The Twice-a week guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1910-19??, December 29, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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and, as the prophets declare, he shill
be like unto Solomon who bad no
wars, but to whom every knee l*»w. d
and every .................. ifessed lii< Klug
dom of righteousness will l... u k ,.
dom of [a ii' o. notwithsi mdi.ig Hie
fact that It will b<. In I } sU. Ii
a time of (rouble.
W EDNES DAY. DEC. »8, 1910.
said, hi« following during tills age Is
to be a "little flock."
Perplexed and confused ineny may
ask. What, then, is the hope of the fill
tillnient of our text. "Pence on earth,
good will towaid uieu?" We answer
When Wi’l Come the Long-Prom­
that our Master, who <lo I;'rid lie
was not the Prime of tills age. de
ised Peace?
“I Came Not to Send Peace.”
dared also that his Kingdom of the
But do ila. s riptures eontri'dl' t next age will be l.itroduei <1 witli |*ow-
What did the <;<• -t er and great glory and tliat. uttlioiigb
And W1'«'1 the Good Will to Men?—Na­
Teacher menu when lie declared. "I Its Initial manifestation will lie with
tions Still Making Unprecedented
came not to send [»eaee on the earth, i clopds and darkne.-» and a lime of
Preparations For War.
but a sword?" (Matthew x, 34.1 Ah! ! trouble stieli as never before has been.
he referred prophetically to the ef nevert holes* Ills reign will lie glorious,
"lie shall
feet which his gracious message of triumphant and eternal.
CIlATTANOo love and favor would produce in the take unto himself his great power and
GA, Tenn.. Dee world during tho reign of sin. lie reign" until "he shall have put all
25th.—Pastor Itus well knew that the Prince of Darkness enemies under Ills feet:" "tile Inst
There is a rumor that the Pacific
enemy that shall be destroyed is
sell of Brooklyn would oppose all of his followers, as
well as himself. He foretold that who dentil.’’ "Unto him every knee shall States Telephone Company, in addi­
Tubermicle preach
tion to the recent installation of an
soever would live godly would suffer bow and evi ry tongue eoufess "
al here today in
Tlie victory of Emanuel me tis the expensive and modern switchboard,
Iiersecution—and so it has been. Eight­
will spend within
the next
the afternoon <m
een centuries have proven it! He sent overthrow of sin—the crushing i f tlie months, large sums of money in Eu­
"The Great Here­ forth his followers, like himself, un serpent's head. At the very
ninniug gene. rebuilding in general, the whole
after” and in the armed, to lie peacemakers, to lie help­ of bls glorious reign Sntm s!i;:l! Ii >
forenoon from tlie ers, to “follow peace with all men ami liotitid and following its elose lie slinll local telephone system. It is also
understood that the same is planned
text below quoted
holiness, without which no man shall l>e destroyed In the Si- oml Death, to­ for Springfield, and that the work
t >11 hotIi oci asious Bee the Lord.” He < ounselled his fol gether with all the-*' who love un­ there will be done first and then the
■ 'SSLLLu his aiidien is sat lowers, “He that taketh the sword righteousness. after th w shall have big task in Eugene undertaken. Noth­
spellbound for a «ball perish by the sword." But their had full knowledge and full epport"! ing can lie verified concerning this
: ig r time than t!ie ** :: * 1 it
message of peace and love and tlie nity for recovery from the snares of work. No details can be had from
Them indeid, the the local telephone office, and it is
ha' <• I U i.i the Imi It < if llxti
coming Kingdom which sliall bless th- sin and death
doubtful if information can be had
a ¿1 ■ arse. Deep c gel ness Ml!:;! 1 whole world anil fulfill tlie angelic whole world will proelnlri the glory until instructions from the head of­
I to receive from tile usile,
prophay of our text—these things of God. There will no I in r be dis­ fice in San Francisco, arrive the
at Illc ■lose free copies of Pastor Ru-
seem to anger tlie world not merely cordant sounds As the S riptures de­ first of the year. The work will mean
sell's Booklet
ink let on "What
Say the S rip the vicious, the ung-odly, bill tlie world clare. There shall be no more crying. the expenditure of large sums of
tun s About Hell " The speaker said
ly professors of godliness who have n<> more sf.-hlnr. no more dying—nil money in Eugene, and will give the
Eighteen venturi:« and more have setiemes and plans and theories of tho former things of sin and death city one of the best telephone equip­
ment on the coast, when complete.
