Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, April 21, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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CHARLES H. FINHEH, Editor and Publisher
Kulcnd at EutfrtM*. Oregon, pootufflce as secoud-class matter
PubUafaad every Thureday at Eugen«. Oregon.
8»jbaaripUoii Mb*, ft 10 pwr >«ur, it paid tn advaaaea; >1.0« at «oc
Agxstta tar Tkie tluard
•abvrg—Goorce A. Brarv.
——_______ __
gfee follaving are aathorlaed to take and receipt for acnacrlptuwa
knaam< t aw «that baabtOM for Tbo Dally and Weakly Guard:
f^rwall—J. L. Clark.
Che waste, Mr. Graham found, is not only among the rich.
In garbage cans, of course, he found evidence to give point
o the story of the janitor who said that he did not know any
hing^bout the new family that moved in except that it had very
swell swill.”
Mr. Graham said that it is past belief what one finds in the
Sermon by
garbage cans of the upper West and East Sides. Large pieces
of high-priced meats, chickens, bread, rolls, almost fresh from
Che bakery; vegetables of every variety, all of which would fur­
Pastor Brooklyn
nish a royal feast for the bread-liners, were everything not
1 alterna« le.
spoiled in the general mush.
But Mr. Graham found conditions not different on the poly­
glot East Side, in sones of supposed economic poverty, where
every penny counts. In every can and barrel was enough bread,
particularly, to feed a hungry family—larger portions of those On the Misllterrauean Sea. April IT
mammoth eight pound cartwheel loaves to which the sons of — We are uot far from the place where
poor Jonah long ago had hla «ad el
Italy are so partial, large chunks of rye or black bread, not in- iwrleuce lu hb attempt to ruu away ,
frequently whole loaves in fairly good condition—half buried in from th* Dlviue comiubalou to the
a debris of tomato cans, old shoes and medicine bottles. Mr. ■ Nlnevitee. Wo are uearlug Jaffa, the
Graham says here is only another proof of how quickly the 'port from which he sailed, then called 1
¡Joppa. Some. Intent ou disproving aa '
newly arrived immigrant imitates American ways.
j much ns poaalblv of tli« Bible, have
The Lane County Asset Company is setting stakes on a rail­ I attempted to make light of Jonah's ex
road to the sea. The grade and rails will come along in good perleuce*. claiming that there was no '
time lf the PeoPle °f Lane county give the company tho encour- Hah lu the world of aueb capacity a* i *
could «wallow a mau entirely.
igement and assistance it deserves.
"I cried by rraaon oi nune alflstwo
onio th« Lotd. and he hr aid me; out
ui the belly ui hell cned I (Jonah a, 2.)
ooO- - - ■ » »■ --............. ...
bow. aud glxe thank« that by 1*1« gravv
I have euiue t*> ■*»« hla ilia racier, hla
Blau «ud hl« Word mure clearly than
lu the i*a«t
I thank him thut now I
van ace lu wbat way ultimately Jeaua
will be the "Light of the world" uot
merely tho Light of the Cburvb (John
vlil. 12).
The morning paper and the interests it represents are con­
tinually talking about the increased debt of the city, due to the
methods, so it is charged, of the present administration. And
yet that paper refuses to state how much the increased general
fund debt amounts to and what the money it represents was ex­
In abandoning the doctrlue of «'tor
pended for.
nul torment my dls|*o*ltlon wua t<>
As a matter of fact the $40,000 or $50,000 of increased
atiandon the Bible also, bc atli*« I l>e
lleved that the Bible wa« the found«
debt is due to the fact that the city paid that amount for paving
lion of tin» Irratlomil theory which hud
street intersections, and that this one item alone explains the
pictured God to my mind «« a demuu
whole thing.
are to remember, however, that the of the worst Imaginable tyi><*. But.
