THE EUGENE WEIKLY GUARD, THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1910 I J. Barnum, bridge work, 2 50 .lames Woro, asst, sheriff . . 138.00 .'tn Kreiter. r«».td work... 40.00 Juntos Jackson. «i»ee. deputy ♦ BUSINESS CARDS 5.00 Geo S Lamm, road work.. 20.00 sheriff ..................................... <; t:> Chas V llenneay, sups. . .. Oren Davis, asst, tax collocu­ M. Itentte, roud work............. 9 00 73.00 tor ............................................. Mew V» °“*- List of Claims Passed Upon and . A Wlnjum, road work... 7 50 Geo. W. Norris, asst, tax col­ Fills l .Stleiw common gU« w,,h 48 00 Fred Seherler, road work . . 9.75 lector .............................. water au.l l«l it stand tw«nlv fouz hour», Approved at March FDR bAI.K—«'onlinucd. FOR SALK G. C. Millett, sup». . ;............. 58 50 C. M. An trews as-vt sheriff. 19.70 u buck vu« Store F ok ' sa I z E—Oats and hay. S. L FOR 3ALJB — Sing!« top buggy; 166 65 R J. I'help« road work.... I 75 K. U laiiinty clot k stringy m milky would take part payment tn good Bond. Irving. Ore. Pboue Farm J. 75.00 Mrs. Peter Nye. rock ............. A Fouutaln, dop. co. clerk 91.00 appeataaceoft*** [" till,Y KU - AHornsy at-law; offlc« Following is the list of claims al- wood. 316 E. 14th street. era 14. a36 8. K. Skene, dop. co. clerk.. 75.00 iiKiivütr« un uii « * over Yoraii's Shoe store, Euaeus lowed, for which warrant» were W. J. Hamtuond, land for Asliing llovde, dep. co. clerk. 65.00 hrultliv coudh ■■UK 8ALK—Cruiser report blanks; drawn at the March term o< Lane 86 00 road .......................................... Ore. . NURSERY STOCK—F. A. Peach, tmu oí the kith best aud most complete form at county's court: S. W. Prindel, lumber .... 106 33 Hulda Peterson, seat. co. resident about Salem Nursery Co. clerk .......................................... «5.00 LEON R. KDMUN8ON, Altornuy al­ nev»; too fre ­ 1 «0 Griffin Hdw. Co., aupa.......... The Guard Office. Rom! Accouut Office 436 Willamette street, tf 50 00 ia*. rooms I and 3. Eugen« Iatan quent deetre to 68 00 Clara Lee. asst. co. clerk... Joel T. Bray, road work . . $ 9 25 E. T. Ryckniiin. road work. « Sating» Danil building. (MM» it or pain to _»iv o.Wrj XL.Xv rtA.TVrra - 33.00 Ethel Graham, aast. Co. Clerk 35 00 14 00 Newton L. Reed, road work. Walker Lebow »tore, sups. FOR BALE -Meat market in Eugene 39.00 the lM< k ars also svi mptom» timi tell vou good 8-room house for good tim­ John B Bray, road work . . . 3 55 Lou Clinton, asst. co. clerk. 4 00 A. A. Hollenbeck, repairs. . H P NKHH l.awy«r; rooms 14 and clearing $300 per month. Address 36 00 the kidnsv» aud blnth dder out of order ber tend; phone Red 7341, Resi­ J. R. Jnowler, road work.. 1 50 Edna Rash. usst. co. clerk. . . — aze ---------------- «0 00 G. N. Fraser, road work.... 15, Eugene lx>an A Having« bank V. W„ cf Guard. Zula Rlchardaon, aast. co. dence 837 W. 6th st., Eugene. al3 E. W. N«taon, road work .. 5.50 aud u»»d attention 8.75 L. Roth, road work ....... annex Phone Iteri 3 881. clerk .................... ................... 13.75 Wbat To Do. V. F. Hebert, road work ... 133 50 FOR SALE—An 8x10 camera, with FOR SAl.E—.Every article manufac­ John G. Monkbaus, road Scliool Huperititemlrtlt'a Account 7.00 Ira Harrington, road work. There i» comfort in the knowledge •<> 8 ft work ........................................ attachments. Mrs. H. W. Schenck, \\ It Itollttr.l, s.