TWICE A WEEK GUARD, EUGENE. OR. THURSDAY OCT 27 TWO Knees Became Stiff ■Ooo <»oO- " peoples Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL. Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle Coo God’s M of Comlort To the Jews No Man is Strong® Than Tin OF WORLD "Comfort vc. comfort ve my ¡x>';4c. saitlt Cour God. ^pcak yc comtortably to Jertu*- •m. »nd Ciy untJ het. that her wsrtsre u se- eomplnhcd, ttol her imquity u (»arJared ; tor Lt. hath received ol the Lord > hand J«uhle for aN tor ana laatah xl. I. 2. | .............................. ........................— AMERICANS sand of the seashore for multi Five Years of Severe r.hcutnntiam I uro in«L'h «nd H» ••-» ki » I < h « i i ( the ■»<».. feted (rum rhvunuiiiai U 2 nutritious - - -, I or wk i I 10 ■ Israel. Eventually all uianklud. b:> -- kept ire from business a used ¡»air« Jigoli»»«» «‘»d iii'tritlort .r diwc.iMHl i I ktc ii 4 lote «I ‘ w ou: i ed under the M< satinile r< Im. V. ill ,-ruchttlng pain. M> K il bVCuk or G.----—-- - - wmUintd in I mh I, which b the -<»uree < t i ¡I |>by*io'*• •««•'■I* Hood's Sarsaparilla, soon ,„ consider -------- ------ myself en- as the sand of the aouabore for multi- better, mid now is the -toa.-f* ■'< * '».»• *2'^’ irritable and dc«|H>ud. baseball i'h* Chicago. Oct. 23 1 recommend b . must nil have the tuda." And they ttrely cured. 1 ........ cut, '.e I« I’**» nutr.tioN imxk wd «<» »t,vn<«ü Get It today In usual ll'iuld ”r championship of ths belongs world faith of Abraham aud his oi> dionee, a ma«» *'■• ®r- »’'*”*• " «*•»«•»• Meleti •»■«eolnted tablet-’ called Saraatsns. to the Philadelphia dub of the ere they can reach perfection as mem nt«c«»ierr. It »urssa tse eiutf.uh and attire here of his Seed. First In I lie* order American League They cliuched the omni at dljaatloa aad autrttloa. It eartehea tHa btoad. VOTER WANTS MORE big pennant fast today rovea runs to •f blowing will come the Ancient tniiueatea Ila Hear, afeaattbeaa tba tlJaera. aaartabaa X a ”'~. aad aa G/YA- MA.1AW/ -1«-» •FÄ«««rif TU two for ths Chioagu National* «ud I I ■WotStow Abraham. Isaac. Jacob mid DEFINITE EXPLANATION there was none iu the big overflow ak the Prophet« aud holy ones of the rttnwHOLt: n»oY. crowd to say they had not won It You aan’t »«»rd to ••««>* • »«"«* uMlrum •• a b««ltu«« tor thU paM. Thi'se will lie raised from the .to..hol'« «.ed.c». <>r .-«'.. h . „ur.».«...«, so« .»«, <*» wrg«.. < ! fairly aud aquaraly dead by the power of God -not Itnper Bditor The Guard I notice la X «h-rehv n..k. . I..*», h.rrer l«»rMi.«.t. P«uWad .« Five gnmro were played an.I tbe toot and fallen, but perfect; fully lip i Sunday's Register a dental by Mr ■ Ra’tern M>ung*teis teak f»'**' ”f Io aff the glorious I d'Mis of their mind- Bean that he had tnado a promise, •hem by out-batting, out-fielding ami aforetime. This will be their reward either Implied or direct, to the peo out-rushing the veteran Chicagoans GRAND JURY TO for having walked by faith and n< t by •pie of Cottage Grove, that sacurad I hey got the "jump” at the start. him his vote in that ambitious clt' PROVE DESTRUCTION sight. Thus we read. Instead of I e- ,:>n Am th irsnlms xlv, lil Ii. At that tli. e tt h<* turned from Cottage Grove. he hlm- out was no w in 1902 but I n to Isr’d thi;t h self, three days previous to the hold­ »•erics blessing shall r. turn i htn \ears ago K i lliilhl tl that year ing of the primary elect lion. visited new York Nations been taken freti i> the:» for marth;) dmtrur' I Cottage Grove, took two of the leail- Wl eighteen centnri 1 - God's SIHS HI f nr of hatidn, w t<> dinner. for them. So in vor. Under the! ir N ov t'or en ’):• thr V ing Nesmith promoters i th.ii they w ar not on th i ii(o I almost the it was and three days later, i ot Shall be bless.d I; tl. ir eyes ahull I ere to l>e deniod entire vote of the Cottage Grove pre- were Plajers Share in l’r..fil» O|M*ned: "they Sll'll look tl| I'll 111! !» clnt? And then why one of the lead­ While the series was not the most whom they pier id:" they shall mo' rn ing citizens of Cottage Grove sh mid for him; they shell reJi iee In him. remark that "we had a hard time profitable ever playe I. It helps to They will say. This is our ruler We i with hint, but finally came to an un­ simplify the high cost of living ever confronting such heroes as the I’hlla- have waited for liim. and be will save derstanding.” delphlans. to asy nothing