The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 14, 1914, Image 6

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WHAT fatality overhangs the
hilt of Montmartre? might
be aeked at this time, when
events seem likely to Inter
fere with the consecration
of the Church of Sacre Coeur. Octo
ber 17 was the day choBen for this
ceremony, and this Is thirty-nine years
after the beginning of the building.
This ante is the fete-day of Marie
Marguerite, who heard voices com
manding her to build a church on the
top of Montmartre. Louis XVI formed
In prison the pious Intention to carry
out the behests of the voices, but the
scaffold robbed him of the chance,
Napoleon bad a more secular Idea and
proposed building there a temple
where each successive peace might
be proclaimed, but he never ceased
warring, says a writer In the Literary
It was the events of 1870-71 that di
rected the Catholio mind to the proj
ect and caused Its consideration by
the national assembly.
Under a Paris date the London
Times prints the following:
"Pious people at Poitiers wished to
Invoke the protection of God by erect
ing a temple to his worship in Paris.
Momentarily allowed to lapse, the Idea
was taken up by Catholics in Paris.
The difficulty was to establish com
munication with the outside world, for
the city was Invested. Balloons were
tried, the pigeon-post, and even the
bribery of secret agents; but all failed,
and It was not until the Commune
had added Its horrors to the war that
the enterprise took practical shape.
"The war minister wanted the site
for a fort; but, better Inspired, Mgr.
Oulbert, the cardinal-archbishop of
Paris, cried: 'Your fort will do no
good and may be turned against you.
Iletter build my citadel than yourB '
Whether or not he was moved by the
argument, the minister gave up his
project, and, on July 23, 1873, the na
tional assembly authorized the pur
chase of land for the church and even
permitted the cardinal to proceed by
expropriation. The large majority
which supported the bill shows how
feeling In parliament has since
changed on questions of church and
Byzantine Architecture.
"Two years later the first stone was
hild with Impressive pomp and In the
presence of 12,000 persons gathered
from all partB of Fiance. AlmoBt ln
vitably the plan of the architect,
which prescribed a Byzantine church,
was severely criticized; but It ulti
mately triumphed. The public saw
the folly of attempting to rival, the
Oothlo glories of the thirteenth cen
tury by adding Montmartre to the
splendid series of Chartres, of Amiens,
of Rouen, and Notre Dame.
"Slowly the domes and campanile
and the cluster of Bide chapels arose
on the Mount of Martyrs near, In
deed, to the spot where, according to
the legend, St. Denla was decnpltnted
and carried his head under his arm
as If It had been a crown. Centuries
after temples to Mercury and Mars
had disappeared, a deaf and almost
blind abbess, with the ladles of her
order, was hurried to the guillotine
on the 'tumbrels of tho convention.
Mount of Martyrs It was also for two
genurnls shot by Communards while
M. Clemenceau was mayor of Mont
martre. The people had dragged guns,
for the second time In the history of
Paris, up the steep slopes of the hill
the first was on the morrow of the
taking of the Bastlle, when the mob
feamd vengeance from the Royalists
and the army at Saint Denis and the
two officers had gone to parley In tho
name of the government In their
excitement, the Montmartols slew the
emissaries, without the knowledge
and In the absence of their youthful
"On pillars within the sanctuary ap
pear the arms of towns of France
which have contributed to the build
ing fund. Each stone may be said to
bear the name of some community a
town or village or of an individual
Catholic. Altars to St. Patrick and to
8t John the Baptist mark the offer
ings of Ireland and Canada. Deputies,
working men, Btudents, and even
schoolboys have their part In th
erection of this striking and majestic
monument to the Catholic spirit of
Only now after all these years, "la
the fair fabric complete enough to be
ready for consecration:"
Place of Pilgrimage.
