6 THE EÜOENE WEEKLY OUARD, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1010 nr I ■ rninatlng electlons preoedlng sny Ooo eoO* Jeans, and thus to go in an opposlta ■ ;• • ' n In th<- *<«!•■ !■ r t ),«• ¡.mi direction from the couroe of tLa world of nominatiti» all thè candidai«-. tmd at the coet of the cru< itlxton, the all politi« al parti« > xihlect to *(•<• • to he fi law, for all piibllc office» mortification, of bla own flesh and ut thè ensulng eiectlon Ion " Tben, bls natural |>refrreiicea. line 16, It ssy*. "prevariblng Thus vi« wed evtry Hpirlt !>«-gott*t> rnanner of I irrlrafi A.- word. >:,.»*> :Le l - p .... ot i tf the "saint»,’’ “the Church of tt» Cat. » .. K. .-I «fl It a. ! I r .1 J. dldate* for publlc Office by euch p< Jen, alio was r«»r«.-»entlng the and »pint, perfecting hr '.nets n the : firstborns." So mu« h the more, each Hill Ilk Ills Or«-Kon interests, who lias 'Itila! parile» In any ««tht-r way." Oregon Eleitrli at th« city fear of God” (11 Corinthians vu, I). Now. Col- nel, try been sent here by th«« Oregon Elec­ council last night, at a hotel : of the»« brethren, "dearly beloved." ■OOG tric chief «'ngliii vr, at th«- • lly coun­ advlse thè weak-kr«« ocO............................................ and “falnt- aft« r the meeting Of c<>urso o should have sympathy for each atb«t. In arte«l i« publh ar, v cil meeting last nlsht "If we «an and should em our age one unotbfr, " which are little that Is deilnlte 1» kn- wn Jljpoeavo.l». July 17.—Pastor UnsaeU first ata! count the cost,” before you get Firth stri-'-t by which to enter bl-ra-pf. th« strengthen one ntioth«*. build one an* of the detailed pl« plan« of this », . V,f. W M' ”4 v’-ro«>klyii Tabernacl« today de­ undertake such a consecration of your other up In the most holy faith, atpl. the city w<- will nt on« •• ask for u road to Ell but It Is as- t fran« III»«- and p«i| up a bond to «-otn- fully. how thè abov ll« er«sl two address«*» ty_Ue- iutcrua aured that the Oregon Elec- life, such a sacrifice of your earthly in by all means, do uqfhing to »tumble d inviKi uelUkG loUsUuxJluAs WkUiA)« a trie w III run fi sins lugs, this "No man having pu{ Bl- han«' each other In the narrow way. . i < up«'latlon. in terests. city frot l’<-rt 1« WLes iSer» .M The "saints" ctmnot fight Mntan. the Auilltorium. Hi* had fine nu«!leuces to the plow and looking back would be e here ft tn Sal« ii, bnvs already c.vi(p. much that In«» t done yet nietica'd iv< ik lii Albany, mi l arc very my igisltlo:, fi a*- and excellent att«-ntlon. 'Va report otie fit fug.the Kingdom "—fit for a flac* on They can merely by their wllle re­ before the rcgl »t art I* made. Th« u ( 'in. i linai« G : i r> it a (•»«■ at- lof hl» dl»< oura«*s from the text forego­ the Throne as a joint-heir with Christ sist him tin«) rely upcn the premine» auzlou* to g> ( that air tot ov*«r which 1 ijrh- I gavu < biM 4iy auc h | a ; »uy ss Th*c () r«*|on Eke- and (J««-'-i r. <| xhat If l*1frb ► 'r«***1a , to outer th'* raw nflidb to'! iold one h ere ing. He said tn part:— (Luke lx. 02). They beard the further of grace to help nn«l to protect. Th» tid», thing» in ?>•' pnf is (ulflsli 1«« to all the*«- r.lllf trie, a» jo .nil k(»»»w, It |Mirt of the ■ nd fulled. W1 bl«h astemi ■"'I through In pretty quick tl 11 Í; expression of St. Paul to all who would "saints" cannot conqhrr the wor'd an«l Altlu U2h lite Words of our text were It should i tile city, , be worth money to Ah B*M»U a ■ wo tun K**t Hill «» >1» in. sed you 4o at tack -me One thing 'lint w II take c W«. I . uff« r th«* , 1 ti«'t address« I by St. Paul to the world- Iscntue joint-heirs with Christ in bis convert It to God—that I» t«x> Hefn- <>ur i nd thro iiah from Hal[rm wa will ludh-atlUK th.it IM lot of nonsen steal remai time will be a aiders Kingdom assuring them that if they lesn a task. ■•» we h ive *♦* U- ly. they would, uevertheleiM. be excel • .tin** Bt*rv i< <’ as wr now I str« et to the lln«- which w »ed you to r« ;< at ho often bridge across the Willamette suffer with Christ they shall reign has provided ;<1 year» of glv«« K.ihm. an4 prop to put on t he nioet for II. "It Is <>ui duty to , t tirade that m y {xisltion was j 1«nt advl- <• and very profitable to all. n here and Albany , and Ki» ” " Messiah's rei tb.it t t»rj- -¡e- 1» 32 train» a *!.