The Twice-a week guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1910-19??, March 23, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Strong Healthy Women
If a woman is .trona •"hl brallhy in a womanly way. moth-
erimml means to hei I Pus. Utile >u'eri«<.
I >>S trouble I,,,
r l.oin ««afane«« and
in the iscl (hat tlw n l«n> motilen
ditas.» id the dislinq II y féminins orga nn and are until lad
ior uiotherliuoJ.
I >1 I« < an be tenie I ' d,
Rheunatism is due to a diseased
condition of the blood cells and cor­
puscles, brought about by an exceM I
Leads al! otMur jjFtlicint's in
I of uric acid in the circulation. It ia
cure of « ’ -
not only a very painful disease but an
humors, losj
appetite, that
extremely dangerous trouble. The
briny, acrid state of the blood gradu­
tired f’.eliil f paleness and
ally forms a coating over the muscles,
’isness. Take it
“Oregons” Kept from Partici an,! by depositing a cement-like sub­ However. He Doubts Wisdom nervo
Get It today In usual liquid form or
stance in the joints frequently termi­
i t ibial» called Suiaatab». 100 Lb•»«>» $1.
of Recall as Applied to
pating in Inter-Frat Games nates fatally, or leaves its victim a
It is natural to
• doctor 1 the spot that hurts, and it is
by Other Frats
. quite rigl to use liniments, hot appli-
'cations, e ., to get temporary relief
That the new association of Eu- from*pal
Mr Hoaklns wbi.e family ire re­
Phoeuix, Aria., March $0,-—Em­
gene students at th«- University U butRheun tisni is not a skin disease, phatic in the reiteration of bls belief siding in Eugene at present was
not desired by the fraternity men mil such tings, when depended on | that Arizona should have received looking over Florones and the lower
, Blus-aw the first of this week.
was the Implied edict that was given ilor.e make one careless, and
statehood at the hands of the last
A :urpriae »art, was given to Kä­
forth yesterday morning al a meeting
gets a rtuer hold on
of the representatives of all the a fra-1 ' S. S. S. cure the disease
ause it u congress, despite the inclusion tn its na Morris Tusad, i evening at the
residence of Rev li H. Baker,
ternlties. when they decided that the the greatest
all blood infiera. It proposed constitution of the Initiat­ was
her eighteenth birthday and ten
new "Oregon club," the association
ive. referendum and recall provi­ of her Frlendr and .•« hooltnates sp”
of Eugene students, should not be
Elation, and re- sions, marked Colonel Roosevelt's [a pleasaut evening with her lu honor
admitted into the "Doughiiut" base­
Dr. Pierce’s lavorile Presen
ball league, which annually plays a
serie« of games between the various
men's clubs and fraternities at the
University. The decisiou has creat­
ed much feeling and
among th evarious groups of students
of the campus.
The attitude of the fraternities
toward the Eugene students has not
been friendly. Last year, after the
dormitory association was admitted
to the fraternity baseball league, the
Eugene students applied for member­
ship, but were told that it was too
late and the schedule was already
arranged, and so arransed that it
could not be changed. Upon the or-
ganlzatlon of the Oregon club of over
a hundred Eugene students a few-
weeks ago.
application was again
The fraternities, through
their representatives, met yesterday
morning and decided that the Oregon
club was not desired in the "frat"
league. The vote taken and the rea­
son for turning the Eugene students
down was voted to be kept secret,
and. as one representative stated this
morning, "the fraternities as a whole
are willing to shoulder the blame."
The vote was divided. The dormi­
tory representative was instructed to
vote for the Eugene club, but the
stand taken by other clubs is un­
known. The following were the fra­
ternities present and their represen­
Bets Theta Pi, Ogden:
Gillis: Dormitory, Huston; Ava va.
Dobie; Sigma Xu, Barbour; Alpha
Tsu Omega. Grout; Tavah, Baer;
Sigma Chi. Holeman; Delta Sigma,
Gabrielson. The other fraternities
were not represented.