"The great bronze doors have late
ly been put In; the paving Is scarcely
finished, and some of the altars, be
speiklng the devotion of different
parts of France, are still unbuilt. In
Its present state the huge white build'
Ing, under its Imposing dome, has cost
1,600,000. This Is precisely the sum
which Napoleon proposed to spend on
his temple of peace. It has been the
aim of those who have founded the
church to address themselves to all
classes of society, and the same spirit
prevails today In the great Sunday
services, at which from 1,600 to 2,000
men are present In the nave. These
worshipers are drawn from every sec
tion of the community; academicians
and officers of the army and navy sit
side by side with artlzans, small shop
keepers, and the very poor. The
Church of the Sacred Heart has no
parish attached to it; it Is a place of
pilgrimage, and scarcely a day passes
without some band of pilgrims climb
ing the sides of the mount. In the
evening, lights glimmer from the sum
mit of the rock upon which Is perched
this symbol of 'Gallia poenitens et
devota.' "
Creek Chief Recalls Festivities That
Were of Moment In the Days
of Hit Youth.
Here' are the good old days as re
lated by Jake Simmons, a fullblood
Creek Indian, former chief, council
man and lawmaker of his tribe. He
referred to the days when palefaces
were scarce In old Indian territory,
when the Creeks held sway In Musko
gee and Okmulgee counties. Mr. Sim
mons marketed a bunch of cattle In
Kansas City the other day from his
1,800-acre farm, 900 acres of which are
under cultivation. His oats crop this
year averaged 60 bushels to the acre.
But It was not of crops he wanted
to talk. It was the "Feast of Roast
ing Ears" that took the Indian's mind
back to the old days.
"Just about this time of the year,"
said Mr. Simmons, according to the
Kansas City Star, "our tribe gathered
for the feast from the new corn. The
preliminaries were to take large doseB
of medicine so our eating capacity
would be enlarged. Then followed
roasted, baked, dried and salted corn,
baked with young venison, prairie
chickens and young turkey, togethei
with fish and young roast pig. The
feast Insted as long as appetite and
disposition to hang around remained,
apd then each one drifted back to his
own tepee.
"The big cattle trails from Texas
northeast went through our country
and we traded with the cowmen. Each
year In October we held our councils
in Okmulgee. There our laws were
made and tribal business transacted.
Our law for theft was 50 lashes fot
the first offense, 150 lashes for the
second offense and death by shooting
for the third act. Our tribe laws were
more strictly obeyed then than oui
state laws are now.
"But the old days have passed,"
continued Mr. Simmons, "and we are
now on a progressive agricultural
basis. We raise and fatten cattle and
hogs, live In houses like the paleface;
wire fences hedge us In; deer, turkeys
and other game are getting scarce
When we eat the new corn It Is with
butter and salt, and from a regula
Hon table, but I always remember the
open, the shade of the trees, the call
of the turkey, the campflre and I fee!
like taking my share and eating )
out under the trees."
Not Reduced, Anyway,
"Here Is your account I Just rat
over It," said the storekeeper.
"Humph," said the slow customer,
looking curiously at It, "I can't see
that you mangled It much by running
OTtr It,"
Several Combination! Possible That
Mke Delicious Addition to tht
Winter Menu Red Pepper
Jelly That Will Kttp Long.
Cherry Juice mixed with an equal
proportion of gooseberry or currant
Juice makes a delicious jelly, using
cupful for oupful of tugar and the
mixed julct. For currant and straw
berry Jolly allow ont Ijlnt of currants
to two of strawberries. Heat both
fruits together and proceed at direct
ed. Currants and raspberries com
bined In equal proportions make
fine flavored Jelly. An excellent peach
Jelly may bt made by using equal
quantities of peachet and apples.
When making plum Jelly cut the plums
In halves, cook until tender, then
train. Tht fruit must not be over
Crib Apple Jelly. Wash tht apples,
cut out tht blossom ends and stems
only, cover In the kettle with water,
Just cover well, boll until all In pieces,
strain over night, measure the Juice
and sugar evenly, boll the Juice 20
minutes, put the sugar In the oven to
heat, then add the heated sugar and
boll not more than eight minutes.
