The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 16, 1914, Southern Wasco County Fair Edition, Image 4

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Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brief.
London reports low unemployed,
but recruiting la active.
The Japanese government haB pass
ed a bill for a war fund of about $25,
500,000. The Itulinn cruiser Plemonte haa
been recalled from Bomallland, East
The British ore reported to have
beaten a force of 400 Germans in Nys
saland, Central Africa.
English authorities announce the
British casualty list at 19,000, exclus
ive of the last three days fighting.
One hundred and ten Chinese stu
dents, including ten girls, arrived at
San Francisco en route to various
American colleges.
German authorities announce that
the British cruiser Pathfinder was de
stroyed by a German submarine, In
stead of by a mine.
The French government Ib furnish
ing free transportation to all who will
leave Paris, and it Is estimated that
over two million have gone.
The burgomaster of Louvaln says
the Germans have promised to cease
hostilities against the city, and that
residents may safely return,
The Bteamer Isthmian this week
Bailed from Pacific Coast ports to
New York via the canal with 500 tons
of wood pulp for paper making.
The sinking of a fishing trawler,
which struck a mine in the North Sea,
is reported. The skipper and a fire
man were drowned. Ten others were
A dispatch to the London Star from
Newcastle sayB that the tramp steam
er Ottawa struck a mine off Northum
berland Saturday and went down. So
far as Is known, none of the crew of
26 men was saved.
A dispatch to the London Post from
PariB says that a French military bi
plane, caught In an air pocket above
Bols de Vlncennes fell, killing two avi
ators and four persons In the street.
Four other persons were severely In
jured. 1 Prince Frledrlch of Hesse, eldest
son of Prince Carl of Hesse, and an
officer In the Hanan Uhlans, has been
seriously wounded in France, and Col
onel Ernest Morltz von Arendt has
been killed, according to a Copenha
gen dispatch.
Minister of War Mlllerand has sent
a circular note to the generalB com
manding the several districts of
France ordering them to institute a
vigorous Bearch for all persons who
have failed to respond for military
service bb required.
The declaration was made by the
foreign office at Tokio that there was
no truth In the report circulated in
Toklo and elsewhere that Japan had
been in negotiation with Great Britain
concerning the dispatch of a Japanese
army to Germany.
A dispatch to the London Dally Tel
egraph from Copenhagen announces
that a German squndron of 31 Rhlps,
Including battleships, cruisers and torpedo-boat
destroyers has been observ
ed at various points along the Gulf of
Bothnia, steaming east.
The Rome Trlbuna's Vienna corres
pondent Bays 6000 wounded arrived In
Vienna on Tuesday, 5000 on Monday
and 9000 on last Sunday. About a
third of these are Germans. Budapest
and Prague also report the arrival of
large numbers of wounded.
A dispatch to the London Exchange
Telegraph company from Ghent says:
"It is estimated that from 30,000 to
40,000 German sailors liavo arrived
during the past two days at Brussels.
This indicates that the German re
serve Is completely mobilized."
China officially notified the state
department at Washington of its In
ability to participate in the naval ren
dezvous at the Panama-Pacific Expo
sition. Conditions arising because of
the war were given as the reason and
the Chinese foreign office expressed
Its deep regret.
The eremenfs have delayed unex
pectedly the Japanese advance on
TslngTau. Floods cover the sur
rounding country and are spreading
and beyond Wel-Halen. It Is said It
may be months before the Japanese
can begin their investment of the
stronghold, which now can bo reached
only by boat.
That German prisoners be pressed
into the service in the highly hazard
ous work of sweeping the North Sea
mines was a suggestion made In the
House of Commons. Great Britain
now hai many small boats engaged in
this task, and German prisoner crews
under British officers would handle
such craft if the plan outlined were
"The cost of Bhoes Is going up," ac
cording to a statement Issued In New
York by a committee representing the
delegates to a conference of the Na
tional Shoe Wholesalers1 Association
and the National Retailers' Associa
tion. This statement places the blame
on the European conflict, which has
seriously curtailed the Importation of
hides and skins.
