r HD. THURSDAY. NOYllíBl* !•, Ili» o ' rf kwwwfty 1» • bflfht «4XMi all Hie CREAT WHITE THRONE Meowings and conveniences aud advau- tages of our day. Th« Cur«« of Sdfithne««. AND ITS BLESSINGS Sa?", wklck th*' l'**'F»a •** EUGfNE ÄPPLES 60Î. f. 8 E. REPORTS 3arks l^erbs 10 ALBANY SHOW SUHPLUS EARNINGS IHIS WEEK ^pae them. t»y I* brakes a»d s rrl»n of »utocrncy—i*>lltii'Sl. fln::nil»1 »<*1 religion»-be re imiiiguriitid: « rvtgu such as prevailed centuries ago. l'»t now upon a higher plane, emitrolled That hive great r by brighter wirs. holdiug under re- t. lic.l to their b ; urlfy Ing und i'bii »tralnt more Intelligent they are i eoinbii.c I Neuralgia I need not do more than remind you that selfishness Is io lie found in Immense Audience In World's every one of us, ami that a semblance of righteousness is insisted iiihhi by u> I all aud adhered to. and violators of it Largest Auditorium, “Be Instructed, Ye Judge»!” parllla. are styled criminals. Nevirthele»'» B 40.26» te linoni ’ r. Would that the cultured and inflm n count take seems impossible to legislate e .u.tj. 1 in two year « tlal princes of earth could take the pleas Justice. The keen intelle ts of men London. Erg.. Nov. ure in 0.—Pastor Russell of find opportunities for cireumventluu proper view of the situation ami n il According to itn report fill'd J. Beebe, fruit Inspector of Lull«’ Gel It today tn usual lleul.l form or the Brooklyn Tab­ the laws and for committing theft an.’ tee the fallacy of their counsels, the writing _ In the office of tlie railroad com county, goon to Albany tomorrow ernacle, New York, murder and sin in the face of laws ami Impossibility of averting the grout Ii cho.ohited tablets * ailed Sarsatotrs. with Eugen**'» exhibit of apples for to you mtiuilon for the year ending on changes which are upon «» by reason without danger of being punlsh.sl. preached here to­ June 30, 1910, the Portland, that 1 had a neuralgia pain in tho big apple show at Albany which Let us Illustrate this: We have heard of the time having corns for Messiah VETERAN BROODER MAN Eugeni* X Enstern's net rove day. Royal Albert opens on Wednesday. The exhibit my at tn (or five year», and 1 IS HELPING OREGON consist» of twenty boxen of th** bent mi. tor that period wiih «18,- Hall held a vast au of the famines of India and how the to take unto hiitne'lf hi'* great power u»ed your I.immcnt (or one ItM gross operating 1.14 t;o dlence of deeply In­ British Gsvernsicnt b.vs spent millions and reign! Heart«* ** t»»’’ l*'r'v’' tipples exhibited In the Eugene show week and waa completely equaled >10.7.10:15 sf "Pounds Uteri!ng " for Irrigation |>ur word» through the Pv»ph«X. Be wise, revenue« recently and It 1» confidently ex ­ terrated hearers Competing with Firms of East cured. I recommend youi and th» operating expenmia pected by Mr. Beebe and others who Tile speaker clawe ' poses to compensate for lrregularilic** now, therefore. O y« kings’ Be tn By His Superior to >>2 595.76 amounted Liniment very highly."— M m . have arranged the show that It will tits text from Rere- 1» the rain fall. Undoubtedly the fam stmeted, ye Judges of the *«rtb Run e The HiirpiiiM at the end of lual be a prito winner. The Commercial Product tn«* are to some extent dt»e to water the iAird with fear aud rejotee with }. M<<1 «taw, ni6 Mandeville latiou xx. 11:— year's business was 120.599 10 club Is sending the exhibit, the ap­ I scanctty. Nevertbeles«. one of the trembling. IM h.nnage to the Ron ’ (vs “ I saw a great St, New Orleans, La. r*»ron irnun.L. and hai been Increased until E. J McClanah in. the veteran In- ple» having been kept iu cold storage White Throne, and I ablest of our engineers informs the 10-12). Could the wise of earth reellze on June 30, 1910. It equaled since tho street show here. him that sat on it. from whose face I world that there lias not been In tjfty the situation and fttfly submit them cubator and brooder man of Eugene, >36.569 I .'i The Portland. Eu­ On the 30th Inst. the Eugene ex- Cured Quinsy Sore Throat the earth and the heaven fil'd away, i years such a scarcity as »bou i! have selves to the Divine re»rulrements of was in Salem yesterday transacting hibt will be taken to Portland where gene X- Eastern, at the time th» business and shaking hands with his aud there was found uo place for created the famines. The famines ot absolute justice and truth, what » Mu. H bmby L. C aulk , of report was lundi*, operated It will bo entered In competition 1 India, which have cost the lives ot blessing it would be to the world. It numerous friends, says the Salem for the prise.« at the state show them." He said: miles of lin» In the city of Eu ­ 1141 Wilson St. Wilmington, Statesman. Mae has lots of friends gene and between the city anil Sin made moral cowards of our race i millions, are to be accredited to greed these princes would turn their atten­ here as well as in every other city which begins on that date. A pci., write« :— ‘‘I Ixnight 4 U>t Springfield It l’peiati'.i also 7 > From early infancy fear aud upprehen | —selfishness whk*h lias flourished u i tion from the grasping of power nnd In Oregon, because he makes friends supplemental premium list has b< een tic of Sloan'» Liniment for tin* of a mile of i.livet railway In slon. especially in respect to things fu der the shadow of the law. Wcnlth' money to the enlightenment and up wherever he goes. Ho Is an old man issued, containing cash prizes n ugg re- quinsy sore thro.it and it cuml Alban* am 1 plait'd In > i . iallon 1 milling concerns purchase :be rice fr> v gating >900. open to tiny fruit dis- lifting of the people they would be­ with an abundant growth of whisk­ ture. have been impressed ui>on us about July i, tolo. J tit; ml lei inc. 1 shall always keep a ( the natives aud grind It Into flour. Ily | trict west of the Rocky mountnlns come ministers, servants, of the New ers and hair sprinkled with gray, We realise our imperfection, and that of struct railway la Salem Those who arranged the Eugene ex­ bottle in the house." agreement between themselves they «!> but for business energy, hustle, and our God is perfect, and that perfection Dispensation, which would be ushered hibit think there is a fine chance for is the only standard which he could not compete, but press the mark** fn with rejoicing. But the Lord in­ sagacity, he is on a par with the beat winning some of the prizes, especial­ price of rice lower and lower until th. forms us that this will not be the ease of the young business men of the approve, and that some kind of puu I poor native, unable to make a prvflt. ; and that, as a result. Messiah’s King city or state. He has sold incuba­ ly In Russetts. Jonathans, Spitzen- lshment for sin must be expected. The tors in Oregon for many years, and burgs. Newton Pippins and Kings. declines to plant, care for aud harvesi : dom will be ushered in by "a time of during all these years has been Adversary, raking advantage of our I.am Apple» Attract the crop. As a result there is famine I Manager Freeman, of the Commer­ forefathers, misrepresented the Al­ | The poor natives suffer; but the man­ trouble such as was not since there studying out ideas for bettering the mighty and has used our fears to agers of the milling properties pa? was a nation" (Daniel xii. D. The machines. He now manufactures his cial club, ho has just spent a »wk alienate us from him and to wrest and I large dividends of from fifty to one Psalmist tells us the same— God will own machine in a large incubator ift Portland, in speaking of apple» and apple shows Hits morning, said distort his message to us in the Bible. ■ hundred and fifty percent, on Invested : have in derision the puny efforts of factory built three years ago in Eu­ "I wish every Eugene booster could the worldly-wise and great to reestab­ gene. known as the McClanahan in­ see the display of apples lit the var­ St Taul assures us that this is Satan's capital to the wealthy owning them. cubator and Brooder company. He gives instant relief from rheu­ general procedure; that he puts light As an illustration of the exorbitant lish autocracy. lie will speak to them has added some new improvements ious public windows In Portland. for darkness and darkness for light. profits I will relate a case: Two yom:; in bls wrath the lesson which they re­ this year which make this machine Hood River apples of the choice pack matism. lumba* Thus it comes that our text, which is men whose accumulated savings fuse to hear by loving exhortation. absolutely the best on the market, are offered at >2.50 a box and up­ go, sciatica, neu­ really one of the most beautiful and amounted to thirty thousand rupee The new King nnd his Empire will be according to Mr. McClanahan, and wards. A display of u number of ralgia, croup, boxes of I.ane county's prize apples comforting in the whole Bible when (about two thousand pounds, or ten established in the earth, and the there is no better judge of what is rightly understood, has to many be­ thousand dollars) invested it In ri e declaration is that amidst such Divine best than he. He is trying to stop at Meier & Frank's store wan com­ sore throat, ton­ upon generally - being ful­ come a lash in the hands of their fears. milling. Their profits for the first y»:u displeasure he shall “break them with the thousands of dollars, which are mented silitis, h oarsc- yearly sent east from Oregon for in­ ly as fine and belt It is needless to say that our text is were eighty thousand rupees—ul> >ut a rod of iron and dash them in pieces cubators and have that money spent than those from the . DOCTORS FAILED. ncss and chest I m 1.1L one of the symbolisms of a Book filled five thousand pounds, or twenty live like a potter’s vessel” (Psalm 1!. 4-9; in Oregon, where it is made, and Last week the Hi I 1 RESTORED BY PERLINA. Revelation 11. 27). pains. With symbols. God's people, guided by thousand dollars. They were not in where the machines are to be used. clal club presented t I > the Olds, Wortman Kbrt <1 partmeiit store his holy Spirit, in due time will ap­ the combine to depress the price of Small and Great to Be Judged. P i I cm ,23 c .,50 c .4 *1.00 preciate these symbols. For many of I rice, but they profited by what the God is no respecter of persons. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O***« <>•♦♦♦♦♦♦ 250 boxes of com me ■rclallv packed Catarrh of the Lungs apples for advertising purposes. This combine accomplished. These inequi ­ Mo«ni I hm >| i r»n ■ them the due time is already here Hence, before his Judgment Throne firm put to work a fo >rce of 2 5 girls «t»1l Ir, ■h«w|t Threatened Her Life.' ti'iroma» PERSONALS The Throne is Messiah's. It represents ties of our present social order are punishments will be meted out to the i»n«l poultry i«ul to wrap the apples In strawboard Mis« Ninette Porter, Braintree, Ver­ his Mediatorial Dominion of earth for beyond the reach and correction of little, as well as to the great, when boxes, just large <■ tnough to h >ld one mont, wrltiwt “I have boon cured by ti»»r. A«l«lr««a a thousand years. Its whiteness sym­ 1 the comparatively few men of ability found to be violators of the principles apple each, and a ill of these apples Dr. Earl S. Sloan, < From Monday’s Daily Guardi l’eruna. bolizes the purity, the Justice, of his not directly or indirectly interested in of justice. Would that I could impress E. J. Frasier is home from Port­ from Hood River • Were distributed i them. “I iiad several hemorrhage« of the I!o«ton, M m »., U. B. A. among the people of Portland for Kingdom of righteousness under the tills upon many of the lower classes land. lungs. The doctor« did not help me mailing to friends The White Throne Judgment. In the East. Hight whole heavens. The heavens aud who are crying out against the injus­ W. W. Avery was In Portland over thousand apples were i sent out in uiueh and would never have cur.il me. earth which will flee away from the Neither Jehovah nor bis great Repre­ tices in high places while practicing Sunday. I MIMI Ite* I till. I "I «aw a tcHtlmonial in a P.