TWO THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD. THURSDAY. JULY 28. 1910 - - — - i ..— . ,...i.... I I - 1 re eome eitenl. has neutralised Hie «tr^t « . .................................. . >r many truihs. but made one great bluu • ALL IN ADAM dvr Wile# they »oil* ludid tluil I'ur ’ Even so gatory waa cvmtrary tu Hie ffetipture* Acts directly and peculiarly Sermon by and threw It away, not rewliut lliv ALL IN CHRIST on the blood; purifies, enriches CHARLES T. Bible hell. Hie temib. they adopt.d an l est t "Stare bv m«n vanir >k«ih. hv maa and revitalizes it, and in this other hell and Ibvreb) wenl from bad RUSSELL. •U> < n J . !•« way builds up the whole sys­ Io worse on thl* uubjwt Tliv.i said. M all m zkdsai dis, ma so all u> < 'bnM Ca*to< liiooJyn The henlhvu aud th* tnasare »f th* Salem. Or., J»ly 23.—After several tem. Take it. Get it today. ■hail I* mad* abv*. Bul mi y man in lu* Denver. July 21.—The sensation of Portland. July It.— -James J. liill I abernac.o. In usual liquid form or In cbacolat* own ixdx , IhlMi th* lu Mil till, ahriwanl* day»' labor, the uttorney-general and clvtllsvil ar* surely not saints surely the day in the cotx.-ention of Western «Ill l>e given a great welcome whau thvy that »>• CJinM a durata hu ;«*•*«•* ' (1 the office of the secretary of state coated tablets called Sarsatabs, they do not follow In tlie foot»iv|i* of he comes to Portland to participate Cotutüuan« •*. 21, JI. R. V ). • have completed the ballot title* for bill for a law requiring protection Federation of Miner* was the placing In the Harvest Festival early next Jesus surely, therefore, they cannot the 32 initiative and referendum for persons engaged in hazardous em­ oa the clerk's desk of a resolution September. The announcement Just >*r lie of bls spiritual flock. Concluding 000 .. ...............................*.......................... measures which will be submitted to ployment, defining and extending the asking the Federntioa to boycott all made that he will accept the Invita­ that three could not lie taken Io heav­ the people at the next general elec­ liability of «tnployer*. and providing the papers owned by William R. tion to Portland rather than apeak at Christ our Lord” (Remans vl. 231 tion. that contributor}- negligence shall not Hearst. This is a further step in the St. Paul at that time before the con­ July 34.—One» wc •ouaidvrvd uumt un­ What statement could be more aliu en. they said. We must take them out The ballot titles Indicate how the be a defenw. 330 yes; 331 no. antagonism toward Hearst that has servation co agrees has made a great kind. unjust, the Bible deelaratlou that pie? The wicked wUl not I* gruuted •» I'urgatory auy way. wherever w* put proposed measure* originated, a*d Pro;>o**d by initiative Petit!*«—A already been attempted tn California hit locally and there Is a correspond­ our Creator euudstnnsd all ot Adam's life st m H. either u> pleasure or in |>alu them. lH«'ali»» we have found out that I contain a brief sy*e-t>«fs of their con­ bill for an act to create the count* of as a result of the hx-kout at the ing degree of enthusiasm tn helping rare with him on acvouut of Adam'* They ore under Miiteace of deuth de­ Ihvre 1» no such place oa rurgntory tents. They are as follow»: Orchard out of the northwestern por­ Homestead mine in South Dakota, After Conference*, seriously dunk­ a program of welcome that "Original Siu " But uow, lu the llghi <>f struction. Eternal life Is h gift And Proposed by Initiative Petition— tion of I'mwcllla county. Oregon; pro­ owned by Hearst's mother. The mi­ formulate will express to some extent at least ing to tusk» out God'» character wore* Women's taxpaying suffrage amend­ viding far ita organization, fixing the ners assert that Hearst could ure hi* the lie given only to ihoae to whom It will tbodsarer uufoldlug of God'* Word, ws pleasure this city will feel in en­ Hinn they formerly *U|>po**ul the mat­ the purchase of a site for and the bill for an act to create the cou’ ty I j®__ interesting ______ _ becaitge of the fact that his work so far In the development Us did them n kindne«* that It »*« lu ter a* poaalbl* Tiny were greatly construction and maintenance of a ■ of out of the northern portion