government shall l>e perfected and all tom to form a panel front and the ethers shall I* dratr-ved In Hie Hcond six shortir gorea at *Mh side of the Drath Thue, eventually, every fane* skirt are lengthened by a flounce almll I hov mid every tongue «»nfeee Io with a straight lower edge measur­ the glory of God Then every creature ing four yards with the panel includ­ 4 4 4 ed. which la lit heaven, and on the eurth On Thursday evening. February The waist U laid In small tucks and under the earth, shall be board .u* 4*4. j 3. a number of Miss Venlta White's over the shoulder to the bust-line on aaylng. Iileaaing. mid lioitor and glory friends gave her a surprise party in Ib* Bid* *( the p.mel p. i ¡loll, is and power I* unto him that Witetli honor of her birthday. Music, games ■ quartered in softly at the waist an- Senrton by ■ poll the throne anil unto the lamb and conversation made the evening Ider the belt of the borderlni' The CHARLES T. pleasant. Miss Edna White assist­ panel is outlined on each side with forever till-vlatloii v Illi ed by ber siuter-ln-law, Mrs. Will the bordering and where the flounce You Ara fiaught With a Pri«*, RUSSELL White, served a delicious four-courss 1» appl'ed the gores there le also a Poaatbly God could have arrange* dimer. The guests departed at a row of this band1. Paatvx HrookJy* The leevaa Teat "»wu Duh Diy God Require »1 aouia other way of deallag with atu late hour wishing the hoctess many are plain, of elbow le igth, fiulshed 1 abetnade. lire«, bol to Do Jft net or lac*, HF.INK -y simple in ’ nos and gen­ In thia text? What about tbe Jew­ »trated Gods Wisdom. Justic*, La»v* ♦ tten rests will be on sale at ♦ 'home, Mr*. Elmer Roberts being land Rex Naylor. so tlmt you a|>eak only things you Mrs. Otho eral outline, ii was >k i Valentine season knei . where it Is i< ugthened by a will be resev'd February ♦ Do you oct begin tn see. drnr friends, to do so. provided their hearts, their I sus, "Thou shall love the Lord thy 4 4 4 circular flounco wit n lov*i d The regular ♦ 21 and 22. > God with all thy heart, with all thy that wbat God requlrva of us la tuiM'h wills, are fully responsive to the letter (By Catherine Mann Payzant.) Miss Bertha Dorris and Miss pl: it nt the back Thia flounce Is ♦ seat .ale will open February ♦ uilnd, with all thy being, with all thy beyoud what the majority have ls*m and spirit ot bls I«” the require­ New York FVb. 12 — So many laid ot ’ plslaiy under an emb old Pauline Davis were hostesses to the ♦ provld'ng sufficient •ed 24th, subscription seats are sold to ♦ senior class of the University on Fri- women go south during February band, hangs most graeef 'Uy. tneaa- strength; aud thou ahalt love thy rendering? Do you stand appulled and ments oct forth In our trit God lias ♦ I i day evening cf this week. Members and Mar h that a complete change uring about four yards at 1 « lower uelgbbor as thy sulf"? What about tell me that It would tw luijioealble to provided In Jeans fur Hie satisfaction guarantee the attraction. Church attendance? What ulxiut our live fully up lo tbut standard? I agree of Divine Justic* as reat-ects all of th* Remember, subscription ♦ of the same class often do not know has taken place in the dressmaking eJ te. ♦ . one another and this affair gave and millenery exhibits, and January, The neck Is m id with a hl h, be­ reaponslbllltlea to our families? To the , with you. Aud St. Paul agrees, say condemned race who desire tu re tur i* ♦ tickets are reserved first and all money refunded if the at­ ♦ ' seniors a chance to know each other. a once dull month, lj now filled with coming art « I r i al hi 1 w I• h a I Church? To the i>oor? What about ' mg. "We cannot do the things wbl< h to bls favor tiny cream ruchlng and a full tu