Heavy rainstorms do Blight damage
in Western Oregon and Washington,
but will benefit the late fruit
Rudyard Kipling In an address at
"Brighton, England, referred to the
German attack as "organized barbar
ism." Reports arriving here say that de
Bertlons from the Austrian army are
increasing dally. This 1b said to be
especially true along the Roumanian
frontier, and It Is declared also that
many Austrian soldiers have reached
Switzerland through the Tyrol. It Is
said that 34 per cent of the men of
the Mechlav regiments have disap
Peace Must De Permanent
Declares English Official
Washington, D. C Two develop
ments of the highest importance In
connection with preliminary peace ne
gotiations which have been In pro
gress here have taken place.
First Presldont Wilson received a
communication direct from the em
peror of Germany protesting against
the use by the allies of practices con
trary to the laws of war, deploring the
shedding of blood and the destruction
of property through a war brought on
the German empire and Intimating a
desire for peace.
Second Sir Edward Grey, minister
for foreign affulrs of Great Britain,
sent a reply to the Informal peace
overtures made on behulf of the Ger
man ambassador to the United States,
through Oscar Straus, of New York,
and Secretary of State Bryan, to the
representatives here of the allies' gov
ernment. The message of the German emper
or Is under date of last Friday. On
the same day Dr, Van Bethmann-IIoll-weg,
chnncellor of the empire, advised
Count Von Bernstorff, the German
ambassador here, that Germany had
not gone Into the war for further ad
ditions of territory.
It is apparent there Is a movement
on the part of Germany to obtain:
Peace on the basis of the present
war status quo.
To place on the allies responsibility
for the war.
To relieve Germany of the charge
of wanton destruction of life and prop
erty. To explain that the wiping out of
the city of Louvain was necessary, as
a result of the conduct of the Belgians.
As establishing the character of the
warfare conducted by the allies, the
emperor refers to the use by them of
dum-dum bullets, abundant proof of
which, according to his letter, exists.
Sir Edward's reply was made to Am
bassador Page in the course of a con
ference. In accordance with the me
diatory role which he has assumed
Secretary Bryan will acquaint the Ger
man ambassador with the nature of
Sir Edward's response. This probably
will lead to another conference In the
next few days.
It now will be for the German am
bassador to drop the informal charac
ter of his presentations and if he real
ly 1b acting in accordance with the in
structions of his government, to make
representations under which the pres
ident and Secretary Bryan can pro
ceed with their efforts to terminate
the war. i
The British communication Is sig
nificant in several aspects.
It says that Great Britain, quite as
earnestly as Germany, is willing to
move for the restoration of peace.
This In spite of the fact that Germany
has won a succession of victories on
It shows that Great Britain will not
be content with a peace which will be
merely a truce; that as far as possible
she proposes to end war through the
conflict now in progress.
It shows finally that Great Britain
is determined to stand by Belgium and
to insist that Germany compensate
that little nation for the terrible losses
In life and property which she Incur
red in the defense of her neutrality.
The reply of Sir Edward Grey un
doubtedly was made after consulta
tion with France and Russia.
Germans Deny Mining of
North Sea; Ports Open
New York. Count von Bernstorff,
German ambassador to the United
States, denies that there are mines in
the North Sea. German ports are not
blockaded, he declared, and neutral
ships can enter them and can replen
ish their coal supplies in these ports,
as there Is no embargo on bunker coal.
"Neutral ships which wish to enter
ports in the North Sea must go to a
point ten miles north of Heligoland,
where they will find German pilots to
take the ships into the harbors," he
said. "Harbors in the Baltic can be
approached directly and there are pi
lots before every port."
The ambassador gave out an extract
from a letter sent from Belgium by
his son, who is In a cavalry regiment
of the guard, as follows:
"In every village there are bombs
and we have to make people drink wa
ter they offer us. They are trying to
poison us."
British Recruits 300,000.
Washington, D. C The British em
bassy received from the London for
eign office the following dispatch:
"There is Increasing enthusiasm for
recruiting In Great Britain. Three
hundred thousand men have joined
the regular army since the war began.
