TWO iWu ■ »■^ THE TVZI'JE-A WEEK GUARD. WW3MESDAY DEC. 2?, 1910 U SHOT TO DEATH BY MASKED MENAI HOT SPRINGS TODAY Many Important Changes to Be Made In United States Diplomatic Circles. EXPERT YEGGMEN BLOW OP SAFE IN HEILIG LHEfllfiE AHD Portland, Dec. 26.—The safe at the Heilig theatre, the fin­ est theatre in Portland, wao blown open by yeggmen last night who secured S2100. So expert was the manipulation of the nitro-glycerine by the robbers that the manager of the theatre, who slept in a room above the office ,was not disturbed, and did not know of the robbery until he opened the office today. Win­ dows within six feet of the safe, were not broken. The robbers entered the theatre through a window, and the dtectives are of the opinion 1' At the men are experts from the east, but they left no clue. The money stolen represents the receipts incident to several performances since Saturday noon, when the banks closed, and the loss will fall about equally on the theatrical troupe and the management of the theatre. St. Louis, Dec. 26.—Oscar Chitwood, charged with having led Sheriff Jake Houpton at Hot Springs, Ark., last August, is taken from the county jail at Hot Springs early today and ot to death. Three masked men did the shooting .while about teen other masked men looked on. Chitwood was being taken from the county jail to the police ' ition, preparatory to being transferred to Benton, Ark., today, r trial, when the mob appeared . He was in charge of a single puty ,and had just left the jail door when the deputy was or- red to throw up his hands. He did so, and almost immediate- three shots rang out and Chitwood fell dead. The authorities 11 investigate to ascertain how it became known to the mob 'it Chitwood was to be removed from jail this morning. ATH TUB TRUST STUART BENNETT OFF KEY WEST BY SUITS Firms Implicated W,ith- Believed Also That Wife draw From Their Man Named Parker Agreement Were Lost Washington, !><•<-. 27. It was [rned today that at least four of p firms alleged to be connected 'h the “Bath Tub Trust," charged th being parti« s to an agreement jeged to be in violation of the Sher- Ln anti-trust lav., have sent out lice« to the plumbing trade that py are no longer parties to the feeinent and in the future will do BlnesH independently. The govern- bnt will probably complete the fu­ nction proceedings, and tie* crhnl- I proceedings started in Detroit, it ¡said here, will not be stopped. 10M A MINING CAMP OF IDAHO -Known Newspaper Writes front Delta, Idaho Key West, Fla., Dec. body of Cant. Stuart Bennett, of Yotk. a magazine writer and owner of the yacht Phra, was found today near the western banks. His wife ami Herman Parker, one of the men on the yacht are also believed to have been drowned. Bennett sailed from Fort Meyers Friday in bls yacht, which collided with the jetties near here Sunday, sinking in a few minutes. Three of the crew were picked up yesterday and report they saw Bennett, ami Parker dinging to a mast. WOMEN TO WORK FOR GOOD ROADS President of Association Makes Man Address at Tacoma, Washington The tollowing letter Is from a well­ own newspaper man of Oregon, ‘enter president of the National Edl- ' rial association Delta, Idaho, 12-20'10. I Dear Filler Th, Daily Gu ild >ks mighty good to the little Ore- to colony in here Ben Hammitt, 'over r of love. After returning ho aitB until noon In ord»-r to giv»- pen Ye an opportunity to get their mail, 'ten he walks a mile to hi» work as | placer min* i This dlstrh't a ''nail one. It is true, but has yielded 'no*1 1134 five million dollar» In fac*r gold. I'he few who remain 'ith the ilistil ' ii* entitle»! to some pnalderutIon from a nation, even If ' h bead »an pull his -liirt off over Ills Airs without unbuttoning the no* k biad, and w*ais that oft. silly »mile hat won t ™i" ol Al.BERT TOZIER. Portland, or.. Dec. 21. Judge .1. T. Ronald, president of the Pacific Highway association, recently ad- dressed the Tacoma BusInesH VVo- men's League at their regular month- ly meeting held in the Commercial club's headquarter» lu Tacoma on tin- subject of good roads. This was probably the first meeting ever held, by ami for women alone, in th*- inter­ < ns of highway work. Now that women in the evergreen state have been given tile right to vote, they are displaying n great deal of interest ill everything making for material progress. At tiie meeting in Tii-omn they showed a great deal of Interest in highway work and par­ ticularly in tiie I’ncirtc Highway as social ion's good roads project. Edith Tozii-i Weathered, a prominent mag­ azine publisher and writer of Taco- ma. prt-alded nt tile meeting, mid ill introducing Judge Roland pointed Olli the benefits which would a* cm.' from th*' construction of stuh a high- w ay as t lie I’ II A. Is boost Ing fol The people III rural dlstrlita would lie esptM-lally beliefitti'l by model'll highways, she »aid Judge Ronald s address caused niui li enlhusinstu and i ho lu.