le study of the Bible to know God's will? i wu would.” ♦ ♦ traction is not brought. The Scripture* again We agree with all the ♦ 1 bow of n eream ’ had . The fasten- ♦ | What about our responsibility for the [ agree aud drelaru ''There la nona ' creeds of Christendom (bat Ing is made < i he :. gid* with I heathen? ♦ i I righteous, no, not one. All have alo­ ami What about baptism I penta&ce from sin and an rndmvoe tv I covered buttons an J buttonholes 4 4 4 | tied and come abort of the glory uf I put it swsy from our thoughts ami made through stti uall, p ■luted tabs. i tbe Lord's supper? With the Lenten season again with | indirectly, dear brethren, all the j God." The sleeves are long ■ nd p'aln. [words and deeds, combined with faith us one can expect a temporary lull What ahull we do? Shall we any In the Redeemer's ascrlBi r au«tlr ftplalna I bat students of the University are ■» For a porch bildge party a dressy as stated In our text. Our Creator are weak mil lmfi f-xt euoil.'ti tbe rlghtrou*uie«a. the full . V coutctil to S. bool of t 'hrM. dl«> ll'llnllig cliiatrn- right to left, coming to a small point Sweetser, president; Mrs. Minnie tions would thus evidence Ills nil io nothing less than our very I h -’I I o Ing. proving thru*, testing the al orrltv in the back tt. d leaving a ' smajl Wasbbutne, vice-president; Mrs. :.s. L. live up to uur own Ideals and I raise of ttirlr con-ecrstlon Vows mid the R. Edmunson. re.crding secretary; amount of fold abiut the waist, a worthiness of life eternal; bis pro Mrs. Carl McClain, treasurer; Mrs. wide fichu of blaeb silk and lace longed existence would merely be a those Ideals ns nearly as pomoble to loyalty of thrlr hearts Io tb' «r who decorate the wakt portion, above prospering of siu and a menace to tbe .be Div Ine standard W. P. Boyntpn, corresponding secre­ prove faithful thr great reward la tary. which rise- a ijallow yoke of b'a.k happiness aud rigtiteuusuess of others V, oat WoulJ 0» th* U»sf promised glory, honor. Immortality. But now let us see tbe scojte of this During the afternoon the chib was net. embroider« d in Iridescent beads Supj’.se we do our very l.e«t dally Joint heirship with the la*rd Jesus favored with a musical program pre­ and next the iace Is the Inner yoke Divine requirement, whose justice we pared by Mrs. Road aDd Mrs. Alton of delicate errnm Jace. Tne sleeves | hitvs already acknowledgod. We note tu measure up to our highest com ep- t'hrlst In tils Millennial Klogtlotn and Hampton. Miss Edith Prescott. Mrs. are short to the lb w. finished with , the natural dlvlstu* of our text lulo lions of our God given ideals and Ita work of tilr’ahig all Hie fa in 11 Ira of staudurdn, »■ uid G"d accept vf ibis • tb* earth (Galatlana III. 21», Iteveistlo» Read, Miss Strtngham and Mi’s Sha­ black bands, below which fell longer three parts: ver rendered vocal solos and Mrs. sleeves of the cream !r \ .and count u» worthy of Lis favor and ¡III til (I) Doing Justly; Douglas plryed an instrumental so­ of eternal life? Surely uol. 1 lie Law ! Hur rfiia^rremrst with all ’,<’rth'«!«ix (2) Loving mercy; lo. Toward t e close of the after­ of the Izird la |«»rfecL Justice 1» I •■reeds’* Is In rr«|H«'t to what shall Ise IS BUYING (3) Walking humbly. noon, Mrs. Freeland's committee Justice Not tbe bearer of a law. not •lone with the uuanlntly- with III'»» nerved d.inty refreshments tq the The requirement of fuitlet In nil our WAY the vve!' wishing, ri’elvvs Hie rev» ird w ho do not prraent tbemaelve* to G«’t ladies dealings with our fellows, commends but tbe doer, the ■•(’•dleiit! Hi re, tie ' and who sre not iH-gotteti «galt» »>f Marshfield, O.., Feb. 11. — Sey ­ itself to every rational tulud. It m * 4 *».e W tr* . tlte holy Spirit we th.