i Road Through Reservation Dallas The construction of a per manent highway through Dallas and Falls City to the Lincoln county line to connect with the road being built by Lincoln county now seems' assured. Voters of Falls City this week re pealed the charter creating a separate road district out of Falla City, This puts the city In road district No. 21 of Polk county, which reaches to the Lincoln county line. The county court needed the votes in Falls City to vote a special tax. The vote that repealed the charter will be sufficient to carry the special tax nec essary to carry on the proposed con struction of the highway through the State to Lease Rich in Salem The State Land board has decided to lease Albert and Summer lakes, which contain rich salt deposits, and announced that it would advertise for bids at once. All bids must be received by December 10, and must be accompanied by certified checks or bonds for $10,000 as guarantees of good faith on the part of the bidders. Inasmuch as there is a difference of opinion as to the value of the salt de posits, the board decided that it would be to the best interest of the state to lease the lakes rather than sell them outright, as had been proposed. It is planned that the state be given a roy alty of 25 per cent or more and that it be guaranteed a minimum payment an nually. C. A. Sheppard, of Sheppard & Brock, Portland, appeared before the board in the interest of Jason Moore, of New York, who represents an East Reclaming of 46,500 Acres In Lake County Approved Salem State Engineer Lewis said recently that he approved the applica tion of the Goose Lake Irrigation com pany for the reclamation of 46,600 acres of land and the construction of a large reservoir in Goose Lake valley : in the southern part of Lake county. I He said the company soon would com- ' plete the reservoir and main canals at a cost of approximately $1,000,000. The impounding dam, which is 66 feet high, 200 feet long at the bottom and 600 at the top, has been completed, its . storage capacity being 65,000 acre feet. The north and south canals, two of the largest, are completed with the exception of certain flumes. "The company," Baid Mr. LewiB, "will sell water at the rate of $25 an acre, and, as soon aB the land under the present canal has been sold, the , j project will be extended by the con- ' struction of high line canals which probably will bring the total acreage under the project to 60,000. Fees col lected by this office on approval of the permits aggregate $526.09. While water rights for the project were initiated under the old law, the com t pany handling the bonds insisted that the same be brought under the state water code to secure protection offered by it." Expert Talks on Clover. Albany C. W. Creel, a government agricultural expert of Washington, D. C, addressed the clover growers of Linn county at the Commercial club recently. Sixty-five clover growers attended the lecture. Mr. Creel talked to the growers on methods to be used in exterminating the midge and rootborer, which have materially injured the clover crop this year. In 1912, between $100,000 and $125,000 worth of seed was produced here. Last year the crop amounted to $225,000. The Linn county clover men will co-operate with Oregon con gressmen in securing an appropriation of $10,000 to establish an experi mental station in Oregon to be de voted to the clover industry. Oregon Not Hiding Coin. Salem That the residents of Oregon are not hoarding their money, but are circulating it as freely as usual, was the declaration of State Superintend ent of Banks Sargent when asked if the statement of Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo regarding the people hoarding their money applied to this ' state. The superintendent recently showed by reports from all banks that a charge of Mr. McAdoo regarding banks piling up immense reserves and charging high rates of interest was not the case in Oregon. Hybrid Ducks Killed. Silver Lake A new species of ducks, at least a new kind to Central Oregon, has made its appearance on Lake county lakes with the opening of the hunting season. The stranger ap pears to be a bluebill-mallard hybrid. Only two of the new birds have been killed so far, but hunters report hav ing seen a flock of a dozen or more of apparently the same kind of ducks. Astoria Opposes Waterfront Bills. Astoria The Port of Astoria Com mission at its meeting adopted resolu tions opposing the passage of the in itiative measure known as the "public docks and water frontage amendment as well as the initiative measure en titled the "municipal wharves and docks bill." The resolutions recite that each of