JF VOLUME 4 li: EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1910 NO. 30 WEATHER NOTE: GETTING WARMER STREET HERE V th* I li of A IV 3,697/.^ Ill- f irfh< - Hie o- u■ <>n ■« «piene«- f this’ r c'altn» |>ni J Jurin» the term if three yaare. lx at A v«rag>- o r r cent of death* board per lhcu»«i » i per year for tb< term of three years. Average payment for intu th« light for term. 11737.65. morning wu* Iticlud«« monument* rhe defeat of llewd Banker P E Snodgraw of hlm»e!t a» bead Eugene teed an able report, abuw.ug the total balance on band Dec. 3I ard bead msn- 'f I hm year to be ft.73a,013 56. Agers will come this afternoon. iTotul baiarne* <.-u band lt«-|» rr« of <>ffl«-rr*. Jan 1. 19U7 .............. 2 207.927 At >«wterday » Mws'.on the eeveral Lxindon. July 27.—There wa« a «amp off liga;« «i. limit t«d rv- bitter fight in the ho.i«e of commons I ort», which Ind rated th«- orjer t was today, foil- w«d by a street demon- 'n • prosper .»us r nd It Ion Head '»tratlon, when Premier Asquith Rierk li«'n»«>n r«i ■ .1 that In his ihr**-vira. grounds In tbe block bounded by OHVe. West Fifth, HELD LAST NIGHT j Charnelton and West Sixth streets, and perhaps In other block» along Beloved Pastor of First Baptist the street in whl«h It 1» pr poe-d to bui.d the Albany-Eugene di-laion of Church and Wife Given tbe line. Reception The Guard mentioned a few days j ago that property owners in that Perhaps the largest representation block bad been approached by some­ one with an offer tor an option on from the Eugene cburche* ever gatb-l their lots an 1 it was stated at tbe ered at such an occasion filled the ber of the Protestant church as by Baptist church last evening at a fare- Chief Census Enumerator Me time that this man either represent­ we.l reception to Rev. O.-C. Wright ed the Portland. Eng c- & Eastern la* established in England." 1 or Oreg n Electric. It is now learned The nonconformists objected to the and wire, who left today for Monroe,; Kenzie Gives Interest that It was Attorney Chat. Hardy of qualification "a» by law •• rabllshei." Wash, Not only was there a com Eugene, and tna: be -epr'sents tbe aud pledged theniaeb'** to vote plite attendance of the Baptist con ing Facts Oregon Electric. Mr. Hardy former- against the government unlsss these gregation but from all the other' i ly did bnsines- f r the W» ch people, four word» are eliminated. The re­ churches In the city there were many ■ but it is now known that i r 9ome volt was successful today, and the repre.-eutatlves who took in the la­ Washington July 27.—' Leather­ ( tinte past be ha« be -n looking after , ■■ loier In m.ving the second read­ formal program and filled the church stocking ' is verified and Fennimore 1 the Hill interests in this part of tbe ing accepted tbe noncynformlst uuiidlng t\- Its capacity. A prepared program was followed. Cooper is Vindicated, and tneir sub- I stat* amendment substftuting the words, May Secase W hole Block. "I am a faithful Prot-s ant ' ( Pr>f. E. E. DeCou delivered the siautiat.cn come* as .t snou.-d. by way Mr. Hardy wfen a.-k«d ns to these At once the ultra churchmen were farewell addres* for the church. of the census bureau. It is .rum iar- up in arms and joined hands with , and at its ccnclusion presented the awu> A.-saa, out .1 is uillerai. ln.s option*, det lined to say anything for thrsse who desired retention of the . pastor and hi* w.fe with a beautiful substantiation is found in a report (publrauoc, but i» is learnel from _____ __________ McKenzie, _ one cf tbe property cwrters in the original anti-Catholic form of decla­ . cutgla»* fern dish fro mthe Young, ( from Chief Census Agent ration. Meanwhile the sntl-Cath'Uc - People's society, and an expensivej telling all about tbe taking of the block in question that thirty-day op- _________ district. ________ Mr. ____ tions have been taken on • .ery piece societies filled the street» In the vi­ . mirror plateau from the cungrega-jcensus in the Fairbank* ---- 'McKenzie g.ves assurance that the 4,1 property facing ' t Fifth -treet cinity of parliament, with sandwich i ti n as farewell mementoes. , Rev. 7 ----- • - D. H. Trimble of the Meth-| iuaian* do measure time by snows" in ti._t block, he said be thought men bearing placards reading, "No ----- x delivered the ,x,. farewell :• uJ kun’a a£a slance* by sieep».” the whole block ha abeeu »«cured» odix church ___ jj ___ ________________ • rV " Large , address in behalf ot tbe Eugene MU-ong the t «■!. .: iru.ii ,:.e criminal ward of the Rev. Wright, both in membership. tie light on the dmicuit.es of eiium-:!lr*!