THE EUGENE WEEKLY QUA* D. THURSDAY. SEP. 22, 1910 TWELVE HARVEST FESTIVA SALES EXTRAORDINARY The Service is Better than You Find Elsewhere We are Never Satisfied With a Transaction Unless You Are Big Sale of Fall and Winter Popular Merchandise After having reduced our stock of Summer Merchandise thousands of dollars by ¿1 merciless slaughter in prices, we are prepared to show one of the most complete stocks of popular priced new winter merchandise in Lane County. Read and be convinced of the unmatch able bargains in dependable merchandise New Fall and winter Suits $14.95 To Meet the Demand $18.95 $16.50 ,____ ..... , $24.75 Haven't you noticed how few stores are ready with popular priced suits this season? Well, it was only foresight on our part together with good fortune, that allowed us to be prepared. Way back in the early part of June we had a hint of the labor troubles in New York and contracted for immedate delivery on- popular priced garments to sell at the above prices. There are some suits today that would bring fully one-thrd more; you are wel- come to look and you have our assurance you won’t be urged to buy. ft , x % » i k "è - *** 1 ■ ** * n OUR POLICY SHIRTWAISTS For over ten years the policy of this establishment has been as high in its ideals as it has been simple in its text—namely, “Deal Honorably.” You can rely on us when purchas­ ing here, having perfect confidence in anything that comes fro mthis store, because our policy is founded on the lock of honest dealing and we are more anxious to have things right than you are. The wonderful growth of this busi­ ness did not just happen. It is a re­ sult of business honor that began with the first day’s business and it has been rigidly lived up to to this 98c Waists ................................ 45c $1.25 Waists • 75c $1.75 Waists •••98c $2.00 Waists $1.25 A lot of Waists in broken’ sizes, values $2.50. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. $6.50, $7.50 and $8.00. which we will close out at about half price. 326 yards of Val. Lace and Inser- ............................................ $1.43 12 dozen Hair Pins, per doz.... lc 180 pins ....................... lc Safety Pins, card ......................... 3c Waist Buttons, per dozen ......... lc Waist Buttons, 6 dozen for .... 5c Lead Pencils Beauty Pins, per dozen ...............5C Fine Tooth Brushes ..................... 5c Barbour’s Linen Thread .............. 9p 500 yards Spool Cottn .................5c Best Hair Pins ............................. 4c F-c Darners .................................... 3c 25c Hand Bags ........................... 15c 15c Talcum Powder, 10c; 3 for 25c Turban Hair Pins ......................... 5c Barettes ......... . • • 15c Barettes ......... Sc Dressing Combs • 5c Dretsing Combs • ••10c 23t Dressing Combs , • • • 15c 50c Dresring Combs ••35c 75c Dressing Combs •50c $1.25 Back Comb} ,. , 4 5C Bait Combs . .. 50c Back Combs ......................... 35c 25c Back Combs ......................... 19 q Dexter’s Knitting oCtton .... Dexter’s Knitting Cotton............... 5 q 10c Valise Straps ......................... gc 25c Torchon Laces ........................J5C 8c Featherstitch Braid................... 5C Best Kid Curlers, bunch................. 4 q 1 doz .Krinkled Hair Pins ......... gc Button Holes, yard ....................... gc 25c Baby Bibs .............................. 1 n« 10c Hair Curlers.............................. 5C CORSETS We have just received a large ship­ ment of corsete direct from the fac­ tory in New York, purchased by our agent at less than 1-2 actual cost. These corsets are regular 1.25 values; choice at ....................................... 58c They are guaranteed not to rust or break. We are agents for the famous G-D "Just Rite” Corsets. 50c Girdles 39c 75c Corsets •50c $1.25 Corsets •98c $1.65 Corsets 1.38 $2.50 Corsets 1.98 $3.25 Corsets 2.78 $4.50 Corsets 3.00 $5.00 Corsets . 4.69 Modern Store ................................. 25c TOWELING 6 l-4c Cotton Twills . . . . 8c Cotton Twills.............. 10c Linen Crash .............. 15c Linen Crash................. 20c Linen Crash ........... TRUNKS. SUIT CASES TELESCOPES UMBRELLA SALE Many styles of new umbrellas, di­ rect from factory, marked close to cost; men’s and women’s steel rod. 26x26 in. 1 lot worth 75c for .. . 50c 1 lot worth $ 1.25 for . . 31.00 1 lot worth $1.75 for .. >1.50 1 lot worth $2.00 for .. il.75 1 lot worth $2.50 for . 12.00 Fine gilt-handled for ladies. worth $6.00, only ......................... >4.50 Silk Umbrellas for $3.50 to S7.00 tions, 8 1-3 values, yd.................. 5c 156 yards of 10 and 12 l-2c Val. Laces and Insertion, yd ..6 l-4c 172 yards 18c and 20c Val. Laces and Insertions, yard .............. 10c 1000 yards Torchon Laces, 10c val­ ues, yard ................................... 5 c All 18c, 20c, to 25c Embroideries will be closed out at...............12c 35c, 40c and 45c embroideries, at yard ........................................ 25c WOOL DRESS GOODS 10 pieces Shadow Stripe Suiting, 35c values, yard ..................... 23c 50c wide Wall............................... 3gc 85c Serges, wool ....................... 50c 75c all-wool Taffetas................... 50c 54-lnch Broadcloth ................. $1 49 SILKS 125 yards Plisse. 40c values ..igc 50 Stripes . • ■■•33c 75c Pongees ....53c $1.00 plain and figured . •••89c $2.00 Guaranteed Taffeta ••$1.75 $1.50 Taffetas .................. $1.25 WHITE GOODS 15c 25c 15c 35c 20c 25c India Linens.......................... 1 Oc Fla»°ns ............................23c Ramie ............................ 12 l_2c Poplins ................................. 25c Dotted Swiss.......................... ific Mull ....................................... 19c WASH DRESS GOODS 8 l-2c Lawns .... 12 l-2c Percales .. 15c Lawns ...................... 20c Lawns ........................ 25c Tissues...................... 35c Dimities .................... 35c Madras...................... 35c Poplins ...................... 35c Picquette .................. ........ 5c •........ 9c ........ 9c 12 l-2c ••••23c ••• 23c • 23c •••23c ••• 23c GINGHAMS 500 yards 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams, yard ............................ ........ 10c 15c Dress Ginghams......... 12 l-2c 1 lot French Ginghams, 25c*and 3*5c values, clean-up at ................. jgc We have thrown out a counter full of choice remnants of every des­ cription, cost not considered. Come early for bargains. BED SPREADS $1.00 $1.25 $1.75 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.50 Bed Spreads .............. •89c Bed Spreads.................. • 98c Bed Spreads .................. $1.15 Spreads ........................ $1.69 Spreads ...................... $2.48 Spreads.......................... $2.69 and $5.00 Spreads .... $3.25 SALE ON WOMEN’S KNIT UNDERWEAR 25c 25c MEN’S GLOVES ■•‘■25c •••■59c ••••75c •98c • $1.19 SKIRTS EMBROIDERIES 35c mercerized At great reduction, Good horsehide. $1.50 values Good hogskin, 75c values .. Cotton Gloves, 4 pair for $1.50 Dress Gloves, only Hop Pickers' Gloves. 4 pr TABLE LINEN 1 lot 58-inch Damask, yd 75c Damask, 72 in.... .. $1.00 Damask, 72 in......... $1.25 Damask. 72 in........... $1.50 Damask, 72 in........... 10c Handkerchiefs ........................ 5C 15c Handkerchiefs, 10c: 3 for 25c 25c all-Linen Handkerchiefs. 2 for 4 l-2c 6 l-4c ........ 9c • lie •15c We have a large quantity of Skirts to choose from in Voiles, Mohairs, Worsteds, Serges, Tweeds and Du 2.50 z ou Neory brown, all wool, $3.00 value, suit ......... .............<2 50 Green wool, $2.50 value, suit *2 00 Memo brown, $2.50 val., suit $2 00 Our price on winter Underwear is about 50 per cent lower than else­ where. HOSIERY 50 doz. Ladies’ Hose, 15c val.JOc 1 lot ladies’ Hose, 35c values .25c 1 lot 25 doz. ladles’ Hose......... 45« 35c Fancy Colored Hose........... 23c 65c and 75c Silk Lisle Hose. ... 42c 35c Lisle Hose for....................... 25c 50 dozen Children's Hose. 20c values^ 2 pair for.................................... nc. 1 lot Children's Hose................... iqc MEN’S SHIRTS A big assortment Cheviot, blue and fancy colors .............................. zn. 65c Khaki Shirts.......................... gQc $1.00 Cream, white and blue Silk finish Sateen............................. 75- $1.25 Silk Front, all colors . $1 ¿0 $1.25 white pleated Bosqm 98c $1.50 white pleated bosom ... g j 25 MEN’S OVERALLS $800 worth just received. Extra heavy gray, blue, brown stripe, bib or without, jumpers to match, b«st $1.00 values.................. 90c Good quality blue Overalls, regular 90c quality .............................. 75- Big line of blue Overalls and Jump- ers. only .....................................50c MEN’S SILK TIES 75c values 50c val"e'’ ........................... «« .......................... • • •25c BLANKETS $2000 worth just received $1.00 values ........................... $1.25 values .................. ’' •65c •95c $1.50 values .......................‘ $2.00 values .......................... $1.25 $3.00 values .......................... SI.50 $3.50 values ........................ ¡¡2.25 $4.00 values .......................... ¡2.69 $5.00 values ............................ ' S3.25 $7.50 values .......................... ' ¡4.25 $5.00 aontw aontw aontw’wirww MEN’S MEN’S HAT SALE A big assortment to choose from* latest styles and shapes. $2.50 value, sale price . ,,, if 40 $3.00 value, sale price........ to r.n $3.50 value, sale price.......... S3 00 Stetson Hats, all size and colors ............................................. $3.50 The name of l*odgr Department Store »lands for progressive, fair dealing, for modern business meth­ ods, ami for udvan<«m«nt In all lines The mere fact that any article came from this store Is sufficient guarantee of Ita quality to any persou who knows this store and Ita meth­ ods llsvnlg strhen to r»ac|i th« sum­ mit of popularity and public esteem, we fer| f^it out steadfast efforts have tak< .. us well on the way. and that the growth of the store In th« future will !»«• grratoT than In the past The largrst stork of Wool Flannel Shirts. ranging from $1 to $3 &<> 25c 25c SPECIALS FROM OUR PURE FOO DDEPARTMENT Pure Cane Sugar ............. $6.15 $ 1 50 beat Valley or Hard Wheat Flour $1 20 $1.75 best Bluestem Patent Flour. sack ........ $1.50 Regular 10c Raisin», lb ......... 5c Milk. 3 1 25c Rice, 30 lbs Standard « j 00 Rlout half regular prices. 40c “ Teas at, lb................ 20c 5Oc Tea» at, lb................ 30c 60c Tea» at. lb................ 40c 75c Teas at. lb................ 50c WOMEN’S SUIT SALE The »nappy, atyllsh Sult» you ar«* charged from $5 00 to $|ooo more for al other pla-es. Good all wool Sulla * * - - - Regular $ jo oo . Regular $35 00 .............. Regu lar $35 od .... 125 00 Hosiery, 3 pair, all-wool cashmere, t ol r*Bntn«*rv ri-giilar .'<>• vain« > CCw 50c Good medium wool Sox, 3 pairs, reg­ ular 30c values . .. 50« 40c Work Wool Sox . 25c 3 pair Cotton Sox................ 25c 3 pair Work Sox.................. 25c ::: COFFEES Our coffee stock Is the most coni« ___ plete In the city; our brokers are the largest Importers on the coast, Cof- fees are fresh roasted and ground by the new electric steel cup process. Regular 25c values, lb................. 20c Regular 35c values, lb................ 05« Regular 40c values, )b................. 3 qc Our Special Blend. excellent values at 30c, 4 lbs. for ............. $1.00 SCHRAM JARS Pinta. doaen ......................... 70c Quarts, dozen ......................... 80c Half-gallon, dozen ................ $1.10 MEN’S SUIT SALE ECONOMY JARS The moat complete line of Men’s All-Wool Sults In the city. These Hulls were bought from the Boston Woolen Mills at a big special, I 7.50 Sults at .. 5.85 $16.80 Suits at .. 6.85 $17 3<> Suita at 8.85 $19.70 Sults at % 12.50 $25.00 Sults at These Sults are from $5 00 17.50 to $10 cheaper than you can buy from the clothing trust stores. Dre»« Shirts—one lot $1.25 values for ............................................ Good, heavy fleeced, lined Underwear at jier Suit ....................... ” 75c Pinta. d<>z«n .............. 85c Quarts, dozen ....................... $1 05 Half gallon», dozen $130 We arc headquarters for country produce best quality and best prices always obtainable SHOES The best for less n our SHOE DEPARTMENT A galaxy of Shoes at Bargain Prices WOODEN WARE 50c Wash Boards........... Rolling Pins. ('hopping Bowls. 25c Mop Sticks .................... 50c Brooms 60c Brooms Clothespins, 2 dozen , 25c 10c 35c 50c 5c DISHES A largo and complete xtock of sta­ ple and fancy Dish«» and Glassware. 1 lot Jelly Glasses, dozen......... *16« 1 nc Water Glasses, regular 75c value, dozen.................... 50c CUTLERY Knives, Butcher Knives. Table Knives and Forks at a big sav­ ing. SCHOOL TABLETS 1 lot large Tablets, the kind yon pay 10c for at ............................... g- 1 lot 15c values ........................ jqc ANNOUNCEMENT SUSPENDERS 50c values................................... 35c values ........... WOMEN’S SKIRTS W"tarL”rlco w,th “ Rood black Skirt at...................... Striped black and white, $1.00 value Heatherbloonis, 60c to........................ Sateens ... . The best black ■•••....50c 75c, $1.00 50c to $2.50 The black Silk Skirts In "he city for onj • • • $2.43 aontw aontw ao » $5.00 men’s Crawford shoes $$.00 men’s ('rawford shoes . $5,00 men's Knox shoes ... $4 00 Cowboy Boots High and low heels $5 <10 tan waterproof Shoes.. $3 85 Boys' $4 00 high cuts ......... »3.45 Youths district school shoes. . $1 95 Men's Washington loggers 16 00 kind ....................... $3 95 .Men'» high top hand-tnad« water 1 proof shoes. $7.00 kind $5 45 Men's Glirn Boots ........... Boys’ Gum Boots ... ... . Men*« Rubber« 70c Women’» Gunmetal Hutton Shoes' 1 regular $3 50, now............ <0 98 $4.00 patent button Misses’ Sho.i n,,w .................................... <3 9« $3.50 women’s kid buttoif fl” $6.00 women's high cut boots.^how litt $4 35 $1 50 felt slippers 98c $1.25 feil Sllppnrs Mlxses’ patent button Shoes $ Vii I ties ................ $1.05 Women’s black Gunmetal both but- ton and lace, now , Other »tores ask 15.00 for* ?h.®e BDOP«. Carpet Sllpiters .............. Rubbers ................ .............. ?„ child'» shoes .....................z“c Child’s $1.50 red shoes’ ’ 7” Overshoes, pucks and .til kinds of footwear. We retail at wholesale prices. Top cash or trade prices always paid for all kinds of country produce Butter. Eggs, Chittem Bark, Grape Root, Wool and Mohair DODGE DEPARTMENT STORE Land County’s Bargain Center < 4 Ì * 4 • 4 **