The Tum-A-Lum Vay To our Cusomcr; 1 Our engineering department at Walla Valla js equipped with, architect and engineers who supply us with free plans and specifications containing cornplete working drawing? and details, If yon contemplate erecting a new hope, pur big $15, ooo plan book of pyer one hundred contains ypur "ipjSAL HOME'' Thjs pjau bopkjs the best ever published. ' All desigus therein have been built many times, pur material lists and, cost data therein are accurate, We can give you an estimate of actual costpp your ground "in no time.'-' Plans for JJarns, Silos, milk houses, Hog sheds, model Schools and Churches, Banks and Office buildings with the latest ideas are furnished. building right, f.THf TyVl-A LUM WY'' you gef the most for the least cost. See Peter Ktfburg About it at The Home of "TyM-A-LUMPER'1 The Maupin Times published pvpry Wednesday at Maupjp, Pregpn, By W. C. WALKER. - : : 1 : -r- . ubscriptipn: One Year, $1.50,Six Months 75cts.Three lonths 50cts qCTOBER LOCALS All Around Tpwn Mrs. D. A. Moad js pn the sipk. ist this week. Mrs. W( H- ?raPtat returned frorn Djfur where she has been visiting. jShe states that an oil excitement js ftbo to materjlipe there, . Dr, Hpttfield the reliable den tist is doing Tygh yalley tjis week. The BANP BpyS wi)l give a DACE, October 30, and every body js invjted. Qpme put and give tjie bpys a lift, they de serve it, Wilson and Roberts states they wil have a bjg hpg sae, on their ranch 3 and one half miles north east of Wapinitia, on Saturday, October 3J. A BPd opportuni ty to. get anything in the hog jine. Several cpws and palves wil) be auctioned, T'1 sde is also stated to commence, aj: JjQO o'clock. A car load of wire fencing and barb wire., arrived at the. JJunts Ferre depot fo,r ShattucK Pros., this week, Qp"k business. Car lots save money, Oth Birthday Celebration Sundry, October 11, was the 90th birthday of Grandma Cooks en.- i j , i i one nj0yeu me uay Dy nnving - borhcod of $i0oo.OO, The. bot her children with her an attend. ; toms are similar in con8truction ing church. Believing in the. to the regular No. 50 14 Oli vet Almighty God, she is one Of his horae gang plows and fire mount tireless workers. We wish her, ed on a flexible frame to allow many more birthdays. for inequalities of ground. Jessie Those of her children who;Fieming has had the matter of were, present were Mrs.. S. E. the. selection of a suitable-plow Rice, of Spokane, Wash., Mrs. in hand for some time, finanally Katie McCabe and husband of deciding on the Oliver as bet Tygh Valley. Dollie, Johnson adapted for tjie worki Thjs ,ow and husband; Mrs. W. H. Cookllgbfthe -bl.eak Ut t and Ann llttln rliimr htop nf ' MAeto.. ... . .. . . T ; A" ' , . . Ore., James Cook of Shawbndge, Mrs. Gertrude Leer and little uuugnter oeorgm tne latter two being friends bf Mrs. Cook's. ...... e Maupin State Bank General Banking Business, bahS, tt'heat .Buying, Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent, Notary Public, Collections, Money Transmitted x Cheaply1 by Drafts Your Patronage Solicited and Your . . . Interests Cared for ... . 