The Twice-a week guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1910-19??, January 19, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Ix»a.lng th“ simplicity of th.» tench
(3> Additionally he was promised the
Ings of Jesus litui of the
honor nu«l distil», tlon of the Messianic
some went to the extreme ot .levhtrlllK Kingdom by ami thmueti which man
that JesiiM xvas tils « »WH r r.lhfi
kind would I h > blessed and uplifted
t4i lie was |>rwmhed a s|xs lai Bride
“The Beginning of the Creatici the terms 1 'nther So :i nn»l
u ! 1
lO Ollt* I’
class to 1». sehs t,s| (ront among the
feM« <1 l»H i*irlf lo mm ugniti i U IUD
redeemed race of tiien a class having
ti ...
tiTelll un.v < «’i»rres| »»ml m
his own d!s| osltlon of loyalty to G>s|
HIS ONLY EECOTTEJ SCV names »me G< «1 in tin-.-«- ia ui;.-> and to rlghttX'Uatiess atid faithful um
(»tilers tool* a »;;h «litl -i- -i:
to denth w hl« li like himself, would I*
view and i laini'sl tied t ie - i . i.-.
exalte«] in ih«* chief resums tlon (tom
Pastor Rusretl Quotas Scriptural Av
Son and h*i Spirit «■
.*.-■• <.<s
the earthly to heavenly condition, far
thority Proving That the Locos V.'a.
who operated is one lu pr»i| ri >ti • • above prtmlpalltles ami powers and
ths First and ths Last, ths Dsjinnmj these
tin- riptiiral human .' . ...... every name that Is minted.
and the Concluaion, of Jehovah's
were re elved. they pn <lu- cd «-«till:
(5i He was promfs«»d that his own
■Ion. Aud w lieu asked how iln-. c |
personal distinction would be to all
sons could logically Is* one |s-i~ in tn eternity a |>artlcipatloii In the qualities
Pbiln<1<»lphla. Pa., how one |>erson could lx- thr»-e person of tin* divine nature; In* would ixtssess.
January 17» — Pas­ equal in glory and power. of ■ nurse r not only glory and honor, but also In­
tor Russell preu< ti­ answer could bo given Then the snl> herent life, deathlessness. Immortality
ed yesterday frvtu terfUge was rulsed. “Tills I- a i-t.*>
For th«*se Joys, he left Ills glory, he
the text. "In the mystery with h it. body can exi lain "
was made flesh, he sacrificed Ills
beginning «’as the
It should not surprise us fro.u v. '-
earthly life and. ix*lng raised from tlie
Word u.ogoo
we know of t’.ie structure o’ hiinri
dead, he entered Into his promls«*d Joy.
the Word (Logo-, nature (h it these extreme vl<••-. s we
Since, he Is waiting In ex|*ectat1on for
was with rhe tiisl Opposed by others of (he opp.»*l.e <•
the completion of the Church, tils
and the Word I Lu treme. some i-lnimlng that J—its w;
Bride, the memliers of his Biaty. a«
gosi was a a mere man: that he was latrn ns ; .
sured that then the Father will give
The sittn»- was lu other men: that Joseph «' .s his
him the beathen for an inheritance
the be:rinnlnx with /A«' G* it l!y •'
etc. Thus we lieho'l tire i!at> •••-
and the uttermost parts of the earth
were all things made and without him any variation whatever from th-» •••
for his possession, that he may hind
was not anything tarde that was else teachings of th.- Wo d o’ G h !
Satan, put down sin and uplift the
made" (John I. 1. 2) tie said
It shouk! be m-edle'S io v to i!>
sinner and bring everlasting order out
A week ago we considered the time Students that th-r ■ I; no'tin-.’ i : i t
of earth's confusion by destroying the
when God was alone. Today let us Bible whi h <1 s-i.
trinity •»' <1- h !
wilfully wicked.
dis< uss the first creative a< t as re There fs just one p -ice of S. .ip n
A Qcd but Not ths God.
