lames Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. I, NO. 6, MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON,! M OCTOBER 7, 1914 THE YEAR $1.50 toe 10RTANT llll! VOTERS TO REGISTER J. M. Conklin Will have Necessary Blanks at Maupin State Bank in Short Time Much interest has been arous ed this weekjn registration for voting at the approaching elect tion, which is now leas than a ! month away. A number of the measures to be voted on are attracting keen interest. The prohibition amendment has held the center of the stage locally on account of the interest arous ed by the meeting here Sunday night and a new series of prohi bition posters displayed here at at the same time. This is a vital question and every voter should be prepared to vote on it accord ing to his. or her convictions. There' are other measures of great importance to be'voted on. Unless the voter registers it is an extremelyLdifficult matter to cast his ballot. But there. is no place in Maupin' to register. It looked as if we might all be deprived of our vote or be forced to make a trip to the county seat, when Mr. J. M. Conklin, of the Maupin State Bank came forward with the solution. He is' anotary and has volunteered to secure the blanks necessary. These ought to be here by Monday j; and all who have not registered should do so at once. Time for register ing expires Thursday, Oct. 15. Maupin should make a good showing by polling a large vote on election day. Have Attractive Display Shattuck Bros. Jiave just in stalled a fine new hat case in that well stocked t department and will have in a' new line of hats within a few days. Have you noticed the attractive win dow displays at this up-to-date store? They are certainly' attrac tive and a credit as well as benefit to the proprietors. NEED BETTER MJUL SERVICE Southern Wasco Suf fers from Lack of Direct Connection With Outside Points Apples and Onions FOR SALE I will deliver at Tygh Valley Extra Fancy and Fancy Winter Apples of the following varieties; Jonathan, Grimes Golden, Winesap and Rome' Beauty at $i. io per box. Also, onions at $1.50 per Well filled sack. These products are as good as can be grown in the North west; well packed and guaranteed iu every way. The same goods will be delivered to Dufur or sold at my Orchards for $1 .00 for Apples and $1,30 for Onions. Delivered in quantities elsewhere at pro rata rate. I Address M. M. BUKlNfcK, Uutur, Ure.. Business transactions" between Southern Wasco and other parts of the county because of the fact that no mail is carried to and from here on the O-W. train, are almost impossible to handle. The Oregon Trunk gives us splendidlmail service to Portland, betterthan could be secured on the day train. But we need, and have a right to, mail service to and from the post-offices in our own'county.' It requires days for a piece of mail to travel two hundred fifty miles, via Portland, to reach Dufur, twenty-seven miles over the hills. The only means of direct communication with The Dalles is by wire and that is always expensive and usually unsatisfactory. , Wasco county should be a commercial unit with Maupin and The Dalles the .connecting points. If Dalles business men wish to cultivate commercial relations with business men in this end of the county, they will get behind this move to give us a direct mail service and see that we get it. Shoes and Rubbers New stock, new styles A complete line of new Fall Hats Macinaw Coats, Corduroy and Wool Pants Wool and Fleeced Uuderwear Ed Brown caughf a fine basket of fish out. of. the Deschutes river near here Saturday. Maupin is still headquarters for anglers, Shattuck Bros, shipped five crates of chickens to Page & Son Portland Monday. "If we haven't got it we'll send for it" SHATTUCK BROS. The Store of Better Service L C A All Around Town HOOL Tablets for ink or Pencil. Pen holders, Pencils, Crayons and Pens. CAP MERS Don't forget we have a full line of Dr. Hess Stock foods and Tonics W. H. STAATS & CO. Miss Derthick was a Dalles bound passenger a few days ago, Mr. Kurtz was here investing some more of his good money in Southern Wasco County hogs the first of the week. If you are in the market for a fine quality of apples or onions read the ad of M. M. Burtner in another column. Mr. Chamberlain, special rep resentative of the executive de partment, O-W. R. & N. Rail road, spent Friday in town. H. C. Stockwell, of Los Angel es, who is time lock expert for the Pacific coast, was in Maupin Thursday on his annual tour of inspection. Mr. Stockwell desig nates himself as the "ounce of prevention;" once a year he in soects all time locks in his district to make sure they are in perfect order. Wanted, to know about Bro. Eagen's gunning expidition the other night. A suitable reward will be paid for information lead ing to the discovery of the facts. A National Cash Register rep resentativejtraveling in one of his company's " autos decorated with the "N.C.R." monagram, spent a few hours Sunday in Maupin. Dr. Hatfield has rented the front room of W. H. Talcott's building and will locate his dent-' al parlor there. j Maudn Band engaged in an-i other of its successful practices Saturday night. The band boys are doing remarkably well and deserve all kinds of encourage ment. ! Among the returning passen 1 gers from The Dalles Saturday afternoon were Mesdames John son and Welter. They report a I successful session of the state W. C T. U.. which they) attend ed as delegates from Maupin. Ten cars of sheep from Crook county went thru here headed for California and other points Saturday. Have you sampled those salted nuts just received at Styer's? Try them and you'll want more. VIOLIN SOLOISTAT PROHIBITION MEET Violin music by an accomplish ed artist was the chief attraction at the local church Sunday evening. The violinist was Miss Covur traveling withers. Lottie Hannon for the prohibition amendment to the Oregon consti tution. A number of volin solos were rendered. MissICovur also accompanied the singing of numerous hymns, both old and new, in a manner that was de lightfully pleasing to the audi' ence. The building was comfortably filled at an early hour and all listened with much interest to the remarks on prohibition by Mrs. Hannon. The speakcrstated that the sentiment thruout the state is in favor of prohibition and that the only task is to get the voter to register and go to the polls on'election day. I carry all kinds of stones for rings and pins Emmons the Jewler. Frank Goble shipped out 2,500 head of sheep from here over the Oregon Trunk Wednesday. Frank Crager returned to Maupin Sunday. Bring your watches and clocks to Emmons the Jewler. Mr. Fischer was working on Frank Crager's car Tuesday. The inside trimmings for the school house arrived here from Tum-a-Lum headquarters at Walla Walla Monday. Good pro gress is being made by Contract or Wilhelm on the building. Two more cars of hogs went from here to market Tuesday. W. H. Staats made a business trip to the county seat this week, going down on the train Tuesday afternoon. C. L. Irvine, of Wapinitia, was a Dalles bound passenger on the Tuesday morning train. Walter Driver and wife, of Wapinitia, returned from The Dalles Monday. T. Vanderpool brought a load of apples over from his Dufur orchard to Shattuck Bros. They are fine apples indeed. " MEAL& That Are Meals The Kind We Always Serve At Reasonable Prices When in Town M-ke our Hotel Your Headquarter A Cordial Welcome to All HOTEL MOAD D. A. MOAD, Prop. BOARD AND ROOM BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH