RAISE APPLES FOR HOME AND MARKET MOST POPULAR OF PICKLES FOR THE DAILY MENU Device for Heading a Barrel. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) "Every farmer, however small his possessions may be, who lives within the apple-growing districts of the United States, Bhould have an apple orchard, the product of which ehould be found on his table In some form every day in the year," recommends the United States department of agri culture. Perhaps two-thirds of the settled portion of the country Is more or less adapted to the production of apples. The apple is pre-eminently useful In the household economy and as a culinary fruit, none excele It. It graces the table in a greater variety of forms than any other and as a des sert fruit, few are Its equal and none its superiors. Its Juice, when ex tracted, makes an excellent, whole some beverage and for vinegar It has no rival. As a market fruit, it Is one of the easiest and least expensive to handle and usually finds a ready sale If well grown and handled with care. Among the many ways In which the apple Is used, the manufacture of Jellies and preserves Is one of grow ing Importance. The numerous fac tories for the manufacture of these goods have not only created a demand for second and third grade apples, but also for by-products resulting from drying and evaporating the fruit. Apple butter of the real, rich, old- time farm variety fills an important place in the household economy and always finds a ready sale at good prices. Good sweet cider made from sound, apples, not from half-decayed, wormy fruit, is one of the most health ful products of the orchard. It can be kept sweet and unfermented by heating it to a temperature of 160 F. and holding it there for 30 minutes; then sealing it up tight in bottles or ' caBks and storing in a cool place. Boiled cider made in the good old- fashioned way by reducing to one-fifth by boiling, and then canned, makes an excellent article for culinary purposes, While the aim and purpose of the farmer should be to supply an abun dance of fruit for his own family, he should also be able to sell a little surplus. The crop of summer and autumn apples requires an immediate disposition either by sale in the mar ket, by evaporation, or manufacture into cider. The crop of winter va rieties can bo handled more profitably as they are not so perishable. A gentle eastern or northeastern slope, as a rule, is the most desirable for an orchard site, but this may vary In different apple sections. Soils such as are found In timber regions afford the best results, but outside of Buch districts clayey loams having free surface and subsoil drain age are best. Well-rotted barnyard manure is the most valuable for apple orchards, The next best fertilizer 1b crops of red Dill Flavor Hat a Hold on People That No Other Variety 8eem to Possess. The dill Is most familiar to ui in connection with dill pickles, and per haps some of us use the name with out knowing that It belongs to a plant. the seeds and tiny thread-like leaves Df which are used for flavoring. Ger man and Italian cooks make most of it, chiefly in preserves and pickles. The flavor suggests a combination of fennel and mint. In appearance the dill plant is something like the tall wild parsnip. Though originally a na tive of southern Europe, it growB eas ily in gardens in a colder climate If given a warm situation and well drained soil. For dill pickles the cucumbers, one quart of small-sized ones, should be used as soon as they are picked. Scrub them, without breaking the be formed. All broken and mutilated skin, and lay in cold water in which roots should be cut back to Bound a quarter of a cupful of table salt has wood. For easy planting open out a been dissolved, using enough water deep furrow with a two-horse plow to cover the cucumbers. Let this along the line where the rows are to stand over night, pour oft the water, be made and cross check at the dis- add fresh water and drain, then pack tance apart at which the trees are to the cucumbers with two or three pep stand. At the crosses level off the pers, a tablespoonful of mixed spice ground at the bottom of the furrow and some branches of dill, in a quart fruit Jar. Dissolve a quarter of a cupful or more of sugar in enough Bcaldlng hot vinegar to fill the Jar to overflowing; adjust the rubber ring and fasten the cover down securely. After the jar Is opened if the vine gar scums over, pour it off and re place It with a second supply of-scald- ing hot vinegar and sugar. The pickles should then keep in good con dition though opened daily. The sugar may be omitted In mak ing these pickles if they are pre ferred sour. EXCELLENT DISHES SERVICE ABLE ON ANY OCCASION. Styles for Coming Fall Coats I ) " " V . J Pyramidal Form of Top of Tree. riover grown among the trees and &! lowed to full and rot on the ground or turned under and the ground reseeded Thorough surface tilth is required to ofctaln the best results in the orchard and when needing fertility the land should be properly .manured before plowing. Trees are more Bnfely set la early spring. They should be strong, vig orous, one or two years old, having well-developed root system, and at the time of setting their tops should be cut back to the height at which ths main branches for the future top U to TO MAKE WITH CHOCOLATE Vase Form of Top. Most Approved Recipes for the Prep aration of Cookies or Layer Cake. For cookies mix one small cup of butter, two cups of sugar, four eggs, one cup grated chocolate, three cups of flour, one teaspoon vanilla. Roll very thin and bake In quick oven. If the chocolate Is melted, it will mix better with the batter. For a layer cake, try the old-fash ioned Devil's Food, which somehow always pleases children. The recipe is three-fourths of a cup of chocolate, to receive the tree with Its roots In a one cup of brown sugar and one-half natural position, fill in the dirt among cup of sweet milk. Set this back on them well and tramp down, leaning the stove to dissolve. In the mixing the tree slightly to the southwest. bowl, stir one cup of brown sugar, Thorough tillage with a cultivator one-half cup of butter, three yolks and during the growing season and plow- one white of egg, 2 cups of flour, lng the land each spring, turning It one teaBpoip of soda, one teaspoon or each alternate year toward the trees, vanilla and one-half cup of sweet are recommended. Prune each year In milk. Add the dissolved mixture from early spring before growth starts, re- the stove, and pour Into three Bmall movlnu all cross branches, and thin- Jelly tins. When cold, frost wltn ning out where too densely grown, white icing. so as to balance the tops and afford free air circulation and admit sunlight to all parts of the tree. All classes, summer, autumn, and winter apples, must be carefully Codfish and Cream. Pick up and soak without boiling a pint of salt fish for each four persons to be served. Scald one quart of milk picked without loosening the stems jn double boiler, with butter size of from the fruit; handled carefully to small egg, and when at boiling point avoid bruiscB or breakage of the skin, add one rounding tablespoonful flour and placed under protection from sun carefully blended in cold milk. If an and wind until final disposition is egg can be spared beat It well and add made of thorn. Apples for home use It with the flour to the hot milk. should be Btored in some place where the temperature is kept as low as pos sible without danger of frost. Drain fish and stir into the cream. Add salt If necessary. Have ready two hard-boiled eggs and a tablespoon ful of parsley. Pour codfish and cream TIME TO CUT SWEET CLOVER onto a larSe Platter Around the edge Place strips or rings or me naru boiled egg whites. "Grate the yolks over the whole. Sprinkle with pap rika and chopped parsley and serve with mealy baked potatoes. Meat Succotash. Here is a recipe for succotash; Four Much Depends on Whether Crop la In First or Second Year Avoid Coarse and Woolly Stems, The time to cut sweet clover for hay will depend largely upon whether the crop Is in its first or second year of growth. Generally Breaking, only to five pounds ot lean cornea peer, one croD can be obtained the first small fowl, four quarts or nuuea corn, year, and this should not be cut until one large turnip, six or seven fair- the crown sprouts begin to show, sized potatoes, one quart of white This cutting may be close, as the plant beans. Cook beans alone until they win hnv mifnXnnt Hmn to nhtnln n are real mushy ana strain. uook certain amount of irrowth ere the cold meat and fowl together and when part weather nrrlvna nrt thn he ahla to lv done add turnips. Take meat out withstand the winter. when cooked. Then add your pota Durlne the second vear nf irrowth toes as you would for a stew ana two or three croos of hav may be when done aaa your Birainea Deans obtained If the proper precautions are exercised. The first cutting should be made just previous to the time that the plant begins to bloom and Bhould bo done so as to leave a few branches and hulled corn, and keep stirring Season to taste, Rice Meringue, Cook half a cupful of rice in one and loaves on each plant. If cut close quart of milk until tender, add the at this time the majority of the cut yolks of four eggs beaten until ngnt plants wtll bo killed. The second cut- and mixed with half a teaspoonful of ting should be done in exactly the salt and half a cupful of sugar; cook same manner as the first, while the two minutes longer, then remove from third and last cutting may be rnado the fire, flavor with two teaspoontuls close to the ground. of vanilla ana turn into a oaKing aisn. It is somewhat difficult to sav Just Bent the whites or tne eggs until sun, fold In three tablespoonfuls of pow dered Bugar, flavor with a few drops of lemon. Spread this over the pud' when the second and third cuttings should be made, owing to the varia tion In the Plant crowth. but as a rule the crop ehould be cut sufficiently ding and brown lightly. early in order to avoid coarse and woody stems. Raspberry Shortcake, One of the most popular kinds of Hoc- Cholera. raspberry shortcake is made of bis- Hoe cholera is a disease which seems cult dough. Bake the crust in tw to be stomied to a decree bv the frosts layers. Put fresh raspberries between of winter, although frost cannot be the crusts and pile on top and serve said to stop a case after It has taken with a sauce maae or me rouowmg hold of its victim. However, It seems ingredients: une cuprui or granuiatea to prevent the rapid spread of the dis- sugar, one-halt cupful of water, and Tho raaiiit (a that in pnrinir two cupfula of crushed raspberries, time the affection is. as a rule, at the Boll all together for four minutes and lowest ebb, but increases rapidly from serve hot poured over the shortcake. that tlma until full urangt rioau Two cups whits Bugar, Jules of ons lemon, one quart of boiling water, four tablespoons ot cornstarch, wet with cold water, one tablespoon butter. Cook until thick. When cold pour over four or five oranges and the sugar, set on Ice and serve cold. Unprofitable Cows. Cows are not always to blame for being unprofitable. We should never Bell a cow to a butcher unless we can look her squarely in the eye and say, "Well, old girl, I've done my part to make you profitable." 8teak Dumplings Something of a Nov eltyRoll Sandwiches Are Worth Recommending Poached Eggs In Milk or Cream. Steak Dumplings. Cut the steak in to finger pieces and let simmer in a very little slightly salted water for half an hour, or until tender, then lift from the gravy and let them drain well. Boil some potatoes until tender, drain, season with salt, pepper, a little butter and a little hot milk; mash and beat up very smooth and make them into a paste with a little flour. Roll each strip of steak into a piece of the potato crust, put them Into a dripping pan in which a little butter or drip pings have been melted, and let them bake slowly about an hour, or until the potato crust is well browned. Season the gravy In which the steak is stewed with salt, pepper, a few drops of onion Juice and a little tomato catsup; add flour to thicken slightly, cook until smooth and serve in a gravy boat. Chopped chicken, or veal, or other ten der cold cooked meat may be substi tuted for the steak, and this makes a very substantial luncheon or breakfast dish. Poached Eggs In Milk or Cream. Butter an egg poacher and half fill the pan beneath with boiling water. Break In the required number of eggs, and as soon as they begin to grow Arm add two tablespoonfuls of milk or cream. When firm, place upon rounds of buttored toast and season with but ter, salt and pepper. Garnish with parsley. Roll Sandwiches. The bread for these should be fresh and should be wrapped for several hours in a wet cloth, wrung out of cold water and then with a dry cloth outside of this. Cut off the crust, cut In thin slices and spread with only preferred paste. These are served at both receptions and with the salad at dinner, and may be nothing more than plain bread and butter sandwiches. They may be fastened with either a toothpick or a narrow ribbon, but some vegetable fiber Is best Club Sandwich. This is one of the heartiest kinds of sandwiches and may constitute almost a whole meal. It may be three stories high, and the bread Is commonly toasted and cut across Into dlamonas or inangies, sometimes after the filling is put in. This consists of a lettuce leaf, on top of this a thin slice of breast of chicken, and then very thin broiled ham or ba con, with such individual finish of pickle or olives as the taste suggests. Pumpernickel Sandwiches. rut a very thin slice of pumpernickel bread between two thin buttered slices ol white bread. Boston brown bread cut not quite so thin may be used In the same way. Meat Sandwiches. Almost any kind of cold meat may be cut in nice, thin slices and used for sandwiches. Rare roast beef for this purpose may be sea soned well with salt and pepper and tomato catsup, and then have some thin slices of dill pickles added. Chick en and turkey always furnish the daintiest of meats for sandwich use and good mutton is not to be scorned. I fit fmt ' -iSK ? 1W f$ 5A a x x. x; 'It . V. - I.I THE best selling styles In outer gar ments for fall will be coats with fuil backs and regulation coat fronts. In Borne instances these full backs Impart the cape idea, while others are much more modified. Some coats have the fullness bo arranged as to fall from square or round yoke; in others the fullness starts from the shoulders. As a rule, however, the belt does not draw iu the garment, but Blmply holds the fullness In place. The full back coat with belt in front Is also much in evidence In the new lines and is meet ing with favor. In addition to cape effects, a number of coats with short or medium length capes are being shown. These are generally made detachable and can be easily removed. In France, the cape Is the favorite wrap for daytime wear. A very charm ing model was made of blue serge Two Savory Sauces. A good tomato sauce can be made from the fresh fruit, the canned ol the bright red catsup. Simmer a can of tomatoes with two cloves and a small Blice of onion for three-quar ters an hour. Melt two table spoonfuls of butter In a small sauce pan and add two tablespoonfuls of flour. When brown and smooth stir into the tomato, season with salt and pepper and strain. Or take one-half pint of catsup, heat, add one-half cupful of soup stock and thicken with a teaspoonful of flour stirred in cold water. Gooseberry Fool Is Delicious. It Is getting near the time for goose berries. I wonder