The Twice-a week guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1910-19??, March 20, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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(he I 1
4L«» Messia ni» relgn mrntloncd in
Thia year its Ter <'eutenary 1.« cele­
Piophecy li belng ftilfllled. 'l’In-y iiold brated. it I h 51 grand b,ok. It H um
Unii < brist hlmself is thè InvMlila «lone a grand work. Th«? fin t that it |
Ixbi . I.ut flint fili- Pop» |s liutai ut hor h not perfect mu t not condemn u
io h pri si iit hlm. Ileiieo lI iìm spuri- work |>o<ii'H«e<l of ho luuny glorlouw
oli ’ >IJiifoii io i He Word or Go<l !•< uh ac- qualities, it was th«* result of s«*v«,n
Paitor Russell Point, <JU>
‘ ' 1 J
lo 1 o.i timi ; ,-i . to t'iilholics; yeara* labor on th«* pita of forty-*», i-c
tive Addition« to thj Word of Oou more <o. If un mny Jutige by jiersoiMle.inu'd in Un' liiiigiiiix"«aii<l it;--
Contained in Our Curmnon Version
I ' t Hi l file I mliolle Bllile < iills |K>lnl«,i| by King Juin»-. of Englund I -i
Biblaa. Dwt Shown to D* Falta Bo
ili** spurloii« worda, ubilo thè l'ratvs it« pr«q hi i n t Ion They labored to hoi.»
cauaa Not Found in the Oldeat Creek
tmit Bllilq quote« tlieiii.
di siidvuntutfe by reiisoii of the « :n
M33.—One of Thueo "Fliea” H >
\\ o lierr r-i n i; timi iiei-ordliig to aiiind riveii there to follow nn euril,-
l’roll- filili liliali ; Mei- «illli'K Klngdoui Iran-liiilon atyled. The Bldiop';. Bi' ie.
Moulded Accoptc I Thuolo y—Dead
1' 1 '! 'I'*" * Il 1 eli ili (Ile ciVillZi'd lllltlolis and to niter It as little ui the original
Fliea Cause the Ajothccary'e Oint
Caught In tho act of robbing the
1 oi lite norld. e«pee|.i ||j- of Europe. would allow. They wer<> also lu«lrt.
ment to Stink (Scclo..a,t. s x, 1).
! i Lese all « Ja.ui t<> ri-lgn "by thè gru-e <•<1 that if the Tyndale, Coverdale, M it cash register at the Petits news stand,
I connected with the Hudson-Gray <'l-
.'•'ol Tone ago | '’r<,.<|. in wlilcii <* ii <*, of eoiirse, vara
tliew, (Tnnmer or \Vlilt< bur h trim l;i [gar store on WTliamette street, Bulls
|H»lhf<xl <>ut t h a * ¡imi I ntllc! la inveii filoni uro < onflirts
tloiiM nn<l th** Geneva agreed JohAaon, a lad of 14 or 15 years oM.
i bo lit«! t w «• I v «* belivi -n ttm val'lous pnrtH of Messlub'a better with th«* text, their» wlionld lie
wa arrested early this moinlng and
vcrm-sofFi Muri.'« Kltigilom. Ami pi'eHi-iit milltiiry prep accept«! ii « jniteail of tin- BI h I iop ' h . »III be sent to the industrial .-> hoool.
1 »"»>i i iu vur i »ui ^I'. i U ouh on land uud n.’ii p<>rt»ud u The traualutlou wu«, Ju-rlirt[>.-<. tlie best
Fletcher Pentz, owner of the flCWR
AUoU Vei rlou u. r
uio.'i a;,ugnili;! ry eoqfllct between tbese that could be made at tlie time.
stand, had been missing small sums
Hivri' ii-
.> rr<>i: "klir doni i of ili]« wurld," wlib li tblnl,
I’ ii I i IL I um I by kingly authority, it I h of money from his rash register for 1
nl/i'ij l¿¿, nil >v. lml. lh' l;i ■ 1 Vi . -, lei ni o i lled l»y < lirl
now venenited by EngllHli and Amer- some time past. Candles and tot»u-
<*o have alao been misned by the pro­
ar«. 1-'
doni "kln.'tdoiiis of < bai."
l< nn J*rotestnntH us though it li.ol «•ouii*
VH A« ore lint Li
ffuw pimi x\ e'nre to see the Truth on <llr«'t from the Anger of God. Till« Is prietors of the cigar store, but tlie
tilt» «ubjM*t; flint Ilio Kingdom of it mistake. M’e are to worship G<»1
• ied's dosr Boli lias noi yet l.erii not null to re« oretiee His Word and to nnt-tl this morning. Young John«on,
who has been in th» habit of atms«-.
Up. in uu.v r.en«e vf i|n* word tlift It fi ««•or- li a* «-tirefiiily uh |«>-«il>l<- to have Ing the Greek bootblai k mid porter
■itili future. If i-aunut l>e set up uiitil tho |<re»t<nn Ointment provided by tin* In sweeping out at the store each
III i fio pel Ago end« uud Ilio "eujct” -tiplrit of the Truth free from nil d .id morning, was finally suspicted a day
>1'1" in bi iha . • . v i
. (.■
i it Halnil.v few of every imtiou Jew uml
or ho ago and Pentz and th«- polfce
tile« -frue from till human addition
true Unit w tun Ve-| ,
/ the Go .| ii | qf Ceniifo ubali in- <huh;iul from earllily
Graduate; of "The Oregon Peerless College of Chiropractic-Neuropathy” in the following studies:
und mi-traiiHlullon« mid superstition., officers decided to s' a trap
t'liri-t limy li.imlle .■r.H'nts with Im 1<> heurcnly nnturo b.v Un1 First itesur
'for him. This morning, shortly be­
Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology. Diagnosis, Special. Regional and HiKtologJcal Neurology, Osteology,
of tlie "Imrk Age«."
I unit
fore six o'clock, Pentz. accompanied
reellon, v. Iti« li Wlll qnilllfv thotll to |.e
Orthopedy, Symptomatology, aiso the Theory, Philosophy and Art of the iXuRh-sa Sanatory and Prophy-
The basin for our Common Version
wltlioiit luiriii? in. 'y noi ii la noth
tinga and pr!> ts unto God and unto 1 wu« tlie Ixitlli VUlgute, will« Ii wiih dili­ by Chief Farrington and Officer
lactic Science of Chiropractic-Neuropathy.
Ing short of n sin for tho. ■ who know • bri t nini io r-i,:u wlth lllm a tbou- gently rev
icd und compared with the Keeney r« al estate office upstaira di­
better to iiektiowledi e th
v >r es nnd unni rem-«” fRevebition xx, •>».
Greek MSB. of th«* time. But there rectly across the street from the ci­
to u
Il i« w<ll flint all Bllile stiidcuta were few Greek MSS. known at that gar store and news ataml. The John­
Divine ibidlng It I. > tjio
p i-rluu : liotil'l rum,, ibis "ll.v" nini extrm t li
D removes th - cuti«,- of disease,
Chiropractic is founded upon
I time, ivherenH nt the pr<'«ent tim«' there son boy soon enter« d the store and
to mill to tlie Word of G<x| aa |<> take froiu fin» l*re< Iona Oluttiient, mid no
the knowledge of functions per- in the acute stages, with ä few
nre over 7<<0. Three of these are quite began to help tlie Cree! k. While the
For ten years Mrs. Jenson was
away from It.
‘adjustments; - chronic diseases,
tic» how mueli swe«>ter and ftwsber ancient.
latter was In the rear room of the
for rhe major part an invalid,
forr. d by Innate and educated
some yield quit y, while others
Today I Invlt • nftenllon to ome otli Ihe Lofil's pH.: i*r is to .tieni fot- .or,
Drues falling, nn operation was
(Ii 'i ll«' Biualtic MB., found In u Con-
Intelligence in health and dls»«^*.
require a longer Qnig, and per­ suggeated and resorted to as the
around behind
the «nunter.
counter, open
er dead tile., e. nil. otte r add.Il IS to
"Oh, Whgt a Whopper! ”
; vent on Mt. Sinn I ao rwently its 1800. Pentz’s cash register and fake some,
God's Hord, V 11. Ii line! Ii:nl tu.i , to
only mean* of perfecting a cure.
Tli' tnj't Paino wns mi eneniy to (he This is lu kUowMdged Io lie tlie oldest money. He then ran up the street
For every disease there 1» a
energy, is transmitted through
do with twhtlu - tl<« tli!'.
on ,
Frqxu that t|me on until chiro­
I Gns'k MB. known Ju tlie world, it« and was caught al th» corner of 8th
causo. Nature doe; and will heat
practic w resorted to, the bed
delivered Io the lit.
