Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, February 10, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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clear the ground. The waist Is laid
in small tucks from the round joke,
extending to the bust line, and g : lili­
ered into t’ • waist audei a gi.i’ lí of
silk. The 1 ei ti Hi ng is Us, J as a
guitupe aud the y, <e
eIng and
are of all over I ,ce. The sleevt- «1-
so tucked, are in one with the wa -
an. open over the lace sleeves be
neath. hid together with tiny straps
A taffeta silk skirt has proved it­
self of use tn and outfit and a mode
that is particularly suitable for It is
a joke sairt, its uovel teature being
the shape of the y«»k< rhe front.mid
ba k panel are laid ever t io -Ide In an Inverted plait. The side
portions consist of a shaped V yoke,
being lengthened by two other gores
arranged with an inverted p’.ait at
the side centre. Over the joining are
two straps, which cross each other,
a button decorating each point. This
would be a very suitable skirt to
wear with separate waist ar.,1 would
be »«'"* >| v pretty with white Hn-1
gerie blouses.
ose with (1.-1’>-
While drape I
and so care
little to the
In and one on the deck Miss Kill itt
is the on'v woman iu the
Hllil piquant
-een ill New
. Bible I' rke In her new
< Dio
I io Lyceum tile
W Somerset
"I’elie1 po.
Ride. lek.
My W..V,
nrst part I
Ica «uh ' hn Drew three years
•t ! i > nng fl-
ame in “1 ov - '
'o." a young
i natural so
wlf •. and It *
\ »
Dot ' she acts
queue«' that In
a young wid »
In "Mr
New \ k has s«>eti i , entlr«' cv l<
of Maughan comedies
t >
sprightly little creations,
like fer-
tcetly blown bubbles, in whlch clev-
.riu-» ot workman a‘.p may over-
■ay weight of material, but where
every sentence 1« replete with sense
and sa’lre, or i epigram follow Ing
B! < Burke, Basil
Julian L E.-iran. -. Fred Kerr,
Ann ie Esmond. Anne Meredith. A
Lionel Hogarth, Edgar MacGregor.
Ernest Cossart, P. E. McCoy a nd
Mildred Barrett.
0 re»—*--» --——•••——
O trii». tli» aaltilly, thè “«auctini»«! tu
Sernvm by
r»tor Onxjklyn
The Church Militant’s Stu imlcr
to the Church Triumphant
"Ssy y» net. A FvJrrntuni. lo «II Ik»"»
whom ihu pwpl* »Kall •»). A l «iri*1 "<H
aeshri tear ye llwu lewi. nor i* sii ski
(¡•aulì vili. I J).
tract! >n. the groat
A wedding of much Interest
society was that
of Miss
Edesse sing at th«1 Eugene Theatre» Friday
O.. ....................... •
i ■ ...................... ...
if this cou-
Peery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. evening, February 25.
Ing the name of Christ hyp,«-rldi-ai!y
M. Peery of Springfield, and Mr. El­ ■ert proves successful It will be th«»
Brooklyn. Feb. (L—Th«» fourth anil merely as a garment to daceivu, that
mer M. Cox. sun of Mr. and Mrs. E. greatest event that has happened in
final tmi'liug for the conalder.itIon th,-, lu ll Hie I-. tier g II" th« Il
H. Cox, which to*k
place at St. Eugene for many years, as it means
Mary's Episcopal church last Sunday ¡hat from now on ail th«' great mus­
of di* trliial aurretidera nwes-iar) to Tims we ibid the nominal i liunii i >
morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. P. K. ical stars «ho visit the <i'ast will
Chuix'h Federation wn* held today. C o U h I n I of.
Hammond officia’eJ using the Epis­ stop at Eugen«» If they could only see
(li Hyp Crites;
Moral!‘ts; Cb lr
Bnnklyii'a largest auditorium, tlie
copalian ring service. The bride was other universities each year because
Aeiuleiny of Music, being er «iL'd different*; (b Seeker* after c ,!U •••
beautifully gowned in white lace, at the University of Oregon there is
her was
a no chance to see and h«»ar the great !
complete.v enveloping
! Pastor t'. T. Russell, of tlie u tel Tile irile I'lllirell. "die -.11 <11 ' ll I I
I Tiils'rniicl«'. delivered tho ividre- . a* Christ Jems ' (I i . rlntlii.n-. I. -
tulle veil, held in place with spreays musical artists. Many people build
of llllles of the valley, She carried homes in other cities for th«1 same size.
