1U< WUKLT WAID, THU18DAY, MAR 10, 1910 NINE f d irlni' argument that he had oneo b«i ti i«< • iihci J of niuril«*r, but wa« u<- qultt«'<1 In a very brief trial, it was ii I ho *tul««l I hut h>' liiid ««iiiie hi're to avoid being urroHtcd on n chaw <>f It Is Free IÍ It Falla. utteiuptH«! inurilor, following a row Will you certain b.al lu «nabar dar* «ar tn «•«'fitly In Portland, utnl Being ordered «h« o-k. !t H «baolulalr and unnondlU-xeU* out of that cltly. ; tr«a U II talla." And ron. nn dmibt. alr-ndv know ol D». Following pie sentence th« court, (bon* • il.*n4 accused who, thin, gray and «marlat- they attended tho meeting of tbo Sec­ his sister-in-law. Mrs. Idaho F. Camp­ Iowa. Evening Times in whiah is to the article in yesterday's Guard, ond Houlhetn Oregon District Fulr ed, *«’«tn«d at any moment about to bell, on Olive street across the alley printed the following letter from a I will be subject to much criticism | I Ao stomach. nor nmadsto Aaaixlatlon Saturday, but were un- . collapse. from the Finnegan blacksmith build­ young man who I* now visiting In During my two weeks stay here I lha Haartor Kulaay»— tut that laall «rron, suoew.ful In bringing the fair to Eu­ .have boosted Eugene and the Wiliam-; Dr. Shoo*', JUstorsdm rom iirg. and .Mr Ht«-wurt, of Curry Campbell heir* to cover the entire lot and was told by the old settlers that boosting. It is true tnat most of tbs if it Calle to help you. tho «auro axp««iM to rub, just lay it on lightly. It county, worked hard for Eugene, but The Postal Telegraph and Cable with a huge block where the old resi­ this Is the coldest and longest winter [ Eastern pap«.'ra will not publish any ■ktoo—not yoan penetrates instantly to the scat TAen why ihotild th* tick takt any th« iMiuglit* and Coo* county dole Company announces that beginning dence now stand*, but the final decis­ since 18 83. There has been lots of ' literature or letters sent to them that u haa» <>( the trouble, relieves conges­ gat«'« w«r<> just n* determined to hold Monday night March 7th It will rend­ ion was to erect a building with a snow and cold here. It rains here has a tendency to boost other parts fAanre on any other bu^ii ttjuil an I do kg th« fair nt lloiuurg. and won out. tion and stops the pain. er night letter servloe between all frontage of 54 feet on Olive street nearly every day, with little sun­ [of the United States regarding the viaktr dare A* «luted In th« »pedal dispatch offices' on it* own telegraph lln«» and extending 100 feet back. It will shine, from September to April. The citl«.-s, crops and climate on the coast IhU rrmarkabU offer > I alto har« a RbtKimatir R«m«dy—and fhot Hero’s the Proof. print«'I In Hatudray'a Guard, the Eu­ and th«- line* of Its direct c -------- ’ - ronn« |n tf,,. nelRhborho'<| <>f *1" .«><)<». climate is very damp. Most of the because it encourages the people to moody U cuverwl by th« aoxuo M«uUcaA No Mr A W. Prkw, Ffrtlunh Kant, gene delegation off« rod Roseburg 11 ,- lions In th«' Unite# Biate». Messa­ The plan* for the structure ar« com­ people here arc afflicted with rheu-1 travel, and seek new homea, thus di­ M«lp. no pay prutoet! opfan •ay* . "We have u««d Hloan's IJni- Beoidea. yon ore fr*« tn eonjRilt mo mat M ont) If It «mild give tti« fair thl* ges of thl* class will be known as plete and th« ground will be cleared mutism, colds anj catarrh. The minishing their buslneM. Cl wo , 1 ycuy br.r• •■ r r 4* h i tty ad*.< •* «nd maul (or a ynar, Bh«i find h an e mi ri­ year, but tills had no effec t Finally, "Night Letter Telegrams.” weath«-r here d-x-s not agree with Yours truly, for th* building at on«« bonk below ar« yourr-and wltixiut«oat. le nt thing (or a<>r a throat, chot paint, for the »»k« of pesco, for It was seen They will be accepted at Postal WENEIL ROBOVSKY. Per ha pa a word or two foots «uo will cfao* The upper floor will 1«« divided in­ the people that settle here from the < ohfa, and hay te vrt tita« ka. A Irw that a disruption was Inevitable If Telegraph offlc«-» over the counter to living apartment* ap aom>e wri«>uoa4intent- I have helped thooaaade ____ , east. 1 would ralber prefer the P. S.