Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, August 11, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Nervous Prostrai on Lonw Enou.vd
Before Remed« wai Found
M in-rv* It, nlngvi. I ' ; I» i I in.
1'.», write-»
"Fur -»»»» ><»ar» I hi.l
nervous prostration. an»l was nt I rly
» retched. I lived on br»».»»l and b ef
t» » b««,-.ui’»- >ny stomach would PCI !-'•
tala au,thins else. I tvok many r» m-
edl»s. but obtained i.o telivi un'll I
tix-t H-«»«d’a SarMp»i«‘"1. V»h.-n l I» <\n
to «..lit st i'll«'. \m no» «ui<-t"
l*urv, rli-h blood m kes good, strong
nerves, ami this is why H»>»»d's Sai—a-
rarllla. which purltb's »ml enrl»h»s the
bhvod. cures so many nervous diseases.
Get It Imlay In usual liquid form or
vh»s l.»t»*l tablet- . ill. d Sorsata!;«.
null |iill»-nlly. retillalng thnt. ns N«»w
Crviiiur«-«. 11««-.» ar«» being i» -t»«l by tln<
w>;ikn<--«• ami frnllllv« of I'telr >>l»l
■how their !<<•••> tu Ood b| tl>htiu£H|
th«» Ih-alt. agallisi •!»' nlluruim'lll « of
th,» «»orili and th«' ■ uarvn of th? Ad-
Sermon by
’ versary.
'This Light Upon Cur Tj 1.
' <’ou«lil'»r now. In th«' light ->f th»»
rvgulug. the utenulog of fit. I'eter'a
Pastor Brooklyn
' gorda mt*»! a* >“>f •••'•
I abernaea.
; how th»» Gonp«»l utrai ig»» freni fimi I»»
year-old Arthur Collins will be Sher
i last has I mhui prracitMl t • a <!ei«»1 wotkl
Iff Smith's chief deputy when that
i Ata u world under »«•nt<»ii»-»» of <l»-itth
officer (eaves today cn a state-wide
Seattle, Aug. 5.—
adian Pacific steel steamship. |«earrh for Yamaguchi, the Vpaneae
* fTn world don»! in ti*spti«*'s and in
nlii and unworthy of Divine null«*»-
Princess May, which left Skagway. Alaska, yesterday for Van­ charged with the murder oi three hon.e feeling well paid for the timo
of the Kendall family ,«u a
Jamoatowu, N. Y., August 7 - Paator From th»» imitnent of dlsotH-dleiv an 1 ’ Tl»«* message has uut g»»u«* f»»rtli to
couver, with a passenger list estimated at one hundred names, t .members
' lonely ranch Bear here.
R usm *U «■».
uf th» Brookl^u Tabernacle
inner», t'armer».
........... I‘Ivlin» coiidruiualton Adam nml hl* every cr,»attire y»»t. Tin» Dlvltie pro
Farmers, hear the rail
struck a reef off Sentinel Island, north of Juneau, in the Linn knew the Japoimse when the latter Farmer».
Line Pomona : eet» »Ith Sprlug .
addressed a very large me»tiug race have tx<ea judicially dead nml mise I« thnt eventually e»ery eye shall
worked iu a candy store, and his de-
canal, at 4 o'clock this morning and lies on the beach partially 'acriptlon is »o clear the sheriff be­
of Bible Btudenta tn Cel<»r»»u Audi gradually going down. down. down. In ».«• anil «»very «-ar shall !■»• unsl»qu>««l.
field Grange
iim I then "the knowtodge "f lb»»
Saturday- Oct. 39, and don't for I turtum. The oecaaltMi was a Geuorul degrmlnlloti nml Into the tomb.
Arthur will recognise him at j
submerged. It is believed all hands were saved. A brief mes­ a lieves
get that
distance. The coroner's jury re­
Convention of Bible Studeuta. Tbs
S|H-aklng »»f the dying race from th»« Lord ahull fill the whole «»uriti" mi l
sage that the ship was sinking seems to have been the only one sumed tbe investigation of the crime Patron* of Husbandrv beats them all? ' audience was estimated at n>»arly Judicial sliunlpotlit our Kavlor »nlUsi “every knra shall bow end ev«r,v
i 5.1«»1. Taking for his text the above them all <lea»l II»» »lerlarrd thnt non»» ("Ug‘»o «‘olif»««a'*
Bnt that will I«»
the Princess May's apparatus was able to send. Shipping men today.
Corre»|»o» lent
»«rd*, the spenk»»r said:
has even a rvvkaard life, el-»-|>t such during Mc««lnlt's Kiugdom of righi
here are inclined to take a hopeful view of the situation.
