4 TWLOE-A-WEEK GU 7/ I EUGENE, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 30, 1911 in Contests Fcr Lcnalorial Togas In <_ / Rhode Island and West Virginia Legislatures. Washington, Jan, 28 senate committee on public lundi today authorized its chairman, Senator Nelson, of Minne- sotu, to report favorably the administration bill providing for leasing the coal lands of Alaska. Transportation companies and their stockholders are barred from the operations of the law. The action of the committee was unanimous. The interstate commerce commission is delegated to fix the price at which coal mined on leased lands may be sold or trans­ ported. The area of land which may be leased to any person or corporation is limited to 2560 acres, and both a rental on the land and royulty on the coal will be exacted. Under the terms of the bill coal is to be reserved to the United States in all pat­ ents to mineral lands in Alaska. PRISON SENTENCE FROM Seattle, Jan. 28.—United States District Judge Donwortk today adjudged D. Kirk, head of the Kirk Detective Agency, and W. J. Webb, an employe of Kirk, guilty of contempt of court il attempting to influence jurors called to try Clarence D. Hillmaa, the millionaire real estate dealer accused of using the mails td defraud and fixed prison sentence at six years and four month^ '■ respectively. i Two jurors testified they were approached by agents of Hill-,, I man. The latter went on the stand and denied he had instruct«« »! his detectives to corrupt jurors. He said they were employed tug’, «• obtain evidence to connect George W. Dilling, public welfarf L candidate for mayor, and other real estate dealers with th« prosecution. T FIRE HHI SUCCESSFUL 8ILÍ I* WANTS CITY 10 G RADE PUPILS PAY 5 MEN I F * n ■ YESTERDAY CALIFORNIA Asylum Investigataion Is the Boat Built on Coos Bay Grounds Cause of Much Dis- on Bar During Dense cussion Fog Portland ( Jan. -Rrprwn tatlvr Rev • d a r.-aohttlon thia aftern ing thnt. in the lutrrest of nnd for the in- formaUon general public, Hu- perlntende einer bo naked to ap- peer l»*-for . members of the two bouso« at »cluck Tuesday mora­ Ing and nt ine act .aarlcua «that have been " iig. lnst him mul hl» admltilBtr.i of affair* at the usy- I um The resolution further propenes! that the head of the asylum should submit to all interrogations that might be addressed to him by tho members of tho house and senate touching on til" affairs of the Insti­ i tution ami its management This course was suggested by Rey­ nolds In his resolution, which, it Is understood, wan prepared at Stein­ er's request, thnt the controversy lulglit receive the fullest possible publicity. Committee to <> p | h « m - Plan The resolutions committee to which the Rrynodls' resolution was refer­ red tonight decided not to report the resolution to the house In the morn­ ing If a report Is demanded, the committee will submit n report against the adoption of the resolu­ tion. A majority of the members of the roiiimltti' • take the position thnt there Is no occmdon at this time for th« appearance of Superintendent Stein* r before the members of the legislature They argue that such a proceeding, ns proposed In Reynolds' resolution, would Involve a needtess wusle of time and accomplish noth­ ing The committee maintain* that the Investigating committees, pro­ vided by both houses nt this session with InstrurtIons to Investignte and report <>n the asylum management, should first be appointed, make their Inquiry and submit their re­ port When this him been don« and t here nr« any explanation* to bo imide, tile committee holds, Kleiner can then attempt bls vindication. Goo«!