Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, June 02, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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■O sequently we see at a glance tnat re­
markably few of our race have thus
far attained to the degree of kuowl-
■<1gc which God would be pleam-d to
recognize. At flrat thia might aeeiu
peculiar to us; we might say to our­
selves or to others. Why does not God
give it out freely to all? Th» reply of
Sermon by
tbe Bcripturee to that Go<l la giving
hto hnnwle«!«» freely now to a certain
elMB, and that by aud by be will gho
It to ail tbe families of the earth This
atona, tbe new govsroor general Las
Guard Hpeclal Hervloe.
seeeuttal knowledge Is promised tu
I»ndon, May 27
Although tt to a had his ixtwta full trying b> select
the faHhfnl tn tbe werid. He that seek-
week since th« final n«r vic we were from existing leader» tbs use beet
Uutbealaat'« work by the local
Special CorraspundnuM,
“As l^e Waten C< ver the
etk fiodetb. and to him that knock»'h
held Iu counectlou with King Sdward qualified to form lhe flrat Houth AJ alumni of tbe Ualvwelty baa been
Florence. May 11. - Eugene p«o funeral, iatereet la the evetid« Imme­ rk-aa axaoetlve a»l
uadeitake M.» productive of go^ reealte, tor every
It «h»fi he opened. Tb» awrreg of tbe
(ds who left for Floreuca Monday diately related to aud foliowlu« the onsruim duties pearling the elsottone
1» vrtVh theai Mail rsvereure (Um.
Indication point« to tbe large*', at-
« w ■ ■ ■ ■
- I - -
uiorulug arrlvwl at Mapleton tn safe­ beloved sovereign's death continue to the aulou parliament. The alae- maUaace aiuutil at Coiuruuncemonl
«Ooo O
and he wiU shew them hto GevwnauL”
ty at about 3 p m. having made the unabated. Every day brtnjgs crowd*
lu the Utotoiy of tbe (,'nlverally. 3tu-
"Muaeed as» ponr sysa. for they eee.
Paator itssesell bi returning to Amer­ vlmumaBte ■> th»» they nsvsv h»»sg
of visitors to Ijoudoii wlur uiake tripe four month« end during that Mme <toate of the Unlveralty alao will re-
an® v-vw «•■* Jbr they hMt.” Such
trip of ®t> uillea In about U hours of b> Buckingham palace »ad other lead tbe Mblna* will have bo re
log la
Itoa la lb» 1 m tb>e< abMe Hi M vim «I retatlonablp
u over fur Comaioaoeiaeut In, ica In good condition after baring ad- Tbe who*« (MBewny. w«
running tliu«. They ware met at Ma- l"< place« of luteriwt about tbe ally. eutae eoaelderaUe ex tee I
whole loach larger a am lews than hereto-
pawpto to tb» p«M harve wMk th« fn»d feews are Indeed taught
tbe public of Omak Britain. fact fhai
pleluu by buata and brought to Flor­ At the palace they gaze (a revereaoe adujlutatrattve system m/w divided
TLe slogaa,
' WveryLody re- Ireland. Germany. Warsaw, Ituada; not sgu M b B Ms Word an they aboukd
_ .
ence that evening, after a pleasant upon the tuanalou wh<*e tbe kin« between tour govarau>»u»«
A nA M (era«"
of • '! te tbe Brbeel of ehrtet and
U*» beea adopted by every
rids and no thrilling experiences
breathed hto last, some one polntlu« aleo will have appolsxinante to Bake, cla«» from '7* to 'V*
Rome and Jerusalem —la all forty have I bb Boras of an •utrwrVwd to may trnly «sow tn gzaas and koowk
ime creeal, aBd «■«>. to another, saying 1
Tussday morulug they boarded the out the direction of tbe room tn which patronage to dlepeuae and preoedeate
Tbe program tor CotaaiazicamnuX Umea Hto largest audjencaa ware at
■teamsr Itusooa for a trip to the Edward lay during hi« last llinsaa to lay down of supreme Impórtense Week will be »• tbllows
to ounaadr»^ Dor <-*»»d I» not aatsif»»
A «tostes'»»« sbonM bs ot«er>»<!
saouth of the river. On arriving The churches, public buildings, «t«. to the future character aud welfare
M uxm X f Jeane IB.
*?" I towuwl >g ab> tri God. and knowtag G<>«1
gvod second.
