THE TWICE A WEEK GUARD,THURSDAY, MARCH 1C 1911 K WLlüni L xlixlio I u ROM IOO Ì 0 140 POUNDS. CHiiiSTIAiiCHliRGH COMER SWNE LAID SUNDAY nidorful Praise Accorded •unatho Household Remedy re. Marl* tiorrtz, Orieuln, Okla* is, writ«»! ily liuxbaixl, children m I i «Il •« iiscd your iii<’ , an mii ül- fit keep tlxoil In III" lx 'I .<■ Ill < r»»lty, I w«i I' iloreil t ! •alth by I ni> dli'lii", and Dr. Hurtt In ualilo udvke and books. P*!■ i«|. >ut mo from different. plan , ion u.r<» pi I»«<1 that I I'nti f catarrh of th«’ throat, \v’h pound»! tww I Igh MO. I have reualnad my health aj» ,nnot thank you < nont h ' lei. Mey find giv» you * J > bier* your work.” With ¿ippr V I' bl'io, of the i’ltvd 1‘iVHTl- i !’<•!!( nl church Prciiidvnt I i <'.ihi 'bi ib of flic unlvMi !tv, then «!••- Illvcif'd th«- prir Ipiil atldros of the (»" .itlon and he wan followed by IU*v ■ II H, WllkblHoft, of tile M E. chilli II, • hi • line i n? Mini ferial union: Morin .1 Duiyc. ropie ontlng the i < ‘ 'nn*H < lai club, an I Rev. A. F. .tn ! i »h. acting president of the Eu »•lie bl bin iinlvendl v. I lit^i « anie ih" »•••lemony, of plnc- ;ng ihf ■ !o|.<- 1' Illi «‘111 1 'oiin 5 the Iron b y. Ilihi d" which wit* p"rfornieil by Hon. T G. Hendricks . president of 1 i . N.nio.i'il bar .k nnd h trun- öf ! he church. 1 lO'idi’ the box In th«* >.toi.-,. piai ill tlie follow- In«’. *1 h<’ !' «¡or', of I ho chnreh, the »I ll»* of th»» '»ref tIon of ti'e two other biilldliU'.. fh.»i have bt»«m 1 r«»i'l«-d by lilt' «ill * m . » :••!» tillin'"« of the M lero kill* tup Pandri 'f nri- « .1 • 1 3 0! the officio 1 beard of the slte, soothe« the ¡h hlnx .aip, »• Imrch, ttutnea of thr iiiillillun coni- give« luitre to the h.dr e .! miti' 0. name of the fii hltt'ct. IIUIIK-H Of th'* e mt» t >♦; . nnii :■ of tin- vnrl- ■f'niulatrs it« growth. A » OHM 1 lb itor*. who Im*. O nerved the single application pli ra relief (. hurt h siu.c i:- 01'zatK ri. ami n •nd proves Its worth. Do not 4 * fl II v of lio* XinvrhüB revised Bible. be bald. Stive your ha r be­ 'l b* p:i?ion, whose r. in eH V. ere etl- ( If f d 1 ♦ re 34 follow!1 in this order fore too latr. Micro Li a tri whir* 1 toey »frvod: Oilmare Cal- delightful drc»-lne ter the (» M Wli fn • ,/S ,\1. Hubbard. hair, free from grease ard ► I’ R. U a. »ett. W I). Owen. E. W. Sticky oils, Booklet free. R 'tt> l< Im V '’»rrle T E. Camp­ bell, i( CániHou. W i). Hiimph- HOYT CHEMICAL COMPANY r. '. B vll. . Ihirry Watkln«. (i rOKTLAOO. O'l.CI M. W «-Inter. H F. B'.ntuli, M. 1.. Ro. c and .r 3 M< Call'.tai. the laut nun o* i th pn nut pi'- tor. Rev. rve< a soc»m < <1 V th (hr beicdic- (Ion b_. Rev. 1’. K. Billington. BIG PORTLAND STORE IS SOLD Olds, Wortman A’ King Pur­ chased by Holz Brothers Thi> firm of Olds, Wortman A- King yesterday iloscd contracts for the s.«h> of ihf controlling Intercut In the gr at men untile <»tabll»h- iniment ment at Morrison, Alder. West Park need* » and Tenth streets to Aaron Holts. I prepared expressly for I horsemen and ranchmen. It in; the junior partner, and hia brother. I Max Holtz, of Now York city. The powerful and penetrating lini- iueludes. besides the icnt, a remedy for emergencies. transaitlon A soothing embrocation for the relief department store, the building and of pain, and the best liniment for ground leases, stables, warehouses, The amount sprain« and «oreness. Unequalled and other propertl«". for healing wound« and injuries involve,I Is between »3.000,000 and caused by BARBED WIRE end $1,000.000. The Olds. Wortmnn # for all cuts and bruises. Pacific Horse King company Is incorporated for > Liniment is fully guaranteed. No $2.000.000 and the Portland Build­ other is so good or helpful in S" many ing rompani*. a subsidiary corpora-; way«. If it fails to sat isfv, we author­ Hun iiintrolllng the ground lease ize all dealers to refund the purchase and building, is tapitalited for price. Extra large bottles 5 O cents. $500,000. The business will con-1 under the, HovT CltBMICAL Co., i irtland. Orc. tinue to lie conducted name ef Old>. Wortman King There will be no change in the policy of tb<> institution, the retiring mem­ bers of th» firm retaining a substan­ tial lnte«*it In the business. Sun­ day Oregonian. L Painless Dentistry !