the EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD, THURSDAY. SEPT 1. 191£ TWO i M COO........................ Years of Suffering ■ - ----- O f..r .a- ....... rill. " of • d.H> , “ Hmimtlmre It Ham Robe returne.1 this morning.' XU hut *«■ pl»'’«’«* •/“" They were surrounded by the fire ’f the grret Image ..ft. r II hod tern yesterday morning, their provisions .... ___ Catarrh *nd B'oot* I Oiscnsc — and bedding were burned, and their Doctors Failed to Cure. ............... •’•« “n hair and eyebrows singed. ’ i. H14 I. I rueath It «« »r«o In one mile of the mill, and a strong as ever. I feel like >d's to any one suf |,y the II "Vi here lheii worm -lielli net and wind carries burning lliubs half a i nd reconinu-nd Ho- 1 abernace. And th-,v ferlng from catarrh." mile ahead of the fire. A 1700.000 deal in Siuslaw timber! thru lire is not queue lied (Mali IX. against n rnuuv, uvt _ _________ _ il -t It today in u-ual liquid form Carson Kindig. a cook for the Cal ­ has just been made, not by because the; t hocolated tablets . ali- d Saraot.nbs Spokane, Aug. 25.—The fact that the forest (l.riiii- u« Lumber Company, came near owners are frightened 44) f. . about b6 men of the forest service apooia ->d Ing of our be on Clear creek, are found, the w hat be co’udeuim-d In his fullen < res that Jesus advis » Imlny j the government reserve. If condi- acres of the best timber land in the brought by George W. J,>s--|>h having number of dead fire fighters cannot tho effect that only the luilntlj of ii hand or u ( 111# <»lf ! tions continue worse the town will Northwest, lying along the Siuslaw f a n cc i be known. The number of dead is '‘'Tim Lord .laclares all thia ihn uth river. Wildcat creek and other tribu- [ Before Judge William Galloway. In would go to heaven and that 'ki.lw O' at i*f au eye? A variously estimated at from 86 to j call troops to fight the fire. only lose heaven. Im taries to th«- Siuslaw. It Is held by circuit court today, a demurrer to the would not I Campers from Cascadia summer re ­ >< n who And the per t|,. i ,..,.'» i J.-iemluh tvll. 31311 llmv 102, but that 86 are dead is positive­ sort, 32 miles east, are telephoning a large number of owners who some complaint was argued. Henry E. Mc- an eternal life In torment. Th that wa Illa eoiinn I III -, d nrtli uiurly furi-wartwi th» teinvl- ly established. for conveyances. No danger is felt time ago formed what is known as c,jnn anj \y g, f'Ren taking the text was understood to p irtr-iy Thirty Burn«*«] in a Heap si unteti l< ed III l.ll <1 it»« that their wrong cour « w> desired t,|„ which • nine UI*>U Jeruaal-lll tn th" Wendling section is coming over the, the St. Maries' district in Idaho, tell Jesse Bounds, the well-known local the Secretary of State. The demur­ bell was pictured to our childhood 11 I Ife found ibiit they h id hili year \ I' I'1- 11 *"■ a heart-rending story of witnessing ridge south of Crawfordsville, and timber cruiser and dealer, ts now in rer wa.-on the usual statutory ground minds from outshlo tho Bible us heated of np:»-tl'e or pleasure or lint our a mini-II the death of 30 Italian fire fighters, should the wind continue the whole San Francisco closing the deal, liav- ! alleging lack of jurisdiction and not] to it white heat. If we expressed won r t, a« »tear to them as nn e;. e. of j.-rusol.'m. lu fiilfi'lmciit -f thia as helpless, then saw them huddled, (Calapooia valley and mountains will Ing left a few days ago for that city, sufficient facts to constitute cause .1. these pn**-|ous, but lilsqunl I, roiilie>y III" Jews cast tiled" d tx«ile» shrieking, praying and cursing, and be on fire. Cinders and ashes have He has wired members of the pool! tor action. Judge Galloway overrul- der or surprise that any bumau creature fallen here since 3 p. m. yesterday. could eiuliiro such conditions so lomt how the fire came and put them to or wrongdoings, should Is- over til-' "0*1 "f Jeruwilem Into 'his that the deal has b«?en completed. |,-j the demurrer, stating, at the same The east wind carried them 15 miles. the answer was that God would oxer death. All were working ln a can-, ijr — no matter bow precious ,,.ry Valley Thu« we rend. ’ JU-li.