The Twice-a week guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1910-19??, December 05, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Mrs. D. C. Freeman and Mrs. Geo. f
luncheon. The guests for^ the
O Connor were hostesses at two de­ course
lightful functions this week, at the afternoon were Mesdames Hy, Korf.
S. McGowan, A. J. Perkins, L. M
home of Mrs. Freeman, 458 Jeffer­ H.
yeebe, —. —. Wheaton. I D. Lari­
William Jacobson, a member of the
son street. Chrysanthemums formed mer. A. Middleton. B. A Washburns.
The gain in receipts at the
the decorations of the home, and M M Peerv. R. E Hendricks.-------- firm of Wakefield A Jaeobsou, or
Eugene postoffice for the month
the Pacific Bridge Company, who
were most elaborate. Yellow aud
of November this year over th«*
white chrysanthemums were used in Ball, Chaa. Hardt, J. L. Clark. J. J. have the contract to build the south
corresponding month last year is
the drawing room, while the pink Bryan. L. K. Page. J. W. Barnes and jetty at the mouth of the Siuslaw
over 22 per cent, instead of 14
river, was in Eugene over night ami
color scheme predominated in the Jim Stewart.—News.
• « •
per cent, as published yesterday.
during the forenoon today on his way
living room. At whist Mrs. Blewett
Last night the Sophomore class of
An error iu putting down th«*
won the prize on Wednesday, and the University gave its annual danc­ to Portland, after having been at thej
amount of receipts in November
Mrs. Upper on Thursday. Mrs. Free­ ing party In the new gymnasium As scene of the contract since the work
last year was responsible* for
man and Mrs. O'Connor were unas­ this was the first big college dance began. The seventh day of Decem­
the mistake in figuring the per­
sisted in serving dainty ref res'* ments. of the year, the student» have been ber is his 67th birthday, and he al­
centage of increase. The re­
Their invitational list include ’ Mrs. anxiously looking forward to it all ways spends that day at home, so
ceipts for th«* month last year
W. C. Caulder, Mrs. C. 8. b.'an, week. The patronesses were Mrs. he left his work and set out in time
were $2576.95, compared with
Mrs. J. W. Quackenbush, Mrs. H. A. Pennell. Mrs. Bancroft. Mrs. Jessup, to be iu Portland on that date.
$3151.83 this year, the gain be­
Finish in Five Months
Trotnp, Mrs. J. S. Magladry, Mrs. P. Mrs Glenn .anil Mrs. John Bovard.
ing $574.88, or a little over
Mr. Jacobson to a Guard reporter
K. Hammond, Mrs. C. C. Hammond. |
4 * •
per cent.
this morning said that about $60,000
Mrs. Geo. Dye, Mrs. T. A. LaVake,
The Fairmount Christian Endeav­
Mrs. J. Blewett. Mrs. John Buoy. Mrs or Society enjoyed a very pleasant of the $100,000 available for this
I. H. Bingham. Mrs. Jenny U'Ren. time at a social held at the home of contract has already been used up,
Mrs. T. A. Gilbert. Mrs. Elmer Rob­ Miss Merle Stearns on Friday evening and that 2600 feet of jetty has been
erts. Mrs. W. F. Osburn. Mrs. J. W. November 27. A delightful evening completed. The work is progressing WILL NOT BUILD
Shumate, Mrs. Seth Laraway, Mrs. E. was spent in playing games, Light satisfactorily. Mr. Jacobson says, but
E. Mink. Mrs Geo M< Morran. Mrs refreshments were served, Everyone he fears that his company is losing
A. M. Hagen. Mrs Stephen Tinker.. departed enthusiastic over the good money on the job. This cannot be as­
Mrs. L. R. Flint. Mrs. Wm. Hayward. time they had had.
pleted. If there is any profit at all.
Mrs J. P. Howe. Mrs. J. W. Kays.
4 4 4
he says, it will be small. He expects
Mrs. S. S. Dunkleheim. Mrs. J. M. 1
The local association of
An absolute and unqualified de-
Shelly, Mrs. Alcyone Hill, Mrs. Jas. I versity of Oregon Alumnae had its that the jetty will be finished inside nial of the report published in a
Hill, Mrs. E. E. Ehrhardt, Mrs. i second social meeting of the year at of five months.
southern Oregon paper to the effect
Rock 1» Expensive
Hayes. (Baker City), Mrs. E. C. I the home of Mrs. Lawrence T. Har-|
At the present rate a scow load of that the Hill interests contemplate
Hughes. Mrs. L. F. Hard. Mrs. Geo. . ris. '96, on West Fifth street Friday
a line of railway from Kla-
W. Smith, Mrs. D. A. Upper. Mrs. afternoon of this week. The past-' rock is being used every day in con­ building
math Falls through Medford and
Geo. Dorris. Springfield. Mrs. G. S. : time was needlework and Mrs. Har-, structing the big breakwater, the Jacksonville to Crescent City, a port
Beardsley, Mrs. Otto Gilstrap, Mrs. rls presided over a short business rock beinir quarried 8 miles up the in northern California, is made by E.
Gullion. Mrs. Robert McMurphey, session, in which it was decided that river from the mouth. The expense P. Shannon, assistant to John F.
Mrs. Oscar W. Straub. Mrs. F. N. O’­ the association meet once every of getting this rock out is one thing Stevens, president of the Spokane.
Connor. (Salem), Mre. Samuel Lon­ month excepting December. At the that will cut down the company's
ey, and Miss Charlotte Loney, (Wal­ | close of the afternoon light refresh-! profit on the job. Mr. Jacobson says Portland and Seattle, and head of
la Walla), Mrs. Kavanaugh. (Al­ | ments were served by the hostesses. it is very hard to handle, and this, the Hill lines in Oregon.
report referred to stated that
bany), Mrs. Minnie F. Luggar and Mrs. Harris, '96. Mrs. E. D. Bryson,. together with the distance that it has the The
portions of the Pacific & Eastern
Mrs. H. K. Luggar .(Albany), Mrs. '97. Miss Greta Bristow. '09. On the to be hauled, makes it very expen­ already
constructed would be used
Frances Schlagel. Portland. Mrw. M third Friday in January Miss Mozelle sive.
as a part of the line, and that the
E. Olsen, (Potland), Miss Irene Ap­ Hair, '08, and Miss Mabie Kuyken­
Pacific & Eastern survey from Klam­
plegate, Miss Georgia Dillon, Mias dall. '09. will entertain the alumnae: in. The skirt Is gauged about the ath
Falls to a pass 22 miles south of
Veda Quackenbush, and Miss Grace at the Tri Delta house.
hips and over it is draped a tunic Crater Lake would be utilized. The
of its own material, edged with very Pacific & Eastern is now a Hill line,
I narrow cluny lace. The front is cut having been purchased from John R.
On Wednesday and again on Fri­
away like an inverted V, this point Allen. The fact that O. A. Kyle, for­
day afternoon, Mrs. W. L. DeLano
FADS AND FASHIONS ! being almost even with the knees. merly a prominent Hill official, is
and Miss Mary McCornack entertain­
Below this the underskirt, stitched consulting engineer for a mile of new
ed in a pleasant manner, about fifty
with wide folds of the lace, hangs to road being built by the Rogue River
of their friends. Needlework and
the floor. The girdle is of satin in Valley Railroad company up Jackson
By Maude Griffin.
social conversation formed the after­
New York. Dec. 3.—Perhaps there bishop purple and the bodice, with creek is taken as an indication that
noon's entertainment, at the close of|
the upper sleeves diraped into it, that road is also to become a part
which the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. will come a time when the woman of is
extensively cut away over the I of the supposedly proposed new
M. C. Haris, Mrs. Miner, Mrs. C. M. fashion will supply her needs from
It will be when the shoulders and about the front to ac-' line.
Collier, Miss Dorothy Collier, Miss day to day.
vest formed of cluny
“There had been some talk of
Helene DeLano. Miss Netta Chase, high cost of living is among the an­ commodate a with
the daintiest of such a line being built," said Mr
and Miss Helen Wells served delic­ cient and dead topics, however. Yet. I lace mingled
ious refreshments. Mrs. DeLano's if one could afford it. it would be ' I old linen, embroidered in pputpose. I Shannon, “but the plan has been def­
home on West Eighth street was the possible to adopt a new style daily. There are three-quarter sleeves of initely abandoned. We would not
scene of the two gatherings, and was for really nothing equals the variety ’ the linen, edged with the merest be like ly to use Mr. Kyle, one of
band of purple satin. The hair or- our former officials, if we intended
most beautifully deoorated with of modes, unesss it is their cost.
Much has been said about simpllc-i naments are of purple, with a white to build such a line and wished to
chrysanthemums and cut flowers, In
shroud our movements in mystery, as
ity, but the woman who would be aigrette
honor of the occasions.
is supposed. John R. Allen is not
well dressed at all times has found I
4 4 4
connected with the Hill Interests.
The Thimble Club met with Mrs. I that It is only simplicity of design I NEWS FROM COTTAGE
He bought the Pacific & Eastern and
Geo. H. Smith on Thursday after- that can be reckoned upon. It is dif- .
we purchased it from him. That Is
noon. The ladle» gathered In her ficult to accomplish this much-dis-'
as far as the connection goes.”—
rooms In the Roney building on Wil- cussed simplicity in the sewing
lamette street where a couple
of room. Modish frocks and wrape are
hours were pleasantly spent with quite without the pale of the home. townsman. Chas. F. Walker, receiv- iju «« ita lhq PLIII nDCkl
needlework. At half past four they dressmaker, and one must be unus-1 ed a severe stroke of paralysis at hls:”AHIO n IO Lrll LU nt Pi
were taken to the Osburn hotel. ually well drilled in the intracacies of home in this city. He is recovering!
»•«•«••»«■ *w«iav «•>/>•«>
where a delicious five-course dinner dressmaking to attempt even the as rapidly as could be expected, we
was served to them in the wisteria
tea room. Mrs. Frank Page will be signs. The demands of cut and line
Mrs. Lucy Holland returned home
the next hostess to the club.
Salem, Or., Dec. 1.—Because his
makers, and there is always expense from a visit to Yreka, Cal., Monday. children were taught that the world
4 4 4
She says there Is lots of snow at
The wedding of Miss Ruth Ed-
Yreka. Ashland, Medford and Grants is round and revolved about the »un.
dings to Clifford Cunningham of to play a part.
Pass, it having commenced snowing Lewis Hahn took his children out of
Portland, took place Wednesday af­
at those places the day before the public schools of this county and
ternoon at the home of the bride's
Truant Officer Ira Hamilton arrest­
Thanksgiving. No snow here.
aunt, Mrs. Godfrey, on East Eighth the modes. The woman to whom an
Portland parties, through their lo­ ed him the other day and he is now
street. The bride and groom stood
cal representative. Chas. Burkholder, occupying a ceil in the county jail.
in front of a bank of evergreen and priced seats is almost as much of a have a thirty-day option on the Har­ Hahn wants his children to believe
white chrysanthemums, where the luxury as the fur wraps studied the ding farm of 1200 acres near Cottage the world is flat and stationary, and
marriage service was read by Rev. H. modes, of course, from the stand­ Grove at $65 per acre. It is the in­ because he cannot have his way says
N. Mount. The bride was gowned point of their imitative possibilities. tention of these parties, if the deal this great "land of the free and home
In white crepe de chene. and wore a And, be it said for the comfort of is consummated, to sub-divide this of the brave” is a big delusion and a
long lace veil, held in place wl'.h or­ many, that these imitative possibili­ big farm, set it to fruit and sell in snare.
ange blossoms, which was worn by ties are large, because soft effects five and ten-acre tracts.
Hahn has nine children, several of
her mother a number of years ago. contlnc* to be among the first con­
Dr. and Mrs. J. O. VanWinkle spent them of which are of school age. Up­
Mrs. Frank Carter was rratron of sideration" of Dane Fashion and Thanksgiving day with Mrs. VanWin­ on not sending his children to school
honor, and Mr. Cross of Portland at­ those are easily achieved in many of kle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. as required by the compulsory educa­
tended the groom. The wedding the inexpensive fabrics which dupli­ Hutchinson, at their home twelve tion laws of this state. Hahn was ar­
march was played by Mrs. Douglas. cate all the most fashionable materi­ miles west of Eugene where Mr. Hut­ rested on the advice of the school
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham left on als of costly design.
_________ is r principal
of what is known board of district No. 102 of this
Coats occupy a place of promin­ chinson
the evening train for Portland where
as the Central High school. They re-1 county, known as the Perkins school
ence ,of course, although the hea­ turned home Friday evening.
they will make their future home.
I district. He was haled before Jus-
vier velvets, cloths and brocades are I
4 4 4
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Laribey, of | tice of the Peace Daniel Webster and
The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge really just mak'ng their- full appear­ Portland, formerly of Minnesota, sentenced to pay a fine of $15 or go
Club met this week with Mrs. I. H. ance.' Until ttfc season drove them j Mrs. Laribey being a sister of Mrs. to jail. He chose the latter alterna­
Bingham, at her home on West in for very untimeliness, gauze J. M. Comer, of this city, arrived tive, saying he could not make $2
Sixth street. The members of the wraps flourished often with swath- here Thursday for a visit and are a day any easier.
club are Mrs. Bingham, Mrs. J. W. ings of the richest furs. The coats accompanied by Mrs. Comer's cou­
Hahn is a Russian and a religious
Buoy, Mrs. H. A. Tromp, Mrs. D. A. of the present, while all are envelop­ sin, Mrs. Abbie Stanbough and hus­ fanatic and also objected to his child­
Upper. Mrs. C. S. Dillon, Mrs. Hayes,
band whom she had not seen for 50 ren going to school on Friday for
Mrs. Stephen Tinker, Mrs. S. S. wearers, apparently, as though they, years, when they were children. A the reason that on that day they
Spencer, Mrs. D. C. Freeman, Mrs. were intended to be wound around more pleasant occasion than usual should prepare for the Sabbath,
Geo. O’Connor, Mrs. J. P. Howe and them again and again, are still' was the Thanksgiving supper at which, according to his religion, aflls
Mrs. Jenny U’Ren . The guests of straight In line. The deep bands of the Comer home on Wall street ow- on Saturday.
Tuesday were Mrs. E. E. Mink, Miss fur at the bottom of many coats
to the fact that these relatives
Veda Quackenbush and Mrs. R. S. drag them into the desired lines. tac
most of the children were home CITY OF MEDFORD
A coat that can be copied in any and
of the smart cloths or less expensive on this occasion.—Leader.
The Thursday Charity Club met fabrics, is built up of old rose vel­
with Mrs. S. 3. Spencer at her home vet, combined with silver. It hangs
Medford, Or., Dec. 2.—The census
on Pearl street Thursday afternoon. from the shoulders in an apparently Special Correspondence.
Cards occupied the afternoon, the shapeless manner, but there is a per­
Lost Valley, Nov. 28.—Rains with bureau at Washington has announc­
prize being won by Mrs. C. A. Har­ fect fit about the shoulders. The prophesies of high water are the or­ ed the population of the city of Med­
ford to be 8840, an increase of 392
dy. Mrs. J. A. Shumate and Mrs. J. neck is finished with a shawl collar der of the day now.
W. Hobbs were guests of the club. of old rose silk, and this is so ar­
Wilbur Hyland’s log drive is in the per cent over the population of 1900,
which was 1791. This increase In
Mrs. J. F. Titus will be the next ranged that furs can be worn over river opposite Dexter now.
it. or soft wrappings of chiffon or
than that
hostess to the club.
Rev. D. E. Baker closed a series. greater
, . of .. any other city in
decorations of embroidery or braid of meetings Thursday morning at
4 4 4
^”t<^ebtjon Of
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Edmunson en­ used in connection with its decora- the Baptist church. Nine conver- Oklahoma
whose per centage
- City,
**-■ —
tertained the Tuesday evening Whist tive scheme. At the end of the col- sions and eight baptisms were the increase was 398.
Club at their home on West Seventh lar there are two heavy
Medford’s greatest percentage of
result of his efforts. Rev. Baker do-
— with large livered his lecture, “Up Salt River growth occurred during the last three
street Tuesday evening. At cards Mrs. rose ....
silk - cords,
Seth Laraway won the ladies’ prize, buttons to match and at the end of Without a Paddle,” Thursday night. years, the estimated population at
and Mr. Ehrhardt the gentleman’s. cords are immense tassels of silver.! It was well attended and enjoyed by that time being 3000. The census of
Dainty refreshments were served at Like all of the ultra-smart models, I all present.
Medford was taken last May. Since
the close of the evening by the hos­ the coat is youthful in design and j
W. H. Fenton and wife have re­ that time the population has been
tess. Mrs. J. K. Pratt was the guest can be worn by a debutante with as turned from Eugene, where she has increased to 10.000, according to de­
of the club. Next Tuesday evening much grace and approriateness as been undergoing treatment for blood posits In the banks and estimates
Mr. and Mrs. Ehrhardt will entertain the most seasoned matron.
mades by contractors and postal au­
In wraps as we’l as in frocks there
the club.
The Dexter-Pleasant Hill basket-j thorities.
are seen very stunning combinations ball game resulted in a tie score. I
The Friday Afternoon Whist Club and among the most artistic are sap­ When it was played off, Dexter sue-1
met yesterday with
Mrs. Geo. W. phire blue velvet combined with sa­ ceeded in making a goal. This speaks MINNESOTA’S POPULATION
Smith on South Pearl street. Mrs. ble and leaf green velvet with white [ well for Dexter, as they have never
IS GIVEN AS 2975,078
A. E. Jepp was the prize winner at fox. When one cannot employ furs played before, though Pleasant Hill
cards. In serving. Mrs. Lucy Ab- In combination with velvet there are was somewhat handlcaped, two of
Washington, Dec. 1.—The popula­
rams assisted the hosteee. The ln- splendid fur cloths and imitations her men being unuable to be pres­
vlted gueets were Mrs. J. K. Pratt which are so beautiful that even wo­ ent. Any team wishing a game with tion of the state of Tennessee is 2.-
and Mrs. Julius Goldsmith. The next men of means do not hesitate to af­ Dexter should address Robert Tate 184,789, according to statistics of the
meeting of the club will be with Mrs. fect them. Panther skins are the la­ or G. H. Fenton, Dexter, Oregon. 13th census, made public yesterday.
test cry in furs and there Is an ef­ They expect to play Pleasant Hill This is an increase of 164,173, or
L. M. Travis.
8.1 per cent over 2,020,616 in 1900.
fort to make panther effects a rage. again next Saturday night.
♦ ♦ ♦
The increase from 1890 to 1900 was
At Springfield.
Already panther furs have been seen
There Is talk of having a Christ­ 253,098, or 14.3 per cent.
Among the very pretty social func­ if not heard of, and panther mlxtur«*« mas tree at the hall on Christmas
The population of the state of
tions of the week was the afternoon may be lrtoked for among the fabrics. evening.
Minnesota is 2,075,078, according to
given by Mrs. Paul Bettlehelm and Many luxurious looking, though sim­
to statistics of the 13th census made
daughter Annette. Tuesday, the time ple in effect, frocks are displayed for
An expert figures that a steel I
This is an Increase
being delightfully spent in progres­ formal winter wear. Among the la­ bridge can be erected at Corvallis public yesterday.
324,314, or 18.5
per cent over 1,-
sive whist. Tn the card contest, the test type« is one embodying the la­ across the Willamette for $60,000,! of
751.39’4 |n’l900 The increase from
honors were won by Mrs Henry Korf. test ideas from Paris. It Is in bishop which is $35,000 less than the Al- 1890 to 1900 wi
1890 to 1900 was 440,160, or 33.8
The event wound up most appro­ purple silk gauze, built over soft sat- bany bridge coSt.
per cent.
priately with an elaborate three-
• «
« « *
So Declares Pastor bussoli In
Remarkable Sermon.
Messianic Kingdom the Power to
Bring About God’s Will
on Earth.
Brooklyn. Deeem-
lier 4. 1'ustor Rue
sell couttnues to use
the A<'ademy of
Mush*, our largest
Auditorium, when
ever be iqieaks In
Brooklyn, tlie "Tab­
ernacle** Is'lng of
Insutllcleut cinMic
He hiul n splen
midleiice today
thoughtful look
|H*ople. evil! *nt
ly chiefly from the middle walks of
life. Asked why so few of (lie wealth«
attended. Ills charucteristi ■ reply was
"Of my Master It Is written, 'The Olli
tuon people heard him gladly.'" lie
a]K>ke from the following text:
bh I life. Tear after year, century after
century, they falhsl, mul discourage
niciit look the place of ho|a* G<st was
(■■aching them a great lesson r«*»|H*ct*
lug the uissl of iK tto nit rlfi 'ii thmi
those of bulla mul of goals, and also
teaehlug them Hint there is no other
means i of Juslmention In Ills sight
They gut blenalllgH mul *r Illis CoV«*
blessings, but mit
limit < islucaHotial
tin* blessing I i *>| hs I for, not lift 'lert^ul
lleiiev they were not III n |sialtl»U to
becoiiM, as they had Imped, a Illi
tlonal Messiah, a miHoual S<*ed of
Abraham, for the blessing of all tile
mil Ions.
G ih I gave them kings for n time, but
these were unable Io accomplish the
great things ho|Hsl for But tin* prom
loe of a |H*rsonal Messi.'! !i was made,
and that he should I h * of the lineage of
David, a gnat King, fur superior to
the great, wise and rl«-h Solomon,
MiHMlnh would I h * I»avld’s Son mul yet
David's Lord (Psalm ex. 1; Matthew
xxil. 42-441. lien* as (hsl Inteiidisl.
larael l»'giin to get the thought of a
|H*rsoiinl Messiah, a King of Glory,
who would use their nitlon as his In
strumentallty for the ■*oni|Uerlng of
the world, when every knee slum >1
bow and every tongue >nfess to tin*
glory of tlod
A New Covjnant ret Petter Msdiator
Ih«« New OOVMMOt provlalona, Hliiill •„
upllft<«l <>ut of sin nii'l tlvgriidiitliiii nini
dentli tu purfta thm nini everln tlng |ift,
- tlu* unwlllliig aiul <lia>>b«Mlleiit iteing
deatroyMl Iti tlu* 8«» <>n<l Dentli
Tlu* Propilei Mnlm hl pulm» ani timi
ttli* M vhh I ii I i of tlu* New < 'm eniiiit,
wliutu Ile niiliouiK «•», I» Hit* gloriola
Meillntor iiik I Niitltyph'ul King f,,|*
wluuii tbey limi wii II m I l«>ng nini .,f
wlioin tli«*y il<*llulit«*<l lo tiiliik
waukl conte io (he teuiple II1114 luiply
lug (liut he wotlld l><* lini otily un un
tity|*ieal Propilei, ati aiitltypl* ni King,
l>ut ala«« un mitltyplfiil Prleat "nfier
tlu* «inb*r of M o I cìi I imm I im *"; "A prle»t
upoti lita tlirone" (Paalin ex, 4. Z«»*ltn
rlnli vi. Ili).
Itili «fter tlil» Joyful pr<**'liiiumh>ii
(lini ihelr long «*»p«» t«*«l ami glori* <1 in
Meiliator <>f tlu* New ('oviqinut h I i « ì Ì i I<|
I h * lookisl far. tliey »<*re «Miru<»l tlmt
III» ilny «Milli«! I h * om* of trilli ani* ,.f
•|M»'lnl t«*HHiig iind provlng. tlmt tlu* litighi (lini thè aiitltypl<*al l'rl«*»i«
nti«l Hiitllyph'iil ln*vlte» lo aeri'«* In tlu*
nntlt«pli nl Teinpli* ile would b>* llk<*
n refiner of tiro lo tnk<* nwny tlu* «li»»«
mul to h'tiv«* Olili thè pure metili Ilei «
trini» nml teutlngM l»*lng Impilili ||,.
wottld "tu* llke fuller'a aou|i," In tlu*
seti»«* tlmt 11 gretti wiihìi I iik or purglng
«limili tnke pimi* tu ninke remi« f..|*
tlu* Kltigdom Hi«* enlleil nml elio»eti
ami fnlthftll.
