FIVE AVIATORS HURLED TO DEATH I DIIIIIBIE MM ElflOB JUDGE LACOMBE. HITCHCOCK MAY RETIRE. Postmaster On Fadoral Bench G«n«ral Is Waary of Political Lifo. REPRESENTATIVE SIBLEY i Goal Back to Congros* From ORDERED FOR Pannay Ivania. In New York State. MUCH LOSS Lcichingcn, Rhenish Prussia, July 13.—The dirigible bal- loon Erbstoeh, recently refitted for passenger service, was de­ stroyed in mid-air today by an explosion of the benzine tank, and the inventor, Oscar Erbstoeh, Herr Toelle, a manufacturer! of Barmen, two engineers, Herr Kranz and Herr Heoppe, and the motorman, Herr Spike, dropped to death. The bodies of the aviators were frightfully mangled, and the gondola was torn to bits and the motor itself buried in the ground. The victims are well-known to all Germans interested in aerial feats, Erbstoeh having an international reputation. In 10C7 St. Louis ho won the international cup for the distance race for balloons. The Erbsteoh was constructed last year and has had a dis­ astrous career, having been in many accidents. It ascended to­ day in a fog and appeared to act perfectly. At the height of several hundred yards a terrific explosion was heard by the few persons who witnessed the ascent, and then came the crash to earth and death to the crew. I GOVERNOR FAILURE BAULE Woman Is Seriously Wounded Asserts That He Will Take Ac Chinese Have Best of Sharp I tive Hand in Selection and Tells of Her Contest on Island of of Candidate Secret Colowan New York, July 13.—Mrs. Anton- etle Skora, wife of Karl Skora, for­ merly a teacher in the University of Krakow, Poland, was found In bed beside her Bleeping child, a boy of three, In her home early today with three bullet wounds In her body and a fourth In her hand. The woman's night clothes were burning when the police 'arrived, but the child had not awakened. Mrs. Skora first told the police she was shot by robbers, but letters found indicated that the woman had a suicide compact on account of a love affair. The letters were from Casimir Malskl, a highly educated young Pole. At the ho ■pltal, when Malski was taken before the woman, she admit­ ted he had shot her, but that when he attempted to take his own life the cartridges missed fire. LAMBIRTH MAKES TRIP TO POWER SITE ON SHIPMENTS OF SILVER Oyster Bay. July 13.—Theodore Hong Kong, July 13.—The Portu- IlooFOvolt today gave the first indica- gunboat, co-operating with tion of his position as to the nomina-1 today bombarded a pirate set- tion of a Republican candidate for | 1 tk>nien ’t on tiemeni on the me island isiauu of ui Colowan, ^vivwau, Governor of New York this fall, ln i destroying many houses and killing [ Will Cost $4.00 per Thousand an Interview he said: many natives. The Chinese retaii- “My position in regard to the gov- | I ated by storming and capturing the to Get Silver From ernorshlp this fall Is this: 1 want to 1 Portuguese military poet, and Portu­ find the best man for the office; the guese reinforcements have been sent 'Frisco man most acceptable to the rank and I to the scene from Macao. file of the Republican party and the The Island of Colowan Is near Ma- independent voters. I intend to do Icao and Its ownership iB a matter everything in my power to see that 'of dispute between the Chinese and Portland. July 18.—Local bankers such a man Is elected.” i Portuguese. A party of Chinese stu­ have been advised by the United Roosevelt's statement followed last dents was captured by pirates and States sub-treasurv at San Francisco night's conference with Governor the governor of Macao sent an expe­ that hereafter they will be obliged Hughes, at which the political situa­ dition to effect their- rescue. Thej to pay expressage on silver from San tion was discussed. Asked if he pirates resisted and were reinforced! Francisco, which will amount to $4 thought harmony In the party of the by Chinese uuu. luc .uLc.rv,,, luu lat-. , ql - ( on each $1000 shipped. The bankers from the interior, the state might be expected during the I ter being armed with modern weap-1 weap-'here here will be reluctant to ship silver .. — — „ 1- — 1 — T — AX nth I f izx X* rx »•« lx tl’nc F zxl f i no af- nF_ campaign. Roosevelt replied that he 'ons and smokeless powder. In all, ' 1 ♦ to other O.x Pacific Northwest cities, thought there would be no difficulty Itwo thousand men engaged in the ter paying $4 per $1000 to bring the coin from San Francisco, as the rates on that score. I fighting. of expressage to other cities are com­ Hughes Says Nothing paratively small. For instance, it New York, July 13.