Illfe (TRAVELED for a month through the heart of Mexico looking for the women of beauty and romance of whom I had heard bo much. In all that month I saw not one of thorn. Instead, there was always a horde of sad creatures, child-laden, prematurely old, who hung about the railway stations and repeated the plaint, "Un cimtavo, un centavo," al ways begging for a mere penny. And further back there was the hovel where the mother presided over the destinies of a large family and at tempted to make ends meet on the small and Irregular earnings of her men folks, writes W. A. Du Puy In the Detroit Free Press. ' There are two dominating Ideas In the mind of the resident of the United 8tates with reference to the people of Mexico. Light opera Is responsible for both. The first la the picture of the man a creature of an Inconceiv ably wide hat, of trousers skin tight to the ankles, of flowering, scarlet lash and colorful blanket. And the picture Is true In Its minutest details. No stager of light opera has ever ex aggerated the man of Mexico. He loafs today In magnificent ennui about the railway stations at Chihuahu:, and Saltlllo and San Luis PotoBl so ar rayed as to defy exaggeration. The second Mexican Idea of the man from the states Is of the senorlta, gay clad, bespangled, jangling her tambourine and with a dagger, for lealousy, hidden In her bosom. But this maiden Is as conspicuous for her absence as Is the male of the species for his omnipresence. Poverty Prevents. For It must be remembered that the people of Mexico are Inexpressibly poor. It Is of the masses I am writ ing, the 98 per cent. When Diaz be came president there was an occasion al opportunity for the native to earn 15 cents a dy at hard labor. Diaz let In foreign capital for the develop ment of Industry and In 30 years these same men could earn 60 cents a day and had more opportunity to work. Yet even this was not luxury. And the bnys and girls grew un as XJ hjp B;f aH SCZVit IN SOUTHERN MEXICO , do the herds In the fields and mated long before they had reached matur ity. Sometimes there was the formal ity of marriage, but more often there was not, for the fees were prohibitive. It was rare that a peon girl passed the age of fourteen without having found herself a mate. This name girl at twenty was the mother of four children. At that age she should have Just been coming Into her maturity, blossoming Into whatever of beauty lay within her. But the girl cf twenty who, In pov erty, has brought Into the world four youngsters and cared for them, has had little chance for the flowering forth of the latent beauty that may have been her birthright. This Is the condition that is almost universal among the people of the masses. It Is because of this condi tion that one looks In vain for the dream maiden of Mexico who burns up her soul In Jealousy for her sweet heart and slips the stiletto between his ribs rather than lose Mm. It Is a condition almost ur.'.versal, but not quite. There Is the town of Tehuantepec that Baves the day, for Tehuantepec Is the home of women who throw down the gauntlet to all the world for beauty and for those characteristics of leadership that dom inate all around them. Where Mexico grows narrowest to ward the southern end the Isthmus of Tehuantepec separates the main body of the country from Yucatan. A rail road crosses this Isthmus and makes a short cut between New York and the Orient. At the top of the divide there Is a native Indian town and here re side Mexico's amazons. Here tare found those rare natives with the fluted and extraordinary headgear that has won an International reputation. When the traveler alights In Tehuan tcpec ho is met by peddlers of opals and beads beaten out by native gold smiths from the metal of tribal mines, and the fruits of the "tierra caliente." Soon he notices that these peddlers are all women and that many of them are young and beautiful. He passeB into the market place, whore he finds innumerable stalls, also presided over by women. There Is the appearance of immaculate cleanliness and the air of business efficiency. Near by are native stores, also presided over by women. There Is hardly a male crea ture anywhere to be seen, Eventually the traveler learns that this is a city of pretty women. There are 3,000 of them and but BOO men. They have assumed the reins of gov ernment and the responsibility of pro viding for their own support. They have done both so effectively that Tehuantepec Is the cleanest, best gov erned, most prosperous community between the Rio Grande and Guate mala. And the beauty of these self-governing, self-supporting women lifts the traveler out of his boots. They are a remnant of the unsullied blood of the Aztecs, that race of high civilization that suffered so tragically when it fell under the all-blighting domination