—My article, sent to the Ce­ dr«»|*a taken <>n sugar slops tough- thousand« by toy private pme<-fpt1oa ov Ih« deadlock was maintained, the Ku- or telephone In th« usual way. Th« Extend Buil«li»g cold weather, snow, sunshine and dar Rapids papers, was shown to Mr. opoa Bull«ling Lnler latter personal advice plan My L«*4 «fTurt to bureiw tug and »no« Ling Instantly.'* giiio delegates gave In un«l voted charge of night letter telegrams of ¡t )g tho Intention to extend the dry air, taan the cloudy, damp Freeman of the Commercial Club, worth your M ejo !« rwjnevt. unanimously that Roseburg should fifty word* or 1«** will be the r«gu-1 building »otith to West Ninth atreet weather on this part of the Pacific and other business men in the city. ik. let ma e-nd you an order al once. Tkto* fao m«4aa<-•« Pa*U I teak T«et by Roseburg the company. richest fruit-producing section in th« UNITED RAILWAYS the city and state and said be was Ro. 1 Oa Dyvpepeto Xn 4 For Wow is ?xiler to uv than porous Will Hold County Fair The Postal Telegraph Company Mo S For Men going to do a lot of boosting for Eu­ United State«. The mlid climate is es­ Wo 1 On th« Heart plasters, acts quit ker and does Mo < On The local fair association I* not couple* th«' foregoing announcement I gene. Later be said had already pecially adapted to fruit growing and ■a. • On th« Kidney« n«>t clog upthe pores ot thr skin. greatly dlsvouriorcd at thl* adion and with a repetition of the statement | Negotiations for Purchase of sent to people in Iowa three hun­ dairying, also for grain, hay and It is an cm. client an* will g<> abend with preparation* for a recently made by President Clarence j dred cards and boost letters. If the corn, good crops being raised every t to ep th; remedy fcf Oregon Electric Reported big county fair to lie held on the new H. Mackey to the effect that the one reprinted here Is a sample let’s, year. Eugene is situated in the heart usthuia. I irone hit la, grounds noit fall. Soin« excellent o«ni|>any has alwnys been Indepen­ hope that he won’t send any more, of the valley, and affords a good Also to be Pending ana fHc ____ a tter* was for clouding tae identity is one of the rankest mhsrepresenta- [ taising. as the grass grow* the year; ever made. round. The University of Oregon, the I yond question. whatever reasons tions The following from The Guard s’ institution of Its kind in the SIUSLAW ROAD «l«M»rg«» O. Knowles arrived here of the purchasers at the time of the ar book published a year ago last 8 situated here. yesterday from Eugene to spend a few sale, it apparently has been removed year The mountain, and foothills are ALL THE VEGETABLES days with relatives and the purchase is frankly admitt­ January, is the truth about the win­ the hunters' paradise, and big game, ters In the Willamette valley: When we loft Eugene six week* Mis* lAura Johnson, who has been ed. You enjoy in the summer "The weather report for the last such as bear, deer and cougars ago. for s few wimk»' stay st Flor­ at Eugene during the winter, return­ Two motives, it Is understood, ac- fall can be obtained of ui abound in great number,. Ducks, ence sud a sight of the coast, wo ed t<> Glenada Monday to care for her tuated Hill In the acquirement of the two years show that from the 1st of preserved that they have all tha geese and brant are very plentiful; thought we were almost killed when grandfather. road. One was the need of more October, 1907, to the 1st of April, original flavor and dellclousneu* We reached Mapleton. Wo left here The warehouse on the Collier North Rank terminal facllltes and 190S, we had 105 days of fair i weath- the limit allowed by law can be bag­ of the fresh article. ged every day. There is no other al l> a. in. and reached Mapleton at 3 wharf at Glenada was blown Into the the other availability of the route er, ont of a possible of 182 days; The canned good* we carry are part of the world where there are <■ in., just 30 hour* on the road. Our bay by the high wind Friday night. for extension to the heavily timber­ and only on one day of that time all fresh—there are none that I first Impression