—Governor EARTHQUAKE IN costs but fifty cents to ship $1000 Seattle, and it is argued that it Hughes said today that he had a de­ AUSTRIA-HUNGARY to would be unbusinesslike for Portland lightful visit with Roosevelt, but be­ bankers to pay the expressage from yond that he thought there was noth­ Munich,- July 13.—A se­ ♦ tian’Francisco. and then turn a por­ ♦ ing to say. ♦ vere earthquake was felt here ♦ tion of the silver over to other banks ♦ today, and the walls of sev­ ♦ on demand. ♦ eral buildings were cracked ♦ It may be arranged that where GETTING ROAD IN ♦ and the people terrified. The ♦ shipments are made from Portland ♦ shock was felt tn surrounding ♦ SHAPE ABOVE SPRINGS ♦ villages, but no casualties are ♦ to outside banks that the receipients pay a premium amounting to the cost ♦ of FOR MAZAMA EXCURSION ♦ reported. ♦ ' co. transportation from San Francis­ ♦ Berlin. July 13—Dispatches ♦ T. D. Linton, Road Foreman, ♦ from Tyrol in Austria-Hunga­ Ji i ne annual convention of the Na- ♦ ry say that one person was ♦ I Writes County Commis­ Lienal Wool Growers' Growers association is ♦ killed and twenty injured « tional sioners of Progress ts be held in I’- rtland next January, ♦ by an earthquake in the vil­ « « a great event. ♦ lage of Uttenheim today. Manager J. L. Lamblrth returned last night from a trip to the North­ western Corporation's power plant site at Vida, where he inspected pro- . gress. Very little of the huge struc­ ture that will soon be built can be seen yet. for n>OHt of it is only laid out with stakes. The crew of survey­ ors Is Htlll working and there Is much for them to do yet before actual con­ struction can begin. A force of men has begun the clearing for the big dam Engineer Nichols is one of these men who says little of his plans be­ fore they are actually begun, and even the company officials here do T. D. Linton, who la road foreman not know when the actual work of at Alder Springs, on the upper Mc-i construction Is to commence. Kenzle river, above Belknap Springs and leading toward the Three Sis- tors, writes to County Commissioner COUNTY DOING MUCH H D Edwards that he and two as­ TO PROMOTE FRUIT sistants are getting the road in good shape there for the Mazama excur­ CULTURE INDUSTRY sion to the top of the Three Sisters early in August. He eays: “We three are still working alone, Lane county is doing a great deal as we have been unable to secure any at the present time to promote the help so far. We have made over a fruit culture industry. New offices mile of new road entirely, besides 1 have been fitted up for Fruit Inspec- reopening nearly as much more. I 1 tor Beebe and the growing impor- hope to get the worst of this end ! tatr e of the in.'pectl n work as car­ completed bv next week, then will ried on is Illustrated by the action go over to the pole bridge and work ■of the county court in authorizing between there and the lava, which 1 Mr. Beebe to purchase a modern bug will take at least a week. I wish laboratory. could come up and look at this Scientific cases of all kinds of Seventeen-Year-Old Girl Uses you road, as it is important that the pests that assail fruit will be on ex- work done should be permanent, as ’ hibition at the rooms in the White Shotgun With Deadly what is done on the old roadbed is Temple and expert Information will only deepening the channels for the be on tap at all times so that horti­ Effect water to wash out next spring. What culturists may keep posted on die­ new road is to be made is above the eases of trees and specific remedies old one and will remain dry. thus therefor. The office at the present New Orleans, July 13.—Tn a three- saving the washout next spring. By' rate will need by next year consid­ cornered ffgljt. in which two Italian doing this the road will be drained erable assistance. About $200 a month is being dis­ men and an Italian girl participated, and can be improved and remain bursed to promote the interests of tn a saloon here shortly after 11 good for years.” the orchards. The report of the in­ o’clock this morning, both men were spector of the planting of new or- killed. The men used revolvers and 'chards for the spring season of 1910 the girl a double-barrelled shotgun. (has just been completed and shows The shooting was the result of ♦ 112,000 trees have been set out. FAIR WEATHER Black Hand operations. Joseph Ma­ ♦ These are divided as follows: Ap­ FOR TOMORROW rells, proprietor of the saloon and ♦ ples. 75,000; pears. 