THE EUGENE WEEKLY QUAND. THURSDAY SEPT 15. 1910 TWO ,«/ million» nt manklBd that v»« nnd Terrible Suffering n baby » -When nvy i old his fa ice broke I I.. > find h-nr'« •>’«»‘l«thl<’n nml «nd at sixteen mont /.-It that «• II I'«'1 '!•“ ••»*•’•1 "t-n lift'» hands and arm» w to »ui»«li 1‘uruntury. It •»«»• state, The ecxema tolvo ii|«”» 'I”’'»' rt-locni» "Il ’>' ••• body, We had to pul over his f.-ie and tl tf1,.v«.ind« of mltll”"« 'h,'y ,"'1 CHARI.!. > r Finally we gave him II „„ They Mi Hi«’ w-taht rllla and in a few mor. of ll..- n-.|«ui«lblll') ‘ •h*T ' ItL SSI II. tiri-ly cured. Today h i.inu.l of G«”l ■’"•U|»l l"‘ I”'» boy.“ Mr». Ines IHirliv. M Eaztot ErooJyt Hood's Sarsaparilla cu *s bl« « J I,lh, fi.nv.-n’ mirvlyn.-C Hvirrly «"ly enses an<1 builds up the system. 1 a: eruaca. th» ...intiy r«’« "I-” «» f,,r "I am not aslumrd «4 the g»'(>cl Get it today In usual 'i ■:■ 1 form O1 > cauaty fair board met i Montreal. September 10.—Today's They. n< well n« nil. recoknla««! that chocolated tablets ■««. i SarsaiabB- n.l decided to send com- Getting after the delinquents was session of the Eucharistic Congress ('! t,..t" (Roman u It'). f i.t T’’ •’» "Ith Id ’"*1 «’«•"•»ernntlmi. i communities fn the duty of the city council last night [opened this morning with the cele- r. , .... .Ill-in.d Hull Huy mu t . row.l view farmers and ; bration of pontifical mass in St. uuid i« » pat ’ ■ i good ca » matter of brtug- TWENTY-FIVE PASS t o- .-titlrv »"•»• I»'" ■ *"'11 •H*’’®** Patrick’s church. A general meeting Mown for neglecting t falr which will be Inlet I toilin' <">d «1"" “**”" u"*'“ the city «.rdlnances. The Portland [ will be held this evening in the September 21-2 4 SEPTEMBER EIGHTH forever •««» wHt« "I-" Hm oil»«. ■agene A Eastern rail« ay. as a re­ [ancient church ot Notre Dame. nnl Bible Students Conventi, u I The crowning incident of the great At the f..Ir last f ill I s.«me of the sec- sult of neglecting to comply with “Who enter» I».'»* »bnndoll» Imt«’ salon bere with un excellent ni f were not rep re ­ I tlon» cf the county the terms of Its franchise, is in I congress will come tomorrow after- GRADE EXAMINATION nice and deep Inter,««! uiiinlfeste, Brother Calvin t« «"• R»»«“» Btnger of losing their license unless . noon, when a public procession in , rented « -th exhibit ts at all and the >r liu«M-ll of Brooklyn T.itH-ruiu l Taking frm" |.r .. II- ••**> "H Im"’-”’ an entire failtire, J they make good at once. And the 1 honor of the blessed sacrament will ■ stock exhibits was Nearly all Were Pupils of Sum­ t«red two addresses today. »Hie I*' ity all future h<»|» m <>•• Hi" Itef rm.-r« ¡Frasier property on the quarter ■ be held through the streets of Mont- not enough sto< ek being there to mer School Conducted in h Jefferson Theatre. We repot fur th.« Him- h.«nrul k. Il w«'Uhl I m < j— •— - at — sixth ------------ ---- — streets -cal. The sacrament will be carried make anv « of a showing at all/ block and Willamette :«s well as the I’nderw ■ I that tin* i b hi nt that g..«i*i TWInr»" mu.......... Duke of * here and «ill compare favorably pupils who passed the regular Sep-! ‘ ~ ' chair in the absence ot the mayor, minister of Canada: the a < ell «1 II« >u < f « " In f.«r th» llef.irtnrr» Today un automobile load of mem­ Ing attendant- at the sutnaier «eh« el balance In proml’en. rin« i f- II» ». first matter th-at was brought up thousands of Catholics of Montreal nut Brother John »’alvtn helped was the P E. & E. street question. and from distant cities of the United bers of the fair association went to condueted for applicants bv Prof«-s- the startling unti« uu. i tm tit of B.i t them nnmaingly ,r”"' l,Mm‘ ■It seems that this company ha» States and Canada. Forty triumphal Lorane to be present at the meeting sor E R. Parker and others during! 81tnpaon. Its PreMdcut. Cult l!>.