The Bible, to l»e understood, must ns by faith accept»«! him rs their I I* • , »«» uuuom . wl»l»-h will lust for n tbou-
Catadero, Cal.. Aug. 4.—The in­
Shipping men say the Princess May is probably on Sentinel quest over the few charred remains WANT TO KEEP
lb«» view«s| from Its o»u stumlpolut. giver 8a»lar
Hi» worvls arc. ' II»* i sunti yours for the world's uplifting
This, ns Bible students, we ar»> learn
that linth th«- 1*on buth life h»- that I Thnt lime bus not yet coni- hen,«
Island, in the Linn canal, north of Juneau. The vessel should of Enoch Kendall, the raucher, aud
his wife and son. who were murdered
Ing mor»» aud more particularly ev»«ry hath not tlw Son «hull m»i *»-»- l»fe. thnt glorious tii»««s’i(o wlili ti nil must
have been off Sentinel Island at midnight last night. All efforts presumably by Henry Yamagaehi. a
day. In tbe past we have reud our btlt II.»» vv r.nti of <>. <1 ubnli-tli on li o' I h.«ir mul tin»» glorious sights which
Ja;»anrae. and then hacked to piece-»
OFF NEW YORK STREETS Bible« "U|s*M»«-»lown.” Many remi ns (John III. 3rt>. 8; cubing to »»tie wli.» ¡nil must •«•e ami all c»»uf»'«s are not
to obtain further details are fruitless.
and burned in the kitchen store in
a ditty; others as a sort of »hiirtii that
the farmhouse, began here yesterday.
New York, Aug
Uleglng would placate Divine Justice and bellev <al on him th»» Bailor «.ilJ. l.« t yet revealed. As yet the message can
the d»-ad bury tlielr »lend ": «•»• th»»n I.»» nppre bit»«! only by n • omparatlvely
th»« white woman whom Jack John on
Victoria, Aug. 5.—A report received from the steamer Smith were both iu attendance.
Now wo are am! t'reneb tin» G»»*|s-I »Matthew | amali prei>»>rtl»'ii of our rare. ”«veu us
calls his wife was r.«»ver married to bring ua Divine favor,
Prince George states that the Princess May foundered at 4 a. m.
Francis D. Crosper, justice of the the »«oloro.i cbamplc'.i. but that his learning to remi the Bible lu a com
vlll, Eil. From the right alaud|>olitl many •»« li»« l.»»r»l ”»ir G»nl «hull <-«U
peace, testified to overhearing a bit­ real wife was driven from hl« Chicago mou sense way. aud to us»« our reason­ Ills nn-anlug 1» evident. l.»-t tlw d»-»ol.
The Redeemer says that they muni
wtih the sea calm as a millpond. Nothing was said as to the ter
quarrel between William Church­ home to make ro :n for the present ing fucultieH In counis-tloti with Its the cotaleuawd ami legally ilratl worl«l.
not «»lily be thus "call««l *>f G« h I." l»ut
crew or passengers, but it is considered by Canadian Pacific of­ man. a ueighbor of the Kendalls, and woman the Morning Telegraph statements aud prophecies. As a con­ look »ait for Rs own alTnlrs You I“- 1 tbit
they t: u«t t»e "drawi" by him. In
Thomas Kendall, the son, In which urges the polite to stop Johnson'» sequence. while others are falling from
ficials that they have been landed. They said Captain McLeod Churchman
threatened young Kim- motoring through the streets with tbe faith-some Into Infidelity styled come one of my follower» and carry ! »>rd»»r to I»« t*h»-««-»l «luring this Ag»'
my tu«»saage of life au»l tioi>v to as I He «uv« N»» tnnii cun rame tint»« tue.
ball with a revolver. Crosper al«o her. The exhibition, the paper Je-
would have ample opportunity to get all hands ashore.
the coroner's jury that a feud dares, is subversive to the mc-ral* of Higher Criticism and Evolution; oth­ many ns have »»ar» to bunr!
; «xcept the Father wl»l» h ««»»I til«» dr»»''
The Princess May was a new staunch vessel, of steel screw told
had long existed between the Keu- New York and should be a matter of
hin», and he Hint cunietb unto me (thus
Word of God —we are coining to appre l
type, of 1717 tons, and was built in England in 1888 especially dalls and the Japanese tanbark peel- !>ollce regulation
i drawn) I will In to» wise reject tJoliu
ers. who were at work on the ranch
The ¡»aper charg»»-» that Johnson’s' date th»’ Bibb* us the most safe amt
for the British Columbia-Alaska run.
through heredity, through Inherited i vl. 4 4. 37) Fsr tl »-«»» few of tbe tirad
According to real wife, who he married In Austra- san»« Hook . the world. Curr»<»p»>u>l
several :r.. nt’.-.s
the justice of the peace, the Kendalls 1 Ila, and who, I
ingly our faith lu G»»d increaaes faith weakneaac*. through t»ar'l»-lpnllon In work! th« Gospel In Hi« present Hm«
appealed to him on one occasion for said to have a trace of negro blood, In hl* Wisdom. Jti«tl»-e. I.ov»> ami Pow
th»» acutance that »-am»» upon fntln-r I u> intend»«! N»> others have tbe ear to
All May Be Lost.
o'clock in the morning the passengers
Seattle. Aug. 5.—The brief mes­ would be sound asleep and helpless = protection against the Japanese. The was driven frvm his home some er to accoiuplhdi till the g»«»l purposes Adnm Justly, are all Judicially ii -ad la I h»»nr But wh“c tbraa wbo h»-nr are
Inquest will be resumed tomorrow month* ago. The white won. an
sage announcing that
The ship carried 100 passengers > morning.
which be pur|>raed In himself liefor»« trrapas«»'* anti I t sin» not on,» of the ' few In » '"1| Ti >u to Hie millk'lM of
whom he took home with him was
struck and was sinking had been re­ and a crew of 68.
Details of the|
creatlou of our race. Corresixiud- race Is woithj >f eternal Ilf»» u|»>n the i the World wh»» »!>> t»<>t hear, neverthe­
Besides the bloodstalued axe. bed­ 'later I natal led in h:< training quar­
corded by all wireless station » ashore wreck came from Juneau, from which
too. we nr,« coming to appreciate only ta-rtiM aaal coiidltliui« v»til»b G»«l less they nr« many In rautpartaou to
ters in .-fan Franc i o and at Reno,
and steamers within
range. They point the Associated Press launch has
' the still fewer who accept th« cult un
woman which formed a ghastly ex­ the ¡slew charges«
The Telegraph mor»» than »»ver tbe vnlu«> of tbe groat »-an offer aram.'ly. i»-rf<»-G'»ti aud ot'
waited attentively for further tidings started for Sentinel Islet. The Prin­ hibit,
der Hie r$ mJIfi '»ns ami tlm ¡talt' tiw t»f
the district attorney aad the ask» whether "the moving picture« lt«»decmer nml »>f the gr»-nt sacrlfi»-»» <1l»-n •• to the Divine »tumlanl«
but none came. This may mean the ces» is amply supplied with boat«, and
\sy ,f
if i rittet»
sheriff today found several other of the battle bet»»--'n Jeffrie» and for sin which he «»-compll»lux! at Cal
Jcr'lA | s-SAdfif. .,| tl Gv»|»>4 atiHUigot Hl« Un 1
ship went dowu suddenly, and at 4 rafts.
bones in a creek near the house,
»!. let few t bu rtt“ 1 »
Johnson are more vc.ljiting than th-- vary. We are coming to s»s the truth thm 'c J mil, tally «1» n»l i trough tr»«|m
i lieved to be from the skulls of th<
a ■
a tai • in» te^w hail tlw hnarlng reir tn;t bigi i militi!; . f j di.l Io- r4H|* wilt»
I of what we on»-e consfale I p.
Kendall family.
‘ ruling tho streets lu a a ...»-... >!>!:»■" I license when we Ming.
and m | the • g»»«-d messnge an-1 tli,' It' »! x»u>vr ît1 Ills Kiimdo
wl¡ en nil •» • »-a e •- 1 « IN « f
By nm 1
"There's a wt»U-i>css tn G»».|
ira V» > th -lr Ipe».-1« to God and ares-pHs!
Like tlw wld.-m -s of the
r 4t n
hall l»e «■;»-it
terius of di* ll'b-«bip u> wnik In
•* t
We are
ar»» racing more e!>.«
the Master's foot -i-;-s In the uari'-w 1» !, • ♦»» » h ", ”f tin* l«»r»l ihr- u«
tie ttteaiilng of t • S T
w kl«. It w Hi 1M»C In,
OREGON IN 1856 days go by tbs
nnv faithfully u . > death willingly
titre which <!<•
<l»«-laro>< that
.- t i rigbteoel«U« « th it
offering, sacrlti» la . th.-lr little all In mer»-I t r
the Rtsk-em« r • shall see of tl travail th,» service of < 1. Ill* Truth. hl* «III, .