-Ii.tol supt 100 00 often expreaaed, that Dr. Kilmer » II F IIOI.M q UIBT Attorney - al- tured by the WatkiM Co. at 31 1 5.00 W. Il Wolf, road work .... 31.36 W. B. Dillard, traveling exp. . Ed Bundy, road work .......... law. Room 3, Merciinula Bank Junction City, Or. da2wa7 50.00 Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, East Sixth street. Phone Red W. P. Wilson, road work . 37.35 Chas. Dunulng, road work.. 4 8.50 Building Janitor Accouut 2861. *13 Ralph Sheldon, road work. 20.00 fulhlls almoet «very w.sli in correcting Walter Eddy, road work... 5.»3 50.00 rheumatism, pain in the hack, kidneys, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Tim­ 23.50 Win. Sherman, janitor .... Hebert, ’ road work. . . . 6.75 J. C. ” G. E. Sherman, road work-. L M TRAVI8, Alloruey-«i-»aw. of. Jail Aecoaut ber land to exchange for Eugene FOR SALE—Rhode Island red eggs, John Seherler, road work . 22 50 Harry liver, bladilet and every part of tin- urinary Hebert, road work... 4.50 flee over Kugeue ixien A 75 per setting. $5 per hundred.; Ava Al Heltiinan. repairs . . . 7 15 |Mt»sagc. Corrode inability to bold water real estate. 929 Farry street, tf 8.00 A. “ C. Jennings, viewer .. . 10.50 Hank, Eugene. Ore. Joseph Nurre, College hill, E.- W. E. Sheldon, road work.. Win Sheruiun, »tools for jail 5.00 anil scalding j>ain in |>a»«4iig it. or had 8.00 J. T Donelson, viewer . . . 3.75 a30 Chambers Hdw. Co., sups. . gene; phone Farmers’ 265. G. H Yerington, ■' FOR SA1JC—Restaurant near depot sups., .4 0 effects following use oi liquor, w ine or « D ALLEN. Attorney at-law, otti.« 15.00 M C. Collier, co surveyor.. 26.00 J. Farnham, road work . . . at (Xtage Grove; a good busi­ .50 Ikccr, ami overcomes tllut unpleasant nr 4.00 i W. A. Kuykendall, sups. over Larawsr's lewrlrv store. 55$ 8.50 W. Hensen, chainman .......... 'll. L. Bown. board of prison­ ness. Address E. Raison, Cottage FOR SALE—One of the most choice Emery Ross, bridge work.. 4.00 ceaaity of taring coni|wlled to go often J. H. Robertson, chalmnau . Willamette street. I'houe Blqck acre tracts in Blair Street addition. 5.85 M. L. Wallace, bridge lumber ers ................................................ Grove. al 3 139.32 through tlie day, ami to get up many Reasonable price, with easy terms C. D. Maxwell, road work . .75 A. Patterson, axman or 3881. I Brownsville Woolen Mill 4.00 times during tlir night. Tile mild and marker ..................................... See any real estate dealer. tf W. H. Davis, road work . . .75 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN — A Store, blaakets .................... 9.00 immediate etlect of Sw»mp-Root 1» r t WINTEUMEtER, Attorney at- 4 00 12.00 M H. Hill, axman or marker Smith America organ in good con­ Elmer Limb, road work.. Court House ami Park A<< 'OU lit law; laud tlilea and probate •;>»► auoii renli id It st;:mla t'.ic iilglieM •>* 60.00 L. S. Roseberry, axman or dition. Mrs. Scobert, 113 West Sev­ BUSINESS FOR SALE —Bowling al­ C. B. Ryvkmau, road work Flint McLaughlin Co. de.»)« . 40.00 ley and first-class cigar store; good W. »1. Harris, road work.. 4 00 claltlea Office over Eugene Real marker ................................... of its rcmnrkaide 2.25 enth street. Phone Red 5602. al7 • mi cause business below invoice cost; easy L. H. Brocks, road work . . 8.00 Williams Transfer, hauling. Estate ami Intestnieni Co health re tormg pro]», C. Jennings, viewer .... 3.00 Geo. Hall A* Son. sups ............. .75 terms. C. Nadeau. 