The eagerness to enlist has grown
markedly since British troops have ac
tually been engaged with the enemy."
Another message officially denies
that the British cruiser Bristol had
been disabled in an engagement with
an unnamed German ship in southern
Belgium Will Aid Families.
New York. Fifteen cents a day will
be paid by the government of Belgium
to every Belgian womnn in America
whose husband is with the Belgian
army. If she hns children, she will
receive, in addition, 5 cents a day for
each child, which will be increased to
10 cents a day in case the husband be
slain, Pierre Mull, the Belgian consul
general announced Saturday. This ap
plies to all families of soldiers, regard
less of their financial situation.
Lassen's Violence Grows.'
Redding, Cal. Lassen Peak contin
ued In a state of eruption Saturday,
two violent disturbances occurring,
which were pronounced the greatest
of the series of 42 Bince last May.
Clouds of ashes descended at Mineral,
10 miles from the peak. Several per
sons reported that they had Been
flames emanating from the crater, but
the forest bureau's observer, stationed
not far from the crater, said he saw
no fire.
Servians Also Assume Offensive
and Take Austrian City.
Siege of Belgrade Ends Germans
Victorious in EastAustrians
Also Beat Back Russians.
London. News from Nlsh, Servla,
that the Servians had captured Sem
lln nnd an official announcement from
Petrograd that Russian troops had
succeeded in dividing the Austrian
army in Poland, dominate the situa
tion concerning the Eastern scene of
war. The Petrograd dispatch says:
"Tomaszow has been taken after a
desperate fight.
"The German troops near Myslnec
and Chorzele, Russian Poland, have
been repulsed with heavy losses.
"The Russian forces have taken by
assault the fortified positions of Opole
and Tourblne, Russian Poland, and
pursued the enemy a distance of 25
miles. RusBlan cavalry Is still driv
ing In the rearguard of the enemy,
'"It Is announced that the Russian
troops have succeeded in separating
the left wing of the Austrian army
from the troops which were operating
around Tomaszow and Ruwa, in Rus
sian Poland."
Telegraphing from Petrograd, the
correspondent of the Morning Post
"The Austrian retirement on the
Vistula is being conducted with a sem
blance of order, but the case is differ
ent with the right wing operating near
Tomaszow. The Austrians here are
routed and fleeing in the utmost dis
order. Driving in between the two
wings, the Russians have cut off this
Austro-German , army and completely
surrounded it on the front and flank.
The Russians have summoned this
right wing to surrender.
"The Russian cavalry has got be
hind the retreating army with gunB
and the situation of the Austro-Ger-mans
now is desperate. ' To cross
marshes and rivers with cavalry and
artillery hammering it from the rear
is more than any beaten army ever
accomplished since Napoleon's time.
Moreover, the Austro-Germans have
lost the bulk of their supply trains and
the men must be starving.
"The number of prisoners now in
Russia Is bo enormous that it is be
coming necessary to send them further
afield. A large number are being sent
towards Siberia."
The taking of Semlin was reported
In a Reuter dispatch from Rome trans
mitting a message received from Nish,
the temporary capital of Servla. The
dispatch said:
"The taking of Semlin has caused
great enthusiasm throughout Servia.
The people are proud that their army,
after seven weeks of war, not only has
prevented a powerful enemy captur
ing Belgrade, but has inflicted humili
ation upon them by forcing them to
evacuate their base of operations
against Servia. The victory has had
a most wonderful moral effect upon
the army and people."
Semlin is an important town of Austria-Hungary
in Slavonia. It Is locat
ed on the tongue of land formed by the
junction of the Danube and the Save,
opposite Belgrade, Servia, with which
it was connected by a railway bridge
across the Save.
London. Telegraphing from Rome,
a correspondent of the Dally Tele
graph declares he has learned from
diplomatic sources that Roumania,
Greece and Bulgaria have Blgned an
agreement which may be regarded as
a real alliance, under the terms of
which these three nations engage to
interfere whenever necessary in order
to prevent Turkey aiding Germany
and Austria in the present war. If
Turkey remains neutral, however,
these three states will do the same.