-runa Dr. K. A. Leep spent Sun.lav in this wav, the firm doing the pack­ presence of the great Emmanuel wil1 sentative. Messiah, can in any sense similar injustices themselves. Let it ing and mailing and the people who almanac of n ca«o «iinilar to mine, and Portland. not be the heavens of God's Throne, i or degree be a party to injustice or in- be remembered also that the great t » <* It I oommonced lining it. • D. R. Lakin is home from a visit sent them paying the postage. nor the earth which he has given to I equity. The fact that injustice has White Throne speaks blessings. Divine >< r ) They was one of the greatest advertising ••I was not able to wait on tnyaelf the children of men. The heavens and been permitted, and that inequity favor and uplifting to all who love in Portland. far I ha xold Hugh Smith, of Elmira, was in the stunts ever pulled off. On the day when I l>egan using it. I gained very earth which will flee away, and for has been the rule for centuries, is righteousness and hate iniquity—the city Sunday. M vera I th the apples were given away the store »lowly at first, but I could »cv that it M»V«TUl 111 was crowded from airly morning to which no place will be found, are. of i to be accounted for by the other little and the great. W. Workman, f irm or n late at night and the scene resem­ wm helping me. course, the symbolical ones. In Bible ' fact that during all this period the If in the past a certain retributive Eugene Sunday. “ After I had taken it a whllo I com- fw** th»** symbology the earth represents estab­ world has been under the reign of sin justice has seemed to proceed along E. E. Hyland was in the city from bled a panic more than anything meacod to rate« up a etringy, sticky else.” It fur lished civilization; the sea represents ! and death, and not under the reign of national lines, blessing the nations Oakridge over Sunday. sutaitanoe from my lung«. Thia grew uhm y u G W. Walker, of Cottage Grove, the restless, dissatisfied masses of hu­ righteousness and life; it has been un- which take the more righteous course, le«e and lexe in quantity aa 1 oonllnued U In the WANTS CITY TO BUY manity. The mountains symbolize hu­ l der the reign of Satan, "the Prince of and frowning upon those which takw was in Eugene today. hou ”, < r the treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page spent this world" and of the darkness of the more evil course, this will no lon ­ man governments, kingdoms, which **I grew more flraby than I had boon Sunday in Portland. ARTESIAN WELL FOR constitute the backbone of present selfishness and evil—all of which his ger be the case in the not distant fu­ Mrs. Chas. D. Foster went to Port­ for » long limo, aud uuw I call my »oil spiritual influences — Ecclesiasticism. name represents—and not under the I ture. The testing imposed by Mes­ land Saturday to visit. HEALTH RESORT weX" siahs Kingdom will be along individ ­ dominion of Messiah, the Representa- Churchianlty. Thus interpreted our 8. P. Ness returned Saturday from Ernest Evans, owner of the arte- text declares that when Messiah shall | tive of Jehovah, and his righteousness: ual lines. He that eats the sour grape a business trip to Drain Alex. Gordon, of Natron, was in sian well in City View park a mile assume control of the world; when he 1 not under the King of glory, the anti- of sin will find his teeth on edge, and and a half southwest of the city, shall sit upon his Throne; when he j typical David and Solomon, the anti- his alone. “Justice will be laid to the city over Sunday. N. L. Fitzhenry has returned home writes to Manager Freeman of the shall exercise rulership amongst men. typical Aaron and Melchisedec. The the line and righteousness to the plum­ Commercial club, offering to sell the from a trip to Coos Bay. the result will be that the social sys­ New Dispensation which Messiah's met,” and all the refuges of lies, by Mrs. James H. Beebe, of Portland property to the city for >20,000 on tem of today, as well as the present Kingdom will usher in is pictured in which mankind in high places have is registered at tho Osburn. which to establish a pleasure resort. day