jn declaring an open boycott the Fed- of this state, his great railroads he the Interest of till inanity lu gv ..... r ■- mm tin-; aln ami Its penalty Let u» relieved whvu long head««) Brother branch insane asylum to be located cf Clark Grant county. Oregon; providing era’ion is courting a lawsuit, boy- has built here and 1» so* pushing We are aware Hull thw atatfinvut ap­ note that, without the twisting* of John Calvin vxplalii'-vl to them about in the diacretlon of the board of trus­ for its organization, fixing the sal- <-<.ttc being against the law. Tt..» » further into new territory and his pear* paradoxical to tboae who have theology, we should have no difficulty Thts is tees Of the Oregon state insane asy­ of the officers thereof, aud fot I tuttmated to l»e the desire of the min- manifest spirt* or helpfulness to Ore­ not yet gotten the proper focua ui«>u In utidcralaudlng the Divine sentence the im-re handful going to heaven and lum. at or within five miles of either aries gon. of finances be:ween the trs wist to 'show up Hearst.” as our first parents rvldcutly had no the great n>n** going to eternal tor­ of the following cities, to-wlt: Baker adjustment two counties. 334 yes; 33* ns _________________ The Portland Commercial club will the Divine Plan. The key which un­ difficulty The sentence upon Father ture He explained that God bad fore­ City, Pendleton or Union, in eastern locks the difficulty I* the proper appre ­ take up the banquet feature Imme­ b} Initiative Petition- A >»irtair»CDEI II U C M Adam for disobedience was. "Dying ordained and predestinated three aw Oregon, to be called "The Eastern bill 1’rojKM-ed for a Law presiding for the per- WONDERFUL HEN diately and «oiuplete the plana al­ ciation of l be pcaulry imposed U| n > u Hum shall die”; “Dual thou art, and ful result» Hist he might allow hU Oregon State Hospital.” 302 yes; manent support and maintenance of ready mapped out it Is proposed to Adam and hla race. 303 no. the »astern Oregon State Normal I limit the stteudance at this banquet The erroneous, unacriptural view of unto dust «halt thou return”; •'Curerd wisdom ami hl» power A* 1» a LAYS HUGE EGGS. Referred to the People by Legisla­ school at Weocon. Umatilla county. I to Mr. Hli! him*el( and the |lvestve of God, even (bough Proposed by Initiative Petition—A| sociation committee, and C. C. Chap­ this unacriptural aud Irrational view Honors—Is Half-Breed for submission of thw proposed con­ bill for a taw to annex a portion of' upon Adam and hla race was that they of the wage of urlglual Hlu which man. manager of the promotion com­ rather sl»surdly they claimed that lie stitution, so revised, to the legal vot­ the territory in the eastern part •(■ Buff Orpington mittee o# the Commercial club, are caused all our difficulty. Indeed. It la i . ahould return to the dust As ne read was neither wise enough nor |vwvrful ers of the state for adoption sr rejec­ Washington county, Orsgwc to Mult­ getting 4>usy on the banquet an.I oth­ safe to aa.v tbut no other false doc- again. "Thou lurnret man to destruc­ tion on the first Monday in April. nomah connty, Oregon, aad pravld- _______ _________ __ ___ _ Portland, July 21.—The angler er feature* of entertainment that are trtue held by God'* |>eople ever drove tion“ <1*»alm xc. 3» And this peualty enough to do inure Ibau rescue a mere 1912. 304 yes; 305 no. handful of Adatu'» r*< e from Hie eter­ ing for a branecnipt *f the records of always coming to the front with a not yet made public. away from God. from the Bible and la sufficiently awful when we think <>f Referred to the People by Legisla­ the territory annexed te •» be a» m».t» asd --flsh - fiwb stury." stury.” and the hunter with a made and It is heped to make the demon­ from the fellowship of the Church ao what It means to die. to lore mental, nal torture to which they Ihongbt G. through 'll the Old each state senator, and each state rep­ manent support and maintenance of |cne the world. She is not a freak hen. heart for Portland and It Is planned lated tn the ilurk ages, have quietly Testament) Ann* still closer withdrawn from them lu heart. If not the tomb, to will li I lllb'e «ay* all Bible Kind, Help-« aiel Referred to the people bv Legisla­ s. bool at Ashland, Jackson county. breed Buff Orpington, which is laying on hls coming visit I, outwardly, saying to themselves. Evi­ go, good und laid, rich and |»>->r. bolt from the Iglioraiice nih I »UpVIetllluna tive Assembly—For an amendment of Oregon, by levying one twenty-CWth the largest eggs In the country and dently my reasoning faculties are of a and unholy, was i.ttic only bell known of the past wr may uiulenound th« section 32. artlle I. of the constitu­ of a mill on the dollar » al! taxable caring for chicks at the same time. tion of Oregon, by omitting the words property in the state of Oregon there- NEW MEXICO MAN different kind from those <>f tunny oth­ amongst any of the people of G<«1 fur A|M>*tle'» word* and lu th ui. nut i Mrs. Lee's prixe hen has been lay ­ "and all taxation shall be equal and ifor. and limiting instruction :taereia ing eggs of the enormous size of 8 k ers prominent lu the Chun h: Without the more than four thousand y«ar* only juaths aud lute, l>ui I. i . umuj and : uniform,” and inserting in lieu Ito thoee subjects promoting efficiency Inches long and 6 *-» inches through. disputing the | h >I ui . I simply conclude represented by the SECURES LEASE ON tenchlngs of the In-uuly liiatrad of nil umuklud tP'lug i thereof the words, “taxes shall be in the art of teaching. that 1 must think for myself atid that, Old Testament. I lieu i ntile the New to eterual torment for Adau>'» stu, all 34» yes; Something over a month ago this levied and collected fc- public pur­ 341 no. wonderful hen came off with a brood HOFFMAN HOUSE lu so doing. I am forced out of sym­ Testament time* and the tenchloga of go lulu the Bible bril, the grave, on poses only, and the power of taxa­ Proposed by Initiative Petition— pathy with the majority of fellow- J ••SUS and the Apostlea to the same actuuiil of bia *lu aud all of the men­ tion shall never be surrendered, sus­ An amendment of section 35. article of chicks. Since that time she ha* for the little ones and has laved Cbriatlaus on this basic doctrlue. pended or contracted away.” 308. II of the constitution of the s«ate of cared effect. 111 the New Testament the ial. m»ral aud physical bleuilshva uf 30 eggs in 30 days. yes; 309 no. Will Succeed Jared W. Moore Wh*r* Lie* th* Difficulty? Oregon, prohibiting the sale of in­ Greek word hadrt. reprea*otlng the our race are a part of thia heredity. Referred to the People by Legisla-j toxicating liquoss and the traffic There would have been no ho|w of a The difficulty I* that while the ma ­ tomb, the death state, take* the place as Proprietor of Hotel tive Assembly—For amendment c-f therein within the state of Oregon, SAN FRANCISCO PARTY future life, good or laid, bad u< -trine after Jesus and the Apostles, after the til» Bon the opportunity of becoming I lease on the Hoffman House from would be to repudiate the Bible and to writing of the New Testament, before man'» Bvdwmar. The Logo* waa made —Cottage Grove Man upon property or levvIng taxes for the gnppreî8 tije manufacture, sale, pcs- Jared Moore, who ha* been conduct­ become oja-n lofldel*. And Just here Is the doctrine of Purgatory was Invent- desh (John I, I4> and obediently gave payment of the same, and nullifying suppress the manufacture, sale, pue mau * 2<*o6cd>- erty used for munic4pal, educational, of hotel on Aug. 1. The deal was! Oregon, except foT specific pur­ M. A. De Lavtage. a San Francisco I the literary, scientific, religions, or char­ poses, negotiated by S. Rugb. who 1* an! Islers of the Gospel cou>|>arallvely few thought la exprrered In the Scriptures mce tiie aenteuc* of de*Hi pa»*eq upon to govern the ehipment of the capitalist, with his wife and son, E. I. itable purpose*. (Note: Another same, declaring what is intoaicatlag have auy degreo of knowledge of God's But Bible* were few. and the |>eoplv all of the race, weu so by the olwdlrsot ¡old-time neighbor and friend of Mr. ^r'| J Word. They know what they tblnk could not have read them evso If they of the mau Christ Jesus uulu death amendment of section 1 of said ar­ liquor within the state of Oregon, and De Laveage. stopped in Eugene last, joV““Lgu'““wr “uu ,r‘e““ night while on their way in their au- .. vrw»*» »V a ticle IX u**ed for *11 of tomubile tr. m the 1 sy i.