Washington, March 20.— Re-argu­
ment of the Pacific coast cases in­
volving re-adjustment of commodity
rates to and from the Pacific coast,
and affecting to a large extent trans­
continental traffic, was begun before
ths interstate commerce commission
today. Material reductions were sug­
gested by the commission in Its or­
ders of last June, but conditions not
entirely satisfactory to the complain­
ants were made rnd a re-arrange­
ment was granted. The cases involve
complaints by commercial organis­
ations of Washington. Oregon. Cali­
fornia and Xevada. against practical­
ly all trans-continental railways.
R. A. Duff, of Coburg, was in Eu­
gene over night.
finish p?»to aad
bridr«- we rk for out-
of-town pa trot• m
ena nay if
Fainleaa exirartton
fr* < when p‘atae or
bridge work is order
•d- Coe$ult*,»e- free
Malar Crew $5.00
EwMif^n 1.00
filler» .50
»i»bv« - A-
Z2k B-ir« Twir 4.
for fl
entai C
ess Denti
nurd »nd W»lb
SA K t« I T
Is qulc
civas asLirr at oh
it cleanses, sco’h*«, heals and pr «ts the
di«ew<l membrane resulting fromC
and drives away a Cold in the Head <fcckly.
Restores ths Sense» of Ta-'« and
Contain* no injwi'-us
It ia easy to nee. C__
.drugs. No msrmry, no eoeaine, no vior«
phine. The household remedy.
Price. SO cent* at Druggists or by mail.
iLY BROTHERS, 5« Warren St., Haw Tartu
Cur«» th« waakr»«'
Il avis dir«,<ly r>i
organs coucarnod I'
haallhy, »troug, vlB>roui
il -
tarami a ,,a>>4
I'•> postala
^Tu.k.iqf I'lt'O
• mJ «luitig.
Eugene militia
members are on
the qul vive over the recent orders
••Favorit« Pr««crii»tlo.i’,^knlsl
from th« war department orderlug
cat j lay and
period of «spectvocy
the state troops recruited to a war
ulmust palotes». It <pi
footing Tills means that each com­
I houtand.
< <«n», and i■•<■>-•» n i
pany shall have a total of 138 en-
t.'sPbrd fo its niarval
. tiv-rt
Usted men and three officers, where­
If .Us.tea llowA lliwirt
__ __ _ Uf/|
M.ikca Sh k Woman
as the total ou a peace footing Is
Honest dru<gisls do not oiior
and u«,|« «hcra upon you
only 65 men. Just what the orders
■ i good.“ Ai-cept no »ecret nostrum in pia. e ol this «.n-inrrf r«n«<ls |
signify Is hard to tell and there are
<■ ’.itauis not a drop ol sh-' • *d nnd
't n g.'aln of h ihit-irrmung ,,r inn,,,
many conjectures
It is not believed
!■ u I • • I - ; '
r-r t.'l
• Anuf..*i>
that the mtlltla will be sent to Texn«
to take part In the maneuvers there,
but If they sre called out for duty st
all they will be sent to the coast
at the mouth ot th« Columbia or on
Puget Sound.
Local officers of the militia arc of
the opinion that If there 1» any war
scare there will be very little tremble
to recruit their companies to the
maximum war strength, but there
may be some difficulty in securlns
enou <h men it there Is no excite­
ment some way or another soon.
Orders from Adjutant General
Finxer have not yet been received In
Eugene, but they are expected In a
day or so. nnd immediately thereaf­
ter the work of recruiting will be
Rost ra
gin here.
'h* llOStllq
One officer said this morning that
I he l'ait»4
today from J 1 •>»8ar»r||
order tio'ant that tho i-otiipanlea
■ II lieu of Hl »Hand, viia
are to be rscrulted to actual war
in V
Washington, dirwt
strength, but to the maximum on a
The foil.
'--owing (■ US.