of Spain. They are a remnant of the people who built pyramids that rival those of Egypt and temples of such decorative beauty as to draw students from the world around Into the Jun gles of Yucatan. And these women have a classic delicacy of feature and a dignity that is In accord with this ancestry. , A Diaz Tragedy. This manless Eden is also a heritage from the Diaz regime. President Diaz sent his younger brother to Tehuante pec as governor. This latter was but an unlettered Indian and possessed none of the unusual qualities of Por flrlo. He governed his Aztec subjects with aboriginal cruelty and stupidity. His many atrocities came to a climax when, one day, he Bhot and killed one of these women of Tehuan tepec as she passed his dwelling. The shooting was done on a wager and merely to prove his marksmanship. There Is a touch of cruelty in even the Aztec when aroused. The people rose as a man and went for Governor Diaz. When they had captured him they performed an operation that is not unpopular In Mexico. They skinned the bottoms of his feet and then forced hlin to walk to his execu tion. To avenge the death of his younger brother President Diaz dispatched an army to Tehuantepec with Instructions to kill every male in the village. The orders were so effectually carried out that the only men left were those who fled to the mountains. Since then the town has been a com munity almost without men. As I walked the streets of this native city of the tropics one of the most pe culiar of the efforts of Nature to keep her balance was thrust upon me. The male children of the Tehuanas go Btark naked, but the little girls wear a skirt about their waists. I noticed that there seemed to be many more male children than female. So great w as the apparent difference in numbers between the sexes that I began to keep a tally. At the end of the day I had seen four times as many boys as girls. Patented by Woman. Once In a while a woman patents something that one would only expect a man to know anything about. An example of this is the patent of Mlsa Anna R. Tye of St. Joseph, who has patented an automatic stop for trol leys on overhead wires, combined with ! a switch to move the step. VIBRATOR IS DEMOUNTABLE Electrio Apparatus Easily Taken Apart and Cleaned Vibrations Stimulate Tissues. This electrio vibrator can be takei apart, merely by the turn of a couple of thumb Bcrews and put together again JuHt as easily. The vibrator, so constructed, Is believed to be the first to Incorporato this valuable feature. Users of electrio vibrators will un derstand at a glance the value of be ing able to take the machine apart and assemble It again. Such a ma chine may be easily examined and cleaned. Any excess of oil may be wiped away and the brushes kept free from matter which might cause slow ing up of the motor. The vibrations are strong enough to stimulate but not strong enough to do New Electric Vibrator. any harm. They are strong enough to reach locally any point deeply situated In the tissues. ELECTRIC TIMBER SEASONING Effect of Current Is to Produce Chem ical Changes In Cellulose and Sap to Prevent Decay. . In describing his latest researches In the electrical seasoning of timber, says the Electrical Review of London, Doctor Nodon claims that his process can be applied In the forest where the trees are felled, since no cumbrous or costly equipment Is required. The process depends on the electrolysis of cellulose and Its derivatives. The newly-felled trees are sawn Into thick planks and laid on a false flooring, pne on top of the other, with the Inter position, however, of moistened mat ing, or similar material between each layer, to act as electrodes for Intro duction of an alternating current which Is passed for ten hours or so. , The effect of the current Is to pro 'duce chemical changes In the cellulose and the sap, rendering them Im pervious to decay. Further, the sap loses those gummy and hygroscopic characteristics which normally pre sent rapid decaying. It Is claimed that timber thus treated is ready for use a few weeks after it Is foiled and Is harder, stronger, .more homo geneous, easier to work, and less warped by moisture than timber which has been seasoned by the or dinary air drying process. Paving blocks treated by the Nodon process are said to have been In use at Bordeaux for six years without showing appreciable deterioration. Electricity In Japan. Within ten years the electric wire mileage of Japan has increased from less than ten thousand to more than thirty-five thousand, the electric rail way mileage from less than one hun dred to more than seven hundrad and the power production from less than forty-five thousand to more than three hundred and forty-five thousand kilowatts. Phenol and formaldehyde are com pressed together to form a new In sulator for