The Twice-a week guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1910-19??, October 06, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Sermon l>y
l’a*t<>< Brooklyn
I aberri .»Jr
Blood Atonement
For Sin
Is a Necessity
IL* III« fj lit« Hr«|| it m |||« blot* I.
In»« givm a Io you upon li» altar, to
an alonrinant lor y<nu aoulr | lor a
LI' mh J tltai niakrtli an «l.xHiarnl lor the
(l«m«ua atu, 11).
«nil I
•• the
OOP* • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ a a a . .................................... 0
Brooklyn. N Y., Oetolief* X —I’aator
lluanell of lliu Brooklyn 1 nlrorn n le
adiireaaad a largo arid aery «(tenth»
amlleix'v lot lay at t be Acadwmy of Mu
glc from tlia above tail, lie an Id •
Oura la a day II) which, more than
•rer before. tire atnloiiianl of our leal
|a disputed disbelieved by Jen« G<*n
tllea ami Christ Intis The «real I'li’l»
Ilan author. Kt. I'aiil. airrm*« enteily
with I be word« of Mose* In our leal
aaylus. "Without the shedding of
biota) there 1« tio remission of «In«'
(Hebrews 1%.
The orthodet Jen
priest npon Ilia kingly throne Ko Me«
slab will not only l>» tbe great Klug
over Israel and tbe world, but he will
I»» the great I'rlrat who«« application
of hl« own merit will effect th» cun
cellatlon of sins forever. He will not
re Introduce to them «aerlfi'-ra of bulls
and goats, but will make known to
them that those sacrifices were mere
foreshadowing« of better sacrifices
so much (letter that they will not need
repenting yearly, but work a pen>et
ual cancellation of the ulus of Isreui
and of all the children of Adam
and the orthudo« (’liri*tlnn. therefore
are In «ubaiaiitml nirreemeni aa io the
foundatl'Ui of ililiu.*« mid the unoiilio
dot are In nLieeineut of o|*|e»dt|'*n
The latter rj.
Itlnl there 1« no li<«-e«
ally for K'n At '•'■•iiieii« C It the Intel
though« ot rill I be nine melt of the
earth the grvrrtrar ministers ami mb
bl«. 1« 'tml there 1« uo stlch thin* n>
Oriel' 11 Kill, lienee coilld la> no aileh
thing «■ neeeaalty for caneeiihur it .>•
Hulking an atonement ar Mtlsfsetlot
to Ji.•Hee on larhalf of It Two thing«
hr ie e.uiirlbuied to lhaaa ut>ortll<e! ■»
unacrlptural »lews.
Higher Critics Repudiate the Ofood.
ill 1 he agnostic Jew not only dt
piitea the Bible aa an authority on ib
•ilhjeet. but. In addition admit« I
hlmaclf that If the shedding of b
If th» sacrlficea commanded In il
I reltl al code for Kin A l<»tt»rn*ut ..
admitted to lie right and nr« e«. r« )'
would Involve the thought lb it ill
Jewish people have had no Km A«»"»
i ¡ent In any sense of the word t*>
here than eighteen crnttirle«. Ireran«*
bln Atonement mil«! Ire tun tie aeev I
Ing to certain ■ ; »eel fl nd condition« or
elae It could not Ire mad» at all The
l»«s of the Ark of the Covenant Con
tntnlng the Law. and covered by the
mercy «»at. was one of three disasters
The destruction of Jerusalem, the City
of th» great King, waa another, and.
al«>ve all. the I jiw required that the
snertflees «booId be killed, and the
presentations «acrtflcially made to Cod.
only by a priest who could abow bln
lineage a« a eon of Aaron.
(2) HI nee the destruction of Jrnnalem
A. D. 70. the Jewtah nation baa been
antlered and devastated by tbelr foes
* ..,n>e of three, ala«, claiming to lie
K'Uristlans and diabonortng the name
Ir f Jeeue! Aa a result ail official rec-
k>rda and genealogies of the Jewish
yrople are broken, vitiated, destroyed
Undoubtedly there are numerous de
• rndants from Aaron living todny; but.
wince they cannot prove tbelr drecent.
