SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE i0404100404010040004000401004040400400400100 !lt . It New Indian Animal Stories How the Martin Won the Gourd Nest iandamental Principles of ONE VETERAN RETIRED AND RE CRUIT TOOK 8ERVICE. By JOHN M. OSKISON Health1 i i i f Principal. Street, Irkutsk. A THOUSAND miles after you have left Russia, Journeying across a flat, featureless ocean of steppe toward the rising sun, you will enter a wood. Light-heartedly you plunge through a crevice of that dark wall of ever green foliage. The cool gloom Is pleaBlng after the Bhadeless steppe. Towering masts of pine and fir and cedar. Infrequent glimpses of sky through chance vents in the roof. A faint dank stench of rotting logs and waterlogged moss. Not a bird or a beast to see or hear; clusters of mos quitoes wreathing in spiralB up a glancing shaft of twilight. The silence of the grave, writeB Liassett Digby In the New York Tribune. Yes; pleasant after the Bhadeless steppe. ... It must be a deep wood though. Miles have drawn into leagues. Suddenly night falls. . . . If you find a track in the next three days, which is improbable, you will live to celebrate, In some turf-roofed log hut, your first week's passage through this forest yes, you begin to call it a forest now. Well, to summarize, if you are a pretty good walker and have luck you will be getting near the eastern fringe of that forest about seventeen weeks later. Long before that you will cease to wonder at a certain moroeeness, a certain long-faced silence, In your woodmen hosts. And not improbably you will have vowed to paust ior a day at the frontier of this forest If frontier it should have, Indeed to lie on your back on the steppe and gaze at clouds. You have almost forgotten what a big, spacious cloud looks like. Out of the Cedars. Comes a morning when the cedars and firs thin out and birch coppice en sues Presently the birches thin and thin, trickling away Into a broad down ward sweep of treeless prairie. A few leagues ahead glints of gold and silver flash Incomprehenslvely out of the far distance. Then splashes of dazzling white, spires and towers and domes, and a city appears, swept on three sides by a river of foam-flecked emerald, the Siberian metropolis. If you are looking for Occidental grandeurs (sic), comforts and culture, approaching thiB outpost of empire with the Berlin or the Boston point of view, you will find Irkutsk crude. To appreciate her you should come upon her, mentally If not in actuality, out of the awful solitudes of forest Jhat hedge her about; then you will not cry ne upon her for being the capital city of Northern Asia and having neither street-cars nor skyscrapers, few drains and fewer street lamps, hotels a rlre, un actorless opera house and roads that are lakes of mud or drifts of stifling dust. Facts? Facts? You can't find a guide book dealing with Siberia, and you champ your hungry JawB for facts? No; there are no guide books. Facts? Oh, well then Irkutsk, the capital city of a largish slab of the world's dry land, about three times the size of all Europe, exclusive of Russia, has 80,000 inhabitants who labor under the delusion that they are Europeans, though 70 per cent of the hairiest are honest enough not to give the matter much thought, wearing their shirts outside their trousers and dwelling In small log huts and bovine tranquility. In 1652 Ivan Pakhobov, leader of a filibustering gang of Cossacks and ex ceeding tough, built a stockaded tim ber fort at the junction of the rivers Angara and Irkut. Altruistic patriot ism was less of a motive of his than legitimatized plunder of the Booriat Mongol fur trappers. He levied trib ute on them extorted loot to the ac companiment of flag waggings. Some of it may eventually have reached the treasury at Moscow. Who knows? When Professor Gmelin came out, in 1734, on the pioneer scientific ex ploration of Northern Asia, he found 839 log huts at Irkutsk, of which most contained, in addition to a stove and a bathroom, "une chambre sans fumee ou en se tient en famllle," which Is more than one can say nowadays. In 1803 the whole of Siberia was placed under the administration of a gover nor general, with a residence at Irk utsk. Today the city has a cathe dralOur Lady of Kazan thirty-two Orthodox Greek churches, sixteen par ish churches, thirty-five private chap els attached to residences, some Rom an Catholic churches, a German Lu theran church, forty-nine schools, eigh teen charitable Institutions, an opera house with nothing going on moBt of the time, a government gold labora tory, barracks by the score, several bankB and breweries and monasteries and jails, a fine museum with an alert educational programme of lectures, and so forth, a very few factories, sev-; eral tanneries and a major In a caval ry regiment who weighs 31 Btone, which Is just short of a quarter of a ton a blithesome boy who can prob ably ride a gun carriage with the most reckless of 'em. Of the Irkutsklans Gmelin wrote: "Us alment l'exces l'oisivite, le vin et les femmes" not till he got out of town, though. I'm still in Irkutsk, at the mercy of the mob, so wait awhile. Late Dinner Hour. An odd city, this. At 6 o'clock this morning frost gripped the ground. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon the sunny sides of the street were deserted for the shade, where It was only 81 de grees Fahrenheit! A lie-abed town. No one appears on the streets till af ter 10 o'clock in the morning. Early lunchers begin to drop into the res taurants about 2 o'clock. The dinner hour is from 10 at night till 1 o'clock in the morning, and you linger over your drinks and Crimean cigarettes till 3 or 4 o'clock, listening to the or chestra or moving from table to table to chat with your friends. The chief restaurant in town, the resort of the creme- de la creme of wealth and smartness, offerB not un interesting glimpses. It Is quite good form, for instance, to enter the crowd ed room vigorously scraping your hair and mustachlos and whiskers and beard with a large and greasy comb. None of the lunchers through whom you thus thread your way are squeam ish enough to push away their soup plates from your scurf strewn wake Wanting a waiter, you bang your plate with a knife, clamorously and with annlication. till he appears. Mold and manure stained earthenpots, standing in water-logged saucers, hold the rooted once-we-were-flowers on your table. Argumentative canaries and vainly shrill linnets trilling from a dozen cages drive you nearly silly Yet the food is excellent and the wait ers models of their genus, apart from a lamentable tendency to snatch the fork from your plate wherewith to pry the cork from a bottle of wine. Few men care to saunter about Irk utsk after dark without a Browning in a handy pocket. The first time I came to this town I was assured that there was at least a murder on the streets every four-and-twenty hours, with considerably more some nice, warm nights, when It was a-plty-to-be-Indoors-don't-you-know. I doubted the fact till I came back subsequently and verified it. And now, this spring, af ter an absence of three years, I find vesperal murders more popular than ever. Nasty, uncomfortable murders, quiet murders in the dark by gentle men who haven't a thing against you, but need a spare shirt, or merely want to keep in good training. There are no street lamps half a mile from the heart of this metropolis. That helps, too. The lazy and inartistic spirits mere ly Bidle up In felt slippers and sand bag or club you. The real union mur derers are garroterB. Even as Tomsk Is the educational and cultural centre of Siberia, Irkutsk is every ambitious young provincial garroter's goal. It is a high honor to be in with the gar roting Four Hundred of this town, the aristocracy of homicide. Squatting low on their heels, they lurk in the gutter at the sound of your approach ing steps till you appear close by, sil houetted against the starlight Then the hide lasso is neatly cast over your head; swiftly and silently you are choked to death. Or a partnership of three will operate. Two chase you. At the crescendoing sound of rushing footfalls the third man draws a rope taut across the street. You trip and fall headlong. Before you are up again you are knifed In the back. Small Per Capita Debt. The total debt of the forty-eight state governments of this country on June 30, 1913, as reported by Director Harris of the census bureau, was (422,796,525, as against a total national debt of $2,916,204,914. Less cash in the treasury available for payment of the national debt, it amounted to only $1,028,064,055, or $15.59 for each man, woman, and child. That Is very small, as national debts go. That of Franc for example, is $160 per capita, Gringo Civilian Got Titte of Stir ring Life and Found It to Hli Lik ing, 8o the Account Wat Balanced, Silently the steamer slipped over the starlit waters, Momotombo's plume of steam 6,000 feet above us. The pier we were to take was hid den In the blackness ahead. Every light aboard was doused, for we had iio wish to make a show of ourselves. ' Then somebody opened the fire doors under the boilers. A plume of sparks flew from the smokestack and lit the boat brightly and a hundred men on deck swore, not too softly, , Answer came In a flash from the black shore ahead of us. Bang! came the bark of a field gun. A rosy spark boring Its way through the night pass ed over our heads and on into the night and lake. "Turn around, captain! Turn quick, and go back!" So our brave Colomblano general In command; a patriot for Nicaragua and 300 pesos a month. Pray, don't imagine that he was scared. He wouldn't endanger his men out there on the water; the enemy on firm land and beyond reach of machetes. No. He boldly stood grasp ing the rail, and If his arm fairly shook me as we were crowded against each other it waB no doubt because he trembled with bold ardor. At least