the proposed measures is detrimental to the best interests of the state. Siletz Now Assured Siletz basin. A special tax of 5 mills is planned upon. This will provide about $10,000. The proposed road through the Siletz will lessen the distance between Port land and Newport by 16 miles; will afford a scenic route to the coast, and will be through a country noted for game and fish. It iB planned to call a special elec tion in Road district 21 this fall so that work can be commenced on the new road next spring. Most of the work will be confined to grading and widening the present road. Automo biles now travel with ease to a point several miles the other side of the summit. Two Lakes Salt Deposits ern syndicate. Mr. Moore recently offered the board in the neighborhood of $2,000,000 for the lakes, the offer being declined. Another offer of more than $2,000,000 was received, but a bond of $5000 required by the board was not given. . Mr. Sheppard asked that the bids for leasing the property be opened as soon aB possible so, in case his client was successful, a company could be organized in time to escape payment of war tax on stocks and bonds, which, he thought, would amount to about $15,000. Governor West and State Treasurer Kay, however, raid the board had made it a rule to give 60 days for filing bids, and could not devi ate from it. Mr. Sheppard suggested that the board investigate a California law which provides that the state re ceive 25 per cent royalties on similar deals. lumalo Irrigation Project Finished December First Salem State Engineer Lewis has announced that the Tumalo irrigation project will be completed by Decern ber 1. He announced that 72 feet of the big dam had been constructed and that only four feet remained to be built. The Tumalo project, which formerly was the Columbia Southern project, was taken over by the state before the last session of the legisla ture, and an appropriation of $450,000 was made for completing the work. About 23,000 acres have been re- claimed, the entire appropriation being necessary to do the work. Not more than half the land has been sold and no estimate of the value has been fixed. However, in the neighborhood of $40 an acre must be received for the state to be fully reimbursed and receive a profit of $5 an acre, as pro vided in the act making the appropria tion. ' Attractive Prizes Offered at Redmond Potato Show Redmond Many attractive premi urns are being presented at the Fourth Annual Potato show this week. Some of the prizes offered are : t Silver loving cup value $25, present ed by the Great Northern railway for the 86 largest potatoes, any variety; for the best general exhibit of farm products grown by an individual exhib itor, open to all farmers in Crook county donated by the Oregon Trunk railway, first potato digger, second $10 in cash ; for the largest and best dia play of different varieties of potatoes, not less than one crate of each, , open to all growers, donated by the O.-W, R. & N., a cultivator. A new feature of this years' Bhow iB a eugenic contest. Among the speakers is Professors E. B. Fitts. H. T. French and J. E. Lar son and Mrs. Robbins, of the Oregon Agricultural college. Sand Spread in Streets. Hood River Crews of men have been engaged the last seveal days in covering the center of the streets with crude oil, on which is placed a cover ing of sand. Horses thus get a foot hold on the concrete paving and the problem that has been troubling the members of the board of aldermen has apparently been solved. At this sea son of the year scores of wagonloads of apples are being delivered at the warehouses of the Apple Growers' as sociation. The shoes of the horses wear smooth in a few days and many accidents have been narrowly averted, when teams have fallen on the con crete paving. Baker Mines Developed. Baker Frank McCarvel, of Sump ter, has started development work on the Moon Anchor mine at Cable Cove, having taken a contract from T. Mehr and Frank Degande to put in 200 feet of tunnel. The tunnel is already m 150 feet. Some shipping ore has at ready been uncovered, but it is the hope of the owners that the work now under way will penetrate the ore shoot for which it is -headed. The Green horn mining district also reports re newed activity. At Tipton 20 men are constructing a stamp mill. C. F. Stone la Appointed. Salem Governor West confirmed the report that Harold Clifford, of Baker, had resigned as a member of the State Fish and Game commission and C. F. Stone, of Klamath Falls, had been appointed to the place. Mr, Stone formerly was a member of the commission, but resigned several months ago with other members be cause of dissatisfaction with the atti tude of M. J. Kinney, another member. 