The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 07, 1914, Image 5

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Moving Picture Star Is Pleased
With His Work.
Francis X. Bushman Tells Why Ha
Prefers the Photoplay to the Legiti
mate Drama, of Which He
Was an Ornament
Probably there Is no mora enthu
siastic motion picture actor in the
world than Francis X. Bushman. He
takes as much interest in the produc
tion of a new film as the producer
himself, and his suggestions as to
scenery and costumes are considered
"Sometimes I have a longing to re
turn to the stage," said Mr. Bushman,
"but these longings are few and far
between. I am in love with my work,
and I really think a great deal of
good can be accomplished by the mo
tion picture actor. He appeals to mil
lions of people, young and old. On
the stage his audiences are necessar
ily limited. I enjoy thinking that every
day I am appearing on the screen and
giving enjoyment to thousands. When
I say 'giving enjoyment' 1 do not mean
that my acting is unusual or anything
like that. I mean that in most of the
pictures 1 am cast for the hero, and
as a hero I am doing big, brave things
that must necessarily influence the
people who see me.
"When I am appearing as the hero
of a play, I try to forget that I am
just an ordinary human being, and 1
try to throw myself into the part as
a real hero. I act as I imagine a real
hero would act, and as a rule my au
dience is with me from the start to
the finish. These are some of the
things that make motion pictures at
tractive to the actor.
"I do not think I will ever return to
the stage. 1 have become a motion
picture fan as well as an actor, and
I have ceased to listen to the call of
the footlights." .
Moving Picture Corporation Feelt
Loss of Some of Its Leading
Men of Affairs.
At least one large American mov
ing picture corporation has felt the
burden of war in the loss of employes
and that is the American branch of
the French house of Pathe Freres.
Though the majority of the employes
In this country are Americans there
are a number of Frenchmen in differ
ent departments, chief of whom are
the ranking officers, Arthur Roussel
and L. P. Bonvillain, the two vice-
presidents. When the call went out
from the French consul in New York
for reservists to return to the colors,
practically all of these Frenchmen re
ceived the call. Mr. Bonvillain, who
is a sous-lieutenant in the French
army, sailed at once to rejoin Mb reg
iment. It means separation from his
young wife and Infant son. Mr. Rous
sel is 111 with pneumonia and the news
of the war has hjeen kept from him.
Mr. Bardet, the cashier, has sent his
two sons who sailed on the Lorraine.
With them were Mr. Monca, sous-lieutenant
in the French army, and sou of
chief director Monca of the Vincennes
studio, various office clerks, camera
men, actors, directors and men in ev
ery department of the business, all
prepared to make sacrifices for the
good of their country. They represent
every arm of the service, infantry, cav
alry, artillery, engineers and aviation
The last private advices received
from France by the house were that
the huge factory in Jolnville-le-l'ont,
not far from Paris, has been requisi
tioned by the government as a barrack.
Plant Is Higher In Protein Than Grains
Commonly Grown on Farm
Take Place of Bran.
(By A. C. ARN'Y, Minnesota Experiment
The Canada field pea is a crop that
deserves more attention on many
farms. A ten-year average yield o
21 bushels of seed per acre has been
secured on University farm. The
weight per bushel is 60 pounds. Mixed
in the proper proportion with other
foods, ground peas make a good feed
for live stock.
They are higher in protein content
than the grains commonly grown on
the farm, and can be used in soma
mixed feeds to take the place of bran
For the production of an annual hay
crop, peas and oats mixed at the rate
of two bushels of peas and one bushel
of oats and drilled early in spring give
good results. From one and a half to
three and a half tons of hay can be
secured. Oat and pea hay can be fed
to advantage to all classes of farm
Oats and peas drilled early in spring
at the same rate as recommended for
hay, make an excellent hog pasture
crop, ready for use about July 1. Twen
ty bushelB of white Canada field peas
produced in 1913 are on hand at Uni
versity farm. They can be procured
for use as seed at $1.50 per bushel.
One Big Production Postponed
cause Leading Man Goes to
the Front.