of th” Chi­ We voters in Eugene, who have us (Zechariah xii. 10». been spending our time and money to cagoan*. with winter coming on The Crime. Committed In J muí Name. defeat this Nesmith county scheme, players' share of monev amounted Dr. Ball's Antiseptic Suive to 179.07 1 93 Of this. 60 per cent, Pio- Who shame true Obrixtians must are demanding a more definite ans­ or »11.628 77 goes to the losers As admit that most atrociou. crimes were wer than a mere denial that there there are 23 players on each team committed in the name of Jesus dur­ was anything wrong when Cottage eligible to participate, each of the Grove delivered the goods What was ing the ’T»ark Ages.” Worse tlur the consideration" Philadelphians ‘s entitled In round numbers to 13062 and each Chlcago- that! The horrible misreprw»eiitn">>t JAMES N RANDLE. ian to »1375 of all that the name of Jesus The players shirr' for still continues. Witness, for in (•“ipts bv EUGENE MEN BUY stance, tbe Injustices practised in | nient of th«' ' name of Christianity agniu’t the J if to I iy' REDMOND PROPERTY that in Russia for years past, and In t; : larger than lhi of any ous nations in remoter times. Wltn • inn! «»? t receipts day. th" James Caampbell. O A Campbell the fact also that only two months a., and John F. Allen, all of Eugeee. last credlt"n.tni:t week bought the 15 foot lot on Sixth game acted like veritable demons toward street next to Woodruff's store for ing to ■I wish to their Jewish neighbors. Well-authen­ $1500 cash, and have begun the erec­ which App4i»d Into the notolrH« shari soy that I ticated accounts tell that the Jewish tion of a 25x50 building, which will I» awtetoIf have used cemetery was despoiled. Hany of be occupied by the postoffice as soon CIVIB II CL IIP AT ONCI. Sloan's Lini ­ those buried within the two preceding I as completed. Work on the build It c loan**’«», MNkthfwi, hrala an*I proUwtft tli« ment on a mt? mb n» nr r««nlling fr«»tu Catarrh months were dug up and the putrid ing will be rushed and it is expected f3S,755 ap|. to be completed soon after the f rst lame leg that and drive« awav a Cold in th« Kraal quii hiv and mangled corpses thrown on the of the National total the month. lU*«»torr« Ihr of Taeto an M®. Contain« no io Juri m months. It was so bad that I Coombs p.’t'F I h's third game of families. Can we wonder that the are pleased with the future outlook dnitf«. Ño marnry, no ««M-aia«, uo mor« couldn't walk sometimes (or a Jew has come to have a hatred for the of Redmond, and will undoubtedly the series Sun iiy. and was strong phino. TI»« bouA«bold remedy. l week. I trier! doctors ’ medicine and effective word Christian and for the name Je­ make more investments here before Frire, bO c'en U al ¡»ru^'UU or by mail and had a rubber bandage lor my Brown's pitching was the beat for i spring. A short time ago they bought, sus? ELY BROTHERS. SB Warr« »I, N aw Vert the Cubs, although Cole showed to leg, and bought everything that I The name Jesus, as is well known, the lot and building on South Sixth good advantage in the eight Innings heard of, but they all dirt ate no street now occupied by George R. is but another form for Joshua, which Brown, and are looking for other he pitched. The other« aeerned bad­ good, until at last I was persuaded CHICAGO MESCHANT signifies Deliverer. The name Christ good business Investments.—Red-J ly off form and easy for the Athletics, to try Sloan's Liniment. The first is tbe Greek equivalent for the word mond, Or., Spokesman. i to hit. MAKES STATEMENT. application hel|>ed it, anti in two In comparing the fielding ot the I Messiah. Every Jew, rlghtiy informed weeks my leg was well A. L. two teams it is shown that the Ath­ respecting the character and tbe teach­ BURDENS LIFTED Aft«» Bpeadiac Thaaaaada «f Dolton H unthi , of Hunter, Ala. letics surpasa<>d the Cubs In Baker. I ings of Jesus, is bound to respect to« Moat ftmiaaNt Collins and Barry. Mack Inis three him and his im mediato folio wen as From Eugrwr Backs—Belief Proved Good for Athletes. WaaDaaparato amongst the grandest Jews that ever by Ijqme of Time Mr. K. G ilman , instroetnr of CHICAOO. ILL8.-Mr. «1. Q. lived. They moot sst be judged ac­ athletics, 417 Warren St, Rox. Back ar, of 134 Van Buran St., a Backache is a heavy burden; cording to tbe perventoa of their bury, Maas., says :—**t have used Nervousness wears one out; wall-known wholesale dry goods teachings, so common amongst Chris­ Rheumatic pain; urinary ills; dealer, states aa follows; tians. And it eboukl not be forgotten All are kidney burdens— that while tbe masses of C-hrietendom *’l have had catarrh lor more Daily effects of kidney weakness. have misrepresented their teaching, than thirty years. Have tried No use to cure the symptoms. doctrines and practises, there has been Relief is but temporary if cause everything on earth and Spent throughout the entire age a saintly remains. thousands of dollars for other Cure the kidneys and you cure the few who have closely followed in the ■xodicinoe and with physicians, cause. footsteps of Jesus without getting any lasting rs- Relief comes quickly — comes to with great success in caacs of ex ­ In my preaching I do not urge upon '••f. and can say to you that I treme fatigue after physical exer­ tbe Jews to become Christians; but I stay. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure kidney have found Peruna the only rem. tion, when an ordinary rub-down seek to bold forth the Divine standard ills; would not make any impression ” Vdy thet has cured me per­ for them and to assist them to get Prove it by your neighbor's case. manently. ready for the fulfillment of tbe glori­ Here’s Eugene testimony: Sloan’s Liniment ous promises which are theirs. That ’’Peruna has also cured my The story of a permanent cure: has no equal as a .Mrs. R. W. Kirkpatrick. 327 West the due time for the fulfillment of ■rifeof catarrh. She always keeps remedy for Rheu­ these is at hand is tbe comfort we of­ Seventh street. Eugene, Ore.. sayB: It in the house for an attack of fer them, in harmony with our text. "I publicly reccommended Doan's matism, Neural­ cold, which it invariably cures in Kidney Pills in 1906, after they had a very slxx-t time.” The Prophet declares that it will be gia or any pain or been used by myself and other mem­ after their return to their own land, bers of my family with excellent re­ stiffness in the and after the great time of trouble sults. I am now glad to say that muscles or joints. which is now impending upon Chris­ I time has proven the cures affected tendom. that the Jew will recognize by this preparation to be permanent” P tios .,2S c ..50 c ,4»1.00 that the great Messiah of glory, the For sale by all dealers. Price 50 bt>s » «wn !• h«».If I that w» , fr» • «Is ni i «I ••• Nlonn’a I mmi I i tm great Michael of Daniel xll, 1, for cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, •».»>< ' yr| I r«:. f |-a nls>a« horsrs, cnttlr, sharp is«* *aif«r l>.<« h pu<> (>•« whose Kingdom they have been wait­ N. Y„ sole agents for the United anti poultry a«*ui Ww flftla'k pt*«* free. Addr«M ing, is none other than the “Man Christ States. I ri l^w r«»f »«a Remember the name — Doan ’ a — *>t V i.«tr«.i.a I« Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for and take no other. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, c»i»w (f • r»it»l m >a«ra all men” eighteen centuries ago, f^xl Boaton. M am .. V. 8 A. tr«• wham «••(«<• • r will then blessedly open their eyes of w.>rh i* or i*» 3100.00 Reward C»*a«l!a' on <»•*. understanding. As The Prophet de­ would be gladly paid for a cure by BoUr Crwr» S5.C0 clares, “They shall look upon him many people who are crippled with r*s-.‘(.tMi>4 0*) whom they pierced"; they will then rheumatism, yet if they only knew Page Fence Can’t Come G«M lililí*«« too it, they can be cured by a few bottles see the identity between the Jesus CffkfMl f .lltftff« 1.00 who was sacrificed for the sins of Is­ of Ballard’s Snow Liniment, and to Pieces. 8 !»•» f *1 AfO ,E0 Û< m >4 ftabtxr rael and tbe world and the Messiah of price is only 25c, 50c, and 11.00 bottle. For sale by Dillon Drug 5.C3 PUUe Glory, whose Kingdom will use Israel Mo! Rad HabUr riatto 7.50 in the blessing of tbe world. All Bowel Trouble I ■•»'f *•• .60 Meantime, what has God wrought? • MSTMOO« CHARLIE BENDER. Ah, this, again, we say is the Mys- Is relieved almost instantly by usln Ail work fully (u«rantM<1 f«»r flftaan tery! Here and there from Jew and Dr. Bell’s Atni-Pain. ft destroys dis Philadelphia Indian pitcher who Wise Dental CoMi»e- Gentile, saintly characters have been ease germs and stops inflammation won first championship game. Painless Dentists sought and found by the preaching of Keep a bottle In the house. Sold ev aggressive fielders, who are the best and by the DiHon Drug Co eosnsao o»t the message of Christ, even though erywhere ont.