• pri«l» nnr hnbl « rnr »tud» frr ? ruta au«l fin» • I ho L m 11 | ulnl.-w work t« (»• Intinti An’whrm, n , n.attor how much >ou paj. Compir» <»ur l‘rl< ow. Wa finish pinto nn<1 bri-iue work for <»».$• «■f • town pnt rons m rnr «i.ajr if •<« n < r l>ritif«< work ir ri Ir* Consultai e* *. MolarCrow •• $5.00 22k Hr d|.T~ft4.C0 Gold .'iltiRft Cnamal Fillmf« too ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.Ü0 ♦ .50 ♦ 5.0Û ♦ Stiver Tilliliffl Good Rubber flotot D»tl Red Rubber Plat»» ------ _ M. W a. Will. SwMntawMiM«. GRANDFATHER TEDDY EARLY IN APRIL ♦ 7.50 ❖ r> ■'«•« t>’''l "" -bu I» nut inwnm io Kihiw «r»T method * All work tulle ftiarftyrteed for flflrm yrnrn. Wise Dental Co., me. Painless Dentists »■Ilin« S.lldlnt. Thl’S «nd W»Mlwt«n I’OSTIAVO n»E orniilon: as a null ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Francfaco, March 13.— A ne« generation of the Roosevelt family is expected to make its advent into the W oi Id | lout li . It fa| i cpoi t- i in money found near the body. No Tracka Found. The wind had been blowing nnd drifted sand 1 hail obliterated any tracks that might have been made about the place, so it is difficult to determine If wild animals or human biings had scattered the remains about in such a manner. Affidavits of several of the men who found the body In that condition were taken and these documents were sent to District Attorney Bryson and Sheriff How n. 2400 IS POPULATION of M c M innville Washington, D. March II McMinnville’s population thirteenth census, is 2.400. In 1909 It was 1,420. in 1X90. 1.3GX. E. DANA DURAND. Director. The notarial commissfijn of L. if. Johnson, of this city, was filed with the county clerk this afternoon. Get rid of roar Sfomaeh IVc^L'nccg nnd Liver Li. a course of fl^cdic'f Discovery — the F>tomnch f vstoratlvc. Liver Im ¡^orator and Lioud Cleanse r. Nou C'-i’t af >rd to a- r-^t nnv medicine of ttnistttnt nmpoji ton p. a subafitute f.r ‘ Golden Medical Diacov cry, ’ which is a medicine ow known coMrosmos, having c complete lot of ingredients in plain English on its hot­ tie-wrapper, seme being attested as correct under oath« Dr. Pierce’s Mwent Ptlh' ; rewlrto aad lti'’f'¿f>reto Stomach, Liver end Aow-/s. The city I »t night a ectlon to • X tte. ding eat. also >rk, and sot Monday. May 1. a» the ife The proper notice will be glv- i in time and it is hoped tiiat there R. .M. I’ratt late yesterday after­ ill Re no more legal hitches to pre­ noon !>• gan the work of remodeling mt the elez-rlnn from being held. tii" iron of the building occupied It wax the icgiilar monthly meet­ by Friendly's clothing department. ing of the cnuntil and much of the time was tai Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Osburn, ST .1ÜU KMLiil TO MOTHER AND CHILD. ' Inislnl's". Co who retured a few days ago from a SYMUP hO» bcm the fire and trip as far south as the Fanauia ca­ iHt L-I : r© «r Si::TY FooTNXNO years by MILUOXu •! ported adv« rs« nal zone, report, the weather uncom­ :i >¡ s for thtir children WKCy I ay of the two fortably hot in that region. The trip - zTUz.o i CHILD. SOFTENS th« Gü*.4 each, wishing by steamer on this side of the istli- AI.'.AA Sa'.I PAI.' ; CUKES WIND COLIC, ( rd the hands of mus Is a long, tiresome one of 29 i t r • v ly r DIAKRHOi?. It « »n-.’.e - Be cure and csk (or •‘Mr’, also report'd 1 days on steamers that are far from Syrup,” and 30 other of filter sand first-ciass. this being th ■ most dis­ Liu«*. T wenty-five cent» a bottle. the plant. agreeable feature of the entire trip. The finance committee reported Mr. Osburn made a trip through, on the us tai r.unJii ■ of 111113. The the famous Culebra < ut of the canal committee v.