529 Willamette 8.00 J. T. Donelson. viewer .... FOR SALE—7Sxl50 feet on Oregon ertica. if you need n ¡George .Mldgley, suits ............. ' .65 VKKNI'N PARNON8 Reul prop- street. a8 80.00 medicine you should \ agaric« of a Fold—Y ou can net M. Collier, co surveyor. . . avenus; shade trees, deep well, Light, Mater anti Fuel Account sty probst* and corporation law 3.00 have the treat. Sold by er be quite sure where a cold is go­ George Hawley, chainman . only 7 blocks from Central school, Stat*, federal and land office prac­ 3.00 City of Eugene, water dtp.. druggist» ill fifty cent price only $¿00. Terms. J. W. Zim­ FOR SALE—1 3-4 and 134 Skein ing to hit you. In the tall and winter Karl Girard, chainnian .... water sorvtcea ....................... 24.00 and one-»loltar sizes. wagon. 1 top buggy and single It may settle in the bowels, producing J. K. McKIncey. road work. . tice Phon« Main «I, Eugen*. Or. 1.50 merman, 626 Willamette st. harness. All will ba sold cheap. severe pain. Do not be alarmed nor J. F. Dick, road work .......... 00 1 Northwestern Corporation. You may have«»ample larttle »ent free February light services... 40.70 '>y mail. Address Dr. k timer X Co , Bing­ QKOHGK II. UORRI8, Attorney at. Eugene Brick Yard, Tel. Farmers torment yourself with fears of ap­ Joe LoBlue, road work . . BONDS FOR SALE- $2000 in Eu- 5.50 law, office Hovey building, corn­ 345. a-11 pendicitis. At the first sign of a Oakridge Lbr Co, lumber. . gene school bonds for $1950. Ap­ hamton. N V. Mention tins |»t|r Kilmer a Swamp er Elgblh and Willamette slre-tg, ply to M. WasTLntne, Fisk flats. 3.50 cramp take Perry Davis' Painkiller R. E. Veltum. road work. . INVESTIGATE THIS — $25 per acre City water dept., Jauuary wa ­ rooms 1 aud 1. uplealra. East Eleventh street. tf K<»g, and the a l ire», llingUamlutl, 17.95 will buy one of the most desirable in warm, sweetened water and relief Raytnon Monroe, road work . ter services ............................ 6 00 N. Y., ou cvety bottle. 19 25 stock ranches In I UM county. comes at once. There Is but one Pain­ Earl Johnson, road work... WOODCOCK A I’QTTMR AtUirueys- FOR SA1«E—When you want to buy G. W. Hunter Electric Co., 16 20 Elmer Ixiwe. roa«l work . . . Within 2 S miles of Eugene; good killer, Perry Davis'. al-la«, A C Woodcock and K O. lamps acre tracts in the beet location in 6 45 17.87 Roy Johnson, road work .... fruit land. Inquire of owner. 232 Potter, Office 18 West Ninth M.. Eugene, call at 413 Willamette AsM'sMiient anti Tax Collecting Ac. PORTLAND CHAMBER 24 50 T. A. Mci^llan. road work.. E 11th street. Eugene. Or. tf W’ANTED—< iwilmvl. Eugeue, Or. street. Mark Fleming Co. al4 [ count 60.00 D. Meavs. road work............. Archie W. Livermore, extend­ OF COMMERCE FAVORS I’At'L MERRILL. Attorney and FOR SALE—A limited quantity of FOR SALE—White Wyandotte eggs WANTED—Men ana teams to draw­ John M. Rennie. sut>a............ ing taxrolls............................ 75.20 3.00 L. Beatty, gravel ............. J. for hatching. Orders filled in or ­ counsellor at law; rootua 8 aud 10, pure bred White Leghorn eggs wood. E M. Johnson, 766 Oak st . P. W. Cudney, road work . . g I ■ M 8. Wallis, extending tax der received. Send in your order for setting; from a fine laying rolls ........................................... OPEN SHOP POLICY McClung building, corner Eighth 60.00 phone Black 2 721. aS W Tate, lumber .................... 