- _ vttfl« in* E“8ene wiil need large terminal oemg given a turn lb the w.rmg ue- An Appeal to Patriotism of Cit I partaient, .many that has existed among the'jjaTe on educated in tbe government - grounds, and there couid n* *t be a * h n they broke tnruugh ministers of the city, which was part-.gihoais. he :ays, have aD- Knowledge better j ace than the ! block I:'.; .; men mcz ­ I tbe xrat.u* and itarted tor covet izen Soldiery and Their i ly due to Rev. Wrigflt. Mr. Trimble* of of their ages or births, and the'” tioned or “ in that immediate vicinity. TLe men «re I rana Wade, mur- “ “ ¿aid that he had never been in a agent* were instructed to use the age It is said that the deal for the pur­ [ .«i-r. ir.-ui near Central t-.it, in. r ; community where the ministers of and birth months as nearly as talk chase of the property will be closed C.vil Employers L the dltlerent churches harmonized and observation would seem correct. up soon after the tranch.-e is grant­ <*-«>bvlri iron. i'oi'.xnJ; Cbrltto-1 .. -I 71«- • and worked together »a well. Rev. Time with them is computed on suns ed the cc-mpauy. following tn* l>«n received pber Smith, ol The ->i.,.< , Reynolds | ! Wright re.-ponded to both addresses aud snows, and distance« by sleeps. — by the headquarters st. ft of tbe Ji nnaou und J. H Kirby tin a short and fitting reply that was Marriage«, separations, births ana TRADES SECTION OF 'nur« tomlit« Soon Caught. Fourt h Regiment In th!r «Itv -appreciated by all. B iwerman, Johti xm and K.rby deaths are all based upon such calcu­ 7 he musical program consisted of lations. and we are obliged to base lleadqiiar«er« Department of ’h» C >- w, re :ni.. .l.i* 'y .«-<--;»tured. W ad«* In Order to Break Up Gang on Eighteen Thousand Men Will ALBERTA LAND FOR 15 .two piano solos by Miss Alberta Et- our information in the same way.” lunbln Vancouver Barracks aud Smith sepaiwted and made their! •t.nger, selections from a p.ano, vio­ •wrap* V. ad« 1» . Card. Oregon use of the sign language it was + Lamb, an employe of the Mc- ♦ by Miss Lottie Pengra and Rev. and Kirf: — I il»»lre to call your alten Hsde sacca ejed |g UlliKlng aotne UH-! determined that be was about so ♦ .Vlorran & Washburne store, ♦ Cl.l.a.j, July 27.—A general Wright. Frank and Bessie Johnson, * hi Hou to th«- great Imp rtanre of b^v- u> rbi uxb. wb- u-ntlary iu 1895. alter convict . u of were along the »even people a.r snows, when she got away*; that be ♦ ed a section of farming land ♦ . In a f.nal effort to obtain a set-' ELECTRICIAN HAS ___ __ ___ _ _ A h few days ago by Sheriff Down and murder in tbe iwcvud degtev predated that member* ot the Na­ ___ got more woman and keep her five ♦ in that territory tor 15 acres ♦ with the Otis Elevator com- tional Guard cannot »'way* conven­ ►bort time a!t«r he »as behind prison, hl* deputies, charged with vlolat.ng snows and she die . and fina>ly that land west of Eugene. The ♦ T.-e strike will be culled at 5 ient'» leav«' their civ.I vocation* to bsr* be displayed sign* oi insanity| th* local option la», were to have NARROW ESCAPE he 'got young chicken, and keep her ♦ ♦ of Lane c unty tract was secur­ j '«iti tukhy, and will effect 18.000, perform their military tint!«-, tut It land II became ue the jurt'.ce court today. nun. all time ever since, now, on, 25 or 30 ♦ ed from William Lee and Mr. ♦ He was kept there i but they changed their plea of uot •» »o necev-nry to have a full attend­ to the asylum snows.