21, 1914 Saturday Evening Post Country Gentleman Ladies' Home Journal gagh $l.jO per year. A. C. EAGEN Will ake your Subspription Qeo. , Qray takes ofds for harness at rop'k bpttpm flrjpes, ' Try those Saed, nts at the tyer Cpn'fectiqnary. The Tqt)lp family are in desti tute cjr.pumstances at a ranch up he river. The mother has the pneumonia states Dr. Francis. Anyone wishing to assist them see W. H. Staats. Three local carpenters are putt ing a new roof, on The Times building. Occasionally a two by scantljng pursued by a hammer goes through the crapks in the ceiling, We flre installing ma chinery and getting otit the pa per between bombardments. I oarry all kinds of stones for rings and pins Dmmonfl the Jeweler- Purchases Big Gang Plow Shattuck Bro's., delivered this woek ta the Fleming farm a 12 bottom Oliver Engine Gang plow consisting of two six bottom (14) units, will plow a strip of land ii ft wide and cost in the neigh togetner with an extra iarge rolling coulter forms the necessary rolling protection for 0perating the plow in rocky Lmnml A UTOMOBILB Quick, pependablServicayailble at All Times to All Points HMea pareful driver attentive tp Comfort pf assengenj E. A. MAYHEW, Prop, Yfsuylus out but d smajl figure In b(story tUl the latter half of he first century of tbe Christian era. In 73 . C. Its cratpr eryd as 'a camp oi refuge to ()and Cjf gMliiforg. In C3 A. D. (be serehlfy' wasrpken, bj a yiolpnt grunting flu manlfesteo t self n a seypre earthquake that shook p the surrounding region. For sixteen years the subterranean rmbllpgs con tinued at intervals, and n tbe yar i A. 0. camp (lie grjmj catastrophe In jvhlch Ilercnlmieufj) and Pompeii were pverwheluieql In 1 (Hi tiers' ty!ns atl other terrible explosion, and slce tbjnt fline VeNUvj'ijg' (pitf selqopj beer jjt rest fqr many years, fqgetber. Exchange. A Famous "Bull;; indicated. ,pl)0 MpiTity was' djiilng jlth Sr peorge Trevplyan waj chuffing jihu ubout it fauion ".biili" qf his un, pie. Lord Mupnlny, "Yoi remeniber It -file tjuintler of flie oiicomlrig host a flicmsiilifl toiK'.ip.H. a thoiiaiK spears, a thousiiiid feet" "Yes,'' qbscrved 'treyelyiin (Uletly. "a good deal uf jS)()- pas been niude qf that supposed iiuiiuer or rq linny wuu a tpousau j't-t. j'ut my pncie wroyp t purposey. I jyus'np slip uf the pek when some one ('tilled his attention tq ft he al(l: 'My Ijrpiy Is tnoylng one step at a time. It s nqf jumping like a frog.' ' And wbep ypfl ppme to thinly of it the poise of a thousand met marching Is pnde by a J hoiisnpd fepf. th Sawfis)). The sawfish, 'is ij fflrr))dalip weap,: ph of UUjitjf? titi the flat, bony sword. twruitMl on piicjj sjilp vj'jtl aout twenty large, bony teetp. Tp jjavyflsh rushes jlUu iv sliotil of tlb pud slushy (o thjt? rigjit and to the lp'f t- lp spa tights qmetlmes wjialps have (ippp killed by ,uifrtiah.,.and tlie sav sqipetlmes has nriven hrougbithe l)ull of a ship. ThvjS'tix) (iqpimou about the West jud'ii. (Joesi .liity j,p glilf of Mexlcu iljfti W 'lorlda 'tyaffir.s nn4 pnietlmes asoepds fie MiHSHs.jppl ipd other ijpiltpory rlt'ers. dqng great havoc U tli(; nets qf flshurtpup. This species sOUHitjippa :aohes a "iiingth of fifteen feet, u folil'th of which measures the "saw." ' . Thought Ha Was Mad. The late Counted? I-esseps was tray. pllnft on.dtifi occasion in a French rail way train in a compartment with two i qnmicrcial travelers. "I beg your pardon, sir," said one of them-"are yoil npt a traveler?". i "Certalily I am." said (he cpunt t :''e thpuKbt so! Whalij youline?'' "Isthmiises." ,,sV -.'. t; "Wli-wh-wbat," . nsl?ed thp puzzled pqmmirclal-"wliat.are they?'' ' ' "I am Introducing ship canals." saltM De Ijjsseps gravely The cominorpial travelers fpared that they hat fallon In with a lunatc unu) were InakliiK prorarntlons tp escape when the count hftudpt them Ms card and put them at tliefr ease.