« c tto-tr burden H« <«** Hiein th.t they torn up several streets for its tracks arches have been erected, under of the Siuslaw grange and to inter­ the present season: li. « 'i . ..... lection llftevl would probably I«« th and left them impassable. The which tae procession will pass on Its est the farmers in that section ’n np.ui their lulml«. but It lut.ueu- c» xh.uld n««t worry. I e-mi»» It *"• District No. 4— G- rd m B. Hsh. ■point about It. however, that brought march through four miles of city the matter of sending their best sam­ i Clarence Wagers, ClareiQont Mill«. last at Old Orchard, le. ause the Can i their pocketbook» a**»- Tb«y '»•» God’» fault »"-I *rt their» G-»i hv.l down the ire of the city council was streets. ples of grain, fruit, vegetables and Dorothy Collier. Paul Drum. U’is Grounds' l’Ins ter« bad rente I It« Ai ! lougvr nt.prr- 1st” Hie ’’l.uslHe»» ' meth pn«!e 'l«»'”’ Hiem !■» (hit » fvi Today , 75, 000_ people gathered on itc-ck the fa r Other committees McMurphey, Berenice Ingalls. Wil- ditorium for t!m«e days for the us- « <»1« .if the Alliance nor the brand of ture long befov he < rented the railroad company's apparent dis­ -------- r__ .. ___ _ _ to __________ N"w Cottage Grove. Coburg, up fred Beck. Mollie Vale Iren« Niles. our Assoclatlen lie ill* hired that II regard and disrespect for that body. Fletcher’s field for the first open air tliey »haul I merely iry to think or It seems that members of the council ceremony. The preacher of the day [(he Mohawk, up the McKenzie, to Grace Gulllford. Carl Tobey. Ida disagree« »Uh our theology This, c • ;..«(. I wtifi h It •”!» forth. The w /«» » e-ima’l uii.i r thenuwlvew •« the "•Ir. !" and 'ry to liave gone to the railroad office and «•as Monsignor O Connell, A d *1' ' Junction City and to other points Dommersnaes, Gladys Martin. Leo course, ’, was a vellid threat that th i .;<«!'« | e.i|>lr < >*:n» I keen ndlng of *•* t'lok'’ ”f bl« u ■ I forget everyt"«ly < l~- Of cmrwe. It treated very politely but that bishop of Boston, who said in part: I in tbe C(>ulltj. on the same mission Wray, Frances Garrett, Glen Morris, Directors ef the camp ground m® ,.,.«, |o tn < h»n .- Bll was all, for nothing has been done. When, ages ago. this fair por- and tbe result will doubtless be a Ciaren__ larence 1 Lombard. ___ ' Frank Tobey. Er- bn«nk their Contract with the Bit«1 I th - »'ualler »111 I* «he collect! >:i» of And. finally, when the officers of tlon of the earth rose above the »ub- mucb better and bigger exhibit in netx McCarty, Arthur Keeney. Jn“Ur*« i th.» i'hil«tia.i Alliance. That 1« L»” thin»» »»•'"•’ 'I'* •*•'’* ot Students. This they promptly did. an ! r-.ll «"crvt of thrlr o|.|«»»lt|.>U I wou.d WlMh m L.»» »ml *’• the company promised to attend the siding waters the eternal God from the paTtUon an4 ln the gtock peng **’ *‘ No. 19.—Verns Griffin. District r................. we accepted back the money paid I | th it It were true that they would u-«» council meeting last night to explain the glory of his heavens smiled upon May Make ....... Milk — Teats th- only .ilutlon V.hl.h occurred District No. 45.—Mary Brown. and didn’t show up at all It was too it. For He knew even then that on Efforts are being made by the advance, rather than go to La» It No. 5$.-—Cora C. Evers. District John I’nlv’u'» therrto» were er take up another <-ol!e*‘ti*>n at " .1 them much for the city fathers, and a pre ­ this day and in this P ,ace board to arrange for a series of milk 6 District No. 133—Archie Barger. for Ibis reason, dear friends, that ' ■ orrhaid! The beat hen have already nflerwnrv!« emtndled In the eel. H planned t0 pared resolution was unanimously ones of the world would gather here tes;s at {he fa|r are having our Convention ’out«" the altar of H . loveto«offer ,ake the mi!k fro;n c>w# Tarlous I. ..| tuo urn- h of 'heir Guapri of .!» n intn«ter < -«nf »»l.-ii of i’«tlh And carried, threatening to annul the the rump.“ We are glad that It« L*u 1 nsfl.i'i i I. m I'« name h«» «livedv 1« >n that Streetcar company's franchise. In S•.I!'1,».“ t>f.-.l--l. of fal'h bwinvo the «■•'«'■ '■ BOUND OVER ON CHARGE does not separate us from our gre telling about his efforts to get the «tendered nnd l»l»»|>h«ii:eI «no’igh by found-vtlon -f "• Hy »11 ITute» »nt and test it as to its quality and I •Ì • company to act Mr. Henderson said: Ages before the sons of men built quantity of butter fat. This is done, Redeemer and Teacher, the J< y « th«- tala» Gospel uie»»«».’ that iilue creed« |irvth»r John Wr»l«y after OF SETTING FOREST FIRE | ' whose *‘I have dene all the talking and they their habitations on the banks of this I at all large fairs and would be an Idesslng I "•«* lu your face« hundred «nd ninety nine out of »very ward objv. tod. but ndiultt.««! that only don't say anything,” and later. "They mighty river the all-seeing eye of ■ attracting feture here, but the j g Gregg, Arrested by Austin Secular editors were a«t >ul li » thousand of humanity ever born arc to the aalnlly Went to heaven »nd every never refuse to do anything, in fac God beheld reflected from this ma­ board is not certain that It can be I They hi d i*en congratulatlnt • eternal r>>a»tlng t^cau«« of f» body el«- wont to eternal torment they always say they will, but nevei jestic stream the gleam of Johovah s arranged.____________ Farrington Recently, Tak­ 1 tian pts'ple that the days of the rack «uffer tber Adam'» »in nnd the Ignorance, »tu- Uba pr<.te«t »«« that. Iu»te»d "f H‘ « I i' do a thing.” Mr. Ness told that Mr lanners and today's long 'rain of tri­ j the thumb «crew and the »»er en to Portland . pldlty and tncr.nne»» which have re- being by Divine f.rv..n1luaG«>ti ' " > •“ Woodcock, the company's attorney umphal procession bearing amia past and that from every quarter «er< suite!. had been very agreeable but said hymns and anthems of great Sacra­ CRESWELL SCHOOL tentk.n. It ««'. u" the contrary. t«e noth in _■ abcut fixing the streets. He ment of His presence. Centuries and J. H Gregg, the man who was coming appeal« for Christian I nlot> L«t th» Truth Prevail. cau»r of Dlvtno unwlxdom aid It com OPENS ON MONDAY. 1 then said he saw the boy in the of •enturies before the city of Mary had arrested recently bv Austin Earring­ which. It was hoped, might even Ultl fpe (Virgil Cooper) and told him t< erected her glorious cathedrals the SEPTEMBER 19 ton. of this city, forest ranger in the mately Include all denominations of If (he Intelligent men connected with potency - - peons of praise which we raise here tell Mr. O’Connor to report at th Cascade reserve on the upper Wil­ Catholics and Proteatanta. ' et here the Alliance really tiellcve the horri­ ’’Good Tiding» of Groat Joy ” council that night, but that then inder the blue dome ot God's great New Building Will Not Be Com­ lamette. was given a bearing before ble nightmare of the Dark Agea wbl li Surely no »one per»on can any longer they had to listeu to the contrary- a temple of nature had sounded their was no Mr. O'Connor on hand. Her U. S. Commissioner W W. Calkins, that Christian people is al- they are proclaiming ns the G..»|»-l of defend any of the above ■•G.»|«cl» »« pleted Until Middle of echoes aloft to the very throne ot the resolution was brought in. and bound over to appear for trial in | suggestion liaace were so opposed to Bible Stu Christ, then, of cottru«. they are ex the true .«ne, of which Hl I aul wa« tod: so that before the inhabitants After an introduction, quoting the the federal court. His bond was October curable f*»r preaclilug It It I* not for not a»hamed! Surely St. I'»ul never placed at $2500, but being unable dents that even a year would not be terms of the company's franchise by yf this beautiful city had framea the laws by which it is governed, or i: to furnish It. he was remanded to sufficient to purify the air of Old or other, to Judge of thrlr honesty In this preached any of lh— Owpela. nor di.l which they are obliged to keep the On Monday. September 19. the planned the spacious streets through matter, but It 1« for other» to deckle any of the A|»*tl« nor dooo tb.« It.bte < streets about its tracks repaired. It which we now have passed. God’s Creswell school opens for the 1910- , the custody of the deputy United chard and to permit them to meet hen« Î said in brief: , .. . States marhal sent up fr-m Port- next year to take up another collection. thnt they will n<> |. ngrr n«»l»t < r co- »ut>|>>rt »m il theorlro. except by the year. While each year In the past ¡and and bc wjj| b(M taken to that "Whereas, the P. E. & E. street favor had rested upon this place Il nac hagin it is io donhtrnl been a a atinnacc success, it doubtful ir if city on the next train. Gregg says It seemed funny, too, to these editor», .»(»•rate In the spread of »u.-h horrible turning and iwUtluk ■ f language, ml«- and His blessings had descended over has car tracks are not in the center of travimtlea u|».n the IHvine character » « trnn»latlou« of the ortg.nal ai.d mlaln any looked as promising as the one the grade on 13th street and that it he has folks there and thinks he that anything could drive a Christian no longer a««l»t financially or olhrrwIv­ 11 the ‘"When on the sad night before about to open. The new $10 006! will _____ be „ able to iu .u..u me track» make a portion of it im furnish the uw bond when Alliance meeting uway from a $G0.0U0 in binding upon the poor h-nthen at tenirotatluna of ooiue purnfiiew Th" plain etatementa of the Sple, we have for centurl.-s mlauaed __________________ « neglected to restore the street to the concealed amid retirement and pov-| street, will be used. L must tell them. The unpleasant duty, the won!, applying It to the laid Cd wa» <>n 'rial for life eternal or The school will have a strong corps A1/1 . un.. . „ « aame coniition. and that a large por erty. And thus today we take our however, will not necessitate my say­ Ingv <>f grent misery to nil people, ex death eternal, lie alnued and the ecu place in this majestic scene with the of teachers, and among them will be UKLAHUlVlA MAN HAS tlon of said street is impassable, ing an unkind word concerning Mr cept the mere handful of the i lect. We ten.« agaluat him waa, ’fur»e«l 1» (l»o some who have previously taught In ! “Whereas the «ante condition ex consciousness that we are fulfilling Simpson and the Christian friends who did this lie< nu»r It wns handed dowu earth for thy aako; tb<«ra» ami thlaile« the plans of God and realizing the this city. Prof. P. E. Baker will be SUCCEEDED J. M. STARK istj on ether :-Teets, ahall It bring forth unto thee In tb« are in alliance with him. i "Whereas, the railroid has torn eternal designs of Jesus Christ pres­ principal in place of Professor Hook-j to n« by our forefather». What Jesu* j aweat of thy face »halt thou ent l-read AT HOTEL SMEEDE There are two reasons why Brother up a large mrtio“ nf «--uth Wiliam ent to His mind on the eve ot His er, who acted in that capacity last said to the Jews hns is«en true of U. until thou return unto the ground from Simpson thought it doubtful If be ette street. We=t Eleventh street and mind on the eve ot His Great pas­ year. as Christian«. "Ye d<> make void the j when-o thou wnat taken" (Geneala III. Miss Claire Stacy, who taught here J, W. Maxey Takes Charge of could couie next yenr following other streets in the routhwest por­ sion. Truly, it heaven and earth our I tion nf the city, and that said com­ are filled with God’s glory, thrice last year, will have charge of the' Law <>f God through your tradition«.*' j 17 lin St. Paul declnrr» Ibe »am... three days of this year. Popular Hostilry and will Thank God thnt. ns In the natural ! “By one man’» dlwbedlcuc« »In . tiler- pany ha.- refused and negleced to sacred is the spot sanctified by His seventh and eighth grades. (Il He knew instinctively that LU Prof. G. E. Richards, who has been restore the same to street traffic and sacramental presence. And privil­ Hereafter Conduct it. collections would be smaller, hardly world he 1» sending u« now the cle< tri- ' •d Into the w< rid; and Ibu« death still refuses to do the same and that eged indeed is this people to whom connected with the local schools for Worth coming for. if the people should light Instead of the tallow cnndle. m | pn»a<> 1» not dead 1» dying. violation of the rights of the public tel succeeding J. M. Stark rival from Minnesota, will teach the L* now shining bright« than «ver 1« Aa tae Bible any», we Wre living un­ who are abliged to use these streets, WILL SET OUT of Christ. third and fourth grades, and Miss as manager. The new landlord Is fore. "Be it resolved, that the city at­ der a reign of Sin nnd lh«ntb. Nothing (2> The $00.000 ••raised" was not cash I recently from Aeree, Oklahoma, an«l I Richardson will have the primary. « torney be and he is hereby directed APPLE AND PEACH tluit num can do can either» I and a large proportion of It never will i is tbcroughly Which Is ths True Gcspsl? ho I familiar with the Ixical Brevities to take such action and file such and Mrs. E. B. Moxley return­ tel business. There will be no be. Some of It Is promised over and Catholic nnd Protestant < rth>xl >xy ■lu < r lift ua cut of our dead nud dy­ proceedings as in his judgement are ORCHARD, 67 ACRES ed Mr. t [change in the present policy of over again and telegraphed over and the Friday from their trip to east- hnve act forth for centuries two gi u ing condition. Gud (ilour can li-lp ua! to compel said railway com­ < required ___ _ that' ___ over, as wax the case with the young | ern Oregon. They report a pleasant 'place and the «me employes ernj views of the Go»|>*d of Christ To II., prupoaea to lirlp ua and th.« MM»- I pany to abide by the terms of its C. W. Dyger, local agent of the ! trip but say it was hot and dusty have served under Mr. Stark will b" woman who in the x|»«-tacular manner whatever extent they now disagree ■agr re«prctlng that help la, lu th- franchise, or to cancel their fran­ , retained.. chise for violation of the terms and Capital City nursery at Salem, has, everywhere. offered In-r Jewels from time to time Scrlptur. a, . ailed the G.«| m *I. Ila an Mr. and Mrs H. H. Hill, of Cln- Mr. Stark has .conducted the and had It mentioned In the papers. with these they should pulill ly ills n<>uncetn.-nt l>y the nugela <>u th« night renditions thereof, as in his opinion just sold 5000 apple and peach tree:-! : own and abandon them Until then to Hollenbeck & McMurphey. Geo , cfnatti, Ohio, who have been visiting Smeede for the past three years and the law warrants and justifies." W. Taylor and T D. Devaney, who with Mrs. Hill’s sisters, Mrs. R. O. has built up a fine business. It is Such repetitions of charitable work are ! they are besmlrclmd with whatever of Jrxun’ birth la full, c>mpl«te. Ml Street Matters considered entirely proper l»y many In ' odium ntta. be». iafactory. via: “Heboid, we firing you The next matter In order was a will set them out on tracts on Fern , Brady and Mrs. E. M. Thompson, Ion account of his pcor health that he | -lispoced of the business. He and connection with religious work in vari­ Hollenbeck & McMurphy started for their home Saturday. The Catbollc Gospel (Good Till lags i «■nd tiding« < f great Joy whkb »hall petition signed by M. Svarverud. to Ranch. « grade, curb nd build sidewalks on w111 James Lane sold his cottage near his estimable family will remain In ous denominations, "for the good of [ 1» that all the heathen, nil Catholics be unto nil fn-ople; for UUto you 1« ’I/in®*’ Mf‘ ia>1°r 12 j the Methodist church last week to Eugene. the cause.” Subscriptions ure given anil all Protestant», except u mere thk day In the Ctty <>f David n i Fairmont boulevard commencing at and Mr’ Delaney io. D. Y. Butler who recently arrived publicly without hope of payment, to hnndful. go to u Purgatory • f awful Savior (life glim which 1» Christ th« the intersection of Columbia avenue.l ■ ~ ¡here from Minnesota. Mr. and Mr». | i and thence south to Spring avenue or tuft THR I ORIMFR lufluen<-e others who are more sincere suffering, terrible nuguisb. In«tlng for Lord" (Luka II, 101. AVIATOR HAMILTON I Butler will occupy the house. t The petition specifies that the street OCIYH I Un uuntivttn —some of whom In the excitement give de -ades. centurl -s mid thou and» of Ah. now we have the Truth! The I C. C. Mittan has sold his place in 1 shall be 24 feet wide and that the’ RESIGNS FROM CLUB the north part of town to J. Cochlin. WILL RECOVER more than they can afford. year«, roasting. I.- Hing, agonizing, nnd |»«nnlty of »In la death. Ami the Thè T’_> I •I.lewalk.« shall be of cement. »___a I Mr. Mittan and family left the first Chicago Stockyard Method. thus purging iivvny lheir Ins mid dror* tiding«" la that God ha» provided for distance to be graded is 2,000 feet. ! Chicago, Sept. 10.—Senator ♦ of the week for Florence near which Sacramento, Sept. 10.—The This makes 2000 feet f our n !: i . for It» antlafn tlou . f ♦ ella Moxley are to be married at his machine here yesterday. 1» Percy Patterson and his mother owns ♦ to the Roosevelt incident. i cattle designed for slaughter. He I m « connldered su< h only In < .intrant | Juntlce. (hut l i due time A.latu nnd nil ♦ satisfactory today and the phy ­ ♦ Springfield at 10 a. m. today. Both , 200 feet. It is aaid that they are waltzes before them and becomes their with sortH-thiiig more horrible, if that hi» cotuii-tnin-d and Imperfm-t race sicians say he will recover. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ the bride and groom are well known . , anxious to have the street Improved ♦ might la««i from the condemna­ His Curtis biplane. •‘Hamil­ ' leader. Following him In a grand rush be Imnginnble. in Creswell and vicinity and have , It was referred to the street commit­ tion nnd Ire llft.-d out of the »In and tonian.” in the presence of 20.- tee many friends who will wish them for a narrow pasange they crowd one PREPARING FOR STATE Our Protestant Go»p*l. 000 State fair visitor«, crashed well. A more extended notice will! denth condition» which now prevail. The petition to grade Eugene av­ another to the executioner, who knocks j Our Protestant Goapel, of which we Tlint uplifting 1« H«-riptumlly caU«.l DAIRYMEN’S MEETING appear next week. to the ground in the center ot enue, on College hill, was referred them senseless. A special place Just are no proud that we want to thrust the renurreethin <>f the dead lien.-« the race track enclosure within l to the street committee. A petition Moxley & Hager shipped a car of | large enough for himself Is provided Dairymen of Lane county should goats to Portland Sunday, Mr. Hager | it upon Jews nnd Catholics nnd heath­ the pr.-n.-lilng of th« cnrly Church wna. J. to build cement curbing and slde- an instant after lowering the I for the decoy bull, who, later, goes out i walks on West Seventh, from Olive ; keep the fact in mind that the state accompanying the stock. He says world’s record he established ens everywhere, we sh.mld thoroughly ‘ Jenna nnd tiic Itexurre. lion" the It» dairymen ’ s convention will be held to lend on another herd for the slaugh ­ 4 to Blair received a like fate. the day before .for ’.raveling that the animals are shipped from understand, enjoy mid appreciate lie deemcr nn l hla work. ter ; The petition for an arc light lo­ ! in Eugene on December 8th and 9th Portland to Tacoma and Puget ar und a circular mile, He fore we waste go< d time nnd money of this year. At this time several We do not menu to »ay that those cated at the corner of Twelfth and Sound points, where the animals are completed the circuit In one Still Mor» Good Tiding*. giving it to others. Here It Is: Four hundred men interested in the dairy ­ Patterson street:« was referred to the butchered and sold among the for­ who give their money are slaughtered minute flat during the three The gc.Mi tiding« for the nice In gon ing industry will be here and some centuries ago our forefathers were not ■ fire and water committee. The pe­ eigners who consider the meat su­ laps this evening, beating the or otherwise Injured. We believe tlint Protestants Imt Catholic« nnd heller«.! prnl 1« tlint the ll.-deetn.-r In God'a dm» tition to bring the city water main important addresses and papers will perior to any other. 1:09 record of Thursday. they are blessed- that everyone Is in 1‘urgatory. etc., ns above. Then linn* will tie/ome King of king» nnd be lead. Among the features will be 1 from Fourth to Third streets on H. H. Schmitt made a trip to Sa­ blessed who sacrifices anything heartl Monroe and from Monroe to the West a i*>st mortem demonstration and ex­ lem last week, where he looked over' what was known ns the Ileformntlon Lord of lords the Me««lnli of glory. ly unto the Lord, or to wlint they sup- , Movement set In. Catholic», Jew» nnd God'i glor’otiN Itepr-M.-ntntiv.«, I side of Jackson was also placed in amination of the carcass of a slangh- the work being done on the Bohm­ For I tered cow that had previously been stedt orchard land near the capital pose to be Ills service, whether it Is I the hands of this committee. Infidels will ndmlt with Protestant» [ n thousand y.-nrs the' regenerating , inoculated with the tuberculosis WORLD ’ S TROTTING or not. It is the method of getting the Bad Sewers w >rk for Adam'» nice will progreaa I germ, by Dr. W. H. Lytle, of Pendle­ city. Mr. Schmitt says the company money from the [>eo|>le and the decep­ tlint n gr.-nt l.lesslng of enllghteiiir.i lit (Matthew xlx. 28; Acta Hl. 11123». Then came the matter of the Un­ has some excellent holdings there, RECORD IS BROKEN nnd civilization hn« come to the world ton, state veterinarian. This should derwood sewer. Sewer Inspector Zell but he does not consider the tracts tion practised which we deplore. How | In the train of the Reformation Move til’d'» t'l>o««!i Peopl«, Israel, will I m » made the complaint. In rather a be very interesting to every dairy there superior in any way to those Charter Oak Park. Hartford. Conn I ever, the Alliance has plenty of com­ owner. There will be speakers here tnent. But none of ua Is prepared to th- earthly agent» of the heavenly and grewsome picture he told of a very owned by the company here — , Sept. 9.—Breaking the world's trot-1 pany in this method In larger Chris­ of national importance. unsanitary condition admit thnt the Reformers were per 1 tnrlnible King of glory. By the clone Chronicle. under and t’ng recur«! In an exhibition mile by tian denominations. It Is part of the Eugene will endeavor to entertain of bin reign th.» whole enrth will have • bout the Underwood ______ _ house ___ _ fe<-t. n< r their work p- rfiwt. and the dairymen in a manner befitting a horse driven tz- wagon and with I “business" meth ‘ more dying, liclgM »11 the paving ot Adams street from' farin nr acreage tract with me be- ta. -k undertaken was to break the accounts was made, which revealed ! the thing« of sin nnd ilenlh .the old skating rink which have been! for ------1 will have nor thnt we nlionld use pictures or Im- j Eighth to Thirteenth was reported f ri - e they some, I will do my best to record established by Hamburg Bell tin- fact that they were chaotic, and Min eye sore for some time were also lost and it will be taken up at the ng.-« In ov.r worship, nor thnt their passi-d nvvny and hn who »Its upon jor y00 Come in and see me of 3:04%. other ‘business” methods were nd »net mentioned but no action taken. The have >< renewed nil * .....* In.,, “ of Christ In tlie mass wna the Throne will U... The performance of the gelding i next, meeting on September 12. when you come to town. My office Vj.wl. ■other matter was placed in the hands things S- nee of $’<6; read, _____________ ' made at Cleveland under track con- Christian Alliance should fear us nnd completely demolfshed Purgatory In provision, «till love sin nnd linte right- [ditlons de'idedly more favorable I •h-alth committee partly object- and ordered paid. OR PF-! I ’<5 ANTI PAIN those of today, fcr the surface' whether or not we Imre ever done their mind«, d.« hiring thnt it lin.l nev­ eoiiMnew, will lx» destroyed In the H«“- ;fd to this lli:.--. if it would w lid make i ke another Mrl. DL.L-L. O eAI«l I I ! than here was very wet ■/investigation about ti: place r.- ■ | For Internal and Lxternr'Pains. owing to them harm. We reply. Never have we er ta-en anything more than imnglnn ond Ih-ntli, from which there will lie |h»avy rains early injured them in the nllghtent degree, • I I •t.-ong wind swept if. ti e week, Hon. I hen canic another thought, viz: no ri-ili’tnptlon, no ri-surrertlon. no re­ the course. nor ever even publicly mentioned th'-!r What must s <• do with the thuuaands covery; ns 8t I’rter any», “They shall perl-il) like brute tiennt«." I ri COUNTY FAIR rpEOPLES PULHT.. “Wl 1ICII IS TI IE TRUE GOSPEL?” V