1 A <oiutu' ml will 1*
i nett, a r«atd»«nt of M
Medford, claim» of his soul nml Is- sutlstlisl
We per righteousness, his p, .- »¡Ji* These few. etlf» r> <-<i 1 jr dim -Ipllnes. “stri
Springfield Grange Had Lar
celve now that the llttl»» handful <>f
re lions lu ritftlt«S»USUCSS." to ibv In*
i baseball tan of Oregon. He organized saints walking in the Master's r.s we have SMB, the Savior nv.-g
nixes as Iva«Ing lift us having “pas» d tent tlm t lh* *« ' erf" world lu ¡¿«-tiprtil
gest Delegation, With 23
in 1856 the first baseball team in
steps from Pentecost to Uls Breon.l from death unto life" (John V, 34>. may be bl» *«<»t und t»e rv«urre»-t»«l
in Attendance
' In th-ioe days." h« «aid "we whit­ Advent nini sharing In the "First Res­ nevertheless their change was only • lift»«! up. up. up. »mt <>f sin and death
tled our ova bats from native wool urre<tf-n" Is not the end of Divine l<»gal one Actually, according to th» Ceudlllona t » tb« littiunn |>< rf<« H ti I»»-
Seattle, Aug. I».—Secvretary Ballin­
and at Grst played with a rubber Love for our race, but merely Its be
Hop picking on tie early crop will Special Corresponden e
Irving. Aug. 5.—The regular meet­ all. Mi. It wasn't 'town ball’ we ginning—"A first fruits unto Ged of flesh, they ware still Imperfect, fallen at,»wed U|.«'ti A«lniu nod I.Is ru-*» In
ger returned tt>day from a visit to begin in Lane county in two weeks
dj Ing. But by Divine arrnupwiieni cre.itlon. Duly th« uuwUliug uti l dis
Minneapolis and Chicago, which re­
played. If you ever caught a rubber bis creatures" (James L ISl. We nr,-
cently caused so much speculation and ten days later work will begin at Lorane. Saturday, July 31. Most ball baretiand»«d when it was coming now seeing that, according to the 1>I their new InhSJs. tbelr new wills, were ol—lient will die Hie Hecotid l»»-ntb.
accept»«! <>f < »1 In Christ nml their from w bl»«li there will tn» no redemp­
and gossip. To the Associated Press on the late hops. It is thought that of the subordinate granges In the swift you know h >w they »ting.
vine purpose, the calling iiud election IWsti igm sra as drnd. oral they » »“re tion. no r»« »iv«ry
“We <lian-ar'1»«l the rubber ball and
he stated that although he went east this year's crop in this part of the I county
ball with a chunk of of the Church to the spirit
of th* H»4y Spirit nu
at a request from Beverly, it was not state will be ere of rhe f:nesr ever Springfield Grange having the lar made a
L'»»s la Fissh ned In Spirti.
?»f n. t?<*-e ¡»eing 33 In at rubber In the center anl then cov­ to the divine nature, must be »tun Kevv < ’r,
for the reason assigned in news items produced, although its size has been I gest d
nini I hhmi U k » suxm of
Time»» «ti»» ti»-nr thè G»«;.-l un»! are
sent out by the press. He reiterated cut down by the long siege of dry •tendance from tuac grange, it »aj ered it with buckskin
The flrat ef­ ph-t«s! before the secotMl step III th«» God. Ai
tlwy «•»»• fare» from
'-«XS Ite trenia »»f cnnseeratk'n unto
that the conference with Senator and hot weather, which ha? burned !one ot the most t argely attended and fort was a little crude, but we s»»,n great Divine Plan <>f Salvation begin» (»11 the t»Msxk"«K «>s»k-iui>wU>Mi
—tbe recovery of the world from *m
ik«Hh <>f Ih« tlenti nini nre Legtrtt n »»f
Crain had nothing to do with any off the ends of the arms and stunted Interesting meeting» Lane Pomona learntsi tbe trick.
I ns iu«tttib><*> of Ih»» H'dy S|»lrtt ns New «'rvntiir»«»,
"That ball was the moot valuabb- and death conditions, to human per­
matter- per onal to himself. Ballinger the growth of the vin-s to some ex has yet held, Many important ques-
Adam's - m »< .freed I through th« Impu
said he did not see Nelson while in tent. However, the life of the plant tions were discussed and the follow piece «if property Iwvlongltig to th»»! fection ii re I 1‘nradlse restnr»-»!