•> out < •f i hls city to ¡>rot«ct thi<- Intercala of he isly false. W« til, here it is: | In a general way all civilized people I with him. annot be built until »aid ' 1 ■ 1 n't think f , to r>1 i rthrnw a i Portland " iot In favor of the 'so-called' i rw-ognlz«- tfiat “cleaulluess is next to "Beloved, Let Us Cleese* O-j<-selv«a." conqu.-r the next summer Hut a, Mr. Al­ F < • nnd to uplift t hree-eor- too hasty, but rnth<*r »hotild It a r«nl nd ot-edlei t ibly. for it Is co ■ntrary to the | godiiio*»» ” In a general way the pure, len said, Eugen«- will be sur- We doubt not that as the Heavenly nrr*’d cut*thn>ns of that law ful. Aud Impurity aud filthiness are the world as to provide the great sac- of resisting its «[ frtt r.u ! roping their city. The company has been - , riflee for sin. so St. Paul loved the < to rw|>tct the request of the, here 1» a cum p*ny r«*ad> to build In detested even by tbe impure aud tbe I believe that the i«*- ;«le of the « , un ­ working at Albany for the hearts loyal to Cod. I< mt to their I think it »huuM b« <>rviCy the Hon and by the apostles th«' city father» ab Juda«*« la (ha de* dinance to second reading was object- law. Are you afraid or are you wise «¡«ects tbe otitward man Electrl«- will give Eugene th«- . that the world has to offer, are the und by each other, we think of the ness of the Splril muuut be tou. li**L a»ir«’ of t i< ,’i t«» uf <« \\ i « m i,’'.fth BtJNMt led to by Counclltnsa H«-nr«-»t Grov«- ar«- now hawing, a*. vou’ We will let the ’ worldly spirit. Ctottnt A • t 'Cil, II WOW Id l 'tlon Inadvisable, and further consid- ♦ w. that v««rs of this county decide that aud water aud this is undoubt«*dly tbe Bcrtpturally are described as of no probably within a The gnat work for ttie Cbnrch la i I a I* w" ti > «. ». r that street, but the ■ ■ ' ■ • point for themselvea. ’ 'ho ortluance COM ' ♦ year there will be 32 electrl-.« reason why tbe Lord and the apostles earthly sec t or party, but as "The fact that It haa delayed It* work for Turning your back upon the direct have not addressed these words to tbe Church of the Firstborns whose the good fight of faith manifested in The matter will be taken up again ♦ trains making Eugene their the putting away of the filth of their some time, almost to the »nd of Ita on the evening of July 26. primary 'aw, you attempt to lead the world. terminal every day. giving al­ names are written in heaven.” own flesh and spirit. Some by na­ time i<»ten»l«in. an«! the wllllngn«ws misinformed voter off into another < Htier MwCU-rs. ♦ most half-hour service be­ These are "dearly belcved” because “Having That« Promise»." of th» Port.and. Eugene A Eastern ture have more filth of the flesh and direction and quote from the cvnet.- A little friction b«-tw«s-n the mayor ♦ tween the upper valley m«~ they have the mind of Christ, which to give the northwestern part of the anj member» of the council occurred ♦ trupolls and Portland. tution of Oregon, as follow«: "No Our text tells the difference tietween spirit, more meanness, more selfiah- is also the mind of the Father. Ac- city str«-et car service at once placed last night, when th«» mayor refused ♦ law -hall be passed restraining any the well-intentioned worldly person ness. more naturiti depravity, etc., nnn> : i ling several of the coun- to put a nrotlon upon th*- acceptance ♦ of the Inhabitants of the state from •nd the thoroughly consecrated Chris­ cording to the flesh they are not all than have other». Nevertbel«*»». the ♦ clloien, In favor of