Working Great Havoc With Chestnut
Trees In Several of the Eastern
States Writers Attempt to
Estimate the Loss.
(By G. CLINTON.) '
The fact that bo many shade and
forest trees throughout the United
States are dying is causing serious
concern on the part of all who are in
terested in forestry, whether this in
terest be caused merely because one
1b a lover of the fine trees, which line
our city streets, or whether one' is the
owner of a commercial forest.
It Is appalling to note, as one drives
through various sections of the coun
try, the many splendid trees turning
prematurely brown or yellow or being
entirely defoliated by some Insect pest
or disease.
Grand specimens of oak, elm,
maple, ash, chestnut every variety of
While speculation is rife as to the
probable effect on the motion picture
industry o the gigantic war now rag
ing through all Europe one of the
large eastern companies has already
experienced one unusual result of the
tremendous conflict, which has com
pelled the postponement of its produc
tion of "The Silver King," prepara
tions which have for some time com
manded the interest of the trade.
Guy Standing, whose selection for
the leading role was recently an
nounced, is a captain in an English
regiment, and when the announcement
that England had Joined the whole
sale war was officially confirmed,
Standing's military zeal immediately
destroyed the poise that is necessary
for so arduous a role as that of the
Silver King. Obsessed with the de
sire to return to his regiment and join
the colors, Standing pleaded for the
postponement of the engagement. Im
pressed by the patriotic loyalty of the
star, the producers consented, and
Standing happily began preparations
for a hasty departure. He sailed on
the Lusitania.
This is declared a wonderful five
reel photo production dealing with the
war situation throughout Europe. All
the scenes are genuine and authentic.
It is the history of the German revo
lution and the coalition of the powers
of Europe which caused the first rout
of Napoleon in the battle of Leipsic
on October 10, 1813. Napoleon scoured
the whole of Europe and intoxicated
by his victories, followed the course of
his destiny toward a tragic ending,
The allied armies had been conquered
many times over, but were still un
daunted. The protectorate of Napo
leon weighed heavily over the king
dom of the Confederation of the
Rhine, but the poets, philosophers and
thinkers of the whole of Germany
were united in thought; that of re
lieving the fatherland from the hu
miliation which the emperor with his
glory had imposed. The German
youth associated in the famous
'League of Courage" the Tugen-
bund disciplined their minds and
their muscles at the sacred fire of an
unquenchable thirst for independence,
Pittsburgh Dispatch.
According to Experiments Crop Can
Be Grown to Advantage Over
Wide Range of Territory.
(By B. A. STONE.)
The state of Wisconsin alone pro
duces 25,000,000 bushels of barley an
nually, or one-eighth of all the barley
grown In the United States. Even
then the barley crop in Wisconsin
has been confined to a comparatively
small area. Experiments have shown
that barley can be grown to advan
tage over a wide range of territory
1 .
y ,
Rip-Roaring Comedy.
"Oh! Look Who's Here!" iB a com
edy recently released. The story con
cerns Hawkins, a tired business man
who listens to the call of the soil,
and arranged to go on a farm. Mrs.
Hawkins, a militant suffragette, gets a
job as a policewoman, and proceeds to
act the part. Hawkins has adventures
with a ferocious cow, while trying to
rob her of her milk, and in the mean
time. Policewoman Hawkins manages
to helD a burglar to escape, while she
locks up innocent victims. Policewom
an Hawkins is a most efficient officer
with her vanity bag and powder pun,
while Hawkins creates a furore with
his misadventures among the pigs and
chickens. Policewoman Hawkins
"rough-housed" while attending to her
duties on the force and Hawkins is
nearly smothered under a load or nay
Each one gives up the Job and they
arrive home simultaneously, bacn
comfortB the other, and they decide
that home life is the best and happiest
after all.
Almost Too Real.