how many make this English dish. Head and tall one quart of gooseberries, put in porcelain pan with one pint of water and cook until fruit turns yellow and swells drain well, press through a colander and let cool after adding two cups of eugar. Beat the yolks of two eggs light, Rddlng one quart of milk and dash of nutmeg. Cook until like thin cream, add the gooseberries and serve perfectly cold. Exchange. Summer Mats. If you have any odd bits of cre tonne left from making draperies or pillow covers, make the pieces Into round or square mats and edge them with the cheap torchon lace one can buy on the bargain counter for five and ten cents a yard. Bureau scarfs and table scarfs of cretonne, edged with lace, tone In well with summer draperies at the windows and covers on the furniture. Ham Roll. One-half pound of ham, one-half pound of steak, two eggs, two ounces bread crumbs. Season with salt and pepper, mln-3 the meat, beat eggs and mix all together with the breadcrumbs. Flour the board and make into a roll, tie In cloth and boll (!n boiling water) for about two hours. A Bit of Economy. Water when macaroni has been boiled in it makes a nice, thin starch for lingerie garments. Also gives pretty gloss in colored ginghams. with a collar of pique quite high In the back. But velvet both for capes and for hats is the rage. The cape of vel vet has a full collar. Fur is much used as trimming both on gowns and hats. The latest notes of fashion are now received from Deauville, where the season reaches Its height In August. Sweaters are worn with white serge skirts, but not the sweaters of last year. Reaching only to the hips, they are of brilliant hue, saffron yellow be ing most popular; nattier blue and vio let are also favored. These sweaters are either belted In as are the nor folk jackets, or there is a belt of some other material tied at the side front, the ends of which are gathered and finished with a silk tassel. The cape coat shown In the illustra tion is a stylish model of black velvet with coachman's collar of skunk. JULIA BOTTOM LEY. Late Summer Hats for the Home Milliner x vw h. ttA hi'ff m EVERY Beason an increasing number of women undertake to trim, or re- trim, hats for themselves. There Is no reason why they should not suc ceed. The first requirement is the se-; lection of an untrlmmed Bhape that Is becoming. After that the amateur milliner should select a ready trimmed hat, of Bimilar Bhape, and proceed to copy as cloBely as possible the work of a professional trimmer. Three attractive late-summer hats are pictured here which the home mil liner will find are not dimcult to copy. In Fig. 1 a popular shape is trimmed in a very simple but effective manner. A band of leghorn braid, three-quarters of a yard of satin r.nd two roses provide the materials required. The braid band may be of other straw or silk braid. The hat is lined with a strip of thin silk or mull. The brim is faced with a bias band of Batin, sewed on plain around the edge. The fullness, at the head-size, is disposed of by an occasional plait laid in the goods. A very fine needle, and silk thread, that matches the leghorn in color, must be used In sewing the facing. On the upper brim make very short stitches, concealed under a fiber of the braid. The edge Is finished by sllp-stltchlng a narrow band about it. Pale pink, blue or cream white, are good colors to choose for the facing. The crown is covered with a cir cular piece of satin stretched over it and sewed down in shallow plaits. The braid band is finished on both edges with a narrow piping of satin. After it is sewed to place, the roses are mounted and sewed down with heavy millinery thread. Three small Oat bows made of strips ot satin, laid in French folds, are sewed over the Btems of the roses. Graceful Shape With Plaited Ribbon Trim. One of the prettiest and simplest trimmings is shown in Flg 2. A wide ribbon is accordion plaited and laid about the crown of a graceful shape. It extends almost to the top crown and more than half way to the edge of the brim. The plaits are stretched so that they stand out from the hat and are tacked with tiny Btltches to the Btraw. There is a wreath made ot various wild flowers, buttercups, clover blossoms, etc. It extends about the hat over the plaited ribbon. Hat With Moderately Wide Brim. A mode which is full of style is set forth in Fig. 3. It has a moderately wide brim and a low crown and is of hemp braid in amethyst color. The brim Is faced with a shirring ot pale lavender chiffon. This is made of a bias strip, folded along the middle and shirred Into a narrow ruffle near the folded edge. This shirred chiffon is slip-stitched to the under brim and gathered to the bandeau at the other edge. A folded strip of satin ribbon, matching the crown in color, is laid over the bandeau. The crown is covered with a circu lar piece of satin of the same color as the straw. It is put on in a loose puff, the edge is turned under, gathered in a narrow ruffle, and sewed to the base of Ihe crown. At each side sprays of wheat, with small garden flowers, are mounted near the back. A bow ot ribbon, like that which covers the bandeau, is sewed flat against the under brim at the back. JULIA BOTTOM LEY. i