r«'V>klng th«- As­ of a report made by Councilman Gar­ lovely or beautiful, St. Pau) else- assembling together in a peaceful tian. The latter has beard through the race is not to the swift, nor the bat­ set company' > privilege and giving It re- ( manner to consult for their common where admonish«*« us that amongst to th» « already hd«i but along th» line of what the law says would not allow any actloa to be that jKiint? who have heard the Lord s promisi*» again of the Holy Spirit—"new crea­ to wbat extent bla mi nd. his will, in an amended t t m. This amend- or you are sly enough to quote just Was the purpose 't this call to Intelligently, aud who have accept«d tures in Christ l«~ti«" (H Corinthians In cut «ailed fur four more atreets. taken by th«» council that would tend as little of the ua ¡><>ssl ble and fights a good fight against his natural "ii|q>iy to tlx- l»-gisbiturv for r«-drc*» which are: The Jl»pul««d Fifth In any way to abrogate a contract the feel sate. the one amai! But those promises upon God'» conditions. , v, 17). Ah. bow wonderful It seems weaknesses and frailties. “There is or gricvan«»-*," or wa* it a howl from city had made that there should be such a class as str««!, Monroe » street, Taylor «treat do quote from Those prouiises of God constitute tbe none righteous, no. not one.”1 All the It aeema that M< rrl* had drawn oetnence whkh the gang to devise some means nnd Ctiii tn hers i «tree!. It 4atvd that this in the woild yet not separated law- Is no doubt the preamble of fryinj in the world could not prove whereby they could evade the will ¡tower of God. wbicb works tn tbe the «»tnipany would begin the work from the city a large proportion of the only »traw of the people and cut and dry things heart of t*acb of the Church, first to from the world, except by tbelr new tills Divine statement an incorrect of laying rail« cn Fifth street within the money dae on the contract, and I ruse to evade the law Spirit. The«e are in the world, but to suit themselve*? Come to the w ill aright and. secondly, to da. to tbe one Righteous*»»» of the will, holi­ 2 4 hours after the time of passage in addition haa Isaued orders against Over)« «king th» preliminary per­ not of the world, as the Master de­ and would operate rars ov«-r It with­ hls account to the amount of *174 sonal ridicule and abuse which Is the rescue. Colonel, and help these poor extent of ability, tbe Lord's good pleas­ ness of heart, purity ««f heart, are the clared. These have died ro worldly These «irders have not be«»n pr«-s«-nt- ure (i’hillpplans ii. 13). in 90 days. The service «hall be nt '¡only thing you seem to be strong on. fellows out. possibiliti<*s; for these God seeks and Your last quotatf&n from the con­ aims and objects and have become bast 16 care a day. it also offered ed to th«» «Hy. hut the men bolding ¡1 will pa** to th» only quotation you stitution of the United Stat«« is prac-1 This is tbe class addressed in our alive toward God through the Holy these fie will reward in the “First them have been after member* of th* t<» allow the Asset company to use ■ n.ade from th«« direct primary nom- text — tbe followers of Jesus. These Resurrection" by granting perfect spir­ tlcally the tame as the above. It I Hire tracks if the offer la taken up fire and water c :t Spirit and through the quickening in­ ! tnation law. which 1» as follows: it bodies, in full harmony with their says: "ConirreM shall make no law have beard of tbe grace of God—that within a year. If the A »set company them. Now that th* -*Tlir nH-th«M| <>f naming camDdat«-* fluences of God's exceeding great and respecting an establishment of re-' it Is ttie Divine intention to bless Adam pure hearts, their loyal intentions and will pay them for the use and the for ln»;»er*l'in, *o th« for rlccClVr public ««fit«-«* by |M,tlli<»l llgion; or prihlbitlng the free ex--r-( and his race through the great