Tai. •. foe In
the nervous system to specialize
lurgcly ro. «.• l> I,ei e, <m nceount of
mid Willamette streets by Officer
was the most inviting and safest
stance. Gio cluxlng words of the Lord's
the « o-ordination of sensatiod and
flulty or supply any deficiency!
lila p<s»r mul-rstmiding of It. Arni 331 A. Ii. This MS. 1« now In th«* pos­ Bonney who had been stationed there
bis mi luiiderstiiiidlng <>f ilio Blblewas session of tin' HusHinn government at to interecept him. When searched,
Four years ago our daughter
he had the money on his person. He
"Thine la Ike Kingdom and Power and largai
ilue lo thè false <!>,< trinca St. Petersburg.
was afflicted with nervous pros­
The cycle of events in all nerve
tration. Coming west as a means
h.iiuhd «lown from th» "Dark Age«"
(2) The Vatienu MS.. 120», Is credited took $2.60 thiH morning, nnd the
nervous system, f'hiro'iractic re­
of prolonging life and possible re­
Tlie»« wonls, If utteri J by <mr Lord, piirjK»rtJrIK ’<> be biblical. Who < an­ with la-lug next ill uge. It was found sum of $7.30 has been missed during
net ions are perceived by the per­ moves the cause of and nature
lief. we were finally prevailed
abolii«! Ire found in the »Id Gr» \ MSS. nut nyini »nt hi:' e with th«' great li del. umongHt old MBS. in the Vathuu Li­ the week from the till, it is believ­
ipheral nerve-organs, with apper­ perfects the healing or cure.
ed the boy has been carrying on these
upon to try chiropractic adjust-
But they nr - not f .uu«l tlier.’Iti. They Thuninn ruino . who. when rending ihe brary ami 1« still there and «‘utalogned. petty tlnfts for a month oi two past,
ceptions and reflexes of these irav
niepta, taking twenty-four.
ar,', thorafor«', to !«• n j» ted : « hint ver-< <» <rf Si. John's Go- |H'i, ex­ The «late of its writing Is estimated to . for small sums have been missed by
pressions In the lower nerve-cen­ . aud sake for the relief of human
Scarlet fevyr was entirely re­
Iloti« in.ule by
>pL- <-. iti i* I a H.-r
•o. what a whopperf it ! be ulsoit tlie year350 A. I>.
misery and sickness and the re­
Pentz during that time. Tlie lad must
lieved and eradicated by two ad­
Matthev. ’ i <;■ p,.| we« written. Thi e read«. "And there are ul’o mniiy olb-
storation of health, it has won
(¡1) Tile third of these oldest known have got away with considerable can­
justments from both mother and
higher center-impressions, with
fame all over the world for its , daughters.
words w»co inlrodii' isl when th» faith •r thing« winch Jesus did. the whl< li. ‘Greek MSS. of the New Testament is dy and tobacco.
voluntary reactions or inhibitions.
miraculous relief, because it has
Young Johnson was taken to jail
of I tie < 'h j: i Ij I' - - i ■ In;; t tie Kingd< > .1 If the; should lx* written every one, I styled flic Alexandrlue, because it was
Names of friends to corroborate
made good and saved many hu­
of Mi <«tu i was e|..iiig. I or clmuglug Hilpfiose that even the world Itself found in Alexandria in Egypt. It is and a complaint was sworn to by
this assertion cheerfully furnish­
man lives after life had been de­
The nervous system is the first
ed Upon application.
from wMtt 1 wa
\:i could not contain tile I kh A* that now in (lie Britisli Museutu, where Chief Farrington later in the day.
spaired of. It stands out in bold
any visitor can behold It in a glass His father, |W. M. Johnson, who is
through tile New 'I'e.lament tlie See. should I m ? written” (John xxi, 25).
to be created of the human being,
relief, and is being recognized as
proprietor of the Hoffman Hous»,
Ctroprnrtfe has gone into thou­
oml Cotolng of ChrM Iu p wer aiul
showing the higher functional |x>-
Surely any on» of rensouiug mind case. It is supposed to have been writ­ says he has been trying to get the
indispensable in every acute or sands of homes like an adminis­
glory to establish Ills Kiir loni mid should see the absurdity of stub n ten about A. I>. 450. The readings of boy to do better for a Ion? time, but
chronic case in every family for tering angel, bearing the light of
tentiality of the nerves over all
to glorify the Chun h. IU« I'.rld». I i t statement. Surely nil Christian mln- j all three of these Greek MSS. can be to no avail. Tlie boy lias been ac­
quick and sure "relief from misery hope to despairing sufferers, and
other tissues, hence a chiroprac­
for Hie end of tills Go-pe) Age But should have informed the Lord's secured yiul the variations tietween cused before of committing several
even where pronounced Incurable
converting their pain, weakness
by other methods.