During the filming of a coming three
reel feature it was found necessary to
encase Alec B. Francis, leading man,
in a coffin-shaped affair, in which box
he was supposed to be sealed and re
main until suffocated. The actor waB
placed in the box, the camera record
ed the scene on the film. As the cot-
fin was hermetically sealed, all hands
were congratulating each other on the
strong dramatic scene, when to the
horror of all concerned it was found
that the cover could not be removed,
and It was feared that Mr. Francis
might in reality suffocate. Three crow-
bars were used, and at last the Ud
was pried off and a half-unccnsclous
Alec Francis was supported into the
Three Distinct Types of Barley
From Left to Right, Beardless, Two-
Rowed and Pedigree Six-Rowed.
Impressed by Studios.
Bessie Wynn, the famouB comedi
enne, who at present is touring the
United States in vaudeville, tninits me
Hollywood studios constitute the big
eest and most up-to-date toy shop in
the world. She visited tne siuaios
recently and met many old friends of
her "Babes in Toyland company.
She posed for the motion camera
for the first time in her careor, and
was very much interested In her ap
pearance upon the screen.
and there Is no reason why there
should not be a gradual expansion
of the barley area.
In the United States and Canada,
barley is used for malting purposes
and as a feed for farm animals. A
limited amount 1b used In the prepara
tion of breakfast foods, and for
pearled barley. Our farmers are
learning the value of barley as a part
ration for dairy cattle and young
stock and much more will be used as
animal food In the future. In the Pa
cific coast states barley Is quite gen
erally grown as a hay and feed for
horses. When used as a hay it is
cut in the milk stage shortly after
heading and cured like timothy or blue
grass. When the grain 1b used as a
feed it is either fed whole or the
kernels crushed by passing between
rollers. If finely ground the gluten
therein makes a sticky mass as soon
as it Is brought In contact with moist
ure and it 1b not then readily masti
cated or digested. Only a limited1
amount of barley is exported from the
United States and this is largely as
a feed owing to the mixture of va'
Fungus on Elm Leaves.
tree almost (in some localities ono
variety more than others) sharing the
same fate.
Millions of dollars' worth, of trees
have been destroyed by these wretched
foes within the past few years, re
gardless of the fact that millions of
dollars are annually spent In the en
deavor to prevent the destruction of
our trees.
Certain writers have attempted to
estimate in money value the loss
caused by the blight of chestnut bark.
Just how this loss is estimated is not
absolutely clear. However, it Is in
teresting to note that Jn 1908 one
writer estimated the damage in and
about New York City between five and
ten million dollars. In 1909 another
writer estimated the damage through
out parts of the east at ten millions.
He says: "The damage already done
in the states of New York, Pennsyl
vania and New Jersey would not be
less than twelve millions of dollars."
The greatest loss 1b caused where
future profits are entirely cut out by
the death of half grown trees and
sprout growth too small for present
use. If the disease progresses in the
future as actively as In the past, the
prospects of our chestnut forests are
Died in the End, but It Had Consider
able Fun With President of
the Lodge.
What nuisance a little mosquito
can make itself. A local man tells
me that when he had occasion to pre
side at a lodge meeting he found this
It was one of those soft, muggy
nights when the face is moist and the
mosquitoes If there be any about, de
light to pester one. The man had hard
ly taken his place as presiding officer
when the mosquito made its appear
ance, singing Its war song and look
ing for blood. It made a first attack
behind the ear, just as our friend
was making some Important announcement.
Just as the mosquito penetrated the
skin the man's hands were busy, and
before he could shift the document he
was reading to his other hand the in
sect had escaped. In the shifting, how
ever, and in the man's haste to get to
the mosquito, he dropped the loose
sheets of paper and the gentle breeze
that had been cooling his heated brow
very generously distributed them
among those present.
The sheets were finally reassembled,
however, and the business proceeded.
But the mosquito was still present, or
another one to take his place. This
time a more direct attack was made
on the choek. The man made a des
perate effort to get at his enemy, but
the mosquito dodged, and In doing
so, went In beneath the man's eye
glasses. The man continued his of
fensive operations, but with hardly
due care, for he knocked off his
glasses, which,, fortunately, fell into
his lap and were not broken. The
mosquito escaped.