I couldn't Bee that he chang ed color. But then, I never Baw an ace of clubs change color. Still, itheres a difference in blacks. The general's shade was the shinier of the two in the light from our plumes of sparks. "Go back, captain, to a thousand meters!" the general ordered again, but with no very great authority of tone. "You go to thunder!" Captain Tooth blurted with what seemed to me an approach to bluntness. "Isn't there a man aboard who'll take a ' crack at them chaps ashore?" The commanding general walked aft. A gringo civilian said; "Hold her as she goeB, Cap. I'll try a shot." He dropped to the main deck, sight ed the little beauty of a breechloader and jerked the lanyard. A shell stroll ed shoreward, struck and broke In many pieces, A locomotive on the pier vomited burning sparks and rumbled away from there. The natives who were he crew of the gun dipped cof fee sacks in a bucket of water and laid them on the gun. "Get out of this with your dishrag! What d'ye mean! Give me that Bhell, pronto!1' yelled that mad gringo, jerk ing the sacks overboard and snatching the shell. . Half a dozen other shells went ashore and smashed themselves to ruins, one going through the planking of the motorboat of which the rebels proposed to make a man-o'-war to take Managua. Then that Intrusive gringo hunted up the commanding general and ask ed: "Why not land now and take the place?" But he ordered the expedition to re turn to Managua. He wouldn't risk his brave men by a night attack. They might run into ambush under fire of our gun. The general retired from the ser- .vlce, and the 300 pesos, the next day So a soldier of fortune was lost to the cause of the government. But the account was balanced that very day, for that gringo, beguiled by an offer from the president and tha taste he had had of war, became a soldier of fortune. Lakes Drying Up. A report just laid before the senate at Cape Town says definitely that South Africa is drying up not becauso of any lessening of the average rain fall, but on account of the steady dis appearance of the local water sup plies. "There Is no doubt," it adds, "that many parts of the Union will eventually become uninhabitable." Long ago Livingstone pointed out this probability, and within the last half-century quite a number of lakes In central Africa have disappeared, while Lake Chad Is shrinking every year. , Europe is In no better case. A Ger man geologist recently made an ex haustive inventory of the European lakes and found that hundreds had dis appeared or been reduced to Insignifi cant proportions. In the canton of Zu rich 150 lakes were catalogued In 1660; now there are barely 70. The Dancing Floor. From year to year various sub stances are suggested, tried out, found satisfactory and then super seded by others to produce smooth dancing floors. The wax candle, chipped liberally over tho floor and then energetically rubbed In, has had Its day. So has talcum powder, which has been used by the boxful to produce a good dancing Burfaco, Now corn meal is looked upon as the best polisher of a dancing floor. It Is sprinkled over the floor, not too liberally, and rubbed In by the danc ing feet Pleasurable Madness. "Popleigh is always entertaining some sort of Utopian dream." "I rather think the dream enter' taint him." Children, Color Up (Copyright, by McPlure Newspaper Syndl- 1 cats.) Long time ago, the fork-tailed martin used to build their gourd-like nests under the eaves of the council house. And that was a very convenient place, too both for the martins, who liked to live close to the people, and for the little Indian boys, who liked to watch the birds swooping and flashing in the air. Sometimes one of the boys who was not satisfied with watching the birds In the air would climb to the eaves and bring down one of the nests. And If he waited until after the young mar tins had gone away, It was all right. Then one of the old men would tell the boys why the martin's nest was like a gourd. It happened et the time of the first ball game between the birds and the four-footed animals. - On one side, the Great Bear was the captain of the players, and for the birds the Great Eagle was leader; and for many days beforS the game tho big animals went about the earth say ing what good ball players they were. But the Great Eagle told the birds that they must not boast; and it was be cause they did not boast that the little bat and the tiny flying squirrel joined the birds and helped to' win the game. Well, the game was played In a smooth meadow beside the river, and It began early In the morning, when the dew was fresh and sparkling on the grass. Out In the center of the meadow stood the Great Beaver ready to toes the ball. He looked toward, the Great Bear and asked if he was ready, and the Great Bear said: "The game may as well begin." Tho Great Bear spoke in a sort of tired way, as If it was really no use to go on, but he supposed that the birds would not be satisfied