Blasts Intel'igent beings Long tiefor. quoteil In pro-f <>f t !u* Trinity -I J-lit
As all Bible scholars know, the word
tnau whs created, or our earth wa> r. 7». aud It Is net
-, -o-el l> s li ­
brought from its chaotic condition ars. because nil aclu-l >rs km w th.:» i elohim In the Old I'estament Hebrew
long before angels and chernf-iru wer was tatn|H»re<l with »everttl words tun is of plural form, somewhat like our
English word slm^ Thus we read lit
created. Divine power brought forth a ing l»een nddel in the se euth » i-titu-
Genesis. “The elohim (Godsi said, let
Son ou the spirit plane- -Jehovah's First which .are not focn I in any New Te
Begotten—p'.rlcus. perfect. Ix-autiful tament mitnus rlpt of earlier dot- us make man in our image." This
would very properly apply to the
his own image nnd likeness.
And those ndded wonts make tit Heavenly Father and the Heavenly
This glorious One is tn onr text statement as a whole foolish
Son. in full accord with our text.
designated the Iagos, the Word, the
If you will turn In your Bl'ilea t<-
Message, the Expression of God. It: this passage, you may strike out th “Without him (the Logosi was not
anything made that was made.” The
the Old Testament he is symbolical! spurious words as follows tn v<*~
word elohim signifies, literally, the
referred to ns "Wisdom" In the words seven: “In hearen the Father, the T.-»-
mighty, the powerful, the great Surely
“Jehovah |s»ssessed me in the begin and the Roly Ghoet. and there three v
ning of bis way. before his works o. one-“ and In verse eight the words It would be strictly proper to consld«*r
old. • • • Then 1 was by him. as one "and them are three that bear tcUnritx ir the I.ogot mighty, great, powerful as
the active agent of the Almighty One.
brought up *. ith him. aud I was daily earth.”
Jehovah, who Is also styled the Mighty
his delight, rejoicing always be.'ots-
After thus eliminating the so--r'o" Elohim.
him" (i rover! s viii, 22-."X)i.
additions, after thus removing fro
This word etohim not only is used In
This mighty one. (»ersonlfied as W»* the precious ointment this d. ad fly •
dom. Is declared by St. rani to be "tn- falsehood which was inserted fo- t1* respect to the Heavenly Father and
first born o' all erection" (C-.cSJi::ns ! very pur[»o«e of deceiving, and I*, his Heavenly Son. but it ts also used
15-lSt. Th? Psulml-d similarly refer cause no Scripture could lx* found t tn respect to angels as the messengers
to him ns .1 !i rr.h s "t'.r-t born, high give color to the doctrine of the trie of God and of Christ, mighty to the do­
er th.’.u th.» kings of earth" C*salr ity—then you will be able to read that ing of the will of God (I’salm vlll, 5>.
Txxxix. 27i Jesus thus refers to Mtn - portion of the Word of God in its pu “Thou hast made man a little lower
■Silt as otl* tvbo had a prehuman ex rity and simplicity. Then the "tnys- than the angels (elohim».“ Still fur
istence. s,.,v!..g. "De' re .'.Iralit.m was ■ tery" part will be gone from it for- ther notice that this word elohim is
J. am" (John viii. 14. 23. 425th. The ■ ever. It will be in full accord with the used in respect to men; when Divinely
glorified, as ended Chi 1st. In Ai rs':' entire Bible In declaring. "To us there appointed and active as God's agents
liptie Vis! *n, de lared ’he same great - is one God. the Father, or whom are all they were mighty, or elohim. Thus
we read of the seventy Judges of Is­
truth, th;:.
was "the 1«ginning of things, and one Lord. Jesus Christ, by
appointed by Moses. “The master
the creation of God" (Revelation ill. whom are all things and we by him"
shall bring him unto the Judges <efo-
14i. And ; ahi he declared. "I am th> (I Corinthians viii. fit How absurffly
himi” (Exodus xxi, 6).