30,006; cherries, grocery, was shot by a countryman Oregon—Fair tonight and ♦ 3,500; peaches, 3,500. The commer- and his death was avenged when his ♦ ■ cial acreage, not counting what is 17-year-old daughter shot and killed ♦ Thursday; cooler east. generally termed family orchards, la the aasawin aa be was attempting to « close tp 1500 acre*. , »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «•oaf«. LET THE SPEEDER . Over 2,500,000 Feet of Logs Burned Near Doyle’s Camp The state railroad commission has by an order prepared by Commis­ sioner West cut all the "jnerchan- diee” and "general special” rates of the Wells Fargo Express company about 20 per cent. The order re- duces about 3°,000 rates between points on rail line? where the Wells Fargo company do business in this state. This matter has been under investi­ gation by the commission for over a year, and a most exhaustive inves­ tigation has been «inducted. The history of the Wells Fargo company from pioneer days ha? been gone Into and all old accounts and earnings ex- amined and analyzed. Every express rate in force in the United States was looked up and comparison made, The rates affected are the "mer- chandise” and “general specials.” The “merchandise' >” rates, about 15,- 000 in number, are all set out in the order, but the “general special” rates are to be ascertained by a scale which is set forth in, and made part of. the order. The scale 4s as fol­ lows: When the mer­ The rate on Gen- rx zxzx i rx 1’ TV-X rx V _ chandise rate in pro] kJ Special^ mat- in cents per cents per 100 lbs. lbs. »hall be: i?: 10.40 $0.40 BLAZE IS MOW UNDER CONTROL Should Strong Breeze Come Up However It Will Spread Again A forest fire that has been raging in the slashings near Doyle’s camp, five miles above Deerhorn on th« McKenzie, has destroyed -ver 2,500,- 000 feet of cut logs ready to be sent to the mill and is now spread over 300 or 400 acres. The fire started presumably by blackberry pickers Monday night, and by yesterday morning was tearing through the brush up the side of the hill that had been logged off. The Booth-Kelly logging camp crew and many people living in that vicinity, numbering thirty or forty men, are fighting th« tire, endeavoring to get It under con­ trol. If there is no wind up there it is under control by this time, De­ cause the timber is too green to burn unajjej ’ but if a strong . oreeze snould - « come up today it wculd prove seri­ ous. It was thought to have been, under control yesterday morning but the breeze that came up yesterday afternoon carried the flames farther, and the logs awaiting to be sent to the river that represents the winter’s cut in this camp have been burned. Ole Halderssn. Farmer Residing Dixon Makes Horded Trip. 1.00 In response to a telephone call last Near the City, Now Holds 1.10 ■night, A. C. Dixcn, manager' of the 1 an 1.25 Booth-Kelly cviuj^auy, drove up there i.10 1.40 Railroad Grant in his automobile. He got there abOHt 1.20 1.50 10 o’clock, but found that the men. 1.60 1.25 again had the flames under control, 1.75 1.40 and returned at once. The blaze is J. F. Mounce, promoter of the Eu­ 1.50 2.00 so hot that it is impossible to get gene, Springfield and Siuslaw rail­ 2.25 1.75 anywhere near the fire, and it is dif­ way, has transferred his franchise, 2.50 1.90 ficult to learn the amount of dam­ obtained from the city council of Eu­ 2.75 2.tO age done. It may run well up into gene several weeks ago. to Ole Hal- if a "merchandise” rate named ...... ........_____ _ thousands. Telephone messages derson. a farmer residing near the th? commission. in its order. is not the haVe kept the company’s office here city. The papers were filed with the named above the next higher “mer­ ’ in touch with the progress made county clerk this afternoon. chandise” rate given above is used Mounce obtained a franchise from as a basis in making “general spe- against the flames, and the company is ready to double the force of fire- the council to build and operate a 1 cjai~ rVtes fighters at a moment’s notice. steam railway over West First street; While the order directly applies fire is within 250 yards of from the city limits to the Southern to only “merchandise” and “general the The road and is a beautiful sight, but Pacific railway tracks. He wanted a| special” rates, it indirectly affects permit to build over Clark street