* *’ Lamb will devote hi» time to ♦ Heine” Wetterburg Causes a "The Indians have no knowledge ♦ ance in order tn derive any conald- I for »»me time until he became con-1 guilty. | revlously entered, to that of ♦ fruit raising. Tnis goes to ♦ Ww» returned to the guilty. Tbe woman was fln«d 2200 PORTLAND MEAT erable benrflt from the camp that ev­ vale»ceut and of their tribal or clan names, and are ♦ show what people think cf ♦ Short Circuit cf Electric ery effort -hould be ma of a» n any n • n a* pos­ was «ent back to tbe asylum, where itence. the light sentence being made' Wires and Is Burned cality name. The Indians in tbe vi­ ♦ wheat land. Many Americans ♦ COMPANY EMPLOYE , n ret mendatlon of Deputy D a- been ever owe sible It 1 I- confidently believed that . be I 1 ta» cinity ot Chandiar river are tailed ♦ who have gone to that coun­ ♦ . . i -e a.. Bowerman l!. u i. r m n ti a? si George was sent to the strict Attorney Skipworth, with the if tb«> m«'mb«rs of the militia and Tbe same is ♦ try during the ya < lew years ♦ Herman (• Heine”) Wetterburg, a "Otandlar” Indians. DIED IN EXPLOSION penitentiary fr\m Multnomah coun-i understand.ng that th«y are to iez'e Ibeir employera can be Impressed wel.-stown University student, who true of the Chena. Salcha. Tanana. ♦ wish they wot > back, -and any ty lot burglaiy Dec. 14, 1901. H* the city at once Johnson ,1'7 paid his with the Importance of this matter Portland. July 27.—The explosion 1» e.i p eyed by the Northwestern Mansfield. Circle tribes, etc. The ♦ number of them would be ♦ .; , but ‘ ; that ;* ; of _7 the woman ____ « ill "' , prob- no difficulty »’111 be experienced, a» was transferred to tbe asylum in tine, au ammonia tank in ¿a,- Ice nt Corpursti. n as an electrician during missionaries and the bureau of edu­ ♦ glad to make just such a of ber l»02, uud although bis peniteatmry * a bly not be collected if she keeps the patriotism of th* American p*»« Lt the lni.li Meat- Co. today k ll?d the summer, came near meeting with cation have determined, however, ♦ trade as Mr. Lamb did of __ . term Las loug since oxp.reu, i»» ’ ’ promise to leave. pie 1» such 'bat they would be unwill­ that all of the Indians in the interior ♦ i The ' rtaort conducted by the Lon Hunt, an employe, who was a s-.rk.us accideut while working on of Alaska are Athabascan-Knaioko- ♦ ing tn hamper th«- government In Hs remained in tbe asylum. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ blown against the side of the build­ a switchboard at the street railway ' Johnsons was a bad place, and by efforts to train th* nation's defend­ X -as car barns this morning, when he ac­ hotana, with the exception ot those I sending the people out of town the ing aud his skull fractured TWO WOMEN ers. A else was injured, and the fluau.ial cidentally short-circuited the current in the KoyakuK district, which ar* HORSE RUNS AWAY ¡officers think th*,v have broken up Congress th!» year has appropriat­ in a 50v-volt circuit-breaker, and, Athauascan-Kovakobotaoa.” lost Is slight. the | tbe gang that used to frequent ed over a million and a quarter of burnt bls band and temporarily BURN TO DEATH , room» conducted by them. AND BREAKS LEG dollars ' '> 1 snvars Mfl wi blinded his eyes in the brilliant ex- niU UfiHCCTC/in I hie disposes of all tbe case* TWO KILLED AND should do all we can to ren«l*r a full fla -h that followed when the arc was BRYAN TURNED UN rlUMtJItHU C0 p t thal of william Bishop and ___ __ _______ _ the A borse belonging to E. A. Aw- return for thl» liberality. As Pres- ON EFATALLY HURT formed. He was making a small re-, ! second charge against Harvey Jones, brey. a well-known farmer «»<•« plactd rule! Decatur Ill Julv 27. Two were cidentally placed his pocket i homestead cabin on which he was tried. Their cases _ _ _ — . . , . noon and broke one of its hind legs. ' h >.ttlHlea hnv- commenced it deaiructiuu of the.r killed one fatally and another seri- against the exposed terminals of the was with its mate and was stand- ^■Ya'j'st- Th« '«-ndltior.» of mol- six uiiies Ir», m L'nkm >.i«t plgbt. Mrs. will probably come up tomorrow. wire carried ------- that - ---------- .x« the terminals of the Former Leader Is Defeated Alex Gray, of Springfield, who was ously injured at Niantic. 