! thank G*x1. dear friends, the Lord
Scripture* do not any that It was an
We all know that the paving of the streets was the best work
heard uiy |>ra>er for light, for know I
The number of automobiles owned by farmers is growing ordinary whale that swallow**) Jonah edge
Eugene ever did. There is not a single person in the city who is
raapectlug blmaclf. After 1 bad
made a «earch of heathen creeds, as
sorry the work was done, and even the morning paper points rapidly. Out of 10,000 automobiles in Iowa. 5000 are owned
that Gcal "specially prepared" a great well aa tho*e of Christendom, and had
with pride to the city's six miles of hard surface pavement. by farmers. Kansas farmers spent $3,200,000 for automobiles tlnl> for the occaaion. Nor b tbb all' found them all Illogical, unreaaouabla,
Then it very inconsistently berates the mayor and councilmen during 1909. and $2,750,000 in 1908. In one Nebraska town Wo have our I .ord'a own testimony to unsatisfactory. I turued to the Bible
for spending the money that was necessary to insure this im­ of 800 population, 40 automobiles were sold last year to far­ the truthfulneaa of .the matter, aud again, saying. Perhaps I have not done
the Bible Justice; |>erha|Mi I have un
provement. It has knocked and hammered at the city's credit mers in the town. Careful estimates of the number of automo­ wh.awer denies either hb trutlifulnca* couaclously attributed to the Bible the
and misrepresented the facts until further improvement of our biles owned by farmers in the entire United States is 76.000. also hl* Measlahahlp aud repudiating teaching* of the crvssia. rerhn|« I
streets has been held up this year and the credit of the city im­ Nowadays there is no more cry about the lack of opportunity on | bliu as a Savior, because neither a have read It through colored *|Hs-ta
the farm. Sixteen automobile makers are advertising in the falsifier nor a du(>e could possibly lx» cl«»a. Praying to God for guidance 1
paired, when it should be gilt-edged.
took up Bible study In n very differ
All this has been done, and is being done, in the interest of 450 farm papers of the country, and most of them are arguing 1 recognised as tho great Redeemer nnd ent way from previously | l>egan to
persons and corporations who have selfish interests to subserve. that the automobile will keep the boy on the farm, and make life ' Savior, the Sent of God. the Meaalah study lhe Bible ns I ahoilld have done
Additionally our Lord Informs us that at Hrat—without reference to any
It is a rule or ruin program that is already affecting the growth more livable for the wife, whose dreary round of labor has been j the Jonah lucldeut w as In the nature of of the creola. I Iwgnti to let G*«l
and prosperity of the city and causing grave apprehension the pity of the country.
! a type. e*|*«elally designed of Gcal to tench me. I cease,! to «ay. It reads,
Now the farmer with an automobile can take his family for foreshadow the fact that Jeaua himself "TA««,*' but tt miiNt mean otherwise
among those who have the real welfare of the city at heart. If
It say«, "No and so." but cannot mean
Eugene is to become a real city the people must pull together; an evening call, or lecture, without using his horses. He can I would t>e dead for part« of three day* that, but the reverse In oilier wont«
1 aud arise from the dead on the third
must continue to improve the streets, make public improvements go to church on Sunday more regularly; he can visit distant rel­ s day. even ■ * Jonah ««» burled alive I ceaaed to try to tench G»>d nnd en
I deavored to be tnught of G»sl through
and show their faith by their works. It will be a hard pull for a atives and friends more frequently; he can go to town oftener for parts of three day* and on the hla w.*rd. guMod b* 'll-* holy Bpirtt
few years—it always is when a town reaches the stages Eugene and more quickly. One Dakota farmer who is extremely fond j third day the great 11" h vomited hint
International B bl« Stud*««.
has reached—the public debt will be increased and taxes will be of hunting, but lives 40 miles from the game district, takes bis I u|M>n dry land. There h nothing dlffi
That wa* thirty-eight yean* ago !’n
cult about the narrative to oue who
high. If, however, the determination oi the people is strong son with him on Saturday during the season and comes back I has proper faith In God. To those win* > der the fx*rd'* blessing I found tho
Key to the Interpretation of tho Ncrip
enough the ultimate results will justify the labor and repay the Sunday night with a deer or two slung across the radiator and have not faith, nothing connected with j turea
not becau*«» of ability, but. I
cost that progressiveness entails. The history of the upbuilding bubbling over with tales of his luck.
Divtue revelation la reasonable, com
believe, because It Is now due time
mendable or natlafactory.
I-et u* for the Bible to l>e understood tn lhe
of every city in the West tells the same story, for cities as a rule
A paragraph from Berlin, going the rounds, says that Rev. maintain our atand with th.aie who cloning of thia G»a|>el Age aud the
are built by the exercise of energy on the part of their people;
hold fast to. and bold forth for other*, dawulug of the Millennial I>«y
and the process is quite frequently slow and laborious, as the Mr. Fry, the English chaplain at the German capital, severely tl» Ward of Life
1 tag fouait the Key and used It myself
I have epent tny t*«t euileevor* eInce
building up of a great commercial enterprise, in the process of commenis °n the niggardly contributions of wealthy English and
Tb* B«lly of Hall DmerlbW.
to put the Key Into the baud* of God'a
which the promoters frequently have to "hang on by their teeth” American visitors that attend St. George's Angelican church.