- Mad Him Bfqk-'' A ppted golfer one afternoon1 played? rather badly. lie turned, to his caddie lifter lis bad foozled fl drive and said In bis genial way: "This isn't i a-pleasant spectacle fop jou4 I'm as bad as a Scotch laird ut St. Andrews. The St Andrews cadV dies are all old men, and one day when this laird was In especially bad form his caddie, after pine holes of missed shots and putts, shook his gray old bead, surrendered ' tlte laird's bag of dubs to. another enddia and siild: 'te'll Ho hilnd. laird? I made but a Hior breakfast this mornin', and I'm uo in a condition to stand any mali o:t: Bird's Milk, "I fed him wltb bird's milk." This curious expression was used by the old. suWnu of Turkey, while a prisoner on his way to Salonlkl, with reference to his brother Mohammed, bis prede cessor ou the throne. Abdul Flam Id was lamenting his own fate and tell ing his captors bow little be deserved It and bow kind he had been to bis brother. "I fed him with bird's milk," he said, as if that were the greatest kindness he could show. What Is bird's milk? Not the Turkish equ!vir- lent of the milk of human kindness, but a Kuroean brand of condensed milk lienrtng on the can a picture of a bird on a nest. ARTS OF PEACE. A time will come when the sci ence of destruction shall bend be fore the arts of peace, when genius, which multiplies our powers, which creates new products, which diffuses comfort and happiness among the great mass of the people, shall occu py in the general estimation of man kind that rank which reason and common sense now assign it. Atao. CHAS. H. f RAPfpIS. M.D.;C.1 Mem,, poll, Fby & Surg., Licen;jag Minnesqffi nj ' QFefW " Prompt Service on Either Day or, Night Calls Eye tested, Glasses Fitted CustomerHow are yonj salted alty onds fresn T Clerk-No'rfl; soUefy-JujJge. ' A Chcrfu greeting. Augustus Hello, old man I How are, you and how are vour pepple and all tliaf sorf of sjlly' rot? London Globe.' Unm.ntionable. "Doctor, Ig 'iqckjaw painful afflic tion?" "Unspeakably Bq." Boston Trajmcrlpf. '" " ".; Not Yet. Tft!'r (studying abpuf fowls) Marj, w,bii js egg? . Mary An egg Is a chicken not yet. Judge. pongsnial Cppp. "Tfy (q put pepple wth similar: tastes together flf ij'nner' ffl? dear." "Very well." . "See, for Instancp. hpw beautifully Mr. Wombat ges along jyltb. Mrs. Wampiis They epuld fqlk for honr without pausing, fie, ha pumatlsm, and she knows, a remedy fpr It" Sentflp post-lntelllgepcer. His Miasioq. "1 understand tbaf yqu b,a,ye called tq ask fqr my daughter's hand?" "Oh. po; piitbipg like that'' "Then"- "Sho and I settled all that. What I have caed for Is tfl find ppf what parf of the house yon pre going to turn oypp to us when we are married?" Houston Post Rd Character by tht Tongue. The "science" of glfissomnncy con Hlsts lit riding people's characters by thoslKipe and size qf the fongjia. accordiiiis fp glassomaueltitt', a lohgi tongue HhQWtf frnnkiress.-a' short dtie dlssiiiiiilntion. a broafl 'pne ni'eseryed ness, a nai:rpw one conceptKation, a long and briMi) tongue inclination to roskIii, a long npd narrow ope frank ness. Those who possess sbqrt nnd broad tongues are untruthful, those whose tnnjiimis nrp shjutt' linfl purrow ire sly us wel as, id tempprefl, Hold out your tmigne!-((nstqn (ilqbe. Tsble Oilcloth Has Many Uses,. Table iillclpth cap. be utilized for oth er purposes thpn IW name Indicates. It can tin placed ins kltcheivnnd bath room walls when smooth by adding a little glue to the paste, if also makes ''"'( lliiluu for a market basket, which an he used for l.