»her« th» steamer crossed the bar out are visited to sea the mournlug dra-< ot the new do rata Ion
error a« Mbas cvwada
W» coim »I__ .
11:90 a m. - Baccalaureate eer-
e e e e e
, hlSBolf It ta rot rufttetent that w»
U> soa. taklug a trip around the perles. which aside from their profs-1
ourselv«« with tbs thoeght that all 1
moto the Reverend Luther R. Dyott.
whistling buoy, thru returning to tbe sli>u ijaeerve attention for tbelr uu-| The Imudon Hpeotal« la wag's« a D D., p*etor of tbe First Cangrega-
Mld-Ocean. May 2W.—As I look abroad ' "hrl s ar aUto aa wa« mnirWeva bly befog •boukt re»< gw tea God as tbs Almighty
river aftor aov«ral of the company usually artistic effect, in everything Uveiy . war agaiaet
Its con tern pararlas ttoaal church, Portland, (Villard aud see water, water everywhere.
ged. wed w» so mor» than others Creator. for devils alas baitova that.
had "tod th» fishes." The vessel re- diMlgue.l aa a trlbutn to th« late khig, publishing rmlug tips
There L.
la —
S*Aaae «t oa peobshly tried to satisfy On the olber hand, to be intimately
tarusd to Florence about uoun and th« English pivipls have ezhlbltsdfdenying that these tip« are largely re-
Muadsy. J see MB.
as I reflect tbut we are
over our ui l n du try saying that those fan- aeqaa.tiled with God means that we
ths party disposed of a hearty din- wlth flue »plrtl their reverence, love epviielble tor tbe betting evil wbleb
• :I9 n. tu.—Tenuto final«, alumni
met come Into iwtlmate fellowship
aud loyalty. Tho thought strikes tool spread tremendously iu liugtond vs. varsity, (catapus.)
varying depth», mmdk of which are as I ture» of «er or»«* wbirh disbonorMl
with him. and this means that we
Trip to lair«
oven the most casual visitor almost during th» past few year» Mr. B. M.
3:00-5:00 p m.—Preeldent’a re-
mnet coma mito the Father through
In the afternoon eotu« of the lunu lnMo«dlat«ly upon arrival In tb« capt-i Howutr»», the author of • lxx>k on cepttoo (president's bouse )
! tke
_ ________
_ ______
_ that
promise __ In the
Lord's Word
went to the lakes, a few miles to the tel, which has not yet recovered from. betting aud «arubllug. doclare» that:
lhe Bun by faith. By thus coming ta
•rh‘x^1 IUJUwam;
uitlrnately iuv
tbe wuoir
whole earth,
enriu. tbe
me world
wurul Justice, or lack of pswrr that there- our heavenly Father by an acqualnt-
At Tsiltcoua they found a Its gloutu
Tbe practice h*a spread •<> widely of .“ music.
(Villard hall.)
things wee» aijrrtvriso which must be
launch ready to take them for a ride
among all cla«««« ot tbe community
ef mankind, shall have such an abun
Turada/, June Bl.
believed, akbougb they could not be lame with bta Word, snd through an
about the lak«
They made a circle
Mu<'h of the matter published that tlx«« who krwrw the facts name
» 30 a. m.—Meeting ot board of daut knowledge of tbe Creator aud tbe reconciled with human reason snd apprw lotion of his glorious work. past,
about the Island aud Into the differ­ about th« new queen and her dislikes gambling and drinking aa national regents, (president's office.)
Redeemer, aa te tie Oily Illustrated by commoa sense Borne of us even tried preweni aud futnse. we get a view of
ent arms, spending about two hours of Americans, especially American evils of almost equal magnitude.
10:30 a. m.— Meeting of alumni the depths of the sea. I have there-
on that fine body of water.
Tli<-y women, 1» piffle. No one pretends to There ta no doubt that the social con- association, (Villard hall).
to [xrsuads oursclve» that we were th« lengths, and breadths, and height«
I torr chosen as my text the W'»rda. exerv-ising extraordinary faith In theae and depths of "love divine, all love ex­
returned to Florence In limo for sup­ say (txt Queen Mary ha» an over- I Klwtwr* Is as yet only partially
1:30 p.
per with excellent appelltioa.
weaning fo'ndn««» for Americao», but awakened to the widespread charac­ alumni vs rarity (Kincaid field.)