"t»arinker« of tbe dlrine nature,' bue
tatlnn of da ua-rit I of tlw lUslwim-r's so to «iw«nk. a dual »»tlst.-n ■»• from tbe
club if in in open fields a-
Minneapolis, nor did he communicate which would have gone t th? longer] Ing resolutions passed:
“Let Dssd Bury Their Deed.*
Whereas. Our present registration we did in vh
sacrlfle,» n|»|-*M I on their ladwilf Thu*
days. th»j ball was
-with him while in the east. In Chi­ vines has been directed to the size
law requires every voter to regi-ter lost,' the gam»» was .-ailed until th»-
No Bible topic requires more careful they alUltHHl tlx« llt»»rty of tbe sous timo of th«lr begettal of U h » Spirti
cago. he said he met Lawler, assist­ and quality of the ho;s.
Freni Qod's stallali»»»tut tliey aro Noe
Hop conditions thi3 year in Lane! every two years, and we believe tt Is p avers, epectat >~s and ev»-n f it- u
dlscrlmltuillou In Its study than d»«-« of Gori frawh'in from rla-cou»!emnn
ant attorney general for the interior
Creature« betroHen to Hi«» »livin»' io-
department, who was on his way county, aside from the dry weather, a n»»ediess expease to the taxi>ayers plre had »»»arehed until they foun I 1» th»« subject of death Tbl» Is mainly lion. 8»» w» rvad of them
ture. wbk'h. If fullbful. Hi.-r w III full’
"Then« were no mitts, no m i.»ks. I. ■»■auxe of the general confusion of
to Los Angeles on grvernment busi­ have been favorable and the yield is of the state, therefore be it
Resolved, by Lane Pomona Grange no breast-proGctors in those days,
ness. He denied that there wa? any­ expected to be the best. The picking
mln»l which »-iitne u|»m Christendom Jew si nml kN own rretdvsd him m i; »»Malti In tho "First II» -urr<« t1»ui ”
thing in the story that Crane came will begin earlier this year than, that we wish tbe law so changed that We went out barehanded In
tbe long centuries of the but to as umuy as received him. to Y»-t nocordlng to all worldly concepì
sleeve« and overalls and tcok them
west to intimate that
Ballinger's usual. Walker's hopyard betwet-n
Comparative diirkuess. when them gave bv power (IttsTty. prlvt eg- <»f tb» mailer th«y aro stili humnn I«-
as they name.
resignation was desired. Ballinger Eugene and Springfield 1.» fast ripen­
Limp of Go»l ui«m th»- to iMwotne dons i.f God even t»> them li.,« very ina» li Ihc «ain<- as tb»»y w.-t»»
“I hav»«irt .-ni*e-d a ball game In
said if he should ever resign it would ing, and the light green hops are now
R»?solved. That we pledge oar can any place wher»« I've lived all this Christian's path» »err scans«, ami thnt believe vu Ills mime »bls gr»«itue»n !’G->r lo tbelr rane«« ratlon tini 8| lrtt
be for the purpose only of being free very large. This yard will commence
to prosecute persons for libel who had picking on the 24th of this month, as dblates to tbe legislature, to use their time, and I »im't intend to miss one when few could read tbe truths of as Messlaln. who were begotten not »»f te-gettlng The world may. loderei, are»
■■ertala »-bang»-« more or lesa radl- al In
been instrumental in publications of soon as the Springfield festival is fin­ Influence to so change tbe law. And as long as I am able to get to them. l«ri»-el.-s< value, that were chaJie-d to
The gain« has changed since my play­ lecterns. In consequence of this con the will of gw Aerh. nor < t rumi, but tl>«ir conduci and wonla, l.ut, llko a»
libelous and defamatory attacks on ished. About eighty pickers will be be it further
Resolved. That we ask the other ing days, but the basic princlplua are ftxion we bear Intelligent people talk of God” iXJBx I. 13i
Ballinger predicted that the employed to handle the early hops.
n»»t. th»»w» wlll aiqs-nr lo Hi« worldly
A slrnlkw Stos’lw. law l>aen In i>r<>s m»^-ly ns fnd«. fancles. e- >-ontrl»'itl*e
Taft administration would continue to The late crop wil begin picking by Pomona Granges to co-operate with still the Mtna and it renews my Ignorantly and stupidly r»«i»*ctlng
you'h to rae tho youngsters work:-
•‘score successes along lines of con­ Sept. 5. Many of the yards a'uount us in this matter.
reas th»ongwut all ibis Grstpel Age IVrhapn. lml»««l. as In Iti« caso of HI
d.s»th. Tbey make confusion worse from l’»«>*M4ti|l until i» w
Whereas, The national grange. on the field."
structive and progressive legisla­ the county will begin still earlier!