} to Seat- Cheyenne. Wyo., has not yet definlt»- it teaches; what they have been told mony herewith.) 310 yes; 311 ao. act. 344 yes; 345 no. Referred to the People by Legisla­ laM. decided what business he will fol-1 that It tenches: what the catechism* say centuries the teaching* of lb* clergy that race. Now we »re the wlac res by Initiative Petition—A were accepted without Bible proofs, Son for permitting the setiteuce to pass tive Assembly—For an amendment cf bill Proposed Gm» 0 thlV hav» 6 msl remain In for aa act creating a board of! time, they have made a quick trip. Eugene After he relinquishes con- It teaches, but they have never made and the df our eodeavor to »reuse tenchlug of Christians every* here that make possible t lie reconciliation of the cf their employment, and to but three days. The ear is driven The Hottman dlal room w,u authorizing the levy and collection of< ¡course Christian people everywhere to search the mere handful of anhita. Instead of entire rnc* prepare a meaeure to be presented __ _____________ _ •n expert eheuffeur. He sa} . s taxes for state purposes and for coun-! to the legislature governing the same. roaj between here and Frisco is not pr.)p n,rrpfr «h>i h-.”« <■ and study the Scriptures ami to nsslat dying when they seemed to die. went Now read our text and drink iu its ty and other municipal purposes upc-n •ad report to Jbe governor of the near!y as bad as L-told about by oth- Sr Mr SiLre's regime them with Bible study helps. Bible to heaven ami that th* great mass of depth» aud U-auty and force, The ‘ before ^Vk7t dVoI -i er tourists who have made the trip,I s ---- - __ _. -------- — ----- --- I Leys. etc. And. thank God. there are humanity, Instead of dying when they resurrection of tnaukiud from the »In propriating s:ate taxes among the sev­ February, 1911, and appropriating and there are other road* In the state I iLcusatida In Spiritual Israel who are «reined to die. went lu some uiyslerl- all I death and tomb condition to the eral counties a* county obligation*. ! not bow ing their knees to Baal, but ous manner to a mysterious plhce full | vrfis'Uon aud Image of God from (Note: Another amendment is pend­ $1000 for purposes of the act. 34', that are used io. al.tmobiles that OREGON WHEAT CROP 34 • no. are much worse. The principal trou- ing which also amend this section, ye«; who are anxious to know, to rightly called Purgatory, of wbk-b nobody which the race fell is the salratlon Proposed by Initiative Petition — A t , le with :he roaJ lg iarge rocks that . ¿DCFR THIS YFAR and is not in harmony herewith.' bill for an act prohibiting the taking gtkk up go hlgh that the>. eadanger understand, the Word of God. Claaaes knew nuyttuuq except what they were which God bus provided for all. Who­ LRnUtn I flld TtAn 312 yes; 313 no. [ In Bible study are springing up all taught. Tie- ieu< lilug la that practi­ ever will fall to atinlu the full recov­ waters bottom of a car, and to avoid this* — Referendum Ordered by Petition of of — 1 fish .. .. from n V »X* the t Ln Wn of Rogue . .. _ - _ . _ _ _ the People—An art providing for the river, or any of its tribu «tries, bj aiy lt jg necessary to run the wheel over Washington Falls Several Mil­ over the world. These bavo recently cally all of humaulty go to Purgatory ery from sin and death conditions will means, except with hook a«i ltae; the top of them. The grades are not .. n , , t ’ adopted the name of “International there to lie rousted and otherwise t r have tdniaelf to blame because of re­ payment of $1000 annually to the commonly called angling 348 yes;|at all steep, he says. They, as all lion Bushels Short of Bible Student* Association." God is tured for centuries—ultimately to gain jection of H m < glortou» arrangement» judge of the Eighth Judicial district, 349 no. other tourists report, had trouble by Baker county, in addition to the tdeiming them, not only with the open rales*« from the torture, when fitted which God made In and through Christ. Last Year Proposed by Initiative Petition — A ! keeping the right road in Oregon be- annual salary of $3000 received by bill for a law to create the county of Ing of their own eye* more and more for heaven Upon this doctrine In turn "Th» First R»»urr*ction " him from the state; 314 ye*: 315 no. Deschutes. Oregon, out of the north­ Icause of a woeful lack of sign boards. Portland, July 21.