Entering the Fairmount gvuoral matin a »twilling «tateinent
pence footing
The wording ot the
order from the war department la not store by breaking open the rem door
"Since my arrival In this "luntw
yet known here, and until General some time Saturday night, > burglar I have been surprised nt the tndtf.
Finxer Issues hla orders little will be or burglnrs broke open the Inside ference of th« Aniertran people to­
known as to the exact «mport of the doors of the Iron safe and Mole aonio ward the altitude of Japan | min,,
valuable papers that could not be led with all rla»ea of
order from Washington.
,p|« |0 lk,
Just what eff««-t then ws orders ot any use to them, but look nothing il Iff err lit < It Ira of th,- Jspanaee *».
will have upon the Fourth Oregon else from the store, as far aa tan be pirn end everywhere I arnt it »u
Infantry, of which Companies A and ascertained from the proprietors. the main topic of ronveraating tfi>>
C are a part, cannot be foretold Carter ii Gressman
Japan hat«« America and An>«ri«aM.
Th« miscreants brook« Into Mor­ They do not conceal thia hatrH.
The orders provide that there shall
be 12 companies of Infantry to each gan A Stansbl« planing mill nearby They are possessed of a auprenia co»,
The Fourth has but right and took a plmb bar with which they fldrtiiq that they can cruah tbla n».
companies. It Is possible that head­ pried open the door of the store lion
quarters will have to be eliminate'! They found the outer door of the
"Japanree army officers and arap
or four companies more of Infantry safe unlocked. It being kept that way officers of foreign nations »tatlecM
recruited. By doing away with the by the proprietors a« they never leave In Japan ar« of one opinion, that 1»
Th« war with the United Stat«»
headquarters, the troops can bo main any money there over night
talnrd as two separate batalllons of Inside Iron doors were broker) off aud wonl<l win
The Japan«-« have th«r
a steel cash drawer which contained eyes first on the Philippine«. th»a >1
four companies each.
th« papers was pried out and practi­ Guam, Samoa and Hawaii. Wb,’
How Portland Views It
Military authorities In Portland cally destroyed
Xoi a vestige ot the Because the Japanese are InceiuM
are divided In opinion as to the sig­ stolen
could be found that thia country should hava pla**i
nificance of the orders from the war when the burglary was discovered ti ban on Japan«*ae Immigration That
department directing that the com­ Sunday, but It is probable that they thur<- la going to
panies of the Oregon National Guard will be found In some out of lhe-way pie uf Asiatic
be recruited forthwith to their max- place In the near future, as Is often Hove
iniuin strength snd placed on s foot- the case when surh things are taken
"There Is no doubt In lb. misti
Ing for field service, says the Or*. by burglars. Finding the papers of of any one who has recently vistisi
no rspeclal value upon examining Japan that the country Is a beekl'l
Colonel James Jackson says that them, they usually are kind enough of industry In
preparing for < •V.
the orders, which came from Major- not to destroy them and put them There la only one thought, that tkti
General W«rod. portend trouble with where they will be found and return­ war must be direct«-«! against the
Japan, possibly In the jiot fsr dis­ ed to the owners.
United Rtatea."
Adjutant-General Fin-J
tant future,
The burglars opened a cash till In
The gentleman who sound» tki
xer does not attach so serious a all- ; the store, but took nothing from It. warning la not an alarmist
on II.
nlflcance to the orders
which, b* There was a handful of pennies and contrary, he Is a staid, lunserratiu
savs, merely contemplate perfecting a few postage stamp« there, but they and observant Hollander
He coowa
the organisation of the state Guard w«re not touched
No goods were here from Japan to visit th« Hol­
U. Gantenbeln, who was missed from the shelves
land legation
colonel of the Third Infautry from' The offl<««ni are working on tbr
Oregon In the Spanish American cant ■ »»”. but they have absolutely ito
pafgn of 1898, was Inclined to agree ein« as to the perpetrators of I ho
with Adjutant-General Finger, as was crime.
also Colonel T. X. Dunliar
With the meager Information con­
tained tn the orders from Washing­
ton, these officers were not prepared
Will Use One oí Small Cars ml
to say that the Instructions from
Washington necessarily should cause
Take Seats Out— Begin
any alarm.
i address today to an immense crowd of t ho oceasiO'i.
which had gathered to hear the for­
We are
mer president.