"The earth shall be full of tbe knowl iuutient, but in reality we were mere- celling " in proportion as we behold
People wore coming to town from she to too liberal minded and too dip­ ter of the gambling evil and to its
2:00 p. m. Baseball game, alum- edge of tbe ¡.ord as tbe waters corer ly Ignorant of God's Word, and cred - tbe outline of tke Divine character,
various directions all day Tuesday to lomatic to let sentiment get ahead grievous consequences. Like a can­ al vs seniors (Kincaid field).
we perceive our own deficiencies and
the sea.” I remember also the very uloua of the wisdom of our creed-mak­
attend tbe (estival, from
Hecla, ' of her act. Hhe has the Interests of cer. the evil thing has spread Its pole-
4:00 p. m.—Tug of war. alumni
try tbe more to rid ourselves of them,
North Fork, lake slid Indian Creeks, her husband aad
his subjects at I onoua roots throughout the length vs. seniors, (race near campus).
similar promise by the I»rd through
and at least manifest to the Lord that
■ugane, Coos Bay. Gardiner. Fiddle heart, end where It will foster Brlt- and breadth of th<- land» carrying
True Light Now Shining.
tbe Propbet (Ilabekkuk U. 14), “For
7:30 p. m.— Flower and fern pro
our hearts are in harmony with th»
and Maple Creeks, all with smiling l«h Interest» to be kind to American», with them, where they strike, misery, cession, (campus).
tbe earth shall be filled with tbe knowl-
principles of righteousness.
faces and on pleasure bout.
the new queen as well aa her king, poverty, weakened character and
8:00 p. m
Falling-Beekman ora-
edge of tbe glory of tbe Lord, as tbe far spent, and the day is at hand”
Good l»«y for FrwtlvnJ
will be found according them all the ; crime.
Th» Sun of Righteousness.
torlcal contest, i Villard hall).
Wednesday morning dawued rath­ cordiality required.
waters cover tbe sea." I am reminded illonuM xlll. 12). “Now is our salva­
WedlM-ciny. June 29£.
appropriately tbe Scriptures
er cloudy, but cleared up in an hour
• • • • •
10:00 a m.- -Commencement ad- also of tbe Prophet's declaration that
speak of tbs present as a night-time,
it would not be surprising to «««• an the high price of cotton are seriously ____
or two. and the day was all that could i
______ Ph.
_ D.. tbe time will come when “Every knee (Romans till. 11). The evidence that
dress , Thomas
Nixon Carver.
textile Industry any Li. D., professor of Political Science,
be desired
anti-American war started by the
we are in tbe morning of tbe new dis­ They tell us that now "Darkness cov-
Every boat arriving at the wharves ! Ducbera of l*ortland and the Duchess cheap substitute for cotton Is likely Harvard University, (Villard Hall.) shall bow. and every tongue «hall con pensation multiplies on every hand.' ers tbe (civilized) earth, and gross
was loaded to the guards with people of Biiccleuch, however, when social to find a ready market. A company
1:30 p tu.—University alumni din­ Jess" (Isaiah xlv. 23>. And again "That We are evidently in the period which darkness the people (Heathendom).”
The business houses and many pri­ Hallies are resumed. Doth of these la about to be formed for tbe pur­ ner, (New gymnasium.)
at tbe name of Jesus every knee shall tbe Bible declares as "The day of They assure us that now God's [>eople
vate residences wore decorated with ' leaders have powerful Influence In pose of manufacturing yarn from ma­
8:00 p. m.—Alumni reception, re­ bow. of things in heaven, aud things God's preparation." God is preparing need the lamp of Divine revelation to
pink and green, with flags and rhodo­ society and are close personal friend« rine fibre anj wood pulp. There Is union and ball, (new gymsasium).
in earth, and things under tbe earth; to usher In the long-promised period guide tbelr footstep« until tbe day
of Queen Mary. That they cherl«h a practically an Inexhaustible supply of
mm in ReBtor ( |» m .
1 And that every tongue shall confess of blessing and refreshment, which he dawns. They assure us. however, that
of . the .
Among the ixople who attracted a ¡cordial dislike for everything Amerl- marine .. fibre at „ the botUMD
good deal of atteutlon and enjoyed II Icoui they never have attempted to ocean, big deposits about nine »••», University will be tbe largest claw that Jesus Christ is Lord, to tbe glory has foretold through all the holy the morning will be ushered In by tbe
all heartily was Indian Iran, a full- 1 deny. The Duchess of Portland has In
propbeta. The wonderful inventions of great Sun of Righteousness— the Christ.