Fine and never falls. Wash a rose
geranium leaf, place It In the bottom
of the glass, pour In the Jelly and seal.
It will Impart a delicious and unusual
Take equal parts of apples, cranber
ries and evaporated apricots. Soak
the apricots overnight, then cook all
together slowly with Just enough wa
ter to cover. Strain and make Jelly
as usual, one pound of sugar for every
pint of Juice. This makes a beautiful
Jelly, which cannot be distinguished
from crab apple.
Sour Apple Jelly. Do not peel, but
wash thoroughly and cut Into quarters
or halves with the seeds and cores left
In. Cover with water and let come to
a boll. Strain the best part of the
Juice for jelly. Add a little lemon
Juice and peeling, or a rose geranium
leaf. Excellent Jelly Is made of equal
parts of plums and apples.
Rhubarb Jelly. Cut one large bunch
of rhubarb Into fine pieces without
peeling, add a large chopped apple
with peel and seeds Included. Cover
with hot water and cook until done.
Mash fine and strain through a Jelly
bag. To every cupful of Juice add
one cupful of hot granulated sugar.
Boil the Juice until It begins to Jell, or
about twenty-five minutes.
Quince Jelly. Boil the parings In
water to cover them until soft, then
drain, but don't squeeze. Add equal
parts of sugar, and boll until ready
to put Into glasses, which will be In
about half an hour.
Red Pepper Jelly. Remove the
seedB. Cook the peppers until tender.
Drain, and to each pint of liquid add
a pint of sugar. Cook like other Jelly.
Will keep splendidly.
Mint Jelly .To make mint Jelly, add
a handful of fresh mint leaves anfl
eight cupfuls of granulated sugar to
eight cupfuls of apple Juice, and boll
until the Juice Jellies, which will be In
abou fifteen minutes. Remove the
mint stalks before sealing.
Cream of Fruits.
Soak one tablespoonful of granu
lated gelatin In one-fourth cupful of
cold water, and dissolve In one-fourth
cupful of scalded milk, then add one
half cupful of sugar. Strain Into a
pan, set Into a larger pan of Ice water
and stir constantly until the mixture
begins to thicken. Add the whites of
two eggs beaten until stiff. Dilute
one-half pint ot" thick milk with one
third cupful of milk, and beat until
stiff, using an eggbeater. Add to the
mixture, then add one-third cupful
oooked prunes cut In small pieces and
add one-half cupful chopped figs. Turn
Into a mold first dipped In cold water,
and chill.
Old Blankets Made New.
Have you an old blanket which
seems to have passed its days of use
fulness T Try this plan: Wash It and
cover It on both sides with cheese
cloth. Tack It at Intervals to form
little tufts with bright-colored yarn;
overcast, buttonhole or brier-stitch the
edges with yarn, according to your
time and fancy. Thus you have a new
durable, sanitary bed cover which Is
pretty, Inexpensive and admirable as
a "throw" for a nap or coollsh nights
In summer.
Berry Pudding.
Any berries may be used for this
dish. Pick over and spread them gen
erously upon the bottom of the bake
dish; cover liberally with sugar. Now
prepare a plain sweet cake batter
and pour over the berries. Stand the
bake dish In a pan of water In a hot
oven and bake until the cake Is well
puffed up, dry and nicely browned.
Serve each portion of cake with ber
ries and Juice dipped over It
Use for Blotting Paper.
Whenever you have an occasion to
place a vase of flowers on a highly
polished table you will find It very
good to place a piece of white blotting
paper under the cloth where the vase
stands. This prevents the water from
staining or clouding the polished sur
face ot tht table.
Hooks and Eyes.
If you boll books and eyes In strong
loda water before sewing them on
arments It will prevent their iron
moulding In tht wash.
Neapolitan Blano Mingt Will Bt Ap
preciated by All Privileged to
Partake of Delicacy,
Two and one-half cupfuls of milk,
two tablospoonfuli of almonds, yolk
of ont egg, one heaping tablespoonful
of cbocolatt, a ftw drops ot red color
lng, four tablespoonful! sugar, one
and ont-balf heaping tablespoonfuli of
powdered gelatin.
