rp r- F I * IE EUGENE W1 EKLY GU ARD VOLUME 34 EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAJ pa in tigers, bound from Amsterdam o \\ I banquet of the Fellow, ship clul> < f that city. DU;CH LINER PRINZ WILLELMI WRECKED OFF FRANCE STATES TO FIX BOUNDARY LINE Washington, Mur< h II Senator Jones of Washington today present­ 'd u joint r<-*>lutloii authorizing the states of Oregon and Washington to agi<*e to an Interstate boundary Hue Thia resolution Is the result of a Joint petition from the governors of I *■ * doubt as to Ul< the Dutch liner. Prinz Wl Wreckage bciirlng the ship's has been picked up st llelle Isle, off the coast of France Hhe carried 53, crew and are under the control of the man on 1 . at the office. None but the members cau go Into rooms. Doors are controll' ii ■ ,«c- trie push buttons conv« nlent ced under the counter. Notice $ an- nuncla'lon system connecting wlth all the dormitory room*. $ the seven speaking tub««. One r>ng will indicate that «he man In ti » lorml- tory is wanted at lhe telephone, two rings that he is wantfl at ti.e office Note the maple flooring which la used pracilcally on all of »“■ first floor of the building. Note the II- brary and the corresponding room Splendid Building Opened opening out of the men's lobby. Newrpsp» rs. game« and comfortable chairs will make this an attractive Inspection by the Public place to »pend spare time. Free ch« ck room next to tne gymnasium This Afternoon <1 or. Notice sanitary drinking tain. 2. Enter boys* association room, Eugene's magnificent Y M C. A. — Magazines. games and social building wrs thrown open for In- room». C Examine _____ ._________________ the stsirwsy down spcctl.u by the public this afternoon to the boys' locker room and (he at two o'clcck and hundreds if citi­ door which is controlled by elec­ zen.: availed themselves of the oppor- tric __ puah __ _______ __ ___ button. __________ Pass through boys* (unity to go through the stru< ture. I club room to general recretary’s oi- After rhe opening of tbo building. | f|rl. the buildlug committee met and 3. Physical director's office.— formally turned the structure over Anthroprometrlc apparatus. to the ixiurd of trusters. Tonight the 4 Natatorlum—45x18. Kept at a formal dedication services will be temperature of 70 degrees, 3 feet b«ld to which the public Is Invited. 6 Inches to 8 feet 6 inches deep. The room la exceptionally well lighted « I. iuikv lu Program. There has been a change in rhe and ventilated. Fresh water is run program for the week In that ladles* into the tank every morning Thor­ day will be Friday Instead of Thura- oughly cleaned once a week. Shower day and the reception to th»* I'nlver- baths required before entering the slty students will be held Thursday tank. Diving platform and spring­ Instead of Friday. W. H, Day, In­ board to be provided. 5. Boy's locker room Which ternational Indus rial secretary of th* V M C. A will speak In t addl- Is to be used also by the girls and lion t> II. W. Stona. at the i exer- t: e women In their classes. Ix>ckers, large well-lighted shower room. cite» tonight. k Men's locker room Large enough !•»•»» i ij.llon of Building. for 500 lockers If that number Is ev­ T c following directions tor the er needed. The association now has rec ptli n committee contain a good 200 lockers with expanded metal description of the building: doors, combination lock, and three I Entet men', association room. way locking device. XII members N 1« the excel l»*nt location of the over 18 dress in this room Each hu»>ln> «* office, making It possible pay- $10 per year and a small extra to have a close supervision of both fee for locker. the men's and boy’s departments at Heating plant—Small furnace for on»* time. All »ho enter either of the lobbies, or go up or down stairs. (Continued on Page Six.» Easter For Fridu 1000 yards Moire Plaid and up to B inches wide; all popular prices from 35c to BOc the yard, F the yard ............................................... Maybe your choice of a spring dress calls for th« materials of which to make it. Our Dress Goods section is teeming with the newest in the laad. Very pretty and serviceable materials—Berges, Diagonals and Wool Taffetas are pouular. Prevailing shades are reseda, tans. gray, navy, brews, mustard and pearl Ths yard ............................. 