600,000 From Belgium Flee Into Holland London Belgian refugees now in Holland number 600,000, according to the correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph company at The Hague. "The Dutch authorities are greatly embarrassed by the refugees, who are Incessantly streaming into Holland," adds the correspondent. "Owing to the lack of railway ma terial thousands are forced to wait on the roads for transportation. ' The Dutch government probably will take Bteps jointly with the German government for the speedy return, of the refguees." The Germans have pushed up from Antwerp and are occupying villages in the direction of the Dutch frontier, forcing the Inhabitants to flee into Holland, according to the Rosendaal (Holland) correspondent of the Weekly Dispatch. Towns near the frontier have been forced to cloBe their gates, owing to their Inability to receive any more refugees. A message to Reuter s Telegram company from Amsterdam says : A telegram to the Handelsblad, dispatched at noon Monday from Ber-gen-op-Zoon, a Dutch town near th Belgian border, says that two German officers arrived in a motorcar at the frontier town of Putten, Holland. The officers informed the Dutch commander there that Antwerp is now under Ger man administration and asked him to induce refugees to return to their homes. Many of those who had fled complied with the request. During the past months I have grown accustomed to the sight of streams of refugees trailing over all the roads of Belgians, until the queer illusion has grown up at that they are always the same refugees, they look so pitiably alike," says the Rotterdam correspondent of the Times in a dis patch to his paper. He continued; But all the scenes on the roads of Belgium for weeks past must be added together and multiplied 20 fold to re semble the spectacle on the roads to Holland during the last two days. Hardly any migration in the history of the Israelites, Kalmuks or Tartars can have equaled it. The two relieving features were the extreme kindness shown to refu gees by people at the frontier, and the beautiful weather. These things re duced the mortality to a minimum. "Besides the long exodus by the roads to Holland I saw a crowd esti- mated at 150,000 blocking the ferry and pontoon at Antwerp on their way to get trains to St. Nicholas and Ghent. The German guns were so placed that their Bhells reached every portion of the city during the last stages of the bombardment, the chief characteristic -of which was the hap- hazard way in which the fire was aimed in all directions. Great Mining Convention to Open in Phoenix, Ariz. Phoneix, Ariz. The 17th annual convention of the American Mining Congress, which will open at Phoenix, Ariz., December 7th, for a five-day session, bids fair to be of great bene fit, not only to the state of Arizona, but to the whole Southwest. Mining men from every part of the United States will be present in large numbers and the difficulties and prob lems now confronting the metal min ing industry, will be threshed out and valuable suggestions offered by men who have made mining their life work and aided largely in the many im provements effected in this great in dustry during the past few years. The work of the United State Bu reau of Mines so far accomplished and plans for the future work, especially as affecting Western metal mining will be explained by the director, Dr, Holmes, assisted by a corps of assist ants. It is probable that a demon stration car will be Bent to Phoenix during convention week. Italian Army Ready and Equipped for Winter London The Daily Mail correspon dent at ChiasBO, Switzerland, says: "The Italian government is spend ing $10,000,000 on winter outfits for troops, including woolen vests and fur coats, suitable for a campaign in the mountains. The Italian army is now quite ready for any eventuality. A Venetian newspaper, however, an nounces that Italian workmen have been obliged to leave Roumania be cause that country is preparing for war, the popular voice insisting on it, According to them, it is only a ques tion of days. The Messaggero 8 Vien na correspondent has been told by a high Austrian personage that Austria's future depends upon Italy and Rou- Lots Cast for Sacrifice. London "Lots were drawn by four officers," says the Daily News' Ostend correspondent, "to decide who should remain in command of Fort St. Marie, northwest of Antwerp, the officer thus being sworn to fight to the death. "The lot fell on a married man with a family. An unmarried officer imme diately offered to take his place, and the officer who originally was