-ld. The price agreed upou between the time, it must be underst-x-d that this| yon fighting the fire, which was com- ! Farmers near Holly are moving out. owners of the land and the purehas- action did not grant the t- iiporary else bls oiunl|>oteiit power to make us s* no matter how highly e« th-dll) te.-niiic. Ofiltb the u.rtl. that It ing down on the Italians about one They worked all night, and none of ers is said to lie $1 per thousand feet,1 restraining order desired Attorney - tire proof and i>aln-sensltive. Home theo­ ______ By way of contrast, tho Mas shall no m«t" h" i-nlli-il Toplieth. nor. CIO 10 OMtvt , hundred yards above the lumbei their houses have been burned yet. hrinir to this county countv nearly nearly; for Joseph stated that they thought logians of the Thomas a Kempls school ter suggested Hint If tho retaining of •¡he X alley «'f «he ron „.in bring which will Illnn-m. but jacks. Suddenly flames came up the three-quarters of «. million dollars. no further pleading would lie taken! of thought went so fnr ns to picture three things would hinder them from canyon. The two lumber jacks saw COUGAR SNATCHES The Valley Of Muughier. f<>r they shall up by the Secretary of State's a'.tor-| the ¡»Mir creatures In their sufferings There are a large number of men In them and ran for the creek, in which the pool, only a few of them, howev­ neys, and declared, con:equently, the! arid to show that the heat would form entering into life they could not nf bury In l..|'heth till there lw no ptor* they submerged themselves. The i BOY FROM HIS BED er, the enrenwe- of tills people shall being Eugene men. Among them restraining order would be carried a kind of an asbestos covering which ford to retain them that even If they Italians became panic-stricken, and are Charles Mayhew, J. W. Owen and along with the overruling of the de~ would shield them from a measure of were to carry tho figure further and b« meat for the fowl, of the lieavun. tried to climb the walls of the can­ Jos. Fellman. Morris Johnson is a murre.*. yon, but fell back. The flames came. Lad Seized by Clothing—Com heavy Its Intensity. But those deluded theo­ ■u|>|x>se that In tho future life they and for the beasts of the earth. Argument Goes to Printer owner in the tract. The timber yfti-r the reformation made by King then and the lumber jacks saw them panion's Cries Frighten Attorney Carson protested that he logians proceeded to explain that these would bo deprived to tho extent of iie- pronounced by expert cruisers to is ing maimed to all eternity ft still J. alatl the Valley of lllumnu wan diw no more until after the fire had pass-' had not had time- to have a consulta ­ outer coverings would crack and shell be among the heaviest on the coast, Off Beast ed over, when nothing was left of, every little while, leaving the poor would be preferable to them to prac­ crated to the Intent that It might never and most of it lies convenient to log­ tion with Judge George and. conse­ them but a heap of charred flesh. i quently. the customary five days to victim freshly tender that Ills suffering tice tho self denial now and to enter afterward I* c<.ii.hb-r«l fit b* any ging streams. The Identity if the Near Avery 4 4 bodies have been Weston, Or., Aug. 23—A large kind of religions worship, sacrifice or Is not known at present, file an answer will be taken, and. as might I m * the more Intense. Into life cougar, described as . seven or eight purchasers found and ten Japanese and four ne­ wu^ai, there is now no restraining order, the but when the papers are passed the Il luM-amo the valh-r <>f ceremony, Of course, three theologians of the Re It noted that the reward hero In feet long, nearly made away with the names of the purchasers will be made argument gees to the printer. gro soldiers are missing. I, and defilement It uns used Frankum, of past had their difficulty In dealing w ith dicated I» In the entering Into life, 7—’---- "* Arrivals from Big Creek today re­ young s port that two Americans and fifteen Wall Walla,>g place of dead cats nod «I- g». is making the local water works im-( working further up the creek than turer. the Almighty God. But just bow no eternal life, cither In pain or In etc. If any of Hi'-«» fell upon th- the 3M) Italians alreadt reported dead. provements, and he and his men are ROSEVELTWILL Incorporate Branch Line From to Imagine the worm getting along In pleasure I <-t in .