Al tlmt tinte ih» eons«»'riit|on <,f
Jmliili nini Jerustilein tinto tlu* Lord
««Ili l»e neeepti»! 11« Iti oldeil liuti*».
We nmy umlerotiiml timi ibi» »pirli
of «leviitlon I» imi« n ilvlug tiuiongat
Ho* Jewa nml purtleulariy utuong»t
Ibi*»«* «Ilo uro liletiHrte«! wltb Jeru»ii-
lem and thè Zlolilat timvemeht Ititi«
erto Hit» lui» I m »* u 11 polltleal ntov«*-
Ineiit Iti tlu* Interi»«! of Jeurtalt nailon
nlluiHun ami a botile for etili»« No««’.
ho«vvii*r. thè «Iti«* tini«* Ima «uni«* for
11 reai movetneiit of Hu»»«< ivli.i tini.»
tlu* fnltli to «Iraw near to Gì») ami to
show thetr fnltb tiy helplng forwari)
In Ih«* rrotnriiHon of earthly Jerwm-
leni nini ber Inlenwt»
The next lesson f *r I r iel to le:*r*i
was that a < lii't <■ of DI»; enaat|r>*i
must come. that, as M«*»--» h-d n* »11
atisi the Covenant. * mi anti
typical Moses, a greater than Mos,*
would liulil t them Into the blessing»
mid privileges of n still batter < ovi*
“The Lord, whom ye ae* k. >hull •u<i
denly come to his temple, even the Me.
nant, a Covenant more favorable to
sengvr of the covenant, whom ye delight
them ami under whi* h they could
in. Behold he shall come, saltti Jehovah
gain eternal life. This New Covenant
of Hosts, but who may abide the day ot
his coming?**- Malachi IU. 1-5.
was parti* lllarty set before thei *
Six thousand yearn ago In Eden our through Jeremiah's proph«» y txxxl
Maker, Ln Justly sentencing hin diño 31 341 And till», combined with th**
bodlent children to death, lutili lutiti statement of M**««» r**’*c* t!*ig a yron’
er Mediator. I ic I jmm I their faith to take
that ultimately the Seed of the woman
n fresh hold U|s*n the Oath B**un«'
would bruise the serpeut's head. This
Abrahamle Pronti»«» "In thy S **<l
bidden promise wus tlie first lutima shall all the fumili«*» of flit» «Miri!! b
tlon of the Divine mercy which our blessed."
Why Mmaiah’s Coming Delayed
gracious Creator ;*ur|H*si*d In himself
Meill iti r uhoii'd
If a groat
Tit«* Fimi iM-gultsu of the T'lither. n»
from before the foundation of Hie come as the
liln glorious Agi-ut In the great work
world. Ever noble, kind and gracious God. und should establish a ls*tt< t of creation, lutti the honor grunted him
our Creator restrained his mercy for Covenant, under which Israel < • n'<’ of liecomlllg tin* great Mieoieliger of
the gotsl of his creatures i that they have eternal life, mid If lie, ns th the t'oveuuilt, the great I'ropliet,
might learn to appro lute tile exe< ed offspring of Dini*!, slum <1 Is-eom* 1'rlimt und King of Inruel, the great
Ing siufulm*HM of sin. For tilt*
g<»»l of their King, then Indeed \'s Michael of Daniel ill, I
Hut there
the angels also, mid that they might 8<s d, the nation of Israel under til'd Were test« ■ oiiuei*tc<1 with Illa attain­
fully know of his Just he. ns well un great Misllator Klug, would l*<* fully ment of thin Itigli position |b lly filiti»
of Ills wisdom mid |s>wer, God Insisted qualified to bless all the families of hi* Itili»! III) imide Ili» lienienly glori,
u;*ou dealing with his creatures from the earth The thought of this glory ill olu-dlellce to the Futher'a will to
the stand|H>lnt of exact Justice. They to their nation became a friwh Insplra become u man not n »Inful man. but
bad sinned and thereby iuul forfeited tlon, and around It gathered lip* fifty a |u*rfect man Imly, burnii«*»». utule-
all claim u;s>n the eternal life n liich odd thousand of Jews, out of nil the tiled. Mepurnte from »Inner». (2t Thu»
trllH*s of Israel, who returned from pre|Mtred to lan-ome the lt<»l«*elli«*r It
be luid given them conditionally.