was that the county Omar Wisdom, ««dgerman for the ed Tillamook district. The latter, did we have any snow, and if ' that more fish caught and netted annually have been carried over from last than tn the Pacific Northwest. The court I* very careless iu to so Impur- big mill at Flon-nce, bought three it is believed, was the more impor­ hadn't thawed as soon as it touched year. etc. I tant a road, it I* true that but two Glenada lota of Wolf A Kemp, and tant consideration of the two. as the the ground we would have had near­ angler finds great sport fishing for You are certain of the best in trout in the mountain streams Lum ­ I team* a day (the stages) go over will bull«! a homo tlMF* this MBMMF t'nlted Railways terminal holdings ly one inch of snow. Just think of canned goods as in everything I ber is the largest industry here. Or ­ tulles of It, but that means the mall it! This winter, from October 1 up Wm. E. Brower and wife departed are meager. (ise m groceries when you pat­ tor about 3000 people, besides ex­ W>')ln«s«!ay for their home In Eugene, to the present time (January 1) we egon having one-sixth of the standing ronise Orcgisi h3«ctric Cknmidci'cd. timber in the United States. It 1, press and passengers, and tho travel after spending six w«wks in Flor­ Advices from authentic Eastern have had 58 days of fair weather not uncommon to find a fir or cedar would be larger but tor tho rough ence, where Mr Brower was employ­ sources are that up to within the out of a possible of 93 days, Yet road. No* a man could keep several ed ns compositor In the West office. last day or two the sale of the Ore­ some people say it always rains in tree measuring ten to twelve feet in Seid In fvrtnc by fa'. I. Orlano diameter at the base, some of them miles of that road In pretty fair shapu Maple Creek Item: Th<> proprl«*- gon Electric Railway had not been Oregon." Phone .Main 2-‘>—fill) Willamette St. If ho was paid for his work, and tors of the Maple Crwk choose fac- made to Hill, although negotatlons. It is not true, as young Robovsky attaining a height of 200 to 400 feet. when spring conies It would not need totry ar«, I believe, making prepara­ it is undcrrt««>d. are pending. These says, that most of the people here Most of the logs are towed to the near th«> work to fl* it for summer tions to commence tho manufacture negotatlons have been opened within are afflicted with rheumatism and lumber mills by steamers and by MOB ATTACKS travel. of some more of the excellent chi-ese ! the last week or two. catarrh. There is not more suffer­ rail to the mills that are not situat­ Our second Impression might be which our countrty has been enjoying ing from these ailments here than ed on the rivers. The counties in But what may be an indication AMERICANS IN this state spend thousands of dollars % « termed lumber. As we came up the the past year. that they have finally been complet­ in Iowa and not as much as in some Sluslaw wo passed a large number In r«*»p«>nse to a call for his pro­ ed came yesterday In the form of an of the other Middle Western states. annually for the improvement of good COLOMBIA’S CAPITAL of logs that were being taken down fessional services, last Thursday Dr. roads, macadam being used mostly. announcement from the Such "boosting" as this is not at all There are two seasons here the wet by th«* high water, but as the »treams I. B Bartle, of North Bend, made a official appreciated by the people who are ♦ Bogota, (’• luinhla. March ♦ lowered a great many of the logs trip to Florence by stage up tho beach North Bank offices that transcon­ acquainted with weather conditions and the dry season. All fruit except oranges and lemons thrive in this R Following an attack on ♦ were left nt tho water's edg«» iiuil from Coos Bay In seven and a half- tinental passenger and freight rates in this portion of Oregon. via the Northern Pacific, Great | soil and mild climate, and immense! ♦ tho property of an American- ♦ shulil have been rolled in while the hours. and arrived here In 18 hours Northern and N rth Bank routes to: crops are raised every vear. Also + owned vtreet car compan«, ♦ river was still high, but wo could see from the time ho received the mes­ Oregon Electric territory had been I WESTERN UNION does hay. grain, hops and all vegeta-¡ ♦ ibirlnR which th«* mob wreck­ ♦ where logs had lain, large, fine one*, sage. ordered, and a division agreed upon. bies return the farmer and fruit ♦ ed tho cars, the rioters pro- ♦ until overgrown with moss. The «lay Real estate In Acme Is changing These rates will be published as grower large incomes. WILL ALSO GIVE ♦ «•«•ei|e<| tq the Anv-rlcnn lega­ ♦ will coin«' when this waste will be re­ hands lately. A few «lays ago Riley soon as the tariff sheets can be pre ­ WENEIL ROBOVSKY' ! tion and »toned tho building ♦ gretted, ns It Is now In the East. mills purchased M. Noffsinggr's house Member» of the leg-itfon wen- The third nml tnt^re pleasant im­ and lot In that town, and also the Ja­ pared by the Transcontinental Traf­ NIGHT LETTER RATE fic. Bureau In Chicago, and It will be protected and the nittiiorltl««* ♦ pression wan the fin«» scenery along red Scott house and lot adjoining the; INGHAM VINEGAR CO. ♦ now appear able to afford ♦ the route. The bumps and holes in Noffslnger property. Mr. Scott then! four to six weeks before they can be| actually put in effect. ♦ protection to American*. ♦ iht r» ad could not »poll our enjoy- nurchased what Announcement is made by the Is known as the] The rate agreement among th“ Western Vnlon Telegraph Company IN COURT AGAIN ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>*♦4♦♦ Inient of th«» mountains, rivers, falls Gates place from Clarence Sellars. | roads provides for the absorption of that it will shortly be prepared to and forests we went through. And It Mrs. A. H Nottsge suffered a transfer charges for persons and K.«v«'<1 A NoMtcr'a Ufe, handle long night messages, at the Is almost to be regretted that a rail-1 stroke of paralysis last Saturday I road Is not already in operation. A I morning nt th<‘ home of her «laugh- baggage across town from the rail­ rates customarily charged for ten Former Eugene Concern Makes road terminals to the Oregon Elec ­ Facing deal from shot and shell railroad between Eugene mid Flor­ ter. Mrs. Frank Fox, in Glenada. She words day messages. It appears that in the civil war was more ngrceable ence will be a big thing for both nn<1 was brought across the river Satur- tric station at Front and Jefferson. the Western I'nion has large unem­ Vigorous Fight Against to J A Stone, of Kemp. Tex., than Itho quicker ,, it ,, is built ,, the sooner the day morning n"d la now at her home I The rates In all Instances on both ployed mileage of wire at night facing It from what doctors said return* will be realised, As to Flor­ In Florence The left side Is affected I passenger and freight business will which is not earning anything. Theee wan consumption "I contracted n ence, there la • the • Prosecution in any making of a proe- and she has little or no use of the I meet those of the Southern Pacific wires must be maintained stubborn cold" he »rite* Jhat de-1 porous city, and as It grows so will limbs on that aide.—Florence West. at Willamette Valley points touched event to take care-of the regular day by the Oregon Electric. vc.opvd a A cough, stuck to m<> grow Sluslaw valley business, and it is apparently the .< e.. ... that — -' tho — .. whole — ,aw«A- A. I .■(><-/ with WIAll In I.. of ..11 ... ■ I « .... A • for years. I«- . In SO spite of all remedies , |t8 .. 20 O miles of - . harbor. idea of the new interests in the tele­ The purity of vinegar will be a MABEI. ITEMS. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. | WM. R. BROWER. graph company to let the public burning issue in the Federal Court OLIVER TO SPEAK IN Then I bogan to use Dr. King's New have the benefit of them. The an­ for the next two or three days. The Mr, Hammond and son Raymond, Discovery, which completely cur«w! states that. "a specie! Ingham Vinegar Company appears CHAUTAUQUA BUILDING nouncement «ailed on Mrs. J. VV. Smith last Sun- m«». I now weigh 178 pounds." MAN WHO FORGED EUGENE night letter service will be estab- as defendant in a charge of selling <1av afternoon For Cough*. Cold*. L Grippe, Asth­ lished as soon as practicable. The impure food, made by the United ma. Hemorrhage. Hoarseness. Croup. MAN’S NAME SENTENCED Mrs Cal. Hileman and mother, charge for this service will be the States Government. This is the Mrs Workman called on Mrs. Ham- Whooping Cough and lung trouble. Ashland. Or., March 6.