-viitnlue our text •h-dgr, 1 < f tbo fiick, ho one thought encamped in the timber near the! F»rty-Eight Burned . , so great a heat and how they would In further and seo this. worth whit to interfere. and the mag Grants Pass, Or. to Cres­ Men arriving from the St. Joe head of the system. The boy was FIGHT TO FINISH any wise Increase the torture of the gota and w< nia destroy mi them 4 1res country today report - 48 of their 1 sleeping with one of the men, who] cent City, Calif. [>oor sufferers was to many a perplex­ Gehonns Typed the Second Death, comrades burned to death on Big was awakened by the prowlipg beast' Has Declared War to the Knife nl*> w re IlgbP-d m timt the fumes might On the Regular recruited in Misseula. was The man grabbed the boy and yell ­ road entered the list of prospective! some to formulate the theory that the was a corruption of tbv Hebrew wont More Rangers I,ost destroy any malarial tendency, in the Faction Oregon railways yesterday when rep­ worms would be fiery ones, living In pek Wallace, Aug. 25.—The number of ed at the top of his voice. Men came A Uses. Which signifies ralley of interest of the health of the city. hurrying to the scene from the other resentatives of the Harriman lines men of Ranger Debitt's party found Utica. N. Y., Aug. 24.—Theodore filed in the office of the County Clerk fire, delighting ln fire—worms that death. There are two other words in on Setzer Creek is now 24. The num­ [ tents in time Pc- see the frightened Tha La«»»" Jesus Taught. ber of foresters dead on Big Creek is cougar slinking into the brush, baf­ Roosevelt served notice today that articles of incorporation of a company would bore through the incrustations the New Testament Greek translated We have tiefore our inlnda uow lb« he would wage without quarter on which purpose- to build from Grants and add still further to the horrible A»/i In our common version One of now 47. Two Big Creek crews under fled. The clothing ot the boy was seized the “old guard" of the Republican Pass southwesterly to Crescent City, sufferings of the world of mankind. Ranger Allen are safe. The Rock back these, tartarui. has no reference to hu gebenna fir» wb»«h no oue ever ai­ of the neck and the cougar's party in New York State. Having Calif., says the Portland Telegram. de- Creek crew lost one man. The big claws inanity whatever, but merely signifies tempte.1 to quench, but which was Was This What Jesus Meant? did not enter injury. his flesh, so that . . been {*** '■•, drawn into the fight, as C ~ The incorporators are J. P. O’Brien j atgned to conation utterly everything without he ------ says. rty under $H5er^fcor Ferns Is safe. he escaped our earth's atmosphere the place bld the Great Teacher Intend that lagainst his will, he has determined 'vice-president and general manager I to pursue it to the end. win or lose. 1 of - the Southern Pacific .. — in Ore­ /I. such conclusions should be drawn from where Satan and the fallen angels are cast Into it We lave tn mind ate* tbo lines J ^MITT BROTHERS Mr. Roosevelt’s intention was indi- gon and of the O. R. & Ji.; Curtis G. bls language? And did be atop short restrained In chains of darkness (11 worms of which be ■pake worms NEWS OF INTEREST jeated mere clearly than at any time Sutherland, assistant to Mr. O'Brien, of the description from reasons of sym I Peter 11. 41. The other Greek word which were permitted to fruì on the FROM QnilTH I A NF 1 before by a statement which he issued ’ and James G. Wilson, of the legal de- pathy or modesty or shame? Is this rendered Ar« In tho New Testnment Is catcaaore utnll»turt«l until ttw car- HAVE CHARGE OF i rnum ouuin umiv ltoday# The Colonel said he was go-'partment of the Harriman roads of the general teaching of God's Word hadee. which corresponds exactly to cnsnr-i were conmitn«-«! and tb« worms - ■— ' ing into the fight with his eyes open this city. theitiaelves dlcear when their autoi what manner of spirit ye are of; the torment falls, therefore. iij >- n the word 1 eventually of »«ch dlgrre.b.n from the company's holdings. | righteousuesa as to bring him under spring neaX)>y- There