electrical purposes. m TiiiTnn cars for electric railroads which are emptied by motors, thus saving labor, have been invented by a Connecticut man. Imnni the new electrln rlirnr lighters for automoblllsts Is one in closed In a watchcase, which can be hung up by the ring. Swiss railways use en ambulance r pnmnletelv eaulDDed with electri cal appliances that are supplied with current by a generator mounted on one axle. In a New York church there Is an Incandescent lamp that has been used seven hours a day ior more than sev en years, which is believed to be the world's record. Two Illinois Inventors have patent ed a trap which attracts Insects with in It by a lighted lamp so that they come Into contact with electrically charged wires and are killed. Iceless refrigerators for household use, In which ammonia, circulated by electric motors, Is used, have been In vented, which are said to be more economical than those requiring Ice. A new portable electric lamp has a base that may be fastened to furni ture with a spring clip or to any Bmooth surface by a suction cup, while a spring takes up the slack of the teed wire. ELECTRICAL 1 NOTES! New Indian Animal Stories How the Turkey Got His Beard a d By JOHN M. Children, Color (Copyright, by MrClure Ncwspapor Syndl- cate. ) Long time ago, when the hunters brought in wild turkey from the hunt and the little boys stood round to see how big it was, or tried to swing it over their shoulders as the hunters did, the old men would come into the group and ask the boys If they knew how the turkey got his beard. Now, what the old men called the beard of the turkey was the long, red strip of flesh which hangs under Its head; and because of it the boys knew that they were not allowed to eat any meat from the turkey's neck. So the boys would ask how the turkey got his beard, and the old men would tell this story: It was after the terrapin had won his race from the rabbit that the tur key met the terrapin fin the trail. And he stopped to ask the terrapin how It was that he could beat the rabbit. But the terrapin would not tell about the trick he had played on the boastful rabbit; and he pretended that he could really run very fast. "Well," said the turkey, "you may be able to outrun the rabbit, but I think I could beat you." "Ho! ho!" Bald the terrapin, and he wouldn't talk about the race any more. So the turkey stood on one leg for a while and looked around, and then he stood on the other leg and looked around. Then he yawned and said to the terrapin: "What is that you have hanging from your belt?" "That is a fresh scalp," said the ter rapin. "It doesn't look very well there," said the turkey. HEALTH HINTS FOR THE BOYS Young Fellows Should Have Eight or Nine Hours of Sleep Always Rest on Right Side. (By DR. GORDON STAPLES.) First about sleep and early rielng. Well, my own best time for work la from seven in the morning, when I turn out and tub, till 1 p. m. . You should have eight hours Bleep, or even nine; but if possible two of these hours should be taken before midnight Young fellows should sleep on a hard mattress and with just as few bedclothes as possible. Mothers are greatly to blame in heaping thoir boys' beds with heavy blankets. By bo doing they are elmply naking Bottles of their boys and preventing them from grow ing up into strong, hardy men. Sleeping under a weight of bed clothes not only softens and weakens the muscles, but in the young often times leads to bad dreams, even bring ing on what are universally called nightmares. As to food: Eat nothing that is likely to disagree or cause indigestion, flatulence or heartburn. Eat but little meat, as this is exciting. Live for a time on plenty of milk, eggs, fish, pud ding and porridge, if you can get them. Take a large draft of hot, or even cold, water half an hour before break fast. Never eat a late supper, but do not go to bed hungry. I have told you the mattress should be hard and the bedclothes light. Well, you must cultivate the habit of lying on your right side, not on the back. Sleeping on the back brings on bad dreams. Go early to bed, and rise at seven. Take & hot bath every week and a cold sponge bath every morning. You won't like It at first, but, as Scotch folk say, "Ye maun thole (bear) a pain for a profit" Hub very well down with rough towels. Take a short spell of light dumbbells, then ten minutes' walk, and go In to a hearty breakfast Look upon cold water and fresh air as your dearest friends and real physicians. a D Up This Picture. "Where would it look better?" asked the terrapin. "Let me show you how well it would look around my neck," said the tur key. And the terrapin handed over the fresh, red scalp. With a string the turkey tied It un der his" chin. "Now," said the turkey, "I will walk a little way and you can tell me how it looks." So he walked