Medla- precious promises given unto them. ' purposes. A«»«-t «-ompany'a use of them will In porta. h<» wanted |>a ¡wirtl«-* an«l voluntary |H»litical <>rg»u- clse thereof; or abridging the fre« ’ tor—the Messiah, the Christ. They God's purjswe res|«ectlng them is that no way Interfere with their own use bond back to pay of ruled that It i/atlons is th«* i»-*i plan yet loiind How to Put Away Filth of the Flosh. they may be transferred from human |M*4»|»|«* freedom of speech, or the press: or have heard that Jesus left the glory After thia was read and the de­ material cialm* f r |d.i*dng before the th* If it is in>i>ossib!e for the New Crea­ The city attorney the right of the |H*ople peaceably to I nature to spirit nature — from partici ­ with the Father aud bumbled himself tails questioned a bit. petitions were tin- name* of <|nallfi<-nj. ora may cb«a«*c the officer» of cur < >nded might redeem the human race. They ings coming to It to receive instead Councilman Garrett called for New, Colonel, do please explain to WOHM '.«• rti a -king that the Divine nature, with the glory, to cleanse themselves from the filth government." ■In- nt have heard that the application of the us how a few self-appointed poll-- ill*«- l«e al «.u s- grant«-.i to mot I an, which ««• You »ay "nv language can be and immortality attaching of the flesh? He means that we should Lb Ians of a politic»] party can be in-, merit of bis sacrifice, when applied in honor A E , as they were dvsli- C- uqcllman Neas. but plain« r than this," aud then offer ad ­ thereto, as “ new (nature»." sous of not. as New Creatures, be «Utu-ouraged steadfastly refused to put the motion terpreted to mean "the people,” and) due time, will be sufficient for the sins and say that, because we caunot hope As it remain», no action was taken vise by eying, "It means but one how "the right of the people to peace- of the whole world, und that tben the the Highest <11 Peter 1. 4). ¡thing, and that Is that the primary to attain perf«*ction in the flesh, there­ the on the report of the commit!«*« of law contemplated the naming of can- ably a.-ten bl - to ¡-etltlon the goy- Heavenly Father will turn over the Christian “Filthiness of the Flesh." fore we will make no endeavors in ernment for i 1 css of grievances world to the Redeemer * us the whole. Mn>- County They hare Having located definitely the ciass that directl««n. He wishes us to nn- The fire and wat»*r cimmittee re­ dldattw by political gatherings for has anything td d with the "our| I learned that the Redeemer, backed by then given the addressed by the Apostle, “the saints” derstand that ft Is the Lord's will that ported that T. H. Ell!» was lowest that purpose " xM«eu»bly" plan as is trying to be bis «-otiipnl'.v I Now. Colonel, why don't you be : Divine authority, will put all things (II Ccriuthfans 1. I), let us note how tor the concrete work of the we fight against the weaknesses of the (■ortlou of th I ■ street that hud ,1“1 ami had entered into extract bidder «lean .-«nd h nest with ths "faint- forced upon the voters of Oregon at Into subjection uuder his feet will in- and why it is necessary that saints flesh with a two-fold purpose: ’ And," he said, "we clear water well of the filter plant, i hearted republican voters." who you this time contrary to law. yet run cut. wit h ay in your last pie:e that you stitute a heavenly Kingdom or rule in Y au should receive such an exhortation. do not let -nd to ahuw it to run out. «D That we may gradually cleanse ay y «u are endeavoring to hit over 1 ; . been ordered and are Mr Ellis to do the work for *1460, I my shoulders, and confess to them will not attempt to debate this ques- ;- the earth, and for a thousand years Why should the Apostle write to saints ourselves—gradually become more md work to lx* completed within 35 day*. ■ n with me. as it would be giving reign as King of kings and Lord of res[>ectlng the cleansing