Roosevelt, however, soon to l>e infoi tred that th<*o 's
another launch on the
declared bis disapproval of the ex- | 1 Iver. 8. J
acid, build
ed * Id-
j tension of the recall to the judiciary. i bnr«e power Mll|g
Gray motor engine and
od. 'There are placos, he said, where ends
new beat. The engin”
rich | may be served to justify even this
«ns ordered through Ses. Martin .is
ami oily, and in I measure, but In a general way he agent.
this wav pre­ ¡frowned upon the recall of the judi­
The schooner Oakland arrived
pares it for the ciary as tending to produce "timid here
Friday from San h'rancl-ao.
proper nourishment of all joints, courts and judges who kept their ; bringing several thousand brick. The
tauscles, nerves and bones. If you ears to the ground."
“Do remember, my friends, that it-sae, loaded with lumber at the mill
have Rheumatism, get the uric acid
the question of the form of govern- wharf. The schooner finished load-
out of the blood by taking S. S. S., a | inent. though it Is important. Is Ir.g Wedgesla ard left for San
purely vegetable medicine, and enjoy ' of infinitely less importance than the Francisco yesterday loaded with
freedom from its misery. Book on question of th« spirft In which the lumber.
Died, at Oakland. Cal , on March
Rheumatism and any medical advice I people support and stand for the gov­
tree to all who write.
ernment. The Initiative, referendum 8, 2 911, Alice, the Infant daughter
of Mt and Mrs Fred D. Collins,
THE SWIFT «vvcrric CO . Atlaata, Q«. I and recall are not in themselves ends
1 of value, and unless results are good, aged one month and 18 days. Mrs.
then no matter what theory about Collins Is a daughter of Mr and Mrs.
‘!them may be, your condition will be 8. J. Seymour of Acme
R«v I. G Knotts of Albany ar­
bad if you either surrender yourself
here Friday and remained till
to an attitude of sympathy with und
♦ support of the privileged classes who Wednesday looking after matters tn
endeavor to exploit the oor.iiuunlty, connection with his Sunday school
¡or if you surrender yourself to the work. He delivered a very Interest­
William W Harpole to Samuel T. lead of the political quack, the ex- ing address on the subject of "Home
Nelsen. tract in sec. 37 17 7. w. $100 tremist, the theorist, the visionary Missions"
Joseph P. Fry to Viola V. Fry, lot or the sinster demagogue who seeks church Sunday morning and another
in blk 73 of Springfield. 11.
to reach high places by appealing to on "Foreign Missions" In the even­
Jennie Fry to Joseph P. Fry, •ot envy and malice. If you do not prac­ ing
August lllrth who has resided on
in blk 73 of Sprtngfleld. g10.
tice self-control, you will merely
A T Bonnett to Viola V. Fry .lot show that you need to be controlled Xorth Fork for a couple ot years or
in blk 6 6 of Spg Power and Inv Co's from the outside; and it is especially so. leaves next week for Chicago, to
add to Spg. 31,000.
encumbent upon you to practice self­ take a position with a firm that
Mr Hlrth
James M. McMaster to Charles S. control at the very outset of your deals In sporting goods
.Marsh, lot 15 in blk 6 of Fairmount. career as a state, and to recognize formerly worked for the sume house,
the fact that the safest and best rep­ and had charge of thia department of
W. L. Wallace to Clara Wallace. resentative you can have is the rep­ their business. Mrs. Htrth will re­
75 acres in sec. 22 19 3 w. 1100.
resentative who. while in the closest main on the ranch for the present.