chosen reluctantly accepted. The three offi cers then retired, bidding a touching farewell to their comrade who remain ed behind." Germany Is Overjoyed. Rome Dispatches from Berlin say that the capitulation of Antwerp has caused unprecedented enthusiasm throughout Germany, where the gen eral opinion is that the fall of the Belgian city marks the beginning of the end. Everywhere there are signs of great rejoicing. Flags have been raised and demonstrations parade the streets, acclaiming the army." NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. Portland. Portland Hop buying continues without interruption at steady prices. Dealers report that it is difficult to In terest brewers in new business, and this is to be expected in view' of the approaching elections and the fact that hops are being offered to brewers at a steadily declining scale of prices. There is a great deal of uncovered con tract business to be taken care of, however, and it is this that iB keeping the trade employed- This wetk i purchases were made at a range of 8 to 12 cents. The largest deal was closed by McNeff Bros., who bought 840 bales from Demaris Bros., of Yakima. This firm also bought 175 bales in The Dalles section, the crops of Frieson, Smith & Gates and one other, also 100 bales from Salem deal ers. The apple market was good for cheap and medium-priced fruit, but there was not much demand for the higher-priced grades. Grapes are steady here and prices cannot be advanced, in spite of the firmness of the California market. A car of cantaloupes arrived from Med- ford. Wheat Bid; Bluestem, $1.02; forty-fold, 991c; club, 96c; red Rus sian, 90c; red Fife, 92c. Oats Bid: No. 1 white, feed, $25 per ton. Barley Bid: No. 1 feed, $20 per ton; brewing, $21; bran, $22; shorts, $23. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $25 25.50 per ton; shorts, $2728; rolled barley, $2627. Corn Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, 18. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $15.6016 per ton; grain hay, $10 11; alfalfa, $1213.50; valley tim othy, $1314. Vegetables Cucumbers, $1.50 per box; eggplant, 7c per pound; peppers, 5c; artichokes, 85c per dozen; toma toes, 5090c per crate ; cabbage, 11c per pound; peas, 10c; beans, 6c; cel ery, 5075c per dozen; cauliflower, 75c$l; asparagus, $2 box; sprouts, 10c per pound. Onions Yellow, $11.25 per sack. Green Fruits Apples, 75c(3j$r.75 per box; cantaloupes, $11.50 per crate; casabas, $1.251.60 per dozen; pears, 60c$1.25 per box; peaches, 4060c; grapes, 75c$l. 25 per crate; cranberries, $88.50 per barrel. Potatoes Oregon, $1.25 per sack; sweet potatoes, 2(ffi2c per peund. Eggs FreBh Oregon ranch, case count, 2932c per dozen ; candled, 33 35c; storage, 2728c. Poultry Hens, 12113c per pound; springs, 12J13c; turkeys, young, 18 20c; dressed, 2225c; ducks, 10 14c; geese, 10llc. Butter Creamery, prints, extras, 35c per pound; cubes, 3081c. Veal Fancy, 1212Jc per pound. Pork Block, 910c per pound. Hops 1914 crop, 8llc; 1913 crop, nominal. Seattle. Seattle Numerous sailings to Alas ka drew heavily of fresh eggs and but ter from this market, and eggs sold as high as 47c on a jobbing basis, with wholesale prices firm to higher at 46 47c. A few sales were reported at 48c. The tendency in immediate futures is for an advance, and jobbers do not hesitate to predict a 50-cent market before the end of next week. Ranch stock is decreasing so heavily that job bers are buying from each other in order to fill local and shipping de mands. There has been a heavier movement of storage eggs, with a top on locals of 31c. The season is showing that the local egg has remained in better con dition than the Easterns which went to the ice simultaneously and that they do not as yet give any of the custom ary "storage taste. The butter market iB steady and well balanced. The liberal supply in sight, together with the heavy flow of cream, which seems to be uninter rupted, and the well proportioned vol ume of trade, is tending to keep the street independent of bullish influ ences that might be put upon it by other large distributing centers. Eggs Select ranch, 40(3)42c dozen. Poultry Live hens, 1015c pound; old roosters, 10c; 1914 broilers, 13 14c; ducklings, 10(rijl2c; geese, 10c; guinea fowl, $9 per dozen. Wool Valley, 1718c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 152c0; mohair, 1914 clip, 271c Cascara Bark Old and new, 4c per pound. Cattle Prime steers, $6.757.15 choice, $6.50(3:6.75; medium, $6.25 6.50; choice cows, $6(36.15; medium, $5.255.75; heifers, $6.50(3)6.60; cal ves, $6(38; bulls, $3(3,4.75; stags, $4.606. Hogs Light, $77.50; heavy, $6 (5,6.60. Sheep