Bat what bar« "the belly of bell" l cuuaecratMl propta th«» world over
"They live," he said, in the most expensive hotels, and yet give sad tho po»»r *’Ul crying from It te do have aothlag to boast of. dear frtewda*
for years.
Eugene has Apparently reached a crisis in its history. If the
church coins that they would be ashamed to offer to a with the atory of JonahT And bow 1 but hare BMN* to be gl*<l for first.
People, he adds, use money lavishly for dinners, wines, doea the Moey aaaorlata Itself with our 1 an* glad no my own aceouut with ■
knockers and the non-progressive elements are to be placed in waüer-
Journey today over th« Mediterranean Joy uno|M>akal>le. that new I know my
control it will have no street paving and no public improvements theatres and other luxuries, and yet economize at church. Mr. D«epT Jonah waa the man who was Heavenly father ats! can have con
of any character. The attempt to give the people municipal Fry is not the only pastor that has cause to complain. The old, In the belly of hell and whom cry unto Meoce tn him and c«ti hare love f*>r
him. aa Dever t>efore. I am thankful
power and light and a better water supply will be abandoned, very old, reminder to children, "take a penny to Sunday school,” th« Ixird from there constitutes our I that, to acme extent. I huve bee» en­
and the city will settle back into the old rut from which it was seems never to have been changed, and many is the penny that text When a boy I beard this text, abled to convey similar Joys, similar
and my Imagination conjured up what
lifted three or four years ago by a somewhat mysterious coal­ finds its way into the contribution box. Strange as it may seem, bell would be like, and eeperlally wbat bleasings to other* of hl* dear |>*»<>ple
I of all denominations In all parts of the
escing of the progressive elements in the community, after years the motion of the hand toward the contribution box is all suffi­ th« belly
of hell, or what I suppoaed world. The Isorxl haa gradually en
cient to quiet the conscience of some persons, while the sum the l middle part of It. would t>* like larged my opportunities year by year.
of non-progressiveness.
The question is whether this awakening is to crystallize a3 a placed therein has nothing to do with it. Cheerfully one pays I bad the opportunity of looking luto I am not building a eect not making ■
a new denomination not founding a
permanent, persevering movement to build up a city, or whether $1.50 for a seat at the theatre, while a dime is grudgingly given blaat furnaces through what Is called Church! We have had too much of i
it was merely one of those transient crazes which come along at church. Why are churches always in debt? Simply because noted that the center of the Ore wax that eort of thing already. Not only |
unexpectedly and as suddenly die out, leaving only a memory so many pennies, instead of dollars, are given, and because so . at white heat. I tried to Imagine pe*v have we Wesley's Church and Calvin's
many members of the church feel under no responsibility to pie In aueb a condition In the very Church, etc., etc., but It has become
of their existence.
the custom for each minister to be
middle or belly of hell, I could not s[s>ken of a* the proprietor of th*»
If the people endorse the criticisms of the administration fori help pay the expenses.
imagine bow ibey could aurvive auch Church; aa, for Instance. The ICever
having expended money upon street paving, and accept the idea
The way to build up a city is to go ahead and build it. Ti e > an experience a single moment, let eml Dr A.'a Church. It has become n
that we must curtail expenses by putting a stop to all public im­
alone for all e’ernlty. I aouglit theo- custom, ton. for the preachers to speak
provement, Eugene will soon be back in the class of towns that bridges must be burned behind, so that there can be no turning logical expositions of the matter nnd of the [Mstple ns "My |H*ople, " "My
visitors remember most by their muddy streets, empty houses, back, and every property owner and every businessman imbued i learned that some theologian»? of th*» Church '* This Is nil wrong. I wish
thoroughly with the boost spirit. It will, of course, require hard boary past, admitting the destructive to have neither part nor lot In It. I
low rents and low taxes.