- is authorized to make on a railroad automobile, through a statement cf all available funds the courtesy of the officials in charge for use e! f the water board ind the and was impressed with the magni­ IN LATE WINTER t reasu rer be instructed to disburse tude of the work be . r done. The the funds « upon warrants leaned by canal zone, however. I . few attrac­ AND EARLY SPRING Ws seldom fee! JUST RIGHT tions as a pla> e of residence for the the board. Heller, of tlie street committee, Ann ricans. and it seems best adapted At such a *.itn" USKUEIU is the best anti reported the number of fpet of lum­ to the Jamaica n gros, ’ ho are ^o- -.; l Bio d Purifier, die most successful ber u. -d In the 't",'» comnlMl' tier !ng most of the labor on the «anal.. Mr. and Mrs. Osburn wont by pr ,-ription for spring humors and such during February was 3ukX. He re­ di-or’’ rs of the blood as boils, pimples, ported on d.-.mag'-d 'iirbfug on west steamer f-cm Fannmn to New York pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneous Seventh street and said that the con- city, a:.d spent a few days visiting in •p’i"UA. Kasparilla is admitted to be tractor who put if i.i was Informed Pennsylvania. They found the wea- the ix- t remedy for that ’ack of energy ther*«old end wintry in the . in that a man backed a wagon agaiu-t and the peculiar debility so prevalent the curb while it. was still "green,’ sharp contrast to the tropic heat of during the close oi winter and the opening causing the break. It was referred the Panama zone. of spring. For derangements of the di­ to the street committee and city en­ gestive organs it is a natural corrective, DIED. gineer. The committee r'‘coni iiended operating directly upon the liver and ali- At Irving. Satvrdav evening, ricntary cinal, gently but persistently the opening of the alley both ways in block 18, Skinner's original plat March 11, 1911. Peter Withers. <-d stimulating a healthy activity. Its of the citv. The matter was referred 83 years, an old pfonjer of Lane tnflnetjce extends, however, to to the street committea and city at­ cour.ty. Death was sudden. While .very portion of the system, aiding in the torney, The committee reported fa- splitting wood ho fell over and soon processes of digestion and assimilation of vorably on the plat ot the Poster ad- lost consciousness. I’e was a brother '■xxl, promoting n wholesome, natural of J. E. P. Wither.-, of the city who ppetite, correcting sour stomach, bad dition. Is now it’- California. The funeral breath, irregularities of the bowels, con­ City Gets Kebat«*. Manager Spencer, of the Oregon was held today with Interment in the stipation and the long list of troubles Power Co., rei orted there was an er­ cemetery near Irving. An obituary directly t-aceabte to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi­ ror in charging the city for 86 arc w-lll be published later. ness, beadactie, backache and despond­ lights and that the actual number in E. E. Hyland is having a gravity ency due to inactivity of the liver, use is 85. Ho said the company It is a would rebate the city for the addi­ water system put in for the town­ kidnevs and digestive tract. tional charge, amounting to $48. site of Oakridge, the lie”, railroad di­ strengthening tonic of the highest value. G-o. Waggoner, city­ The matter was referred to the fi- vision point. engineer of Eugene, is surveying for THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE nancel committee. H oy T C hemical C o . Portland, Oregon Delay of the health committee re­ the pipe line. ported that committee had decided to dig a ditch leading from the Condon school septic tank to drain the water from people’s premiers in that vic­ inity and to cover the ditch with a board. Sewer Inspector Zell re­ ported unsanitary conditions at sev­ eral places in the business district and the matter was referred to the city attorney and health committee with power to act. Manager Spencer called the coun­ cil’s attention to the fact that the city's big water main leading from the pumping plant is beneath a small building which the company is erect-1 ing to be used in connection with. the gas plant. He wanted to be ro- j leased from indemnity for any dam­ age that might occur. The matter ; was left to the new water board. Against Poles in Street- Mrs. Stoops. residing on High street between East Sixth and East . Seventh, appeared before the coun- 1 cil to protest against putting thej city's new light petes in the street : in front of her property and wanted Any system that needs a tonic needs also a blood