—According to widely, but also In Using them to bring sprung the doctrine of saying “masses At Cottage Grove yesterday they got Proposed by Initiative Petition—A west portion of Crook county, Ore­ God divide» Ibe salvation of man­ a Portland authority who has made others “out of darkness Into hl* mar­ for the dead.” who were believed not ¡on the wrong roaj and went tlx miles bill for an act to create the County providing for its organization, or more toward Bonemta before they an extended trip through the grain­ velous light" (1 I'eter II. bt. to be dead but Intensely alive. The kind Into two parts—the Church to of Nesmith out of a portion of the gon, the salaries of its officers, and set­ ■ found out their mistake. And this growing districts of Oregon. Wash­ The Scriptures s;>cak of a "famine, fear of Purgatory drew the people very spirit nature aud the world lu (ivrfsct- northern part of Douglas county and tlement the finances between the was after they had been wrongly in­ ington and Idaho, the Pacific North­ not for bread nor for water, but for the southern part of Lane county; proposed o-f county close to the priests as the supposed ed human nature Ths first he Is ac­ west will harvest a crop of about providing for it* organization, fixing 350 yes; 351 no. and Crook county. formed by someone whom they asked' 42,000,000 bushels of wheat, as com­ bearing of the Word of the Lord." counsellor* of the Almighty and the complishing durlug thia Go*i»d Age; in Cottage Grove. They were pleased' the salaries of the officers thereof, by Initiative Petition A with their sbe-rt stop in Eugene, and pared with 52.500,000 bushels last ThLs famine Is u[>on us now. Not only mass money drew the priests very the second he will accomplish through and for adjusting finances between bill Proposed Christ and the Church during Mre­ year. Considering the weather con­ are Christ Luu people hungry and tblr*- for an act providing for the cre ­ the three counties. 316 yes; 317 no. ation of new towns, counties and mu­ left for Portland late this morning, ditions the crop has bad to contend iy for the bread of life and the water cloae to the peopl«. They were all al« h's reign of n thouaaud year*. honestly tntcutloned. but all deceived Proposed by Initiative Petition—A nicipal districts (excepting drainage where they will stop tonight. with, this showing is considered ex- of life, but many of the worldly are by the great decelver-Hatau. Th* Church, the “little itock” of bill for a law to provide for the per­ and Irrigation districts of le -s than i cellent. The past winter was very feeling a longing for something better saints, called, tried, teatrvl. In Ibe nar manent support and maintenance of one county» or changing the l> un- SALEM LIKES P. E. & E A Bad Matter Mad* Worts. severe and did great damage, partic- than the husks with h they bate We row way during thl* Age are to con- Oregon normal school at Monmouth, daries of existing counties by a ma­ 1 ularly in the state of Washington. By and by a priest, a Catholic theo­ atllule the “First lle*urn*-tl Operation There Has Old Proposed by Initiative Petition—A legal voters creased acreage in central Oregon, all denominations there la a hungry Ing an educated man be was able to Three shall be like him, <-ltang<-d from for the creation of a new bill for a law creating the county of petition and Rickety Cars where railroad construction has stlm- class which cannot be satisfied to dis­ read It; for there was not one copy In earthly to heavenly nature and mads corporation, and providing Otis. Oregon, out of territory now in­ municipal ulated production. for the app intment of officers and honestly misrepresent Itself ns In har­ the German Innguage anywhere. Lu­ sharers of ht* glory, honor and Im­ cluded in the counties of Harney, Mal- adjustment finances of the new Salem, Or.. July 21.