-mbcrs of the Tacouta Busi­ ness Women's 1.» igu |>iomis»-d their ardent support of the highway move­ ment. A I. Wislgard. who mapped out a route tor tin- I’ourlng Club of Anieri- ea from New York Io I .* s Angeles, was compelled to return home with­ out making the trip up the -oast. The condition of the roads in north erti California. Or. gon and Washing ton prohibit a winter trip II is pos slble that Mr. Westgard may take tin trip tn early spring and return east ward bv way of Canada. In the event that Mr Westgard should not make tills trip, it will probably b. made bv Montagne Ro- berts and Dr. Cluirh a C. Percival, who left Detroit m Novelubt r oil a ino («ini.milc reliability run for the Abbott-Detroit Motor Cai Co They will lour through the Southeast to I..-- Yni-. li - :in*l up the coast to Can ada and thru east. MRS. JAMES OFFUTT PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY 1ED CROSS SEAL SALE NEARLY TWO MILLION Hud Been Cut tor Christmas • Washington. Dv - Pi< > /aft w I ■ K , a the Work el tile X , ' 'll.' 1 Knpaa Society for «<•»■ al y-.i -xeeedingli nnx " ; - i now II f emits of the Red ci"- eal sale H *•" stated here t hat there is • »ery t ■ a on to hat those Who have been Hile: » n th' ■ l. is* (pent a nil rm Cl I lie thought that the »ent ire ' treater »uccess this season than ' k conservative •■limate pt ». «■ ' Amount to be realize»! dose to >99.999 Dinner and Returning Home Bt Lil and Dies After having eaten Christmas din- the home of a friend, Mt > ner ‘it Oft tilt, wife of James Of M a a prominent G A R. veteran, ding at tibti Laxxreme street, look ill yealerdax afternoon and ill d at 7 o viock in the exenina She m as<-l 64 years. IP months and I M days. rhe cause ot death *an a npli.ation of heart trouble and paralysl» Mt» Offutt »»• born In S<-otland on February 7. 1S46. and had tn Eugene and vicinity for the i>a»t thirty year» She was marrle«l to at M"- Offutt »1 Augu»t 1<‘. but An entertainment was ci'1'” the State Penitentiary Monday morn (here were no children as the reault mg for t<»r th.- b* benefit n.-fit Ot of th.- tn.- inmat.» Inmates of thi» union, although Mr. Offutt T G Illy, a I oi - h I theatre man. donai- ha« »ever»! from a prevlou» marriage The funeral arrangement« have nd the use Of hl» motion picture ma chine and film», while Mr» Hallie not yet been completed, pending the Parrish Hinge» a Salem vocalist, rendered several »elections. I Sydney. N. S. W., Dec. 26.—Billy; Papke, who claims the middleweight championship of the world, lost to | Dave Smith, the Australian middle­ weight champion, on a font in the tenth round today. Smith led through out the fight. Litngp Bents Burns London, Dec. 26.-—The referee in the fight between Bill Lange, of Aus­ tralia. and Jack Burns, of California, stopped the fight in the twell th round, awarding the fight to Lange, to save Burns from unnecessary pun- | ishment. [[/’*< q Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 26.—De­ tectives today are searching for a young man who last night took pos­ session of the Missouri Pacific pas­ sengers and train crew and escaped with loot valued at $300. Captain II. I. Newbold, of the fourth U. S. Artillery, on his way to Washington, D. C.. from Fort Leavenworth, was shot and slightly wounded in the scalp because he did not raise his hands fast enough to suit the robber. Newbold has returned to Fort venworth. Tlie b-.i lit dropped front the train in the subii bs of Kansas City, Kan.. and is I; li ed to have crossed the line Into this city. BRIBERY GENERAL IN OHIO CCi'NTY SOME NEW EQUIPMENT — Selling of Votes Common and ; TO HANDLE INCREASED I Indictments May Reach PASSENGER BUSINESS txf eMWMHfr________ y Total of Two Thousand A general ahiikeup in the diplomatic service Is said to be scheduled tor Feb. ». It *s >.ate«l that President Taft h is ile< lileil to leave all diplomatic selections save one to Secretary Knox and bis depart mental advisers, The one personal appointment which the president w ill make is tlmt of J. G Schmidlapp of Cincinnati to be ambassador to Russia to sin « ceil YVi.lium Woodville Rockhill, Mr. Schmidlapp. who 1*? a prominent banker and a man