pasMsl Ince Israel's greatest 1’rophet. . their own to work out which are con shall have pan-. il away (Rev. xxl. 4».
nt forth bis message of recon
trary to tlie Gospel Message. Tli-
Th« Great Restorer of All,
cillal' i to God. At the time of his darkness. more or less mixed witli
The great King who, eighteen Cen­
-cl visitors, announcing him. selfishness, hatelli tlie light, tlie Truth,
tura s ago. died, the Just for the un­
da l i* d that his birth signified "good the love of God. neither cometh to tlie just, that lie might, judicially, bring
tidings of great Joy w hich shall be to light, lest its deeds of darkness, selfish
mankind back into harmony with God.
all people” ami that this would mean ness, selfish ambition and hypocrisy is to be the Great King of earth, tlie
“peaceon earth and good will amongst I should be made manifest.
great Restorer of all that was lost in
Krank Knowles has let a contract
men" 1 uk« li. 10. 11). Yet after
Tlie Master knew what the effects of Adam, and lie will mnke ail things
to Chas. R. David for the erection of
eighteen centuries these prophecies are his Gospel Message would be in the
■■L .
new" i Revelation xxi, 5).
a new store building on the site of
Mill unfulfilled. We find the world in world and that only those who would
Everything appertaining to this the one destroyed by fire a couple of ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ things other years so I am asking
mure warlike condition at present than compromise his Message could possibly great Plan of Salvation outlined In the
« you to be very good This Year and
months ago. The new structure will
erer before. Europe has a standing live at peace—that all who would b- Word of God is reasonable. The cru­ be of concrete, 60 feet long and 2S
send me my dead Little Sister helen
artny of over a million of the [ticked loyal and faithful to him would be tra­ cial testing of the elect Church is nec­ feet wide. Work has been commenc­ ♦
<■ for Christmas I dont want no toys ♦
men of its several nations. And even duced, slandered, persecuted "behead essary in order that, as faithful and ed and it is the intention to have the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ or dollss or anything by my sister
my brothers my Dear mother and
our * n country has deemed it neces­ ed," either literally or figuratively Ills merciful priests of God and of Christ, building completed as soon as pos­
The new nationalism and its rela­ Father and we will be waiting for
sary i ■ onsiderably Increase its stand words, therefore, were a prophecy re­ associated with him in his kingly sible.
At his home at the corner of East
tion to labor will be one of the sub­ tier Christmas morning and we will fourth and High streets, Eugene,
Lodge Elections
tog ■ uy. On every sea are great specting tlie tribulations which .ill liis glory, they may be God's Instrumen­
At the regular meeting of the Ma­ jects offered for discussion before all love you very much more it you Saturday evening, Dec. 2 1. 1910, at
ps requiring thousands of footstep followers would surely have.
tality in sue-oring mankind from the
the annual convention of the Nation­ will send her back to us. Love a nd 7 o'clock, Wilkie Rickman, age 57
men mil millions of dollars for their
But more than this, his words wer • fallen < aaditions which have resulted sonic lodge of Florence. Saturday ev­ al Civic Federation when it meets in kisses for sister helen from her sts- year
lie was ill*' lather of a num-
not to mention the millions a prophecy respecting the nations. from six thousand years of sin, and ening, the following officers were
her of grown sons, The funeral was
elected for the ensuing year: C. B. January.
ofdoilars which they originally cost.