It Is reported in Rome, the corre
spondent continues, that Berlin has
become resigned to the idea of Italian
neutrality, but she Is determined that
Italy shall at least remain neutral un
til the end.
British Wipe Out 3000.
London. The Paris correspondent
of the Dally Express learns from the
front that in the attack on the Ger
mans Wednesday afternoon the Brit
ish punished the Prussian guard in the
severest possible manner. An en
tire jaeger regiment of sharpshooters,
numbering nearly 3000, was wiped out.
"There is not the slightest doubt,"
says the correspondent, "that but for
the superb handling of the German
right by General von Kluck, a large
part of Emperor William's forces
would have been captured. The allied
cavalry did wonders."
Russian Corps Defeated.
London. A Reuter dispatch from
Berlin says:
"The general staff announces that
the Twenty-second Russian Army
Corps, of Finland, has tried to force
an entrance into East Prussia by way
of Lyck. The Russians were defeated
at Lyck,"
Lyck is In East Prussia, on Lake
Lyck, 65 miles south of Gumbinen.
Britain Gets Greek Base.
Rome. The Tribuna publishes a tel
egram from Brindisl asserting that the
Greek government has conceded to
Great Brttajn permission to establish
a naval base in Port Mudros, Island of
LemnoB. Great Britain can center
three naval divisions there.
Senate Extends Vreeland Act.
Washington, D. C. An amendment
to the banking law permitting state
banks and trust companies with capi
tal of $25,00 and 29 per cent surplus,
or more, to issue federal currency un
der the Vreeland section was passed
by the senate.
Incomes Made to Dear
Share of "War" lax
Washington, D. C An Income tax
Increase of one-half of 1 per cent and
a reduction of the minimum exemp
tion from $3000 to $2000 and the maxi
mum exemption from $4000 to $3000
were tentatively agreed on by Demo
cratic members of the ways and means
committee who are framing the emer
gency bill to raise $100,000,000.
It Is estimated that the proposed
Income tax changes would produce
$36,000,000 annuully.
In deciding on the income tax In
crease, the committee considered the
fact that revenue from this source
would not be available until next July,
but the opinion was general that the
Increased revenue from other sources
would meet any deficit until that time.
Under the proposed changes the In
come tax would be 1 per cent on in
comes of single persons in excess of
$2000 and the same on married per
sons In excess of $3000.
In addition the one-half per cent in
crease would be added pro rata in ac
cordance with the Increased sur-taxes
on Incomes In excess of $20,000.
The committee agreed also that the
Increased tax oh beer and malt liquors
should be fixed at 50 cents a barrel,
bringing in $35,000,000. On domestic
wines an extra tax of 20 cents a gal
lon will raise $10,000,000. Distilled
spirits will escape an extra tax, but it
was decided to tax rectified spirits 2
cents a gallon, realizing $2,000,000.
Opponents of an Increased tux on
whlskleB won their fight after three
ballots had been taken. Proposals to
levy an additional tax of 25 and 15
cents a gallon were defeated. On a
proposal to make the tax 10 centB a
gallon, there was a tie vote. Finally
It was agreed to make the tax apply
only to rectified spirits at 2 cents.
London. Extensive farming
throughout the British Islea and the
plowing of land at every place where
it is available is urged in an open let
ter issued by P. Lloyd Graure, secre
tary of the Unionist agricultural com
mittee. "If steps are not taken to assure a
supply of wheat from May to August,"
Secretary Graure says, "we may see
wheat riBe to famine prices. To avoid
this, the government should offer a
considerable bonus to all farmers to
keep their wheat in stack until May of
next year, at the same time reserving
the right to purchase all the wheat at
a price equal to the present price plus
the bonus."
Mexicans Agree on Plans
tor Holding New Election
Washington, D. C The basis for
the recent assertion of President Wil
son that he believed Carranza and Vil
la would co-operate in restoring con
stitutional government In Mexico was
revealed Wednesday, when it became
known that General Obregon, personal
friend of General Carranza, had sign
ed the proposals of General Villa for
an electoral program.
The program in full Is as follows:
That a convention of the delegates
of the constitutionalist army be called
to arrange the date of the election for
Congress, President and Vice-President.