"meml'crs of du' ll'i'l.' "f ' hr, t
f. I!'»« ••:
a shower boquet of the same flower reason, who w-iild much r....i<r live
pr,'s|'>i'llvi' mciulieri of the > im h
Having vlevveil «luring the p.Bt
only seel
and orchids. Her only ornament was in Eugene if they could
theatre-goers are g ad to we come
a lovely brooch of pearls and ame­ good things. Other towns that are |
t lat- Sun l:iys vv hat the !.■ . :. _
models again is Chauncey Oleotf, w
than 1
Fightings Without *»d W thin.
thysts, the gift of the groom. Miss smaller and less prosperous
est vehicle is calle! "Ras-’*J Kobin.
» E i-i :;e got tl'es, big attractions and
Hezel McNair and Miss Cornelia
Every member of • die t bur, h of t
Mr. Olcott Is drawing large crowds tercet of !-'«sler.r ■ •.. v>
Pinkham as bridesmaids, wore yel­ tin re Is no rea on why Eugene can
llrst-lHiin" wu* mlh I "to »iiilTr wl li
t the Academy o' Music, for he still the tlual «list u"., u of t
low messaline and carried California uot. Get the Schumaun-Heink fever
that lie mu.' i <‘ >'
lat' r i '
violets. The groom was attended- by­ and make this world's most famous
his own and acts the young and Chureli Militant nnl li
tlul with him In the Ml' Kli
Mr. Elmer Paine as beet man. The songster a memorable one.
Iler Interest lu t'.ie I' . v.u.
dmu. Only tin »e who will siaml do'
usners were Mr. K. M. Waiser and I
♦ * e
Let us endenv or • to
test of falthfulia si tm.Ier -ufferln, s.
Mr. Ralph Hodson. Mr. Melvin Og-
The Priscilla Ciub met Thursday
bmad a view < f tlii* stilije, t tn
triiiN. crosses, self aacriflcea have I
den presided at the
- — organ.
The ., afternnen
.... with
„ . ,
., , o, K...U'.
^» . .—
Elmer ....
« 111 lie n<> room for dlsagreeii.. ,.i on tlie promise of *hni. ; with i hrist dm
church was beautifully decorated in at 1S1 West 11th street. A pleasant
green and white, evergreens and L- afternoon was spent with needlework
part of tru«'* of any d«»n ini­ glories of tlie emir h Triumphant
lnsina b»'irg used in profusion. Mrs. and cards. Mrs. Roberts was asisted
"If we lie dead «till Mm, we st: ill
r«n:iy, moiue-r of tbe bride, wore a In serving a delicious three course
also live with him; If we suffi-r with
beautiful lavender broadcloth gown luncheon by her aunt. Mrs. Clark.
to tills large and intel!, rent ;i'.nlie:i •»• him. we sliall also reign with l a,. If
with bat to match, while Mrs. Cox Heaits and cuptds formed the table
we deny him. lie also will deuy u»"
was most attractive in rose broad­ decorations suggestive of the valen­
ilie signiii« nm-e of our to; le. The
(II Timothy li. 11. l->
cloth with large white picture hat.
tine season. Mrs. Scalf will enter­
<'!'iire’i Militant nnd 'll. ' ('l urch Tri­
But why should the Ctm r.’h
Mr. and Mrs. Cox left oa the noon tain the club again in two weeks The
umphant. I must think liey nd tho I» she it >t commend»',! to live | < i ''
train for Portland wh«>re they are afternoon guests were Mrs. Poindex­
thoiisamls pre-ent of the ml, , >n* «In» ably vviih all? Arv m t < hrhtlat.-» vx
spending tbeir honeymoon.
During ter of Everett. Wash.. Mrs. T. A. Gil­
their stay in that city numerous din­ bert and Mis. Oth» Roberts.
to-morrow will rv'eelve r»'|»irts of th:» horte,! to war to t « th 1 i nil «
ner parties and other affairs have
♦ * ♦
discourse fr"iu that great channel of mu! to »<♦ h lilbu •»:» I h . i
been given in (heir honor. Mr. and
The members of the Aloha club
th«' world's progress, tbe secular I res*. rath«'r tl ¡•in tn return rt il f
• ' -I
Mrs. Cox will make their home at and a few guests were entertained
Il li, colli w III Ihe I ; t ' V. !i >
by Mrs. J. S. Magladry at her home
Militant slgnines the «Tiureli In war­ ' are the im » s ? StirvI) in»ne
on High street Tuesday faternoou.