Wm. Jephcott suprlsed his friends
L. M. Travis to W. L. Wallace, 7 5 sympathy with and eagerly desirous
acres in set- 22 19 3 w. $100.
i to represent the people, nevertheless by stepping off the steamer when she
George W. Perkins to Bertha
recognizes as his
paramount duty arrived at Florence yesterday morn­
Rouse, lot 2 in blk 78 of Spring­ his obligation to be true to every de­ ing. He spent a few days at Stay­
field Inv. A Power Co's add to Spg, mand that makes for him. He can ton and other points In the valley,
serve you best If he declines to serve then like many another, he returned
E J. Vandewalker to Mrs a . M. you against his consciance and pre­ to the Siualaw.
Mrs. Sherman of Eugene and Mr.
Kaiser, 1-2 tnt In lot 5 i nblk 37 of fers to retire to private life rather
Junction. $20.
than do so. Over here we need all and Mrs. J F. Stainbrook of Kansas,
Isaac R. Howard to C. D Howard, of us to act as Americans and W tila- came in from Eugene a week ago
E acres in sec U 15 4 w. 1500
trust the hyphenated American in for a visit with relatives on the Siu-
T. A. Rigg* to U. S. Carnine, 68 ¡every form, whether he represents a slaw. Mrs Sherman iq a sister, and
acres in sec 22 15 5 w, $10.
nationality, a section, a creed, or a the other lady a qlece of Mrs A
Daniel Beke et ux to George Tay­ social or business caste. We need to Hoffman of Point Terrace.
lor. lot 8 in blk 2 of Perkins add to war unceasingly against privilege sisters had not seen each other for
some 3 5 years
Cot. Grove. $450.
and to demand the fullest recogni-
We lesrn that Geo H. Colter Is
L. L. Crabb to Ross Huston nw 1-4 tion of the people's rights, but we
of se 1 4 of sec 26 17 6 w. $900.
negotiating with a party to exchange
need also ourselves to be no less
and Home town
lots In
Charles H. Lockard to Elmer N. 'scrupulous as regards the rights of his hotel
Booth et ux, tract in sec 5 17 3
others and to administer this govern­ Glenada for residence property at
ment in accordance with Immutable Dayton. Wash. That place 1« In the
R. H. Parsons to Douglas S. laws of honesty, justice and fair deal­ Palouse country not tar from Spo­
Renne, 304.17 acres in sec. 30, 19, 3. ing. and if we fall short ,n these re­ kane and Is said to be a good town
W. $10.
spects, no constitutional device, no We do not know whether Mr. Colter
Mary A. Evans and S. Y. Evans to adroitness of law-making will save thinks of moving there or not It the
George Emery et ux, lots Dunn's us from ruin.”
deal Is consummated, but understand
that he has resided there at one time.
add to Eugene. $1,225.
Rev. Albert Robinson, for several
A. C. Bohmstedt Co. to Booth-
This Week
Was Attending to Her Son, Who
years pastor of the Presbyterian
Kelly Lumber Co., lots in Boh ro­
church in Florence, died recently at
Wai 111, When Death Came
stedt Co.'s add. to Creswell. ll.
Home time this week th« Portland,
his home near Portland. Rev. Robin­
Emma X. Saltzman and Martha V.
Without Warning
Eugene and Eastern Railway <oe-
son was the first minister to take up
King to Lizzie Saltzman, 1 acre in
pan/ will Inaugurate a freight a«rvkx
his residence on the lower Sltislaw, ‘
sec. 16, 20. 3. W. $50.
A very sudden d«-ath of an old between Eugene and Springfield. On«
Thomas Xewlun to Bertha L. Xew- Has Given Way to Charles Rob­ and under his labors the Presbyteri­
passenger <'trt
an churches In Florence. Point Ter­ “Fer Don" Doctors Adv'sod u resilient of Eugene was that «if Mrs. of th« little green
lun, 64 acres in sec. 33 and 34, tp.