they ere absolutely forbidden to st
tempt to make a Kin Atonement on the
Atonement Day. Viewing tbe matter
Trtun thia standpoint tbe unorthodoi
Jew feels all tbe more Inclined to re­
pudiate tbe necessity for any Sin
Utouement. Alaa. Indeed, many of
hhem seem not only to bare lost con
Cdence In tbe Mosaic arrangement, but
flu have lost fnltb entirely tn a personal
klod. We bo|>r and believe that many
k>f these are sincere and will be bless«!
and assisted back to faith shortly and
No a better understanding of tbe holy
Rbriptu -« and of Cod’s dealings with
■heir n lou
Jewish Atonement a Faroe.
| In vl. " of what we have «aid. all
that it would be Impossible
for tbe i<«ws properly to observe the
lAtonem 4( Dey, having no priest nor
bther f . lllty necessary to the requlre-
tneuia . • the Law. Nevertheless, an out-
heard ah *w of ceremony la kept up. On
the proper Atonement Day of their year,
■he Truth Day of tbe Neventb Month,
kbejew figuratively acknowledges thnt
■be merit of tbe previous sacrifice has
Expired lie fasts lie prays, accord­
ing to tbe original program. But he
baa no priest. No bullock la slain for
■he sins of tbe tribe of LevL No goat
I" slain for tbe sins of tbe other tribes
Mud no blood la taken Into tbe Moat
iloly to make an Atonement
bnty have they no priest to officiate,
but they have no mercy-sent. Borne
if them wring the neck of a rooster,
Bwlnping it over the head three times
But till« was not tbe sacrifice of the
flay of Atonement and could not take
Its place.
I We should not be misunderstood a«
holding up tbe Jew to ridicule. Quite
I" the contrary, we sympathize with
him. We appreciate his reverence for
fc>e Divine I jiw nnd bls desire for fel
vwshlp with God In the cleansing of
Bls sins. We would, however, suggest
■“ them that nothing la to tie gain«!
By d<>cclvlng themselves and eneb oth
fr Into the supposition that their
Atonement Day brings them any relief
Br harmonizes them In any sense of
Bis word with the Almighty. What
■"'J do la n mere farce. The sooner
Bl' lie ack notv lodged the sooner will
■ielr honesty In the matter bring them
■>to the proper condition of heart to
■"'ognlzo that the sfna of more than
Bghteen centuries rent upon them un-
Bmi vlled and Hint this la the evplnna
of the calamities that havo be
®il»n them.
■ When Israelites come properly to un
Vntand the altuntlon, they will ace
■‘it all their hopea cv. ter in Men
B*11’" Kingdom. Meanlab In not only
great King typified by David and
B'lotnon. but he la also the great
J^rst typified by Aaron aDd more par-
Brularly by Melchisedec, who win a
All tbe worldly-wise of Christendom
have reach«! the |>olut of repudiating
the testimony of the Old Testament
and tbe New r»«|iecllng tbe need of a
aaerificial death for the satisfaction of
Divine Justice, the cancellation of sin
aud the restitution of the sinner to Di­
vine favor. Tbe claim of th« so call«!
New Thcologlsts repudiates tbe fall,
repudiates llie ratlBom aud repudiates
a restitution to all that was lust­
claiming that nothing was lost and
that all we have la gain. Thus the
world and Its wisdom know not God
and appreciate not hl« arrangement
that, ns death came upon matiklud
through the sin of one man (Adam),
even so a restitution to llfu should
come to all men through Christ—that
"as all In Adam die, even so all In
Christ shall tie ma<i» alive.”
These worldly-wise cannot deny the
fact that there 1« sin In the world nnd
thnt there Is d»nth In the world nnd
tbnt tbe tendency of all sin Is towards
death. They cannot deny thnt death 1«
gaining n greater hold than ever lie
fore u|ion our rnce. In«ane asylupis.
prisons and reform schools show thnt.
notwithstanding our educational futil­
ities nnd wonderful achievements under
the enlightening Infioencea of the New
Dispensation now dawnlng— neverthe­
less. the Insanity st a list Ice and the
prison statistics and the physical ata
flat les show that. In spite of every­
thing. our race is tiecoming mentally,
morally and physically weaker day by
day. It Is for them to esplaln bow
these facts fit to tbelr theory of Evolu­
The Christian's View of Bin Atonement.