* Roads Bills I’ass Senator C. A. Barrett's good road association bill was the third of the measures proposed by that associa­ tion to pass the senate. This bill Is drafted with th« Idea of carrying out and making operative the pro­ visions of the constitutional amend­ ment passed at the last general elec­ tion and permitting counties to bond for the construction of good ronds. Barrett's atempta to aim ml 1 h« bill to take within Its provisions ab­ utting property owners failed after much discussion Barrett's original amendment In this conection enntu in the shape of an added section re­ quiring that abutting property own- t’r« pay ten per cent of the cost of the road. Joseph would amend this still further and compel property owners to pay 33 1-3 per cent of tile cost. Carson contemleil that su< h amendments would nullify the whole measure. Hulling objmbd to any amendments of thia nature whatso­ ever, and npon vote the amendments of both Joseph and Barrett were lost, thus freeing abutting property owners front a direct levy In connec­ tion with specific road work. Assistant Rrcrrtary llowermnn's bll providing for the office of assistant secretary of the state came Into the senate from the judiciary commitlee thia morning with a favorable report and an amendment In the shape of nn emer­ gency clause being tacked on. Albee's bill providing that wife desertion shall be a felony, wns re* ported unfavorably. Carson s bill providing for annual payment or li­ cense bv water power was referred to the irrigation committee after be­ ing passed OU by the cominlttee on revision of laws. Abrham s protect workmen on railroads by the Chief W. T. Campbell Presents Superintendent Dillard Finishe Ordinance fcr Passage by Work of Examining ! Common Council Papers Ventura. Cal . Jail 3t •The gleam- er Coos Bay, built t at Marshfield in »4, 1* aground <>n the bar lu II bor here, a nd an effort will mad* i* to pull h<-r <1 iff with a tugb •sterday She loft Han Ped Jr Sun Francisco. She called here and started to leave ¡xirt in a d. *" f )g *yjiJu to- day. 'met Tier Keirlti aground. It Is said she i* in no im­ mediato danger. She carries a crew of thirty, but no passengers. ft F W. T. Campbell, chief of the Eu-f County Schixtl Sup. rintendent WT gene fire department last night hand­ B. Dillard and assistants this after : ■ » ed to City Recorder Bryson to sub­ noon completed the task of markin< I hi mit to the city council an ordinance! the papers of the eighth grade pa ; s placing the department on a strictly paid basis, desiring that three fire­ The successful ones are a men and the driver and assistant dri­ follow: rM ver receive a regular salary. This is District Nog 4. Eugene—P' Ri< har«J|i apparently necessary on account of Nelson, Roy Waggoner. John Ray It tl^e very few volunteer firemen who; Dougtas Pinkerton, Glee Turne»,r’.<'j wi:i; uni'; com.tL rnblfr . .» ■ wity '.vUeu they take their seats by reason of their respond to alarms. It used to be Erma Law, Marguerite Whittoti «s 1 F. IJppttt <>f Prot iileiKV » ice. ««Is to the seat occupied for uo «aanv _____ Nel- that the volunteers were very active Florence Smith. John HoilancJh epul.;i<:ili leader, «-• — n tin-d because > •-•— of -» III «- li<-nlth ind • . to devote - ... who himself to"he tinned ouX ia large numbers to Joy Judkins, Lois Kellogg, Je£ *» -■’•III for th- I’nltisl States. .................... Mr. Llppi’.t Is a wealthy cotton manufacturer and high j fires, but it seems that there Hf um* «e Adrian, Arthur Holland, Ivatr Cottage City P ubm < >ig«-r<* the interest formerly taken in the. William Ramage, _ . Laura Andrevfij ------------ • lri< h t’,;--. t’lnreme W Watson. the Democratic caucus nominee to fill the unex- Seattle. Jan. 18.— The l'nlt<*d B Eikhi«. 1» a n-piit.-I millionaire, though but forty four yenrs of age. controlling ¡several companies by the members, Faul Dimm, Jennie Bailey, Bernie*, 1 Statut In prizes at the I.on- mish arrived from Campbell river, fires falls only upon a faithful few.1 McCallister, LeGrande Wigmore, L«fc 1 » 'erlslature s.s-in< assured deajdte the partisan trouble <>- ,-r the «ennre onranlr-i'l-n. it. today with th« passengers and The proposed ordinance is as follows: ' ona Edris, John Ruth. Annie I .aw*. ’3 crew of tho steamer Cottage City, "An ordinance regulating the fire ’dith Elspass, Willie McFall _ ( which went ashore on a reef off : department of the City of Eugene: | land, Frank Gordinier, Elva Huna’y Capo Mudge, II. C., Thursday. ’’Section 1. That the paid depart­ Roland Whittlesey. Virginia Hales. > '*» ment of the city of Eugene shall con-! Dist. No. 8—Viola Trailer. li J I sist of three firemen and the driver Di st. No. 17-—Jewel Hays. II* *- and the assistant driver of the hose Dist. No. 19. Springfield—Blanch« ;» wagon, and the pay of the firemen