purifier, for it is them in the alley. She vehemently! the w eakened and impure condition of the circulation that is responsible protested against this action but was i We have only to recognize the informed that this matter was eti- ■ for the run-down state of health. importance of pure, rich blood in preserving health, to realize the danger tirely in the hands of the water board and' the council had nothing to do of a weakened or impure circulation. The great majority of persons with it. are rapidly coming to understand the importance of preventing disease; An ordinance fixing the polling they know that a poorly nourished system cannot resist germs and places and naming the judges and clerks of election for the coming microbes, anil that a tonic which purifies and enriches the blood will often ward off a serious spell of illness later on. city election was passed. An ordinance approving the Foster That Spring is the most trying season on the health is a fact well plant was passed. known to every one. It is the time of year when our constitutions are An ordinance for the construction of a sewer between West Third and required to stand the greatest strain, and unless the system receives West Fourth streets from Jackson the proper amount of blood nutriment the health is bound to be affected. The general bodily weakness, tired, worn-out feeling, fickle appetite, to Blair was passed. Au ordinance for the construction poor digestion, etc., come directly as a result of weak, watery blood. of a sewer on the west side of Wash- ! If you need a tonic, you need a medicine that has real blood puri­ ington street from the alley between fying properties. A great many so called tonics are mere nerve stim­ West Fourth and West Fifth, north ulants, often producing instantaneous exhilarating effect, but acting 4 70 feet passed. The monthly report of the water with decided injury on the system. If your system is weak and run­ department was read and accepted. down you can only tone it up by supplying an increased amount of A cheek front Mrs. Cordelia Ank­ blood nutriment, and this can come only through pure, rich blood. eny for $24 .is yearly rental of a portion of the Skinner's Butte prop­ Any tonic which does not purify the blood is dangerous, because it leaves erty on which her barn is situated, the impurities in the circulation to constantly prey upon the health. S. S. S. is the greatest of all tonics because it is the greatest of all was presented and accepted, A petltiou for the gradisg and blood purifiers ; and it is the one medicine yuu can rely on to supply graveling ot Mill street from the the system with the best tonic south line of East Third street c t effects ana at the same time thor­ 0 feet was read and tending south The | FEELS BETTER IN EVERY WAY referred to the street committee with oughly purify the blood. I S. S. S. is a good medicine. I keep use of S. S. S. at this time may power to act. save you from a long spell of I it in the house all the while. It is an tonic to give strength to the sickness, and it will certainly pre­ excellent system and tone to all the physical pare you for the strain of the long members. It gives appetite and hot Summer. Many people have energy anil makes one feel letter in put off using a tonic until the sys­ every way. I liave found it also an excellent blood purifier. For months A string ot automobiles loaded tem became so weakened it could I was troubled with an itching skin not resist disease, and have paid down with a heavy, enthusiastic eruption on the face, and tried many crowd and preceded by the German for the neglect later on with a specialists ami many remedies to get band, attracted much attention as spell of fever, malaria, or some a cure, but S. S. S. is the only medicine it moved up Sixth street in Portland otherdebilitating sickness. S.S.S. that seemed to reliev e. I am now free of this eruption. I think n great deal last night, and many of the pedestri­ is Nature's ideal tonic and blood of your medicine, believing it to lx ans wondered at the exclttnent. It does not contain a the bestbiooii purifier and tonic known The occasion of it all was the purifier. to