Blanch and chop tht almonds finely,
put them Into a saucepan with two
oupfuli of milk, allow to simmer very
gently In a double boiler for one-half
hour, then allow to boll and strain
Into a basin. Mix tht gelatin and sugar
with tht rest of tht milk, dissolve
carefully, add tbt almond milk and let
beat a little. Divide Into four pop
tlons. Put one portion In the wtt
mold, let aside until firm; add a few
drops ot red coloring to tbt second,
pour It over the first and allow It to
set. Stir tht yolk ot tbt egg Into tht
third portion and allow It to get firm.
Add the grated' cbocolatt to tbt last
portion, stir ovtr tht Art until ll near
ly bolls, allow It to cool and add to
tht others. Turn out when firm,
This dessert appears most attrac
tive when molded In a brick or square
mold. It can be sliced at the table or
placed on plates before serving. It Is
delicious when served with whipped
cream or crushed fruit.
Care should be taken to tee that tht
gelatin when poured In the mold Is
Just ready to set, as the beat from one
layer will melt the other. If the gela
tin that has not been molded becomes
stiff It should be heated gently until It
reaches the point where It was Just
ready to Jelly.
Beef With Assorted Vegetables Makes
a Dinner Dish That It Among
tht Best of the Kind.
Purchase two pounds beef, chuck,
round or shortrlb end.
Wipe tht meat with a wet cloth and
cut into small pieces, put on to boil
with three quarts of boiling water,
boll slowly one and one-half hours.
Remove five cupfuls of the stock to a
saucepan for your soup.
To the meat add one cupful carrot,
half cupful cut onion, one cupful to
mato sauce, one cupful cut potatoes,
one tablespoonful of salt and quarter
teaspontul of white pepper.
If there Is not enough stock, take
one cupful of the carrot stock.
Boll forty-five minutes. Mix one
tablespoonful of flour with a little
cold water and add to the stew.
Serve on platter, putting the car
rots and potatoes around the edge
and the meat In the center, pour
gravy over all and sprinkle with one
tablespoonful chopped parsley. Gar
nlsh with a few sprigs of parsley.
Bread Griddle Cakes.
One and one-halt cupfuls fine, stale
bread crumbs, ont and one-halt
cupfuls of hot milk, two table
spoonfuls butter, two eggs, one
half cupful flour, one-half teaspoon
tul salt, tour teaspoonfuta baking pow
der. Add crumbs and butter to milk
and soak until crumbs are soft Then
add the well beaten eggs and lastly
the sifted dry Ingredients. Heat tht
frying pan and grease slightly, then
drop the griddle cake mixture by
spoonfuls some distance apart on the
hot griddle. Cook on one side until
well puffed up and full of bubbles,
then turn and cook the other side.
Do not turn more than once. Serve
at once with butter and sugar or ma
ple sirup.
Delicious Soup.
Take bones and trimmings from a
sirloin steak; put over fire after break
fast In three quarts ot water; boll
steadily until an hour before dinner,
when add two onions, one carrot, three
common sized potatoes, all sliced;
some parsley cut fine, a red pepper,
and salt to taste. This makes a dell
clous soup sufficient for three per
sons. All soups are more palatable
seasoned with onions and red pepper,
using the seeds of the latter with care,
as they are very strong.
Creamed Spinach.
Wash, cook, drain and chop fine one
half peck ot spinach. In a saucepan
melt one tablespoonful of butter, add
one tablespoonful of flour, one-half tea
spoonful ot salt and one-third tea
spoonful pepper and cook for two
minutes. Gradually stir in three
fourths of a cupful of rich milk until
smoothly thickened, add the spinach,
draw to one side and simmer gently
for ten minutes. Serve on toast.
Southern Batter Bread.
This Is a formula for the batter
bread that southerners like so well.