This afternoon Mrs. E. L. Siggins The usual pastime of cards pre­
fare. stru ,gllag with the power, ,f nail a a
,.U U.c f : • ■
Wi» r
entertained a number of her friends vailed, Mrs. C. C. Page winning the
evil, while the ( tiureli Triumphant
in a most delightful manner at her prize. Mrs. Magladry was assisted by
< «• t !. rd
out tlint ,
Uifles till' I 1: ireli victorious, gl■ Hous,
home, Washington street. Whist af- her daughter. Miss Grace Magladry
i a ¡ »’ *xt b*4 Hvip |
n:ni u a r*»-
joined willi her Lord. Ill«' Heavenly slHtaut. < '.'.ilieiit to kings and ¡¡iws.
lorded the afternoon's entertainment in entertaining. The guests of the
The Japanese idea was cleverly car­ club were Mrs. C. C. Page. Mrs. Sig­
Bridegroom, as Ins Bride nud Queen and jet tin y j » !T ■r«»tl vi I ve :
.U.I h .
ried out in the decorations and oth­ gins. and Mrs. Doran. (Springfield).
in the great Millennial Kingdom sisiu as well is »tri * anil iuiprlsoi'iiirat.
er features of the atteraoon. Master Mrs. Julius Goldsmith will be the
to bless and uplift tire world < f man­ Tbuy 1 o t ,'ir '¡.i:in«t cast out n. evU.
Ernest Siggins met tbe guests at the hostess next Tuesday afternoon.
kind. I should further add tlint vv Idle 1 And th .«• v. ‘ , ii-rsc, ut d n .1 nut-
door. Beatrice Buoy aud Miss
• • •
in tliis dis usslon we have consider»' I Hgn<*d t' t u wii’y t’l -uubl that they
Edith Siggins in Japanese costume,
Mrs. Geo H. Smith was the charm-
tbe various denominations of t'brlsteii- did Gi ii »ervleo. All Who follow lu
•erved refreshments at the close of ing hostess to the Thimble club at
doin and their creeds, we must t-d.iy 1 tho Lon .» f. >i iteps niu-t . gis t »lull-
tbe afternoon.
The invited guests her home on Willamette street
were Mrs. C. C. Page, Mrs. C. S. Dil­ Thursday afternoon. .Needlework and
Ignore all buuuin system* and < re <1*. 1er treat. .1*». t. !><•• ¡¡'INC, IIH J SUM Mil! 1.
lon. Mrs. J. W. Buoy, Mrs. H. A. social conversation were the after­
W'e must take tlie broud, general I ”1 he Nirvani Is n t greater : 'tag k.i
Tromp, Mrs. J. W. Quackenbush. noon’s diversions. Mrs. Smith
ground of the S' rlpture* uud recog­ ' Lord." ' Marvel not. If the v.. nJ nati*
Mrs. J. S. Magladry, Mrs. L. E. Tid- assisted by Mis Hazel Huff in serv­
nise only one Church.
i you, ye know that It liated n • t ef. re
ball, Mrs. P. K. Hommond, Mrs. F. ing refreshments. Mrs. John Kestly
Nor may we make the mistake "f It l> it <1 J . u. if ye were of t'.ie w,,ri 1.
Frink. Mrs. M. J. Duryea, Mrs. Geo. was the guest of the club. The next
saying that the < i.e Church Is one .-i" i. th«‘ work wetihi love bls «,«
: -it I»'
McMorran, Mrs. 1. H. Bingham. Mrs. meeting wil be at the home of Mrs.
No wet. no denomination, however vatiso yo are not of tbe « rid, but t
Jennie U’Ren, Mrs. S. W. Tinker, Frank Wetherbee on the corner of
great and influential ami numerous have eh. son you out if the n.i'.l
Mrs. C. B. Willoughby, Mrs. Budolf, 13th and Mill street.
Mrs. Dye. Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs.
nnd rich, either lu sonlld or blitorlc therefor«» the u rl«! tiatetb j• »“ <J
.J. L. lage. Mrs. Lawrence Hunter,
Mrs. S. S. Spencer entertained the
li. can lie conc«il<il tbe right to nl.l. 18. Illi. Tlie Master * i d. " I'b-
Mrs. A. Brnbaker, Miss Dillon, Miss Thursday afternoon Charity Club at
print«» the n ime whleti our laird dnrknes« liilteth tin* light.” u hl, h < x
Veda Quackenbush, Miss Grace Mag­ her h-inie on Pearl street this week.
to till truly his dl-ciples. Surely plaint w lij the chief religionist* < f
ladry. Miss Ellen Frink. Miss Budolf. A
isfness session and social hour
of u.s Is sis'tartan enough to dis­ hli time. bvlntf of wrung
Miss Kae Woodruff and Miss Aune chara.terired the meeting. Refres.’.-
tills premise. \'»'e mint learn to heart, im tf^i.ted hl<
>ti They
WhI tanker.
men'. weie served at the close of
.guise tin* «'liureli of Christ from
the afternoon.
tlie same viewpoint ns do« s tlie Head h ly. while 111 heart tiny ««re far
Last evening at Villard hall Mad­
of the Church. We must learn tlie ■ from con scorate»! to God. The» very
ame Harriet Labadie of Philadelphia.