until the animals showed them how much better they were. And then the Great Beaver asked the Great Eagle if the birds were ready. "We have Just Been the edge of the sun coming over the tree-tops," said the Great Eagle, "and we are ready to play." BOXING TAUGHT AT COLLEGE Several of Big Educational Institutions Follow Example of University of Pennsylvania. Columbia university, Franklin and Marshall and several others of the big educational institutional are following the lead of the University of Pennsyl vania In Introducing boxing among the methods of physical training. A few years ago such an idea would have been bitterly opposed, and there would have been small chance of its adop tion. But times change, and peo ple grow more broad-minded every day. There is no question of the bene fit of a knowledge of boxing as a means of self-defense. Anyone doubt ing this can get the proof instantly by undertaking to impose on a man who is a skilled boxer, even If he is a much smaller person. But the best use for boxing Is as a means of healthful exercise. In learning to box the student learns to act quickly, to keep cool and to watch for an opening. He finds that In order to successfully cope with an opponent he must not lose his temper. The man who loses his temper while boxing 1b sure to get the worst of it. Outside of swimming there is no exercise to com pare with boxing for a complete use of the muscles of the body, and, of course, swimming cannot be enjoyed except In the water. Boxing, being a competitive exercise, Is superior to swimming through the fact that the nerves as well as the muscles are exercised in the sparring bout. Quick ness of the eye is one of the things that come with constant practise ot boxing. The lungs are expanded and every muscle from the top of the head to the sites of the feet Is brought In- This Picture. So the Great Beaver tossed up the ball. Before It could come to the ground the flying Bqulrrel Bprang from his tree and caught It. Then he ran up to the very top of the tree on which he had lighted and threw the ball to the Great Eagle. Back and forth in the air went the ball, while the animals down below ran round and round wondering how they were to get a chance at It. From the Great Eagle the ball was tossed to the hawk, and when the hawk had car ried it half way to the goal he passed it to the bat. Now, the bat had just got his wings that morning the birds had made them for him out of some thin pieces of groundhog skin which had been stretched over the head ol a drum and he was not quite used to them. As the bat darted and dodged through the air his new wings got tangled in his hind feet and he had to drop the ball In order to get them loosened. "Now we have the ball!" cried the Great Bear, running like the big, clumsy fellow he was. He stopped for just a second to shout over his shoul der to the Great Terrapin, who was coming close behind: "I will carry It half way, and then I will toss the ball to you!" But while the bear was speaking these words, the fork-tailed martin came straight down from far above the tree-tops like a swift arrow, and darted upon the ball. As the martin rose from the ground with the ball he just had room to get past the big mouth of the rushing bear. All day the ball game went on, and, as the sun was going down, the Great Beaver said that the birds had won. And when all the birds came to the place of roosts for the night the Great Eagle wouldn't let them go to sleep until they had found a good reward for the martin who had saved the ball for them. And the best reward they could think of was to give the martin a gourd for a nest, and he was so proud of It that he has kept it to this day. to play. One of the things which ten J to keep many parents from having their boys taught to box is the idea that it will make them rough and overbearing in their manner, but the exact opposite Is the rule, for It la very rare that a clever boxer is a bully. Should Buch be the fact it is natural to the lad and does not com!) through a study of the manly art. Pickling Timber. Timber experts have discovered that timbers thoroughly soaked in the brine of the great Salt Lake of Utah are very slow to decay. Piling which was driven Into the bed of the lake over forty years ago is still In perfect condition because the timber is thor oughly impregnated with salt. It has been suggested that timbers may be soaked in the waters of the lake and then be thoroughly covered with creo sote to keep in the salt and keep out the moisture. Sea water does not have the same preservative influence on timber because It Is not nearly bo salty as that of the Salt Lake. Tho American Boy. A Well-Deserved Rebuke. There is a certain kind of "smart ness" which any boy may well avoid if he hopes to be really smart. Bob, says Llppincott's Magazine, la a shrewd and quick-witted old negro Janitor of one of the New England colleges, who is thoroughly liked by all the students. One day