a« tlie time grew long it change of sheep under tlielr cure respecting what their readings and our Common Ver- thefts about town, but no action ha*
and wretchedness into comfort,
nerve specialist, has the miracu­
»•ntlmetit enme Inin the t'hurcli. It is and what 1« not the Word of God, slon are so simply arranged ns to leave been taken against hint until this
After proper adjustments, the strength and happiness.
be auie popular mid ri< ii
I' . bishops the Bible, ns It was recognised by the
Late this afternoon the boy was
becomes re-established and the
moving the cause of disease, even
If your case is numbered among
Were respei-u-d
Finally the tlie >ry Ai ■ toile Chun h nnd written down In Bilile students. Our Common Ver­
disease, whatever may be its na­
the supposed
•incurables,” do
prevullisl Glut Goil did not Intend to the original Greek mantis, rlpts. Why sion with notations of these MSS. can examined in the juvenile court and
in cases which have been given
ture. name, or location, disap­
not despair; trv chiropractic.
delav the estal>li«hment of tlie Klug any Christian minister should assail be obtained through any bookseller.
up as 'incurable” and hopelessly
school at Salem.
.Salem, Is father being
A Responsible and Sacred Trust.
dull! until the ........ nd C-nning of me liecuuse i endeavor to do for the
willing that he should be sent there.
beyond aid.
We do not treat nor heal dis­
Prof. Tisehendorf. writing respecting
Christ, but d'd Inb iid t» •■■ bll h It people what he has neglo ted to do 1
ease but by scientific adjustments. ,
We have for reference letters
in the hands of tlie < iniri-h during this cannot understand. 1 must leave it to these ancient Greek MSS.. says:
Chiropractic is not faith cute,
remove the cause of disease, en­
from such men of our state as the
To treat such uucient authorities
Ago nnd to urn- the t 'linr- Ii f, r the ■ on the Lord to Judge betwe n us. I am
medicine. Christian Science, mag­ abling nature to restore health.
governor. United States senator,
querluir of the world nnd the fu'.Illilng informed that hnndri-ds of ministers with iK-gh*' t would be either unwar­
We neither give nor recommend
bank president. United States rep­
netism. electric, osteopathy, mas­
of till tin» pruinl
of t ie p i t
went to till1 Kdltors of the papers
the use of drugs of any sort, nor
resentative. state representative,
sage. Swedish movement, nor any­
will we adjust those using drugs adjutant-general National Guard;
In line with tills tlx* most prominent which publish my sermons weekly and gence. Ind<-ed. it would be n misun­
John .1. Tunell, a resident of Ore-
at the same time.
or will funish addresses of busi­
biabop of the time «.. . r» '. |l; J ns endeavored to have them discontinue derstanding of Provlden e If. after all ' gon since 18 73, ^nd who had resided
Women’s and children's dis­
It resembles the above methods as
ness associates:'
th«--«* documents had I hmoi preserved jin Creswell since 187.. died at the
Idvluely appointed to r< pr. .vnt Christ their puNJi atton.
eases a specialty.
hi tin« worl.l and fo reign over th • n >. I But the Editors ix'feelve that their through all the dangers of fourteen or home of his son. John Tunell Friday,
day does night.
tfons in HI« stentl mill to bring nliout readeri nre no longer under the bond fifteen • enturles und delivered safe March 10, after an illness covering
the Milleunlii i, etc
This was the age of the "Dark Age«.” but have be­ into our hands, we were not ready to several weeks, says the Chronicle.
Mr. Tunell was born in Germany,
Dl«h'»p of Rotne, who sub- ■i|ii<,ntly gun to think for themselves, and that receive them with thankfulness ns
tviri atyitd tho Pope mid w|m < l.-iini'd many of them are hungering nnd most valuubie Instalments for l the on Januarj *■ 1811. and was 90
years, two months and three days old
• nd w is accorded tlie Ii.
i .ble title, thirsting for the Truth respecting the elucidation of Truth."