But revenge came at last. Not con
tented with his feast, and utterly dis
dainful of his pursuer's ability to ac
complish his destruction, the mosquito
returned and tried to penetrate In the
man's neck. The man let him get
well settled, and then, with a re
sounding slap, settled his destiny. That
mosquito, at least, will never bother
any one else, but he caused enough
disturbance for so small an Insect,
for his destroyer's antics trying to
"get to" him kept the members of
the lodge well amused for five or ten
minutes. Lawrence Telegram.
i With Her Favorite People.
Orace Cuiiard had a great reception
at the several theaters in which she
appeared on her eastern trip ana no
tably in Columbus and Chicago. Miss
Cunard had several tempting offers
from both moving picture companies
and circuit agents, but the most tempt
ing of all was the added inducement
to remain with the big "U," the com
pany which has brought her bo promi
nently to the fore and which gave
her the opportunities to force herselt
to the front ranks. She Is glad to
get back to the old associations.
Arranging for Big Productions.
Carlyle Blackwell has been a busy
man lately. He has engaged the Nor-
hie studio at Edendale with Its per
fect laboratories and fine company to
other Including Jack Dillon for heav
ies Edna Mayo for leads opposite
himself. Adelaide Wise, George N.
Chesebro, Ollle Kirkby, and others
who will appear in the four reeler,
"The Key to Yesterday." by Charles
Neville Buck and put Into scenario
form by R. A. Dillon. Max Blackwood
Begging Not a "Right."
The attempt to set up and prove a
"right" for blind and crippled persons
tn hoe on the streets of the city,
through a test case brought on behall
of a beggar recently committed to the
house of correction, ought to be met
with determined and vigorous opposi
tion by the city authorities. There
. . . .I-- a .',litM In
should be no quesuuu u "6"-
the matter. Alms-seeking on me nign
u not a vested privilege or an in
iionhlB heritage for any class of citi
zens, even though they be among the
stricken and unfortunate and entitled
to the aid and sympathy or me cnan
table. At most they can claim only
tolerance. Philadelphia uuneun.
His Day Off.
Counsel Prisoner Is the man you
saw commit the theft?
witness (a bookmaker) x es, sir,
rounsel You swear on your oath
that prisoner Is the man 7
Witness Yes, sir.
Snorting Judge Are you prepared
to give me five to two on the prisoner
being the manT
witness Ah, I'm sorry, me lord,
but I'm taking a holiday today. Noth
ing doing. London runcn.
Much Mora Valuable Than Skim Milk
When Fed With Grains Supplies
All Protein Needed.
Butter-milk of a good quality has
practically the same feeding value as
skim milk. It Is much more valuable
when fed with farm grains in certain
proportions, depending on the market
value of the grain and the butter-milk.
Three to four pounds of butter-milk to
one pound of grain will usually give
the largest gains. However, if butter
milk can be had at a low price, one
is Justified in feeding a larger propor
tionfive to six pounds of butter milk
to one pound of grain. It It la to be
fed to growing pigs or breeding hogs,
which are not being crowded for large
gains, the proportion of butter-milk
can be still greater. Butter-milk has
been fed as the sole diet to that class
of hogs with fair valuable feed when
mixed with grain. Corn is the best
grain for this purpose, although
mixture of corn two parts and barley
one Dart Is nearly as good. It is not
necessary to feed wheat middlings,
tankage or any protein feed If a con
siderable quantity of butter-milk Is
used, for the reason that butter-milk
supplies all the protein that Is neces
sary in the ration.
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Continuous Panorama Machine.
A machine has been invented which
throws a continuous panorama com
pletely around the inner surface of a
cylindrical screen so that an ob
server standing at the center of the
Hpace inclosed by the screen will have
the same view that he would have if
standing in the midst of the actuul
scenes depleted. A number of partly
successful attempts to accomplish thiB
have been made by using several syn
chronized machines, but it has at last
been done by the use of only one ma
chine, and that of the simplest nature.