< ourselves In dllth ulty Our crawls of Hu» mour H. Bell today admltttd that the eludes the whole Law of God A entertained Mrs. Julius G IdsTi’ WU approve dark a»-es tulsrepreseptisl the teach our Southern Pacific Is negotiating with brief statement of that I jiw will, ti y afternoon the Aloha club Tu lie olHS.Ieut I Ings • 'V Hie Bible In *••«;••’ ( tn I tiesa» him and the other owners of a large had our I-ord's approval reads. Titoti <;• d*.> l.a” nod Oregon is also Interested. me from Hil» «I. . ./ All the «In t eyes stinti lie new home at the corn •• of Thirteenth that vve should be otudleut to ins deal could not be closed until Messrs. I «I All Hie denf Mi’. Lee Travis Janun is seventeen years old and the granddaughter and beliess of Robert Waite and Shine concur. F. B. Waite righteous requirements that make for that is Imperfei i t and Mill ttreets. sin ami weukni-”e« lie utistnpiMsl For Hie blent was the winner of the ladies’ prize Buist. a millionaire smlsuian. Throughout her wanderings with Cohen from Is now en route to Coos Bay. our own happiness and that of others we serve God's Law II. while Mr. Frank Page received the Philadelphia to Boston and finally to Chicago, where the couple were found, « uni» years of Christ '■ reign U.C According to thin right of way, the It is also but right that wo should honors fjr the men. Toward the her faithful companion was her little fox terrier. This picture, taken in Southern Pacific Is evidently figuring but with our bodies fl I - ii|illftlng or rvaurm tloii will recognize tbe rights of others, as we close of the evaning M’s. Wetherbee Chicago, is the first authentic picture of tbe girl published. le •••■! while Ibe knowledge of the on bridging the Bay. By coming In would hare them recognize our rights What Is our hope? I and her charming daughter, Miss ‘hat way, they come to tbe edge of Tbe Golden Rule la tbe barest of Jus­ deliver«!? Can wr |irrvall upo» O d of Gist «hall Oil the whole earth. Beatrice, setved refreshments to the 'our Ju i rs, .v: s Helen Washburne. to chaugr the reasonable requlremei tbe bay directly across from North ■ gels on ibe plains of Betkleheiu •lub and guests, who were: Mr. and Miss Julie P-OS-. Miss Lucia Wil­ orders. Out ot these early styles Bend and would probably desire to tic*. Not a hair’s breadth less would of our text so that It shall read VV It I ■ I det lare to tbe shepherds, Fear come within tbe requirements of our Mrs. W. G. Allen, Mr. »nd Mrs. G. D kins an! Miss Fae Wodruff, served are crystallzed our springs modes. bridge straight across If they do ao. doth God require of me but to I* I I irr» Ivi for liebold «• br'ng you bail C-me beautiful materials were put Linn. M.-. and M’s. Erhardt and text, l>o Justly. Com*, then, let us efresh • e ts to theisenlors. upon the market during January. they will have to cross over Pony Justly and di» lniprrf«ilv'• We ■ thin» « <»f g rem tul«^ry which abaJ I k Miss Corinne Linn. 4 4 4 reason togetfier. How many uf us Inlet and wind around to Marshfield in 4 4 4 Comings gave a party Am »ng those intended for actual back to Nob Hill. This would be the do justly In all of life’s affairs—lu our not bo|>e for au. h a • lit uni«» all i »**<>|)I h . TbHr furwMajcp wiie traveling purposes are to be found Divine Law Are we thru ti. e noon at her home, 325 ‘thr rrtrrwr «if tble: "Feer But; l»rb<»ir else ills words and his deeds toward gene Theatre on Wednesday even­ ing the afternoon the guests enpoyed and are found in all the late-t shades by the Southern Pacific's represen­ In our tnonirm ut perpleiiiv wr i « tilling naturai larnel and wh<> timi his parents; toward his childreu; to ­ I a Shakespeare romance. Toward the ing by Myrlle Elvyn, assisted by Susie tatives who have offered to pay well [ of color. for