Fkrt end th s I mrt" (Rev L IT; 11. 8»
the passage reads in onr common ver­
We have given d very literal render­
i All of these S rlptures fully corrobo sion. stating that the Father and the
of our text, showing the fine dis
rate the s'.ute-aeut cf our text that h , Son and the holy Spirit are bearing
who RUliscQt'.'iitiy be ame the world's witness tn heaven that Jesus Is the tinctlon of the Greek original tn a way
that our English version does not show
Redeemer was long before the primary . Son of God!
it. As Bible students we have not in
Son of God. He ranked first, not only
The pure Word of God presents the past been sufficiently critical In
In seniority, hut also In honor, dignity simply and beautifully the fact that
our study of Gdd's Word, but now. In
and station, above all other sons of the great Creator, the Father of all
Divine providence. It Is possible for
G< «1. not one of whom was like him mercies. Is Jehovah God. and that he
those even who have practically no
eel'—the direct creation of Jehovah has an only begotten Son who Is yet to knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew
“For nil things were made by the Lo be the Savior or Deliverer of all of
to understand the Scripture presenta­
gos, and without him was not one Adam's race willing to accept the tions thoroughly. If any amongst my
thing made that was made." He was grace of God provided in him. And large congregation are unsuccessful In
not the creator in the primary sense there Is one holy Spirit, "the spirit of finding authoritative works that show
of the word, but In the secondary truth." “the spirit of wisdom.” "the the interpolations and mistranslations
sense He was the active agent of spirit of a sound mind." the spirit of of the Holy Scriptures. 1 ah31l l»e
Jehovah in all of his subsequent créa power, energy, will, mind of the Father pleased to have them write to me for
live «or!:: thus he was not only th • —which Is also the spirit of the Son. information.
first-born of all creation, but. Individu and which must be also the spirit, dis­
Our text in the common English ver­
ally, be was also the last of Jehovah's position. mind, will of all those who sion misrepresents the true thought of
creation. To this agrees the word of now come unto the Father as sons the original, but as we have rendered
St. Taul. "All things are of the Fathc through the adoption which is In It the matter Is so simple and clear
and all things are by the Son."
Christ Jesus
that a child may understand. Jehovah
Surely many have failed to appre i
The Only Begotten Honored.
God Is from everlasting to everlasting
ate not only the Divine personality
Before the beginning of the creation and had no beginning. The Logos had
of Jehovah, but also the greatness of of God. before the Only Begotten of a beginning—he himself was the be­
him who is styled "The Son of God."
the Father tie ame the Alpha of Crea ginning. “In the beginning was tbe
tlon. the Father bad wonderful pur Logos and the Logos was a God”—be
In the Dark Ages.
There was a time when God's people poses in himself respecting all his was a mighty one, the beginning of
did not possess the Bible in their own great plan for the everlasting future creation, tbe first and the last crea­
language, and when education to rend It Included this world, and mankind, tion of the God. the Almighty One—
it was extremely limited, and when and the permission of sin. and the re­ “of whom, by whom and through
nobody possessed such wonderful demption of man from sin and Its whom are all things.”
Bibles (with references and com ord penalty, and the restoration to be ac­
All honor and majesty and worship
ancesi as are common today It should complished by Messiah's Kingdom and belong primarily to the great Father
not surprise us that in that far-off the glorious work of eternity In fur­ of lights and to him Jesus directs«} tbe
time confusing errors crept into the ther creations in world after world.
attention of his followers, saying.
traditional faith of the Church. The
But. as the Mester declared, these “After this manner pray ye—Our
contention of the Jews was that Jesus things the Father bad kept in his own Father which art In heaven, hallowed
of Nazareth was an lmi>ostor and that power—in bls own hand. H«. divulged be thy name.” It is always therefore
his mighty works were done under them not to the angels, nor e» en to bls eminently proper In tbe highest sense
the Influence of the fallen angel. Be dearly beloved "only begottsn Son.” of the word that our petitions should
elzebub. Should we think It strange We have seen how this Divine secret. ascend to "the Father of Lights, from
that in the beat of discussion some of Divine purpose, was »ymbollcally rep­ whom cometh every good and every
the followers of Jesus would make ex­ resented In the scroll In the hands perfect gift.”
travagant claims for him In their en . of Jehovah, as pictured tn Revelation
ft has pleased the Father to so honor
Tîeavor Io oppose the theory that made ' v, 1. We have seen that this revela­ bis First Begotten Son, and to so re­
tion was delivered to the Lamb, the ward his fnlthfuln<*ss unto denth. and
of Messiah a mere sinful man?