amongst th.- Ihml. tbey inay I h » c»>nslder»«l as ”b»»
, onfouiMk.l by telling us of Adam's
than this and not wait until after the Patrons of Husbandry, and many of,
It sldcs thetiis»4v»«i" tnad. Ilenc»- asili»'
spiritual ih-ath and discussing "nat­ work! of manalud judicially dead
SpringfielJ celebration, as Mr. Walk-! the state «rang«« have a' different’
times expressed their belief in the ALLEGED ELOPER
er is doing.
ural” 'Ivath and "tbe death that never has reucb»»l a c»>n«lderablo number: Aprati« dre»l«r«s. 'The w rl<| knowrtlt
l»ut not fiMky great. howev,-r. not il» tiot. «»«»ni ns tt kttew hlm not"
As to the price of hop? this year, political equality ot men and women,
” etc., etc.
wise, not tnauy rl> h, not many il John III. li. Tbe world dld noi
A MILE FOR HELP the owners are optimistic, but at the therefore, be it
To get the BlWe view of d»-uth we
Resolved, That this convention as­
Spokane, Aug. 6.—The crippled same time they do not feel that it
need to brush away such foolish bab­ noble, not many bMirned. cblefiy the know Jesus to I h » l.og. iti n of thelloly
R neburg. Or , Aug. 5.—F. M. Mc-
daughter of Mr. and. Mr». Carpenter, will be at all high. There have not sembled at Des Moines, Iowa, Nov.
blings and confine ourselves to Bible P» m < of tt»k world ami the mean Bplrit. thè Ben of thè Hlg!i««t. etc
living twelve miles from Davenport, been as many acres planted this year,, 16 to 20, 1909. hereby ilermnds the I>ona!d,wlx> is accused of having language and the rational thought con things, tlw jgt»>t>le tilings (I Corin nor d«M»a th»« world y»»t know flint b«
crawled a mile to a neighbor’s to get as in many other years, but still there | same political rights tor all citizens eloped from Glendale. Douglas coun­
thians I,
la hlghly oulted nt tho Faiher'» lllght
help when her mother died a* night were mere bops planted this year regardless of sex. In order that a gov­ ty. tea days ag> with Mrs, Jessie Cle­ tkectre! therewith. Foe Instance, ac­
Hand. So alno It ls wltli Hi« followcrs
"Ws Are Ssvsd by Hops."
However, the failure of ernment of the people, for the people, ment.»», wife of a Glen !ale man. and cording to the Bible, there Is no "nat­
during the father's absence. The than last.
Whlk» npraklng of l«4levees l»»g t of J osim . Tbey similari) bove re-
girl spent five hours in going a mile, the crops in foreign markets is apt land by the people, may be established later arrra'e I at San Francis ■» on a ural death”—It Is not natural for man
charge of embezzlement, arrived here to die. It 1» according to tbe Bible ar­ teu ot the Htrly Spirit nml New Creu »■elvrel n Hplrlt l«»gr«tliig and. almllar
In till r nation.
locomotion being by use of her hands. to better the price of Oregm hops.
After a splendid luncheon. wh!«h tonight in custody of Deputy Sheriff rangement an<I man's nature that h»- lures lu < M m Jraus as having
ly. lu duo tini«, are to «xpertenco ih«
the ladies of Siuslaw know so well M->rtensan
should lire- live »semully, ns do th • from donlb MtW> Ufa, tlw Bibl»», with giorlotia »'bongo of tho "l'irat llreinr
Upon hl» arrival here
he wa.«
how to prepare, an open meeting was
held, presided over by the worthy lec- locked In the county Jail, where he angels, If ol»»«!lent to the Divin»» coni- e»iunl explbstn»««», tells im thnt the recttau" and bo p«»rfocte<l . u thè new
'.urrer, and part of the lecturer's pr - »ill remain until such tlm»» as the rnntnls. I truth. therefore. is the uu resurrection of the mind, th«« will, of pione <>f tbe divino tinnir
gram was rendered, consisting of mu- officers are In a ponitlon to h 1-1 the natural thing! Do we think of ungo!» the New Cpppture, Is not the Comple­
Judged of Mon—Jud s<l of Oed
<lc and a discussion on the subject, prelinimanry hearing. Mr. Clements, as dying, ami of heaven as filled with tion of his salvation H h has received
Note again Hie Apoatl»'« wonts re-
"Is Dairying More Profitable in the who accompanied
'.he officer, re­ cemeteries? Have they doctors an»l a great blewdng. a great salvation;
Willamette Valley Than In the Ext­ gained
of his two cl:! dr» n, undertakers there? Surely not! Yet It but what ho now enjoys Is tneraly a apertlng these Spirit lo t "'t»-n follow
ern States and Washington?” If so, but d»» that he would have would t»e Just ns prop»-r to «|»»ak of foro-taat,». an "earmwt," or hand pay­ era of J»— 11« H»«- "little tb- k." who
walk In his fon>«t«|ai of t if «ucrlflce.
