T e ninnies Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 1, NQ. jo, MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 5,1914 THE YEAR $1.5Q Tin Maiaple BOX SOCIAL AND BIG DANCEJI. EVE, A box social and dance will be given by the band boys of Mau pin, Friday evening. The event promises to be a success and ev erybody is invited. - The baskets will be auctioned,' ' and from all indications it looks like they will be well filled. An all night dance will be giv en and those ' big lunches will come in just right. Fridav, November 6, is the date, and the dancers from neigh loring sections, are expected to participate. Come one! Come all J VALLEY ROLLER MILL Friday afternoon at 1:30 p. m, fire was discovered in the inter ior of the Valley Roller Mills at Tygh Valley. It was ablaze throughout in ten minutes, and it kept every citizen busy pro- Clyde Williams of Modesto,1 Caif, son of Mrs. Bates Shattvfck arrived Tuesday morning for a visit. J. W. Ward had the misfor tune to break the steering gear of his car last Thursday evening, as he was crossing the John West bridge. The car fell eight feet, breaking the front part in many places and giving Mr. Ward a good shaking up. The sale on Jupiter Flat netted tecting their property, as the fire for a time, threatened the en-1$1 400 00( cash(( last Saturday. This section is not financially em And with Oregon dry, the hop Industry becomes a hop-less pro blem. Wheat is selling high and if some one can transform hops into wheat, great will he be, . On to Germany tnit your stein, Lawrence Harphan had a se' vere attack of the croup, Sunday Mrs- P. A, French of The Dalles, gave birth to twin boys, last week. She is sister to Mrs. E. A. May hew. How dry will it be ) tire town. The mill was a total loss, ex cepting the flume. The dynamo whiph was the means of furnish ing Tygh Valley with lights was also destroyed. A. M. Young, the manager of the mill estimates a $10,000.00 loss. A deflective flue is thought to be ' the origin of the fire. $5,000.00 insurance was parried. A new light plant will be in stalled at once at the mill power site. Experience has , George Vonderpool took the writer over to Tygh Valley, Mon day evening, to listen to the band. He is trimming the boys up in good shape and before many months the band will be giving concerts. Apples and Onions FOR SALE and F. ancy - T -.ill 1.1S1.. l T,r,V. Afollo,. IT.-. CUs-ir - Winter Appks of the following varieties; ' 1 Jonathan, Grimes Gbldeii; Wiiiesap and Rome feeanty at $t. to per box. Also, otiibtiS i at $t.5o per Well filled sack; These products are as good as can be grown iii the North west; well packed and guaranteed in eVery way; The same goods will be delivered to Dufur or sold at iny Orchards for $t;ob for Apples and $1,30 for Onions; Delivered iu quantities elsewhere at pro rata rate. i M. M. BDRTNER, Dufur, Ore. Phone or Address t barrassed, even though the mon ey curbing monopilies have been getting in their work for politi cal purposes all over the country to starve the common people in to voting for the ticket that mon ey can dictate to. Cashier Conklin, of the Maupin State Bank, made his semi monthly visit to Portland, the first of the week, to enjoy Sun day with his family. Happv Kenton, with the Gen eva Lockes Co., likes our town sp well he wants to come back, states D. A. Moad, An oppor- tunity to have a dramatic clubi Heap fire water season. Suspicious people deserve to be watched much more, than those With whom they are suspicious. J. S; Fraley and family( of Womack, is visiting at the Earn est Mayhew home, this week. The loyal support of every man , woman and child, is needed in Southern Wasbo county to keep a newsDaoer in its midsti We are seeking correspondents in every suction of this part of the County and it will be a pleasure to rep resent any community or rural section through our columns. An editor wants the good will of everyone. The paper which he nublishes, miist be for the good of all, and fearless; Anyone wishing to trade for Idaho ranch property, inquire at proved that Colorado Fencing is Hard to Beat-It Stays Stretched Car Load Just Arrived Two Years Ago we sold a car load of this fencing. Last Season we sold our second car and didn't have enough, i'his Season we expect to sell two cars BECAUSE: Our prices are Right Our terms are Right and Because we never had kick on Colorado Fencing. Now m Stock 20 and 26 Light and 26 Regular. Also light and heavy painted or galva. uized Barb Wire and Staples 1 SHATTUCK. BROS. The Store of Better Service ! SOTEmsssia I this office. DID YOU L O A L .All Around Town i .. t put up plenty of canned peaches canned pears canned apricots canned grapes, etc; 6iir stock is complete & fresh Come and inspect our line of shoes arid sweaters for young and old ALL NEW W. U STAATS & CO- Auctioneer Thrall was in town was in town Saturday. He hlade the bidders go some at the big sherriff's sale Saturday. L. D. Kelly run his car ihto a boulder, Saturday, nnd bent thfe front axle. A good idea to move all boulders in the streets of Maupin. Tliey are dangerous to pedestrians as well as riders; A sale will be held in Tygh Valley ot the K. L. Hauser ranch on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 10 -J a. m. Free lunch. If you are in the market for a fine quality of apples or onions read the ad of M. M. Burtner in another cdlurnn. Tell us the news. The Titties. Subscribe today! Note the advertisements in this issue. Tirade at home and build up bur resources. I carrv all kindsof Stdne 8 fd d Dins Emmons the Jeweler. Try those Salted nuts at the Styer Confectionary. Geo. S, Gray takes orders for harness at rock bottom rjriceSj Attend the Thanksgiving ball at Fishers hall, east of Maupin; I on the Hunts Ferry sid'i Tur key and oyster supper. See Shattuck Biro's for pota toos and onions- They will make you such a low price, it will cause the onions td make the po- tatoe's eyes Water. Get in your winter supply, while they last. Mrs. A. A. Canfield. postmis tress of Criterion, was a business visitor here this week. Anyone wishing a change of ad must have their copy in not latter than Monday afternoon bf each week, or it will have to gd until the next issue. Alun Andrews, a nephew of lj Henry Brown'; of this j-kce. ar f ' ; Hvfcd home from Sandy, thi '.. ', week, where hsiiu ijen visit Have ybu sampled those salted nuts just received at Styer s.' Try them and you'll want more. I Carry all kinds of stones for rings aha pins Emmons tne Jeweler. By subscribing for this paper, you build "up Southern Wasco county. See election returns as Final as" we can get by wire up to time of going to press. SJlf 4 ila Special fares to Portland for the Manufactured and Land Products Exposition Open Oct. 26 close Nov. l4 Sale dates from Central Oregon points on Oregon Trunk Ry., Oct. 27, 30, Nov. 3, 6, 10, 13. with return limit Monday fdlldwing date of sale. Open rate of 1 1-3 fare. Apple district competition, Twenty Counties Displays, $10,000.00 in Cash Premiums, Medals and Diplomas for Displays, 20,000 (square feet floor space For further details consult': A.Locke, Agent , Maupin MRAL That Are Meals The Kind We Alwayt At Reasonable Pric When in Town M Hotel Your He A Cordial Weh OTEL D. A. V BOARD AND ROOM F t 3 43 iometoA" g j ing his sister'. H in"