Tt does not surprise us. therefore, Only Begotten One. after he had been to so make him the Head In all things
that early In the third century claims slain—after bf« consecration at Jordan, over tbe Church which Is bis Body,
were put forward In the name of and In its fulness after his death at that ft Is eminently proper that. In the
Christ and his Apostles which neither Calvary, when he ascended up on high, language of the Master, “All men
he nor they ever authorized. The glorified at the right hand of the sbovid honor tbe Son. even as they
Apostles declared blm to be "the Son Father’s majesty.
honor tbe Father” (John v. 23i. They
of God with power" and that he was I But before the Logos was made should not honor the Son Instead of
“holy, harmless, undefiled and sept» flesh, before be undertook to be man's the Father, however, for the latter d««-
rate from sinners” (Hebrews vll. 2<t> Redeemer, the Heavenly Father set clares, "My glory will I not give io
The Master himself declared. "My before him the glorious proposition. another." The exalted Christ la to be I
Father is greater than I." "Tie Is He Infomed him that be bad a plan, honor«*d. yea. worship«*«}, becanse the
above all;” “he sent me;” “I came to a scroll, and that the execution thereof Father has highly exalted him and
do the will of my Father In heaven was to be given to one who would given him a name above every other
and not mine own will;” “I delight to prove himself worthy, by demonstrat­ name, that at name of Jesus every
do thy will, oh my God; thy law is ing his loyalty to the Divine will.
knee Rhould bow nnd every tongue
We rend that God sent his only be­ confess to the glory of God tbe
writtea in my heart”
True, he also declared. "I and my gotten Son Into the world, but we are Fnther (Phlllpptnns 11. 8-1D.
Father are one;” but he showed in not to understand from this that he
Moreover, there Is n sperial reason
what this oneness consisted—that it came tinder Divine commands, the re­ why all who recognize J«« sub as the
was a oneness of will, of purpose, of fusal of which would have meant Di­ world’s Redeemer should recognize the
work Because he had fully submitted vine displeasure nnd his own degrada­ propriety of Including him with the
his will to the Father’s will and had tion. On the contrary, we understand Father In their thoughts nnd In their
made the Father’s will his own. there the matter clearly when we hearken prayers. This Is because, by Divine
to the Apostle’s statement He de­ appointment, he is tbe Church’s Advo­
fore they were one.
The Muster again Illustrated this clares that Messiah left the glory, cate with the Fnther—tbe One through
oneness when be prayed for bls dis­ which he bad with the Father before whom we are acceptable to God. even
ciples that "they all might be one the world was. and humbled himself the Father How could we, therefore.
even ns thou Fnther and I are one' to take upon himself man's form and Ignore our Advocate, otir Attorney, otlr
(John xvfl. 11. 21. 22». Evidently the then consecrated himself even unto Intercessor?
Master did not pmy that hfs disciples death—all tiecause of the Joy that the
And with the world In the future,
should all lie- orne one In perron. but Father had set before him.
throughout Messiah’s reign, this will
The joy set before the Logos was (D be equally proper, becanse then he trill
that they should all become of one
mind, of one heart, of one disposition That thus he might sefve the Heaven­ be the world's Mediator, standing be­
through their loyalty and obedience to ly Father's gracious purposes
tween God and men. until by hfs Me­
(2» That he mf-lit r»»cover mankind diatorial Kingdom h“ shall have lifted
the Word nnd to the spirit of God
And this oneness, he declared, was the from the stnte o’ sin nnd death Into mankind from sin nnJ degradation and
kind which subsisted between the which nil were plunged by fnther death, back to nctunl justification and
Adam's i>B> lti-1 of dlsob»silence
harmony with God.
neavenly Father nnd himself.
Catarrh is a deepac.:tcd bhxxl di.;,
rase, one which no amount of local
treatment will ever permanently cure.