By the term Christian we refer to
those who Intelligently believe tbe ex
planation of tbe Bible r»«|iecting aln.
tliat It Is s violation of the Divine
I jiw and carries with It a iienalty—
that Father Adatn was created a a sin­
less as are the angels and aa perfect
as they, only oo a little lower plnne
of tielng Oliedlence was required of
I bltn aa tbe price of Divine favor and
everlasting life. Diaobedlence thrust
I him from Paradise Into the unpre-
pared earth to wrestle with tbe thorns
and thistles, where the decree. "Dying
thou shall die." accomplished his exe
cution. ills race was In hla loins and
j naturally »hnred by heredity bls
I weaknesses and death iienalty. so that
; tho entire race 1« a dying race. But
the Creator was unwilling tbnt Adam
nnd hla children should die as brutes
! God did not revoke bln decree of
. death nor give any intimation thnt he
I bad done unjustly tn condemning his
■ creature. He did. however, provide
a way for their relief. He provided
that, an the first man alone bud sin­
ned actually, so one Redeemer alone
would lie necessary for tbe race. Aud
' to him he offer«! a great rewnrd. so
' that hla sacrifice for sins would work
out to hla own advantage, aa well ns
, to tbe sinner’s. A part of the reward
was tbe blgb exaltation to the heaven­
ly nature-far above angela. and the
gift of tho Kingdom of earth neces­
sary for the overruling and sutidulng
of the spirit of rebellion tn tbe world
and for the exaltation and uplifting
from sin and death conditions of all
the willing and ob«!lent of Adam’s
entire race.
“The Better Saoriflees.“
From the Dlvlre standpoint “the
man Christ Jesus gave himself a ran
nom for all.” for Adam’s entire rnce.
to be tcntlfiwi In due time. He anti­
typed the bullock of Israel's Atone
ment Day. aa well as antlfyped the
pr1«»nt who slew tbe bullock—because
be offered up himself. Bcwnrdcd liy
the Almighty, ho was raised from
death to the spirit plnne. higher than
tbe angels. Applying his merit to the
antitypical Levltes. "the household of
I faith." “the Church of tbe First-
' horns.” he then began a work Itttlo
underatood by cither Jews or Chris­
tians. but nevertheless clearly outlined
In the Word of God. His work
ftirougtiout this age has been the gath­
ering of the elect class—which Is cho­
sen because <>f faithfulness to him
I and obedience In walking In his
steps In tho narrow wny. These,
composed both of Jews nnd ot
Gentllra. have for centuries been
In course of development—their sacri­
fices being typified by thnt of the
Ixird's gont on the Atonement Dny
Their sacrifices arc small and lean like
thnt of the gont. In compnrlson to the
bullock. But they are nccepted by the
Great High Priest, and the offering
of tbelr sacrifice Is counted ns his sac
Thus eventually the High
Priest will complete bin work of sin
atonement two believe very soon! and
then his second application of the
blood upon the Mercy Sent wtll be
v - hi I h , Just a« it wan written In th»
, Law, “Ou behalf of all the people," only
I that "all tbe people” on the larger
»•nle will not iiieaii merely the Is­
raelites outside of the Levlt«««. but
will mean the whole world of mankind
jutalde of the household of faltli, tbe
antilypi'-al Levitra
Forthwith the
whole world will I h > turn«*«) over to
Mraalal), the antitypical i’ropbet.
Priest, King, Meilbilor, Judge Then
for u thousand years tbe world will
receive the ble««e<l, uplifting lutlti-
There wtll come in Israel's «hare tn
tbe great work of recovering the world
to God. They ar» still beloved for the
fathers’ sakes and the gifts and ' ailing
of God to them are thing« he will not
repent of. At that time the great anti-
I typical Prophet. Prieet and Klug will
begin hl« work a* n Mediator. At that
time Im will mediate by bringing into
operation the New Covenant which
God iiromlsc'l ho would make with 1«
rael nnd Jmlnli, "nfter tho«» days'*—
after the days of tbelr humiliation nnd
iM-lug < usl off; they «linil be reclaimed
and uplifted and blessed and used of
thu f-ord. Thia 1« God's Covenant with
them when he will take awuy tbelr
sins—when by virtue of the "better
sacrifices” tbelr «In« shall be abao-
lutely and fffi-ever cancelled by tbe
antltyplcai Prleat. of whom tbe Proph
et fJavid wrote, "Tito I-ord hath sworn,
and will not repent. Thou art a prieat
for tbe ago after the order of Mel-
cblzedek” < kingly prleat on the spirit
plane (Psalm ex. 4).
What Atonement Signifies.
Utterly _Wretched
Nervous Prostration Long Enou.ed
Before Remedy was Found.
Mix« Minerva l:.-rnlnger. t'pp--r l:-rn.
Pa., write«: "For Several yr.irs I had
nervoo« prostration, atid « -x i.-t-rly
wr»i' h—I. 1 lived on brand and b- -f
teu b<-
ich " <>u! I i; it r--
taln r yitlry <• <<>
1 lou . . any r< rn-
edle«. but .lt.t . i,< d <o relief un il I
took Hood's iparllla. wh»-n I b- <<n
to guilt Mt once. Am now • ur> I "
Pu«., rich blood m k»« go »d. «trong
nerve*, »nd tbiu is why Hood’« Kin*,-
purllln. which purltle« arul <-nr1< h**« the
blood, urc «o many nervou« dl»<-u«.-«.
G«t It tod iy In u«unl 11*1'11 1 fo-in or
cbo* o. •'••! tabi-d« tailed Barsatabs.
Party cf Florence People Hive
I j M
must have new
Springfield. Oct. 1.—At a special
condition of the blood cells and cor-
meeting of the Commercial club last
* p use les, brought about by an excess evening it was decided that the club
j of uric acid in the circulation. It is must have not only a new place of
' not only a very painful disease but an meeting but will have a set of club
Qulto a number of Florence peo­ extremely dangerous trouble. The I rooms for the benefit of the metn-
ple took a pleasure trip out acroM briny, acrid state of the blood gradu- I bers. A committee was apolnted last
the bar last Sunday on board the ally forms a coating over the muscles, night, consisting of Henderson. Mul-
steamer Roscoe. While out«lde, Cap­ j and by depositing a cement-like sub­ I lln, Barnes, who will look after a lo-
tain Johnson noticed that the can stance in the joints frequently termi­ I cation and report at the regular
buoy had broken loose and drifted nates fatally, or leaves its victim a meeting next week. The committee
is looking at a set of rooms upstairs
off aeveral miles to the south. Af- hopeless cripple.
It is natural to
| ter towing the schooner Suasalito In- “ doctor ” the spot that hurts, and it is in the wooden building formerly oc­
cupied by E. E. Morrison’s furniture
i to the river he decided to go after
quite right to use liniments, hot appli­ ¡store. The building is 20x40 feet in
tho buoy.
i Just before he got It back to its cations, etc., to get temporary relief I slxe and seems to be the best that is
former position, a thick fog settled from a painful joint or swollen tendon; available.
them and the steamer could not but Rheumatism is not a skin disease, | Last night’s session waa more of a
find her way back into the river. Af­ and such things, when depended on ' financial meeting than anything else
Secured During Summer At a ter trying for a time to find the en­ alone make one careless, and the dis- I ^’rs* A committee was appointed last
the big carnival were rudlted.
Cost of Over $4000, Making trance the attempt waa given up and saae gets a firmer hold on the blood. | from
the vessel dropped her anchor to wait 3. 8. S. cures the disease because it is It develops that the big celebration
Total Number Now 35,000
till the fog cleared away. Night came the greatest of all blood purifiers. It only cost the Commercial club In tbe
neighborhood of $50.
on with the fog as thick as ever and
go«9 ««to the cir-
It was also decided at th!» meet
Over 1600 vol unis have been add­ the vessel was obflged to lay at an-
culation, and re­ Ing that the publicity fund should b<
ed to th» University library this sum­ chor till morning.
moves every ’ raised higher, and solicitors will be
mer. Th» books repreaent a cost of
The party had been enjoying the
particle of the gin next week to get further sub
over $1000. Thia number brings the trip, none of them being seasick till
irritating uric scriptions.
total number of volumes In th* li­ the ves.-el dropped anchor, and then
acid, builds up
brary up Io 35,000. To make room nearly al; of them began to feed the
for th<* books which came in during fishes. 8 me suffered more than
the summer, It was necessary to add ilhers and <>ne or two have assured
makes it rich
Good for *4nthin«r but th« ¿ÍVM
new >-ases, besides using additions to t*s that they would have been willing'
and oily, and in
the shelf room In the basement.
to die there rather than longer en
this way pre­
.The majority of the aqulsltlons are dure the terrors of seasickness.
pares it for the
In the deaprtment of Europ**an and
The night passed slowly, the party
American history, modern English, suffering somewhat from cold and proper nourishment of all joints,
Education, electrical and mechanical want of sleep as well as from mal de muscles, nerves and bones. If you
engineering, political science and mer, but their spirits revived with have Rheumatism, get the uric acid
economics. A large number of valu­ the coming of daylight when it was out of the blood by taking S. 8. 8., a
able sets of reference books are In found the fog bad lifted and they purely vegetable medicine, and enjoy
the lot. Among them are three sets could see the entrance to the river freedom from its misery. Book on
of modern encyclopedias and a large They arrived at Florence about seven Rheumatism and any medical advice
set of engineering treatises of con­ o’clock, some of them vowing never free to all who write.
siderable value to the engineering| to go to sea again.
TKZ swirr BPZCIT1C co., Auaats, G k
Harrowing Experience —
Other Eiuslaw Notes
The word Atonement or At-one-ment
«lgnlfio« the bringing of iieraona alien
a ted or estranged back Into harmony,
sympathy, union. Many are perplexed
at the doctrine of blood atonement so
prominently set forth in the Bible. The
«bedding of blood Is naturally revolt­ department. Among the sets added
Among the party were Ira Yates
ing and properly so. It seems strange, Is the ‘‘Works of Theodore Roose­ Harry Devereaux, Misses Fannie Col
therefore, to those who do not under­
vin, Martha Funke and Winnie Tuck
stand the philosophy of the Divine of periodicals were bound during the) er, Mrs. F. A. Johnson and children !
$500 being expended for' and Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Havens and
Plan of Kalvatlon, wby God should summer,
this purpose. In the neighborhood children..
have required n blood-atonement for of 200 periodicals. American and for-l
Schools Orow «led.
■In. Home:fines the very people who elgn, are coming to the library at the
T. F. Sipe has sold out his cemen
object to blood atonement believe some- present time.
The I . numb*-r
of . pupils «ti attending ’ , , business
• -.
IJIJ ?51 II IT?? M <1114$
and J has
1 <1 ri gone
J11 v" with
W 11II
his fam
thing much more awful thnt an atone­
school in Florence Is steadily increas- llv to North Yakima Wash,
ment for aln can bo effected by hun­
and there is hardly a vacant;
Mrs. G. L. Hardesty has gone to
seat in any of the rooms, There are’ Portland for a few days’ visit.
dreds or IbotiMiuds of years of most REV. W. B. PINKERTON
other pupils who expect to enter; Officer Bristol is putting a full
terrible torture. Some believe even
in a short time and it will be sized concrete basement underneath
worse than this—that an everlasting I
necessary to procure more seats to hl3 house on Fairmount street.
torment penalty for «lu will be exacted
Mrs. Smith, of Coburg, has moved
of all except the saintly few of hu­ Popular Congregational Pastor accomodate them. It is probable that
an additional class room will have to i with her family to the house recent­
manity. How inconsistent and illogi­
ly occupied by R. C. Morgan, corner
Intends to Leave Eugene
cal we have nil been in our reasoning
the only district in the western part of Columbia avenue and Thirteenth
upon religious subjects!
in the Near Future
of tbe county that maintains a high street.
lu Scriptural usage blood stands for,
school, and this gives the children I Mrs. Doane Is occupying a part of
Eugene people generally will b« from the surrounding districts who Ed. Judkins' house on Columbia ave­
or represents, tbe life, in harmony
with this 1« our ordinary use of tbe surprised to learn that Rev. W. B have passed the eighth grade exam-i nue.
word. We read. "The bhxxl of Jesus Pinkerton, the popular pastor of the inatlon. a chance to continue their} Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goodchild, with a
Christ our Lord cleanseth us from all Congregational church, yesterday for studies without going far away from party of friends, are having a most
tendered his resignation as home and without paying the cost of enjoyable outing, hunting and fish­
•In.” Here the word blood stands for merly
pastor, to take effect some time be­ tuition.
ing in the Cascade mountains near
death, or rather, for the merit of tbe tween the first of November and the
Hartley’s Hous*? Burned.
the head waters of the Willamette
sacrificial death of Jesus. His death first of January. The church has as
The residence of Charles Hartley, river.
would have been equally efficacious as yet taken no official action on the ¡about three miles above Mapleton.| R. C. Morgan has moved his fam-
man's Ransom-Price if bls side had not
was burned September 17, with all} ilv into the house recently purchas­
Rev. Mr. Pinkerton has been pas­ its contents.
been pierced. It would have been
ed adjoining Morgan & Stansble’s
Mr. Hartley was moving his fam-} planing mill on Orchard avenue.
equally meritorious if he bad died In tor of the local church for over three
J. R. Geddes has gone to teach
any other manner, except that be waa years and during that time all the de­ ily to Mapleton so the children could
partments have experienced a won­
to take the place of tbe sinner to tbe derful growth. The pastor and his attend school. He had taken away school in Jordan valley, among the
cook stove and a couple of beds, mountains in eastern Linn county.
very last degree—as tbe Mosaic I jiw estimable family have won many the
and all the other things including
We hear that Mrs. Ed Judkins 1
doclnrra, “Cursed Is everyone that friends during their comparatively Itheir supplies, were burned with the making good recovery from seriou
bangeth upou a tree,” thus branding short residence in the city and their house.
illness at the General hospital.
crucifixion as tbe most Ignominious departure will be greatly regretted.
Rev. W. T. Adams, state evange
The fire is supposed to be the work
Rev. Mr. Pinkerton, when asked as of an incendiary. The loss falls| list of Washington for the Christiat
form of death.
But wby should God require tbe to his future plans, replied that they heavily on Mr. Hartley as he is a} denomination, began a series o
were at present too indefinite to
death of s victim as a basis for the announce. Wherever he and his fam­ poor man and has a wife and several; special gospel meetings at the Fair
mount Christian church, corner o
to support.
forgiveness of tbe sins of Adaui aud ily decide to cast their lot they will children
A»—«■ Me the «««trtU
Columbia avenue and Seventeenth
Small Items of Interest.
Is eutoWy »>««*«<■
bls race? IVe reply that God's Law carry with them the best wishes of a
While working on the carriage in street, Sunday, October 2nd.
was intended to be an illustration of host of friends.
the saw mill Tuesday afternoon John
It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the
tbe exactnras of Divine Justice. Jus­
Goodwin had one of his legs hurt.
diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh
A log. which was being turned by,»
tice could not punish Adam nor bls REALTY MARKET
Real Estate Transfers I and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
the ’’nigger’’ rolled in such a way as J
cblldreu with everlasting torture or
Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL
any other of tbe horrible things we
IS LOOKING ur the stopping block. The fleshy part} rrr ^ rrrrrrwworwrxrrrrrr • « It is easy to use. Contains no injurious
once Imagined. The severest penalty
drugs. No mercury, no cocaine, no mor­
1 of his leg was quite badly bruis«?d •
The household remedy.
of the Divine I jiw is represented lu b.^?n,h',? thr'ra?CL 1TJ'n‘h the |UU
ibut v fortunately no bones were „.J
bro-* George Melvin Miller to Charle phine.
Price, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail.
- °- Cochran: lot 5 in block 19 of th
our common law. which, as an extreme beginning of the rains and fall wea 1 ken. He will be laid up for a while
ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warrsn St., New York.
i Gross addition to Eugene. $10.
paualty, requires tbe death of tbe ther, the local real estate market has as a consequence.
W. J. Sherman et ux to . Sophia
transgreaaor. Adam, having been sen­ shown signs of activity. After an un-
usually long, quiet season during the party of assistants came in from Eu i McKinney; ES of lot 6 in block 1
tenced to deutb, would have had uo summer,
the dealers report that the
McQueen s add. to Cottage Grove,
future opportunity for life—neither by business is beginning to look quite gene and resumed the work of but -
resurrection nor otherwise. Adatu’s well again. Besides a large number veying for a railroad. Mr. Hunt was. I1-
obliged to suspend operations for a
A. H. Stinson to C. H. Chapman;
cblldreu, sharing his weaknesses, would of Inquiries, there are reported by week on account of his crew, who '°* ®
Ferndale add to Santa Clara;
havo bad no opportunity to regain life, each dealer a number of small sales were mostly university students, go- I1®0®’ _ .
because Justice is unchangeable. If It that Indicate the land business will Ing back to school, thus compelling
M. Purkerson to Sarah E. Ran- for samples of our “Diamond
was Just to condemn sin. It would l>e
him to get another crew. He is work-!**®-
*n block 4 of West Sixth Quality” RE-CLEANEE
Injustice to rescind tbe penalty and been selling quite well all during the ing a survey for a railroad from
Eu«ene- $400.
I I»»« ® Storey et ux to Richard Farm and Field Seeds.
act the culprit free, Divine Love baa not been moving to speak of. Now Mapleton to Eugene.
evening one of the work-
Ivirk; lot C and part of lot B In Grasses, Clovers, Vetches,
provided a way by which Adam and the demand seems to be for >anier; Tuesdav
* e^ . ’n
... . d ...
v» ♦»»
TXT $100
hl^ DzvHo««
Potter aasowA«.
survey < In
tp. 1?
17. 4 W.
^ValHn?Ou H. He „ Annie V. McClaren
his children are all to be freed from tracts outside the city. Among the ™
McClaren et
et ux
ux tc
to Frank Alfalfa and Grains for
death and have an opportunity of eter­
—. ..
was brought to Florence ...
and the
JL ’ ® .of McClaren
McCIJ^n/ ’ 8 s plat of
nal life—not by violating the require­ are the following: To C. 8. Smith jury cared for. The surgeon found *P- 37, 4 W., 1 acre. $500.
Pratt et ux to George W
ments of Divine Justice, but by fulfill­ of Marlon. Oregon. 25 acres on Camp the bones of the thumb splintered „ J. H. ....
of lot 5 in
ing them. Hence In due time, tbe creek; to John McAttee. of Centralia quits badly.
* ,n<1
A few days ago C. H. Holden, a “lock * ot Morse add. to Florence.
man Christ Jesus died for tbe man Wash., 20 acres in the same locality;
We have S|M*cial Mixtures foi
to H. L. Mooney, of Lowell.
Adam, to cancel hla aln. to satisfy his on West Seventh street. The sales nephew of John C. Holden of Reed I5'.'!’,
Mile B. Stone et ux
l>enalty. And since hie sin snd pen- show that few of the investors are lo­ City. Mich, purchased Chas. Allen's
25130-5 w.
Dry Land Pasture Mixture, Wet
slty hsve been inherited by hla cbil- cal people and that many outsiders
Land Pasture Mixture, Special
hlnk Lake. It is the Intention of the
___ ,___________ _
dren. the ooe sacrifice for sin Is suffi- are planning upon locating here.
Edward G. Jones et ux to Bertha
Mixture for Burned-over 1 and,
owners to plat the land and sell it
clent for alL
A. Peptot, lot 7 In sec. 36-16-8 w, $1.
Cover Crops for Orchard«.
off In email tracts.
The work of atonement Is not com
John L. Furnish left Sunday for ‘ A. B. Lockwood et ux to L. D.
Tell ns ths nature of yonr soil and yorr
pleted. Tho first half of atonement
Eugene, to see that the election re- Forrest, lot 4 of blk. 64 of Maude local conditions. Over 20 years' experi­
turns from Glenada are properly de-
is the satisfaction of Justice. But
ence right here
Lelon Wooley et ux to J. W. Ba
livered to the county clerk. This Is
in the Pacitio
even this |«irt la not yet completed.
Northwest qual­
The Sam Hugh Realty Company re­ the first election held in Glenada
Tbe Redeemer presents bis sacrifice
ifies us to sdviso
In two parts, according to the type. ports business active during the precinct so the board selected their John P. Loux et ux to Frank Strong
The first effusion of bls blood ai>oke month of September. In the past 30 tallest man to make the trip to the 9.4 3 acres In tp. 19, 3 W. |800.
they made the following sales: county seat.
«atlerCatatag* »0
|H*aCo to believers who now have the days
Thirteen acres just outside the city' Chas. Green, who was committed
eara to hear nnd the heart to obey; limits on the South Alder road, from to the insane asylum from Florence ker et ux; tract in sec. 32. 17. 3 W
tho second effusion, as shown by the J. D. Baker to the Sanderson Bros.; last winter, returned here yesterday »1.
E. D. Cole et ux to S. K. Busick
Law (Leviticus xvL 15>, will make consideration, $400 per acre.
morning, having come in on the
tract in sec. 19. 21. 1 W. 110.
reconciliation for the sins of all tbe
four stage from Eugene the day before.