What is it that has brought us to our from the malignant Influence of the Morgan. W. M.: T. A. Yost, S. W.;
Little Helen Sullivan was kidnap­ held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Plans are under way at St. Louis
And still more war vessels are plan­ present degree of civ’lized savagery ? Prince of darkness, during the thou­ Chas. Fox, J. W
John H. Morris, for replacing negro deck-hands by ped from her father's door-step on the Gordon chapel with interim nt in
ned witli greater guns, route of which M hat is it that makes of every busl- sand years which the Bible stipulates secretary; O. W. Hurd, treasurer. white labor. The packet companies Iter way home from school since last the I. O. O. F, cemetery Rev. II. W.
expend thousands of d* liars for pow­ ness corporation a buccaneer seeking as the period of Messiah's reign (Rev­ The new officers were at once in­ operating boats on the Mississippi .lune, and though a fortune has been Davis conducted lhe services.
der and shells for even one day's tar tlie destruction of every competing elation xx. 61—a pfriod neither too long stalled into their respective chairs.
claim that they have experienced no spent in trying to find her, all ef­
At the General hospital in Enu me,
get practice. It is safe to say. too, financial craft? What is it that has nor too short in which to accomplish
De* .
1910, al 7
ill. Donald E.
Sunset Rebekah lodge at its elec­ end of trouble witli negroes, especial­ forts have failed.
Mitchell, aged IS years. He was a
that tho chief interest in and chief thus sharpened tlie wits of humanity the great work of the world's salvation. tion a week ago chose the following ly in winter, when traffic is unusual­
Society has taken to living in the student at the Eugene Bible Univer­
officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. ly heavy on the lower Mississippi.
backing of recent experiments in to such an extent that the majority
True, some one might say. If it has
aerial navigation come from the War find it difficult to lie honest, because required eighteen centuries for tlie W. J. Kyle, N. G.; Mrs. W’m. Kyle. Labor unions will be asked to fur­ j hotels for the past few years. Even sity. and his home was at Creston,
nish the new hands.
' when one owns a palatial residence Wash., where his remains have
Departments of Christendom, which they see so many opportunities for dis­ development of the Church, how much V. G.: Alfreda Lindgren, secretary;
The Women's Municipal League of I on Fifth avenue or Riverside drive, been sent for burial.
see in such devices a new method of honesty, while it is impossible for law­ more time will be necessary for the Isabel Kyle, treasurer; Mrs. J. p. Boston, of which Mrs. Richard C. Ca­ I it is the correct thin.i# to spend a few
Cox. financial secreetary.
tarf.ire. And the latest information makers to make new laws witli suffi­ uplifting of the world? But we an­
bot is the chairman of education de­ months of the year at one of the
At tlie general hospital in Eugene.
Other News Notes
is that a new torpedo has recently cient rapidity to keep pace witli the in­ swer that it is not tha Divine Purpose
Died—At Sheridan, Oregon. on partment, has begun a study of the i leading hotels. This happened at an December 25, 1910, at 1 p. m.,
been invented more powerful, more telligent methods of circumvention.
to uplift the world to the station of Monday, December 19, 1910, of pneu­ vocation of women, the idea being to ultra-smart hostelry this week: Mrs. Charles .1. Gulliford, son of Mr. and
destructive, more terrible, than aux
The taws, doctrines, of Christ at?, in spirit nature and glory, but rattier to monia, Leonard I. Ward, aged about find out by systematic research what I Blank went to call upon Madame Mrs Arthur Gulliford, age.I 11 jears
the opportunities are for women in Dash who is a famous singer. Mrs. anil 7 days. The funeral will be held
previous device.
a cei l, in sense, .responsible for all this. restitution blessings and conditions. 2 4 years. He was the oldest son of
Blank carried a little "papillion,” I uc..ila : fteri iion at 2 o'clock with
What means this great battle nrrny Tlie liberty wherewith Christ makes It is because of the high exaltation George Ward, of Point Terrace, and each vocation.
The annual report of the New Jer­ mostly white, and while she was int. rment in the 1. O. O. F. cemetery,
this preparation for a groat struggle free his followers and tlie light which offered to tlie Church that such crucial a nephew of Mrs. M. B. Hood. He sey state bureau of statistics of labor
waiting to be announced doggie grew The services will be held at the
betweon the nations? Why do not tlie he and they let shine upon a darkened ! testings of sacrificial obedience even left this section a couple of years and industries shows that while a restless.
Fairmount Christian church.