2.53 now so you may have your egg» strain, $1 per sitting of 15. Mrs. end Willamette a 1rs*la, Eugene, Printing Account Bridge Account when you want them. W. C. W. B. Pinkerton, Phone Red 1572 Or. Telephone lied 1151. WANTED—A strong capable gtrl for Page's Prompt Printery, j Steamer L. Roscoe, freight Lyans, 303 W 19th st. I | >ne house work, Mrs. Mathews, 71 W. printing ................................... 6.25 I ’ ortland. April 6. A strong reso ­ FOR SALE—A good rubber-tired in­ JESSE C WELLS, lawyer; 4SI Wll- Black 4321. tf 75.00 on lumber ............................ 9th street. a7 C. C. Page, printing............... 26.75 lution, committing the Influence of valid chair, easy running, never Ismeti« street. Elisene, Or. (Uvee ' Oregon A- Cal. Lbr Co., lum ­ Cottage Grovu l.eader, pub ­ the Chamber of Commerce to keep been used. Price $2 7. Call at FOR 8ALE—One good lot with two TO TRADE—Improved Eugene prop­ spécial stteutlon to the examins- ber ........................................... 203 31 lishing ...................................... 2.00 Ing Portland an "open »hop" city »« < houses new and plastered, with Mrs. Felderworth, 338 Second and erty for small place not more thnn Hurd Lbr. & Nav. Co., pre­ M • U it'lni of »1'1» Yoran'a Printing House, ptg. 130 15 passed bath, toilet, good well, and barn, yesterday morning nt the r< >. Jefferson. it j five or six miles out. Address XJP. 73 00 Register Pub Co., publishing 56.40 ■ottllng of estate«, convayaneea paring raft lumber .......... chicken park; some fruit; good ular monthly meeting of the board of care Guard. dal3wa21 10.00 Guard Printing Co., ptg.......... aud collectkinz Also to all pen­ E lg«M Lbr Co . sups............ FOR SALE OR TRADE—A ~ J. W. Marksbury, agent. Phone ’ Jamea A. Austin, supr.... bett, E. L. Thompson and A. C. Cal- fice» 12. 18, 14 and 15. McClung 72.50 , D. T. Spores, supr................. board ................................... . . 40.00 1 Ian. chicken house, other outbuildings, and Adams streets. Huddleston ad- i Red 2861. al7 building 72 50 I D. T. Spores, supr................. <'ounty Cominiusioncrt»' Account deep well, go d location. Address dition; 1 block from school; offer-1 With the delegation the trtinti«« 10.00 H. D. Edwards, co. com . . . 7 1 ed cheap if taken at once. Address W. S. Matto s, R. D. No. 4, box WANTED—500 acres of unimproved J. T. Henners, supr............... I N il Alt II AUGII, At tur Dey at-law; went over the local altuatlon. It »11» 24.50 11 M Price, co. com............ . . 73.00 7s Washington street. tf 14, Snohomish, Wash-. a27 fruit land; must be well cleared Ira Bray, supr....................... «; ■ cial attrulluu given to divorças recited thut labor agitators are In 2.50 ---------------------------- - ------ --------------------- Insane Account and in good location. Must be H. Rebmen, supr.................... Mid »ettlement of retale» Agent Portland stirring up the various trade 5.50 F W. Prentice, ex. Insane. FOR SALE—12 foot oak extenlson FOR SALE—Here’s a fine home. It’s 5 00 unions right kind of soil for apple raising. Jesso Wallace, supr............... to strike for a "closed «hop ’ t 1 o'! MuraaM Conpa 12 50 D. A. Paine, ex. Insane . . table. Morris chair, book case,. one of the best in Eugene; it’s 5.00 policy throughout the dty and stat. Quote us your lowest price and give John A. Lawrence, supr. . . n> Room 5. First National Bank 2 5 0 small gasoline stove, electric flat I Tax Rebate Account worth $6.000, but $2.500 cash will good description. Hammond-Dur­ H. W. Welbke, supr______ I F The resolution panned unanimously building. Eugene. Or. 