have no Church, a ml wish for m>uu
i work, and the expenditure of a great deal of money, but if a ¡effect of tire, claimed that God would There I* but the one Church the
i town is really advantageously situated and has the national re­ J specially vitalize nil the |>oor creatures i Church «if Chr1aJ-"tlueCliureh of the
coualgiied to this torment, so that they
sources back of it the returns in the end will be sure and amply I would never die. but would keep on Living God"—»'the Church of the First
1 Born*, whose name* nre written In
Portland is endeavoring to pass a city ordinance that will repay the labor and the cost. No half-hearted campaign will suffering forever and forever and for- heaven." That Church Include« In I',
guarantee a safe and sane celebration on the Fourth of July. ever win, and every time the people vote down a proposition to ' ever, untenable torture*. I found that membership every true sulnt of G<*|
\ who trust* In the merit of f 'hrlst mid
Recently Mayor Gaynor, of New York city, declared that the build a suitable city hall, or take any other similar action, it sets other theologians explained that those seek» to walk lu III* footstep*. Wbat
I consigned to au 'li a llery ordeal would
use of explosives would be prohibited in the metropolis on such back the growth of the town, because it is evidence that they gradually become ndupted to it and ever enrtlily system* «m li tuny be |<|cn
titled with are without Divine author
occasions, and all over the country there is a movement in the lack faith in the future, or are not wholly in sympathy with the > itsxtime nu nsbestos-llke shell which I i Isatlon.
Their standing In God'* sight
same direction.
■ I* merely beenuse of their Identlflca
Every observance of the national birthday has been followed, can read the signs more readily than we, and their confidence is the tire But these theologian* went ' tlon with Christ n* "mcnibcr* of hl*
on to explain that, wishing them to
throughout the length and breadth of the land, by a demand that undermined as well. Eugene must build and pave and grow in j suffer horrible tortures. God would ' Body."
In Gisl's providence I wn* h*l to |iub-
the frightful toll of life and limb, due to reckless use of explo­ every respect through the efforts of the people here until the | wale off the aslteatoa shell, causing ' Hall six volume* of "Ntmlli»* In tho
sives, shall be curtailed. The agitation is usually contempora-1 stage is reached where business and population will attract rail­ them to suffer still more excrurlntlngly I Scriptures." or Bible Keys. Th*»se
every time the operation was perform­
neous with immediate statistics, and then subsides until a few roads, jobbing houses and payroll industries. It means a hard, ed. As a child I tried to Imagine that were taken up by tho Bible ami Tract
Society, ami published nt coat price, to
days before the next celebration, when its revival is too tardy steady pull for the next two or three years, and then the battle this waa the Just desert of almiers, enable nil of G**d's people every where
and that the Heavenly Father was
will have been won. There is no other way to build a city.
| to procure them. They are now pub-
to be effective.
’ *>< 1
really klml and loving that he did not
ll*lic*l In ten <>f the most prominent
In Washington, D. C., which has a most stringent ordinance,
give them worse, though I could not
languages. The tlrst Volume. »»The
rigidly enforced, almost a Sabbath stillness reigned last Fourth
I'liin of tho Ages.” has paaacd the
could hu flor.
of July, yet the celebration was beautiful and patriotic, and press in the establishment, equipment and maintenance of children’s "When I was a child. I spake na a three million mark. I have received
playgrounds. It has an established organization known as "The child; but when 1 became n man, I not one cent of royalty. My life la a
and people were unanimous in praise of it.
very simple one.
My o X| h » iis <» s nro
The adoption of a similar ordinance in Eugene would result Board of Playground Commissioners,” and the secretary's re­ put away childish thing«" (I Corin­ small. I accept no salary nnd take up
thians kill, lb. I naked for the proof
in minimizing the danger from explosives, will prohibit a carna- port, recently issued, gives diagrams of the playgrounds and of ' that anybody could endure au< h suf­ no collections Voluntary donntlona
val of nose, and will make possible a celebratoin which will per­ the scenes in various parts of it. It is equipped with all kinds of ferings and yet live. I auk*s! for the from those who have been blessed by
| my labors supply my ticisls and the
suade every young American that noise and patriotism are not gymnastic apparatus, baseball, football, tennis and basketball proof that our God I* ns unsympathetic 1 surplus goes to the Bible and Tract Ho-
as any devil coultl I»*». My mind rejected
grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, running track, chil­ us Irriitlonnl the whole proposition. I < l*»ty for the general forwarding of It*
“The I’rurnulgatlon of chrl*tlnn
Of course, an ordinance is worthless unless supported by dren s slides, teeter boards, baby swings, giant stride and a said: The God whom I "hall worship work
must be a greater being than myself— Knowledge."
public sentiment strong enough to make it effective. In the in­
Each earnest Chriatlnn who obtain*
greater than any human being, not only
terest of true patriotism and to the end that not another human to play in. There are grandstands, shelter houstf? toilet rooms, In power to execute ills will, but also In ’
Of the.*» |!|l,l '
life may be jeopardiezd, popular support should be enlisted in and all the accessories of a modern playground. The attend­ wisdom to make a wise arrangement I enters Into the treasures of <;>*!'*
ance at this playground averages 1000 children and 400 adults for hl* creatures, nnd also perfect In | W ord nnd ls»come« rich himself in
favor of a rigid enforcement of the ordinance.