of groat wealth, i 1 warm personal friend of President Taft. Huntington Wilson. assistant secretary of state, will be minis aniliasMii' r to Turkey, according to the report, Thomas J. O’Brien of Michigan, ambassnd r to Japan, will he trans­ ferrt-il from Tol.o to one of the important linropeau jmsts. Former Vice President Fairbanks of Indiana will gar tier .'lie of the amliassadorlnl plums ami may be nnineil as the successor of Mr. O'Brien, although it is Hint In- prefers to go to Etiriqie Senator Beveridge of Indiana, who is one of the more prominent senatorial lame ducks ns it result of tin- recent election. Is talked of for a diplomatic appointment, but It i- understood that the pres- i.leui lias u»t w.-ixed enthusiastic nt the suggestion, and it is altogether improbable that more than one ambassador- ■ liiti would I m - given to Indiana. Two Ticket Windows May Be Portsmouth, O.. Dec. 25.—A\ ith a Used at S. P. Depot During total of 1633 indictments and 114 I Rush Hours pleas of not guilty to charges of not [ guilty to vote selling during the re­ cent election. Adams countuy, Ohio. I The S. I’, ticket office has just presents a condition unique in politi- ' received two of the most modern ticket cases to become part of the cal history. A vigorous campaign of invest!- 1 equipment of the office. The new gation carried on by a grand jury | eases make the old ticket holders acting upon the investigation of com­ look like dolls' furniture, and make mon Pleas Judge A. Z. Blair, of much easier the work of handling Portsmouth, has resulted in the in­ the tickets when the window is dictment of neatly ten per cent of j crowded. It is the same kind of ar­ the voting strength of the county, rangement that is used iti the Port­ and today predictions were made that land offices. In one case the small the number of Indictments would cardboard ticket for points on the reach 2000. Judge Blair says vote-i S. I*, line in Oregon are held In small selling in every township will be chutes, and as soon as one is taken probed. another drops in place. The other Where pleas of guilty have been case holds some 60 or more compli­ made, the offender has been dis­ cated and lengthy tickets for “astern franchised for five years and fined a points. nominal sunt. Workhouse terms , With the new furniture have come have been given to practically all, a large number of new tickets, espe­ but most of the prison sentences cially some very large tourist tickets. have been suspended. An editor who One ticket to the south which carries denounced the investigation has been the passenge rover any of six differ­ punished for contempt. ent routes, is several feet long when Among tho so who pleaded guilty extended, and is in the shape of a \l I-tlock has not only I Referendum Carried By Large is Rev. Isaac Hilton, of Red Brush, railroad time-table folder when fold­ Mayor J Northern Bank Has Been Rc- demount who admitted his guilt of selling his ed, and makes a book of nine pages. t. ■ ability to protect vote in the last election for $10. Be­ A feature of the new form of tickets in various mat- the city’s i. ujority of Ninety Thou­ garded as a Vei\ Weak cause of the minister's financial con­ is that much of the laborious and >me tip during his trrs that dition. Judge Blair made his fine a time-taking writing has been elim­ sand Voting n*> is fully able ; Concern administ i* light one. but disfranchised hint for inated and places are left to be in a personal en- to protect five years. punched. Rome. Dec. 27. — More than ninety vl need Sunday counter, t Corruption in Adams county, gi -s I lie Southern Pacific recognizes a I thousand railw ay employes in Italy put to route ; New York. Dei 27 The Northern morning back for more than 20 years, per­ Eugene to be one of the most import- after he had vic-' c* completed a referendum as to what haps largely due to the general sanc­ unt places on the line in Oregon and Bank of New York, which has sev­ drunuken homi! ■ ■ 1 . 1 • I- » - «,*.,» 4 I . I 0 01-11 »V 1 f /X V f 11 .1 'attitude th. y would assume for the tion of a growing custom, a.» well as gives it much of tiie best equipment. eral branches In Harlem and the iously ass aititi <1 th mayor. bv the name of . Kt- . ! ....... 