the world t 4,._ home coming of Kola Nels, one of particle of mineral in any form, the disHnguislied members of the nor does it contain any of the FRANK HORNER. I'*’’’ venth St., Canton, O, Oregon hop trade Mr. Neis h id been deleterious nerve stimulants that absent in Europe for about a year < ___________________ . and his friends decided to celebrate are used in so many medicines his return in proper style. Hence, called tonics. S. S. S. tones up the stomach anj ¿¡aestion, rids one ol the German band and th® parade. the tired, worn-out feeling improves th appetite and digestion, and in On arrival at the Belvedere hotel, every way contributes to the upbuilding nJ strengthening of the three cheers were given for the re­ S. S S. is absolutely safe fcr persons of any age, and turn of the traveler and the entire entire system. niedicine exactly suited to party proceeded to the grill, where all who are tn need of a tonic will find a dinner was served. A large party their needs. THE SWIFT srECIFiC CO., ATLANTA. GA. of Salem hop men came down to par­ ticipate in the festivities.—Oregoni­ an. WEATHER VERY HOT IN CANAL ZONE OHLGON EXHIBIT BY GREAT NORTHERN RY. AT W$ TERN LAND i'XlODVCIi EXHIBIT, 1ILLD LN OMAHA. NEB RECENTLY. furnished by E. C. Leedy, general Immigration agent of the Great Northern railway: hun- Greenwood. Ind. Fifteen dred visitors, a great many of whotn were farmers. \ large per cent of interest was for homesteads in Ore­ gon. The hall where the stereopti­ con lecture was held In lhe evening war crowded and some were turtle J away. The apple display in the car is drawing many favorable com­ ments. Ji'fferronvllle. Ind.—Tremendous crowd. At least 5,000 people visited th, car. The crowd kept up all day long and the lecture hall was crowd­ ed In the evening. We estimated the attendance at about 1.400. The Interest seems to be mostly in farm M ich fLLnf'W «fart*» wi'h weak tomach, and consequent poor, Impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people luck food, rich, red blr>od. Their *#otni cha need inviforiitinf tor, after all, a man can be no stronger than his stornacl. A remedy thr.t makes the stoma.di strong ar.d the liver active, makes rich n'.‘ water all over the city will be in good shape to drink and use for all pur­ poses. The analysis, which was made by Profesror A. R. Sweetser, of ihp university, and submitted to the water commission Saturday night, shows that only one batería was found in the sample tak­ en from the filtei. -..bile 131 were found in a sample tak­ en from the river. There were appearances of typhoid baidli in the river water but absolutely none in the water taken from the fil­ ter. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W. F. OSBURN AND WIFE HOME FROM CALIFORNIA Report Floods in Golden Stato Unprecedented—Many Eugcneites There William F. Osburn anil wife. of the Hotel Osburn, arrived home this morning from a mouth's stay in southern California, spending most of their time in San Dle'^i. They re­ port an i njoyab’e trip but the weather most of the time was abom­ inable. The rains throughout the state have been heavier during the past few weeks than ever before and in San Diego there was a precipita­ tion of four inches greater during the month than there has been dur­ ing previous year In the history of the city. Nearly the whole state is flooded and it took Mr. and Mrs. Os­ burn 2$ hours to ma!;« the trip from Francisco, where- Los Angeles to San ’ — as ten or twelve hours Is the usual time, Tracks nnd bridges ar» wash- ed out all the way from Sacramento to San Diego. Mr and Mrs. Osburn saw ninny Eugene people in Los Angelos and San Diego, include'' among them be­ ing Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Eackwith. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shelley. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Honey . Mrs. Lulu Hartley and Mrs. .Fannie Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Roney will be home in a short time and Mrs. Nelson will also ar- rive here soon to spend the summer in the city, GREATEST OF ALL TONIC BECAUSE GREATEST OF ALL BLOOD PURIFIERS KOLA NEIS GREETED UPON RETURN HOME