he had burned off some of tho dead grass In the college campus, when a freshman came along, and said: "Well, Bob, that grass Is Just the color of your face." "Yes, sah," said Bob, suavely; "but dat don't matter. In about three weeks ItU be Jes' de color o' yo' face." By ALBERT S. GRAY, M. D. 1 (Copyright, 1914, by A. S. Gray) WATER. Water Is such a common, every-day thing that few of us give it any thought whatover, and Just because It Is free a vory large number of per sons do not drink It In sufficient quan tities to maintain a good degree of physical health. No other article of diet enters so completely into the con struction and support of all living things both animal and vegetable as water, and It Is this very omnipres ence of water acting on that peculiar twist of the human mind that leads us to treat familiar things with reck less contempt that results in our crim inal Indifference to water supplies. As a matter of fact, water is an ele ment of vast significance in the main tenance of human life and efficiency, and to secure and maintain health the Individual citizen muBt know the truth concerning this most Important part of our diet. The scaly cells on the surface of our ' skin, our hair and the tips of our nails are the only parts of our bodies that can live In air. About 99 per cent of the cells that constitute our bodies are still aquatic organisms and can and do live and grow only when swimming In Bait water. Under favorable conditions we can live for 30 days or more without food, but not more than a few minutes with out air and only about three days with out water. Were we to spend a mate rial part of the money we squander on food for good air and good water no doubt we should be vastly more efficient, certainly we would be hap pier, for there can be no real happi ness without good health. Deprived of water for three days wa become delirious and die from poison ing by our own waste products. A steady stream of water flowing through our bodies Is necessary to wash out and carry away the toxins resulting from cell activity or we must Inevitably succumb to disease; and to keep this cleansing stream flow ing In sufficient volume we should drink about two quarts of fluid daily. Absolutely pure water Is not found on earth. According to average local stand ards, water Is "pure" and fit to drink if it is more or less clear, does not smell bad and does not quickly orig inate some clearly defined disease In the body of the drinker. That It con tains pathogenic organisms or pto nialneB from the action of bacteria upon decaying organlo matter is dem onstrated only by some unusually se vere outbreak of disease in a commu nity, and generally not until then Is It even suspected that the water may be "impure." If you are In ill health have your drinking water analyzed and the source of supply investi gated. Delivery of drinking water contain ing elements deleterious to life is go ing ou In every section of this coun try, but because of our grossly inade quate vital Btatlstlcs bookkeeping we are unable to deduce the vastly valu able knowledge to be derived there from. However, the concentration of ! people In the cities has compelled at- tentlon to publlo health matters so that money and organizations are em ployed and rules and regulations en forced that have" for their object the protection of the inhabitants against infection through water, milk and waste productB. Taking typhoid fever as a gauge, let us compare conditions in several parts of the world. Germany, with a popu lation density of 310.9 per square mile (more than ten times greater density than our own), had in the same pe riod of time a typhoid death rate of 4.7, compared with our 23.5 per 100, 000 Inhabitants; the Netherlands, with 468.8 density, a death rate of 6.4; Swit zerland, with a density of 242.7, a mor tality of 3.8, and England and Wales, with a density of 372.6, a death rate of only six per 100,000 inhabitants, com pared with the United States with a density of only 30.9 nd a mortality of 23.5. The city of Chicago in 1891 had a typhoid rate of 173.8 per 100,000 In habitants. An Investment of $62,000, 000 (approximately $27 per capita for the population of the year 1912) in a drainage canal and the adoption of other reasonable sanitary precautions reduced the typhoid fever death rate In 1912 to only 7.5 per 100,000 inhabit ants, probably the lowest rato ever recorded for an American city of more than 500,000 Inhabitants. " '. Obviously this demonstrates what may be done In the prevention of dis ease. K we are as intelligent as wa assume ourselves to be, and thero la not something fundamentally and rad ically wrong with our entire system ot doing things, why this difference In the same period between Europe, or even the city of Chicago, and the to tal vital statistics registration area of the United States? And what about the non-registration area? Good health and long life can be purchased; why, do we not buy it? i