The Ladies Auxiliary of St. Mary's
(ZOP rRiCr
Pennsylvania presented The Servant Episcopal church met on Friday af­
force of St. Peter's words to Cornelius, holding tip of the torch of Truth win
in the House” in a most entertaining ternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank
"Of n truth I per eive flint <»<d is rm painful to them, improved them and
Miss Marjorie Gould, wbo bad the strength of uniai to decline several
manner. Tbe rendition of this drama Martin, and an interesting and prof-
respecter of persons; but in every na­ excited their animosity, lliimnu un*
ahowt^d Madame Labadie's elocution­ itable afternoon was spent by those offer* of ancient titles and chose an AmerieMU. I* the eldest «laughter of George tion lie thnt fenretb him and worketb
ture la the same today, NotwIlliHtanil-
J. Gould ot New York. She is to marry Anthony .1. Drexei. Jr., u member of
ary powers to be most wonderful. in attendance.
tbe well known and very wealthy Philadelphia family
The picture was made righteotl.siiess is accepted with him" lug the fact that heretic-roasting hits
From the beginning she showed ad­
(Acts x. 34, 85).
bec' -.^c unpopular nud Intolerable to
mirable control over her audience.
from tbe latest pbotograpU of Miss Gould, who Is In her twentieth year.
At Natroa.
Taking, therefore, the Scriptural tbe world, there are methods of pri­
The reading was given
under the
Last Saturday evening Mrs. C. C.
view of the Church, we recognize It vately and symbolically roasting,
auspices of the Y. W. C. A. of the Miller of Natron, entertained a num-
University and Advisory Board, for ber of guests at a 500 party, and all coat. For the earlier spring
days a | handsome Irish hero with a gener- as the "Body of Christ” of ninny mem­ slashing, wounding and killing prac­
tbe benefit of the bungalow fund. of those in attendance declare that sweater may be used u
i ous regard for the traditions that bers. over which be Is tbe Head, it tised by those estranged from God.
___ ... it.
Mrs. F. S. Dunn, president of the as a hostess Mrs. Miller is among the
A great number of giwns are be­ brought him success. He has five is composed of consecrativd followers though sometimes highly esteemed of
board, in a few well chosen words, best. The evening was spent in play­ ing made with the fieh-wife drapery. ' new songs and each one
gefs a of Christ Irrespective, of nil denomina­
men and wearing vestments only
introduced Madame Labadie. This ing 500 and in this all the enjoy­
The tendency for -hlrrings and hearty encore nightly
tional line»—those who. turning from slightly less glorious than those worn
f. fa.t increasing, but the
was one of the series of entertain­ ment to be realized from the game gather^. •*
“Ragged Rcbla" his ro much to
ments to be given by the Y. W. C. A. was obtained by the merry crowd. woman of ful > gu e will need to I do with fairies, "gold llttlj people,” sin, accept Jesus as their Redeemer, by Calnphas and Pilate.
The next attraction will be Myrtle Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Natron were exercise great care.
the banshee and will o' the wl p ,hat through whom they have forglvenes*
"Who 8courgeth Every Son."
Evelyn, plañíste, asisted
by Susie awarded first prize and Mr. Wood
The soft crush girdle with the ' it would require a knowledge of such of sins and reconciliation to the Father
The Script Illes explain that there Is
Fennell-Pipes, violinist, who a pears and Miss Anderson secured tie con­ bib outline is ore of the newest mysteries to appreciate
the —thoae who have !,«■■ <.me disi lple* of
at the theatre next week.
solation trophy. After the playing features of this winter's styles. It is story that has been woven around the Cliiist. taking up their cresn to follow n two-fo)<| reason why Jesus and all
Y >u
are him ami who have re clvi*l the beget Of Ills followers are required to suffer
had been conclude! a most delicious very becoming to the majority cf wanderings of its hero.
Represntatives of Steers-Ccman luncheon was served.
I let into the secret, though. ,hat the ting of tho Indy Spirit. Who could for rlghtdi'liess' sake.
The gj 's women.
'fairies had «Hied he was to marry
wil be In Eugene the first of next in attendance were: Mr. and .'.1rs.
(li It is requisite to their own char
dispute that these ale the Chur, li of
I prettj and -■ n• In Margsrot Orati tn.
week to ascertain if our town is suf­ Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Hamlet. Mr. and
ai-tersl. iclopnieut that they should not
ficiently large, prosperous and cul­ Mrs. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Fogrrty,
I Though a wicked. Jealous man and a
belong t ■ this Communion or Hint, <r only pt 'e> i absolute loyalty to God
ture loving to stand for Schumann- and Mrs. St. Helen of Natron; Mr.