Utfons disband their armies and dis­ world, received in part into unsancti- unto death Is required. With the
number of selected articles of food
“Does darling wish to walk upon
mantle their navies and turn these wast- lieil hearts and minds, have given wis­ Prince of darkness bound and tlie Sun
Monday evening, I lecember
Born—At Mercer Lake, Oregon, on have increased in price 40.96 per the counter?" said the doggie’s mist­
td energies to human profit, to making dom that, misapplied, we call cunning of Righteousness arising with healing Sunday, December 11, 1910, to Mr. cent in the last twelve years, the av­ ress. "Thon him shall. There!”
1910, at the family home at S41
The room clerk looked on appre­ Oregon avenue,
the earth to ldossom as the rose? The and craft. The proof of what we say in its beams the darkness of sin ami and Mrrs. John L. Dahlia, a daugh­ erage wages of factory and workshop
employes have advanced during the hensively, but he did not make a re­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
nnver is—Sin. Slti marred tlie orig is found iu tlie fact that other nations crime and sorrow will soon flee away. ter.
same period only 22.2 per cent. The
tai God-likeness of love in the human than those which have received this re­
One century of such blessed influence
Born—At. Mapleton, Oregon, on increase of wages has fallen IS.7 pel ply, and he held his peace. Doggie Husby, aged 17 days. The funeral
kart and. instead, implanted the op­ flected light of Christianity are still upon tho world will surely work won December 6, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. cent short of keeping pace with the made straight, for a big. black ink- services were conducted frolli the
well and poked his slender, aristo-l house by Rev. F. E. Billington at 10
posite disposition of selfishness. By qnlte in the back ground. Only now. ders, bringing in also inventions and T. J. Neeley, a son.
growing cost of food supplies.
cratic nose into its dark, mysterious o'clock this morning.
About a week ago J. A. Bunch, of
breiliiy sin and selfishness have per as Christian civilization iu a perverted comforts ami blessings, ns yet un­
The lock-out, affecting 50,000 .depths.
lie spluttered, yelped and
1 S-year-old
brought his
Heated our race. As we read. "Be- form is real liing these peoples are they dreamed of. Next will come the grad­ Heceta,
British workmen in the ship yard _ < ( turned toward Ills owner a very black
At tho home of her son, D. F.
told. I was sbapon in iniquity; in sin awakening and becoming competitors ual awakening of all who have fallen
the Shipbuilders' Federation, lias
They remained here a been brought to an end. The strike face. Those about gulped down their Skene, on South Willamel*' sireet,
asleep in death. They will come forth couple of days and then left
iiil niv mother conceive me" (Psalm witli so called Christendom.
Sunday was begun last September, after a feelings and tried to look unconcern­ Eugene, December 27. 1910,
17 This Is true of the entire human
In our advanced conceptions of from the prison-house of dentil, as the for Coos Bay.
The young lady is walk-out of the riveters employed in ed. It will take weeks for that Ink a. m., Mrs. Hannah M. Skene
to disappear, and the owner of the tile late Dr. Charles Skene, a
We gloss the surface. We finance, warfare, etc., a pertinent ques Scriptures declare; will come forth suffering from mental as well as
Hake a show of giving a little money tion worthy of deep thought, is. Will that they may be made acquainted bodily ailments. The physician here tho Walker ship yard at Neweastle- doggie is all the mor* disa »pointed 66 years, after a long Him
because her lawyer Iris Informed her was born at White Oak springs. III.,
l»r the education of the heathen. We it lie possible to live In the world nt all with the true Gal and with his glo- thinks the trouble is only temporary
Uncle Sam is in need of workers that she has no case against lhe January I 2, 1 s i I, and hail li v. 1 with
take a little show of religious aetiv- after tlie greatest financial minds shall . lions Son, the Redeemer, and with and that she will soon recover.
for the Panama canal, and would like
her son in Eu ne for lhe past four
A few days ago Samuel Leppart to have men apply for positions as i hotel management for damages.
ty in christendom, but the great stir have“tri,st-ified"all of the world's busi­ the principles of righteousness in con­
Besides her son. Donal d F.
’ of Duncan Slough, informed us that soon as possible. The advertisement« |
plus of wealth Is spent iu self-gratiii a- ness. and after the labor organizations trast with the principles of sin.
The judge w ho w n so * enisle d Skene, In Eugene, she leaves the fol-
say that pay begins on the day that last week when II*
tho—al oholic beverages alone <■ nsu..i shall have had their say ns to who
took io in., children: Peter G., Charle s W.
