r EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE \ 1910 * NO. 23 AMERICAN FLAG LIFTS WILL NOI GMARDS¡¥ESSELS REMOVE NEGRO AT BLUEFIELDS- INFANTRY BE STOPPED I i Representative form Louisiana Would Suppress Playing Washington, Juno 8. An attack an prohibition by Repre­ sentative Henry Sherman Boutelle, of Illinois, and a prediction of Bridge Whist Madriz Forces Threatened to Settle Highly Wrought Stop Vessels Flying the Over Affair and Talk American Flag of Arming by President Carl J. Hoxter, of the United States Brewer» Asso- elation, that the time would come when brewer» would be found working with the “real and practical reformer» in the interest of MEASURE IS FOR temperance,*' weic the salient feature» of the fiftieth annual BENEFIT OF CHILDREN convention of the brewers, the opening session of which was held toduy. Boutelle advocated temperance in all thing», characterizing Also for Husbands, Who Barely it ns "closely allied and almost akin to strength." President Know Their Bridge-Play Hoster, in his annual address to the 600 delegates, declared he had no upology to make for beng a brewer, and that he recog­ ing Wives nized every brewer as a promoter of "true temperance." Boutelle was cheered upon his introduction to tho conven­ Baton Rouge. La., June 8- Repre­ tion. sentative De Itouen has given notice METHODISTS BEAT SUITS FROM THE GROVE BASEBALL Physician Sued for $25,000 for Well-Played Game in the Inter Church league Last Malpractice and Lumber­ ▼ man for $10.000 Evening Two big damage suits from Cot­ tage Grove were f.led In the circuit court this afternoon, one of them be­ ing entitled W R Houston vs. Dr. H c A hleef, t r (25.000 damages for alleged malpractice, and the other. Louis McKibben VS J. B Rouse. (10.- 000 damages for breaking bls leg while employed by the defendant. In the malpractice case the plain- (Iff • 1 . . \ ’ nn* s* net sllh accident In which hl» right leg was broken and crushed near the knee He further allege* that Dr. Hchleef undertook to care for the In­ jury. but on account of neglect, lack of »kill, etc , he allo'wed the foreign particle» such as pieces of clothing, to be sewed up in the wound, causing the llnieb to be onir almost u**less A'i I renrrlne hl a cripple for life McKlbtwn Vs. House In the other case McKibben allege» ltd while engaged a* whistling V -bob'■ and ’chaser” for the plaintiff In hla logging camp, a cable used to pull log* br kr And struck hliu forc­ ibly on the left leg, breaking It above the knee. J S Medley Is attorney for the plaintiff In each of the rases. Stnixlliig of (lie Club* w. L. P C Methodists . . « 1 «00 Santa Clara . 1 1 .500 Christians . . 1 3 . 333 Presbyterians 0 1 .000 WARSHIP WITH BUILDING ORDINANCE WOULD SEND MARINES DISPATCHED THEM TO ALASKA American General Says He Will Ne'jroes Ask for Police Protec Not Permit of Any tion Against Streng Interference Feeling of a bill In the lower house for the absolute suppression of the playing of bridge whist." "1 am introducing this measure.” declared De Rouen, "for the benefit of the children of my state, who rare­ ly have an opportunity to know their bridge-playing mothers. It Is also for the benefit of husbands who hard­ ly have a speaking acquaintance with their bridge-playing wives.” SPRINGFIELD WANTS Up Miss Margaretta Drexel, who becomes Lady Maidstone Today Washington, June 8.—Consul Mof- .. at Blueflelds, L..s confirmed the press report that General Rivas, com­ manding the Madriz forces, has threatened to prohibit American owned vessels of Nicaraguan register, but carrying the United States flag, from passing the bluff to and from Bluefields. If the vessels have at any time been in the service of the rev­ olutionary army. Commander Hines, of the Dubuque, has informed Gen­ era! Rivas that he will not permit of any interference in the movements of American owned vessels. The Prai­ rie. with two companies of marines, has left Colon for Bluefields. CONFERENCE ON RAILROAD BILL HELD TOMORROW Springfield. June 8.