To one pint boiled milk and a tea
spoonful lard in the hot milk, add a
scant half pint of cornmeal, stirred In
while hot, one teaspoon baking pow
der, bait teaspoon salt, two eggs un
beaten. Mix well and bake In moder
ate oven a half hour. Serve very hot
with butter.
Mayonnaise of Lobster,
Place, a bed of lettuce In an entree
dish and on It the meat of the lobster.
Cover with mayonnaise sauce. Then
arrange a border of sliced tomato,
hard boiled egg and shred lettuce
round, and decorate the center of the
mayonnaise with sieved yolk of egg.
Scallop Broth.
Wash and cut In small nlecei one.
half Dint scallops, add one-half ntnt
each of milk and water, a dot ot but
ter and salt to taste. Simmer 20 min
ute, strain and serva.
Curious Little Piles of Store Which
All Understand Ltad to
In traveling over the plains of west
ern Texai 1 have now and then come
on two little Isolated heaps of rock
that at first glance seemed not at alt
remarkable. After a time I noticed
that one heap was generally about
three feet high and tht other about a
foot lower. The two were always with
in a few feet of each other and usually
on an elevation or plateau that had
a view of the country for Ave miles or
The rocks were roughly heaped to
gether, as If left by children at play.
I sometimes wondered If they could
be the ruins of an ancient stone build
ing; but that was Improbable, for
there was scarcely another stone In
Yean later I learned the actual sig
nificance of these rock heaps from an
old Indian whose mind was stored with
all the legends and customs and deeds
of his people. According to him, when
tht Great Spirit lapped up the mighty
riven of the plains be left springs and
water basins here and there for cht
antelope and the Indian. These the
antelope easily found by scent, but the
Indian had to search long and anx
iously for them. Once found, thev wert
seldom lost thanks to these rude rook
I watched the old lellow orjuch
down behind the taller heap, sigh over
the low one, and mark the farthest ob
ject in a straight line, which in ibis
case was a clump of bushes oi the
horizon. We rode toward these bushes
and found not water, as I bad expect
ed, but two other heaps cf rocks. Sight
ing as before, tnd taking a rock-faced
cliff toward the southwest as a goal,
we rode two miles farther, and there,
trickling out from beneath ihe cliff's
rocky brow, was a spring of fresh,
clear water.
The old Indian said that whenever a
band of Indians came upon a new
spring they built these rock heaps
along their trail; Bince then I have fol
lowed some half-dozen of these rude
signposts and found them to lead ei
ther to water or to places that ehowed
traces of a former water course.
Vouth's Companion.
For Toothache.
Toothache is essentially an Inflam
matory condition, and In 99 per cent of
the cases there is a cavity In the tooth.
In those cases where there Is a cavity,
but no nerve exposure, the treatment
Is simple apply a sedative and ex
3lude the secretions of the mouth from
the cavity; prompt relief will follow,
and then advise the patient to visit
l competent dentist, sayB a dentist.
A very effective agent, and one al
ways at hand, is the oil ot cloves. It
should be applied by saturating cotton
with the remedy and Introducing It
Into the cavity with a toothpick or
other pointed Instrument; that being
done, the secretions are kept out by
ailing the cavity with a little beeswax,
i household remedy always at hand.
The wax can be applied by warming
aver a lamp on the point of a knife and
forcing Into the cavity. The wax fill
ing serves not only the purpose of
keeping the secretions of the mouth
aut, but prevents thermal changes
from affecting the nerve when hot and
cold substancec are taken Into the
Cure for Snake Bite.
Many are the curious methods
adopted for curing snake bites, but
surely none can be more so than a
way of which our Bhavnagar corre
spondent Informs us. Two natives In
a village near that station were, he
says, brought back to life after being
bitten by a cobra.
The victims were seated on the
ground and then held, while from a
height of 16 feet gallons and gallons
of hot water were poured on their
heads. Presently, according to the cor
respondent, the victims "took a new
lease of life," and are now as well as
though they had never been in tht
laws ot death.