—Revivalist standard day rate of ten words, for second hearing of the case, the jury -- mond Sunday. Its supreme. 50c. ,1.00. Trial Oliver Is coming to Ashland for a the transmission of fifty words or Charles H. Chapman Given Two We do not hear the melodious month's campaign, under the auspices less and one-fifth of such standard having failed to agree in the first, bottle fr«>« Guaranteed by W. A. which occured two or three months nounil of the hounds so frequently of the Ashland Ministerial Assoc ia- day rate will be charged for each ago. Kuykendall Drug Co. Years by Judge at Van­ echoing over the hills and through tlon. Ills advance agent, Rev. M. addition ten words or less." To be In the former hearing the Issue re-1 couver, B. C. the dales since we have a deputy Beeler, has been here for several taken at these rates "night letters" volved around technical testimony.! game warden In our part of the days making arrangements for ti.e must be written in plain English Government chemists insist that the! The following In from tho Vancou­ woods. meetings, which will be held1 In the language, that is to say. code words vinegar offered by the company Is ver, B. C., Dally Province of March Tho lower Mabel schi'ol had a Chautauqua tabernacle. or oommunications written In for­ not what it I, claimed to be. Chomi- 6; vacation Inst on account of the Some of the members of the latter eign language will not be accepted. cal analysts,hired by the defendant Following n trial which had a num­ Illness of Miss Spong's father. society. It is reported, read in the pa­ The message will be taken up at any ber of dramatic features. Judge Mc- Raleigh Morris looked rather lone­ pers of the alleged utterance of the hour until midnight, and transmitted company, insist with equal force and Innes at noon todaj’ sentenced to a ly last Sunday. He Is accustomed to revivalist nt Eugene, and objected to at the company’s convenience during as extensive proof that the vinegar term of two years Charles II. Chap­ spend his Sundays with the school the use of the Chautauqua tabernacle the night, for delivery the following Is wholesome, and does not conflict man, of Portland, and more recently inarm. We would advise Clark Hile­ for the meetings. The evangelist's morning. For the present the new with the pure food law, in any rea­ or fair interpretation of that of Tacoma, but known ns Campbell man to call on Raleigh on w to enter- I press had greatly misquoted his chief, offices in the United States. The tar­ The management of the Ingham I l*’o«l anil Thompson in the Hastings tain company at home on Sunday. and after some discussion the objec­ iffs charged for night letters are so company asserts that it is the victim street branch of the Imperial bank The Riggs young people visited tion was withdrawn. low, it is expected that the new ser- of an extreme interpretation of the six weeks ago. the Troxels last Sunday. vice will be largely availed by the Local manufactur­ It«’ was charged upon two counts Th<> upper Mabol school Is pro­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦<*♦**<* business concerns and others to pure food law ers have complained bitterly of the of forging anil uttering n *500 draft gressing nicely with Miss Smith as I quicken their correspondence hy ­ tts- methods and procedure of the Gov­ Î ion the account of George S. Willough­ teacher. 1 BORN : ing the telegraph Instead of the ernment chemists and United States by, n lumberman of Eugene, Or., and Mrs. P. L. Van Matre Is Improv- • FOR GRAIN GROWERS wii mails. A night letter sent by tele­ District Attorney’s office in prose­ * found guilty upon both counts. Ing. A A A ........... graph will reach its destination at cutions for alleged violations of the "Woodlark"Squirrel Poison is the nios Ills chief defence was that one Geo. Wo are fearful lest wo will loose r the opening of business hours the reliable and destructive agent yet devise« W. Ehler, with whom he had but a our post office at Mabel unless we Near Elmira, March 5. 