** *[l‘hat has yet been graduate from the
blooded Bluslaw Indian, who claims | been heard to «ay. It Is reported on In Spencer's and St. Vincent's gulfs | University. The class numbers 88 of God the Father.” And 1 am also our day along the lines of chemistry, i the Messiah. Propbet. Mediator. King
reminded that in that day. "They shall
to be 1 IS years old
On this occa­ I good authority, that »he dislikes In South Australia.
| members, not including the depart-
steam and electricity are fulfilments of Glory.
Experiments have just been con­ i nienta of medicine and law, whose teach no more every mau bis neighbor,
sion be was.attired Ju "Indian garb." I Americana because they are "push­
Now to the Church excluded from
a handsome suit of buckskin, adorned ing. vulgar and undesirable." Amer- cluded In which this material, with a graduation exercises have already and every man bls brother, saying. of tbe wonderful “Day of Christ.”
which is nearing. God's people have this work of shining upon and enlight­
with feathers and faucy work. He J leans with social ambition may rest mixture of wood pulp, has been made been held, and Is made up of the fol-
Know the Lord, for they shall all know failed of great blessings 1n not sooner ening the world and scattering Its
was decorated with several badges, content Iu the fact, however, that a Into yarn, and the results have given lowing students:
me. from tbe least of them unto tbe noticing this fact. We stood, as It darkness. Tbe Master gave us to un­
and many cameras were snapped al large number of Engllh women, who satisfaction. The fibre Is declared toj
Adah Allen. Eugene; Eva Allen,
I were favorite« of the late king will be already deglutlnlzed by the pro­ Eugene; Leroy A Arthur. McMinn
1. |
­ greatest of them, salth tbe Lord" were, with our backs toward the East, derstand that tbe Church with himself
Three brothers by the name of ' alio be barred from royal favor be- cess of nature, to be unshrinkable ville; Ruth E Balderee. Japan; Eth­ (Jeremiah xxxl. 34).
Tbe question looking for the sun to rise In the West; will constitute tbe Sun of Righteous­
Morris, who ure among the pioneers ¡cause of their very prominence at the and to be easy to bleach and dye.
el F. Barnard. Eugene; Harold E. properly arises. To wbat extent shall we were looking to our own efforts to ness. wblca will then arise with heal­
It can be used for all purposes for Bates, Portland; Edith L. Beebe.-Eu­ we consider these statements literally
of this section, and now reside In < late court.
convert the world, rather than looking ing in its beams. Thus In tbe parable
which cotton is used.
Florence, are sorthy of mention. Jo­
gene; Annie Bergman, Astoria; Livia true? Wbat kind of fulfillment should to tbe Lord from whom alone must of the Wheat and Tares, he pictures
Polities are at a standstill, aa far
seph. the eldest. Is now 80 years old
Z. Bond, Irving; Glen F. Brledwell,
come tbe help. Hence the glow in the the entire work of this Gospel Age and
A feature of Colonel Roosevelt's Amity; Wilshire Bristow. Eugene; | we expect them to bare?
and has resided hero over 50 years. 1 as any open declaration ot policies to
if we look out upon tbe heathen East bad assumed considerable propor­ Its consummation, which be styles
William C.. aged 76 years, has beeu ,concerned, and It will probably be six program which will be carried out aa William M. Cake, Portland; William
here about 2 7 years, and Jame», the 1 months or a year before the leaders originally planned Is his visit to Che­ C. Campbell, McMinnville; Norwood werld. however sympathetic we may tions before we noticed It—and many "The harvest—the end of the age."
youngest, aged 72. came here about lot th« various parties resume any ag- quers Court. Buckinghamshire, where R. Charman. Oregon City; Dudley R. be In respect to foreign missionary of our brethren are still looking to the His word respecting the separation of
i preaslve mnesures. Much Interest la he goes tomorrow to be the guest of Clarke. Portland; James Dean Col­ work, doing all In our power to make West, and angrily refuse to turn and
3U years since.
the wheat from tbe tares to that the
Impending Arthur H lx-e over the week-end.