why discussion was opened by Bro. n thing more to »lo with his v It
natural death amongst tbe angels as In ment of the great bhsMing which he
He aaya that th we will bo judge«! ac­
C. H. Brown, an experienced dairy­
man from Ohio, but now a resident
cording to men in th»» l!»»a!i. but ac-
hla Covenant unto death. The fruition
ot Eugene, followed by others on the
ly used ri-spectfng Adam and bls full of tbe bopca of the N»»w Creation w ill cording to G<«t In tbe Spirit. Men not
same subject, all ot which wa» both
knowing ns no New Creatures
IN COTTAGE GROVE Is wholly unscriptural. No such ex­ bo attnlm«! tn the eml of this Ago nt t'hrlst
interesting and helpfu! and al! re­
mny think of us und approve
gretted the limited time to be used
pression Is fotlud In the Bible; neither tbe Second Coming of the Redeemer,
Cottage Grove, Or , Aug. 5.—Wed- such a thought. Adam could not die when he comes to set up his Kingdom condemn ns they would think of n
in that way. The worthy master then
appro« »• or <’ond>-nin oth»ra ggctM
took the ¿-hair and the balance of the : need ay evening at 8:30 o'clock two a spiritual death, bag-ause be »--is not In power aud great glory for tho bios-»
th»- fle«ti 'lb,, world will n».^^w
afternoon was taken up with busi­ ! Cottage Grove couples wer«- united a spirit being. He was an earthly b*
After supper all were Invited in wedlrxdr at the same hour. Jame» Ing not an angel, but a man. .Ya th- Ing and salvation of tho world, wh»-n s«>e that In tb«-«»» New Creatures there
Portland. Aug. 5.—Fifty thousand
to tho Christian church, whore the E. Atkinson an.l Mis« Pearl Gray
la s battle In pr»»gr«»«* Ho» New Crcn-
(Pauiui vl. 28).
£)l The
dollars' worth of the Eugene munici-1
because the securities are young people surprise the visitors were marrl's! at the residence of the Scriptures d»-clare of Adnm. "Thou tongue eoug^jf (I'eului
hire «»«»king to conquer the fl»-«h nnd
. .
... .
I rirst-claw». but the earning rates are with a splendid program, consisting groom's |M.r«nm, Mr an t Mrs Oeo. nuidrat bltn a little lower than the sn- Script unw l«4i;4 the New Creation, the
I»» tring k Into subji«-lion to the Di­
pal refunding bond ¡»sue will be U- attractive," said Mr. Hawley. "We of music and dialogue«. They were Atkinson, Rov Robert Sutcliffe of gelx; and crownest him with glory an<l Body of
GMW. the “anlnt«." the
ken up by the Woodmen of the had bond Issuea aggregating several assisted with the music by Bro. and the M H church offl'.iatlng. Only h»ai<<, und did »< set him over the works Cbarv-h, tti fiihs IHuHtrtou* day im th»» vine will, Ian mg nlway« able to «Io o<>.
Ail w« «mt do Is to do l)Ur twat,
World. The head camp of the order i million dollars submitted to us today, Sister Young of Springfield Grange. ■» few roJatlvee were present. Rexford of thy bauds"; "over the Is-axts of time wh»-n ttiy shall experience their
whether <sir teat shall I,», ns good ns
yesterday authorised Representative mostly from the east, but we decided It was all splendid, as the demon­ M. Giraaon and Miss Eliza Magee the fli-l»l, the fish of the amt and the glorkHM '
to invest our surplus funds In the Pa- strations and encores proved. The were mArrle»! at the country resi­
or bettor tluiu thnt of our fi-llow-
W. C. Hawley of Sa.em to n.go :a - rcjfjc Jurisdiction of the head camp, | time was tn limited part of the pro­ dence iff the bride’» parents, Mr. an»l fowl of the air" (Hebrews II. 7; Psalm enly ».«xslliirw,* svhra In u lu
irratnn« win» are nM Spirit begotten,
I the twlnkliw^ »X
»iC an eja, the rraurrec-
the purchase of the block and Mr. | and will, in future, folio »that pol- gram had to be left out. A claz» of Mr». I’rook H. Mag»«», near thia city,
It Is. therefore, atmurd for us to Uon power BU lift U msu wholly out fut wbo may is» less «leprnvisl l»y tin-
Hawley said last night that the bid icy as far as possible. I think that twenty-five was to be initiated in the Mr. Elkina, pasrtor of the Cbrlath.n
roullnue longer to sp«sik of Adam dy sf oarthJy <.wM)ll'4M to tbe |»Tfi»otlon tune- nobler by h»»r»«lity, our con-
would be formally submitted in a Oregon ha-» cause for congratulation fifth degree, so It was necessary to church, aftiotatlng. A large number
u>lat1on na New Creatures Is thnt ive
for receiving such a large share of return to the hall and close up the of g'i»«rg
prraent. The brides Ing a spiritual death, while admit­ of the "I'tvlyj Nature."