The beneficial effects of washes,
sprays, inhalations, etc., are only
temporary, and when left off the old
condition rçtums, because the blood
is infected with cat... ; hal matter and
This impure condition
of the circulation irritates and in­
flame* t‘ie delicate mucous mem­
brane* and tissues and produces the
well known symptoms of ringing
noises in the head and ears, mucus in
the throat, headaches, watery eyes,
partial deafness, sore throat, genenu
impairment of health, etc. This con­
dition will remain, growing worse as
long as the catarrhal matter is al­
lowed to remain in the blood. Being
a spex i ic blotxl impurity, there is only
one way to cure Catarrh, and that is
to purify the blood. Nothing equals
S. S. S. for this purpose.
It attacks
the disease at its head—in the circu­
lation—and by thoroughly renovating
the blotxl and
cleansing it of alt
impure niattet,
makes a perma­
nent and lasting
cure if t'.e dis­
ease. For forty
years S. S. S. has
been tecognized
as the best blood
purifier, and the thousands of cnse3of
Catarrh it has cured is proof that it is
the very medicine needed by those
who suffer with this trouble. Book on
Catarrrh and anv medical advice free.
Two bottles
Cured My
Front the fact that he proved an
alibi to the satisfaction of the offi-
eers, a Itical sewing machine agent
*• I have been a suf­
who mak«>a Eugene the centre of hla
ferer from rheuniatiMii
soliciting work, escaped prosecution
for alx»ut two years, and
as "Jack, tin* Grabber.” who has as­
have used many lini­
saulted numerous women at night
ments anti patent ntedi
during the past two years, aud who
attacked two well known women at
cinrs which gave me no
the corner of West Fifth and Wssh-I
relief A lady friend of
Ington streets Saturday night. It wasj
mine told me she had
these two women who pointed th« |
used your Liniment and
machine man out to the police offi­
found relief at once. I
cer Sunday evening as their assail-.
got two bottles and they cured me. 1 think it is the best Liniment a person
• ant and caused his arrest.
The report that "Jack the Grabber” can have in the house. I shall always keep a bottle in my house aa long as I
had been captured spread with re- can get it"—Mas. E. R. W allack , Morrisons, Va.
markable rapidity on tho streets, and
Another Letter.
although the hour was late an inl­
M rs . J ames M c G raw , of ui6 Mandeville St., New Orleans, La , writes :—
tnense crowd had assembled, and
some wert* threatening bodily harm. { •• I take plexsure in writing to you that 1 had a pain in my artn for five years,
Chief of Police Farrington took the and I used
suspect to the police court chambers,!
and because of th«* nature of the of­
fense d«<emed it advisable to sunt mon
District Attorney Bryson al once anti
give the man a hearing. After the
district attorney appeared an Infor- [
ittal investigation was held by which ‘
the attorney was convinced that the
wrong man had been arrested. He
stated afterward that had it not been
that this man was able to prove the
alibi nothing could have saved him j
from conviction.
The circumstances were unusual. for one week and was completely cured. 1 recommend your Liniment very
Saturday night was very bright, with highly."
TEE fcWXXT BPÊCIT1C CO.. AtlsaU, Gs. a full moon, and the snow-covered
ground made It easy to distinguish
any one's features. The women were
positive that the man apprehended
saute one who assaulted
was the
them, A young man named Colvin,
whom i the fiend passed Saturday
night as he was running front the
scene, . also Identified the machine,
agent with little hesitation.
It seems that the women who were
attacked Saturday night were walk­
ing on Willamette street Sunday
night when they saw the agent
standing in front ot the Hadley A-
Hyland cigar store near the Hoffman
house. The women were positive this
was their assailant. They declare
Washington, Jan. 16 —Application that when he caught their eye he ap-,
for retirement of Rear Admiral Dar­ parently recognized them and at once
ry has been approved by President started down Willamette street. They
Taft and he has been transferred to followed hint to the depot, to his ap-;
the retired list of the navy. Rear parent disconcertion, and the wo-i
Admiral Thomas has been appointed men called an officer, who arrested
to succeed Barry and has already as­ him there.
sumed command of the Pacific fleet.