are want. I am only going to the con- "'as the first t» traverse the Coasti Sou of man came not to destroy men's This dce3 not mean that the A. C. from a twenty men with the crusher, vention because I feel that the inter-: range of mountains since the preceeJ- lives, but to save them’’—could that hell found In our text In the origini I senteme of the greater tribunal of Bohmstedt company releases its super about courteous crew and there are eats of the people of New York de- ing summer, and as the trip was ar- Son of man in any wise intend to tell Greek. iwAmao. Mreaiah'a Kingdom, and. "Wbiwoeur vision of the work, but that Schmitt A jolly, fine musicians, and musicales mand that the Republican* party be.duous in the extreme, conjectures at l us that our great Heavenly Father had What we have t<» say rre|»xting it I shall »ay unto tils brother. Thou ait I Brothers will do all the work under some are auit» freauent at the Thompkins given a chance to stand squarely andi on . c e arose as to the poMibilities cf| ,L_tbe supervision of Hen. W. K. New- home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sinch unoc-mpromisingly for clean, decent/raih-oad construction in that terri-j less of the rplrlt of love nnil« i fire ' (Matthew v. Ifil. , politic« horticulture, and his a?sistant super­ are camped nearby in an orchard ana ; honest bid he mean to Intimate that while the »••rm-.n will l* reported In more than | Wbst the Groat Tea« ln-r meant waa “I go ts that convention to make! intendent of orchard work, S. Shot-, the crusher crew across the road near in» speech speocn exactly exacuy as as It u had uau ben ueu ^p»«»* AltfTlf RfiAnr disciples Impetuously might have l»o-n seven hundred newspaper» ,,f lh„ tnn(J that the eurtbly Jerusalem wa» a pic­ well. The contract covers all the or- the spring. Mr. Harrington is also the ! planned originally, aad. while I hope willing to destroy the earthly life of our explanation will probably eventu­ ture or type Of the heavenly Jeruaa chard wc-rk and Schmitt Brothers will there will be enough good sense to I the Samaritans, the Heavenly Father, ally reach ten million people, to whom |cm, which repreaeute the Divine Gov­ i simply step in and hire the men, fur-' ■ prevent anyone opposing the prin-i nish all the equipment and do all the! of still more demoniacal disposition, the Truth on the subject will be new ernment or Kingdom tin» New Jeru- work necessary for the cultivation would tr<-at practically all mankind ten " hat we have to say Is not new to rd »stem which, by ami by. will come and care of the orchards, so that the bumper yield. Their wheat crop av- ',heL. fax'1»nl Intimated September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, tbaro would ba au antttyplcal gebennn —earthly creator re. too, whoa/- environ of extra fine quality, for which they are doubtful of the outcome and -syho have conducted ths hotel for two all i hoped that the misunderstanding wonld oufald" the New Jerusalem. Aa the he ha? replied that he himself felt ment w.s unfavorable and whose Ad ­ they received the very highest mar ­ do mors good thlin fbe lrul|) T( years, have enjoyed a good business | that, even though he should be suc- trash and <>ffnl <* the typh-al city ware versary. fhe devil, God nefth/r destroy­ i and will be missed by their many pa­ ket price. seetn to forget entirely that this t.-rrl cousumi-d In the Valley «if Hlnnom, a<> ' cessful ln the state convention at (From Friday ’ s Dally Guard.) A steam plow owned and operated ed nor bound? trons. Mrs. Simmons has had con­ Saratoga and such a platform as he Deputy Supervisor Fltton, of I Such an Interpretation, my dear hear Me misunderstanding is not th* offal ami trash of humanity who siderable experience in the hotel busi­ by A. M. Thompson, of Portland, Is ¡desired should be adopted, the re-‘ , the national _______ __ 1 forest reserve, today era. Is not »opposable. U's must look n'e f"‘h of •h<’«"«nds. M.t will ri-fus»- all of G«jd‘a favors, merctea, and will no doubt receive a liber­ beiag operated on the Miler ranch suit of the election would be In grave I gathered I ness sixty more men together and al patronage. Mr. Scott and family west of Creswell. The plows, four in I doubt. The Colonel has told bis h "^7 * W Cr**tor ’’'•■Ph*m»ng blessings and opportunities, will t»e j for some explanation of the Master's most of them up to the south, , , A will move to their place in the north number, plow six inches deep and are | friends that he did not feel sure the i sent holy name, his holy character by treated aa dlagraccful wretch»» and t>" fork of the McKenzie to fight the ! wor * 1 " »>or.