50c to $1.50 Lingerie Ribbon* ■xelusive Patterns $10.00. $12.00 and $16.00 Tailored Linen Waists Good weight, fine quality, exceptionally well-tailor­ ed, back of this waist is out guarantee; ea . $2.50 Sleeveless Vest cach....................................... 12 I-2c New Veiling New shades, new and popular mesh; yd. 2 5 & BOc - Evening Dresses Exquisite one-piece dresses for extra occasions, made of deli­ cate shades of Meaaallne Silk In maiae, sky, lavender, pearl; also white Allover Net each............................. $25.00 to $60.00 The Making of ■> ......... , . -------- 4 ■ ---------- Your Spring Clothes Now that you're ready to have us set the ball rolling with new 8pring Clothes, we're ready to do it. We intend to open your eyes and your pocketbook by such a showing of fine clothes as you've never seen before at such prices as will make being well-dr ssed so easy that you can't afford to be anything else. This spring we've made effort to pre­ pare for our friends an unusual display and £ ock of the finest clothes we can find— A well-dressed boy Is a better boy. He feels more mnnly, has a better opinion of himself (so will you) nnd will make a better record any­ where. When you get his a suit get him a BOY PROOF SUIT He ll keep up his reputation In one of those. They mado of strong fabrics, re­ inforced nt all wearing points and Tlort perfect products in a new and pleasing array of fine superbly tailored. Not like others fabrics, colors and patterns. You must see them to appre- because of bigger, bettor values. ti ’ tc them. We are at a loss to find language appropriate And the price Is crowded down to convey to you the beauty, fabrics, smartness of styles, For instance: Hart, Schaffner We have suits, good dark mate­ rials, well made, at. . $2.50 Extra quality navy Serge two- piece Suita, each . .. $5.00 Superb Suita, two-piece, Serges and Cheviots, each. . $6.50 New Htrnw Hats, hoc to $a.iM) New Heilors, Colored llund, $2.50 I 12 BALLINGER IS Marx and perfection of tailoring. Our stock of suits offers a very remarkable variety of fine colorings and patterns. You wil not see similar goods anywhere else. Patterns used by Hart, Schaffner & Marx are theirs exclusively and ours exclusively. H. S. & M. Suits $20.00 to $30.00 Others $6.50 to $ 18.00 Hamptons Secretary of Interior Says In surgent Movement Is Cincinnati, March 16.—Only by advancing wages can the coal mine operators of the country avoid a strike of union min­ Fantasy ers after April 1, according to developments before the special convention of the United Mine Workers of North America here St. Paul, March 16.—"The Insur­ today. Three hundred thousand men will be involved. gent movement Is something like a The miners are understood to be willing to concede certain fantasy and the Ballinger-Ptnchot points they have demanded, but are firm in the matter of wages. hearing Is of less Importance In the east than in the west." Secretary Ballinger, who Is here to address the Minnesota Conserva­ tion Congress, thus expressed 'him­ SCHOOLS WILL GIVE self today. Speaking of investiga­ OUT ALL AFTERNOON ROSE DAY PROGRAM tion of the Glavis charges, Ballinger said: "So far nothing has been brought No Verdict Returned Yet in Exercises to Be Held at the to light but suspicions. Inaendo and lnrlrnaticn. These I wll! dispel aa Damage Case—Rape Tnal I Two Buildings on Friday soon as my evidence Is in." "As ardent an advocate of wise Begins This Afternoon Afternoon conservation as the most radical,’" was the way In which Secretary Bal­ The jury in the case of Mrs. Mary The Lincoln and Condon schools linger, In a speech today befor*? the A King, administratrix of the estate have arranged for programs of com­ ¡state convention ex- of her son. Paul King, who was killed memorative exercises relative to rose ' pressed conservation his policy In regard to the In a logging camp near Wendling, vs. day in Eugene. These programs will publtc land question. "But it must the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, be rendered on Friday afternoon at be a wise conservation to appeal to to recover damages, went out this the schools. In both of these school me." forenoon at 11:05 o'clock, and had yards hundreds of rose bushes, prin­ Ballinger declared himself out of not returned a verdict up to 4 o'clock cipally the Caroline T estout, have with those radicals who this afternoon. It appears that the been planted and the improvement ' sympathy fear that all the natural resources jury Is deadlocked and will probably of the grounds will be marked by a are being used up without any qpn- disagree. proper