"I'icr-t/rribi of the Hon of I.
Tho Truth In the Love of It.
It Is Bible ili» Christian's spirituni food
Suite 1, Over McMorran & Washbume s. THOS. A. JENSON—Hours: 9-12, 11-5
Tlie Lord ajieaks of some who re­ married in 1845 to Mary Ba|tke.v
Raid that Ibo equivalent of this title to ami drink. To the «daini that many
Consultation and examination free.
ELLA A. JENSON—Hours: 1-5.
and came to the United States in
tills day tn worn by ilio Pope on hit read my sermons instead of going to cclve not the Truth iu the love of it, 1848. He resided in Illinois. Michi-
Eugene, Oregon.
Phone Connections.
ti'ixi or tliree-crowmil lint -l ire m/t Church the quswer is, that Pastor Rus-
be gan. Iowa and Minnesota prior to
D<1 ri'll.
soil is preaching to the non •bun-li­ ensnared by the Adversary. Evident­ taking up his residence in Oregon.
Tims the change ernne in the general ! Ro! ng ten millions «I m are in tho ma- ly licart-honesty is oue of the most Besides the son, above mentioned.
arntlrmnt of the "Chrinttau world.” lorlty mi<l that it l>eh<HiveH tho minis pris ioiis elements in the Divine sight, Mr. Tunell leaves one daughter. Mrs.
mountain scenery in the west. The
M '«slah'! Kingdom wn- no Io i -er t . torn to provide for their people the it is not suilleit nt that we should be Geo. I. Gilfrv who resides in Cres­
reed was constructed
for perma­
be looked for ns coming. l>ut was n I ■ spiritual fiMid for which tlh-y arc fam­ Christians In mime merely niul with
nence. and though as crooke«! as a
ns't'gnlzi d n < here. Tin* Pope, a i Me
ishing. if they would not lose them nil. form anil ceremony. It would not I m *
knotted rope and often winding
aulheieut in the Lord’s sight that we grand children, all of whom resided
Mrs. Nellie M. Irwin came up
around the face of a cliff, it is as
al.ili’a reigning representative, wa.i to
(Continued from page l.>
near Cresw 'll.
He was a member
Anothsr Big Fly.
fine a thoroughfare as a city street. , from Salem Saturday for a visit
SDOtild worship sect or party or even of the German Lutheran church
lie ui knowli dgi <1. All Kin gdoms that
J > the credit of si- h ri -n a« Luther. tho Bilile. It Is the Divine Truth that
the construction of the dam a.nd
The foregoing constructions con­ with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
w re to I mor mid e'■•; v
Ii wet
. Ct Ivin. Knox. Evitigli, Wesley and w'e must reverence next to the Divine and was a man highly respected" by auxiliary works 33s.452 barrels of stitute the larger features of th’ L. Gilfrv.
commanded t , honor :.rl obi'.; the
his many friends.
cement were used, all manufactured storage enterprises, sixty miles or
I otlii-rs livlti prior to our day we must person.
Craig Clark and Willie Weber left
Pope. Tlie various prophecies v.-lil-li
Th« funeral service« v ere conduct­ on the ground at a cost of $1.063.-
»InIn that they liud no opportunity
it Is not sufficient to have Bibles ed by i;.. • ., Cr< zi. r at Methodist 542. in ; cement mill erected by the more above the lands to be irrigated. Thursday morning for California, to
tell of Me- l.'ili'i Ki".i| ■
. r w ■ ■ ' oxi
The distributing system is no less in­ be gone for some time. They stop­
I for knowing of the spurious passages on our center tables merely, nor sttf- church Saturday afternoon, inter­
npplfi il to the Pope, mi l are still so
' of the Scriptun«Sv They, therefore, lieieut to curry them under our arms. ment taking place at the Howe cem­ government and recently sold. The teresting though no one feature is so ped at Medford on their way down.
cost was »3.14 per barrel as against great. The water released from the
Mr anti Mrs I-'. \ Richardson
h ve no re ¡><>n lldliiy such n.-t de- Wc must "cat ' the Word of God that etery.