20 00 Fred Fisk, redempt. of del. iron and a few other household < handle the deal. If you are look­ yea Realty Co., Room 3, Mer­ Otto Morton, supr............... - 12.50 articles all going cheap, 385 East; ctf W. H. Larimer, supr.......... 6 00 A full statement of the po»ltlon taken ing for something new. thoroughly chants'Bank bldg. al 2 tiy the chamber on th«< question will AIU HI TM TH. 40.00 Geo. S. Hall, refund of taxes 12th street. a7 j modern and ideally located, see J B. Hills, supr.................... . be issued later Until then th* full FOR RKNT. I’auiwr Account and costs................................. 136 text Page, 626 Willamette st. tf of the resolution will not bo T. G. HIRD. ARCHITECT, of many FOR SALE—Fine inside property for Geo. T. Hall, Sr., redempt. of Williams & Williams, pau- sale; 80x160 feet, with a good res- FOR SALE—76 angora goats. 60 FOR RENT—7-room house, furni­ years experience In Hen Francisco. tax certf.................................... 8 95 known, or will th* extent of tho prie 3.90 :■ sup» .............................. posed action to be taken. idenoe, corner of 7th aud Pearl [ ture and household goods for sale. Now permanently located la the head nannies. 16 billies, some of <*trvuit t’oxirt Account Mrs. M. E. Russell, care of at rests; just 116 feet from the new 429 Olive stret. tf Chrrrj building Room II Plaue them registered, all well bread. 305.00 Simon Klovdahl, repairing paupers ................................. Osburn betel. Inquire of J. O. •nd specification» prepared for mapa. etc................................... They are unsbeared; will take $3 FOR RENT: — Furnished flat, strict­ M C. Smith, pauper sups.. is oo SUPREME COURT 5.00 Watts at Watts Jewelry C*. tf reinforced concrete and steel per head. Also have shearing ma­ Miecellaneous .»«count 21.50 ly modern. Schneider ’»kick, Eu­ Day & Beardsley, services. . frame». Ainu al) other kind» of chine. cost me $30. has been used Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co., drayage 3.07 JARS PINCHOT POLICY FOR SALE—15 acres good bottom gene, O’egon. tf Ax Billy Dept. Store. I>auper building» tf. one season. C. 6. Sparks, Blue 4.28 Pacific Coast Stamp Works, ......................................... land, just outside city on the river River, Oregon. a24 FOR RENT—Six room house, 4 Helmus W. Thompson, pau­ dating machine .................. 5 00 road, about 3 acres of bearing J R FORD Architect. 37 West 7th blocks from Central school. $12 3 00 Pacific Tel. * Teleg. Co., per sups ......................... .. .. . Washington. March 6 The recent pears, apples and prunes. Price FOR SALE—4-room bouse and cor­ at Phon* Black 3433. Eugens. Or. Feb. tel. »ervice» ............. 4« 90 d<>dnt<>n of th* United Htates supreme permonth, 318 White Temple bldg. Eugene Gen. Hospital, ser^ $4,000. Melvin Hansen, 14 E 8th ner lot, 60x150; high and dry; a a8 ' vices ...................................... 70.29 Western Union Tel. Co., ser­ court that the forent service Is with ­ street. a8 sightly location; fruit and shade HOUSE FOR RENT—Furniture for I’RVHKTANH AM» HIIUON8 vices ......................................... 