7 he exercises began at » 30, when ' manifested, however, In
lins, Dallas; Bertha F Cumings Der­ known to tbe heathen tbe grace of follow tbe dawn of the New Dispensa­ wheat shall be gathered into bis barn
the procession formed at the school event« a! Cape T >wn. where tbe new Captain Lee was military attache at by. Vt.; Chauncey Cunning. Baker
tion. wbb-b now may be so clearly —changed from tbe earthly to the
house and marched to the city wharf, ¡South African Union will be pro-, the American army during tbe Cuban City; Harold A. Dalzell, Eugene; I God. and tbe gn-at Redeemer, we are
nevertheless compelled to admit that seen by the eye of faith.
heavenly nature, and be adds. "Then
Lord Glad-Jwa/.
headed by the Florence Band, which ; claimed next Tuesday.
Henry R. Davies, Dunsmuir. Calif.;
was followed by Queen Edith and Ad­
Pauline Davis, Eugene Ralph; Dod­ there is absolutely no hope of our ever I Let us note well the Apostle Peter's shall tbe righteous shine as tbe sun In
miral Jones. Cares and Neptune, their :------------------------------ ------------ ------------------------
son. Baker City; Bertha Dorris. Spo­ causlug every knee to bow. and every words. as<rring ns that tbe vision be the Kingdom of tbelr Father.” "He
maids. s|>eakeru and citizens. and the
kane, Wash; Elsie M Dow. Washburn, tongue to confess Christ in heathen had on the Mount of Transfiguration that hath an ear to bear, let him hear.”
grand marshal, on horseback
Wis.; Chester A. Downs. Portland; lands, even as we havchlong ago given made a deep impression upon him. lie
The figure of tbe rising sun scatter­
ex> rctoM consisted of the following:
Ruth Duniway. Portland; Carolyn up hope of accomplisl^iig such work tells ns. nevertheless, that “We have ing tbe darkness, ignorauce and super­
Address of welcome, ably delivered
Dunston. Portland; Barry C. East­ In civilized lands. Tbe work is too also a more sure word of prophecy: stition of tbe world harmonizes with
by Mayor Edwards; address by Judge
ham. Oswego; Blanch E. Ferdlne, great for us. aud the errors of heathen­ whereunto ye do well that ye take the other picture, which ri-presents the
it W Thompson, followed by crown­
Grants Pass; Arthur M. Geary. Port-
dom are too deeply seated to be quick­ heed, as unto a light that sbinetb in a Kingdom of God sui*rs«-dlng the king­
ing of the queen. She responded 111
lasd; Irvin M Grodln. Oakland, Cal.;
an appropriate address. The mayor
Essie M. Haley, Eugene; Ruth Han- ly eradicated. Government statistics dark place, until tbe day dawn, and dom of Satan, and those deluded by
delivered the keys of the city, after
>en, Portia: ■!; Pear. V Hawthorne, show us that there are twice as many the day star arise in your hearts-'—the Satan, styled In tbe Scriptures, the
which Rev B II. Bakers Invocation
“paroutia" (presence) of Christ. tbe kingdoms of this world.
____ .__
heathen today as there were a century
Eugene; Kathleen Henderson,
to Ceres was Interesting and well-
gene; Vera D. Horner. < Oirvallls; 1 ago. If. therefore, any of us bad been “Morning Star.”
B* Glad and Raj'oice.
An able address to God
Pearl Huff. I-aGrande;
1 Helena S. flattering ourselves respecting our abil-
Knowledge a Noceuity.
Neptuns by E E Benedict was duly
We may well sympathize with our
Hughes. Portland; Oliver h
B. Huston,
gppotjjpiigj) (be conversion of tbe
appreciated. A naval parade on the Guard Special Service —
But admitting tbe promise of tbe forefathers, to whom it was not grant­
they conceived the idea of building Portland; Haze! Humphrey. Eugene; world. It Is time for us to acknowledge
river followed. In which 20 steamers
tbe catboat to sail up aud down the Ethel M J >hn»on, Eugene; Harper N our error aud to look to tbe Lord, real­ Scriptures that tbe knowledge of tbe ed to see as clearly as we may now
and launches participated.