$4.8» per barrel, the best private dam runs down the'river channel for and Mr. mid Mrs. E. B. Moxley made
A h Messiah wan to ride forth con­
vulves upon ministers of our day itbo 1« to say, we must, as spiritual chil­
bid available when operations be­ nearly 60 miles to Granite reef, a! a trip to Eugene last Friday in Mr.
quering tho world mid "v/ound tlie
do. or should, know nil about these dren of God. feed upon His message.
gan. The manufacture of cement on point just below the confluence ofi Moxley's white steamer.
h' .id.s over man; pe >pl ■
> tlie I' p ■
I matters. We cannot oil this occasion And this truly implies careful dis­
the ground effected a saving of the Verde and Sall rivers, where a'
Geo. L. Gilfrv went to Portland
tn succession nought to d >, to fulilll
malic further Investigation, take out crimination to discern between God's
eom'rete weir dam 1.000 feet long Monday, where he has been sub­
them» propliecli-.s. As tlie iuiu. iini-
nv-re of tb<’ ;o dead tlio«: but. ih > Lord Inspired Revelation mid nil human ad­
Work Bexan in 1 !>•>«.
ar.< 38 feet high, diverts water poenaed to serve on the federal
tbm of Me- d.ill's KI I <1 HU I-1 pr 'i!i-
The first stone was laid iu the through a main canal on either side grand jury, which will be in seseion
wlllli ;', nt s»ni • future time 1 John v, ditions nnd lidmixtures.
Isi'il to lie In th»» mid -t of a time of
7, 8 will lime our attention
It is therefore, n diflTerence lietween rever­ ♦ just run a classified adver­ ♦ foundation September 2 0, 1906. The of the river, to numerous canals be­ thia week.
great trouble It wiis not thorn lit Im­
Dillv Wells, daughter of Mr. and
worthy of It. It has euusisl the Oint­ encing mid loving the Word of tied ♦ tisement three days in The ♦ last stone was laid on the Coping low. covering the entire reservoir
proper that l'.ip'K y should emtse great
ment to stink mill has <<>nfii«od tho and reverencing mid loving a pnrticu- ♦ (iu a rd and a week in the other ♦ 2S4 feet above. February d. 1911. district. The allotment of funds for' i Mrs. W. W. Wells, is confined to her
trvnltil' 111 the world I i its endr-ivor
♦ local daily paper. He receiv­ ♦ 1 he upper face of the dam is almost; this project to date is about nine mil­ home with an attliok of pneumonia,
minds of many of God's dour saints by hir translation, errors mid all.
to t-diibllsh itself n tlie KI; ■:<' in of
Th«> lower face re-1 lions, and it may take two millions which terminated from la grtppe.
» ed live answers from the ad­ ♦ perpendicular.
tlie w a v in wlil< h Ur1 error In thin case
T. H. B. Turner of Kansas City,
Messiah. As whosoever would not re
"Thy Word Is Truth.”
♦ vertisement in The Guard, ♦ treats like the pyramids in huze|n)Ore to fully complete all enutem-
has 1 i'll lnt i woven with tlio Truth.
Our Master's prayer for nil of His ♦ but not one front the one in ♦ stoue steps from th«' width of 170' plated work. Th«» toll of human lives Neb., visited here this week with his
echo Messiah was to lie "destroyed
My I: ‘nrors honld hour distinctly in
true disciples, or footstep followers, ♦ the other paper. There are ♦ feet in the foundation, to 16 feet: his bPcn 17 at Roosevelt and five at grandson C. E. Leabo. Mr. Turner
frwm ami ui <t tlie people.” It was rot
mind that what I mn hero presenting
IGranitq Reef, as near as can be as- will take up permanent residence in
was and still is. "Sanctify them ♦ other similar examples that ♦ at the top.
eend'li r,sl wrong Io destroy those who
Is not at all In line with the presenta­
h ss interesting ar«' the auxili-1 «¡ertainod. through mechani« al acci- Eugene.
through Thy Truth; Thy Word is ♦ might be cited. This shows ♦ ary No and
rejei teffnndoi po- • <1 thel’npul Lltigdoi i
Miss Alma Point, who has been
co-related works, such
f--*- as
-- i dents
tions of tin» Higher Criths.* Their
and - drowning.
Whoever would lune the ♦ conclusively which paper is
ntiil to give them t > the burning flume.