« .. m I have seen All of them are Just in Eugene. that message frequently was dimmed starting their career as ballplayers, by earthly imperfections and blem­ and they should last for many years How .Much Will You Pay Page Woven Wire Fence is made Do Not Delay ishes—by erroneous representations to have your eyes cured;Sutherland’s to come In the big leagues. The de­ to withstand the roughest farm Those saintly ones will be sharers Eagle Eye Salve only costs 25c and fense these youngsters put up Your Fall Planting with Messiah in Divine blessings on will cure. Good for nothing but the against the Cubs’ eforts was brillant asage it is possible lor it to under­ In every game. the spirit plane, mentioned to Abra­ eyes. Dillon Drug Co. go. No animal—bull, steer or stal- Cub Oiitflcl«! Strong<-Ht ham under tbe figure that his "Seed lion —can successfully argue a point Cured of Diabetes shall be ns the stars of heaven.” But In th#* outfield the Athk'tifR wr*r<* Springfield, Mo.. October, 1909. not so strong defensively; |n fart, with this remarkably strong, elastic under what conditions do these attain a spiritual inheritance like unto the Hall's Texas Wonder, of No. 2926 these players did not come quit fence. This is a broad statement. angels and far above them? We an­ Olive street, St. Louis, cured me of a to the standard set i>> the Cub miL severe case of diabetes and I recom ­ fielders. The absence of Oldrlng. of It has been proved hundreds of swer that the spirit nature is the di­ mend It to anyone suffering from vine reward of a special obedience. kidney trouble.—Mrs. Kate Waldorf, course, made a difference in Mn< k’n times. outer garden players, but the same Our race was not created on the heav­ West Calhoun street. Sold by O. J. < may bo said of the Cubs’ Infleid. the ” enly plane nor for a heavenly nature; Hull in Eugene. Houses and giant trees have I loss of Evers being a handicap al but of the earth earthy. And its sal­ though Zimmerman played as will fallen on stretches of Page Fence. vation from sin will bring It to the Beaching the Top. as the other Cub Infielders full perfection of human nature nnd | The game that beat the Cubs out When they were removed the fence in any calling life, demands a vigor to the full enjoyment of a world wide of thrlr last chancr today war a pit- w»s found to I jc uninjured. This is fl FRUIT, Eden. The Spiritual Seed of Abraham oils body, and a keen brain, Witbou cher’s battle up to th,, eighth Inning just the sort of fence you want. health there Is no success. I But Elec AID ORNAMENTAL is to be composed of Messiah and the «reatMt their hittIng abiiitV andTrodcd rat- Elect Little Flock of saintly footstep BtiHdBert'trh *" th|i greatest I on We carry a big line of Page 1» „ „r !hp world has ever known , Brown for fl followers. The price of their exalta­ .'iLrrdi<>^'om;;i; - ii;;:;»^tXd ?’ Fence in all Btyles-Stock Fence, tion is their consecration unto death Ivor, kidneys, bowels, purifies and than Coombs. But. those five runs Hog Fence, Poultry Fence, etc. If and faithfulness to that Vow These enriches the blood, tzr.:... ...... „ i tones, and invig settled the result, which meant de STRAWBERRY are the Jewels mentioned by the Lord orates the whole system item and enable feat font f»*r th*. Cubs, «•. for the for _ after thHt you need fence now visit us at once. you to stand the wear and tear o to tbe Prophet—“Gather together my KfXJi PLANTS Coombs found It easy with his great Get it now while prices are lowest. saints unto me, salth the Lord; those your daily work, "After months o support to finish on top. O«r ana..! Im pnrt.tlM. b... re. suffering __ _____ from Kidney trouble,’ We must reduce our stock and will Score by Innings who have made a Covenant with me ra asci , aoiLAi* 0. lh* Atdaaa m 3 oth ham, the natiou of Israel. Chastise­ to Jew an I Gentile) of the glorious out­ come to the Divine Plan, as respects ments they had. reproofs in righteous­ ©ur world and Its inhabitants. We re ness; yet In all that ti ne they had also port the ad dress only in part, as fol Divine favor e» re resented In their Law an 1 in th • Ur t hei'les ai d In the lows:— •• to th.'tn under There can I no doubt that the words privileges which the Law t'o-enant. In :hat they had an to Spiritual Is- of our text apply, not rael and the heavenly Jerusalem. but annual Atonemeut Day. which contin­ to the Seed of Jacob, for many ce:i- ued to them Divine favor That periivl furies travailing in pain—a nation of fa or, explain It how '-ve tuny, ba* Without a land, people possessing most gait to wane ’"»t tbe time of Jesus’ Wonderful promises, yet enjoying none de;.th. It was .