Lord shall tie worldwide and ocean see tbe glorious fullness of tbe Divine
coast, and carried out the plan. In Jamison. Portland; Hanna M. Ken­
On their return the procession, Miphtatlcated editors of several New their boat they went to Halifax, N. worthy. Portland; William C. Klltx. izing that in him alone is tbe world's deep—that every creature shall be
purpose to eventually enlighten the
headed by the queen and band, York magazines are alleged to have S , last summer and down the coast I Vancouver. B. C.; Mabel Kuykendall. hope. Dou tit less this is just tbe les­
brought to an accurate knowledge of whole earth, by causing tbe knowledge
marched to tbe royal bower, where
the queen's proclamation was Issued. been badly "stung" by one Frank H. they are off on her to see the world. [ Homer Ixckey. Eugene; Jennie Lilly. He does not wish us to give up our ef­ the truth, in due time (I Timothy U. ' of tbe glory of God to QU tbe whole
4-01, wberefor is the necessity for this? earth as tbe waters cover the great
Thia was followed by a speech by Pro­ ‘ Sweet, of Waynesboro. Va.. a prolific
Before tbe departure Harold An­ Portland; Roscoe C. Lyans. Eugene; forts to "Do goes! unto all men aa we
motor Freeman,
"author" whose name has appeared drew» found time to tell some of the Earl A. .Marshall. Portland; Walter have opportunity, especially tbe house­ Is knowledge really Indisjiensable to deep. To us, therefore, to especially
salvation? Is it not written in tbe applicable the prophetic words. "Be ye
The clambake on the river was en- In several of our loading publications plans the two have made and which i.McIntire. A hland; Leia T. McPher­
joyed, eapeclally by Henry Hollen-
_ ¿»j>oeUes Peter and glad and rejoice for ever in that which
son, Springfield; Arthur R Moore. hold of faith." for our own blessing is Scriptures «T
It is now said that tbe Virginia
associated with such activity on behalf John, that "The people perceived that
"We are going to see the world," Buffalo. N. Y.; Carl B Neal
I create. For behold. 1 create new
banquet was held at "rube ' was engaged In selling gold he said "That really tells the whole Vista; Oliver B. Needham, Eugene; of otbers. But God does wish us to they were ignorant and unlearned
The queen's
heavens and a new earth, and the for­
noon and In the afternoon foot races bricks to the editors, inasmuch as It stor>
We may be a year, we may James K Neill, La Grande; Ferdis- realise that of ourselves we are unable men?" If their ignorance and lack of mer shall not be remembered, nor come
pole valuta and
racon were I Is charged that tbe stories to which be five years; we do not care. We and J. Newbauer, Lents; Earl A. to cope with tbe situation. He wishes
learning did not hinder them from bav. into mind” (Isaiah Ixv. 18. 17). Thus
pulled off. The launch race was won I
have not got a lot of money, but we Nott McMinnville; Sara F Obertauf- us to realize that only through tbe es­ Ing God's favor, and obtaining salva­ docs tbe Lord picture the new dispen­
by the launch "Growler," with the he appended his name and for which have enough to buy food for a long fer. K rtland; Edw in P.atts. Eugene;
tablishment of tbe Kingdom of God's
he received checks were not written
"Pearl" second.
Ark.; dear Buu can tbe glorious blessings of tion through Christ, and even obtain­ sation in graphic language. Tbe new
time, and what more does a person Alfred Powers. El Dorado,
The attendance was fully up to ex­ by him. but were carefully nnd con­ want If he has a place to sleep and George J. Poysky, Astoria;
ing A[>ostleshlp. why should so much heavens symbolically represent tbe
pectations. near'- ’500 being present. scientiously copied from old maga­ clothes to wear? While we are away Pratt. Eugene; Edith Prescott. Baker the Millennium ever be hoped for. stress t>e laid upon knowledge? Does Church in its new and glorified condi­
The festivities wound up with a zines.
City; Ormond Rankin. Portland; Alas! We must admit, and should feel God really care for knowledge? Has tion. exercising superior control over
One of tho moat brazen cases of th<- clothing will not bother in much ¡Joel H. Richardson, La Grande; Geo. deeply bumble by tbe admission, that
dance In Kyl. s hall The music «ni
he predetermined that all who would the affairs of mankind. Likewise, the
l>laglarl*iii attributed to the Virgin­
good and heartily enjoyed.
|X. Riddell. Portland;
Harold J. even in civilized lands, the number of
ian was the sale io Young's Maga­ their old clothes and we have enough Rounds. Hilldale; Estella Mae Sage, footstep followers of tbe Lamb of God I be in bis favor must be educated, and new earth symbolically represents the
that be cares naught for the ignorant? new state or condition of society—the
zine of a story entitled "Rossiter.” to last a centurv. it seems to me."