-i.inflry and other pur poses, as li is easily kept clean. It run he substituted for artists' canvas, tiii khm it securely to a frame. If the wrote; stile s used It should first be primed with a emit of pnlnt. nnd If the tinlshi'il side is usi-d treat first with turpentine I.ns Aimelea Express. THE BEST STRENGTH. There is perhaps no strength to great and abiding as that won from a resisted temptation. Every danger ous allurement is like an enchanted monster, which, being conquered, loses all hit venom and changes at once into a king of great treasure, eager to make requital. Hobbea. Harness Do you use it? Do you use it? Do you need a new set? Well. Geo. S. Gray will take your Order at rock bottom prices. See him. Geo. S. Gray MAfJPtN , , Her Claim. Mrs. Gillot-So there la a "tablet In your transept to her memory, Did she do anything, to bring people into the church? ' irs. Perry Well, I guess! rcur Aire, reirj vreu, 4 kuwhi 1 wore a new Kilt every Sunday for :e years;, Harper'ti? ' 1 She three The Law of Qravify. "Silence In the court!" ' thundered tbe Judge, and the laughter died away, "Mr. Bailiff," continued 'the Instruc tions from the bench, "eject the next man who defies the law qf grfl vjty."-!. Philadelphia Ledger. 1 111 The Talkative pnt. Nearsighted Guest (at banquet) presume the next thing will be a long and tiresome speech from some talkative guy. Man Sitting Next Oh, suppose so, I'm the talkative guy that has to ma)te jibe speech ' Didn't T. AIce hen' I told you of my en gagement I said it was a secret, and) you tqlt) Kitty, about it. 'Ella-Why, no, VflMn. I merely aslted ier if she knew about It Bos Ppe Way jjf putting It. "Although he goes tq the club every nigl)t. hc:s awpy happy when it's, time to go home." "In other wqrds, he doesn't go borne till he's happy. Is fbf fbe dea?"-. leep. Sleep, according fp two French scien tists, Is (Jue to a )p)sqp.pps secretion of the brain,, wllc( aefs as apj antitoxin for the poisons produced in tbe higher nervq centers b,v jneptal apd, physlca) An" Old idea. " "x t.pse q)d tles ybei th$y cut off people's beads fbe fraq of erents procgeded on one rflp(lqrn jf)sa." "Wbat was tbaf?' "Tle blqck system.l! BnlUmorq Ame.r)ca!p, Caution Extrsprdinsry "Tou have o plgbf key?!! "pf cflurs.e.:! answered Mr. Meekton. only !p gp cnreless that Henrietta keeps jf Ipcked, pp n the safety depos it sq (hat I won't !Sfi jf.'i Washing ton Star. ' The Vory "Nlpecar." " "Yes." "Is It the latest thing lq pars?'' "1 guess so. It has never got me anywhere on time yet." Houston Post, With the Clerk'e Help. 'So your wqck Is monotonous, Is it? Why don't you get a job In a shoe store?" Why there especially?" 'Something new going on all the time." Pqstoq Transcrp,t. ,. H's Contribution, 'Have yoi) ever done anything for the good of the community?" nsked the solid; 'citizen., "Yes,1' replied' the weary wayfarer. "I've just' done thirty days." Phila delphia Record. Advice end. a. ua. ''Glvlp-' somp wpp, a4vce," said Un cle Ebcn, "remipds pap pf tryin' to dis cipline my ol' mule wf a fence rail. It tires put de giver and hurts da re ceiver, but don't make ng real dlf rupee." Washington Star- Calling Hi. Bluff. "It la fny highest wish," said ha very fervently, "to pjake your life happy." "Well, then," replied the dear girl, 'let us be friends once more and nev er propose to me again." Bt Louis Post-Dlspatcb. Made Him Uneasy. Bix J noticed you were very quick to give up your scat In the street car to that lady. Dlx Yes, since child hood days I have never felt easy