day or two.
our investment funds.
work of ...„
the day. after which all re-1 are lx «th ura/luatra from the Cottag»- ting that he was not a spirit hying
I»■«•> rlfJisr i m»i "First Ibwnrrectkin” ire n<4 to be judged by human judg­
The head camp at Its closing ses­
"The head camp is very careful in I ported to tbe'banquet baH, 'and -did Grove high school. Miss Magee Is of It was simply tbe man Adam that 'of tlw MilMfp, ^o' Ap-atle says, “It Is ment, but by him who caii>«i us and
sion Wednesday authorised the in­ chooe-ing its investments. By the pro- full justice to the elegant spread pre­ the clara ot 11*08 and Miss Gray of died Hbi death, bowesiw. dl<! Include sown In <l*tl9W. It la rn4««1 In glory; drew ns to hlmwlf, who aanctlfled us
vestment of $304,000 of the surplus visions of our charter, we are not! pared. Sulalaw Grange Is building a tills year's ctaaa
tbe gradual
of d»v-ay. ami It is sown in vvrakmsM. It Is rabs.l In Jirongh th«» Mood of the Cross, and1
permitted to purchase public service I very neat hall, sir»- 30xH0, with din­
funds in bonds of which amount bonds or Issues of private concerns, jng hall 20x32. which when complet-
affwted not only his bones and mu» rower, tt bv sown a mdtiral b»«!y. It Is who ts-gnt ns with hla own Holy Spir­
D4sn<r<sa1'|.- m Home.
>184,000 goas to the purchase of and must confine ourselves to state, ed will "be quite an addition to the
cles, but also hit l^lnt»— hfa every rabasj a spRRwnt hrniy" (I CortnthiaM it to hl« own divine nature Hr will
Lota of men and women who are
uh are-ordfng to the spirit—ac-
bonds in Oregon, a* follows:
county and municipal bond Issues.
Iksqss ltng this glorious
little town of Lorane. It waa to have agreeable with others, got "cranky” mental and moral quality. Tbe sen XV. 43, 441
Port land Broadway bridge bonds,
"This policy gives us almost abso­ been finished In time for Pomona at home
tence, "Dying, thou »bait die,'' took ranrarnmetlkti ot tbe iugsw of the ‘-ceding to «sir minds, according to our
lute protection and at the same tlm Grange, hut owing to the pres* of
Intrntbsis, lu-cordlng tn our «ffortr To
hold of him as an entlrt^y; hetira
Klamath Falls school and municl- we are able to »»«-cure the mo«t ad­ work at this season could not be. The User. If you find In yourself that we find, as the Scriptures declare, , Church, tho .VqwwtJo dc laros It to be tbe faithful wbn nt heart are 0T«reom-
(Ml bonds, $34,000
vantageous rates. Our bond invest firmer* of Siuslaw valley as well as
«re tbe Lord eventually will say. “Well
Eugene refunding bonds, $50,000. ments for the past three years have all other good farming communities tle th»n«s worry you, just buy a bot­ that there Is "none 'righteous; no, our srMilw-'Uw grace (salvation) that
Hood River water Bonds, $30,000. averaged 4.7 per cent. For the im make bay while tho sun shlnea. A tle of HaJtard’s H^blne and put your n»X one"— none menially, morally or shall bo brought unto you nt the rove done, thou g<»o<l nnd faithful servant!
You and everybody physically right.
Al! have slntwd. lotion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Enter into the Joy of thy Lord Thou
The entire investment in Oregon mense amount of money tied up it vote of thanks w-aa extended to Snin- liver in shajx*
yon will feel better for It.
b'»nd« will net the Woodmen of the bonds we consider this average un law Grange for their kindness to the around
the glory of ChrM" (I Peter 1, 13». For that glo­ tinnl been fnlthfnl over n t»w thing»:
Pries 6 9 cents per bottle. Dillon |
I will makn thee ruler over msoY
World 5.10 per cent yearly.
usually good.”
visiting members, and all returned Drug Stove.
8-11 God In which Adam was created rious time tbe Lord's people are to
things" iMattbew xxv. 21).