E. E. Hllghton at eight o'clock this will be used with the seat» takon out
ison Who Will Represent
race and Deadwood were organised
16, 4, W
Tuberculosis Patient to
morning, at her home on Patterson and several tons of freight ran 9
and edifhe# erected at those places.
Edmund Wells to Seth McPherson,
Gome Here
Island, across the river from Eugen«. carried hi that way at a time Tv«
He and his family left this section
lots In Springfield Fifth and Main
Death was ti result of heart failure. round trips will be made each day.
about 18 years ago.
For the past
streets, also lot in Springfield Invest­
was attending her son, who wus one nt 10 a. m and the other al 1
ment and Power Co. s add. $1,700.
Charleton Spencer, the Cottage
As there ia conaiderabb
bed. when she complained of p. ni
Willamette Real Estate L. Grove orator who challenged the le- 1 Portland, where Rev. Robinson was ho. Is now a resident In Eugene up 1
C. Raping, lots 9 and 10 in blk. «8, gality of the judges’ decision that engaged in church work. 4 ior*nce on the advice of the “Fer Don Med- being dizzy and snnk Into a dull to freight shipped between the t’»
leal Experts," of Oakland, Cal , who keep from falling
Death occurred cities, the tompany ought to work bp
ot Junction. $65.
awarded the honor of university ora­ West.
“ good busltieea
Manager O’CgeiW
were In Eugene a year ago. Mr. May within only a f< w seconds.
Fred R. Rich to J. X. and Mary D tor to Charles Robison over him. has
: had suffered from consumption and Hllghton had been strong and healthy dr< Ided upon this move after cox-
Palmer, lot 6 in blk. 1 of Spring- acquiesced to the decision. The mat-'
lung trouble, and upon consuitlnr with
*" th« exception of a slight ntta< k suiting the several wholesale ««•
ter has been dropped and the second
field. »-.600.
then«* medical authorities was told of la grippe a few weeks ago, and chants here, who do a large buulnex*
C. E. Stewart to John W. Veatch, tryout will not be held over. The
'that they coiihl treat him, hut that haa manng.-d h«-r large rami and hop with tho Springfield merchants, be­
SE*4 of NWx of sec. 6, 21. 3. W. controversy, however, has brought
out a point that would make it pos­ James Dannala, Once An Activo the best remedy they could s iggest yard with the ability of a mon Hho ing promised liberal support from
would be to move to Eugene, Oregon, was 79 years of age and hn«l llvod In them.
C. B. Kennedy to C. Henry Height sible for any team dissatisfied with
Worker in Lane
A schedule of tariffs will be mad»
her farm for 22
for a change of climate. A portion Eugene nnd on
et ux, 530 acres in tp. 20-3, W., also the decision rendered at the state
of their Instructions to him are as years. Her husbnnd dl«*d a few years out In k few days by Manager O'Coa-
lots 5. 6, in sec 13, 20, 3. W. $lv.
! oratorical contest last week, in
Hhe leaves a large family of nor, Tho car «III also be run
L. C. i which Spencer won, to make a pro- \
Glen O. Powers to Mrs.
children, nil of whom are grown. other parts of the system whea <*•
"We would like very much
Hubbard, lots 4. 5, 6, in blk 1, of test. The rules ot the student body |
Albany, Or., March 18.—James you take treatment with us, to have They nre the following
The company h»*
Mrs. I.nw- I'ualon demands
but we
association states that judge« for de- DantialH, who died at his home here
Watts’ add. to Blue River. $1.
W. F. Clin® to uohn Petty, lot 5 bating and oratory contests shall he last Tuesday, had he«-n a prominent would advise you to go to Oregon at rotice F.tlmunson, of Goshen: Mrs. jilat received an order to take to Col­
in blk. 8 of Creswell. $10.
»elected, two by the executive eom- resident of Albany for 35 years. He once, as the dlmats In and about Emma Kirkpatrick, of Eugen« -, Jns. lege Crest addition a lot of building
Mrs. it A.