1 . . “lr , nMnJition „ the absence of railways, telegraphs The amount of business that is Car­ ... »llttT'tit'IClllX'll X-Sl A V. 1 , VX/«*V»»1 *M»»I Z ’ . Bronx, was taken possession of today I,'», whose home is tn Albany, had I amelioration of •h their condition, and telephones. There is in the coun­ «• ..i**»<»t ¿»ni n r •Ait in great inni.irHv majority, tli.xv they declared in ty only one railway line, a branch of rie 1 on in the Eugene office is grow­ by Superintendent of Banks Cheney. come to Eugene with a friend named ! a ing very rapidly and is at present all Williams from t'orvallis to celebrate| favor of the instrument of strike and The institution has deposits aggre­ the Norfolk & Western, and few tele­ the force a ;i ui h a well-directed bl V.. D.c. 27.—Officials ported. Ri!< \ t ''ire. 1 Tuesday evening. of the «t Salem. Or Dee 2 6 \n enter- In the jt * The two snarred for ,-artment today stated Vit Duvn and family left i< v had no desire to i iinm< nt w as given at the State Pen- minute. and Riley, seeing that h* hat whii< - for a visit to Newport itentiarx this morning for the bene­ lui ;■ ihe worst of the eneoun- . nrow cold ater upon the big poul- YOUNG HEIFER COMMITS '“it the house in charge of a fit of the inmates I (1. Bly. a ter. star ' to run down the street. try exhibit - -i. whi< h opens in New ' 1 >i and expect to be away ¡oral theatre man, donated the use the mat i > ’ uht after him. The niay- York this v >■• k. it is shown front sta- SUICIDE BY DROWNING several months. -' n prepared that bees are of his motion-picture machine and or cha».- ; i for several blocks, but '" "S. I' tto and Wife were to Eu- films while Mr* Hntlte Parrish Riley so. on outdistanced him and the more valuable as wealth pre .facers »aston. Or.. Dec . 2 6.— A few days ' lay jn consultation with Hlng» < a Salem vor.ilisrs r< ndered chase wa — \- n up Those who saw than hens. ven when eggs sell at 50 . on the ranch of F. H. Stuffen- ohysicians in regard to th< several seltvtions k Ar Co., near this place, a Ine the *‘ii. o.intvr . and the rae-» down ••enta a do: ■n. An Idea of the tuag- -''-'ity of an operation upon the The hall recently er»*ct Mat lock. nitude of t ■ honey industry may be • r-old heifer, called “Beauty,” the str. < • e to remove a tumor upon bo statement that the south wing of th>* instituí oM. put gninr»’ fro w ho is ov * ked into a small brooklet. ; 2 An operation was thought used for a chapel, was of solf- crop in tin I" ted States each year les wide and only four inches so they returned home. unts ♦ - ■'O,aop.ood. There are vesterdax morning. \ ca | defense a t would p. laid down with h ?r head in the Tuesday H. R. Nolleth and io b..» keepers In the rendered bv members <»r t i put »hanu half h - er and was drowned, it ar . jarentlx < -x took a trip down the w ich stands sec- Church choir, after which | age ig •» ca .e of su ride a 2-year- countrv to get some ducks which mar spread was provided the in the produc- Chief Ol P< colt browsin ington appear 1 n the same p?4. - lucky enough to get; and prisoners. ed on the 1 * ante near. took fright . few m'nutes later t th had the experience of i heifer turned and tan. I and locate Ril< at the Ban tgs feed' , t - ' on. it was very dark and i barn on F t X th street. 1 He was i ground and breaki WuMAN ■ e r>e got into a deep mud hole. iIn the act Bng a buggv th»'T ' EXPULSION OF JEWS ■■ resulted in the dog at once to take h of to* n. but, th»' DIES FROM BURNS :'ip:ng out in order to avoid being chief took charro and locked' hint in FROM RUSSIA I him up \ charge of acauli and Portland. IVc td. — Mrs Eva Ra- LONG MACHINISTS' J'iTed out. Out went the guns into ip mud and then George rolled out an aged woman who yesterday' i battery will be preferred a«aln»t him kor. k hanging by his rubbet coat, St Petersburg. Ihn- 27 STRIKE SETTLED ■ ■ ch was Nolleth The ex- and he will appear in the Justice slaved the role of Santa Claus nt an was sitting on. Fin- pulsion Jews asserted to be hiding court to:- , -row. today being a legal entertainment for some young Battimor*. Dec. b _ t after dangling tn the mud with illegallv in St Petersburg has begun holiday friends, and whose raiment caught ■s^:nkers and toes for a short time. 1« a preliminary step. 101 have been fire from a lighted candle diet! o* deprived of membership tn the Artl­ Merger mine« in the Blue River her *urns in a hospital today. She machtnl«'.« of the Baltin,.-., .<■ qv . '. . • v ralsed And let him down so he ■«hr cet on his feet. After conald- ean Guild thereby losing the right of district are reported ae abowlng up wm oadlv burned on the head and to wcXe C°mp‘nr an4 rwurn "rab e trouble they got the horse and rvwldenee in the capital i body and suffered terribly. welt igev out of the mud and came f.out'! »»f»ly —Coburg Journal. EORCED1O Olili HIS FISTS ENSPIOYES «DIE TO STRIKE