4 82 out nuthorlty to prosecute criminally W. T Gordon, burial of pau­ trees; well of good water; pump in 2 25 persons who violate their regulations 25’00 Bailey & Knowles, sups . . . sale. A big bargain for some one. FOR SALE OR TRADE—160 acres per .......................................... house; 2 blocks from proposed *p4*8tate«,8 ■ t ctnfwyp blds fair to undermine much of the C. II CANNON. M D Homeopath'« Furniture car. be bought on time W. M. Green, pauper «ips. . of the best farm land in Persimon 6.00 ♦ street car line; 4 blocks west of physician Chronic dl»c»a«*« at.q Fruit In>>|M*ctor Account If wanted. Addreie 0. R. C., Guard I Bangs Livery Co., services; . Flat. Woodward County, Okla­ work of the ex-forester. Gifford Pin Price. $1500. Willamette street. • iseazra of woman and children a office. homa. Will sell or trade for 3.75 I J. Beetie. co. Fruit in»|><’ctor. 96 2 5 chot, and may and probably will re­ claimed $6.75; allowed . . Corner 19th st. and Harrison av. i’oxtagc and Expreasagi- Account apoclally. Electric, Vibratory and Springfield or Eugene real estate. Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co., pauper sult In a more or less complete reor ’ my6 FOR RENT—New and finely fur­ Ughi treatn m < Itti» •, aulte 305. 22.00 W. B. Dillard, postage and ex- ganlzatioti of the methods of the lor-I O. Kaurin, Springfield, Ore. sups ........................................... 808 - 1 ’ «mi \\ h.t,, i. nished rooms on first and second L. M. I^hrbach. medical ser­ 10.00 eat service. pressage ................................... A BARGAIN — 520 acres of land. 4 FOR SALE —Pure bred S. C. Rhode floors; single and In suites; for Phon« Slam 540 Boarda Hoffman 2.50 22.15 R. E. Eastland, postage .... This decision, coming from th*I vices ........................................... miles southwest of Eugene, Ore., Island Red eggs; stock from the light housekeeping. Light .heat, John Powell, pan tier allow­ B. F. Keeney, postage nnd Ilona«. Phon« Main II tf highest court In the land, leaves no' for sale at $25.00 per acre. If not famous Filberts Poultry Yards. $2 bath, hot and cold water; 2 blocks €‘X¡)roMMag»‘................................. 3.05 question as to the Illegality of the 8.00 ance ........................................... sold by April 15 will be sub ­ per setting, delivered to any part, from Willamette st. 136 E. 7th Siuslaw Lbr. Co., Feb. pau­ Blllnilre Bro»., expressage. . . .70 multitudinous acts of Mr. Plnchot. divided and sold In smaller tracts of the city. Mrs. M. E. Carter, street. tf 10.00 H. L. Bown. stamped envel- and »ustnln» th* complaint long made per SU|MJ..................................... at a much advanced price. Call Kincaid Park, Eugene. mws tf opea ........................................... DR. Il I, BTI Dl.EY. Office rooms 10.62 on or address own»r, 232 E. 11th PASTURE FOR RENT—Wc are tak­ 1 Eugene hospital, services . . 158.2 4 1’»hink liooks, StatloiK-ry, Etc., Ar- In the Went that the forest service corner of wiir arrogating to Itself (lowers w hich street, Eugene. tf ing in all kinds of stock to pas­ I W. Kuykendall, M. D., ser­ FOR SALE—The Guard Job printing count Ninth aud Oak. Phone Main 58». 23.00 could be exercised by congre«» alone vices ........................................... ture on the E M Warren place. department is prepared to turn out Residence 527 Pearl, i’houe Black 5.00 Glass A Prudhomnie, blalk And. Incidentally, the supreme court 2 1-2 miles south west. See man In Nicklin A Holt, sups............... all kinds of commercial stationery, FOR SALE—Good 8-room house, 3297. book» . . . «.............................. 