Brown. Lillie Gibbs. I.eta ---- Seehalft *« Bills ‘ and the driver of the hose wagon, Vern Anderson, Ural Emmons. Opitoji were: shall be $60 per month for Holverson. Holverson, Anna Stickney, Fredg- m H. B. 113, Miller, of Linn Hafi the first year of service, $70 per Fa nd rem and Mabe! Lyons. . Ing from July to January Dist. No. 38—Hollie Lathers. ►; * I 1 month for the second year of service, that county treasurers shi Dist. No. 40. Creswell—Minnlx 4 and $80 per month thereafter, and annual settlement with th r-'’» the assistant driver shall be paid $50 Ferguson. court. Dist. No 43. Coburg—Nora Jarviil-'* • I per month for the first year of ser-' H. B. 167, Mahoney Providlng Dist. No. 4 4. Central—Adda Hu '> vice, and for subsequent years of ser- ; for the recording of note contracts. |. 1 - 204. llrooke Changing vice $60 per month, and the selection chlnson. H. It Dist. No. 45, Cottage Grove—Mils 11 time for holding terms of state su­ of the firemen and drivers shall be Half-Year Course to Be Given Also Will Ask City Not to Allov However, It Is Less Than Cur preme court at Pendleton. made by the chief engineer of the| rv Cavanaugh and Eisworth Damut Providing for B. 35, ‘ l.ocke S. ~ ‘ department, to the approval wood. B h Circus Here That Week— of the board subject Next Semester at High rent Year—Reciproc­ Dist. No. 5 2—James Ryan UL of fire delegates, and no sale mid distribution of Oregon Ño. Dist. 57, Walterville—Em mo laws. fireman or driver shall be discharged Superintendents Named School ity Measure ’’ by the chief engineer without cause, Means. H. II 133. Peterson -Providing n Dist. No. 60—George Eastcn. h ‘ method for discharging Judgments. and any fireman or driver discharged Gist. No. 69, Junction City—lieg , H. B. 101. Buchanan Abolishing or dismissed by the chief engineer whipping post. To ask for an appropriataion of . shall have the right of appeal to the bart McFadden and Thelma Hughe0 Beginning with the present semes­ Washington. Jan. 28.—Carrying a Dist. No. 79, Marcola—Jar^ II B S3. Cushman—Providing for total of $125,4 21,538, the naval ap­ ter the High school will offer the stu- $1500 for the annual fair in Eugen«, board of fire delegates. fiscal agent for Oregon in New- propriation bill was reported to the i dents a half-year course In practical a committee of fifteen members of ’’Section 2. The chief engineer of Schaich. John Sebaska, Pearl Smit and Hazel Whitmore. York. 1 house today by Chairman Foss, of gardening. The alm of the course is the Laue County Fair association will the fire department shall have entire Dist. No. 84, Wildwood—Osclk, II. B. 192. Peterson—Providing a I the naval affairs committee. The I to meet the needs and interest of go before the county court at its next control of all fire apparatus, includ­ McAllister. penalty for malpractice. a hill carries $5,929,316 less than the J those students who have a liking for session. This and a number of other ing street hydrants, at all times, Dist. No. 85—Mortimer Davl t For Free Text Books current appropriation, ami $2,04 1.- out-of-door work and crop-raising. 1 matters were brought before the shall locate all fire escapes and su­ Marguret Holbrook and Edward M<< Representative Clyde's bill for free 621 less than the estimates submit­ I In order to enter the course each stu­ i meeting of the association this after­ perintend the building of all fire es­ Bee. I text books passed th«» house in a ted by the navy department. dent must own or have the use of a noon. It was decided that at least capes, and shall purchase all supplies Dist. No. 87—Anna Aline. form not satisfactory to plot of ground containing approxi­ '$1000 from the county would be for the fire department, subject to Reciprocity Bill Dist. No. 153. Mabel—Elia Rigg) bers of that body. , the approval of the fire and water Representative McCall, of Massa­ mately 3000 square feet, the esti­ needed to carry on the 1911 fair. Dist. No. 161, Acme—David Le j !! Th«> bill was believed to have been | A committee of three members _________ of committee of the common council of mated garden plot of the average amended in committee to leave the chusetts, a member of the ways and city lot. ¡the association, consisting of Y. D. the city of Eugene, and shall certify pert and William E. Leppert. -1 Dist. No. 117, Alene—Walter Bu^ _______ __ furnishing free text means committee, today introduced question of _________ _________ Hensill. M. Svarverud and F. M. Wil- all bills and accounts to the common! The work will consist of the plan- In the house the administration bill 1er and Fred Butler. j dls- books optional with every school for carrying out the reciprocity ning* planting and care of the garden j kins, will appear before the mayor council for payment, and shall have Dist. No. 169—Niel Christense. 