THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD VOLUME 44. EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, 8EPT. 29, 1910 NO. 39 Ten Big Packers Must Stand Trial on Government Indictments Sviti vcruil, president of the Lttno County Aaaut Company Lua received tho following letter from H D. Forncri, chief en­ gineer, which ia self-explanatory. It ia made public because the Asset Company ia made tip of many hundreds of Lane county citisona, who uro interested in the project of building a railroad from Eugene to the coact. Mr. Forneri writes: Saratoga, Sept. 23.—The work of drafting a platform for presentation to the Republican state convention occupied the committee on resolutions the greater part of the night, and it waa daybreak before the platform was completed. The platform endorses the administrations of President Taft and Governor Hughes; declares that the Payne tariff law has been a success, and refers with approval to the work of the last congress. It pledges a continuance of the state graft inquiry ‘‘until all wrong-doing capable of exposure shall be brought to light.” The plank relating to direct primaries is very brief, but admits of no misconstruction. "We promise legislation which will enact these principles into law” is the pledge. “(’amp F. omeri, t •« * nth aid* of th« Hluslaw <. i, Oregon, and n t'itu) r< <1 nd Ion of tv. nty mil pt 2<, 1910 or more l«tw«n Eugen« red Gli ua M Hvarverud. Eaq . shit nt jits A »'oiuparr lively ch «up tied t 1.ane County A«». mpacy. build, with easy Kind«*» My Dear Sir: My llmnaiv line alignment. I* now In (lim'd ; i' •tn delight Before closing, «d ll> be able to liti i you that I work I» drawing make th» distance I • ru Hjgene »■■■Mill. I wish t> utloti II. i at I my t > the escellunt behuvior ut.d Glenuua Ixty- . party location, shell II re ■ since leaving EuKen« five due« (bat tlgu month» ago. « have oyer A » th« r utc from Such a r«du«'t|i n, br?* i.- valley í’QÍINt termiti»!», wa« nul at and have left » 0 4« b' «J by me, nor do ! b-1 thoMi who arc well (Hie else eVer belle*<><| 1 wisher». W« I inJ< » miles could be clipped from aturt to finish, belli< nlway« tane» t.aiwrn those tw > ; careful of the righi» f the people It ahould te a matter T •• boya ha»« conducted themselves illation to till- citizens »it so well a» to bring -"edit La them- know that they »r« t* selves, respect from all those with nearer th« i «■( tixls) whom they have come lu contact, rupp.ised »h.-mss-lle, t . and. I hope and trust, lutlsfnctlun day. and they ¡nul! f< t 1 prou«| of, and approbation from the i.une and apprer-late the furl that II In s County Aaeet Company. Thia grati­ hume organisât loti i thut hit» mmh* fying condition. without doubt, this satisfactory romiti Ion |M>»»|hh*, inuk«s It »<> in nit easier for your company to acquire rlght-cf-w uy and give to the Ijin» County <’« all th« credit und ru our»grtn«>n( along th« whole line. I have not yet completed my »ur- haticl». duo that body, alti wlt along Ih<• v< y» In and around Gleuada. bul ex­ hearts and purs, work, * well b< ¿Uh, li n M.ii.sfii”- pect to be through ly Wwdneadny or Thursday of this week, and du not lory complet loti. Hnmmarltlng th» pa»t season • anticipai« any difficulty lu gutliug work. I will say that It has brea an out of (his place. 1 »hull be III Eu­ • streiuely hard one, but mu < ssful at gene elt‘ er Saturday or Sunda) every |> Int For Instila'«. Badger night. All well and anxious to get home, mountain has been overcome without u tunnel, at least ten mil»'» of c in­ i remain Very truly your*. struction saved by th»* Knowles creek II. D FORNERI. cut-off. two very «xpensîve draw Chief Engineer bridge« eliminated by loca’lng down " 1 — — - — — - • MORE RAILROAD SURVEYORS AÏ WORK CHOLERA REFUGES COME TO AMERICA THOMAS J. CONNERS Saratoga, Sept. 28.—When the Re­ publican state convention was called to order today by Temporary Chair­ man Roosevelt, the committee on credentials reported no contests, which elicited from the temporary chairman words of congratulation. United States Senator Root was nam- ed as permanent chairman, and he was escorted to the platform. Senator Root spoke of conditions in the Republican party, and said: “If the trend of public opinion is against it, we will change it. If old supporters of our party have turned under some idea that they can do better elsewhere, we will show them they are wrong. We will win. We will gain the support of the people of this state by deserving it.” “We will stand together,” conclud- That Henry L. Stimson, former United States district attorney of New York, will be the nominee of the progressives for the governor­ ship now seems assured. TESTIMONY IN TRIAL OF GOV. HASKELL. COLORADO MEN Open Statement of Prosecution Is Made to the Jury EDWARD MORR» ed the chairman. Itooaevelt for Direct Primary Colonel Roosevelt took the plat­ form thir afternoon In the Repub­ lics state convention, and mad.» an impassioned speech, pleading f»r rhe adoption of the direct primary plank. The speech of Roosevelt came after ar. argument of two hours for and against the plank, and on the adop­ tion of the minority report, submit­ ted by the old guard. Roosevelt de­ fied the old guard, and told them that unless they fell in and led the procession, it would pass over them and they would be crushed. Stimson for Governor STRUGGLE McAlester, Okla., Sept. 27.—Des­ cribing Governor C. N. Haskell as a Paris, S«pt. 28.—Private ♦ "conspirator who sought to defraud ♦ advices from Italy say emi­ the United States government," As­ I or the secOml time this year a federal grand Jury has returned indictments against several men connected with ♦ grants from the cholera In­ sistant Attorney-General S. R. Rush, Advocates of Federal Control tlf packing Industry in < liicngo. This time ten men prominent lu the affairs of the National Packing company and fected districts are being em­ of Omaha, today formally presented c'llclals of the larger firms alleged to have formed the former concern have been Indicted and will be brought to ♦ barked at Genoa for America, to a jury the government’s charges trial as speedily as |s>sslt>ie. according to the government prosecutors Have Majority of Irri ♦ original starting point in the town-lot cases. being conceded. ♦ Mr. Rush's declaration was in the gationists I form of an opening statement to the »»******««««*•«***«******* jury. He said the prosecution was Pueblo. Sept. 28.—Realizing that | prepared to show that Governor Has­ kell “knowingly and wilfully enter­ there «as no possibility of getting BODY OF STUBBS Country Around Eugene Seems ed into a conspiracy to defraud the the National Irrigation Congress to SHIPPED FOR BURIAL government and the Creek Indians, endorse state rights in water distri­ I and to violate the regulations of the bution. the Colorado delegation to­ to Be Full of Them— TO OLD HOME Department of the Interior. day will turn its efforts to an endeav­ Lots Sold at Half Price or to prevent the presentation to the Cleveland. Sept. 2 8.—The body of ’Frisco Crew Here Mr. Rush said that it would be convention of resolutions commend­ Donald Stubb», general agent of the shown that by false registration Gov- ing federal control of interstate wa­ It 1» a dull day In Eugene when Union Pacific here, who died la»t I ernor Haskell and others illegally se­ ters. Interest today turned largely aomc n«w railroad «rheme la not an­ night of a bullet wound Inflicted on cured about 600 lots in Muskogee at to the meeting of the resolutions nounced, or a crew of surveyor» does' Saturday night with suicidal Intent, ' one-half of the money they should committee, where the policy of the not arrive and »tart th« work of run-, the police say. was sent to the fam­ i have paid. congress for the coming year is being nlng line* and setting stake* through ily home at Ashland, Ohio, for bur­ The regulations of tfhe sale had formulated. The indications are ial Stubbs stated before his death the farms adjacent. provided that not more than two lots that Colorado will not only lose its First Assembly Meeting of the Platform Condemns Payne Fruit Growers’ Association Has | should A r«(«>rt came to The Guard this that It was accldtnlal. be sold to any one person at fight in behalf of state's rights, but morning that a good alsed crew of. jone-half the appraised value, and that the committee will report a Difficulty in Getting Boxes Aldrich Tariff Legis ­ School Year Held at Uni- survewora la working only a short CHICAGO MAN this Should apply to only such per- strong endorsement of federal con­ distance west of Eitgene. having be­ sons as held occupancy right, trol. HELD FOR MURDER From Portland lation versify Today gun their work about a week ago ______ I To defeat this arrangement, the The morning session was devoted It appear* that they ran a line direct] Chicago. Sept. 28 —Karl A. Badd- the government to a discussion of “water equities,” There Is a good field in Eugene 7hl’t Madison, Wia., Sept. 28.—A por­ President Campbell addressed the west for about six miles ami hi »' BMr| alng. a young confectioner, was ar­ r that Governor Haskell - Is fact is dem-'*o’, d sho* that in its various phases. working north from that point. A raigned today on the charge of mur­ first I nlversity assembly this mum- tion of the Republican platform for a b?x factory. T the Eli- and a!8Ociates falsely registered week or ten da)a ago The Guard an-| dering his wife. Mabel Held Budd­ Ing, and there was a packed hall, adopted by the resolutions commlt- onstTated by the inability of ' " " the names of person living in var­ over 500 students being present, ills te was made public before being read gene Fruit Growers’ association to! noun««>d the arrival of a crew of sur-| The caae was coulluued to talk was on the subject of "Making to the delegates today. It praises get enough boxes to pack the enor-| ious states. After Che patents bo the I PERSONNEL OF GLEE veyora from Han Franclwo. ntid It Is ling lands had been issued to these per­ fruit awaiting ship­ sons. believed It Is thin crew tfhal Is ma-j nwalt the coroner's report, and to Gr cooHlstlng of . general dlrec- I.ñt ‘ Manager Holt keh notified the new owners and of- of the death of tin i (|ong the , tu(lenti own we | faret < lr< nniitanccH c. --- ------- «Vd t^s m^nfiVbat ^r'y b^'- “ ^^^1^ the Payne-Aldrich tarif bill does not, ’Friaco crew «til makes It» heaJquar-] IS ANNOUNCED ters In Eugene, stopping at the. ; prisoner', first wife. Arsenic was ' and wa» much appreciated. One fact fulfill party pledges. The preseut to get a shipment of box ¿hcoks from ?,,tn “oat of the people did no found lu the body of his second lu tne ooay .. ., that he mentioned In particular was tariff bill is declared not adequate.) PoAland. the nearest factory, for the Hnieede every f«w nights, and went “ and the body » of , ‘ ' that the course» throughout the ITni- The railroad law should be amend-] out yesterday In vehlrles hired from w I fe, !•••*• was alleged, and, not having been put Two Chinese Students Chosen a local livery stable. Who tlhey are will be exhumed to search for traces verslty of Oregon this year are to be ed so as to allow the physical valua-! reason that there is a great demand ! to any expense, readily accepted the This Year—New Members made harder. As he expressed it. lion of railroads, and a graduated .k>r them from all over the North-! money. working for Is a mystery. However, of poison west, and as a result money is noi Are Mostly Freshmen “ the keynote of this year at the Uni ­ income tax 1» favored, as well as na ­ all the S I’, surveyor* come from tho ♦ versity will be t';e little tightening of tional control of national resources. Joubt lest by the association on ac-l In this way, Mr. Rudh said, it Callforniu city, and It Is possible *♦♦♦♦♦♦ *_*_* * t * .* * would be shown that deeds to about ♦ the screws." T\\ li'E-A-WKEK «VARI» The plank on trusts declared that ?ount of its inability to make »hip-; 600 lots were turned over to Haskell that the Harriman people are making ♦ The University of Oregon glee n survey from Eugene to the Slu»law| ♦ He said it wn« 'he duty of (he in- In a ««neral way the laws against' meats of fruit immediately after or- and his associates. club was chosen last evening after ue manna . .................... There changed until ¡l» ’rs are recei ed. are quite a Beginning, Monday. October * stltulon (o the state t<* make good." trusts should not be as well as from Junction City, and ♦ the second try-out. an.l now the first regained cont.ol of 1(>t ot 8h»e »ubacrip- T »ructions the president Mid that this year’s club will be the fact that New B<>x Nailer jected from Eugene to the coast, a» + Hoti price which «Hl remain at ?. many of the social ieatures must lie with a number of wildcat, two cou-l among Its members are tw > Chinese ymr. iltc •nnw hm now ?' eliminated. He denounced the cigai gar and two panther hides, and he The boxes are shipped from tQie th« Junctlon-laike crick survey 1» be­ Cleveland Ohio. Sept. 27.—Don- students. Lai and Ding. These Chl- + , liargeil for the weekly edition. * stores and students who frequent cinimed a total of $44 in bounties. factory in “knocked down” shape al.l P Sttrbbs. son of John C. Stubbs, nese are said to 'have the finest vol­ lieved by many to lie. and are nailed together at the can­ traffic director of the Harriman rail-""" 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + their pool rooms, nml declared that Htlll Another Crew ces ever heard ’ '*" on the ,b“ glee club. I-ast I flies»« students would In all probabll- was held this afternoon uml it will nery. The association has installed a roads, died in Lakeside Hospital here year It was a great question whether There Is said to be still nnotlier ♦ ♦♦♦ -------------- 1 box nailing machine which is capa ­ ;,e course of the Slu»lawl||y no j g ( Mnj at the end of the crew of surveyors working for the following the this afternon at 1:46 o’clock. Pneu­ Ding was to take a place because of from Ban. Franclaco.| ypnr athh«tes, In u der to take be continued tomorrow. There are ble of making from 1000 to 1500 monia is given as the immediate nationality, but there are two now < P.. , E. A E from Eugene toward the river; the I crew several trying for the place of lead­ boxes a day. It is operated by power working down i....... on tjjp poiipgp teams, must make I ’ , crew and the places have been given them. mouth «»f th»» Sluslnw. I his <'< m- I and the 8- of death. Besides these. \jie Ore p- the grade of "C” or better, and the er. land is a great labor-saving device. i cause pany's crew, which hud been working Lake creek Pneumonia set in today, and Their singing is considered little The general “ acquaintance ” recep ­ '<• recently 'lad a crew of „ ......... __ „ ..... The association has Installed during conches will be ordered to drop any! I1 up th« McKenzie river for several gon Electric Stubbs, who sent a bullet into his ¿hort of wonderful. La! is a first making permanent( |nan froni training who falls down in tion will be held in the new gymna­ the present season everal other pow­ breast, just above his heart, in his tenor and Ding is a secon 1 bass. T. weeks, was in Eugen« t'.ie anie night surveyors here, sium Friday night of this week. Af ­ er machines which will in the end were nine new places filled, the Sun Francisco crew first arrived, surveys for the Hue betwen Eugene hl» studle». ter this gathering, which Is the first [save a great deal of money in labor. .offices in the Williamson building six There Lots of Oregon Spirit being vacancies and three addi­ anil it Is known that they left the ..nd Albany, extending quit»* a dis­ Saturday nght. and had been under social event of the year for the whole Packing Pnines am! Apples President Campbell then dwelt on next ilay for th»* western country. tarne west before turning north. i opiates in the Lakeside hospital tional places on the club. The new There Is a large force of women much of the time since, collapsed at members are chiefly freshmen and the subject of the “Oregon Spirit," college, each student is supposed to One who has talk.-d with members, and girls at the cannery packing ap- discussing Its properties nml requi­ be acquainted with the others. are said to include some very good of this crew say they are working The first student body meeting ! pies and dried prunes. The prunes once. His father had been by his voices. The prospects for the glee sites. He mentioned that from all 25 miles we»t of Eugene. It In prob­ side since Sunday morning. His will be held a week from today, at are packed very carefully In small wife, a bride of last June, is prostrat­ club this year are very bright. The Fifty Years Ago Today. appearances unusual enthusiasm Is able flhat th.* IL. E. * E boxes and are ¿hipped east for the ed at the Stubbs home, 1850 East try-out for the mandolin club will be characteristic at the Institution this the regular assembly hour. locate an east and west line from the The sophomore class meets to elect ___ ______ Sept. 28. fancy trade. A car load was shipped Eighty-first street. held in a few days. The following year, which 1» a very good sign. One summit of the Cascade mountains to officers tomorrow afternoon. I to Chicago Y.----- „J yesterday and one to is the personnel of the club as It will The Prine« of Wale» (Lord of the requisites for the Oregon spir­ th« c ast via Eugeni*. Jor'h,® appear this season: it. he said, wa» loyalty. And this purpose of building a railroad of It* Renfrew! Inaugurated th« West­ First Tenors—Burke. Storey. Do- loyalty does not only mean to boost - »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ > Cleveland today. A good price is re­ own over that route or selling It out ern Academy of Art» at St. ceived for them this year. ble, I41I, Morrison. Motsc.henbacher. for Oregon when the opportunity of- » > to anv of the big companies that I xhi I b . Since the burning of the Cottage might'want to enter the Willamette Second Tenors—Curtis, Rolfe, fered. hut it means n sacrifice on the ] [ Grove prune dryer a few days ago. Powell, Clark. Bra’ager. part of every student. I< , vallev by wav of tthe McKenzie ps»a Twenty-five Years Ago Today. the association has received two or ' "mountains «nd thence on to First Bass — Frazier. Gelssler, Kvery ■■•»«crlber to the Weekly Gaard who pay* oae year la ad- He urged every student to take <» over the three car loads of prunes from Phat Lamm. Fortmiller, Martin. Mario. Anti-vaccination riot In Mon ­ some part In the college activities. ] ] vaaee (hl.Ml will receive the Oregna Agrlealtarlat free for oae year. the ©oast. city and the evaporator has been I Second Bass—Vaster. Barzee, Og­ and advised that two hours of each o treal. Mob of 1,000 persons Five Crrw» in Flein Thio la oae of the heat farm, fralt aad llveatoek yayera la the kept in operation ta> full capacity bu den, Stannard, Ding. day should be devoted to such and If It Is true that lh« p • R stormed the health office. , , ’ he season on prunes will end the last Northweat aad Ha matter la well aelected thorough I y reliable. It that no less than six miles bo walk- J, survev rs are at work west of th Anti Chin»*»« demonstration In i ■ of this week, says Manager Holt. Four Medford churcfiv buildings city there are five crews In that fl. I I. ed each day. | < * la a apleadld yayer for the farmer. Wyoming and Washington terri­ Another large force is canning to- and grounds are offered for sale; The others are: Th« Lane ( ounty The tryou < t ” ! , o ’ ^vS'iV yell leader ........................................................................ .................................................................... i«»to™. c J°P r b « ‘ ' n * hea 'i t»''™ 8 torial new and larger churches are to be Asset Company’» crew built. nur Glenada; the Ralph Hunt crew, Photo» by An.erhan Pres» Association. PRESIDENT SAYS PLATFORM PLANKS OREGON MUST STRONGLY FOR BOX FACTORY MAKE GOOD FARM PAPER FREE