Eugene; Ethel E. Sharpe, Portland; Is very few
The uutuber who are
This was published originally in the I
Essie E. Sechrist, Portland; Glanton "walking, uot after tbe tiesb. but after Do we not read to tbe contrary that. : new social order of things which will
“Not many wise men after the flesh, i be introduced as a part of tbe New
Sunday Magazine, aa one of the
School children througnout the ! P. Shangle. Milton; Isolene Shaver,
AT COBURG MOVED Rhortv McCabe" serh-s, the author United
States are organizing to help ¡Portland; Loretta Showers, Portland; the Spirit” in civilized lauds Is very not many mighty, not many noble, are ' Dispensation.
Imperfection to now
being Kewell Ford. In claiming the raise a fund of 12,300,000 with ¡Leland L. Stelwer, Fossil; Clarence few. In comparison with tbe population called; but God uath chosen the fool­ I written upon everything with which
authorship of ''Rossiter." Mr. Sweet which to build and endow a great A. Steele. Portland; Frank H. Swift, as a whole. We are not iu this setting ish things of tbe world to confound the
did not even take the trouble to building In Washington . D. C.. as a Pleasant Hill; Roy K. Terry. Port­ ourelves as judges of tbe hearts of wise" (I Corinthians 1, 26, 27). "Hath men ure associated, partly because ot
n¡i Simmons naa just completed change the samtis of lhe characters, memorial
to George Washington, land; Shannon Laurie Van Valzah, our fellow-creatures— remarkably few not God chosen the poor of this world | our fallen condition through heredity,
re me vl g the old Van
i and partly, as tbe Scriptures declare,
the story appearing In Young's being Perhaps
largest subscription Springfield: Frederick J. Whittlesey,
build': ■ which stood on the west
almost word for word the same as made by a girl oi boy will be ten [ Portland; Wilfred Wattenburg, Fos­ make any preteution to walking in the rich tn fnitb?" (James li, 5.)
i through Satan, the god of this world or
1 nnutte street In Coburg
Very true, we auswer. With God age. who now works in tbe hearts of tbe
Ford's witty tale.
cents, but from present indications sil. Herman A. Wetterberg, Portland:
this wa. cne of the first Mr The
are told tl:
ambitions Virginian, who at least 0100,000 will be turned into Penjamir. I Williams, Eugene; Wil­ to life everlasting (Matthew vii. 14).
tbe wisdom of this world is foolish­ i children of disobedience— prompting to
It was |
buildings elected In C> hura
sought the spoils without the toils the general fund by the young pa- liam G, Williams, Eugene; Frances
ness. and with this world, tbe wisdom ksin and selfishness, pride nnd ambi­
The Necessity For Knowledge.
bullt _
by -
a ___
man by __
the name of 8nt-l
P. Young Fit-ene; Ella M. Devoe,
of God is foolishness. Know ledge muy tion. and iu every sense of tbe word
t "r and s7o >d ab ut St)') feet west of of authorship, was recently arrested, trlots.
charged with using the malls for
Mrs. Hen-’1 F. Dimock, of No 25 Eugene. The Masters' degree will be sirous of tbiuking well cf tbe beaveu- therefore be viewed from two stand­ tending to alienate the hearts of men
the Inst location.
fraudulent purposes, and will poba-
' city, . lenferrvd upon Nellie McNeil. Med­ ly Father, are so befogged with the points. So far as worldly knowledge from tbe wavs of righteousness. More-
Butter used It ns n Imine«« building bly be tried next month. Mr. Sweet East Sixtieth street ' New ”
for several years when he -old to Wm is said to be a highly respected and «ho Is president of the George Wash­ ford;
tec.chiugs of the past, that they try to commending any man or woman to 1 over, the Adversary is largely responsl-
VnnPuyn. who wi s In business In the well-to-do citizen of Waynesboro, ington Memorial Association, says of Grove.
that tbe way to eternal life Is God. or making any man or woman I ble for the gross errors of misconcep­
building about 18 year', during this
ns the Master said; they more tit for divine favor, we believe tion of the Divine character, which
time It had been moved to the Inst activities have for several years past
that somehow the tbe contrary to be true, Unwillingly during the centuries past have been
location and »902 selling to F. B. brought him an annual Income of
treasury, so actual work may be be­
heathen will be saved in their Igno- ne are forced to tbe conclusion that ' creeping Into the minds of those who
Racket, who In turn sold to the Co­
35.1)00. He is said to own an gun by an architect, with the Idea of
GOES TO SUPREME COURT rance, notwithstanding the Apostle the great colleges of the world are the were feeling after God. If haply they
burg Merc Co. Sept. 19. 1»««, since about
elegant home In Waynesboro, and getting the auditorium ready for the
the later date the building han been
says. "How shall they believe ou him Most destructive agencies in the earth, | might find him. All who are of tbe
next Inaugural ball. This hugh hall
empty nearly half the time, ns the other property.
