■ TWICE A WEEK GUARD T’TT' RSDAY, NOVEMBRI 24, 1910 Hill cresting lhft ceiinty of Wil Do Not Delay ties, they are able to supply them post- worthy ones, the “little flock.” will eh- Hums—• 1 4.555 I ter lulu tbe Joys of their Lord, at his paid at 50c. each. Yrs ................................ Your Fall Planting 63.99 1 Second Coming. The marriage of the No ................................ Eczema All Over Baby's Body. Consider Now Our Test. MU KU1UMN CATALOG n«4» I» U»‘«mb«« Wife will ■ When my baby was four months “Go ye Into nil the world, and prearti I Lamb shall come, for bis 49 4 36 Majority ngrtliut . old hl» face broke out with e« .cnm, six. 71. have made herself N-aily (Rev. the gospel to every creature it« thiit u>- I Bill cieiitlng ili" county of Or Ikveth and ts Oapliz d. »hall be saved Then tbe world's salvation will tMJ and at sixteen months of age. his face, but he that bi-lieveth not. .-hall I' due to begin. The Times of Rest Itti- hands nnd arms were in a dreadful chard • 1 .’ill state, The eczema spread all over hl - Mark «vt. Ik 1$ Yea ................................ tion will be tbe thousand years of Mes body. We had to put a mask or cloth 6 1.712 lurious Additions to the Word damiud No ................................. ............... One of the most iui|M>r;aiit of these ; sinh's spiritual reign as King of kings our his face and tie up bls hands. InteriMilutlons or p tieus n.i.ii.t :i 4U 04S of God Condemned. and Lord of lords. Fleshly Israel, we Finally we gave hlni Hood's Sarsapa­ Majority ugain»t . engrafted upon the Word of God Is in are assured, will then lx- restored to rilla and In a few month« he " <» en­ the sixteeuth chapter of Mark, all oi Divine favor and become the sptvinl tirely I'uriil. Today he Is i heilthy joy.” Mis. Ines Lewis. Harins. Maine. which, from the ninth verse to tlieem. II! W DULB’J »•id active agents of the Messianic Cleveland, O.. Nov. Hood's Sirsapartlla eg ex blood dia- of the chapter, is spurious -fraudulent The following are measures that 20.—Tbe Wise Man It is additional to anything that St Kingdom in the distribution of the Di­ • i-es nnd builds up the system. Get it today In usual llqul I form or W ROSF'J declared that a fly Mark wrote, as evidenced by the fa, t vine favors to all the families of the ,ii,, lit. d tablets called Sarseiabs. were adopted by the people at the re earth. In the end nil the Incorrigibly cent election and complete vote on iu the precious oint tluit these verses are uot found in il ly r »’/- FRUIT. SHADE wicked, who love iniquity rather than each: meat would cause it of the three oldest Greek MSS. ‘ 0RNAMEN7ÛL COUNT TOLSTOI of righteousness, will be destroyed. Of course some of tt to stink We apply An act authorizing the location, '">HtE Thus, as tbe Apostle declares, the this suggestion to these verses are found it PASSES BEYOND construction and mnintenance of a sacrifice of Jesus constitutes a satis pels. It would never do l he Word of G Oil — branch insane asylum in eastern tire- faction for our sins (the Church's sins, without a ceituiu amount the precious oiut * Russian Author Died and uot for ours on'ly. but also for the Great gon — WSTRAWBERRY n ment which God of Truth to sugarcoat It! sins of the whole world <1 John it, 2i. 47.875 Yes . . Peacefully on Sunday has supplied, Cer­ our text and u bat a wrui 40.364 Nonsensical, Spurious Context. No . . \ r:.’?WiPLANT3 gives- In e. tent with t! Morning tain tlies (false . 5B.N74 Let us briefly notice another alisur I of the Scrirtnri's. Its I Par aaan«l ia.|«-»»li"»'« »f* hoods) crept into i ;,..(» - fl »HCK HO'L'SI. inahiit'iv itv in the addition to God's Word found Wlth- during the Dark that the prea lung ot tli ."I «I " »20MM - N<*ho< »I in the last twelve verses of St. Mark's every civa will n’-nlt ¡. i •• " ‘ r jes. wilt li are now causing a loath ? g 4 73 »..uia )• •*■« ‘ Go-ix*!. fraudulently addtxi ami not ’h i. \ t: lx lievIn it ■ r.tf ladti.. i lurch and knowing K and repudiation on o the part 5 71 . 4H «•X ► ' • C8TAL.O« KO •» fomi.l in any of the oldest Greek MSS. , that the end had arrived. Count Tol- thus bein : ■ •(• e<|. er iu hi» any .It' the liest and l<* . 50.4 0 4 • n«l d ed at an early hour this morn PORTLAND SKIED CO. Notice t and belli, u..uimsi. A:. <0.042 » world. All will admit that it I Ing shall folio |ful to tami>e er with the Word of c I ddiuni'd i There was apparently no suffering Other I name sha! Majority for............................ 16.361 I ' I " b either add to or take from it or .1. ith ' came as the . • dying . . man \ constitutional amendment em shan s|M-ai with neiv tongues. They blazing-. • I st or twist or pervert its u 'H H !1 slept. powering the people of each county shall take lip serpents: and if they Ing aueL who know that certain p. within the county regardless of con Suffered I'm Fr.i/i Keltev.d in I'heee Scriptnri hurt them, They shall lav hands on the her. ■es of the Scriptures are not to . \t that hour ’he doctor would stitutlonal restrictions or state stat- Mmtht ¡nanti lo •V (verses The at sick aud they shall recover ” i«¡nd iu the older manuscripts, fail tn ■xpress no opinion ns to the outcome, I ute«, and abolish poll tax i 17. IS). The majority of Cbristiau mln- but at 5 a. ni. they issued the follow- , Yes . . [tpw to the people the truth on this that tbi- < 4:1.98» Islers and their congrepitlous seem not rig bulletin: 4 2.384 No . . re?Jec' ‘ And if these ministers are Gixl Is Majority against “There has been a sharp deteriora­ I to lx* troubled by the fact that they do |r fully informed, «hose fault is that? “little fl Employer»* indemnity tion in the activity of the heart, saintly am 1 elect, to n what pretext are the clerg.i Employers' liability law poor They assure us that to have •’ cream of all the Churches, who are recognize her. specially privileged class, except Yes................................................... 5 5.6 I I chutes— 18.1 in Yes ............................................... hearing ear is a special favor, s r ■ Family Sc«»» Dying Man. greatly perplexed by these words be ­ » the purpose of giving tjielr flocks No ................................................... 38.529 «1,342 No ............................................... • ‘ Blessed arv your ears fur tile, u Tolstoi suffered several serious at ­ cause they know that they are uot true f inble information aloug religious last ! in their experience. With them, there- tacks of heart failure since 22.1 12 Majority for . . . ■ *»? And wbat is their commission aud your eyes for they see.” St. ! Majority against . . . . . ... 43.232 night. In the early morning hours tells us that the world in genera A bill prohibiting the taking of | fore, it is a matter of feeling doubtful I in the Lord, except that they "shou.d Bill providing method for creatimi these followed each other rapidly but blind nnd deaf to the message n w sot fish from Rogue river except by hook about their own salvation, or a ques­ '; d the flock of God, which be pur new counties • were quickly relieved. Between the and line—- forth (Romans xi. 7). ar.d the ex; C ■ tion as to the reliability of the Bible j.u»ed with the blood of his own dear 49.657 TM ....................................... FIZAR. on es of eighteen centurbs corro'icr;.: : as a whole. They need to have the re­ first and second attack the members Yes .. No ........................................ i?” If the flock have been feeding of the family were admitted to the No . . 33,451 this. St. Peter tells us lActs xv. l.'b th. t lief which we now seek to give them. bedside. n certain Scriptures supposed to w II. FIXER, Ml. Hlerllng, Kysay»; God's work In the present time is not They need to know that thesd are not .Majority against Tolstoi's condition after each at­ nine, and if they have been made . 16.206 Majority for.................... •/ /»sic tuHcrcd t» ilh Hdney and the conversion of the world (whi It < er i inspired words, but poisonous and in­ tack was what the physicians called official gazette bill i thereby, and if their shepherds Good roads amendment tdadder trouble for ten ) aarapaat. tainly is uot being accomplished, but jurious additions made during tbe Dark deceptively encouraging.’ ’ 50,875 Yes ............................................. v know that these Scriptures are uot *‘la»»t Marri» 1 coininsnond u.lng that he is now takin; out of the world Ages. They may. consequently, look The patient slept for a little No .............................................. 32.852 rt of tbe Divinely inspired Word Périma and rontlnurd for tlirco monlhs a people for bis name (to bear the elsewhere in the Scriptures and find while, seemingly breathing more y should not God's people be in- comfortably than usual. I)r. Thturos- I hâve nul usvd H smeo, uur bave 1 fol* name of Christ, as his Bride». The au- 1 S.O23 Majority for ..................... ed of the facts aud be stopped tlientic Scriptures everywbere teach the proper assurances of their relation­ sky and Dr. Usoff, nevertheless, in a A ¡il il.” Presidential primary law ship with God being demonstrated by eating poisonous elements intro- III 353 us that the poor, blind, deaf world. the fruits of the holy Spirit in their statement to Tolstoi’s son. Michael, Yes.............................................. 37.031 by tbe Adversary? 4 1.5 74 which has never yet heard fully and lives and in their hearts—“meekness, held out but slight hope and did not No .............................................. II?. hesitate to predict a quick end. un ­ Poison Irv Our Bibles. I clearly of “the only name given under gentleness, patience. long-suffering, der ordinary mortal circumstances. l.«79 Majority for . . more others are silent, tbe mme b-aven or amongst men whereby we brotherly kindness, love." .Majority a gai osi . . Tolstoi, they said, was a splendid Three-fourthhs jury amendment must speak. We cannot see God's may be saved." is not on this account patient in mind and body, except the Yes ................................................ 4 4.545 Miracles In the Early Church. ep spiritually sick without warum, condemned ■* damned They tell us heart. No ................................................... 39,307 This spurious passage of our text is respecting their spiritual food that the whole world was born con­ During one of the heart attacks) ¿ « ; & ¿s U ® 'S ? Ì - Ì only have we received many mis- demned. because children of Adam and used by many ministers who know, or Tolstoi was alone with i his eldest ! Majority for............................ 5.238 ought to know, of Its falsity. But they to ■ m H He daughter. Tatina. suddeuly sharers in Lis condemnation, but that vrpretations of the parables aud Prohibition Bill Vote llcn.y ibols of tbe Bible, but into our God has provided in the sacrifice of have a certain theory in their minds clutched her hand and drew her to The greatest number of votes cast Z X 1 |*ir¿ E 5 • ■ Ï lea themselves certain false state Jesus a redemption for Adam and all to the effect that the miracles and un­ him. He seemed to be choking but on any measure was on the prohibi­ M. W. A. HALL tion law. which received a total of Bts Lave been injected—long cen­ his race. They tell us that, as a result, known tongues of tbe early Church i was able to whisper: Patient Conscious Near End. AT HARRISBURG more than 106.000. The bill is de- íes ago. All well-informed minis in God’s due time, Christ, as the true 1 were lost by reason of unfaithfulness “Now the end has come; that is feated by 20,915. Approxlmately | ot the Gospel know that our New Light, the Sun of Righteousness, shall to God. and that Christians today all." TO BE DEDICATE? □ 11.000 votes fewer than those cast rament was not translated from enlighten every man that cometh into should seek for their recovery. Not Tatina was greatly frightened and for candidates for governor were U o -r having any Scriptures to support their -Th ’ writings of tbe Apostles, but from the world. They explain that God is Harrisburg. Or Nov 21 tried to free herself so she might call polled on th!» bill. claim they use this Interpolation and this now calling out a special class while now Modern Woodman hull at les thereof. These, copied over aud the doctor, but her father would not State-wide prohibition as provided place has been completed and will allow tbeir hearers and readers to be­ release her. She called loudly from r again, no matter bow carefully, the darkness is upon the earth and the for by constitutional amendment was be dedicated on Thanksgiving .lav lieve It to be the inspired message. To where she sat. The physicians In­ •e liable to errors. And in addition, gross darkness upon the heathen, and what length have people gone in sup­ jected camphor, which had an almost defeated by 17.S46 In total of more Hon. M. A. Miller and other prom ¡we might expect, occasionally, a that the Sun of Righteousness, which Is than 104.000 votes recorded on the sent men In Woodcraft are on tin port of human theory! The first prin­ immediate effect in relieving the amendment. d transcriber would add a few to enlighten the whole world, will not speaking program. ciple of preaching should be to preach pressure. arise until the elect Church shall first The highest majority polled for or s to make tbe record conform Two big dinners will be served by Tolstoi soon raised his head and against any measure was on the bill i the Truth, the whole Truth and noth­ ELY'S CREAM BALM better to bis conception of what have been gathered out. They tell us .the R. N. A., one at noon and the then drew himself up to a sitting po ­ ing but the Truth. Every theory which A». U .S Ini. Ih. notlrlU providing that Baker county should I ugbt to be. This went on for cen­ that, in the New Dispensation yet to requires tolstering up by spurious pas­ sition. When he had recovered bis other at 6 o’clock, A gran I ball will 1» «Mtekly iWorWC pay $1000 yearly to the judge of the be given In the evening, The public dawn, all the families of the earth will ses before tbe art of printing came CIVSS MUU AT ones. sages should be abandoned, and tetU &e breath be said: Eighth Judicial district in addition as well as all the local lodges are In be blessed through The Christ — Jesus, use. "There are millions of people and It elosasee, Booth«-*«, h«ah mid protect» the the Head, and the Church bis Body or I abandoned by those who are honest many sufferers in the world.* Why to the annual salary of $3000 receiv­ ■•'•ed. ill-, is. d ineiabraue r*-»uiting from t'atarrli e New Testament was translated ed by him from the state. In a total truth-seekers, “ Bereans. ” The new hall is a beauty, being Bride. They tell us that then “all the always anvious about me?” and ilrivcaway aCuld lu the ILaul of about K4.000 votes there I i ma­ m tbe Greek into the Latin language. blind eye« shall be opened and all the Our Lord performed miracles. So | 60 with a main lodge room 3sx6<> Restore«» the Sen»«« of Ta-te nn, jority against the bill of 58.368. A was known as the Vulgate. From ' and with other rooms for varlou leaf ears shall be unstopped” (Isaiah did his Apostles. And so did- those of I It is easy to ase. Contains no InjurL'U» Basketball will be played at the On Woman's suffrage 94,659 vote» t Latin translation sprang our va- < • xxv. 5). They tell us that then the the early Church upon whom the High school this year and the sea­ wore registered and the amendment purposes. It is the first concr.t. drug». No mercury, no eocaine, no mor. as English translations—the Douay building built In the town. But no son will open in a few days. The plnno. The household remedy. /•in of Righteousness shall arise with Apostles laid their hands. Catholic edition, published in l'io'J I. .ling in his beams, flooding the whole others have this gift. Consequently, Y. M. C. A. floor has been secured was defeated by 22.259 I'ru e, 50 i nula al Druggists or by mail. The Nesmith county bill received D.. and the King James Bible, or earth with the light of the knowledge when the Apostles were dead and for daily practice between five and the most favorable consideration of ELY HHOTHEKS, 56 Warren St., Hew York. mmon Version, published in 1611 A. of the glory of God. They assure us that when all those upon whom they had six o’clock. In order to stimulate the any of the county division matter Tbe latter was merely a revised that will be the period of Messiah's laid hands of blessing were dead, these sport, a cup has been offered for the presented but went down to defeat nslation, to assist la which re- reign, for which we pray, “Thy King­ miracles In the Church were at an winner of a series to be played be- by tin adverse majority of 37.213. The majorities :ig.ilnrt oth'T divis­ lon other previous translations were dom come: thy will be done on earth end. We all see the propriety of this. tween the fourteen roll rooms in the ion bills ranged up to 53,874. which •d, aud we are assured that tbe text as In heaven.” They tell us that the Miracles were appropriate at tbe be­ High school. was the majority recorded against s diligently compared with the object of t t reign will be that the ginning for the establishment of the IN THE CIRCI IT COURT OF THE the Washington-Multnomah annexa­ eek text. But until lately there world in g Church and. for a time, were necessary ral may have a trial to STATE OF OREGON FOR THE tion. |re no ancient Greek manuscript.» determine w! ‘her. with the light and for their encouragement In their COl'NTY OF LANE 23 5inendinents Dcfcoed tli which to compare it. The Greek knowledge a :.1 experience then grant- early meetings they had no source of The following I h the comp ■ te state Jnuscripts with which it was com- ed. they will ch ose God and righteous­ information aside from the Apostles, In the matter of the aplication of vote on all defeated measur ted numbered only eight, none of ness and the rev ard of eternal life, or whom they rarely saw or heard. They Cutting S. Calef to register the Woman'» suffrage amendn nt title to the following described Yes................................................ •ich dated earlier than the Tenth will choose sin und its ¡»enalty, the had no Bibles—no copies of the Gospel premises: utury. Today, however, we have Second Death. nor of the Epistles. They needed the No .................................................. 58 459 Commencing sixty feet south and ■ee very old Greek manuscripts of very arrangement which God provid­ Damned Already. Unbelievers one and one-half feet east of the Majority against ............ . 22259 ) New Testament, namely, the Alex- ed-tongues and Interpretations of Our word : ned, from misusage and tongues, etc., to draw them together and southeast corner of fractional block Constitutional convention drian MS., the Vatican MS. and tbe number four of Hendricks ’ addition laitic MS. Of these, the Vatican the bad theology of the Dark Ages, to Instruct them until, in due time, the to College Hill park; running thence Yes............................................... . 25,427 . r.9 753 J. was the first to come to the at- has a sulphurous odor, whereas It» canon of Scripture would be completed south one hundred twenty-four and No .......................................... ition of modern scholarship. It is plain, simnlo meaning Is the same as that, through it, th« man of God might three-fifths feet; thence west two M icro Itlllc the Dandruff para­ Majority against............... . 34.24«! the Vatican Library, appearing on the word mndemn. Adam was damned be thoroughly furnished unto every hundred eleven and fifty hun­ site, soothes the itching scalp, Legislative districting am nndment: ¡ catalogue as far back as 1475 A. D.. or condemn'd 8000 years ago because good word and work (II Tim. iil, 16, IT». dredths feet: thence north one hun­ gives lustra to the hair and deb manuscript scbolarsULp accred- of hi» disof' dience. And all bls chil­ By the time the Apostles died the dred twenty-four and three-fifths feet No ................................................ . 54,251 • stimulates Its growth. A to the south line of Tremont street; dren, by L, redlty, share his weak- Church had become established, bad f with having been written in tbe slngfs application gives rsllaf Majority against............ . 3O.87oj srtb century. Next came the Alex- nesHes and i be bald. Sava your hair be­ Ive been written about the middle of damned to e mai torture nor to Pur­ »urn ■ of them bad begun to develop —against—• fore too lata. Micro is a ¡1 fifth century. It is now on ex- gatory. The Bible distinctly says in the fruits of tbe Spirit Thus the early Lane county, a public corporation, uniform”— Y es........................................ . 37.847,' so many wor ts that his sentence, his delightful dressing for the J pition iu tbe British Museum. Final condemnat! m which it takes Its name, It 18 . God said. to withstand the roughest tain; credited with a date of about 350 Mke. Tlioi.is and thistles shall it tongue», etc., such a» was practinsl, John H. Maxwell and Dalsle D. Max­ well, who are husband and wife, Alta Majority against ............... . 12,1081 usage it is possible ior it to undt r* D. Of these three oldest MSS. of bring fortli unto thee. In the sweat and very profitably, in the early Schneider, Hermina M. Grant and J An amendment, directin’. n imi- t e New Testament known in the of thy face 5alt thou eat bread until Church, would be like an adult person F. Grant, her husband, F. B. Bog- form rule of taxation “e xeept on I go. No animal—bull, steer or stal­ ,• >rld, the Vatican and Siuaitic are thou return onto the ground from desiring to be dressed and treated as gess and Louise ._ •..... :.,J Boggess, his wife property specifically taxed. " lion—can successfully argue a point ! which thou wast taken; for dust tbou a babe. It Is our understanding that and all to whom it may concern, rte- I e older. V’-s ............................................... . ■’■2 1 1 . with this remarkably strong, elastic I : Assuredly Assured nothing should be consid- ' art nnd unto dust shalt tbou return” the »peaking with unknown tongues fendants. *0 ................................................ 40,995 In religious meetings, which is grad­ TAKE NOTICE ________ Jed as part ot the original Scriptures (Genesis 111. 17-191. fence. This is a broad statement. ! If for any can», th«, h’-rsc « Olile» This genital sentence has rested ually spre dint over the world, 1« n That on the sixth day of Sep.om- at is not found iu any of these tbn-e Majority against . ‘ S 7 7 I It has been proved hundreds oi . ....... "" )’um«l exhibit» » 1 u k of energy | upon all of Adam ’ s race from "that day ber, 1910, an »plication was fllPd deception being prn' tlsed upon earnest lest MSB. Why should we not teil Bill increasing .alary r • ■ ,i p' r relish for food, or an appear»Ik, times. : Is to the people? Why should W ■■ I until n w. As St Paul declares. By children of God, who are deceived by i by said Cutting S. Calef, in the cir­ county Judge— cuit court of said Lane county, for . t general debility, timely fchonta 9 o 1 1 K * - ?t Inform them that some of the one man’s disoliedienee »tn errtered ‘the faien uu^eis tbe demon.» of the initial registration of the title of the Yes ...................... 1 Into the world and death (not eternal , Bible. They r.re thus enslaved to er­ ' I G-i) tor the restoration of its health No ................................ Houses and giant trees have jKoet confusing texts of tlie Bible are ...................... land above described, which said ap 1,1 " natural fo .c uninjured. This ¡a • a itk Stock I ood in gr< itly condemwi Y, I2>. Jnsus) came to redeeuo two the«e poor people is not ours to de­ fore the 30th day of November. 910 No ......................... •nrn time to time it will tie our pieas ....... C' •;:> just tbe sort oi fence you want. l'"'M '' ■'•■’>X(hh1 h|.al„ wkiy Majority against . . . • . . 53,10» Cr..w«ll Hd„. or,., «orni,i.„„ booklet free. a H oyt C hmmkai , C o . Portland, Grego« Terri ble_Suffering OFFICIAL VOTE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE CATARRH I < ¿ K < HAY FEVER Í Page Fence Can’t Come to Pieces. . □ PREVENTION the best safeguard