of their flesh now on th«- way, an.I the steel order did not expound ____ ____ . t*» them more wbat the Lord would have us l>e On __ molten of Heller, ... T. 8>lelm candidacy to much prominence. lords. They have heard that when he la about • > be placed The company's contract for the sewer near Geary school. ; from y»iur vast library of law books from filthiness? Could one be a saiut and what we should like to tie our­ was paid u*ual 95 par cent of why you That is certainly a poor excuse for crew of surveyor» has been working Petition for aldewalk on West just how- that one «mall sentence Ju — you t. offer. 1 can't say that 1 feel shall thus reign, hls Kingdom shall be and yet have filthiness of the flesh? f selves. on the route between here aud the i Third sttect from Monroe to Blair r«»- • tlfies the political bosses In return­ "under the whole heavens,” although We reply that these saints, begotten t any credit to myself to have to (2> Additionally, this fight against sin last-named company Is political organization he ! > a mem­ lem, 479. In the allcomers revolver match glorious Kingdom for which we pray. not be permitted to be tempted above are filthy und ue«*d cleansing. Quite ▼ , • h.- prop a gr«'at nvealenc«> to thn pickecs, ber? And as he registers Is this not "Thy Kingdom come; thy will tie done «sf w had come with the news that an ua the line passe« through and near re<*orded. so when he votes at the the first prise was won by Police that they will be able to bear—that the to the contrary, the New- Creature, be­ agreement between Welch and the the largest imp field» between Sa)««m nominating election of candidates. Captain J T. M<* re of the P. rtland on earth as It is done in heaven.” Lord will supervise their interests so gotten of the spirit. Is holy. pure. But Oregon Electric that had been’ aud PortlanJ, hut fully ns large Joe* he not have an equal right with Revolver club; second prtee. F C. I But these have heard something that with every temptation there will as the New Creature must use the prise. more—something that belongs to the reached In Portland yesterday. Ho yard ■ between Salem ans the New had come with Instriu Ilona to ask to dence can this year only be reached nominate the candidate of hls choice George W. Wlls.in of Portland. present time They have heard that it (2) They are in a world that is dark Body, so it must use the brain or mind have the mutter delayed until the* by team and wagon, while hereto­ ¡and party? The preamble of this is the Divine purpose to select from with sin and selfishness, superstition of the flesh wherewith to do Its think­ Oregon Electric oould a*k for a fran­ fore the sti'timers unloaded the pick- . law say*, beginning on page 4 and A A, A A A A. A A. A. A A A A A A A A ▲ ▲ A amongst mankind a "Royal Priest­ and ignorance of God and out of bar WWW V W V • V V VW ” ” “ ” ing and reasoning, until that which Is chise, but only one week. He then ¡era within a few hundred feet of line 4 4 "Ail qualified electors who hood." to be associated with the great to!«l Hint they were rushing their their d««tlnatlon. mony with his righteousness, The perfect shall be attained In the “First wish to serve the people tn an elec- X Redeemer in hls Mediatorial Kingdom. work from Albany and that their en­ The expense of trsnsportatlon tlve public office are rightfully enti- world and its spirit surge about them J Resurrection." The Apostle s mean­ ♦ They have heard that a call went forth gineer ha» asked for Fifth street in from thl» city to up-river yards will tie,I to equal opportunity under this ♦ every day. from morning until night. ing. therefore, is that the saints should I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦H Eugene The nature of the Oregon b« In hiring of drays and «xpr«*»» law " N«iw, Colonel, how dees this . to this effect eighteen centuries ago. in- Its tides and currents seek to sweep