121.00 has placed Its stamp of approval on Aswe««,>r's Account plastered, toilet, bath, electric charge on place. G. W. Grow, roam books aud phamplet work, prompt­ Gia»» ti Prudhomnie, blank lights, good wood shed, good barn, many of the contentions of Senatorl DR ANNA 3. box 20. tf Stella Wilkinson, assessor's ly and under the supervision of ex­ books, etc................................. 108.80 Hepburn, reiterated limo nnd again | MAURER. Oateopathlo 48.00 cement side walks and paved sts. c lerk ...................................... p!: ; pert workmen. Prices are always Gltiss A- Prtidhomme. blank All curable dlaeaaee All paid for; some fruit and ber­ FOR RENT—Nicely furni.h.d ale»q»- . Lena B. Stewart, salary for In his seven-year fight. reasonable. treated, i books ........................................ 4 001 Women aud children a 50 00 1 Ing apartments In n*w house, with ries. good lot. 66x220; south and February. 1910 .................. specialty. Allen Eaton, stationery .... 9.70 Office over F. E. East front. This is a snap If taken all modern improvements; pleas­ Martna A. Schooling, salary IMPORTANT RI!Ql EST FOR SALE—Some of the best acres Duan's. ; Phone lied 1631. 75.00 E Schwarzschild, office sups 11.15 at once. Price $3 500, terms reason ant and comfortable; close In. En­ for February, 1910............. in Eugene are in the McClaren Allen Eaton, blnnk books 1 31 00 ab'e. 214 White Temple bldg. a6 quire at 496 Washington street, B. F. Keeney, salary fc-r Feb­ tract. Buy now before they are all There having been no authentic WALLER * SMITH Mr» Olive 15.00 corner W. 7th. tf ruary. 1910 .......................... 125.00 Irwln-Hoilson Co.. 1000 P.O.H. gore. We handle the best farms record made or kept of tho ownership Waller. Ml».» A. M Bmltli O»leo- Truoiit Qfifcrr Account Witness Account in Lane county. Also lets and city FOR SALE—ii3 acres within 1 1-3 of burial lots of the Masonic cem­ patblc phy»l< Ian», graduate» of the miles of city limits. The same kind FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms, Oscar Haller, witness............. 2.00 F. H. Snodgrass, truant officer 10.00 1 etery of Lane county, or the Inter- 1 property on easy terms. Mark American Hcbool of Osteopathy of 2.20 of land and within % mile of land with bath, beat, hot and cold wa­ A. L. Vaughn, witness.......... 2 00 F. T. Plank, truant officer. . . Fleming Co., 412 Willamette st. tf nients made therein, and the matter Kirksville, Mo .Cherry block Sixth . —■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - that sold last week for $500 per ter furnished; gas Btove, electric Ed Vaughn, witness ............. of such record of ownership and a • nd Willamette Hu, phone Mal« acre. This is unimproved land, lights; most modern tn town. C. L« Bakt FOR SALE—50 acres, within two 1 80 NOTICE OF FILING OF TOWNSHIP further record of tho names of all de­ ............ 741. Residence Phones Red 4211 with the exception of about 1 acre Phone or call at Marx barber shop, miles of First National Bank; new PLAT Justice Account ceased persons Interred in such cem­ and Red 5161. full grown orchard and ten acres tf house and barn; only 660 feet H. D. Bauzhman, making etery Is of grave importance to the slashed. Mostly red soli. This is a from town lots selling at $250 to 2.00 Department of the Interior, July list ................................. owners of lots nnd to the public. MIXCKELA N B< »Ila I I'MlKRTAKEIM $350; will sub-divide this in 10- good Investment at $60 per acre. United States l.and Office, J. E. Banton, making jruy Therefore, all persons who are In­ J. W. Zimmerman, 626 Willamette acre tracts at $200 per acre. Geo 2.00 Roseburg, Oregon, March 16. 