Wethers, $4(3j5.60; ewes, $3.604.50; lambs, $56. Dressed mutton 10(5;171e pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 75 (Sj 85 dozen; beans, green, 7i(5,8c; bell pep pers, California, 30-lb. boxes, $1.25; beets, new, $1(1.25 sack; cabbage. local, lc pound; red, ljc; corn, green, $1.601.75 Back; carrots, local, 85c (5$1 sack; cauliflower, local, 75c dozen; cucumbers, hothouse, 75tf85c dozen; field, 35(3,45c; lettuce, local, 40(ff.50c dozen; potatoes, White rivers, $21 23 ton; Yakimas, $25 SS 27; Bweets, $1.902 hundred; radishes, local, 15c dozen bunches; rutabagas. Alaska, $2 sack; Spinach, local, 9flc(3j $1 crate; tomatoes, local, 30(3 40c crate; turnips, new, white, $1.25 sack. Coiffure From the IF you are looking for something in a style of hair dressing consider this revival of one of the fascinating achievements of the time, of the Em pire. After due consideration one Is constrained to ponder as to whether we have ever had anything better since then. A century and more has faded into the past since this coiffure played its part, along with other super excellent modes, which helped the beauties of Napoleon's time to immor talize their charms. This pretty arrangement of the hair In waves and short curls is not intend ed to be worn with workaday clothes in the prosaic business of everyday living. It is an affair of evening dress, when satins and laces and jewels and flowers bespeak joyoue appareling. Mile. Montague 1b shown in the pic ture wearing it with a satin and lace evening dress with flowers at her belt and pearls about her neck. Her long Vestees and Collars in Fall Styles n) In1 I "iin"'""'' "" ' ' TO make sure of a bit of white next the face ia to be sure of added be comlngness In coat or gown. Vestees and collars In one, or collars alone, are the dominating features in fall neckwear, and they are shown In many fabrics and a still greater number of designs, Nearly all of these smart accessories are made of washable fabrics, al though fragile chiffons and silk mus lins and the finest of Bilk crepes are utilized to make the short-lived glory of some of them. But crisp freshness and immaculate cleanliness belong to the vestee and collar; are the essen tial reasons for their existence, In fact, so that all the finest and sheerest of wash fabrics are employed In their making. These Include organdie, swIsb, thin lawns, Swiss embroidery, batiste, mulls, nets, voiles and laces. The choice is wide enough. Collars and vestees made the firm er weaves In wash fabrics are finished with hemstitching and often decorated with tucks. Insertions and narrow edgings of fine lace or the finest em broideries are used on them. The daintiest of these neck pieces are prettily ornumented with sprays of Days of the Empire coat Is of brocaded satin in rose color, bordered with a ruche of plaited ma line. She wears a moire girdle of rose color, also. Her garments are the most tasteful of up-to-date modes. ' The hair is waved and parted a little to one side in a very short part, This waved portion is brought to the back of the head and arranged in loose, flat coils pinned flat below the crown. The hair over the ears is separated Into strands and curled in three rather tight curls. A strand of pearls, fin ished with three eettlngs at the front, is clasped round the head. Below it across the forehead there is a slightly curled fringe of hair. Almost any fairly youthful face will find all its good points enhanced by a style of hair dressing bo remarkably good that it challenges the classic models of the Greeks and divides hon ors with them. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. embroidery. Narrow plaited frills make possible a great variety in deco ration. Hemstitching, embroidered dots, and small pearl or covered but tons are additional factors that go to make up the endless variety one finds In neckwear. Roll-over collars are leaders In pop ularity, combined either with long vestees or short dickies. Severe de signs, like that shown In the picture given here, of sheer organdie, are charmingly delicate. A plain roll-over collar to which net ties are attached is decorated with tiny black pearl but tons and makes a stunning finish tor a tailored gown. Vestees and roll-over collars of pique are compelling attention. Re cently dress sets showing collar and cuffs to match, or collar, vestee and cults, proclaim the revival of an old but fine style, well worthy of a new vogue. Thore is literally no end to the number of designs In neckwear. With so many fabrics available and a free leld for the play of fancy In a world of Inexpensive materials we are likely to find new things every day. JULIA BOTTOMLEY.