as most of the company’s other rates. the heat is so intense that it is very far east as Lincoln street, but this ¡This is due to the fact that most all uncomfortable to pass even at that distance. The flames are spread was denied him. He haa made a i express rates are based on the “mer- over 400 acres on the side hill and survey from Eugene west to a ! chandise” rates of the company and point twenty or twenty-five miles as these have been cut by the com- the whole valley was lit up by th« fire last night. It is fortunate that from the city, and has secured op­ I mission it will result in a reduction this has happened as early in the tions on a number of pieces of prop­ of many other rates. season as It is, for there would have erty for right-of-way, but further There are set forth below a few of been almost no stopping it the timber than this nothing is known of his I the old and new merchandise rates around there had been dry. plans. which will give some idea as to the The fire is being watched by hun­ It Is not known why the transfer j cut made by the commission: _____ __ r__ _______ dreds of ____ campers, to many of whom of the franchise is made. Halder- Merchandise rates ¡t is a novel and awe-inspiring sight, son's name appears on the tax list in ! Between Eugene cents per 100 1An lbs._______________ ~ ----- the directory of taxpayers of the and Old. $?6 W o FIFTH STREET county as paying taxes on $8235 ! Ashland .......... . . .$2.00 worth of property. I Medford .......... . . . 2.00 J FRANCHISE MATTER , Grants Pass... ... 1.60 I Roseburg .... . . . .90 .•75 AT TONIGHT’S SESSION ; Albany ............ . . . .75 SECRETARY KNOX’S | Salem ............... . . . .90 The city council will hold an im­ PROPOSITION NOT Portland .......... ... 1.00 portant meeting tonight to discuss the application ct the P. E. & E. elec­ CAUSE OF TREATY tric railway for a franchise on Fifth GOTCH WILL NOT CICUT mUklCAM street. slrvel- The 1 ne Lane c-aue Coanty county Asset Com- vom- Toklo, July 13.—Marquis Katsura, rlUnl JUnNoUlV pany already has a franchise on the the premier and minister of finance, street named, and is opposing the la­ Fort Dodge, la., July 13.— denied today that the recently made J ♦ ter application on the ground that it convention between Japan and Rus- ♦ Frank Gotch, whose name will "bottle” them i up. so that it will gja was influenced by Secretary ♦ has been mentioned as a pos­ be impossible for them 1 or any other Knox’9 proposition for the neutrali- ♦ sible opponent of Jack John­ line in the future to reach the S. P. zaticn of the Manchurian railways. ♦ son for the world’s cham­ depot. pionship, says he has no de­ ' Representatives oí both companies sire to enter the boxing game, j will be in attendance at the meeting SHARE THE SHOCK being well satisfied with the I tonight to present their respectiva honors won on the wrestling cases. mat. LANE COUNTY ASSET CO. OFFICI ALS INVITED TO FLORENCE SLAYER OF HER FATHER ......... Tariff Between Eugene and rious Oregon Points Published ‘ I I ■ i ' ♦ :1 lì A petition from the leading resi- denst of Florence and the lower Sius- law has been received by the Lane County Asset Company, asking the officials of the proposed road to visit them and lay their plans fully before the people there. Substantial en- cuuragement to the enterprise is promised provided the plans of the company are endorsed, after they have been made plain. Secretary President Svarverud, Baird and several other members of the company expect to go to Florence next week in response to this request. Location and right-of-way work on the road is proceeding steadily, and good progress is being made in both departments, bo the officials say. THE WHEAT MARKETS Bradley In Chicago Newa. RAFES IS AGAIN SUSPENDED Interstate Commerce Commis sion Takes a Hand in J 1 » the Matter 1 Washington, July 13.—Suspension of the recent general advances i< freight rates has been determined ea by the interstate commerce commis­ sion. The tariffs were to beoxme ef­ fective Aug. 1, but the commUMoa decided the proposed rates should be suspended until a fermai inquiry Int® their reasonableness can be had. Chocago. July 13.—July, 103 1-2; September. 102 1-8; December, 103 Th« annual convention of the drug­ 1-2; May, 106 3-8. gists of Oregon began at Gearhart pr.r’2 today. A pure drug law in Ore­ Portland, July 13.—Wheat is un-|U gon „_ will „ be ________ the issue, , , patterned after changed. ■ the United States law.