♦ the best advertising medium. ♦ the cement mill, the hydro-electric[ 'rhe work to be done will Include visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 0. B.
method is to rend through the Scrip­
Nash for tho past four months, left
plants for generating 8,000 horse­
"Thy Kinodom Ccmo on Earth.”
ture.« nnd Judge of them by tlielr own Word should so fnr ns possible rid ♦
♦ power. and what is termed the power I several plans for development of -Monday fo.- her home at Nirth. North
t hydro-electric power at favorable
Tho L< ril's pra.1 er was already In keen intellectual powi'rs, nnd thus to
himself of every uusmu tifying admix­
cnnal, built to operate the first unit | places along the canals, the power to Dakota. She will visit at points in
the Sirlptui' . mul wus ktmwu to discriminate lietween which wore
of the electric plant, creating power : be used mainly in developing an aux­ Washington on her way home.
It < mid not bit il imd. written by the Prophets credited, nnd ture of human tradition mid interpola­
John E. Ktml amt Wife. .Iqy P.
for dam construction.
iliary irrigation water supply pump­
But some zi’n'oiis i '
• . fully 1 l.ev I whleli were addition*. Tlielr Higher tion. Tlie true sanctification or set­
Skirting th«' north end of the dant. ed front the vast underground re- Ktinf, Edmund Kuni and Frank E.
ting apart of the heart to know and
Mrs. Lucretia McMurray, a pio-
Ing flint < iod's Kim l ei find ■ ne. felt Criticism claims a keener scent er
It is calculated that the <nnt and wife ind two children ar-'
to do the Lord’s will could not be con­ neer of 187,1. who died at Cottage almost under th? spillway and driv­ sources.
Justlt'.ed In amending th pra-T to mental dl<eernmetit than ordinary
rived in Creswell Sunday from Stew­
tent to accept with the sanctifying Grove Sunday, was buried Tuesday en through the solid rock is tunnel reservoir, or gravity flow, will even­
art, Minnesota and will make their
correspoud io n'mi Iu' nippo ■ d w, re luoftals eti.i y. b.v wlil b they know
Truth defiling error«, chaff mid non­ afternoon front the Presbyterian No. 2, 115»fe«’t above th«< river bed. tually water 190.000 acres anti that home here. Mr John E. Kuni is the
tho facts. Hem
tli ■ prnjer Whi’h those things whether others can see It sense.
church. Rev. Mr. Mason officiating. Its sole mission is to release irriga­ 50.000 acres will be watered by
man who bought the James Shaub
begins, "Tbv Kin '! "n co;
I in d • so or not.
Mrs. McMurray was born in St. tion water when the reservoir shall pumps.
, If thousands are turning away from
place, where he and his wife and two
Louis, Mo., and came a cross the contain it above that elevation, nnd
I resi'nt Higher Crltk lsm nail accept
to end by saying, " I li.v I-i d nn b
tho Bilile then1 is a reason.
It plains with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. when it is desired to release a
sons will reside. Frank E. Kuni and
come In li’i glory mi l power."
the Word of G<‘d In full. I reject noth­
is not tho pure Truth that drives them John Cochran, and four sisters and greater quantity than will
family will purchase property in or
come ».
„««« vuuh
If I'tipncy 1« the Kingdom of Mes­ in - 1 ! uuse of my own or other imni’s
near this place.—Chronicle.
away, but the foreign admixture mid two brothers, in 1852 the family lo­ through the penstock, supplying the;
siah, It 1« eert.iltily n d v. h it the Jews surmlHcs, hot merely go by tlie facts.
misinterpretations I cated where Cottage Grove now power house.
expected, it is ■ ”i tf"ly n ■ wl> t we If the oldest Greek MSS. do not con­
The third exit for flood water, one! Guard Special Service.
Ar a result of being thrown out
handed down to us by our well-mean­ stands, the city being on part of the
CXpe-ted. L i . ! r'
not wlmt the tain cert iin passages of Scripture, bow
Portland, March 17. — Oregon! of a buggy in a runaway accident,
ing lint deluded ancestors of several old donation land claim of the Coch­ that is most necessary hut will bej
mii !iM of nirt'' ' id It id miv r is"n t • could they gi t Into later MSS. except centuries ago. It 1« high time for ran family. The first winter was spent least used, and the largest of all. is ¡sportsmen will have another fine little
expect, nlthollgh it Is ' i’i epted by ns spurious addition«?
known as the sluicing tunnel, or tun- gann? bird to hunt soon, for th«? state Bldgett, residing on the Mohawk,
all to manifest to God their love of by tho faintly in Brownsville.