ecclesiasticism. will flee away, will our text. It will be the dominion that sought to fool themselves and others, T. W. I4*mon. of Estacada, is trans­ Mr. Evans claims that the waters of for samples of our “DiamoP.i will be swept away. The hidden things the well are very beneficial, contain-1 Quality” RE-CLEANED pass out of existence—no place will be will be world-wide—pure, holy, right­ acting business in Eugene. eous, Just, truthful, God-like—a great of darkness will be brought to light and found for them. W. E. Knower, of Salem, was an Ing a mineral substance which he claims is healthful. In a long let­ Farm and Field Seeds White Throne. No wonder we read the glorious things of light will be arrival in the citv last night. Satan Now the Prince. H. Craig Sutton, of Junction City, ter. Mr. Evans sets forth the advan­ Grasses, Clovers, Vetches that the symbolical heavens and earth, everywhere recognized. Ultimately “ev­ tages of the city owning th«- property Some man may be inclined to ask. representing the old order of things— ery knee shall bow and every tongue was in Eugene over Sundav J. B Lynch, of Pueblo. Colo., was and h>' thinks that if the city passe* Alfalfa and Grains foi Has not Christ been the great Ruler social, ecclesiastical—will all vanish confess” to the enthroned Messiah. up such a proposition. Portland or an arrival fn Eugene Sunday. of the world for these past nineteen away. “The Books Will Be Opened.” Mrs. E. O. Simmons and A. F Seattle capitalists will gobble up the centuries? And whatever may be said The Master said. "My Word shall But let no one think for a moment propertv and the city will have lost of the four thousand years before the that ecclesiastical princes, financial judge you in the last day.” Happy has i-ateb and family are expected from a grand oportunity to make itself Alberta, Canada, and will locate in coming of Christ may it not be claim­ princes and political princes will vol­ it been for the comparatively few who famous on account of the healing Eugene. W p have Special Mixtures fm ed that he has been reigning ever since untarily acknowledge that the hour have heard the Master’s Word in this Dr. F. M. Brooks and wife, of Sil­ waters; of this well. Sjs < ial l’nrpoM's— bis ascension to the right band of the Artesian water was found on this has come for a full surrender to Mes­ present life, and have judged themselves ' verton. spent Sunday fn Eugene. Father? We answer that if this be E. M. Dean, the Guard's pressman, place last summer and the water has Dry I .«nd Paature Mixture, W<-1 ELY’S CREAM BALM siah and to all the principles of his ab­ thereby, and submitted themselves to ' flown continuously since. true: if the Redeemer of men has been luind Failure Mixture, Special Applied Into the noetiila his righteous precepts! These blessed I was a visitor in Albany Sunday. solute righteousness. On the contrary, Is quickly ab»orbed. reigning as the King of earth for Mixture for Burned-ov>T Land, H.ayes’ oi Whit< Salmon, ones will share with Messiah the glo­ \v‘.Vh 'r>- these privileged members of our race CTVta RELIEF AT ONCE. Cover Crop« for Orchard«. these nineteen centuries, there should ries of his Spiritual Empire, invisible Mash , f» in the city on htisin« • <. BROWN TAKES FALL will more aud more be drawn together P < toan - », sooth« n , It «’ato itii'l tM fhd Randolph, of Roseburg, ar- be something iu the Bible to so teach. to men. But during the Thousand-Year . **•. Ti ll 111 the nature of your ail mid yon ill“« i * I It • Jill r.lh»’ H ’'lililí!» ír. til <’ .Ur»li I in« ml r.nir r« «ulhtr^ (r«*m Catarrh But we find nothing. Ou the contrary, for mutual protection—for the pres­ Judgment Day of the world (Il Peter rived here on the noon train today local cuuditmu». Over 20 V il,' i Lpi OUT OF OLD YALE nixitlrivt ’»awaya (%»|.| ........... in th« ....... Htwl qtih Idv • John R. Penland, of Albany, was ............ we hearken to the Master's own words ervation of the special privileges which ill, 7, 8) the same words—the “wonder­ «neo right h»*rt 11« tori'» tho <1. «ww u ot ............ Twit uu<>lruggi*ta or by mail. her worst defeat in years when one Ask for Cítalos No I? ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St , New York. 36). Again be says, “I will come again Prophet David, calls the great ones of 1 then to be opened to ail will include. ! an.’, A' Curtiii left Satur- of the best football teams Brown and receive you unto myself’ (John the earth to recognize the true situa­ ; not only the words of the Master and j c h L f ° r PortIand where they will lo- has ever sent out of Providence, won ____ Apostles ,----------- i„WUKUl. Xiv, 3). Again be tells us that be went tion of our wonderful day-that it | of the of ----- the ------- New Testament. by a score of 21 to 0. PORTLAND. OREGON Into a far country to receive the title . means that the Day of Messiah has ! but also the Divine moesnuo message through I Felix Wagner took the noon train Yale was outplayed from the I a visit in today for Portland after recog­ I th0 prophets Qf ol() Tbea an ghall spe to his Kingdom, then to return to take 1 arrived, and that be should be ---------- start. Quarterback Sprackling of possession of It (Matthew xxi. 33; xxv, nized and his principles of righteous­ I the oneness and harmony of the Divine Eugene. Brown kicked three goal» from b ay Goddard returned to Goshen 14), and that at his second coming be ness obeyed. ' message of righteousness. According this afternoon after a short visit in placement and missed three other attempts by narrow margin». Early will be the great King of glory. He The call is recognized. Salute the j to those standards each who would Eugene. in the game Halfback Field of the tho«* TO« hi»VW be«n la Iha habit nf pavln« tells us the same thing in Matthew Son, O ye kings of the earth, while ye have eternal life must conform his liv­ O. Earl Reynolds, of Medford, is Yale team, was injured and had to with an 1 you will that wo offer ton • •ui-wiantial ••« xxv, 31. "When the Son of Man shall are in the way with him, before his ing and his thinking. The approved, transacting business in Eugene for a lng'*n all work and youi aanot «el Letter | aiDliwa be carried from the field. Fork anywhere, no matter bow much you par come in his glory, and ail the holy an­ anger be kindled and ye perish by the at the end of Messiah*» reign, win be few days. Brown held the Harvard team to Wa finish pinta and gels with him. then shall he sit upon way (Psalms li, 10-12). But no, the delivered over to the Father perfect a» Mr. and Mrs. William Preston re- bri'lge work for nut 12 point». Yale had been drilled the of town intron« In the throne of his glory.” prophecy declares that we are in the human being». The disapproved will la8t n|kht from Astoria last week In the new style of play­ one dny If dealrei Palnlnaa >tra< tl< n On the other hand, as we scan the day when the people, the masse«, will be destroyed in the Second Death— and Portland. ’ ing and expected to depend upon the fr««a when pmte« nr ' 'Y; B «rrick, of Clinton. TH., 1« have foolish imaginations — when they pages of history during the past eight­ bridge work la order without hope (II Peter 11, 12; Jude 12; back field for material gains. »mong the new arrivals here expect- ••L Cgfliultatien ft»« een centuries, we are convinced that will think that by their own strength Acts ill, 23). Ing to locate. Motgr Crowns $5.00 Messiah has not been the King of the they can inaugurate a reign of right­ Another book of life will be opened— W-?.Mr- °"Ver Pape Woven Wire Fence is made thP rlt>r frorn arrival in Eugene Sunday, expecting 22» Bl ««• T m I*4 00 world. To think of him as such, with eousness along the lines of Socialism another besides the one that is now Washington points where he has to locate some where tn this vicinity. G.I4 blllnti to withstand the roughest farm 1.00 or by anarchy. The people the omnipotent power which we ac­ must open, which is styled the Lamb's Book been employed. Eflamsl Filliage 1.00 Mrs. G. B. Barson and small son credit to him, would be to charge him learn that