At the inquiry the accuse«! man
The navy department issued an showed that he had been nt Browns­
order retiring Barry Saturday, and ville Saturday evening, and did I ot
this action was taken before publica-’ get to Springfield until 10:30 o’clock,
tlon of the allegations that officers whereas the women were positive the
Open Free to Men
of the flagship West Virginia con-: assault occurred only a tew minutes
All men visiting I’urtknd should »«><• this.
templated charges against the ad­ after 10. After the investigation At­
MUSKl'M «( AMt.-niT RB4 iall«ry ut tclict'.Se
miral reflecting on his moral char­ torney Bryson took the agent to his
know tkrMlf. Llfn-alM m^hl* UliuUiUas tk«
acter. At the navy department It room in the Chambers Power compa­
was stated today that no charges ny’s building and here all his state-1
have been filed against Barry, and ments were proven correct.
that all that was known officially in
Bryson then told him that he be­
We Cure BI« mm I, Skin anal Privut« DI mmmw . WaaUny Oral
regard to his retirement was that he lieved him innocent, but gave hitu
desired to avail himself of the privi­ Instructions to appear at the sher­
Nervi us I»<*l>llit.v, Kidney, BI im I i I ot and I* row late («Land I
orders aud All Ailment* of Men.
lege granted by law to retire after iff’s office, this morning. By this'
forty years of active service.
time the officers could have verified
all his statements. He appeared this
If y«m ranuf-l rail writ« t..r KHRK H«s»K ant a.If. i.uiin<*...» Ulaah
morning and was released.
Hour» -w u> M tlnily, ¡0 to huailaj •
The manner of the attack Satur-1
day night was unusual. The man
passed the women and appeared to I
recognize one. At the same time he
suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, look there"
J .-ei
—pointing to the moon. At this mo­
ment, while the attention of the wo­
men was diverted, he grabbed at the
girl’s ankle. Sh»* shrieked and he NEWS NOTES FROM
ran north on Washington street, i
Passing young Colvin and his com­
panion he turned into Fourth street
Bank Elects Officers for Year
and disappeared.
Sloan’s Liniinent instantly relieves
stiffness of the J oints, Sore Throat,
Hoarseness, Sprains, Neuralgia,
Sciatica and Lumbago. Better
and cheaper than porous plasters.
Museum of Asiatomy
Kansas City, Jan. 16 Em­
ployes of the Armour Pack­
ing company over 60 y»nrs of
age. will be pensioned. Is the
official announcement. The
exact form of th«1 pension
scheme 1 b not determined.
♦ :
*• I
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Although he is on the retired list,
there are many pereons who remem­
ber that today la the sixty-aixth
birthday of Rear Admiral Charles
Dwight Sigabee. He was born at
Albany. N. Y., January 16, 1845.
He was appointed to the navy in
1869 and spent four years at the
Naval Academy. In the late fall
of 1863 he was promoted to an en­
sign. He served in the West Gulf
squadron during 1863-4, and was
present at the battle of Mobile Bay.
During 1865 young Sigsbee was dis­
tinguishing himself with the North
Atlantic squadron, figuring in both
attacks on Fort Fisher and in the
final attack on same.
On April 10, 1897, he took com­
mand of the battleship Maine, which
was blown up and destroyed In Ha­
vana harbor in 1898, on February
15. After Captain Sigsbee com­
manded the auxiliary cruiser St.
Paul In operations against Spain in
the waters of Cuba and Porto Rico,
he captured in May, 1898, the collier
Restormel, carrying coal to Admiral
Cervera, thus destroying the East,
hope of coal supply for the Spanish
fleet. Later he commanded the ba'
tieship Texas, after which he was
made chief officer of the naval intel­
ligence bureau. He has also been
commander of the League Island na­
vy yard and the Carribean squadron
of the North Atlantic fleet. He was
made a rear-admiral in 1904. As an
author Admiral Sigsbee has won dis­
tinction. his most important works
being "Deep Sea Sounding and
Dredging” and “The United States
Coast Survey.” He has also written
a personal narrative of the battle­
ship Maine. Rear Admiral Sigsbee
makes his home In Washington.
Sat» Francisco. Jan. 16.—Carl J.
Cutting, dealer in oriental goods and
well-known In club circles, was ar­
rested Friday on the charge of de­
frauding the government by under­
valuation of lmpoits, and who was
held to answer before the federal
court, committed suicide today at his
residence in this city.