[cruelly exac
lose tbelr relation' :.lp to tlie II, ,1, ft' d to Truth, but that this loyalty
If p sufficient number of an! Mrs. H. B. Lawrence and Misses
I to have it <
• people piev
Christ Jesus? The n|*>stles nevi r r- ■ luulll I
eeats are subscribed lor with'n the Bess Anderson a’”' Wilson of this *
r--rd f < ' — r
next two weeks to guarantee the at- cl v.-F-Springfield News.
ferreil to Baptist < hrlsuans. Me I
j case In Mr.
Christians, <.'a:holr Chrldlacs. Pr.■’
bytcrlan Christians, etc., lint tncrel; to Jrt-l .'c t ill
(By William S. Brewer.)
those whom vve have «h e. I,. 1 . .ill vol'll li'-‘H
the new taffetas are to be much
New York. Feb. 5—?,Iadame X. bv
F. Rav Coms
production of whom they styled saint
“tho Cliun ii even r.nto <’ • ith. even the |; ncminlou*
worn. Snch silks wll also be made \iixandre Brissea, “tbe play that “The Watcher,
drama in four of the living God, whose nnmes are «lentil <>t I lie « tosh . Tlie Maim- princi­
t up with other materials, such as net, tbrilkd all Paris,” Is the wav it ap­
acts by C.ira H
peared tn the programs at the New I
written in heaven' i” (Hebrews xll. 22; ple, th«' kkrlpturcs n -. uie us. opi-rate«
chiffon, veiling and the new sash Amsterdam theatre last night, and , Ing at the (.' .me
I Timothy 111. Iff», I.i t us keep strictly in conm" t|.,n with nil whom G,xl Is
drapery now being used on the la­ New York ha« qualified to take sec- • lted engage i,. nt. The unlquo fea­
I By Catherine Mann-Payzant.)
within the lines of God’s W< rd uml now- l ulling to l>e ilmmnnuel’a iihmoc I-
test gowns are likely to be fashion­ ond place to Paris, only because the
<rs of the
tlie past. Let us ates in th.- Millennial Kingdom. They
New York, Feb. 5.—Many printed able of these last materials. A black French city was fortunate enough to ner in which it illustrates the theory avoid tho err
Church as the must suffer wllli him If they would
zllks are being ordered for tae com­ mesaline was shown this week drap­ see the production first. Jane Hard­
“ tively the reign with film. '1 hey mint wnll. In
They are very pretty
ing has the leading role, and what­
Ills stefn (Gnlntlniis v, 11; vl. 12; 11
r nd come in all the leading shades,
ever one may think about the ethics
The entire company comprises on­
Tliess.'i Ion Ians I, 5; 11 Timothy I, 12;
The patterns • .ude both
stripes entirely cov- red wlf Its black fish­ of the play, there Is no doubt that it
II. !». 12: 11!. 12).
and figures and lonci-.tiy are the net sash falling in three wide peices, is unusually clever.
It deals with ly six people. Percy Haswell as Viv­
If we nil ir i-.'e t'l-it we h ivo before
C!i Them cxperleti-ei are i! signed
jacquaid figures used fcr these de- the lower one quite covering the ther drinking, one of the most fa­ ian Kent. Catherine
of God to qualify us to Ie Jud
, of
b’ue silk had tiny train. The net also
the miliar vices of Paris- although we Fel><‘ Kent. Thurlow Bergen as Joe
dots In green; another in a lighter! draped girdle, above which was the in America hear more about, absinthe Worden, lohn Emerson as Go'irge of the Now Te imeut. let us in,* o the world during tin- Age
blue had a tiny satin stripe, ever- baby waist, covered with the em- than anything else and it is a mar­ Kent. Marion Ballou -a* Mary and ¡that there is n nominal church til > that the t'lirl -r. He id and Bid", may­
' and that we ; ■ • not comp' tout t ■ fully
strewn with rings in white of vari-, broidered chiffon.
vellous story, tori well known for re- Malvina Longfellow a.- the nurse.
be merciful aid faithful to-, iris the
determine r.liliJi are the ro il nirl
ous size.