That no military man be a candidate
for President or Vice-President or
Governor of any state.
That a civilian take charge of the
provisional government to hold elec
tions. That a general amnesty be declared
.except as to those who committed the
crime or participated in the assassina
tion of Madero and Suarez.
That the officers of the old federal
army who can show clean records shall
be taken into the new national army.
That all reforms shall be put
through In an energetic manner, but
on a legal and constitutional basis.
General Carranza already has com
plied with the first proposal by calling
a general convention for October 1 to
select a provisional president.
Germans Seek Boer Aid.
London. That the Germans in
Southwest Africa, where there are 30,
000 German troops, have been storing
guns and ammunition for some time
preparing for military action, has been
made known to the British. It is said
the Germans believed that the Boers
would aid them.
. Although the Germans proceeded
with great secrecy, the British offi
cials have been fully informed con
cerning their action, know the num
ber of arms in their possession and
their military dispositions.
Art Protection Urged.
Washington, D. C President Wil
son took under consideration a sug
gestion from Ambassador Herrick at
Paris that the United States approach
the powers in an effort to have their
armies regard historic buildings, mon
uments and works of art as "interna
tional property."
Ambassador Herrick cabled the sug
gestion after the diplomatic represen
tatives in France of several neutral
countries had indicated the desire of
their governments to support the pro
ject Import of Treaty Noted.
Rome. The Corriere d'ltalia, com
menting on the undertaking signed by
the powers of the Triple Entente, in
which it was agreed that none of the
three would accept terms of peace
without the previous consent of the
other two, says that the undertaking
will have enormous importance. In
addition to its effect on Germany, it
will serve as a warning to certain
states, the paper declares.
Australia Halts Exports.
London. A dispatch to the Post
from Melbourne says that the govern
ment has prohibited the export of
wheat, flour, tinned and other meats
to any place outside the United King
dom, except with the government's
consent. This decision is due to the
suspicion that Australian cargoes, os
tensibly for South America, are really
Intended for the enemy.
AR is like any other business.
Men who make their living
by fighting grow wearied of
the gume and need recrea
tion, just as a coal heaver
or a bookkeeper. Put a bookkeeper to
work 16 hours a day and allow him no
relaxation and he will .become dull.
Give him moving pictures and a lot of
other entertainments and he will
brighten up perceptibly, He will make
fewer mistakes.
As it Is in bookkeeping, so it is in
war. The soldier who has a chance
to relax occasionally will shoot near
er the mark than the one who is al
ways aiming his weapons.
So on the American fighting vessel
today they have games of all kinds.
Long ago they Introduced football nd
foot races to be played on deck. They
also played tennis and Indoor baseball
and outdoor baseball teams. But Uncle
Sam before Vera Cruz has given an
object lesson on up-to-dateness which
beats anything ever before presented.
That Is the moving picture show.
Have Best "Movies."
The moving picture theater has be
come so Indispensable at home that
the secretary of the navy decided to
take It along on foreign invasions, and
while the sailor sits on deck after
slaughtering the enemy with gigantic
guns all day, he can sit up at night
and take In the greatest wonders of
the film show, and it doesn't cost him
a cent. It 1b one of the greatest free
attractions furnished by the navy de
partment to make better fighting men.
The best features are always to be
had and the sailors Bee new pictures
at regular Intervals. With the advent
of the moving picture shows on ship
board the recruiting stations can add
another list to their attractions at sea.
They have told of the wonderful
scenery and the chances for promotion
at big pay.
The new advertising can tell of the
moving picture shows. The picture
films have not been introduced on all
vessels so a man might enlist In the
AntRiCAN Sailors
navy and be placed aboard a cruiser
with nary a movie in sight, but the
time is soon coming when he will be
spared that fate.
The discovery of moving pictures on
American men-o'-war was the source of
great amazement to an English war
correspondent who was admitted to an
American dreadnaught one night after
sunset. There was a faint glow in the
west where the sun had gone down on
the tropical forest back of Vera Cruz.