not only put away flitbine»» of word»« Electrl.' lln«' differs front a street wagtms in addition to rallnukJ fare. »ound to you? Not much like "my At the borne of his son. Adam ; vltlng. first of all, tbe Jews who were them away from their resolutions of and actions, and all sympathy with! l ear Uno nd a bomnon user» (ran Of course, the hop men will make assembly" plun does It? Answer Schmitt, near Creswell. July 13. John ready ami willing to accept this very • chine would not be «atlsfiictory. He every effort t > accommodate Is not that "naming caiMlitkit«-» for bcnmltt, aged 6S y»*ars. Bm«ident lJr«*ds of hors«»» will h«> nocesaary to the best plan yet found for placing will be held Saturday morning at 10 by and by. They have beard that to ence. These have their weight, even the mind of Christ. Nor are we to ha«l been reached with Mr Welch ¡carry Isith the local picker» and the lief.>n- th«- |»-opl<- the iuiiim - s of qiinli. o'clock at the Catholic church in Eu- attalu membership in this Royal Priest­ though it be known that comparatively •upi«o»e that this work Is purely God's and there would be nn quarrel be­ | oiit-skf-town harvesters to th«» yards. fi<‘«l and worthy citisen* front whom gene, hood means the attainment of tbe few who follow the world'» beckoning work in us. It Is his to forgive the ¡Hop picking time Is c-f short dura-j the electors may choose th«' officers tween these lln««. [ chnrncter-ltkene«» of Jesus, to become i Paul Hansen, a railroad laborer. copies of God's dear S«»n (Romans viii. and allurements ever receive the ful­ 'sins of the past, it Is his to cleanse After Allen wna seated A. C. Wood­ tlon, but Is looked forward to by «if our government" fillment of the promises held out to us from all condemnation of the past cock, attorney for the P. E a E.. ’ many as an Ideal and profitable out­ Say, Colonel, have you ever read was brought down from the S P. . It is hls to cover through Christ all of the copy of the direct primary nom­ construction f»mp« above Natron late 29). 1 bis Implies, as Its cost, the sacri- them. took th« fl«* r. He at once made the ing. i fice of earthly Interests. They have inating law which was mailed each yesterday afternoon and was exam­ | wtiirtllng stat«»nient, "I presume that (3> The great flgbt of the New Crea­ our unintentional blemish««. It Is hl « " this pr«'|H>"ltlon brought up by Mr Household goods arrived this morn­ regi -tore«! voter In thia state by the iner! as to his sanity today. He was ' heard the message of the Lord, not ture. his __ closest _____ ____ and _____ most __________ persistent I to encourage by bls promises. But It Allen Is a holdup game They are ing for Warren Nichols from Ash­ secretary of state before Its adoption pronounced sane and was released. only iuvlting to the glories of the King­ adversary, 1» bls own flesh The long- ours i" show our loyalty to tbeprtn not In kis 'J faith nt nil.” The Ore­ land; Wil) J. Seaver, from Missoula, bv the people of Oregon, June t>, He was acting very queerly. henr-e dom. but also Informing them that the Ings of his depraved nature cry out '** clples “*“ of hls Word and character hr* gon Electric, he said, had been here Mont., and R. H. Fras«r, from Oak­ 1904? his arre-t and examination. Sheriff way to that crown of glory is a narrow «gainst reatraiuts and’ Insist that he patting away, to the estent of otte On page 1, beginning at line 6. it Ilown thinks he has been drinking only n few days, and had made no land, Cal Mr. Fraser expects a car­ and difficult one. They have heard the is taking an unreasonable course in ■WHIT- filthiness of the flesh end surveys in the least. load of farming Implements and says, in telling t>e puriH*e of the very baid. and perhaps was recently volts of the Master, saying, "SIT down be aEra spirit law, providing for holding primary doped. "Why dues the Oregon Erectrfc, a stock bo arrlva In a few d»»s. I