... material for new residences going »P
Frank C. Magrath et ux to Horace mittee and two by th« president of established on« of the city's first Eugene, Oregon, Is the most health­ Hllghton, of Eugene;
F Alden, tract in tp. 20-3, W. $10. the college. Instead of this, in both manufacturing enterprises and was ful to you In your present condition. Mnltxnn, of Eugene; Malcolm Bllgli- in that addition.
°f I Iowa;
?*,; •Hr“1" Hllghton of
U. 3. to Hazel Weller, 157 acres in the tryouts in question at the state otherwise Identified with the city's We trust you will take <»ur a'I vic« ,O*L ' ?/.
sec. 31-17-8. W. Pat.
oratorical contest here, the judges development. Ho was a member of and leave for Eugene as soon as pos- Glenville, Minn ; Mrs. Mary Wardle,
of Iowa; Mrs. Elisabeth Nelson, of
Sterling C. Foster to Edith F. Gar-1 were all chosen by the debating com­ the Albany city council almost thirty slble."
Mr. May haa spent the pant few Minnesota, and Mrs. Forrest Nye, of
Biakelyvill«. March 19. Karmert
diner, lot 6 in blk. 27 of McKenzie' mittee and coach.
years ago.
In thia vicinity are busy 1.1 mini
days here and left today for hla Riinnlngwater, Texas.
park. $10.
On account of the good spirit that
Mr. Dannals was born In New York
The funeral will be held of) next this fin«' weather.
I. B. Cushman to Jared Scott, tract prevailed here during the tryout and 86 years ago last August and crossed former homo to clone up all bualneas
Mrs. Ella Stiers and son. Scidna.
He Is very much pleased Wednesday.
in sec. 30-18-11, W. $700.
the way In which the defeated candi­ the plains to California In 1849. A affairs.
have returned home from a visit
Jennie Terpennlng and E. Terpen­ dates accepted the decision it ia not year later he <atne to Oregon and with this city.
i her daughter. Mix Roan Farrier. It
ning to J. W. Maltman, 5.23 acres in thought that any protest will be settled In Corvallis. He began work 1
Black Hock, Oro.
sec. 29-17-3. W. $10.
there as a carpenter, and In company
L. L. Adington. our nmll <arrlaf>
J. M. Spurgin to A. H. Brooks, 58
. with Bush Wilson,
who afterward
hna goqq to Eugene, where h« »Bl
acres In sec. 26-17-5, W. $10.
served a great many years as county
t purchase a three seated h«> k W
Geo. W. Dickinson to Herbert 8.
-nd fr„)|M
cluerk of Benton county, he built th«-
Cadby. 5.92 acres in sac. 25-17-6,
Hood River Bachelors Have iXi^on^r/iXMeU
first Baptist church In Corvallis.
W. $150.
Leaving Corvallis, Mr. Dannals
W. B. Hunt, one of the sub-con-1
There are a number of hounds rii»-
Sold Their Small House
O. k C. R R. Co to J. C. Teeters,
moved to a place near Harrisburg tractors on the new Southern Pacific;
' nlng dear lu thU part <>f the s”"«-
XW14 of SE% of sec. 1-21-2, W. Henry Begerow
Has Arrived and later to Coburg, where he lived railroad up the Willamette, la at the:
Near University
J it would be a good pty e for " **®*
for some time. Dannals creek at Co­ General hospital in Eugene, suffer- 1
and Taken Possession of
(Looks hs though they
David Xeely to Fischer Lumber
burg Is named after him. Mr. Dan­ Ing from broken wrist and other so-1
I wo years ago four students from ' could natch thn blind pig« easier).
Co., SW14 of XWU and ,.1A . of
McLean Farm
nals then moved to Eugene and a few
River pu?c'hasod i'amalThot'is'el
Friends of E. W. Michael nre sor­
SWV4 of sec. 1-16-2. W. $5,000.