It: manyfold the ami *• <■■■'* d out to shall and who shall not earn a living, quire the majority of men. under Duncan slough that is hard to beat. laborers start for th» isthmus.
rail E. Mrs. Skene was a con­
their domestic trout»!
to I
f ■
u t. member of t he ( t ing regal ional
id- <1 if would
knuvolent onterp’-i-"s of all kirn's
..; lions of China those conditions, to sit long counting ference and is still growing,
The American workmen for a new railway settlement that ho
I m - b* st to fix tho tin,-lciiid ba I al church and of tin Orde •i' of Eastern
and Japan sliall have become thorough­ the value of the blessings of eternal turnip is an early white.
Peace, Peace'; but No Peace.
to start from Montevidio and travers­ $300 and let him r urn t, I ■■ t > star. The funeral w ill be held
ly civilized anil Christianized after the life mid restitution proffered them.
The schooner Lizzie ~
Prien sailed ing the republic to Cuarelm on ill
ursday afternoon at 2 o’clock from
face the wife’s ch; t
No l.i vyi i
For centuries the v *rid lias been er.'
nominal sort? Would not the hordes The upward move, resurrection, uplift­ for San Francisco last Sunday with a
Gordon chapel, with interment in
could [tut ft holer than Mi *. Wei.-:;,
fcout. "Peace, Peace; yet there is no of the Far East overwhelm the com­ ing, regeneration, will go rapidly on, cargo of lumber from the Florence Brazilian frontier.
Masonic cemetery. Rev. W. B.
whose testimony follow
I <mid
but still greater [u ■ ■ i: ■ < o n !'■ r paratively little handful of Europe and while meantime, generation after gen­ mill.
kerton will conduct tile services
tolerate his looking <
- *a . at
’ r Why? Because, dos’’ ite our ch ■ ■* America? What is the prospect of the eration shall come forth from the
The schooner Sausalito finished
the chapel and the Eastern Star
other women, judge, • d a! , Ills
tf 'iviliziition, the world well ktiou
fulfillment of the prophecy of our text— tomb and enjoy similar experiences. loading lumber at the Florence mill
the grave.
staying out late at nlvtlt
< .en al­
Is own selfishness, its own gre d. its "Peace on earth, good will toward Finally all shall have come forth, be­ the last of the week and sailed Sun­
though we were married only a > ar,
thirst for [tower and it wisely men?” There Is no piospect from the cause the love of God made this pro­ day for San Francisco.
Tillamook, Or., Dec. 26.
rhe city lint I coujdn’t stand his painting his
ttisons that in others selfishness and earthly sources toward which we have vision through the death of our Re­
Council, at a special meeting Friday
John C. Beck were shipp' d out on the night, approved the bonds of five new face. It’s bad enough for a woman
F’ tl similarly rule. Hence, with all been looking. If that prophecy Is ever deemer, who delighted to do the Pa­
to do so. but a man­ a husband who
Wilhelmina to be taken to Portland saloons and licenses for the firms
spends fifteen rnlmites before the
>ir protestations of friendship all tlie to lie fulfilled it must be by some thos’s will and who hrs already been for sale. The Siiislaw produce« some
rewarded gloriously with high exalta­ very fine apples and they ought to were ordered Issued. The men se­ mirror every ' morning painting his ♦
•ftninient« of the world distrust, dls- Divine intervention in human affaifs.
cheeks rosy and penciling hie eye-
tion to the dU’ine plane of glory, honor sell very readily in the markets of curing them ar-
llifrc one another. And now we have
W. J. Stephens who has boon con­ brows’ Well, Judge, 1 left him."
The Desire of All Nations Coming.
At tho home of Mayor J. I). Mat­
and immortality.
»'■tied a place where the disbanding
that city.
victed of gambling and bootlegging, Mrs. Weiss Is seventeen and her hus­ lock this afternoon at 4 o’clock, El­
Notwithstanding the eighteen centu­
■the armies of the world would lie a
Good Will Amongit Men.