1910. to following morning, thus saving as pure food law. They assert that cases arise where they are trying in for the extermination of Gophers, Squir passing acquaintance, hnd given him get a new postmaster soon, We are Chnrles Danelson ami wife, a son; much as three or four days when every way possible to comply with rels, Sage Rata and Prairie Doga. It i the document ItLrcpayinent of a loan very sorry to )os<> our old postmaster, I weight, 9 pounds. ■oiar CrwM 5 0C long distances are Involved. the law, and that regulations and 3.50 Mr. Pierce, but we hope we may get the cheapest insurance ngninst tlici of *50. constructions have been issued by It Is claimed by the crown that On the Mohawk, March 5. 19t0. to a new one n, good. Some of tho olj •oMFIIIinn 1.00 ravages. Every kernel is warranted t> Nothing in the way of a cough I, the Government officials which they ( mim I taino 1.M kill. Climatic changes or moisture of th Elder la one C. II. Dnvls, now await­ batches better apply for tho position. D. T. Spores and wife, a daughter. quite so annoying as a ticketing, cannot understand, and the inter­ ing trtlal <>n a similar charge In con­ We notice the young ladles often num FiUias* F .8 (J teasing, wheeling bronchial Cough. earth do not destroy its strength. Re nection with the same transaction March 5. 1910. to H. R. McBride The quickest relief conies perhaps pretation of the same cannot be had M*» riiii»«* 2.5Q call for the mail. by any one in authority until an quire* NO MIXING OR I'HKFARATION. I Mr. Willoughby, who came up from ntid wife, of Wardner. Idaho, a son. Bond ftiMar _ Mrs. Macauley lost some of her from a prescription known to Drug ­ rw«««« 6.00 arrest, costly trial and perhaps con­ always ready for use. No other is s< Eugene, Or., testified that the sig­ sheep and goats on account of the Mrs. McBride was formerly Miss Hel­ gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's viction for violating the law which JfoqjL Dealers will refund the pure has nature was a forgery and that he continued cold rains during the past en Quinen of Eugene. m rut,. 7.50 Cough Remedy. And besides, it I, the manufacturers want to observe. n mmwn ■ nmn* MUM Utr'tlM .6* if not as claimed. I'smpldet free knew Davis ns Elder, and had shown month. so thoroughly harmless that moth­ In the Ingham case the management • •WORK aUASANTttO WON I* VRAM Ila vis his signature. Two of our young ladles camo near T C hemical Co., Portland, Oregol 1»r. Bell’s Anti-Pstn ers give It with perfect safety even C b I . - aa Ext’tctkm Fm* a h«s ,!•«*■<», brtdfln w«r* Th«' dramatic feature« followed the having a serious accident Inst Sun- A sudden attack of Cholera Morbus to tho youngest babes. The tender 'has expert evidece. which is put laorrkirvd. < V«n lW h n n« a f on masa« against that produced by the Govern­ «•«*!«• wrrh Soaa anyahera. All work fnHr hMtw nar- aiathoSaa ALL’IJHOL toihcco accused's recital of his recent past, Jay. Their horses beeaml' frighten­ la dangerous. Keep Dr. Bell's Anti- leaves of a simple mountain shrub, ment. It |g a case of conflict of the a»«mt. M.Mava aloArtc n,aly an«. Htuu nut opium n.bmi - rooitivniy admitting that he had acted In this ed at an umbrella nnj came near Pain It hnnd, a dose relieves almost give to Dr. Shoop', Cough Remedy issue ('ntrd. Aniy snthorbM KtM'lvv In- as n simple school hoy, thnt he was running nwa.v. It is strange horses instantly. It also cures Diarrhoea, its remarkable curative effect. A experts. So sharp did this Rtltntu ht « i« «psi. Write for lllun. th«» fat her of flvo children nnd his could live In Oregon and not be used Cramps, Flux and all Bowel Com- few days' test will tell. Sold by appear to the preceding Jury that it F axuso Htnoiaa _ _ . lacoaFoaarao * • ••In til,, Kelr, ««■un could not reach any t ve. diet, and was TarauaWaaa.Sta. PORTLAND. ORISON IS IC. il«b N„ 1'oiUauU, Orv