Justice to do to them aa he would have , spiritual knowledge nn*l In Joy and
a day.
them do to him. If he wore the crea­ pence of heart Is glml to call the nt-
Does the average American family throw away enough every
day to set the table of a family in almost any other country?
Walter Graham, in the New York Observer, tells how he recently
made a practical test of this often repeated statement, and de­
voted several days to the not very agreable task of visiting and
inspecting the New York garbage cans. Everywhere, he says,
he found the same thing—that enough is thrown away in New
York every day to feed the starving in North China and India.
The Lane County Asset Company is pushing its survey
steadily toward the coast, and will have its proposed Coos Bay
line up to the actual construction point before the summer is
over. This is the most tangible hope for relief that Lane county
people have and they should extend their moral and financial
support to the enterpdise.
It's everybody's duty to stand up and be counted now.
member, this census will stand for ten years.
ture and they tho God. He must also
be perfect In love, the noblest feature
of nny character. 1 aald to myself,
Such must be the God who was the
Creator of our race, for he ha* pro­
duced tn humanity certain degrrea of
these various qualities and he cotlid
not give to man what he does not him­
self [tossess. tor can we suppose that
ho would create tnnn with more Jus­
tice, wisdom, love anil power than ho
himself [H»s»*(»sHes. To that great God
I bowed my heart nnd tnlnd and every
power that I possess. To him I atlll
tentlon of other* to these Bible Keys.
Tints the International clnaaea of Bible
I Student* of nil denomlnntlons In nil
i part* of th*» w’orld nre springing up
nnd n blessed light, we believe, 1* g»»-
' Ing forth from these. BHulatful to nil
who love righteousness and hate In­
iquity. Although J am the regular I»n*
tor of tho Brooklyn Tnlx»rnncle congre­
gation, ther.» are revwral naHlstnnta and
I am privileged to apenk to thinking
Christians of various part* of the
world, especially In the United Htates
Only the Ix>rd know« bow I thank him
for thia privliego of Bcrvlce, nn<1 for
tlw «till larger opportunity afforded m.<
through tho column« of autiw of th«
principal u«wapa|>er« of th« United
' SUtM.
kly sermon* are handled I1Ç a
1 eat«, and I am advlae<l
vised that noWrcbey
appear In nearly Hr« bundml uvwa-
1 tsipon. aggregating a cirvulalhiu of
i alt uillllou coplo«. or. aiWoitlhig to
uawapapar count, thirty million read-
; era. All of those doar people of every
' denomination who do any thinking at
all. 1 am auro have bad aliullar dim.
eultlea to tbuae which I aiparlattood—
dis<ulti«a iu appreciating bow uur
llaaveuly rather could 1» a good y«.
tber, a good God. a loving creator
ami yet provide for Ula human crea-
turra aueb terrible deetlnlaa aa all tho
creed* of the "dark ages" eel forth.
There la wot a thinking Christian In
the world who doe« uot need the cor­
rect understanding of the lllble In
order to lie able to «land In the evil
day that la upou ua. All uevd Io give
bowl Io St. Paul'S words. "lake unto
you the whole armour of God. that
yr may I* able to withstand In the
evil day. and. having done «11. to
atuud" (Epbealaua vl, 13). <hir day
la a blessed one lu re«|>oet to Ila won­
derful op|H>rt uni Ilea and privileges,
but It la an evil one lu the aenae of
lirlug a time of great trial and testing
of faith 1» Christendom.
Thinking tuluda are rejecting the
doctrine of eternal torment and gene*
ally at the aamo time rejecting
Bible and denying that It la th* Mu
spired Word of God.
Ttiree Arar
friend* are atutubllng Into luffdallty
and think that Higher Crltlclam and
Darwln'a Evolution theory are new
What they nr««l is to are that
the true light I* In the lllbb aud that,
wearing our grandfather*' apectaclra.
we Inherit*! tlie Word of God and
wiwtal It to our own Injury aud Io
the haul of our peace of mind aud fel­
lowship with the Father and with the
Son and with the holy Spirit.
Yha Kay to the Scripture*.