<• lpletely removed of them—a people scattered amongst from them in the desolation of their ■11 other peoples; jet, in harmony with land by the Roman army A. D. TO ¡the Divine provntee made at the begin Now a parallel time has beeu reached, Bing of their Mgaaiaatlaa, the» have as stated iu our text. Heoce ft is time Been preserved separate aad distinct for the return of God's favor, as here­ from ail other national The Jews are to mentioned. The favor already is ■ miracle in tberasefvea. The» witness returning. The Jew has not been so comfort­ to the civllleed world God’s promisee ■nd the power thereof in the human able. nor so favorably fixed as he is «Kind. As foretold in the Scriptures today, in more than eighteen cen­ for long centuries they have bad no turies. But his blessing is only begin­ ¡Prophet, no Priest, no ephod, no vision ning. Shortly Divine favor, in God's from God. no revelation. The people due time, will accomplish for his to whom at one time belonged the bon­ Chosen People all the precious prom­ er of being the only people to whom ises of the and of the Prophets. the Divine purposes were revealed have Already the Jew is awakening to a re­ for more t'u n eighteen centuries been alization of this great Truth. Zionism, left destitute of any evidence of Di- wh’ch started as a political movement, .Vine f vor. except in thia one fact. is about to bud nnd blossom into a re- that t! 'r solidarity as a people is ligf us movement and the blessing of D!' :ne Providence will so order their fresern I. We are not cf those who rail against affairs. The words of the Book, the the Jew; who cry out. "Chrlst-killers. words of Divine promise, so long read the vengeance of God is upon you. and ignorantly and blindly, are about to What you have suffered is only a fore­ become luminous and constitute the taste of more awful sufferings for all light which will direct them in the eternity!” Thank God, No! We have ways of the Lord—leading on to the ■o such evil sentiment In our heart rehabilitation of Jerusalem and to the ¡We have nothing for the Jew but sym­ attainment of loftier ideals amongst pathy, even while in him, as in others the Jewish people. A voice is sound­ •f Adam's children, we may see much ing from the wilderness, aud tbe Jews to reprehend; nevertheless, we also see everywhere are hearkening to it. It his commendable qualities. Among does not call them to become Chris- others, we see the quality which God I tians, but to remain Jewa and to real- ■0 greatly appreciated In Abraham; 1 ! tee, as Jews, the ideals set before $MMly, faith in his God and tn the them by the Lord in the Taw and by IPirtne promises. Such a faith baa in­ the Prophets. To all those exercised spired "God’s Chosen People" to wait thereby a gTeat blessing la near, which for hia promised Messianic Kingdom. will more than compensate for tbe sor­ Io, these many centuries— through all row! of the past. Neither by «word, kinds of discouragements, disappoint­ ■or guns, nor drrod naughts, aettber by : flying air-ships, nor torpedoes will Is­ ments and persecutions. J^-The long-promised time of Israel’s rael’s great victory be won. neither by •laltatlon as the channel of Messianic money power nnd worshipping of the kiessing to mankind is near—it hasteth golden calf of finance, nor by trusting greatly. What though there shall be In the arm of flesh, but by looking to another and great spasm of tribula­ the Lord, from whom will come their tion In conjunction with the birth of help. Messiah's Spiritual Empire, about to the New Order of things! Beyond the Sighing and the crying, the morning be established, will bind Satan, re­ Baums—the glorious day in which the strain every evil and lift up a stand­ Bun of Righteousness shall chase from ard for the people, blessing Israel and the world all the shadows of death establishing with them the New (Law) and despair, which sin and its penalty Covenant instead of the Old Law Cov­ liave brought upon mankind! What enant—under the better Mediator, still though the Scriptures tell us that Is­ more capable than tbe great