Grays and browns in
During the spring the idea will capltulatj n.
main object of
Henry E Dlx . wll continue indefl- I which arc th non l;. tl < lirls :! iuh ex­ p"' pie i f < ir 'i. Likewise It Is plkq er
old-fashioned shades are shown, and prevail of a velvet, skirt anil chiffon thlI: epening paragraph is to chron-
»he patterns printed on them are of waist and peplume or overskirt. And lcle the fact th-'t "Madame X’’ has nltely at We be s Theatre In the new cept by tin' te.' which cur Iz rd has tin t Ihe '."orld Mlio'ihl know that Us
comedy, ‘ Mr. Buttles," by Frederic
Jml'-cs have thin been ti-innted ni d
the quaintest description. An old- in nearly every
_ case
tills overskirt made good in America ani will prob- Arnold Kummer,
i given—"by th'lr fruit, ye shill k: ow
... Joseph M. Weber,
tri al, nnd are able to sympathize witli
fashioned brown with tiny sprigs of has entire a broad
sash arrange-
__ „_____ ____
m .nagement
the piece
them In tin lr weaknes.-e« and in tli'-ir
pink blosoms and leaves, a gray has ment. a b<* K. or is caught up in some then hold over fur another season. under whose r~
is produced, has spared no expen <
three little lozenge-shaped figures peculiar wJL.
endenv« .-s for rli_hle< uxne, i nnd nmn*
tflf and remalnds one of
Ixiril ami tii Word and the principles
in the stage setting.
(n pink, brown and white overlapp­ the picture*'^of evening gowns pub­
willing to li "Ip them up. up. up to hu­
of righteousnc s. Is represented by a
ing each other.
lished in the fashion magazines of turned to Broadway after extended
"A Trip to Japan,”
"Inside the very small number, there is a nominal man jM-rf«" (Ion th in to consign them
The pongees and shantungs will the sixties. Really, the
of absences, and they are good to see.
Earth,” and "The Ballet of Jewels”, Church related thereto ns Is n shell t > to tlie Second I leal h.
«gain be popular, for tuese materials those pictures would give the de­
Although this ci nflirt lias lasted for
At Daly's theatre Miss Maxine Elliot, the three big spectacles at the New
.have found a place In my lady's ward signer mur.v an idea.
the kernel of a nut. The nominnl
We ma-- not
robe and they have become a staple adept the very buffant effe ■» then under her own management, Is pre­ York Hippodrome, continue to at­ Church Includes those whore manner more than eighteen centuries It lins
goods. Both fabrics are to be had us»l. jeiiiap«, but overskir a are <, r- senting "The Inferior Sex,” as if any­ tract crowded hoiisc-s twice a day. nr whose attendance on worship Implies I not been Jong for any «Ingle Individ­
from a fine chitton weight to those ti-nly m vogue and the susn effects thing connected with Mlts Elliot A complete circus fill* the earlier a relationship to Christ without having ual. With the Master himself tlie trial
I period was only three and n half
heavier kinds used for street cos- almost point to bust effects. Nev­ could be inferior. The comedy is in part of the bill in connection with
gone the length of n full faltb-nccept-
tames. Some very beautiful shades ertheless. mere is that about ihe three acts from the pen of Frank “A Trip to Japan.” in this part of
I years. On tbe whole, as compared
the progfim also occurs the "De-
are shown in the costume shantungs. >• '•light, very slightly curve 1 fig.ire
with eternity, the entire Gospel Age of
Almost as hep - as linen, it Is more that appetl* to greatly to t c Ameri­ the first of Mr. Stayton's plays to be | parture of the Giant Ocean Liner out having fully turned from sin even Sacriflce, ns the Master »aid. Is but
produced in America.
In their hearts, and without having
supple. Is dresser, and the newer can worn« i «hat there need >i.>; be
Chief In Miss Elliot's support Is effect showing a big steamship pull­ made a full consecration to serve the "a llttio while.” And ns for the af­
aorta carry out the rough-surfaced mud. ,'ca;- cf its passing the extreme.
ing away from the pier and followed Lord. This nominal class may be sub­ flictions nnd testings themselves, St.
idea which Is at present so popular.
Some of the new soft silks are
They are likely to be popular for the self-striped, and I saw one that re­ Charles Winslow. The burden of the by aa exquisite panorama of New divided into believers who are favor­ Pnuf gives the projier thought, snytng.
thnt nt most they are "light nflilctlons
■ ew Russian costumes, for they hang sembled a striped broadcloth in ef­ comedy falls on the sh >uldeis of O. York Harbor by moonlight .
The burlesque presented at
the ably disposed toward Christ and right­ but for n moment and not worthy to
■well, are not too bulky, and look fect. One of these in a etone shade B. Clarence, long with Sir Hot ry Irv­
Gibson eousness; others who regard the be compared with tbu glory that shnjl
■wall either trimmed or untrimmed. and its skirt made in f sh-wlfe style, ing in England and now making bis Columbia is called
Church as merely a moral club de­
Many a long coat will be made up the turned-up portion s rtlng at ihe American debut. He 's well known Girls." It is performed by a larqe
be revealed in ns,” the overcomers
in pongee this »»-^n with a black front and elop'ng gently up to the In Ixmdon for many light comedy company ot well known people in signed for social and morn I benefit or (Romnnn vlll, 18).
this line of work, Including H Iona Influence upon the world, by counter­
patent leather h it and black silk double box-plait that farms the back.
cludes T. Tomam.-to, a Japanese Sut­ Viola, Louiite Painter. Jhs phlno Bar- acting sinful Influences; still others,
Tho Church Triumphant.
caffs and collar.