their help is In the Lord of Life, and in which is written the J'^t'on usage it is possible lor it to under­ Mrs. Jane Vanderberg went to 8 v al8 in Eu- arrived home ' •' think that that reign of the ■ inequities of the world, by which they the perfection of which, under present K* no this morning. os could from a trip to British Columbia and i For the Ambitious I conditions, would be impossible. Hence When they were removed the fence great Mediator between God and men I are profiting. The Lord declares that Wich'ite Zr°',p and A C Duncan, of igistorn states. Kan’’ > were arrivals in Eu- Miss May Bowers, of Junction City. Is in the past. We must agree with i in this they are banding themselves the Church’s judgment is according to was found to be uninjured. This is who has been visiting Mr|. Mrs. J Bow- •or text that it Is in the future, and against him and against the newly-ap­ faith nnd the obedience of faith pos- kpnn this morning. just the sort of fence you want. Able. But the world s judgment will for M McCarty left Saturday ers of this city, went tc ____ _ .0 Cottage that, when established, its effect upon pointed King. Messiah. For over a ° r Holse. Idaho, after visiting at the Grove today to visit an aunt there. the Institutions of the present—pollti- century human liberty has been mak- be according to works, for the knowl- home Of a. W. Smith. We carry a big line of Tage L. L. Seals, who has been In tho by mail fnr th«»«« who cannot attend |n Ml. social, financial, religious—will be I ing progress, in spite of every endeav­ 1 edge then will be so great that fnltb Fence in all styles—Stock Fence, turn^ Mr "' F H ’ Brandon re- Eugene hospital for several weeks, i will no longer be at a premium. The pwrnnn. All Inururlion, iacluditig final ouch that they will flee away: no or to restrnln it. The potentates of ex bui inat Irina, tn FKF.K. K«»r taaohrm, I With ,n Portland today after a vis­ was able to return to his homo at Hog Fence, Poultry Fence, etc. If •indenta preparing for «oHega or nnlr*-rn place ever more will lie found for earth perceive the rising tide of hu- great Mediator will accept of lmper- it with friends in Eugene. Cottage Grove today. Ho was ac­ ty. •» interi ai I h I m iranuea, eng'neers nini I them. Ah! from this standpoint there ' man intelligence nnd demands for feet works according to tho ability of Sitnra \ V Aulauf was an arrival companied by his wife and brother. jioinn n, | I NO |>'»‘1I ii >'D ui vex you need fence now visit us at once. ’ ‘ . he people; but. ns they rise out of tion Is r« qiilr*'d. This intel Mmra«» ia*anff equal rights. They perceive that un ­ Is hope: but from uo other standpoint. Miss Bernice Smith, of Seattle, her t ; fr.or" A"la"f station to visit Get it now while prices arc lowest. on portoni i ■ for yon. degradation, more nnd more will be her sister, Mr». Frank Harry. i Miss Kinyh McKelley, of Portland, We are living today at the very cli­ less something be done to counteract bend f«n a deocriptiM bn Itoti n to lb« We must reduce our stock and will max of civilization. Yet today we be­ this general movement, the special required of them until In the end they tiJ „ ' BnBrnHIe arrived home on and Miss Dorothy Ramsdell, of Port­ ______________________________ SuLa',°n1'1ra'n ,oday fr,,m an over- land. are expected this evening to be Corr«’»î»f»n«1*nre Rtndy Depart in« nt | hold more clearly than ever before privileges of the privileged classes will be perfected and absolute perftc- S'tnday cut the prices to the limit. visit at Cottage Grove. I the guest» of the Kapa Alpha Theta University of Ortirnn that the deeply-ingrained eeiflahneu will disappear. They are even now Hon of works will be required. F.nrrne - • - Orcynn J Quackenbuxh A- Sons, Eugene. W. King, of Kings, III., was an sorority for a few dags. I Spay-Wymlre Co.. Cottage Grove. Croswell Hdw. Co., Croswell. Hood’s Sarsaparilla SLOANS LINIMENT X CATARRH SEÑB NGW FÄLL SOWING PORTLAND SEED CO. Compare Our Prices Wise Dental Co.,i»c. (education HAY FEVER Page Fence Can’t Come to Pieces.