Laughlin * Johnson, the former con­ band Is two years her senior. The. bert Evans and Miss Leta Buchanan,
Boy last Saturday loaded with sal-
togerous matter. Another million of ries of delay our text as a prophecy
The attainment of the condition of mon from the Hurd cannery, She victed of bootlegging, and the latter judge will decide today whether she1 both of Eugene, Judge 11. S. Bryson
fo thrown on tlie labor market, al-
of gambling and bootlegging; Clyde ought to have a separation or an officiating. The happy couple will
goal will amongst men will mean the
”<iy glut toil, would be dangerous. too. by and through the One whom the attainment of human perfection. God returned Tuesday with freight and Clements who was twice convicted out-and-out divorce.
continue to reside in Eugene, but
of bootlogging and served a term In
will take a short wedding trip after
W to leave our cities unprotected angels announced and whose birth is is Love. And when our first parents
the first of the year. Tin r many
pttlil invite anarchy in every land. very generally celebrated today. Tho were created an earthly image of God. morning on her way to Portland. the county Jail on the last offense;
friends tender them he rty congrat­
* are n >t endeavoring to discourage Great Teacher, questioned by Pilate, an­ love must have been the predominant She carried a quantity of Siiislaw Ed Hadley, who has also served a
term In jail fo ra second conviction of
conferences and federations. We swered that'he was born to be a King— quality of their characters. What we apples for the Portland market and bootlegging and other offenses, ami
- aierety ailing attention to facts— the King of the Jews; but he also add­ see of selfishness is largely a matter some canned salmon from the Flor­ Patterson & Wayrlck, newcomers
ed. "My Kingdom is not of this Age.”
In Seattle, December 9, 1919, Ml«#
ence cannery.
disputable facts.
l ow true! Many of us have gotten the of heredity, and all of life's customs
The Wilhelmina went to Coos Bay
On Thursday morning, December Maude Lewis to Dr. S. T Donahoe.
Fbe Seri"’
As a result of the licensing of sa­ I
« graphically describe wrong lmpres -n—that our Redeemer are In line with It and continually In­
Sunday and returned T o-sday. She loons here there has been a great In­ 22. 1910, to .Mr annd Mrs Olaf Lar­ After visiting In the Sound < It y for
“ present condition. They give us a has been waging, as the Gri ‘ King of creasing its weight and Its hold U[K>n
1« ft. for Chin i to be
took a cargo of salmon from Kyle A- crease In drunkenness and disorderly sen living on Emerald
Heights, a few days, th
^NLpalntli ;^*f what Is now going on.
Tho brldi f oi ma-
Glory, an un»ucce«sfi;l
f ire for us. But with the new King and Sons' cannery and brought back a conduct. One of the three night Springfield, a ten-pound daughter. gone two veal
"I:. i your plow-shares Int" eighteen centuries against S tanMsln reign of righteousness will come tlie load of merchandise.
ny years resid­ d on the M -I
, ml
RM» and your pruning-hooks into
ís well known In Eugene.
C. P. Devereaux and fames Ford, crowd of drunken roughs, and a
glorious uplifting an<l transformation.
To Mr and Mr«. Wi
h«. Let ■ e we;vji boast that they
Orest T#w to r < own lipa that bla Gradually, during tlie thousand years who have been spending a few days woman was knocked off the sidewalk inon South Main
At the horno o
F ■ lira
id endeavor to keep pace Kingdom is not of this Age. It belongs of Messiah's domination of the world, on Tsfltcoos lake, left yesterday for into the mud of the street by a band on Wodnosday evening,
a girl.
on Christmas I*
•Uh the « r
Earh gen­ of hoodlums.
“Come, get ye down to the “world to come”—the Age to the evils of selfishness will be made ap­ their homes In Eugene
Miss Lulu Yates,
kthe Voile ■' Jeboshophat”—the val
parent and tlie beauties of holiness and tleman Invested in a couple of lots In
At the Hotel <
tlie place of the great
TERSE TALES FROM GOTHAM f'h r -tn* as day, ;
Do we Inquire, then, who has been love will he shown in contrast.
p. m to Attor­ tended by a largì
^tzzle w| ■. which the reign of the
Restitution rewnrds will lift all the
ney and Mr«,
th- ruler of this world, this Age? The
’ A il ptdy, a tiVe* I
«ateof Da iu ss shall terminate and
4 I
daughter, weigh1
■ven and a half pie. wl
answer r f the Master i that Satan is willing and "bedlent up out of «in and
Guard Snecfal Service.