a little way and the terrapin called out that It looked very well. "Now I will fix It a different way and you can tell me how it looks." And he walked farther away. "Oh, that looks still better!" cried the terrapin. When he heard that, the turkey just kept on walking, and when the terrapin called to him to come back the turkey didn't even turn his head. But the terrapin had his bow and arrows with him, so he took one of the arrows which had been made by the medicine people and shot it at the turkey as he was running away. Now the arrow struck the legs of the turkey and broke Into a great number of pieces, like cane splints. And thai is the reason why the legs of the tur key have such a lot of small bones in them. Of course, the turkey, even after he was crippled by the arrow, was able to run away from the terrapin, and bo he has kept the beard he stole. And, of course, when the little boya found out what the turkey's beard really was they knew why they were never allowed to eat any of the neck of the turkeys which the hunters brought In. MAKING FLINT ARROW HEADS Old Indian Art Not So Difficult as Many Supposed Now Made for Commercial Purposes. The old Indian art of making flint arrow heads was not so difficult as is usually imagined white men are ma king "old and genuine" Indian arrow heads now for commercial purposes and by the old Indian methods. Flint is not chipped with stone or with metal, but with water. When an In- An Indian Using Fire and Water to Shape a Piece of Flint Into an Ar row Head. dlan wished to make an arrow head, he held a piece of flint in a fire until it was very hot and then allowed a drop of water to drip from the end of a stick upon the spot to be chipped away. The sudden cooling made the flint chip off Immediately. Some cun ning is of course necessary in the shaping of the arrow head, but the old Indian method is the best that has been found. Happy or Brave. When you cannot be happy, you can be brave. There are things nobody can especially enjoy, aches, pains, disappointments, unkindnesses, and things of that sort Nobody expects that you girls can be just as happy over your troubles as you are over your blessings. But that does not ex cuse you for fretting and whimpering, just as soon as things go wrong. If you cannot be happy, you can bo brave, . OSKISON mm ONE WAY TO HARNESS HORSE Two 8uperlor Town Youths Recuper ating In Country Experienced Dif ficulty In Placing Bit. "If you fellowB care to go for a spin in the dogcart do bo with pleas ure," said the farmer to the two su perior town youths who were recuper ating in the country. "Not bad sport, that," said one to the other when the farmer had Bet oft for his turnip fieldB. "Easy thing to harness a horse, iBn't it?" "Oh, quite simple, dear boy." Nevertheless, both seemed a little doubtful on reaching the stable as to whether the animal's head or tall was the correct point at which to start. Argument decided that the lattor end of the wretched animal was the starting point, and after much snort ing and stamping,- they reached the head, where their chief difficulty lay in adjusting the bit. "There's only one thing to do wait," said one despairingly. "Walt? For what?" "Why, wait for the wretched beast to yawn." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. IN DAYS OF OLD. Sir Walter Raleigh The king can do no wrong. Queen Elizabeth Yes, but what a wearisome life a king's must be. Housewife Instinct. Woman Election Inspectress There are 'three spoiled ballots. Ditto Oh, dear; but then, I suppose we can make them over Into some thing else. Puck. What It Goes For. "To most people a nickel means one of three things." "Well?" "A glass of beer, a trolley ride or a moving-picture show." Drawing. Gabe What does your friend do for o living? Steve He draws from real life. Gabe Oh, he's an artiBt! Steve No; he's a dentist Literary. "And what do you do for a living Alexis?" "I write." "What?" , "Letters to my father." Showed Him. "I told Uncle Simon that he was getting too old and feeble to attend to business." "Did he take It kindly?" "He threw me out of the office." Persuasive. "You've heard the old Baying that Satan finds work tor Idle hands to do." "Oh, yes. And not only that, but he often Induces busy hands to make a radical change In the kind of work they do." No Team Work. Husband I can't understand whv they haven't sent some one to meet us, unless your letter went astray. Wife My letter! Why, Frank, I distinctly understood that you had written. Judge. The Ostrich. "Why are you puffing like a steam engine and raising that cloud nf smoker "Sh-h-hl There's a man i th... - - luciq I owe money and I don't want him to see me. judge. Paw Knows Everything. Willie Paw, are a man and his wife one? Paw Yes, my son. Willie Then how many was Solo-i monj , Paw You go to bed, young man.