1» trlct. to harvest, and a systematic study of and council of Eugene and ask that control of all buildings while being Francis Smith and Martin Christe: ?! agreement with Canada. The bill _________ the Representative CottelL of the problem of successfud gardening, no counter attractions be allowed in moved through the fire limits, and sen. Multnomah delegation, today discov­ was referred at once to the ways and The following is a partial ■ .................. . Eugene immediately before and dur- may prescribe the mode and route of list of the means committee. ered that the bill uh passed makes questions with which the course will inig the fair week. This was applied such removal, and compel such re­ President Taft today indicated he mandatory the submission of the 1 in particular to circuses. It is remem- moval to be continuous day by day, ONLY TWO DAYS <1 F question to a vote In every school ' Is not worrying about the fate of the deal: ' bered that last year a circus played and it shall be the duty of the chief Planning the garden. agreement, in his opinion it Is now MORE OF GUARD ’ S district In tho state In 1911. In here one day during the fair week, engineer to prosecute all violations », Varieties of crops; arrangement every district endorsing the plan the up to tho people of the United States and preparation of beds, rotation of and spoiled the fair crowds that day. of the fire ordinances of the city of! c - BARGAIN MONT free text books must be provided for to decide whether they want it or 1 The fair association expressed itself Eugene, and he shall have the right i ho school year beginning In Septem­ not. He is anxiously watching the crops, etc. Kinds, quality, seed test-'as willing to pay the license that to enter upon any premises at all The Daily Guard Is being Seeds— press of the country to ascentain the ber, 1913. I the circus would if the latter is cut reasonable hours for the purpose of | offered during the month of An effort will be made to have the sentiment for or against the proposed ing, etc. out. It was desired also that this inspecting the same. January for the following Soils. desired amendments made while the reciprocity agreement. F ’’Section 3. All ordinances or prices: Delivered by carrier, Kinds, preparation, fertilizers and period of no attractions be made a bill Is before the senate. parts of ordinances in conflict here- $2 for six months; 14 for one their relations to the various kinds month. Go to Corvallis 1 The county fair this year will be with are hereby repealed.” year. Daily Guard by mail. The house today adopted n con­ papers has- aroused tho wrath of of soils; cultivation, etc. • held earlier than on previous years. 12.50 per year. Planting and tillage. current reoslutlon by Representative Senator Albee, nnd ho has Introduc­ This special offer will close Depth of planting, distance apart Although no date was set, it will ed a a Olii bill in the senate compelling Hollis, accepting the invitation of ml next Tuesday night, January for best development of plants, thin­ probably be held during the first PORTUGAL WILL fteir pillili Ration in all towns where President Kerr, of tho Oregon Agri­ That depends week in September. 31, leaving only Monday and .. ....... ....... and permanent agents ar® ning out, transplanting. Irrigation, station h SEPARATE STATE cultural College, to visit that Insti­ ■ I upon the opening of the state fair Tuesday of next week In weeding, etc. tution. Tho resolution appoints Sat­ maintained. ' • AND CHURCH SOON which to take advantage of From the work will be developed I and the race track schedule. It was Recently the senator, when pre-1 urday, February 4, as the day for it. You can save money by many co-related topics, such as In­ also decided here that the county fair paring to leave Portland, had looked visiting the college. Lisbon, Jan. 28.