—For the first( Idaho also shows a gain over last mony with the creeds. These bewil­ ther tell* us of Ills perplexity In not mortality. The Kingdom of God un­ heaur and Grant, providing for its corporation, of and the method of pro­ time in the history of the Capital' year, with an estimated yield this dered sheep are. of late years, finding organization and for the adjustment cedure to create tlndlng Purgatory lu the New Teata­ der the w hole lieavcns will l«> Inaugu the same. 352 yes; i City, street car transportation is nowi season of 9,000,000 bushels, as com­ of finances and trasferrlng of records 353 no. pared with 8,343,000 bushels for last the green pastures and still waters of ment He tried to Intereat the Pope rated after the glorltleatlon of th» I being carried on with metropolitan: between the several counties affected Divine Truth and grace—near to them In Bible study, but failed, and Instead Church nnd then will lu-glu the tile»» by Initiative Petition— equipment, and the Portland, Eugene! year. , by the proposed law. 320 yes; 321 no. An Proposed amendment of section 10 of arti­ & Eastern line, which ia responsible! The elements were unkind to —In the Word of God-bidden under was branded a heretic, lie protested, Ing. the Mlvatlon. the uplifting, the Proposed by Initiative Petition—A XI of the constitution <:f the state (for this improvement in Kreet car) Washington. In the Palouse and Big the rubbish of ignorance and HU[>erstl- and others protested, hence came the raaurrecting. of mankind In general^^^ bill for a law to annex a portion of cle of Oregon, permitting counties to in­ I traffic in Salem, is realizing a good Bend districts, the cold winter In- tlon. mistranslation and mlsintorpreta name ProtewtantJi! the northern part of Clackamas coun­ indebtedne-s beyond 15000 to I business, though Its line is »bort as fileted serious damage to fall wheat Hon. Imt to ty, Oregon, and providing for tran­ i cur These Protestant* were undoubtedly build permanent roads, and providing yet. The new double-truck street car and greatly cut down the yield. But na for the masses of all denom­ scribing and transferring the records ¡that I debts for permanent roads may sent here from Eugene is creating no Washington growers are harvesting a inations: Alas, they are falling Into a* sincere before I heir protest as they earthly conditions. of the territory proposed to be an-' ! be incurred on approval of a major- All the willing nnd obedient shall |W^ wore afterward; hence their protest crop calculated at 18.000,000 bush­ nexed. and for adjustment of finances jity of those voting on the question. small amount of favorable comment. els. compared with 30,000,000 a year unbelief! The popular form of lnfldel- waa against the very doctrines which blessed by th» greet Life-Giver who One prominent citizen of Salem said between the two counties. 322 yes; 364 yes; 355 no. Ity known as Higher CrRklani haa al­ once they had proclaimed as the eighteen centuries *K<> died, the Just ago. yesterday: 323 no. ready swallowed up more than one- Truth. Their mind* were full of the for Iho unjust, «nd who, during the "The traveling public of Salem Is Proposed by Initiative Petltkn—A hnlf of the ministry and of the most thought that a dead person Is pot dead period »Ince, ha* lieen H»!r-etlng the given a happy relief from the bumpy, bill for an act to create the county of BIGGEST DOLLY VARDEN litelllgent part of the laity. The only but more alive than before he died, Bride etas*. Willi hls Bride he will ¡rickety old single-truck car* which IRRIGATE FORTY-FIVE Williams out of a portion of Lane OF YEAR CAUGHT BY JAY ' have been the only means of trans- hope for any of these la In leaving the and Hint some of thane at death went reign to blre* the world, to make the • nd Douglas counties. Oregon; pro­ THOUSAND ACRES chaff and huak* of medieval misin­ to heaven while the great majority whole earth beautiful A* It Is writ­ McCORMICK IN McKENZIE i portation for the past fifteen years. viding for the organization; fixing ' Enough interest should be manifested the salaries of the officers thereof; terpretations of God's Word and In ten. “I will make the place of my fret by the public In general to induce the and for adjustment of finances be­ Probably the largest Dolly Portland, July 21.