—The city .ounsll will meet this evening to draw up au ordinance that will al­ low the city to issue bonds upon its warrant Indebtedness. This 1» ii municipal privilege that the city's charter at present does not permit, and an ordinance is necessary before this form of bonding may be used. The council did not meet last night. Washington. June 8.—After a call i at the White House with Senator Al- ; drich to learn the president'a views, j Senator Elkins announced that he I would call a meeting of the conferees 1 on the railroad bill tomorrow. Washington. June 8.—President Taft has flatly refused to accede to the demand of the citizens of Seat­ tle for the removal of the 25th In­ fantry (colored) because a soldier is accused of assaulting a white woman. Seattle, Wash.. June 7.—The peo­ ple residing in the neighborhood of Fort Lawton are determined that the 25th Infantry must be removed from Seattle. A movement was started to­ day to induce the government to de­ tain the 15th Infantry, which will ar­ rive here June 20 on the way to Alaska, at Fort Lawton. and send the colored regiment to the Far Norfh in­ stead. Citizens Talk of Arming A rumor was brought to the atten­ tion of Lleutenant-Colnoel S. W. Mil­ ler. commanding Fort Lawton. that residents in the neighborhood were talking of arming themselves, and that they w-re making threats against any »oldlers who might leave the reservation. Colonel Miller at once notified the Seattle police of ths report. He said that ‘ he would see to it that his men were "law abiding.” both on and off the reservation, and asked the police to give them proper protection when within police jurla- diction. In a fast game of baseball last evening the Methodists beat the Christians fl to 3. All through the game the Methodists had the game GIRL HAS PERFECT In their own hands, The game was nobles; eldest son and heir of the thirteenth I well played. and only n f< >w error» A n rill Bl 1 II fir London. June V — - British B'tilth no 1 the Earl of Winchilsea and ninth Ear! of' UKtW fflfll DL were made on euch »!■ v IVagera. of RECORD AT KANSAS Grosvenor Xortlnghwm ts praetivxMy penniless.; the Methodists, pitched the star game, __ _ ____ when He will gain little financially through; allowing only two hits and striking STATE UNIVERSITY Miss Margaretta Drexel, daughter of h's marriage, as the elder Drexel was, out thirteen men. Russell also Anthony J Drexel, of Philadelphia. . opposed to rhe match and consented I caught a nice game, allowing for bls became Lady Maidstone, wife of the only on the condition that the young! lack of practice In catching Wager». Lawrence, Kansas. June 8.—Com­ Viscount ■ ’i’ll»- be content with an income oft ---- ; Maidstone. . Murphy struck out nine men and al- mencement day at the University of The recent death of King Edward |5.t' 0 the first year, (10,000 the lowed eight hits. Kansas has brought to Lawrence to­ caused the Drexels to abandon some se nd, and so on in an ascending Methodist* day the usual number of fond mam­ ■ < n * of the pomp and ceremony which was Male up to (50.000 a year . The mas and papas to see their young r. b po. a. e n * iae*L n Blocks on Willamette hopefuls launched upon the world. Woods. 2b. . . 1 1 1 1 1 Boat With Barges Lost Between to have characterized the wedding, it Viscount is to share in this income Two having been the original intention to only as long as he remains "good.” Wagers, p. ,.. 1 1 0 1 0 A considerable portion of the gradu­ solemnize the union of wealth and The financial schedule of Papa Drex­ Seattle and Vancou ating class is composed of farmers, Cockerllne. sa. 1 1 1 1 0 Street and Three Blocks title In St Margaret's. Westminister, el also allows (2.500 a year for each R Rtlssell, If. o • 4 0 0 and the records of the university the church attached to the bouse of child born to the union. That Vis­ Barbour. cf. . show an increasing interest in higher 2 1 1 0 0 ver, B. C on W. 11th Street Parliament. count Maidstone consented to this Roome. 