1’1, today street «K^EAefare requln such a high de- .1 S Dean and ber adopted daughter Nebraska State Con- l in £ Yates liverv stable when car trolley. The metal end of when an Interurban trolley car struck a motorcycle frightened them. Both g^^if discipline and ruch thorough »'jc cremated. A wu sleeping in yesterday tried and found guilty.will an uutomob.le. the rule at once formed a short cir­ the i-ard was awakened Ly tae fire, -.uenced tomorrow morning at It) vention ran through the west park and one trelnlng that much preparation 1« re­ cuit and a big blue arc flashed op­ but wa> unable to assist his mother o’clock. — . supped on tbe cement sidewalk and quired before soldier* are ready to und posite and very close to his eyes. TIIU WHEAT MARKETS, slater He cannot give an ex­ Grand Island, Neb.. July 26.— fell, resulting as stated. take th* field against an enemy. Th* planation His Injuries are not at all serious, cf tee cause ot tbe fife. maneuver camjis are mo»t Important PRESIDENT TAFT Chicago, July 27. July. »..v. 21.07 7-8; but the accideut laid him off lor a Amid a tumult of cLe.-nag , be. ma­ In the years ’training an 1 no man c r»ITV December, September. 11.04 *«; L................ day or so and the burns on his hands nent Chairman Smyth c.i me u mo- should at>-<-nt if It 1« ponslbl« for LUUJILLt LI I T ns well as his eyes are quite painful. cratic state o.-nvent.on today re 1 toe ing that •'individual rule' must not 21.06 3-8; May. 21 10 1-8. SPHNDS QUIET DAY He was working alone when the ac- result ol a test vote *h.ch practical­ prevail in the convention him to atH'ttd. It In h<»p injuring Mrs. main In quiet today on the vessel, but ♦ As Chairman Smyth reed the re­ tlun In tbe time of the nation'* On B a rd Staemship Sar­ ♦ m it ted as. a section cf the majority ♦ . rtsuley, who »»* v.siting h.m at Mrs Taft and party came ashore, Verv respectfully, or minority reports cf the cvinmittee sult, 465 against tbe amendment and ♦ dinian, via Wireless to Belle ♦ ♦ FAIR WEATHER I me null . 7 be daiuuge WM 110.000. and were given an enthusiastic wel­ ♦ HENRY C CABELL. 394 in favor of it, the delegates ♦ Isle. N. F.—After a careful ♦ on resolutions. FOR TOMORROW. “ r Gen. Staff. Chief of »taff ♦ Inspection of the passengers ♦ Mr. Bryan, seated as a member of seemed to indicate their relief from ♦ aboard this steamer, no one ♦ Oregon, Washington and ♦ ♦ answering the de <-ription cf ♦ the Lancaster county de.egaticn. was tbe uncertainty that bad existed as to anJ tonight H. Brower, . superintendent of ♦ Idaho—Fair G ... . ♦ Dr. Crippen and Mis* Lene re ♦ upon his feet at once with a protest the strength which Mr Bryan w uld the Glen Rogue orchards, situated ♦ Thursday. ♦ and proffered an amendment that develop in the convention. The orig­ Fg.irlr.j- ' : ■ has beer, tound ab arj. about three mile* south of Jackson­ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦**♦♦♦ r would modify the latent of the orig­ nal notion of Mr. Hltibccck was ♦ ville has announced that he will Beneficial result» are »aid to have 1909, 1213-’'"" pound», valued gti inal motion. A d ien delegates made then adopted. A mas'SCe appr.-utu* invented by clear and set to < rchard 120« acres attended experiments In a London 213 250.0' "• were Imported .the Pc Ik cutinty man has onta 6 feet as many motions and he-ated speeches of the counpany's land as noon as the an Ohio woman consists of a suction i' «Mlv It **r value In 19"9 compar-! ¡g<»|i.tal by which asthma, bronchitis Een Pitman, the father of abort* cup on one end of a lever to operate and 4 inches h.gh. with heads 16 on the subject, tue Bryan adherents w « te , neces-ary men can be secured Hr tw ­ '»nd »ven tubercule«!» patient» r — ,_ w _____ , ____ ed with Iff" being lite to the f-11 In I the Hitchcock motion as ban a. wm 8 b of age yesterday. required to breathe compressed air *r 1» luw In Portland looking for n lounger within the cup. the whole Inches long; he cut 2 0 tons of cheat denouncing gog rule and their opponents declar- HU home U at Ciorinnattk price fr ■ i' 1*’l n pound In hay from six acres. being operated with one band i for a lew biura at a time. men. 1907 to 11 l‘bt» In 1909. MD 10 ATTEND ENCAMPMENT REPORTED BY SPECIAL AGENT FRANK AND BESSIE BUILDING TRADES OUT OF TOWN GRFAT S1RIKE