Whoever get* the proper undemand­
ing of our text baa lu bls |H*a*<»Mlon
the Key to lhe Bible If he will use
it. passage after passage will ofieti for
bint aud lhe whole Word of God lie-
come* * uew amt glorlou* revelation
of Justice. Wladoin. la>ve and Power
Divine Jonah waa In the H*b a l>*»,dr
tie »*« burled alive It b thia '•Rl
b referred Io In uur text. The woii*
hrll brlly rlgnttj grave Brlly or brllp-
Thu context shows all thia,
telling u* additionally that aea weed a
were w replied about the Prophet'*
bred and that <>»«! heard hb prayer
aud delivered him from the Ml brltn.
or krGppre«*. ea the third day by
caualug the Rab to email hhu up. If
you have a refbeeaee Bible tint* that
tn tb* marg I a thee« la a tWKxsvro to
ike worda of our text, say lug. "He­
brew. the grave.” Ah! «ays oue. Th«
translators merely made a mbtake
and tranalated It Aril when they ahoultl
have translated It grav*»
Y»w. I an­
swer and they made the aame tula-
take lu every caao In which they uanl
the aame word rkrel throughout th«
Old Testament. Aa It la. iM>l la trans­
lated prore more time« than It b tratta-
lated Artl In our Common Veralon; but
ft atxmld t>e traualated proer every time.
There we have the Key to the Bible,
The hell of the Bible, the |>enalty fur ,
«In. la death, th« grave, the tomb 9V
la not an everlasting hell, for apeclnl’
Scriptures declare that «Srel tkelli ahall
bo deotrnyed. ”| will ranaom them
from tho power of the prorr |«*«ol>; I
I will redeem them from death; o death,
| I n III lie thy plague«; O grave <«*eol.
Arffi I will t>e thy doatnictlon" ftloara
' till. Hl. St I’atll quotea thia prophecy
tn conjunction with hb great dlacmtrow
oo lhe reanrrectlon. "O death, when
la thy atlng? O grotr ihurtrn where Is
thy victory” (| Cortnthbna xv. ADi.
We aee. deer frlenda. what our dear
Redeemer aulforvd on our Imbalf to re-
I'’I* from the penalty for Bin Ila
did not go io eternal torment for our
| Hina. He did go Into ahrel. Into hodca.
Into the gear«. “Chrlat died for our
"Ina. according to the HcTlpturre" tl
Corl tit Nana xv, 3i. Thue G««l haa pro­
vided for the rsenrrcctlon of the dead
all mankind, “both of the /u*t amt of
the un)u»t " The bi»t are the Church,
the aalnta. The uxfunt Include all oth­
er«. The blmal of Jrmia will avail for
the release of every member of tho
rime from the great penally of death.
Now It ot>er:iies umler a «|>eclal call
to the anlntly few who are Invited t
become Joint heirs with the Redeemer
In hla groat Kingdom which shortly la
Io blear* nil the fumllhm of the earth —
not only those then living, |>ut nlao alt
who have gone down to the tomb, Tho
general resurrection win not la- an lu-
ataritane* ua one. ua In the caw of the
It will Is* n gradual o^u hi
two aenaea.
ill All will not corns forth nt onw^ *
but. m tin* Apostle fbslari'H.
man In hla own order.*” company or
band (1 Corinthians xv. ”.1i,
C.’i It will l>e gradual In the aenae
that the awakening from the tomb will
be but th*» beginning of the r*»aurr«s»-
lion of the world
During the thou­
sand year* of ciirtaf» reign all who
will give hcetl to 111* Imtruetlou* mid
tHHlstanee may rl e grmlnnlly up. up.
Up nnd by tlie'clore of the lillletllilnill
they will rem li the full perfis'tloti and
Inuigi» of t;*d lost l>y Fnther Adam
through dl«o|>.»dl<»n<»o. The unwilling,
those rels.lllous
(h,, nc||t b(|- f(|1
ly com.» up ,,i them, will l>*> destro.visl
In the Second D-nth. from which there
will Is» 11» recovery. They will |a»r1ah
na the hrnte benata.
So. then, let uh learn a lemon from
Jonnh’a words, not forgetting the oth­
er leaaon mentioned by our Lord alws
h” dnclnrea that Jonah's experlen. Mt
In the grave-the l-eliy of the (lah. amf
hla reienae therefrom - foreshadowed
hla own experience* |n the tomb and
H I m rrmirrertlnn In power and tfreat
Slory on the third day.