3b. 0 0 1 education upon the part of Sunflower 0 Long b fore the hour set for the rt of marriage settlement Is looked A Russell. c. Seattle. June 8. —The tug Katie, n 10 1 •> The work of tearing up the street State agriculturists. Of the 2300 ceremony Gro-v. :. r Square was a upon as proof that this is a "true o 1 1 1 0 which left Seattle Friday morning. Warnock, rf. pavement for the College Hill loop students in the college of liberal arts center of attraction for the curious love match.” o ! Hugh. lb. If. 0 1 ti>wIng three targes loaded with brick • I of and sciences of the university, Miss London, who were only kept in Hundreds of valuable gifts were of the car line was begun at the end Blanche Zurcher is the only one who of the Willamettee street pavement h >sered upon the y< mg couj>(-. 1 mid gravel, has not yet arrived at her bomids^bv^cordons of police, Total ............. « 8 21 4 4 kas attained anything like a perfect * Bishop of London officiated at some of them having great intrinsic this morning. Two blocks, between destination. Vancouver. B. C.. and a the The 1« | record in her four years’ course. In < lirisUnn* ' Eleventh and Thirteenth streets, I value. U ceremony. The bride wore a MUCH WHEAT IN ...... _„.-'everv »ke has taken her marks ____________ _ on Wiliam-; r. h P o. a. launch has been sent out from that gown of »i f1 -arln. f simple design, “Th; f arce's gif to the bride Is a'nece~ary to be torn up Rockwell, ........... 1 0 1« o 1 port in search of the missing boat. trl.r.med with aol.1 lace. Her veil, string of large pearls. Her father's ette street and three blocks on West1 ran^*‘ from 90 to 100, on a 100 per WESTERN CANADA Murphey, o ........... o 1 1 ever the shoulder was the one gifts include an automobile. In which Eleventh street west from Wiliam- ! cent basis. ........... o 0 6 «I 1 The Katie Is commanded by Captain draped •'"ss Burcher is from Newton, worn by her mother at her marriage. the couple will start from Paris on i ette. The work of cutting through Winnipeg, Mun. June s It Is con­ ........... n 0 1 1 1 George Kinney and carried a crew of 'the hard surface of the pavement and; "bile she has made an exceptional Miss Mildred Carter, «ho Is to wed 'heir honeymoon tour a deep pearl servatively estimated that this year ........... o n 0 1 1 eight There was also on board Cap­ the Vls.-ount Acht on tomorrow, was <1 collar with bars of diamonds, and prying it up is tedious, and the force ri5°’d in her studies, she Is not the area of land devoted to wheat ......... 0 o 0 1 2 tain J. C. Rice, manager of the Seat­ one of the ten bridesmaids, and others a diamond She finds and pearl plaque slung on of ten or a dozen men at the work *“*t is called a "grind.” growing In the Prairie provinces will ........... 1 1 1 0 0 tle Towboat Company, owner of the iurludlng Lad. Gladys Finch-Hatton, a pearl chain. made little headway today. In the for other things besides her be H.floo.OOO acres or between 12 and ......... 1 o 1 0 0 Katie. •later of the brl.1 groom; his two i ord Wlnchllsea. father of the morning when It is cool it is easier, books. Last year she was a member 15 per cent over lust year Of this ........... o 0 0 0 0 cousins, one being Lady Templeton's bridegroom, has given the bride a work for the reason that the pave-;0* the junior promenade committee, total 4.rtnn,000 Is In Saskatchewan ........... o • 1 1 u daughter. Miss Edith Wayne, cf Phil ­ diamond toara. Mrs. George Drexel merit is hard and brittle, but in the and held a place on the sophomore so- alone. Of oats there will be 4.500.- MILLIONS OF DIVIDENDS adelphia; Miss Constance Cojnbe, the give- a diamond aud sapphire ring niiddle of the day the hot sun causes Jc:a* committee in her second year at ooo acres, slightly more than Inst Total ... ... 