¡years later to Salem. After a short away Sunday.
coming to and lot near the university for $2A0i ry to hear of his being III
Bird Rose to W. H. Elliott, lot 4
Henry Begerow, Sr., who, with hie residence in the capital city, he came Eugene from one of . the
k - camps lip 0B (h<> installment plan, and lived
pneumonia and lung trouble
Ln blk. 1 of Dunn's add. to Eugene. son, H. T. Begerow, recently arrived to Albany in 1876 and since then has the river when his horses became
there during the school months for,
Mr. Lloyd McMastera and Ml»« M'
from Lake Odessa. Michigan, having resided In this city continuously. He frightened and ran away, throwing $8 or $10 h month each. Including! na Tlner wcre married at r.ugen».
Frank L. Northrop to Jacob Boner, purchased the W. D. McLean heir­ «Mtabllshed a furnture store and fac­ Mr. Hunt forcibly to the ground. He
the payments on the property, while, March 13. Their many friends **'
tract in sec. 32-17-3, W $10.
ship property, completed final nego­ tory here and conducted It for several lay by the roadside for some time, the cost of living of all other Student tend ih«m their sincere oongrstul»-
tiations for the place today.
The years, retiring from business about suffering untold agonies from his was betwen $18 and $20 a month |
Chas. Owen and wife arrived In consideration Is (6 500. The farm 15 years ago.
broken wrist and bad bruises, until The Hood River Bachelor's club was tions.
Mr». W. L. Cheshire has return»«
Eugene a fex days ago from the consists of 180 acres, of which 100
Mr. Dannals Is survived by his wi­ some one came along and brought dlsorgsnlxed thia year herauao of the from Eugene
east and will make this city tkeir acres are now under cultivation, 60 dow and six children, all of whom re­ him to Eugene.
absence of two of the members, and
Is the
usual number <«
Mr. Owen Is a fine watch­ scree in pasture and the balance tim­ side in Albany. The surviving chil­
Hatiirday th.- property was sold by' drunks around Hlakelyvllle
maker. engraver and stone setter. ber. The
_____ farm
____ is
located ____
near Camp dren are:
O. P. Dannals, ex-coun­
Kroner, who
Rev. Holeman will preach «1 <h*
add can make your watch keep time creek and about fifteen nine-t f7om cilman; Frank C. Dannals, Mrs W. furnished the plena for the new the students for over $400. at an In-1
unless It is paet all U«ij>. Mr. Owen Eugene . Mr. Begerow has secured a Huston, Mrs. Daisy Allen, Charles Hampton block in this city, haa writ­ creaae of nearly loo per cent In 18-Middle Fork rchoolhottso Sundsf'
months The money Is to he divided Everybody Is cordially Invited
has taken a position with the Wattalyery desirable property, being favor- . Dannals and Mrs. W. Pollak.
ten the Elks’ building committee between the four students whose year
Jewelry Co., at 5B4 Willamette ably located and well adapted for
that there will be no trouble In fin- at college cost them practically noth­
H o. Garrison, tne wdl-kno**
street, and will be a permanent fix- the production of grain and fruit,
The dancing pavilion at Midway1 anclng the lodge’s building proposi­
ing because . of . their economical
................ contrsitor, loft this morning on »
ture at this popular store. L. Simp- Camp creek flows through the farm, park will soon be completed
Th* tion.
Mr. Kroner will probably be plan.
I he students were Burleigh I business
trip to Hsakatchowan, A'"
son, formerly with this store, has which also enhances Its value for opening da new will be held a week among those to submit plans for the I ('ash. Jack
■•—’ Luckey.
Luckey, Albert Garra > sake, lie expects to be gone ssrsF
gone back to Portland.
from Wednesday night,
1 butldlug.
dairying or stock-raising.
I brandt and Clfila
- ------------------ -
|al weeks
art’cle of
Carter & Grcsslcy Lose Valu
able Papers But No
Real Estate Transfers