when I saw a woman with a strap In ber hand, Boston Transcript Accurate Calculation, 'You told me the citizens of your community would stand by you as one man." said the campaign manager "Yes." replied Senator Sorghum. "And all the letters we have received bring forward only a solitary voter who is going to support you," "That's the one l had reference to." Washington Star. A Family Affair. Papa and the three children were to give mother a birthday gift The youngest boy was chosen to make tbe presentation address. He prepared It very carefully and thus delivered It In due season: "Dear mamma, this gift Is presented to you by your three children and your one btisband."-Indlannpolls News. BAD TEMPER. li you have a bad temper curb it. One ol the worst results of fre quent bad temper is the sense of re sentment it arouses in others. In time it is likely to alienate from us love that perhaps in later years wf would give worlds to recall. B.D. Fraley Hore Ageing, Wag0IJ M4'Rft Geffffal RePJIr Work and all Work is done -Neat trorjg and Guaranteed. No Rick CQjf if pnee Trief RIVEjRVIEW HOTEL Ve Serve first filij nieals, .lways. Gopcf, Glea) tyqqnis and hoard, liy Day, Week or MRS D.M.GOEtCHJEN Prop. ust a ijjt Cautious, ?9hl have a tet&Mete, dear?: ,"lf It 'doesn't cosf fpp. pauc(i, Wlll'am.': Baltimore American,. Of poure Not, "Women ufe hot vf bat the,y used tq be." "pertatnly not. They jised tp be girls." Explosives. No twq nations have the same laws regulatlug the handling and storage of explosives. Asbgstija. Tjie Hist qse of asbestos was in the uinniifiK'turQ qf crematory robes top tlje ancient Romans. The pthine. The Itiilne is only 000 miles long, but drains a tprrifpry pearly donblq the ai'tja pf Texas. Collisions at gsa. A'liout fH vvy pent qf fbe losses ql vessels afld life u sea ore caused by t'allsoni. Her Ideal. tDoliy-At liisf 1 have met wy tdeal-: Hjid hearted, medest. patient, self de nying.' but. alas, married! Daisy Jipn't worry! iq woman ff(l) live long w(i h such a frcaj! You'll gef a chanc at hlpi.-New Yor)( Globe. Try This. Sponger (meeting an acquaintance) Do you kpow, pld mim, I actually b lleve that I'm losing my nerve? I'm getting sq I bate to ask any one for 4 Ion 11. As soon as 1 saw you I began to tremble. Boston Times, lorn Exceptions. Mother Remember, I've told yon that If you 40 that agalp I shall whip you. andl always keep my promises. Fettle Jlinmle Huh! I've heard yon tell dud a lot uf times that you'd never speak to him again. Exchange. Just Like Wgmsn, Bpluks-Wbat made blm so annoyed? Wiriks-He told bis wife she had no judgment, and she just looked over hliu criticaHy from head to foot, and said she was beginning to realize It London Telegraph. , Couldn't Fool Him. Teacher ito new pupil) Why did Hannlliiil cross the Alps, my little man? Little Man For the same rea son as the hen crossed tbe road. Yer don't catch me with no puzzles. Sob urban Life. Not a Dancing Floor. "This apartment Is not big enough to turn around In," said Mr. Groucher. "You are not supposed to turn around In It." replied the agent Icily. "We lire letting apartments, not ballrooms." -Washington Star. Willing Demonstrator. Itoseinnry 1 wonder how it feels to l h.irt of s funny little mustache like .yours. Thornton-1 can't tell yon very w.-n. but 1 will cheerfully show yott imw it feels to be In front of It .Indue , ACQUIREMENTS. Every noble acquisition is attend ed with its risks. He who (ears to -ncountet the one must not expect .0 oltlain the other. Metastasio,