3 2 21 6 5 Hon. Miss Rhoda Astley. daughter of and Mrs. Paul Mills a diamond and it to soften and makes it very tough, school. She is at present secretary of year; of barley about l.ooo.ooo acres, The next game will be played Fri­ BEING DISTRIBUTED i-»rd Ha.tm. 1.3,1 •. ‘ i.ett> Man,,. - ruby ring. Mr. Edward T. Stotes­ It will take two or-three weeks to {he all-senior class. She is a mem­ and of flax about 600,000 acres, day night at 6:30 at the U. of O | the Duke of Rutland's daughter; Mis; bury. Mr. Drexel's partner in the complete this work. Seven feet of the her of the Phi Beta Kappa. Easy nearly double the acreage last year grounds. Admission free. Ht‘lpn Post Pfwt iih ! the th»* Hon. H<*n Miss MI m Sybil Svhil ban' ing firm, sent a diamond and pavement, just room enough for the courses have not caused Miss Burch- New York. June S.- - Dividends al- Helen and given to this grain Leas than ten She chose Latin and pearl plaque, the Due and Duchesse I ties and rails, is being cut. Thejer's success ready disbursed and to be dlstrib- Fellowes. " per cent of the arable land of Sas­ i street car company, after the tracks Greek for her major studies, and has Husband i* PennileM uted later this month will bring the katchewan Is now under cultivation. BASEBALL GAME are laid, will replace ’he pavement specialized in the ancient languages June aggregate up to ('>5.000,000.' Vlcount Maidstone, who is the AVIATION MEET ahead rapidly. He was well ______ pleased j far out as a point south of the Fisher crease by Industrial and other cor-j with the progress made. The party laundry and the graders are at work porutions. Of the amount disbursed In order not to conflict with the came over the mountains part way by out in the fields south of College aviation meet at the fair grounds on (42.675,758 represent dividends and, pack train. The trip was a hard one J Hill, as well as on West El eventh (42.300,000 interest, the large In ­ Saturday afternoon next tile 1 event street. but they enjoyed It thoroughly. crease in note and bond issues fully j which Is already creating so much accounting for the latter. excitement throughout the county, NEWS NOTES * In the subjoined summary will be, I »• the baseball game scheduled for Sat- found the most important changes In nrday has been postponed, Such an ♦ ♦ FAIR Will HER American Cotton Oil event as a flight by Mr. Hall I» some- dividends: Talent is to have a box factory and’ ♦ FOR TOMORROW ♦ thing that comen to a city the size of common. North Texas Electric. Unit­ ♦ Is otherwise improving. ed States Shipbuilding common. Unit ­ Eugene probably once In a decade, ♦ Oregon—Fair tonight and ♦ A trout hatchery may be estab- and as a matter of civic pride every ed Dry Goods preferred. Washington' * ' lished at Bend. ♦ Thursday. Railway and Electric, Wisconsin Cen­ one In the <-lty ntid county should More Shocks Last Night, But take a personal Interest In making It tral preferred, American Radiator Head of Southern Pacific Con- » ♦ | A lot of strawberries near Silver- First Session in Six Years Is I ton averaged 13 to the box. common. American Tobacco, Butter-1 a success. THE WHEAT MARKET Worst Over—Killed and Strong cn Party Ad­ A half dozen Corvallis Black Mi­ struction Dept. Goes Over Teams and workmen are busy get. lek. Quincy Mining. United States' norca eggs weighed 20 ounces. ting the grounds Into shape. The ma­ Steel common, Chesapeake ii Ohio. Chicago. June 8.—July. 95 1-4; ) Hillsboro will probably get an Ice ministration Injured Are Many chine Is here and with fair weather the Natron Line September. 91 5-8; December. 91 1-8. factory and cold storage plant. the citizens will see whnt the world Portland. June 8. — Wheat is un ­ Milwaukee. June 8.—With praise Naples. J line 8.—During the night has been trying to accomplish for CONSTRUCTION FIRM William Hood, chief engineer of changed. It is difficult to supply the demand a aeries of slight shocks occurred at years. the Southern Pacific Company, was I for hog moat and groceries at Shani-. for the Republican party, especially various points In Southern Italy To­ Mr. Whipple Hall, who makes the in Eugene lust night on his way! the national administrations of ko. GETS BIG FINE FOR day, however, the people throughout flight. Is one of the world's best avia­ The plant of the Coos Bay Ice & south from u trip over the route of Roosevelt and Taft, and rebuke for Automobile line between Klamath. the region which was so severely sha­ tors. He la a partner of the great the Natron extension. He had gone; Cold St rage Company at Marshfield, Falls and Medford via Crater Lake IMPORTING LABOR over men elected on party tickets who use ken yesterday arc ciilnicr. In hope Hamilton. ..... ...... He 1s the heaviest man In the entire route with his party I destroyed by fire about two months | will be established. ago, has been rebuilt. The creamery, that the worst la over. The king and the world who has made a flight, hla their office to hinder party legisla­ Tucson. Aris., June 8.