observance Friday. Follow-, sideration for future generations. He Plank Indicted Ing these exercises the pupils of > said that the coal supply, If the pres­ F. T. Plank, who is constable of these schools will assemble with the ent rate of consumption continued, the Eugene justice district, was In­ pupils of the other city schools at would last seven thousand years. He dicted by the grand jury this morn­ the Central school building, in charge said also, hat the speedy survey of ing on the charge of gambling. He of the principals of each district all available ar as for zettlament and was arrested several months ago on school, and join the parade to the the classification the remainder that charge. (park square, where the exercises will of the public lards of and legis­ Hans Miller was arrested last take place. The program of numbers lation. is what is needed proper to properly evening by Deputy Sheriff Pratt on and the names of thos.» participating !au”?' “ the charge ot violating the local op­ i is expected to be completed this after- han ‘ e the sttlla ion, tion law. He entered a plea of not noon and will be published. George » »iiirviTinu guilty this morning. L. Hutchin, manager of the Portland AnlnltAAl lUN Pattison Tria! Rose Festival, of Portland, will be The trial of A. Pattison, the the speaker of the occasion, and as ELECTION NOT IN JURY IN KING VS. BOOTH-KELLY CASE CONDON AND LINCOLN TIME FOR CENSUS Wool Dress Materials Cv.'lsa Ri1 bin Vests, wing sleeve or sleeveless, NO SERVICES BEGIN THIS EVENING I B yard lengths Corset Cover R> pink, blue, white. No. 1, 5-y trd length No. 1 1' , 6 yard length No. 2, 5 yni'd length . 17, 1910 Where Cash BeaLs Credit New Line Gonion Hats, tinny» $:t.oo. No more. Il I—■■■ try the case, but owing to the fact The route of the procession will be that the Jury in the Both-Kelly dam­ from Eleventh and Willamette streets age case was still out, the panel was to Sixth street, west on R'xth to Ol­ Cannot Be Held Until 60 Days exhausted and a recess was taken un­ ive, south on Olive to Eighth, and After Resolution Passes til the jury comes in. east on Eighth to the stand in the Civil Caaev east park square. —To Take in Park The case of George K Munroe vs. Brtne«s houses are invited to d!s- | J. F. Atherton, to quet title, was dls-i play pa’riotic colors Friday, as it wlll At the adjourned meeting of the missed this morning on motion of the a g. _..... a day. The Eugene band will ______ ,_______ , plaintiff. turn out strong and lead the proces- city council late yesterday afternoon i In the case of J. S. Conger vs. An-! ! »ion. slon. The band ___ has ___ just _________ been reor- a resolution was passed calling for a I dy Helttman, to recover money, the gantzed. and deserves every encour- special election to .vote upon the an- I plaintiff was today given a judgment agement from the people. L Several I nexatIon of the territory lying west leywill' for $226.15 and attorney fees of $35, persons have sent word that they will and 3OUthwest of th? city, also tak- and order of sale of property attach­ turn out in the parade with decorated ing In Hendricks' park. The election will not be held in ed. autos and vehicles. Pink articlfial roses and green garlands are used. time to include the suburbs within The kindergarten class will ride in the city limits before the federal cen- WILLIS F. DAVIS Councilman Moon's biggest car in the weeks. The law requires that an line. If it should rain Friday the ex­ April 15, and is completed in a few COMMITTED SUICIDE ercises will be held in the tabernacle weeks. The law requires than an building at Tenth and Charnelton election cannot be held until sixty days after the resolution has passed ON BOARD STEAMER streets. the council This will bring it to the middle of May, after the census has San Francisco. March 16.—The PRIZES TO BE GIVEN been completed. By the annexation will of Willis F. Davis, a wealthy of these suburbs the population of banker and artist, was probated in the city would have been increased FOR IMPROVEMENT the superior court here today, his several hundred, and those behind estate being valued at $100,000 movement were very desirous of which will be shared equally by IN YARDS AND LAWNS the having this teritory annexed before three surviving children. Mrs. Davis the census is taken, but the council Davis has been In poor health has put it off too long. died in New York last October, This, however, was not by any City School Superintendent since the death of hts wife. means the main reason for desiring Committed Suicide. Stockton Makes Announce­ annexation. Owners of property New York. March 16.