Eternal torment, us we have already Babylonian captivity under the ulli t of »'in Ilin privilege to make full couae-
seen, did not in any sens«* or degree Cyrus, offering them this privilege.
crutlon of hh earthly luteroal mid the
Through Hu* l*roph<4 Ezekiel the laird Father's pleawuro to tieget him <•$ the
enter into the Divine intention His
sentem-e upon man, plainly stated, again made mention of Hu* fact that holy Spirit at Jordan to the Hplrlt na­
was, "Dying thou slmlt die." not. Liv­ their Covenant, made at Sinai, ture on the lilghcwt plane For three
ing th<oi shalt live tn torment. "The must, ls*fore ttu*lr gr<sit blessing of i mid u half years hln Mcrlth-e burned
soul tiuit slnneth It sluill die" (Genesis rcsHfsNos, give |4ace to a New Cov­ U| hiii the altar. It wau Indeed Ijettcr
IL 17; Ezekiel xvlli, 4). God intended enant. a better Oovemint. Sjasiklng than the aiMTlAce of bulla und goat»,
to exemplify in his dealings with our of the time wlicn he would roguther for It wuh a I'orrvuiioniUng price for
race a principle of Idvlue government tliiMii out of all Imuls and would ful Adam; an eye for an »ye, a tooth fur a
to be made operative everywhere- ultl till t<> them the promise made to Abru tooth; a uinn’a life for a mail'« life i 3 i
mutely amongst all bls creatures on ham, Isaac and Jseoti. and make them ' When Jexua litui tini» au> rltli-lally part­
the spirit plane, ns well as upon the a great nation, und use them for the ed with hla earthly life ho ex|«er|en«'<»i
bhvudng of other nations, tlu* laird de
a reaurrectlon change froui human tin
Ling centuries after, tn the seven til Clares, “Not for your snk<*s do I this, ture to spiritual, like what he was
generation of Adam's children. God O house of Israel, but for my mime's
originally, only higher and more glo­
tqxike prophetically through one of sake." lie then proceeds to tell them
rious. Thus he wan at once luitli a *a
these. Enoch, saying, Tlie L*rd coinetli that at the time Is* w<mld receive 1 rlllee mill the Mplrlt'begotten prleut
with ten thousands of Ills lioly ones to them back again Into hfs love mid
who offered Hint nucrlllce. Wh«*u lie
execute justice in the earth—to estab­ favor he would also humble their
I uruae from the <l«*a<l. bln |HTM.innl sac
lish righteousness amongst men. Time
| riti« e hud elidili mul bin |HTHoiinl je r
passed on, but sin provailed und the mid the Sodomlt<*s pexjples whom is
nn II Mplrlt Iwlllg wnn Coni-
coming of the Groat Deliverer was still riiel detcstisl as Inferiors mid sinners. i fectlon
God dis'lares that neither of t h
Then why did I h * not nt o
Next God sixike to Abruliam, after peoples had ever committed as serious
first be had tested bis faith und loyal­ sins against Divine goodmsis ns hud ' gm his grout work im Prophet.
ty. To him he mentioned the same Israel, and that when he would again King mid New Covenant Minila tor f<*r
grout Deliverer wlm would bruise the bless Israel he would liless also tin*»** larael and through Isriiel for the world'*
serpent's head and who would come in other peoples In their midst. Let me It was beenUMe then* wnn to I h * b >»P*
great glory with ten thousands of tils quote Ills words: "When thy sisters, than one mirriti«-« in the Divine Plan on
holy ones. To Abruhum lie gave as­ Sislom and her daughters, shall return the Day of .' 'oiieincnt. Throughout thia
surance that this One, in some way, to tlielr f'irmtr rttalr, ami Samarin mid <><>»l»*l Age till** risen, gloriti«»! High
would is* identified with Ills ¡sisterlty, her daughters shall return to tlielr Priest, .Mediator, Prophet mul Klug
so that he might properly lie called tin* former rotate, then thou and thy daugh­ has tH*en waiting to Inaugurate lil-i
Seed of Abrubam. He said, "In thy ters sluill return to your fnrmir rw- 1 glorious Kingdom of blenatng waiting
Seed shall all the families of (lie earth tatr. • • • Nevertheless I will remem wlille a little handful of saints should
be blessid.”
her my Coronanf with thee In tile days I h * seleeti*d from the world and tested
The Divine Programme was not of thy youth, and I will estnbllsh unto | I mul found worthy and glorltbnl wltll
changed, but more explicit statements tins* an everlasting Covenant, • • • himself a “little tbs*k" out of nil inn ii-
were given respts-tlng It. Thereafter nnd I will give them <S<slomltes mid ' kind, Isith Jews mid Gentiles
all taught of God would know to Samaritans) unto thee for daughters, ' When this Bride class shall lint e
look for the Messianic blessing through but not by thy Covenant (not under i completed tier sacrifice In anil under
Abraham's Seed. Besides, the Cove­ tlie old Law Covenant; luit under the the merit of the great Priest, then ev­
nant was afterward confirmed with an New I Law) Covenant of the future), j ery arrangement for the blessing of
Oath to Abraham; later, to Isaac; later, and I will establish my Covenant with I | Israel as Abraham's »<»<1 and of nil
to Jacob. That Covenant promise be- | thee; • • • Hn order that» thou may- I i nations through Israel will have forth
came the basis of God's udoption of est remember and Is* confounded, and with commenced. Thus seen the reve-
the entire nation of Israel—all of Ja 1 never o|w*n thy mouth anv more, ) h *- ■ lutlon of Israel's great Mmmenger of
cob’s children. They were heirs of the caus<* of thy shame, when I am paci­ , the New Covenant Is very lni|»>rtnnt
Abrahamle Covenant—the Outb-Bound 1 fic«]
fi«*«l town
rd thee for all that thou hast not only to the Jew, but nino to the
Covenant. If so great au honor from I done, Haith the Ix»rd G<sl" (Ezekiel world of mankind, who must receive
the Almighty God has nia«l<* some of xvl, K54I3*.