- consistent with bte own pulled by a 12-horse Aultman-Taylor part of town. Roosevelt-Hughes force i would re- fires in the Cascade national reserve,I character and with the Heavenly Ia­ mmreprreenting It an«l tbe Cfinsunied, destroy«-d. in the antityp- engine. Ten acres can be plowed I i ceive Return from Newport unqualified support from the in addition to the twenty he sent up I ther’s character, and more consistent leal go henna which la the He«ld turn to the map of the city ,,f will there te dretroy«-«! utterly, as Pe­ »pent Saturday and Sunday at New­ neer, of near Eugene, was a guest of from until election time, He reserve. This morning he picked up I not discuss such a matter. Nobody Jenisalem and there notice „„ ter says, “as natural brute bensta " port. All the ladies mentioned are his pioneer friends, C. H. Wallace (decided now today tz> go to the state fair all the men he could find on the | now believes such things!” This one »outhvrest side of the city. ],Ist out sisters and this is the first time they and H. C. Veatch of this city last .In Syracuse We have n description of this sym- on September 17 to street and engaged them, but the I Scripture repudiated would shake our had been together for 20 years. A week. Their recounting of the pio­ Ixilleal New JerusalenrTir Divine King- and at that time he may talk worst problem was that of transporta­ confidence in the whole Bible. But brother in California was unable to neer days, including the early Indian ! speak That Is the \ alloy that In brief wn. politics. tion. He could not get as many auto­ rightly explained and unherstood it ealied Geh hlnnon. the Greek of o-hi..,, ' dom (Revelation nil. composed ¡>rl- be present. troubles, during which time Mr. rnnrily of the Church, and aecondartly Hh Mother Ill mobiles as he wanted, as the owners would settle and Increase our faith In had a brother-in-’aw, Harris Lord’s usre of of nil from Hie worl«l who, during Frank Schmitt was called to Eugene Young of the machines were either busy the Scriptures as a Divine message. hMT." LIBERATE REEVES by name, killed by the Indians, was Sunday by the illness of his mother. very interesting and a great source with them or did not want to mako This, then, must tie our object—not h< word gehenna stand related t<> Messiah's reign, will enter In through that \ alley. l-„r the Mnke <)f |nr Its gntes and enjoy the blessings of It was Mrs. Schmitt’s intention to such a trip. PHEASANTS IN OREGON of pleasure to these sturdy pioneers. move to Creswell the first of thisj W. J. Messenger, who came here Deputy nnp««rrt-or Fltton has de­ merely to caBt from us the devilish in­ r7u',ntrTl'',n 11 wl" '* Divine favor and life eternal. And terpretation of the dark ages, but to as­ week but her sickness will postpone CVorvallis. Or., Aug. 26. —R. O ceived word that about 1000 acres of certain the true interpretation to get ttl m then wo rend, verso H, “But the fear­ " Kl ' ,nr " ’ ’ "'•'■ward at her moving for a few days. She will from Ashland and bought a farm up Stevenson, game warden, has an old burn in that vicinity has been ful, and iintiellevliig. and the atiomlnn- c o , 2 * ” f ' hn ‘ ««»ny occupy the cottage recently erected the Row river valley, has Just com­ bought 100 state the true lesson from the words of the pairs of Reeves pheas­ burned over, and while the fire is not centuries tiefore Jesus' day. by John Mores near the planing mill' pleted a poultry house 120x10 feet, ants from the ble, and murderers, and whoremong­ hurting any timber, the work of re ­ Great Teacher. Thousands are drift ­ Simpson pheasant until her residence which is to bei | having accommodations for 500 lay- farm in this city. Valley |n ers, an<1 aoreererw, and Idolaters, and production Is all destroyed. Refor- ing off Into more or l«*s open Infidelity th^Ri,nrt. mrn,ton o/ ! ing hens. In addition there are two he Bible Is foun(| (n , built by her »on is completed. estization is an important department Mr. Stevenson will have the birds simply because of the Irrational Inter ­ d«H ro ' ‘ ,V ,ven "" — <)f •»>* ”'•«" all Ilnra, ahall have their i>urt In tlio breeding pens.—Cottage Grove Lea- Establish reamery of the forest service, and when this liberated at various points in the lake which burnetii with fire and brim pretation given to this text and two or E. J. Moore informed the Chroni­ | der. state where sportsmen have agreed work is destroyed by fire it means a three others. And these error» have stone, which Is the H»cond l»«uith” cle by phone from Portland yesterday to protect them. The birds cost |1,- ; great loss. that he had completed arrangements COMPLAINS OF RATES ON become »> fastened In our minds from ',h* l0‘ r""‘ l this stated In th" words, "Which ts the ■»<•• A. C. Ruby/ a breeder and dealer idund. ( ing and Install machinery at once.— Mr. Simpson has done much to re­ existence of a God as much as to dis­ ThoreJ ? 'n " K””W >0 oral Death." The first death |>s.»e<1 in horses at Portland, today filed a Chronicle. complaint with the Oregon Railroad. stock several states with game birds I DENVER HAS 213.381; pute such slanderous misrepresenta­ There We road of how Josiah, the g.x-1 upon all mankind on account <«f father raised on his pheasant farm. A year Commission against the transporta­ tions of bis glorious character. f'?n i? ?Kl"h- ln*‘lh,,w’ ■ IH*"t re Adam's dlaotiedlenco. Our G-rd Jesua ALONG BUFFALO 423,715 tion rates charged by the O. R. N. ago he shipped an entire carload of fora m th- nation and aboitahed Idol waa appointed th" savior of Adam and game birds to the game warden of Enuring Into Life. company and Southern Pacific rail­ id nr, '?mo,t hp'no""form" of his race and gave his life a ransom for it CALAPOOIA RIVER Washington, Aug. 25.-—The pepu- Let us go back to Jesus’ day and in "hi O £ way company for horses and mules. Idaho, who liberated them in that .try having been practised ln all. to ri-acue all from death, to give and frequently demands are lation of Denver is 213,381, accord­ mind place ourselves with those who He alleges ln his complaint that state, la \aiiey Of Hlnnom. which had got- to <»a«'h ami every memla-r of Adatn'n on him for birds to stock indi­ ing to a bulletin given out by the cen­ heard him utter the woiila of our text HAVE BURNED the two railway companies make a made I tore Mi? """J» n',n"'ly T°t’hrtb HI« race one full, fair oiqwirtunlty for a sus bureau today. This is an In­ first class rate charge for horses and vidual sections. crease ot 59.4 per cent. The gain has and context. The Teacher had Just I n7w< ? Brownsville. Or., Aug. 26.—The stallionn, and jacks, and that they built tret of loyalty to God and righteous been 79,522 over its population of said, “If thy hand offend thee, cut It a Xn, T"r,hp’h’ fire along the Calapooia river, having are all billed at 3,000 pounds each ASSEMBLY ARGUMENTS Vulloy of Hlnnom. off—It Is better for the» to enter Into I a great brass Imape to the heathen god n«-vi an«! to a«»cure llf<- eternal In th«' 133,859 in 1900. been fanned by a strong east wind for regardless of their weight He fur- life maimed, than, having two hands, Moloch. In various places they had New Ji-ruaaleni Contrariwise all wl’O The populatioi of Buffalo, N. Y., the past 24 hours, is now beyond con­ therd alleges that there is much de­ SENT TO PRINTER is i- 423,715, “ an n increase . — will rejpct that full o(i|»irtunlty will die ' Increase of 20 per to go Into trol that nothing but rain will check. lay experienced in the shipment o hell, Into th«* fire that never cent. The population In 1900 was shall l»e quenched, where their worm , groves In whl/ h a licentious form of the Hoc,.nil Death, from which there F. M. Brown, O. 8. Boyles and Wil- this kind of stock. worship was enacted and then they re­ will I* n« redemption, nn resurrection, Salem, Or., Aug. 25.—Arguments 352,287. The gain Is 71,328. dleth not and their fire la not qiiench- ,• _ ______ sorted to this Valley of Hlnnom to of no recovery of any kind. PEOPLE’S PULPIT.. Immortal Worms Unquenchable Fire —. . . S XIY MORF