.Maarshfleld, Or.. May 27
The in-' of whom they have not beard" (Roman« us res|x-et« the Divine revelation, th? j right spirit, truth seekers. and truth
will be large enough to hold seven junction ca-e against the Port of Coos
Merc. Co. moved the stock to the new
x. 14>. And again, his assurance that Plble. and the true knowledge of God. I lovers, will be glad to abandon tbe er-
Jack London's cruise to Australia or eight thousand people.
building across the street.
Ray Is to be taken to the Supreme
"In addition to this main assem­ Court. Attorney J W. Bennett has "there is none other name under heav­ which 1« esseutiul to salvation and j rors on this subject, which so long
Aftor Mr. Racket »old the business
eternal life. We therefore sharply dis­ I have hindered a proper appreciation of
to the mercantile company, the build­ I journey mapped out .by Harold nnd bly room the plan is to have every filed an appeal acting as attorney for en given amoug men. whereby we criminate between earthly knowledge | the glorious character of our heaven-
ing was occupied by n restaurant, I Francis Andrew«, twin brothers, who State In the Union represented by a the Bennett Trust Company, and the must be save«!" (Acts Iv. 12).
Tbe error from tbe past which led to and heavenly knowledge, and between | ly Father. By teaching us through false
■ ml for a short time by the Browns­ are now headed south along the coast room to be named after It. Socie­ Southern Oregon Company. These
ville Woolen Mill's stock, then Van In a thirty-foot cat boat. Before they ties of every educational character two companies fought the port law this Inconsistency is the teaching that tbe wisdom of men and the wisdom of 1 doctrines to dread the heavenly Father,
the Adversary has Implanted In our
puyn and Shannon occupied It in a return to these parts they expect with the object of improving living on technical point» In the circuit all of tbe heathen are going to eternal God.
uplifting mankind, court, but Judge Coke decided In fa­
grocery mid small line of dry goods to see most of the world. They are conditions and
Our Lord .1e«n« gave n« the key to uilnds a fear which constitutes a har­
will use the Washington Memorial vor of the port, and now the matter
business Ester Mr Shannon purchas­
an opportunity of accepting Christ in this question of the importance of rier. The Lord speaks of thia saying.
ed ths Vnn Puyn Interest nnd moved ring accidents, will cross the Pacific building for conventions.
goes to the Supreme court.
the future
They rebel against the knowlolee in relationship to our at­ “Their fear of me is taught by tbe pre­
"International congresses, annual
the stock to Mr. Bucknum's building
cepts of men" (isaiab xxtx. 13). IM
on South Willamette street. Since before they round up at Bath Bench meetings of all the national patriot­
Condon has purchased 2 00 meters thought which has come down from tainment of eternal life. lie said, in
ic societies, scientific, civic, commer­ and everyone that uses city water will the dark ages that God foreknew the praying to the Father. "And this Is us then use mure diligently than ever
that time, which was about three again
Ever since they were achool boys cial, Industrial or other organiza­
months ngv>, the building has been
be required to have one installed. Ignorance of tbe heathen and predes­ life eternal, that they might know before the wonderful Bible which Di­
these twins have l>een fired with an tions that may have for thlr object The minimum rate Is to be (1.50.
tinated their eternal torture; that they thee, the only true God. and Jesus vine Providence has placed within the
the promotion of the welfare of the
Mr. Simmon«, expects to use the
should not hear of the only name under Christ, whom th<m hast sent” (John reach of ail of G»<Fs people, that we
United Staten, may meet here.
, building for a barn and has taken It
heaven or given among men whereby ___
___ such
«vil. __ 3>. Only
as attain to this may know him. whom to know aright
to his ranch northwest of the village. training school they want to work »•> will prove an ideal place for such
life. Con- will mean to us )'f» eternal.
— Coburg Journal.
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