their blessings under Israel by a com
the Jewish people at times to appear
This New unti better Covenant In to pllance with the same New Law Cove­
arrogant and proud, let us uot forget j be me<llnt«*<! through n personal Men- nant. Moreover, the elis t handful of
that to err is human—to forgive, I»l j sinh n «till more glorioun M«*dlator saints drawn, cullisi mul gntherisl dur
vine. Perhaps if we were in their 1 than Mo««*», n h HII mor«* glorious King Ing the isirentliosls pi rimi tire also
stead our Imperfections would simi­ than David thia One whom Israel I h *- dwply interested In God's glorious
larly display themselves.
gnn to look for an«] to long for. Can Kingdom: for the Divine promise Is
God’s Covenant of tha Law.
wo wonder that they fnlle«! to identify that they s’uill be then changed to I h *
Israel's experiences of tribulation and him In Hi«* lowly Nnzarene who (ll«*«l at like their .Master mul share his glftrjr.
bondage in Egypt were probably nec­ Calvary? Wo cannot! Nothing but a
Judgments Will Ba of the Lord.
essary to prepare them for God's great speclnl assistance of the holy Spirit
the further message of the
proposition that they should k«*ep tin* would enabl«* any one to true«* the con-
Lord through (lie Prophet. “I will
Law and as a reward have fife ever
come tu*ar Io you to judgment; ami I
lasting. As it is written, "He that of the prophecies and the bumble ap­
will be a swift witness against the
doeth these things shall live by them" | pearance of him who «nine to fulfill
(Leviticus xvlli, 5). Israel greatly re those pr<>ph«»*f«*H. We «1<> see, however, sorcerers, and against adultererà, ami
joiceil in this manifestation of Divine that the great Messiah of Glory. Jeatis^ against false swearers, ami against
preference for them more than for all in hla Second Aiivent as King of kings those who oppress the hireling In his
others of humanity. Th«* Law Cove im«l Ix>nl of l«>rds, fill** alotolntely ««very wages, tlte widow nnd the fatherless.
nant was mediated. Tlie snerifr-e of donuin«! of Jewlah expectation nnd of • nil Hint tum natale the stranger from
bulls and of g««its made a typk al atone prophetic outline. Nome can see, but hbt right" (verse fi).
Ah, do we not se» bore plainly
meat for tlwm tor a year, »0 that tls*y others cannot oa y»<. ttw»t he who was
might enter Into tills Cov«siaut rota plerred |u the same One who, ns the stated that tlie Mrontanfc- Kingdom
tlooshtp with God. But when they at Son of G«1, tn groat gk.ry b shortly means not only glory and honor to
tempted to ketqi the Lew they wero to New Israel and all the fnmBkw of tboM« wh<an tw will a«>capt as servants,
but that It riusi ns also reqnlrenuvnts
«Mwqqw.lnted The; fsttad The law the earth thn"Kfti Isntrt
fultbfiiliM-Me to fh« principini of
of God Iwftig tts* full nwwstiro <»f h ¡M r
“Abide the Day ef Hta Ceewag.-
iect naui’s ability, iu«d the Jews, like _r>nr b*at Is from another pr*t4w7 Troth, of purity, rtf ba nuoti y with
other men. I>elng Imporfrot found that »proking of this snnw greet Meaatah Hod? And this lemon far the Jew.
they had undertaken an Impossibility. the Mediator <»f the New Covenant. I under his New Covenant arran*i*<nen<.
Not a Jew k«*pt the law perfectly. King of kings and Ix.rd of lords, who will ultimately apply to all nations
Not s Jew. therefor««, gained eternal aa the repres«*ntatlve of the greet J^ I nder that new arrangement, under
lift* during the first year. But Grwl, hovnh, his Fntbor. Is tn reign unfll all Tsrael'a New Covenant, all ths families
foreknowing this, had made prepara­ enemies ahnll be put down; until Satan of the earth will Is* privileged to be­
tion for a repetition of the Atonement shall be bound and, ultimately shall come "Ismolftos Indeed" through faith­
Day every year, so that the people be crushed until Adam and his rare fulness to the great I’rophot, Priest,
mleht continue striving to attain «1er- rolease«! from Divine sentence, under King and Mediator of Israel and of all
the families of the eurth.