Cutting was found dead in his ba­
chelor quarters by a servant. After
carefully stuffing the cracks between I
the door, the suicide turned no all
the gas circuits.
John Merrill Daily, who died at
Sulpher Springs, Douglas county,
Oregon, last week, of pleural-pnett-
monia. was born In Springfi-'l.l,
Coming to
Mass., July 30, 1851.
Oregon in 1870. from Rome, N. Y.,
where his parents passed away, he
worked for three years at Yaqulna,
Long Tom and Eugene. On Febru­
ary 22, 1873. he came to Gardiner,
but after a residence there of a year
he moved to a farm on upper Smith
River, where h»' lived nptll his death.
Mr. Dally left an estate value at
nearly $30,000. He was a member of
the A. O. U. W. lodge. On April 23,
1874. Mr. Daily was married to Miss
Sarah Cowan, at Sitlphcr Springs.
She survives him, as do three sons
and a daughter. They ar» J. R.. and
R. M. Dally of Rtilphcr Springs and
Wm. Dally and Mn. Gertrude Black,
of Gardiner. Miss Bertha P. Dally,
of Marshfield. Is a sister.
—More Pavement Desired
Antlers Club
Every i
Cotta*»» Grove.-Or.. .L n I -
stockholders of the First N
bank held their annua! meet'
week, re-electing the officer«
directors of last year, ns follows:
Herbert Eakin, presldt-nt; T C
Wheeler, cashier; H. Eakin. T C.
’Vh *e’er, J H. Hawley, N. W. White
'nd Oliver Veatch, directors,
ihfs meeting 120,000 of th«* u
«•d profits was transferred l
surplus making It 125,000.
fdend was declared.
Elks Organized Antlers (lub.
On Thursday night the Elks of
this city organized the Antlers Club
with a membership of 35. Philips
Hall has been leased for a year, and
the club will hold regular a«»SRtons
each Thursday evening Only Elks
are eligible to membership. The of­
ficers elected are;
U»w A. Cates,
president; C. W. Wallace, secretary;
F. II. Hall, treasurer; Rev. A. 8.
Mason, chaplain.
M. iia ií
(Vqtagi* Grove Woulf! Pive.
Cottage Grove, Or., Jan. 1*
Fourth-street property-owner*- have
organized and are soon to prestsnt a
petition to th«* own council f<*r an
order to pave that thoroughfare,
which Is the longest direct tlreet In
the city. Th«* plan prop«»: -d Is for th<*
city to do the work under the direc­
tion of a superintendent, using Its
owu equipment, and th..t no con­ .
tracts ho lot for this or future pav­
Ernest. Crouch and II It
ricks, who were former residents and
whose parents now reside here, have
Just sold the Gold Note mine in
Southern Oregon for a consideration
of 120,000.
James Bankhead, of Now York 1
City, has purchased 40 acres of the I
Lyman Adams farm, situated south
of Cottage Grove, the consideration
being 11400. Mr. Bankhead will
bring his family here to reside.
Rich Boheniln Ore.
Ninety sacks of ore recently ship­
ped from the West Coast mine to
the Tacoma smelter netted $1200.
——* — —— - -------<
Dr. R. T. Burnett returned homo
to Medford Sunday morning after a
short visit at the home of his broth­
er. Horace Burnett. He Is thinking
of locating here, but is as yet unde­
i 1 .Mr.
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Qunckpnbiifth A/ Son«. Eiigm«.
Spay Wymlre CO . Cottage Grove
Creswell Wdw. Co.. Creswell.
Washington, Jan. 15. Oregon'*
clffeg having a population of mon*
than 5000 rontribilled 55 per cent
of fho Rtnte’R total Increase of 259.-
229 In the laxt decade. Portland’!»
Increase wait 91.5 per cent of the
total Increase of (h..R»» cities nnd 3«
per cent of the state total.
number of cities over 5000 number­
seven. nn Increase offonr since 1900
Medford heeds the list of Incrense
with 393.6 per cent. Eugene Is
second with 178 3, Portland 129 2
and Ashland 90.5,