The apparatus with which the pictures
are made works much after the fash
ion of an ordinary panorama machine
except that the casing carrying the
liens aiid film makes a vertical axis
at such a high rate of speed that the
image on any part of the screen
changes so rapidly, as with an ordin
ary motion picture machine, that the
eye Is unable to detect the break be
tween successive pictures.
Tree Defoliated In Mid-Summer.
very poor Indeed. This means serious
loss, for the chestnut Is one of the
most useful forest trees in all parts of
the country where it occurs.
Besides the loss from a commercial
point of view, there Is the damage
caused to the Bhade and ornamental
trees, and to groves kept on estates
and parks, for aesthetic rather than
practical purposes.
African Cocoa Slaves.
Speaking before a large meeting In
London recently, Rev. J. H. Harris
said that the cocoa supplied by Por
tuguese West Africa is being produced
at a cost of human Buffering probably
without parallel today in the African
continent. For years his society had
made unofficial allegations to thiB ef
fect, but now they have statistics show
ing that during the last 30 years there
had been shipped from the ports to the
Islands 70,000 men, women and chil
dren, who perished in the long march
through tropical regions.
The society had said that these na
tive laborers were secured under the
most horrible conditions of the slave
trade, and further, that when on the
IslandB they were kept in bondage
from which there waB no escape, de
spite passionate appeals to be allowed
to return to their homes in central
Africa. The society had abundunt evi
dence of slavery conditions.
Traveler From the Effete Old World
Overcome by the Luxury That Sur
rounds American While He
Is Being Shaved.
Last year one of the noted literary
lights of Paris visited this country
or, rather. New York, for like many
foreigners who "tour America," the
lure of life In the metropolis proved
too strong to allow of further travel
and investigation and this is the way
he describes the Joys of an American
barber shop. His amazement can be
better understood when one remem
bers that the "tonsorial parlors" ot
Paris are notoriously stuffy and un
sanitary. A ceiling and walls of tile, a floor ,
of mosaics, toilette tables of varie
gated marble, armchairs with shining
steel attachments . . . Not a hair,
not a speck of dust visible ... a
luxury more striking than, that of the
Theater des Champs Elysees.
I Beat myself In an armchair which
insinuatingly invites sublime repose.
The barber, in spotless white, sur
rounds my neck with immaculate nap
kins and then addresses- me the word:
Instantly 1 feel the chair descending
beneath me. The blood rushes to my
head and I am not altogether comfort
able. But I know that I am In tha
hands of experts and my tranquillity
is restored.
I raise my head'. I Bee In the neigh
boring armchair other men in my po
sition' before whom are ytmng women
who are torturing their lingers with a
variety of Instruments. 1 will imitate
"Yes, manicure."
Instantly a Blim girl, blonde and
smiling, rolls toward me a little
marble table, on which I observe
many napkins, many curious instru
ments of steel and a little bowl for
warm water. The young Americalna
gently seizes my hand and plunges it
into the boiling water. The sensation
Is disagreeable.
This cryptic word I found upon In
quiry signified, "Do you. want your
shoes polished?"
The barber for the head; the mani
cure for the hands; the Bhiner for the
shoes. It Is all so logical that I ac
cept. . . .
Suddenly I am aroused from my
I do not understand. I ask:
"What is Bteno?"
"A stenographer to whom you dic
tate your letters."
Is it a joke? No, his face Is trail-
qull. Then I reflect; the barber for
the head; the manicure for the hands;
the shiner for the shoes; a stenogra
pher for the brain. It Is all bo log
ical. But, in truth, I should never
be able to dictate my correspondence
thus surrounded by bo many persons
bent on beautifying my modest per
son. Besides, what would come next?
An ocullBt for the eyes; a denttet for
the teeth; a masseur for the muscles?
I feef a vertigo coming on, and I re
ject the stenographer.
The feminine world Is reported to
be exercised over the possibility that
war may mean there will be no rrencn
fashions In fall. Mere man, however,
U general manager of the company. "should worry."
To Grow Large Crops.