Four hundred acres lying
1 ’
Neeley R. Butler et ux to Samue
•_».»— ­ * while working in the saw mill
people—the whole world of mankind. miles south of town. In the . —
Shook; NEVi of SW% of sec. 13
Then tho other part of Atonement be­ hood of Spencer butte, from L. M. Wednesday forenoon. C. F. Crouse W.
Fields to M. J. Craigue; considera­ was struck on the head by a piece of 21. 8 W. 1400.
J. W. Gowdy et ux to Myrtle Cor With tho«* rem havR bAffin In th« habit of nayln«.
lumber, which cut a gash In his for-
After the Divine reconciliation comes tion not mentioned.
yon will boo that wo nffor yon • BulwtniitUf wi»
coran; tract in sec. 29. 20, 3 W. nnd
Seven acres on the river road from head an inch or more In length.
in« on nil work and you ennnet
better pninleee
human reconciliation. The great Mes­ Low M. Sandys to the Broders Bros.;
work naywhere, n<* roattwr how much you pn»
The schooner Sausalito arrived
i....... — 13^0.
siah will not require sacrifices of hu­ consideration, $27 5 per acre.
John Kestley et ux to M. J. Me­
W« finish plate and
here v,...™...
Sunday ...
San _ Francisco
bri<l«e work for out-
manity, but, on the contrary, will
Thirty-five acres between Goshen is loading lumber at the mill wharf KHn; lots 9 and 10 in block 2 of
of - town pa trona In
if <1 «wired,
Sunny Side add. to Springfield. $325
upon the blind eyes nnd cause the and Pleasant Hill, on the Coast Fork __Florence West
nleaa □«traction
______ J_________ William H. Veatch to J. R. Hills;
» when p atee or
knowledge of the grace of God to from W. E. Dodge of Enstern Oregon
bridge work 1« order-
According to the official canvass 4 1-8 acres in D. L. C. 41. tp. 19. 1
reach Adam nnd every n>emt>er of his to the Able sisters, of the Eugene
*1- Confittltat At lre«k
W. $800.
i ^ i C wi 5r 00
race. Then nil willing for reconcilia­
C. E. Gordinier et ux to J. E. Kil
I the recent primary election, as con-
tion will be hcli»ed by the groat Medi­ en.
rive-room bungalow on West Elev-( chided by the county canvassing born et ux; lot 1 in block 5 of Wai
Geld FiUiatB
_ i.of
ator of the New Covenant nnd by
enth -------
street —
car line * from
Volney board this morning, the anti-assem­ nut Park add. to Eugene. $1500.
Eaatnel Filli«««
1. CO
Israel, bls Chosen People nnd earthly Hemenway, Jr., to W. P. Richmond; bly and the assembly split even on
David Finn to E. M. Beebe; lo
Silver Fillinfi
representative«. Tho object to I m ? ac- I consideration not given.
Good R ii obyr
the state senatorial ticket in this
■ompllshed during Messiah’s reign Is
county, the succesful candidates be
Beet Red Rubber
the bringing to all the willing and
A mass meeting of the temperanc Ing John A. Carson and Hal D. Pat
obedient the restitution which God workers of Eugene and vicinity will ton. and the anti-assembly won on
The recent rain ought to raise the
PeiflletB E«tr*tiee
linn promised-restitution to all that be held at the First Christian church by one majority on the county legis water in the swamps along the Long
All work fully ruArnntred f«r fifteen yearn.
waa lost Ultimately Messiah will on Tuesday. October 4. at 7:30 p. m lative ticket, A. C. Llbbey, of Jeffer Tom bottoms, making duck shooting
transfer the allegiance of tho whole The purpose Is to complete the son, having won over Joseph Foun good. However, shooting on the pre­
world (perfected by him) to Jehovah Oregon dry campaign for Lane coun tain, the assembly nominee from th serves Is seldom good until well along
Painless Dentists
ty. Program and election of centra same prevtret, by 18 votes.—Salem In November and some titnes not un­ FaSSwMAM.
God. that he may be all 13 all 0 committee.
' til December.
<xa««s««n « a. M w«».B ««»»n. twi
Corinthians »». 28).
^R ea O
T qnig
S end N ow
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