TWICE A WEEK GUARD. MONDAY, DEC 6. 1910 ISRAEL’S NEW COVENANT NOW TO BE ESTABLISHED JEIIYINSIDE Of INSTEAD OF 14 So Declares Pastor hussell In Remarkable Sermon. nal life. Tear after year, century uftef century, they failed, and illHCourage ment took tin* plm »* of hop*' God ti'iii'lilng them n groat lesson re«| ing tlie uc«'«l of '«»'»’ *«" •' memis of Just Itiention in III* s' Th*') got blessings mid 'I' Illi' • nant i ' i I i I i hi ii'iml bb'ssim I"11 til*' blessing li*ipe*l for. Uot ll/t llenei* II»') were not In u |>oslt|o Ixsomo, ii« tlie) had liop*d. a na tkmal Mi'sslah. a iinlloual Heisl of Abraham, for the bli'sslng of all tile lint Ions. (I ih I gave them kings for n tin»', but these were unable to accompllall the groat thing« ho|H*d for. But th*' prom I»» of a |H*rsonal Messi. Ii !i wus made, and that he should I«' of the llmugo of David, a gnat King, fur su|ierl»r to th«1 great, wise ami rich Solomon. Messlsli would 1H' Ixivld’s Son and yet David's Lord (Psalm ex. 1; Matthew xxll, 42 He Here, aa <¡<«1 inteude«l. Israel began to get the thought of n |*er«oiial Messiah, a King «if Glory, who would ns<‘ their tuition »» hls In strumeiitnlity for the cmuiuerliig of the world, »lum every kne«' spoil *1 bow anil every tongue I'otifess to III*' glory **f Go*l. Ilio New Oovenaut provi«i*>n«, siinit •>, upllftvd <*ut of «in nml dogrudulloii mul donili i*> porte* iloti nml *•11'1-111 Hng lir,, -ilio unwllllng nml dlsobedleiit belug desini)e«l III ilio He* orni lionlli The l’ropliet Multi* III polliti out limi ilio Mesata II **f 111*1 New t'oieuniit, wliotil he illilmlim e«, In tilt* glorimi*« Meilintor nml niitttj'plcal King fur wiioin Ihey Inni wullod long nml ,,f wbulli tliey ih'llglile*l to thlnk II** woiild coni«* io III** li'inpl«* tini« luipl) lug tliut he woiihl I h * not mily un un- tltyplcal Propilei, su antltypk'al King, but ni*** un iintitypli'iil l'rh-Hi "nfter thè order of M**l<'lil»*«lo«'"; “A prie«t uiHiii I iìh tlirom*’’ tpHiilui ex. 4; Ztx'hn rln li 11. l-'b Itllt nfter tlilu joyful proelsiutltloii timi thi'lr long ex|Hs ted unii glori* *1 in Mi'dlntor <>f Ilio New t'oveminl slióulil be lookixl for. they «ver«* wiirmal flint ills ilny Mollili l*e oli«' of trilli olio i.f «| hx lui ta'stlng nml provlng, timi tli« I.orti nilglit limi thè nulli)pieni l’rlexi« nml nntit) |>li iil I.«•' Iten to nervo In ilio antltypleal Tempie Ho wouhl l><> llk<- n ri'llmT of Uro to tnke nwuy ilio dr<>- * nml to leiive olii) thè pure nietnl Ib i * trini** nml textliigx Ix-lng Impili *1 He «voiilil 'I**' Ilice filll**r*H noup," In thè Henoe timi i< glint wnshllig or purgluj would tnke pili* e to inuke remi) f- r thè Klngdotn thè i nllixl nml elio« n nml fnithful. At lini tliim thè * omo«-rii timi <>f Jmluli nml Ji-ruxiili-m unto th*> l.ord «III I h * ni* *'|itixl io* III olili-n tlui"-* W*' mny Uliderntnntl flint thls «pirli of ili'Votlon I h li**» rvvlvlng iinmiigxi thè J i ' wh nml pnrthiilnrly uinoiigxt thoHe who nre Ideiitlflix! wlth Jerunu- lem nml thè Ziolilnt niovement nub erto tliln lina b<-«*n n )H*lltt*i*I IIIOVl’ nicut In th«* liitcriwt *>f JewUli nation nlizntlon nml n homo for etile«*. Now. howev**r. thè due rime tu*** coni** f**r il reni niovement of I ìiohi * wlio lini** file fidili t<> ilrn» nenr to G*xl nml *>> show tlielr fnltb by helplng rorwnr*l In ili*- ri-Htorntlon of «nrthly Jeru»u- lem oti«l