Select good seed. Test It so at to
be sure that it will grow. Enrich the
soil by adding the kind of plant food
in which It is deficient and which the
crops must have for a large yield.
Prepare a good seed bed. Plant the
seed and cultivate the crop la the
best possible manner.
Numerous Fungous Diseases Rest Over
Winter On or In Decayed Stalks,
Leaves or Fruit.
(By Vf. W. ROBBINS, Colorado Expert
ment Station.)
In the control and prevention of
plant diseases sanitation of the gar
den Is Important. There Is a num
ber of our fungous diseases which rest
over the winter on or in decayed
stalks, leaves or fruit The resting
stage of the fungus la resistant In win
ter conditions. Among such diseases
which rest over in the above manner
Club root of cabbage, onion mildew.
leaf spot of strawberry, leaf spot of
beets, early blight of celery, late
blights of celery and asparagus ruBt
If a disease is not destructive one
season this Is no sign it will not be
another season. Rake up and burn the
old stalks, leaves and fruit left in the
garden patch.
Rich Fortunes From Privateering.
A century ago such a situation as
the present would have set merchants
all agog to secure letterB of marque
for their vessels. It was a license
from the crown authorizing a private
ship to wage war against and to cap
ture anv of the enemy's vessels. In
thoBe days of wooden walls a well
armed clipper or 2ast Indlaman was
almost a match for a frigate, but the
aim of the privateer was to ravage
the enemy's commerce. A lucrative
pursuit it was, too. In one year Capt,
Fortunatus Wright captured 16 ships
worth 500,000 pounds, while from one
cruise In the Spanish main the priva
teer Prince Frederick returned tq
Bristol with three-quarters of a million
pounds in bar silver alone and other
valuable cargo.
Manila Buildings Must Ee Ratproo'.
The municipal board of Manila has
passed an ordinance providing that all
buildings constructed in the city here
after must be ratproof. This measura
is for safeguarding the public health
against bubonic plague. The ordinance
was drafted by the director of health
and the city engineer. Hollow wulls
and partitions are forbidden. Wulls,
with the exception of those of solid
wood, must be ot concrete, brick,
stoi,e, mortar, or other material that
will keep out rats, to a height of ono
meter (3.28 feet) from the ground, and
must extend below the surface of tha
ground at least twice the thickness of
the wall. All hollow construction U
forbidden except It be without aper
tures through which ratB may puss
and of materials through which they
cannot make their way. A penalty is
provided for violation of the provi
sions of the ordinance of a fine not ex
ceeding $100 or imprisonment for not
more than bIx months or both.
Improvlnj Dairy Hard.
One can Improve his dairy herd very
rapidly by annually buying one good
cow of large milk producing capacity
and at the same time disposing of
bis poorest cow. .
Jollied Her.
Bhe I suppose to get Into the me
eorologlcal department a special
course of study was necessary.
He Yes; we had to learn to keep
our weather eye open. Boston Even
ing Transcript.
"I haven't seen Peggy since she left
college. Did she succeed In getting
i good position?"
"Better! She succeeded In getting a
iusband with a good position."
Princeton Tiger.
British March on Washington.
One hundred years ago saw thti
first practical step in advance of the
British naval and military expedition
against the city of Washington. There
were two riverB by which Washington
might be approached the Potomac,
on which it Is situated, and the Patux
ent, flowing In the rear. The British
commander chose the latter, both on
account of the facility of access and
for the purpose of doBtroying the fleet
of American gunboats which had ta
ken refuge In Its creeks. This object
was successfully accomplished on Au
gust 20 fifteen of the gunboats being
destroyed and one captured, together
with fourteen merchant vessels. Tha
next day the Brltleh army effected a
Cure for Hay Fever.
Dr. Claude Lowdermllk of Oalena,
Kan., reports to the Journal of tha
American Medical Association that ol
three hay-fever patients treated with
a toxin prepared from pollen before
the onset of the symptoms not oua
had an attack throughout the season,
and that of sixteen so treated aftei
the onset thirteen were cured. Doc
tor Lowdermllk gave also an autogo
nous vaccine. ,v