1910. Uei ............................................. -On iiupruv terested directly or indirectly In such Bt. Melvin Miller, corner 8th and Wil Notice Is hereby given that the fol­ lots or Interments are respect fully re­ I AY * HENDERSON, undertakers farms S. D. Allen. * tf I. G. Powell, making jury • nd embalmerB corner Wlllarn- lamette streets, upetairs. 3.00 lowing township has been surveyed, quested to call on or communicate list ............................................. etl5 pared to receive applications for the Y. D. HENSILL, MINING ENGINEER« to go In debt beyond a limited Springfield greenhouxe. Telephone John Dunks, constable .......... entry of th* unreserved and unap- 6.00 D. L. CARTMELL, amount, or give a mortgage, WANTED—-By young lady, position Main 54 tf proprlatcretary 566 Olive st. al8 ity. See display, 5GG Olive st. IIos- Joe Nichols, spec. dep. sheriff 10.00 1 pll< littori» for permit» to grase cattle, If not sold soon will withdraw. Dated March .'! 1. 1910. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER — 16.07 POBtai Tai. C >.. services .... elton & Taylor. al 8 Geo. Melvin Miller, room 20, car. W.ANTED—Any one desiring spad bora*» and sheep within the CASCADE J. O HOLT, Secretary. Experienced workman; OKtlmat»» [NATIONAL FOREST during tho eca- Sth and Willamette. Eugene Fruit Growers’ Ass'n Ing, grading and landscape garden­ R. E. OVERMAN. Haisey, Ore^. legal Archie W. Livermore, asst. furnished; Innldo work a special tax co!........................................ HiJri of 1 910, must lx- filed In my offli » »30. ing, call on Chas. Endicorf, 463 A-!v!s*r In land titles, member of Thomas Ball°y, spec. dep. FOR SALE New 8 room plastered • at Eugene, Oregon, on or before April tlitlon **V7 ” rf1r,',T’' Prompt at- Charnelton street Phon<> Black the National Co-operative Realty house, just finished on a full cor­ sheriff ................................... 20.00 1, I91>). Full Information In regard umion. Edgnr Marlin. 392 Law- 4532. I also do sewer work. tf notice . to the grazing fee» to bn charged and [ rmie* »treat, Oregon. Co. Notary Public for Oregon, and Lloyd Howe. spec. d«-p. sher­ ner lot facing south and east, only blank forms to be u»ed In making ap- I am the owner of a few land op­ 9 blocks frotr the High school. WANTED—Will receive and pay for 37.50 iff ............................................... The great trotting stallion Ixiva- plication» will b* furnished upon re- tion contracts that. I have with the Albert Keopp, services.......... This house Is well built through­ 1 0.00 quest. M inio teacher « any quantity of balm wood sh '». I' ’c and tho big I’ercheron drafter view of selling, which I will show John West, serving papers. . out, has concrete foundation, am­ 27.5 0 •ble for excelsior, piled on county CLYDE It. SEITZ. Voloco. will make the »*»»<>n of 1910 anyone Interested, what I am get­ D. S ple porches; good well and arrang­ 4.40 wml 7 heriff, services Supervisor. road within ten miles of Eugene at Man Tn' / ToBChw»« In Eugene, Oregon at the Faiir ting for the use of my «HMM] ed for lights, bath and toilet. A Geo. D Fisk, dep. sheriff.. 78.00 Investors Flood Portland, 2.75 per cord. Eugene Excelsior Mt ¿’i"' »nd Banjo C1ut>« ground.» If you wl»h to mak« reser- I have a large list of W. J. Russell, sheriff, ser­ bo doing. beautiful reception hall, parlor, E. Hocker, mnnager of the land v«'lon for breeding see L. Rlckel at r 2I Co. en«rtte