—Irrigation for Ondlng Its true meaning, in which Is went to Purgatory. They did not N<*(* glorious." The whole earth will then ! Welch people to fairly blanket Salem 45,000 acre., In the Rogue River val­ refreshment, strength and new life. the teaching of the Bible, that "the tween the three counties. 344 yes; Varden trout, or of any vari­ with its lines. Incessant requests for ley is promised at an expenditure of wages of sin I* death" that all go Into be aa the Garden of Eden and the re­ 325 no. ety for that matter, that has “ The Wages of Sin Is Death. ” I better service have been absolutely Proposed by Initiative Petition— been caught in the McKenzie death, good and bad. and that this stored race like our |>erfret first par­ not lose than 12,000,000. The Rogue ' ignored by all former owner* of elec- River Canal company, made up of However we rend our Bible* In the death state la the lheol and hadet of ents. But a* for the Intelligent! For constitutional amendment provid­ river this year is that hooked i trie lines here, and the consequence Spokane capitalists, has recently ac­ past we rend Into them from the creeds Wicked, we read. "All the wicked wll ing for the people of each county to by Jay McCormick, the local ¡Is Salem has been dubbed 'the city quired ownership of the property of of a darker time the mischievous error the Bible. Instead of getting this trm he destroy” (I’anlm cxlv. 20). lie will regulate taxation and exemptions cigar dealer. yesterday. Dr. light upon God's Word, they went j with tbe cigar-box car».' ” within the county, regardless of con­ Day brought the monster the Fish Lake Water company. The oot preserve them In torture or other­ Frank W. Waters, local manger of old company has about SO miles of that when the Bible declnres a death front darkness Into greater darkness stitutional restrictions or state stat­ down from the McCormick penally for sin It really means the re­ on this («tint. Here we wish to etnplia wise. They will die the ffreond Death the Welch lines in Salem, says the ute*. and abolishing poll or bead tax. camp above Blue River today canals and ditches and the new own­ ilne will be completed to tbe state fair ers will proceed at once with addi­ verse of thl»— life—eternal lift) In eter­ size the thought that all these uoble But none will die the Breond Death 326 ye*; 327 no. and it Is on exhibition In the for Adam's transgression. Christ died ! ground* by Sept. 8, this year, and Proposed by Initiative Petition— cigar store next to the Guard. i tional construction until there are nal torture. Who had the right to ’ that an adequate service will be in­ 100 miles of canals and 400 miles of twist the Inspired words Io such a dev- men. Catholic* and Protestant*. In for that trnnsgrosslon and will release For constitutional amendment giving The flab is 2 H feet long and their day. like all true people today, stalled to handle the rush during laterals. The company owns reaer- lltsh fashion? Who had the right to Adam nnd all hla race therefrom, even, to cities and towns exclusive power tn weighs 15 pounds. Jay is re­ held a measure of Truth In contblna I state fair week. license, regulate, control, suppress, or ported to have had a battle volr rights In Fish and Four-Mlle add to the Word of God and to make tlon with errors It Is the measure of while he will hold them reepoutib'» ft* •very wilful transgTe*«1o-i Hgd gl’e B prohibit the aale of Intoxicating liq­ royal before he succeeded in lakes, with a storage capacity of 65,- void It* true teni hlng In this manner? State Senator C. W. Parrish suf­ 000 acre feet of water, in addition near the words of the Apostle. “The Truth possessed and enjoyed that haa stripes or punishment* thetsf',r **• uors within the municipality. 328 landlcg the fish. He used a , given any power and force to our va ­ fered a paralytic stroke In Canyon to the running water in the north wage* of *ln la death; but the gift of yes; 329 no. spoon hook. tea< h them to lore rlghteonanM* *n<^’ City last week. . Proposed by Initiative Petition—A and south fork« of Little Butte creek. God Is eternal life thaongb Jean* rious Christian ayatetna, and that, to to bate Iniquity (Acta 111. 1»23i, • 23 MEASURES 10 Hood’s DC 1 BE WilTCn VOTEO Sarsaparilla RESOLVE HUE'S RECEPTIONr ™¿¿7^ Til IT DilDTHUn ILV ê LL ô 10 DflVPiiTT BOYCOT! AT PORTLAND HFARST ---- I PULPIT...