Under the tunic were «’'i
hort er. The production
rows, John Burke, James McCalley hitler nt heart, sinful nnd selfish, hav­
The Church In glcry and in power
Perhaps tbe most popular Bilk is gores lengthened by
x oth' r gores,
> that »he entire a on of ihe pby and W. J. Collins.
The vaudeville ing no faith whatever In Jesus and no will contain no hypocrite* and no
the mesaline. When desired for a with an Inverted plait at ea, h < ,
dressy go« n. the peau- de soie and For an afternoon gown it should passes on shipboard, two of ihe h a ¡liner fc,r the week is the Dank- care whatever for morality and us merely nominnl Christian»—only the
cenes being laid In the yacht's cab- ma-Scb!ller troupe of acrobats.
« « «
« « «
♦ ♦ <
« ♦ «
» « ♦
('Urial Ji'KU*." N»r«'illH'li'** It «Ili li»
<xiiu|M'»iil <>f two cla*MM, a* Illustrili
ni liy III» Prh'ata nud III» Leviti'» |
tli» typ«' II) Je»ua glorllliii. gl»»» ani
tv pieni lilrfh l,ri«,*t, nini lila falthfi..
Pugitep folli'» <’r». thè aulii) pieni un
dei prle-ll.... . oltiernlse III» "Urlìi«»."
logethi'i' tlii'-o ure *i) i«l n lloyal
l't'i »tlio,nl or n Klnsdotii <>f l’riokta.
gl. l'niil teli» u» timi Mei' tiiacdeh. wln»
«vii* n |>rle»l U|>oli Ili* tlimiie. tiirrvly
ttpitici tbe rhureli TrlilinphNlit llou l
Bn,| |l. di iìie Clirlat, "A prieat fur
«•ver ilfter tlie oider i»f Meh'litaeilek"
a piìest ui*>n lil» tlirohe
Durliig tbe
Mlllcuiilnl Age l!i«t glorliiu* Prieat.
Ile id nini Me Iiber». «Ili ble** nini up
lift, riti»» nmi Jm'.ite. tbe World of mali
klnd. wlih n view to rvcovi'rlng ««
niaujr .1« |> -Ilde. ns many aa will
obey liim, from the ruin of sin and
dent li. lulling liic tliousand yrnrs of
Io. '!■ . I' itn all die families
thè Meh
Mei, liUiilvl.
of tlie curili «III l*> lileisl*il vv It li op­
-ri unii te» i f r-t ili li to
I human i>erf<-
Hou nud tu caribi) I'nrmllse
wllllnif nnd oP^Heut ' vv 111 l»e de trio »“I
lu thè Km n<l Pentii Al til» close of
Hi» Mllleiuiliiiii. < tir 11 it • Medlatoi l it
Klnu-dom «Ili termlnnl
A» ih» I «•’ ito* were inveii 111. re till
inrroiii t' ni thi'lr Ureibreti. tlie prie«!*.
. , t r,
in r dna» ':i Ih»' < hur«'h
«-, rr»i*|*’i»dliuf »t)'h-«l "a areni «olii-
! ntiy. nli -'e nuiiil-er no imiti km<w-
fth." In limi tin'' were imi *| e> In ly
1 , 'fi ■ I. .Jg,
I...I 111 limi H e fnltliflll "little tic*
«ili re ti n pinne «i gl"r) thri
luit «Ith I«-*» J'.i
t "Ili. «'Ili t'C «liti ili» A* l.«-«lt. »
« ; d Iti ili* trtuplr. I ili
<»f ih» lei I’’*'
1.» CIO
Thc'ie vili bave p
»re the
• «I
■ H' mm I
Th» Cbm h V» tlir.t » C* »ere radete.