Nor shotllil I be considered ns fault- tho Truth by spending some of tlielr i
It was driven through gar e warden has just ordered 100: had an arm broken this morning on
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. McMurray nel No. 1.
ihe rinjorlty of t in '• :»in|om.
w ith our <■• mmon Version of
were married Christmas day of 1865 the solij mountain circling the south ; pairs of Reeves pheasants from Gen» the Coburg road near the Bontiett
.\ltli.!Ugh our prob Ung forefather! p.
time in studying II In learning Its
broke away from the !’■ I •’ t’»d ''' the Bible. Wllilo it 1« not without its freclofls lessons nnd In telling forth and located in Eugene, where the end pf the site, at the river level, be-1 Simpson, a Corvallis fancier. Jor place, whil» driving toward Eugene
fore tho construction of the dam bo-1 delivery next September.
These with her father, A. B. Blndgett. who
notim ei| him
Vntl ' To t "nd d" 4 ( fanllH, it has so many excellent quali­ Its "good tidings of great Joy to all ■couple lived for a number of years.
i» was
n-™- used for „i..i..;„„
sluicing _««»
silt, if . tairxls will be liberated at favorable: was
Mrs. McMurray Is survived by an gan. it
cl.-red that I: falsely it In the ] la c ties ami bcmtilftil translations that 1 people."
only daughter, Mrs. l.cna Jordan, of necessary, nnd for releasing a larger points throughout the state, and af- George Burge . of Junction City, to
I f Christ with > ’t m th"'.
. they, nev preh-r It to any other and generally " ‘TIs on« thing now to read the Bible this city; two sisters. Mrs. Winni- Irrigation supply than the penstock iter they become sufficiently numer-j the north-bound train, The homes
ertltob’s«. were Imlni I with ’■ «.nnc I i n.«o It. Put I most not. I cannot, np-
fred Breedlng. of Spray, Or., and furnishes, if needed, when the water ous in their wild state, they may b«? shied at an automobile, and cramp-
Another thing to rend, to learn nnd do;
error. They did m t think to ■.• ■> i n I prove tho«» portions'of It which all
Mrs. Kate Perkins of Cottage Grove, elevation In the reservoir Is below shot under certain restrictions.
ing th«» bnegy suddenl , tipped all
to the met« rm of the S'rhe'T anil < rthoilox seliolnr i admit to bo «purl-
The Reevps is the largest of the! three of th
and a brother, J. M. Cochran, of Col- the entrance to tunnel No. ..
cupants into the road,
Aril quite anotht r thing to r ad It rlcht.
to took for the S< n ei God to nt up on . W<> must not handle tlie Word of Some read to prove a pro.adopted creed, fax, Wash.
flO-Milc Roatl lluilt.
«d before do­
pheasant family and is a splendid' The horses were
Among the earliest construction game bird. It Is hardy and increases Ing any serions damage to the bug-
Hh Kingdom nt HI« s
.1 Advent God <lo itfnlly. If wo do wdinnat ex­ Tima understand but llttlo what they
Everybody's Realty company re- features was the building of a freight rapidly, living in the forests for the KJ'-
nnd then to l>'< ■ i U riel an ■ tho v ■ I po t d'rkn»«! Instead of light, con­
And every pas«age In tbn Book they bond ports the sale of th» V.
‘ H. Decker road 60 miles long from Mesa City, most part. It is expected the state
glorlfled Clmr Ii. Instead fusion ln«te.«d of harmony.
To make It suit that aU-lmpn-t int end
residence on West Fifth street to ,1. the nearest available railroad point, will soon be well stocked with the
H. K. Owen, the realty dealer, fa
they li»
o th ■ i' ■■ i th : ■
Rome people read, as I have often 8. Smith, a recent arrival hère from
Cur Bible's Ter ■ Centenary.
to the Roosevelt dam site. Of tun, new variety so that it will vie with confined to his home on account of
God's Kingdom tv"«
t ui and «
Ju t throe i -nturles n .o ciir English
The consideration was 22 miles Is across a desert and 38 the Chinese pheasant in point of at­ illness
He may be able t o be at his
To teach tlie Book, Instead t< to be Minnesota.
evnquerlng the world, and ihnt thus Ccmniia Torsion Bible was publishoA
mils« through the most trunreasive tractiveness for sportsmen
office the first of next wc ok.
n ......
in the midst cd death Chiropractic prepares you
for a happy life
It is not merely a so called “Cure”—It is something
higher, grander, nobler •
Drs. Thos. A. and Ella A. Jenson