—Foreign Minis­ paying your subscription now hotbeds, cold this year would begin on Wednesday In his dally paper In vain for the door propagation. Semite Takes Vacation and close Saturday at 6 p. m. Af­ ter Micado announced today that the Short, sharp nnd decisive conflict time of departure of trains. Why It frames, flower gardening, and the ter that hour, during the evening. It government’s decree separating the arose In the senate this afternoon on was there he does not know, but he marketing of crops. RETAIL MERCHANTS The last named toptc, that of mar­ will be possible for the exhibitors to i church and state would be promul- the question of adjourning until says ho Is tired of the nuisance of remove is planned | gated a month. Nevertheless, 1 V iuu v x; their x »»x 1 * displays. - It w - •• within _ — - — -...................... - TO PROTEST AGAINST hunting through telephone books keting. will, of course, occupy a rela­ Monday morning nt 10 o’clock. Gim­ to have Thursday grange and school ¡he added, the government had ex- mick. of Clackamas. objected on the for numbers and then being told sev­ tively minor place in the work, as day. PARCELS POST BIL V Friday Eugene day, and Satur- pressed regret to the Vatican that the ground that the senate had lost a eral times that the line Is busy be­ the gardens will be planned mainly day farmers’ day. In Port- 1 pope had no representative day last week at tho University of fore he is able to reach the ticket as horn«’ or kitchen gardens, having Nashville, Tenn.. Jan. 28.— Rett The executive board of the fair "gal, where the faithful are so merchants of most of the sonthe Oregon and would lose another day office and learn when the train de­ In view the purpose of supplying the next week nt Oregon Agricultural parts. The bill was read the first home with a good variety of fresh association was named to consist of! numerous. states will meet here on Februa vegetables and a stock of hardier C. 8. Williams. E. C. Bond, F. M. College. He Insisted that the body time yesterday. 28 and March 1, 2 and 3 to prot« CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET Wilkins, Cal Young, J. Beebe. C. J. products for winter use. remain In session Saturday. against the enactment of a pare» Chicago, Jan. 28. — May, 97 1-8; President Selling nnd Joseph fa­ VOLCANO ACTIVE post bill *A large class of students has sign­ I Hurd. Martin Svarverud, Y D. Hen- > July, 94 1-8: September, 93. vored adjournment, declaring that ed up for the course, and appearan­ ¡sill. Jack Rodman and W. B. Jones. I IN PHILIPPINES senators were not so munclficently That the year 1911 will witn« A committee consisting of Wilkins. exhibits: J. Beebe, horticulture; H. ces seem to indicate that it Is going remunerated that they could afford to meet a real need in the communi­ ¡Hurd and Young is to revise the pre-' F. Hollenbeck, races; C. J. Hurd, I the harvesting of the greatest fr Manila, Jan. 28 — After being dor ­ to neglect their business completely. granges; E. M. Warren, agriculture; crop—apples and pears—Rogue R ty. D. O. Robinson will have charge mtum list. The vote showed 18 for adjournment mant for many years, the volcano of the work, and he has been fitted 1 The superintendents M. Svarverud. manufactures and ma- er valley has ever seen, is the pretf following Taal, in Batangas province, is again Hensill, pa- chinery; chlnery: Mrs. Mrs, Emmons, art; F. J. tion of P. J. O’Gara, pathologist,w and 10 against. uvmi by v, training and experience _ to were appointed: Y. D. Heusill, active. Eruptions early today were both |’iil«IGI> Time Tilbies conduct -he course ably and success- vlllon; 8. M. Douglas, stock: R. Rae.Hard, mining; B. F. Keeney, poul- bases his statement upon condltic! proceeded by three heavy and ninety Failure of tho railroad companies now existing. fu|ly. floral exhibits; W. B. Dillard, school try; J. E. Ma-tin, gate keeper. lesser earthquakes. to print the H"1'’ tnhle” ln ,he n.L-Sti VAST SUM FOR NEXT YEAR BE TAUGHT COUNTYMONEY t I I