The explanation to this "cure" prob
ably Is that the snake, as often hap
pens, bit its victims, but Injected no
poison into them. Thus the men were
merely frightened, and continued to
be frightened until the pain caused by
the douche of hot water gave them
lomethlng else to think about Civil
md Military Gazette.
Fallen Called Mental Defective!.
According to a Brooklyn physician
nost accidents, as well as divorces
ind crimes, are in reality due to de
fective mentality. When a person
lets caught In a maze ot traffic and
ioes not know whether it Is better
;o go backward or forward, he is,
iccordlng to this doctor, a target for
iverythlng coming his way.
This indecision or lack of Judgment
eads to frequent accidents with the
lame individual. Of 112 persons who
vere questioned In four seml-prlvate
lospltals 46 had had previous acci
lents and 32 more than one such ac
iident Out of about 50,000 examina
lons of defectives there was scarcely
l case that did not show many scars,
nqulry among eight automobile own
ts showed that the opinion commonly
leld of reckless chauffeurs among
heir fellows wai that the reckless
inea were not quite normal, or, as
hey phrased it, were "crazy."
What Madt It Famous.
Teast Did you enlov vour
hrough Milwaukee?
Crimsonbeak Did I? Say. there
asn't a dry mlnuto In the entire
Seoretary of Western Senator Wat)
More Concerned With Two Lady
Frltnds Than Correspondent.
There it one young man in Wash
ington, acting as secretary to a sena
tor from a western stute, who will bt
more careful In his correspondence In
the coming months. He is a diplomat
and prides himself on Mb tact, but in
one case this spring his diplomacy
was Just one too many.
The senator has frequently been tht
recipient of letters from people who
sign some nom de plume, as "Pro Bono
Publico," "Anon," "E Plurlbus Unum"
and similar phrases. Recently a let
ter came in regard to the senator's
vote on the Panama tolls question,
and the cataract of advice was signed
simply "Flat Lux" a translation of
which would bo: "Let there be light."
"Now, this secretary did not think
much about the signature, evidently.
His head was bothering more with the
problem of how to take two girls
down the river on the same boat and
keep them friends, and also as to the
state of an extremely Art purse. But
habit was strong and he ran off the
following letter,
"Mr. Flat Lux, Smithvllle, Ky. My
Dear Sir: I was glad to get your let
ter and note carefully Its excellent
advice. It is always a pleasure to
hear from you or any of your family,
and I recall with pleasure meeting
you on the occasion of my last trip too
As the senator happened to read
this over when submitted for signa
ture, It never was sent and the sec
retary is congratulating himself that
It was not Washington Star.
Useful Art.
The man in the automobile duster
and goggles confronted an artist paint
ing a picture by the roadside.
"Say," said the motorist, "I'll give
you five dollars for that picture Just
as It is. Don't put another stroke to
"I am really very flattered by your
offer," replied the artist, "but why not
wait until the picture Is finished?"
"Can't I need the canvas to mend
a busted tire with." St. Louis Post
Dispatch. PROOF.
Tom Gee! But she's homely.
Dick Homely! Why, an amateur
photographer would flatter her if he
took her picture.
Chatting In front of a motor mart
the tall blonde said to the short
"Whadyethink, Mayme says she is
going to spend her money for a new
"That so?" the short brunette
quizzed. "I thought she usually had
her sewing done by a dressmaker."
Toungstown Telegram.
"How long is that orchestra going to
play In the grillroom ?" asked the nerv
ous stranger In a large city.
"For several more hours," replied
the clerk. "Do you want to leave a
"A what?"
"A call. Do you want us to wake you
"Great ScottI No! Give me some
thing to put me to sleep!"
Perfunctory Trouble.
"That speech you made placing me
In nomination was a splendid state
ment of the case," said the grateful
"Yes," replied the old campaigner.
"It was a fine statement. But we're
going to have a dickens ot a Urns
proving it '