All U.v»
h > m f t‘
1 <»rh t i ■
4* *
.»• ¡r Oli
1 .* f, r tbe t; U.» , f ib. tr
1 In y long
the "Hr»t i:«'-urr«*ctl"ii “
f„r the tino* when tblz mortai »hAil
put «n liuinortallty; », rii Hit«* rur
rnptlhie »hull Ulive pu e u itHM»rrup
tlut « hi»ll v«» nfuill I m * H'.r Olir lt«»>
dernier and m»t» tiltil n* he 1« a tal «bar«*
bls gl ry
Gladly, th r fv r«*. d»» all
of <;, n 1'» con»,', rat»-d re »pi.* wnll f .r
the bleswd change prol nls,<! ni «.tir» S.soi.1 Coming U he II lll'lt
»bill !»o
which Is «own 111 wonk
r ! I In i • wer; w brn t hat whl h la
m » w : i In i!Ubotior «htll I h » r.ii»*e| hi
g’ r. . « hv.i that which in (Mina nu
aulnnil tn <!y «’till!
ntH ■ 1 ii ■plritiial
t><»<ly H <’“rthttilítns v v. 4^11. fu.
Mi. Surely »in h. having prajed. Thr
Kit .d »hi rotiu«; thy wll he eltelir oli
earth n< In ti«»:tvra,** ar • ttlllhi,; fe»r
(lie King mil) God's tl: ih » t<»r t»*iib»
ll- 'ili g bls Kingdom fot tbt» bh*4e||ng
of the w< rid. No womb
wreet»» of tin»««». “(hirKfh • m al4»e. unirli
hair th» tlr^t fruitM of t! <• spiri!, ••»♦»n
waiting (• r tin* nd,qti"t 1. tee Wlt. tho
redemption of our ll<*l)" thè Body of
I'lirht. tin- «'liiir li. through tin- |*>wer
of tii.» "| Inf i:
Ibl* will !'<• olir tfbl'l »urr r/i'tfr to the
Ciiurch Trlumptinnt. «Inn
bear ihe Master’s Vol, e saying. "Well
d«>n»'. good and faithful servant*, enter
ye Into tbe Joy» <,f your lx,rd
have been faithful over a few things.
1 will make you ruler ever many
tiling»" participants In the Millennial
Kingdom glory and II* . ..... Inion of
earth for the uplifting of mankind
(1 Corinthian* vl, 2. Revelation II. 2tli.
Union or Federation—Wh,chf
I ll I. ' " I m I •• ir, : •
ly I **k the million« of mj largei < -•>
gregntion whom I aildre** weekly
through Hie public print*. What ad­
vantage Will accrue to the I'lllirell Mil-
Itniit thri null tlie on •■otnlng Federn
•h :l? I *)'• i y II t er,. .t
,nt i .•
will come Io tlie -alntly few. iml In the
i inner exp« ted hoi .
of tile III« .1
pi ,
, If "All thing«
*!iaII work I";-, th' i ». r : .„j
that love God toil • ..r d a . tll,|p, .
to bls purpi ■.,■ ' ri,.. ppm, |, | .
tli.n. «lit, ii th« H iIptun .
allow u* Wll! 1,0 «'(Te. to,|. ijlll I ,
the various cluiHe* nlrendy Indi, ni<sl
Hi Hypocrite«;
Moralist . ,i ,,|
lowers afar off; Hi Saint*
But lu the Federation the Moralists
nnd Higher < rlt|. * wi|| i„. ,).„l,|ll.lllt
forces. The saintly will |, , h „ ui ,.V1. r
lie In evidence nud nppro. I h , ,| q h,.
outv .ird rt"<! n-q »rent *u , (n ,,f tin.
F ilerat; ,n will , <>ni wonderfitl for a
lu fon:. I,ut tin» results will |,.. dl»a*-
tr it t.
■ 1 l(
-I I
■ ',-1
if .
< r |
' »
n'sitlt of i - p rliii'il .. ................. ii eiirtli
will Im Hi.iron; shattiT il. nnd. rimr.»
Him over. Hi. j will look b. th,. |.„r,|
RH tlie »onrce of I |p „ml Wll(| fl||, 1)1(t
Kln. i'.mi to i*oi; e through the It,.-
(i.M'tuer's advent nud the lleiurrectloi,
In n word. Gml's saintly people nocd
no outward Federntlon. < v„n „* they
neo«l no cred.d fem es. h <> f , ir
"rp . ................ •
"ootior ..........
tietween them nr. |,.,1|M.(| |1111( „
come together ns m< ml.ers <,f «„i
body. Joined to th,» one Henvenly llend
and Lord, the better. Lot Churchlani
ty produce It* FederwUon nll(I RPe
folly and failure, as outlined In our
text. Hut let th* saint« of God draw
..ear to hm BI111 ,0 PR(.h
spiritual Union and realize to th« f„n
the meaning of the Apostle's
One faith: one Lord; one baptism»'
one “Church of thp IJrJ
name* are written In h^ven”
condition cannot l>e attained through
outwanl bond», but c,„ llP
only through drinking in! ,
Bplrit obtainable thro.i-i, Hle ,,r.'X
understanding ,,f the W.,r<l of