In-r IntenwtH Mrs. D. C. Freeman and Mrs. Geo. ( luncheon. The guests for the O’Connor were hosteuBe« at two de­ course were Mesdanies llv. Korf. lightful functions this week, at the afternoon Messianic Kingdom the Power to I home of Mrs. Freeman, 458 Jeffer­ H. S. McGowan, A. J. Perkins, L. M —• — Wheaton. I D. Lari­ William Jacobson, a member of the son street. Chrysanthemums formed Beebe, The gain in receipts at the Bring About God's Will the decorations of the home, and mer. A. Middleton. B. A. Washburne. firm of Wakefield it Jacobson, or Eugene postoffice for the month M M Peery, R. E. Hendricks, —■ — the Pacific Bridge Company, who were most elaborate. Yellow and Ball. on Earth. of November this year over the Chas Hardt, J. L. Clark. J. J. have the contract to build the south white chrysanthemums were used in corresponding month last year is the drawing room, while the pink Bryan. L. K. Page. J. W. Barnes and jetty at the mouth of the Siuslaw over 22 per cent, instead of 14 News. river, was in Eugene over night and color scheme predominated in the Jim Stewart.— per cent, as published yesterday. • • « Brooklyn. Decotn during the forenoon today on his way living room. At whist Mrs. Blewett Igist night the Sophomore class of An error in putting down the to Portland, after having been at the ber 4. Pastor lliu* won the prize on Wednesday, and the University gave its annual danc­ amount of receipts In November Mrs. Upper on Thursday. Mrs. Free­ ing party in the new gymnasium. As scene of the contract since the work sell couttnui« to use ’ last year was responsible for man and Mrs. O’Connor were unas­ this was the first big college dance began. The seventh day of Decem­ i he Academy of the mistake in figuring the per ­ ber is his 67th birthday, and he al ­ sisted in serving dainty refreshments. of the year, the students have been centage of increase. The re ­ Musk', our largest ways spends that day at home, so Their invitational list included Mrs. anxiously looking forward to it all ceipts for the month last year Auditorium. when W. C. Caulder, Mrs. C. 8. Dillon. week. The patroness«« were Mrs. he left his work and set out in time were $2576.95, compared with ever be sjienka In Mrs. J. W. Quackenbush, Mrs. H. A. Pennell. Mrs. Bancroft. Mrs. Jessup. I I to be in Portland on that date. $3151.83 this year, the gain be­ Finish in Five Months Tromp, Mrs. J. S. Magladry, Mrs. P. Mrs. Glenn .and Mrs. John Bovard. Brooklyn, the “Tab­ ing $57 4.88, or a little over Mr. Jacobson to a Guard reporter K. Hammond, Mrs. C. C. Hammond. ernacle" ts'lng of « ♦ ♦ per cent. this morning said that about $60,000 Mrs. Geo. Dye, Mrs. T. A. LaVake, The Fairmount Christian Endeav­ liiHUttlcieut capnc Mrs. J. Blewett, Mrs. John Buoy, Mrs or Society enjoyed a very pleasant of the $100,000 available for this He had a splen I. H. Bingham. Mrs. Jenny U’Ran, time at a social held at the home of contract has already been used up. Mrs. T. A. Gilbert. Mrs. Elmer Rob­ Miss Merle Stearns on Friday evening and that 2600 feet of jetty has been audience todii) completed. The work is progressing erts. Mrs. W. F. Osburn. Mrs. J. W. November 2 7. A delightful evening WILL NOT BUILD thoughtful look Shumate, Mrs. Seth Laraway, Mrs. E. was spent in playing games, Light satisfactorily. Mr. Jacobson says, but people, evld 'Ut A N*w Covenant end Tetter (4»