when the company arrived there. Before the boys left Dawson and Whitehorse they were feted at din ners, dances, mass meetings and parades. Germany Would Respect Our Monroe Doctrine Washington, D. C. Count Berns dorff, the German ambassador to the United States, announced Tuesday that he had formally communicated to the Washington government the determin ation of Germany to respect the Mon roe doctrine, whatever the outcome of the European war. After considerable search his note to the State department was discovered, but its text was not made public, prob ably because the communication had figured in exchanges of cipher mes sages with Berlin. Its substance was communicated to the press, however, by Acting Secre tary Lansing, who said: "The German ambassador oh Sep tember 3 last, in a note to the depart ment of State, said that he was in structed by his government to deny most emphatically the rumors to the effect that Germany intends, in case she comes out victorious in the present war, to seek expansion in South America." Mrs. Derby Gives Cheer. Paris Mrs. Richard Derby, daugh ter of Theodore Roosevelt, brought good cheer Sunday to the refugees in stalled at the Northern Railway depot. While visiting the station with her hus band, Mrs. Derby noticed one particu larly unfortunate young woman from Lille who nursed a baby. Mrs. Derby removed her cloak and gave it to the young woman. The misery of the re fugees brought tears to Mrs. Derby's eyes, and she distributed gold pieces among them. Her husband meantime gave cigarettes to the soldiers. Submarines for Troops. London A dispatch from Copen hagen to the Daily Mail under Satur day's date says: "It is reported from Berlin that a new type of submarine is being built at Elbing and Hamburg to be used only for the transportation of troops, the object being to reach shore unnoticed and land troops. NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK Resume of World's Important Events Told in Brief. Rolorinn rafmraes in Holland will not be forced to return to their nativity. Tnrlrav Vina nnened war on RusBia and begun bombardments on the Black sea. Rpcrinnincr nf winter in EuroDe has r - lessened the night attacks of the op posing armies. It is reDorted in Rome that the Ger man crown prince has been wounded while leading an attack on Verdun. TVia Newamrwr nf France savs the Relorinn nnxliRment will be called into session at Havre Borne time in Novem ber. England declares the report that the Indian troops in Egypt are in mutiny is false, because there are no such troops in that country. The Northern Pacific railroad has ordered 117 more freight cars to haul the immense crops, also its president says $1,500,000 will be expended in improving the line. Arguments in the Federal Buit to dissolve the United States Steel cor poration, have closed, and, it is said, the court may not reach a decision until next summer. The Swedish steamship Omen, from Portugal for Gothenburg, Sweden, hit a mine Monday in the North sea, and sank off Cuxhaven. Five members of her crew were drowned. A dispatch received from Roosen daal says that 14,500 Belgian refugees returned Tuesday and 12,850 Wednes day to Antwerp, but that 5500 of them have left the city again for Holland. All the German army corps on the left bank of the Vistula in Poland are in full retreat, according to an official report from Petrograd made public in Washington by the Russian embassy. The London Daily News' correspond ent on the allies' left wing reports that a German submarine boat which attacked the British battleship Vener able off the Belgian coast has been sunk. A squadron of British torpedo boat destroyers has sunk the Adriatic, a German steamship, which had been converted into a cruiser, according to a dispatch from Barcelona to the Havas News agency. The British res cued the German crew. It is announced in London that when parliament reassembles on November 11, Premier Asquith will move a vote for another $500,000,000 on account of the war. A similar amount was voted in AugUBt, of which $350,000,000 has already been expended. The Cologne Gazette says it has learned from Berlin that soldiers of various general units, which have be come exhausted and weakened owing to the long stay in the trenches, are being sent home on a furlough lasting from five to seven days. The London Daily Chronicle's Paris correspondent asserts that with a view to detaching France from the allies, Germany has made an offer to conclude peace on the basis of the cession of Metz and possibly a portion of Alsace to France. The offer, according to the correspondent, was rejected. West Virginia has snow storm and mercury stands at 30 degrees. A dinnnfph frnm Rarlin Maim. C. TjT ; vkai... WUI11IO uci- many hords 296,869 prisoners. Germany is now a heavy buyer of cotton from the United States. President Jefferson's friend, Thomas G. Fagg, aged 93 years, dies in a sani tarium in St. Louis. Products from five states are being shown in the Manufacturers' and Land Show being held in Portland. Canada is raising a Becond army of 15.000 to aid England, whii-h will am. bark for thatcountry in December. It is reported that 7,000,000 Bel gians are facine starvation and that the food supply will last only two weeks. When dealers advance prices of po tatoes in Amsterdam, people start riot and deBtroy greater part of stock be fore, the police arrive. A woman, widowed by the Titanic disaster, has become the wife of a man picked up by the lifeboat she was saved by. They will reside in Hunt ington, W. Va. Judges of the Mississippi Supreme court heard arguments while clad in overalls and cotton shirts. Attorneys presenting cases were clothed simi larly. The departure from conven tional dress was the result of a . local "cotton day" in furtherance of the "wear cotton clothes" movement in the South. F. H. Crosby, of San Francisco, has purchased the entire stocks and bonds of the Northwestern Long Distance Telephone company for $360,000. A thrashing at home with a birch rod was the sentence meted out to three grammar school boys in Ply mouth, Mass., when they were found guilty of burglary. Seventy-one Japanese held as pris oners in Germany have been released and escorted safely out of the country. This leaves 38 Japanese in addition to number of children, who still are be lieved to be held in Germany.