it. Their attitude would indicate' ward bls brothers; toward Ids slates; hear God's message ' sih u UI iib pe i ■■ • nl*o it "due tltiie" f»r calllng spiritual Fennell Pip"s, was Indeed a treat. I close of b‘ afternoon, refreshments The wide-wale diagonals come I hr • Iwrnrl. bus n "due (Ime" for uiakltur i were served by Miss Comings assist ­ Ito through Jrsus Christ our la>rd Miss Elvyn has exquisite touch and forty inches wide and is most st'*t- that they are anxious to secure the toward husband; toward wife. The following messa:'» of peace Is that whnt »■• known tbe rti'ties of liis grucs io tlie was particularly pleating in the ed by Maud Beals. able for a two-piece suit for the ¡remainder of th” right of way In or­ we In all of our relationships of Ilf Legende (St. Francis Walking on . girls enjoyed Miss Comings’ hospi- traveling costume. Tie coat was in der that when construction is begun, treat these who are so near and so could not «I» for ourselves In llir win lion «do ’ t World of inniikliul And tliw tallty: Tn? .Mieses Ethel Barnard. I there will be no hindrance or delays d<*nr to us according to the standards of lifting ourselves up to |i|>me ••,. "••I« ■et" of Bplrltunl Israel and of uni the Waves) by Liszt. | Ethel Johnson. Nellie McN ill, Jessie three-quarter length, which is con­ on that account. Following is the program: of juKtirc, according to Hie Golden provai <;•>.ne were in your ¡ilaie and you In theirs? to suppose that the heathen at lion», «lime for merey to tlie Tlinme ufi Piano ened with a button. The waist worn 6 (a) Albumblatt Op. 87, Max | El.en Frink, Hazel Humphrey, Jessie with the suit was of silk, the same comet will determine the r insequen- In mutters of buslnesa do you drive a or abroad can get eternal life, the gift Grave, he In Infortned ttint he enn hnv«» ces when we are enveloped by It,” j Calkins and Lucile Abrams, Lee Reger. closer bargain with them than you iof(! have b en ergaged. In ing colors. fluenza, bronchitis and pulmonary will be heard at the Bungalow in order to mrke the best selections, A pretty little gown that will be troubles. Price, 25c, 50c and 11.00. tering your house? Do you treat all the eartb. so ar* my ways higher than . ...... n,1"1 A«*- «•'•Pt ‘ho htimbl*.i Portland. play r! the music thioj,i for them. apprrprl .te fir he evening 's of "ie men. women, children and animals as your way." (Isaiah |T, II.-.-xplalnn L.t us brnrken then to thè leaaon qfl 4 4 4 The programme have a of the new eirbrcfdered Sold by Dillon Drug Co., Smeed Ho­ kindly, as gently, as properly every tnat hl« ultimate purpoHP H that there I onr test end conclude wlth »he wor«* tel building. The Tete a-T e club met Thurs­ surprise in th? wry cf a nov 1 s.yle wtlch hi” a narrow bo.Jer which way as you think would tie Just anil .liull be no imperfect creature In all <>r Ilio Apoatle. "Ilumble** day afterroon vv'ti Mi'« Myrtle for the prog ?ms. was used for trimm'ig purposes. In fam I .4 right if you were In tbelr place and his Universe. All whom, tnarts are tlmre.or.x utitL-r tbe mlgfity Kays a. it*r horn*. 74 4 Wiliam, tt* "••Rinj lin> -1 nt of the they in yours? Du you speak as kind ■uyal to him and ib» principle* of bis •treet. the af oraoou sewing oiled ard Is ex smooth as glass, will hP ,nn ’ J OU In du* blouse-waist extends tj the skirt bot­ For Internal and External Paina. tf ■■ i. . — “* •*"• J ri...« (t refer v, I (J>. vi.«* (i reter th. ”“** I not be waxed but treated with bor- acic acid, which though more expen­ sive. will be far superior. The wax forms a coating that soon rolls up but the other penetrates the wood. PEOPLES PULPIT WJ 1AT GOD REQUIRES OE US : AND J ELOPING HEIRESS OF PHILADELPHIA S. P. RIGHT OF FROM HALLEY'S COMET MAY BE FATAL DR. BELL’S ANTI-PAIN