—That Will­ within the limits of the territory pro­ ment to Boys and Girls is F. Davis, clubman and artist of posed to be annexed want city im­ San Francisco, who died on the provements, such as graded streets, City Superintendent Stockton has «teamer Oceanic when on the way to sewers and water mains, and a ma­ this port, was suicide, is the informa­ Issued the following to the boys and jority of them are willing to stand girls of Eugene: tion brought here today on the ar- To Members of the Clean Eugene a little extra expense to secure them. rival of the ship. Club, and Others: — Suitable prixes. some of which will DANISH ARCTIC STANDARD OIL be cash, will be given by the promo­ tion department of the Commercial EXPLORER DEAD Club to boys and girls who make the CASE ARGUMENTS best or biggest improvements in any AT COPENHAGEN or lawn entered on the list be­ i FINISHED TODAY yard tween now and April 15th. 1910. The Goprnht>gen, March 16.—Commo­ will be made, after examina­ dore Havgaard, the Danish arctic ex­ Washington, March 16.—Closing awards tion and comparison by the judges, plorer. died today. He figured prom­ argument« in the great contest for soon after sahool closes. inently tn the functions In honor of the dissolution of the Standard Oil friendly If you desire to enter the Co. of New Jersey, are being made competition, send notice in writing Dr Cook and was one of the first to this afternoon. How long the court and give the address before work is credit the claims of the American Following the rejection of i will take to consider the case no one commenced. If possible, a photo­ explorer. Cook's claims Hovgnard declared, professes to know, but many believe graph will be taken of the place. The the dwision will not be announced yard wll be again photographed at though it was not proved the Ameri­ did not reach the North Pole, before the first of May. the end of the contest. The Improve­ can that he could regard Cook thereafter ment may be in the lawn, the flowers only as an impostor. or by any means of making waste or FAIL TO SETTLE uninviting places pleasing to the The one showing the greatest rooseve T ltsare “ STRIKE OF CARMEN eye. improvement and neatness will re- STILL AT KHARTOUM ceive first prize and others according­ ♦ Philadelphia. March 16.— ly. There will be at least six prizes. ♦ Despairing of further prog­ ♦ Khartoum. March 16—The Roose­ The yards will be inspected and ♦ ress towards a settlement of velts paid a second visit to Omdur- records kept of them, whether any the carmen's strike, the la­ man todav. bor leaders today renewed ♦ photographs are made of them or not King to Give Dinner. If you will send notice in writing to ♦ their efforts to make the Rome, March 16.-—King Victor the Commercial Club. ♦ general strike more effective. Emmanuel has decided to give a din­ ♦ A cal) for a vote for a state ner in honor of Ex-ITesident Roose­ ♦ strike has been sent out. velt if the latter visits the city. RAILROAD WILL ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ SENATOR DANIEL RESTS COMFORTABLY SETTLE DIFFERENCES LIBRARY SOCIETY WITH TRAINMEN ELECTS OFFICERS New York. March 16.—Confidence that the conference now in progress Daytona. March 16.—There Is no between the New York Central and change In Senator Daniel’s condition. representatives of its conductors and trainmen, will result in an agree­ He is resting cotrtortable. ment without the necessity of calling a strike vote, is expressed by both sides today. SHOWERS PREDI<*TET» MARKER* REPORT. FOR TOMORROW. Chicagio, March 16.—Cla-Z May Oregon—Fair east tonight 113 1-8; July 107; Sept. 104 1-8. and Thursday showers west, Portland, March 16.—Hogs, un- ♦ southerly winds. !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ion stock yards, $11.25. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ : The Purification Library Society held its annual election of officers last night with the following result: Librarian, J. Koks; first and second assistants, E. Sandgatbe and MI m Jeanette O'Farrell; secretary, Mrs. E. Sandgathe; entertainment com­ mittee, F. Glmpl, Miss L. Nurre, Mina A. O'Brien. St. Patrick's day enter­ tainment will be given in the pariah hall Thursday evening, ._ Special ser- vices will be held In the church at 8:30 a. m. Father Gilligan will de- liver the panegyric.