—The Orant front Klamath Fells, and arrived in machinery was _ saved ____ ____ and ____ the .____ plant1 With four or five railway lines , tion, Michael E. Dillon sounded the queen and Duke of Aosta are still In weight being about 225 pounds, and Natron late yesterday afternoon. His Bros. Construction Company was con ­ ticac* w-xrx ’M making maniiig. butter VUIIVI right I I^Ul a along, lUtip. running - — — — - — 9 • into — • v Washington »» *«*■ n ■ — r* • «.*>-*»* v ^ «*•** *• , been county, and the province of Avellino, where the R was he who recently made the sen- private car. •'Pacific.” was there has greatest damage was done by the national flight front San Diego across victed In the federal court today on awaiting his arrival, and it was at but the ire factory wag burned and a prospect for a big tunnel through Keynote at the Republican state con« 45 count», charging imisyrtatlon of quake. the border Into Mexico, being the on­ I once brought over to Eugene, arriv- there has been quite a shortage of the kill, we will soon be suburban vention, as temporary chairman, this ice on Coos Bay. it being necessary a.^ ,ruraJ—a delightful mixture of afternoon. ly man In the world who has flown alien labor Into the United States for | Ing In the evening. simple life and strenuous, says the railroad work In Arlsona. and sen­ I As previously stated by The Guard to ship it from other points. For the flrst time In six years the . Into a foreign country. No linerie«»« Suffered tenced to fines aggregating (45.000. Hillsboro Argus. Republicana of Wiaconsin met in con- Hla machine Is the Glenn H. Cur- Notice of appeal was given. ', and other Oregon newspapers, more Superintendent W F Arant, of Travel to Portland by Rose Festl- vention this afternoon. The purpose Wnshlngton, June 5. Ambassador tIs aeroplane, tho same style that Mr. | contracts will soon be let on the Na­ the Crater Lake National Park, will ^V-elshman. at Rome. reports the Curtis used In his recent flight from tron extension, and upon Mr. Hood's at once move his family to the park val visitors has been at least double waR to ascertain the general party for the first two days of the week to sentiment toward the present national ▼ damage done bv earthquakes exten- Albany to New York. A number of Roumanians were In'arrival at San Francisco in a day or the snow I* practically gone. The that of the corresponding period in administration, and to consider the ' elve dlstrlit In Southern Italy as very - ------------------------ Falls City last week looking for so the first contract will be let. Tbl» as rush of travel to the park Is expected •erlous From 20 to 50 were killed a former Spoknne man moved to stump laud They propose starting will be at the Klamath Falls end of | to be on by July 1. and the visitors 1909. Thin estimate is made by i advisability of renominating or en- Portland railroad men and is concur- dorsing candidates for state officers •nd a large number Injured. So far Klamath Falls thinks that town has a dairy and gradually clear up the i the line, _ .this year are expected to be far red in by representatives of both the to be voted fpr at the September prt- a» known no Americans suffered. a greater future than Spokane. land and twprove it. J Mr. Hood found the construction ] more numerous than ever before. Hill and Harriman systems. mary election. PAVEMENT TORN IIP FOR STREET CAR LINE LOST EUGENE FOR 1 SHORT TIME • « REPIJBIICANS IN WISCONSIN ARE l- ELIB Tiff