Twilight lasted only a short time and
night soon settled down over the har
bor. The day had been hot, although
it was yet early in the summer. But J
the Jackles were happy and contented.
They whistled as they walked up on
deck for the evening's entertainment.
The correspondent didn't know there
was going to be an entertainment. He
didn't know a great deal about battle
ships anyway. He was just a corre
spondent. Suddenly he saw several men seize
a piece of canvas and spread it up on
"Funny proceedings," he commented.
He watched them go on with their
work. He saw them erect a real ma
chine, but he could not understand
what they were going to do with it out
on deck. Then he saw the sailors line
themselves out on deck and sit down
as close together as they could. They
were dressed In their light clothing.
"My word!" said the Englishman.
"I'll be blowed if they are not going
to have a picture theater."
The lights were turned out and Just
at that InBtant the breeze from shore
began to blow out over the harbor.
The night which had threatened to be
suffocatingly hot, was becoming cool
"How lovely," said the Englishman,
and be edged nearer to the crowd.
Then the play on the screen began.
Picture followed picture in swift succession.
'' ' ' - -
"The latest thing," said the English
man. "ThoBe pictures Just came out
In London and must have come over
on the boat with me."
Audience Decorous.
Then came Paris pictures and Amer
ican pictures. The American sailor
crowd acted much as a crowd of pe'e
pie on shore. They applauded. They
were interested. Perhaps they were a
little more decorous than an American
civilian crowd would be, PerhapB they
took their places with more order and
then walked away with less confusion.
Their military training has taught
them how to do that. '
On board the boat were several Mex
ican prisoners. They had been caught
In the harbor pilfering from some
freight boats and were taken on board
the battleship to be sent ashore. They
were brought aboard just before the
pictures were run and the officer of
the guard thought it would be a good
act to let the Mexicans see tbe pic
tures. They looked at them with won
der and delight. It was their first in
troduction to the movies.
History tells how the soldiers of
Rail at Trenton drank before tbe bat
tle when Washington crossed the Dela
ware and conquered them. History
tells how the hosts of Babylon drank
while Darius the Mede was investing
the city, but the amusements of the
American sailors and marines are not
of that harmful variety. They see the
movies and keep their brains clear.
American Trap-Shooters to Be Given
a Chance to Show Prowess at
the Olympic Sports.
The gloom that permeated every
highway and byway of Mudville when
the mighty Casey struck out, as re
lated by one DeWolf Hopper in his
melancholy lay of "Casey at the Bat,"
has settled like a wet blanket because
the Olympic committee in solemn ses-
on guard Duty
sion has decided that baseball is not
an international sport within th(
meaning of the rules and regulation!
of the International Olympic congress
In striking contrast to the depres
slon of the tans is the joy of gun bug
of nearly every civilized country, foi
trap-shooting will have its usual plac
on the program.
It will be recalled that during th
last Olympic sports, an Amerlcar
farmer "Jay" R. Graham of Illinois
vanquished the "clay bird" busters ol
the entire world for the individual
championship and was one of the five
Americans that carried off the squac
laurels. And this with handicap of the
gun-below-the-elbow Btyle required bj
the Olympic rules, while the loglca.
way Is that practiced throughout th
United StateB the shooter standing
at the firing-point with the gun to hie
shoulder when he calls "Pull."
That American trap-shooters will
give a good account of themselves is t
certainty; that the honor of again
leading the world In shooting claj
saucers will agaiu come to the Unttet
States is the hope of every lover ol
outdoor sport
Pitiful Story of the Slums.
Apropos of the pitiful overcrowdinj
of the slums, J. G. Phelps Stokes, th
millionaire -social worker, Bald in a re
cent address In New York:
"Let me illustrate our overcrowdinj
with a story.
"Three pretty girls of fourteen oi
fifteen talked, as they sat making art!
flclal flowers, about what they'd do ii
they each had a million dollars.
" 'I'd buy a house at Coney and liv
there all the year round," said the first
" 'I'd buy automobiles and diamondi
and live in Europe,' said the second.
"The third little girl, heaving a sigt
of divine content at the thought Mid:
"'I'd sleep alone.'"