"'■t^wlll prepare the way for Mes­ the Priu e of this •vor'd He is a usurp- telfishnes« to holiness and love. Then
New York. Dec 2«.—Every year pou rids.
Ns Klngfi. ta (Joel ill, 9-131.
the newspaper offices of New York
-fi ■th w - given with love the very essence of man’s be­
er. The domini
^■'•nk Gal for the assurances of his
to man
youthful readers addressed to Santa land for the vacation
Beil, with
*1 that tt great “time of trouble,
. ha- become V. here prevail, because tlie Divine law.
puttii - <
"Recent developments at the Uni­ Claim. In care of the particular jour­ Earl Kirkpatrick, in conducting the
“ «* n* i >>r was since there was a thereby
g hu mnlty almost effaced through the reign of
whi i, is about to burst npon merely a his
tykd ibe sin. will be rewritten tn the human versity of Oregon have made ft abso­ nal that happetm to be the family fa­ Oakland High school and Is th-
lutely essential that we hold the in- vorite, As a rule these childish ap­
1 *®t!d. wh ose masses are better gal ' H < w
.luce of constitution. That I-aw, as we know, terscholastic meet hero,” said R. Cox peals Serve onlv as Inspiration for proud coach of fourteen debater
we ,..e told is. "Thou shnlt love the Ixinl thy Gal in a short address before the convo- [ editorials In the righteousness of five pupils, or 40 per cent of th
Jt"d than ever before and tra. - I this w a
j.ketb in the with nil thy heart, with all thy mind. ( cation today. “Last year we were} philanthropy, but one letter this year school, fourteen tried out for th< d*
nf H;i military equipipents. again th
hire# of disobedience. ’ with all thy strength, and thy neigh­ disappointed In holding it because of has struck a note of sympathy that bate. Thi« number is almost as large
‘ * 6'it ■ «h.>rt
struggle! The intk hear «« '
spectacle in
a lack of date, but before that we entitles It to nation wide Interest. as the number who tried out at the
how many of human- bor as thyself."
°f the Scriptures is that if When
rit? mi
parts of western
Flnal’y, dear friends, how glad we bad always held it, and we must hold It runs:
' University this ypar with «ome twen­ Oregon Is
■ t we see rhe vast­
should not lie shortened, ity an
full bloom In th •
My dear Santa Clan»«: —Chrl at- ty-five time# as many students en- open air
-““b wop d survive. But for the ne*« of the L-n er« controlled by the are that this is true: how glad we are it this year.” The U. of O. is mak­
Ch tmas time.
ing arrangements to tak- away from mas is almost here and It has been i rolled.„ Ben say# he has a cracking roses in the depot park and In many
l»y virti.e of the Kingdom Prince of Darkne«’ And when we see that the terrible falsehoods palmed off
_ school.
___________ dooryards are «till
O. A. C. or develop a rival Interschol­ a long time since I have seen my good High
‘---- The ___
blooming. al­
' k °lert bpIne *"”*>M"bed—tho#e the few. comparn’ively. who are sol- nn us during the Dark Ages respecting astic meet, which has become an In­ dear little Sister. I know you grant ,-7
¡team has been given up because of! though it must be admitted that they
'Sorter ~d
Then will dlers of the cro«« »nd follower« of the « Gal of hatred and ■ bell of torture stitution here. For some time the all little children’s wishes for you difference« with the coach
Ben was ¡are not as healthy looking as the
‘ a * feign of the Prince of Peace iMmb we perceive that, as the Master pverlasting nre not true’
Agricultural College has held this have gave Helen and me lota of nice the coach.
flower* lr> midsummer and fall are
¡0 REBUILD ITS High Cut Shoes for Men
Rumor Says Large Sums to Be
Spent in Eugene and
have just received another
big shipment of Chippewa
Hand Made Shoes which we
place on sale at Bargain Prices.
C< me here for Bargains in Meri
torious Merchandise.
Shoes for everybody at Bargain
t News of the Labor World ¡