Moses; rael Is yet to have “The time of Ja- under the greater King, still more wise jrob’s trouble” In connection with the than Solomon and still more beloved world's great time of trouble impend­ of God than David. This great Celes­ ing. None of these things shall binder tial Empire will be established with ns from rejoicing in the New Heavens great authority in the world by a time ■nd the New Earth, which God de­ ‘ of trouble, a time of earthly distress, clares he is about to create and put which the prophecies picture as terrf- Into control of our world—“Be ye glad ble—a short reign of anarchy. Jews •nd rejoice forever in that which I and Gentiles will be responsible, rich and poor, for the bringing to pass of create” (Isaiah lxv, 18). » The New Heavens and the New this awful trouble, by reason of tbe Earth are but symbolical terms for the selfishness which at present is govern­ consideration of that New Era, in ing the world and which will be used which there will be a new social order, of the Lord to wreck our present grand as well as a new ecclesiastical system, civilization—grand at least on its sur­ face aud iu its aspirations and preten­ eternal In the heavens. sions. A Socialistic artillery of words The time has come when our text is and ecclesiastical bonds of similar na­ having its fulfillment. The shining of ture will only aggravate the strife. the lamp of Truth upon the prophetic Financial weights and levers will have page shows us that the great clock of much to do with the great crash of the Universe is marking the hour when he whose right it is shall take to him­ the forces of civilization in this near­ approaching cataclysm of trouble, in self his great power and reign. Ah. yes! We remember that it Is written which the reign of sin. inequity, in­ that then the nations shall be angry, justice, selfishness, shall forever fall, and God's wrath shall be manifest, and to rise no more; and the present re­ then the time shall come for the judg­ ligious systems also shall be found ment of the dead and the reward of wanting and pass away. For these ■11. both small and great. Rut we are old systems, symbolically the heavens glad, nevertheless, that the "times of and earth of the present time, will be the Gentiles” are nearly at an end and substituted the New Heavens and the the time of Messiah's theocratic gov­ New Earth—the Church glorified be­ ernment is at hand—For he must reign yond tbe vail as the Bride of the until he shall have put down all un­ great Messiah, and. Society on earth righteousness and insubordination, un­ reorganized, will constitute the New til be shall have caused every knee to Earth, wherein will dwell righteous­ bow and every tongue to confess to ness. Tbe transition will be but a momentary ordeal, as compared with the glory of God the Father. i First In order of the Kingdom work the glorious eternity of blessing under Will be the binding of Satan—the work Messiah's righteous supervision. "He ■f a heavenly, and not of an earthly ■ maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth.” king. Gradually, In the judgments, Israel’s Hopes—Why So Delayed? decrees, rewards, punishments of man­ The perplexing thought with our kind nnd the banishing of sin and death will the great King of Glory re- Jewish friends, as well as with Chris­ .veal bls own gracious character and tians. is. if those things be so; if Mes­ the Father's righteousness to the chil­ siah's Kingdom is yet to be establish­ dren of men Gradually all will have ed, as the Jews contemplated, only on the eyes of their understanding open­ a spiritual plane instead of an earthly ed to see. not only the Father of all one; and if God's purpose is to use In his true < h trader, but also the Son those anciently favored people as the in his glorious majesty—the Conquer­ ' bannels of his blessing in the future, or. "who. for the joy that was set be­ why has there l>een so long delay? We answer. This is what the Scrip­ fore him. endured the cross. despising the shame.” nnd hence is at the right tures term The Mystery the matter hand of Divine majesty and entrusted which God did not reveal directly, with tbe pouring out of the Divine either to Abraham or through any of blessing upon Israel, and. through Is- the Prophets. Indirectly he hinted at CATARRH “Lame Well HAY FEVER ELY’S CREAM BALM SLOANS LINIMENT a BULBS Lrwwell Hdw. Co., Creawall. POBTLAWID »BED CO.